HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-25-1957 Planning Commission Minutes CiTY OF SARATOGA PLANNING COMMISSION
TIME: Monday, February 25,1957, ?:30 F.M.
PLACE: Firemsm's Hail, Oak Street, Saratoga, C~.lif.
'~?'E: Regular meeting
Present: Crisp, An~j.erson, Bennett, Hi~glns, Webster,
Cameron., Pasetta
Absent: None
B. Mif,!DTES
This beipg the first official meeting of the Planni~g
Commission there were ~.o previous meeting minutes.
A. EEZOi,~i~G
.~C3 Fred. H. and E,~aud Smith
Upon the announcement of tb.ls ce. se, Mr. Ed _Bean,
;:ttorney, 58~ North First Streeb, San Jose, Calif.
asked that his clients, Mr. and Mrs. Smith be
allowed to withdraw their oetition without _orcjud!ce
#c 3
Fred H. & Eaud until s i'.last.~r ~!'_-~D has been com~?leted by the City
of Sarato~
Chairman Crisp indicated that, the first order of
bus!ness for the mew Plannir..g Commlssio-~. was a Master
Plan for the City of SaraLoga and that a date for
'oublic meetin~ in connection with this project had
already been set for March 1,'~, 1957.
The q. uestion w.~s put to the Commission members and
they agreed unanimously to a!lo~: Mr.Bean to withdraw
his petition for ch~e of zoning.
Mr. Le~is L.~.v~, Attorney, Box 815, Los Gatos, Calif.
indicated from the floor that he represented a number
of residents in the immediate vicinity of the area
involved had submitted a petition opposing the zoning
chanEe. He asked that this opposition .b.~ noted and theft
it be allowed to be filed, also v~ithcut prejudice.
Permission granted by Chairman Crisp.
.~C2- C. E. Glass
~C 2 Pat Creegan of Creegan and D~:~ngelo, 14455 Big Basin
C. F.
Way Saratoga i~dicsted from the floor bhat he
represented Jules Duc, purchaser of the Glass
proF~erty read letter describing his clienb's feelings
i~ the matter (Exhibit A).
Francis Smith of ~lle~dale Rd. objected to the petition
~C 2 C. E. Glass on the basis that the transition from acre lots to
one :-:uarter lo~ss was too abrupt. Commissioner Roy
Cameron sbated that tP~ere had been submitted to bhe
County Pl.anning Commissio~n, im the past, several
similar ~roposals involving ~his same pro[~erty. !~he
Co,tory had suggested two commter proposals - one
calling for. a b~ffer zone on the ~orth side of
Allendale; the othar calling for a buffer zone on
both sides of Allendale (maps submitted, Exhibit B).
S. G. Hartrs~ft of ~l].e~dale Roa6 s~ated th.~t he felt
bhat the entire ar~.a should be considered for zoning
adjustment ra~her than one ranch or one proi:erty.
Jules Duc, i~rSh~ser of the oroZp~rty in cuesrich,
stated that the cost of sub-~Aividing in one-half '
acre lots would be orohibitive; t.~+~t he ihtended
the land to be developed as a subdivision of c?stom
built homes.
Mr. Houston of Allendale Rd. orot'-.~sbed th!~b his ~pro-
perty, ~hich is zoned one acre ;,~ould be directly
across the roa6 frox~ 10,000 sq. ft. zo_~,ing.
Chairman Crisp steted the case .. ould be t~ken under
advisement; asked Mr. Creegan P,o study th,~ buffer
zone 'oro'!~oss!; referred the case to the subdivision
committee. S~abed further that the Commission would
be ready for a decisio.~ at thc next meeting.
#C 1 - Geor:~e Oldham
.=Y-"C 1 Hrs. Ol~ham app~ared ~nd st=-ted bhat her huab'.~nd,
George Oldham
the petitioner had been unavoidably detained and .--.:sked
thab the case be continued unbil the nexb meeting
without prejudice° Ch~.irman Crisp gr,-:nbed the request.
#V 2 - John M. Brown
Mr. Davies, Attorney of Los Ga, tos, di.sbributed maids of
the area involved ~nd askeo that the v=riance be
gr~nted; and if' it did, it wou].d rccognlze a situation
~.~hich has existed for tw.=,nty-flve yes. re, and ~ould
not cr'--.'abc a ner~ situation.
Mr. C.V. Snyder of P~-~.rk Drive, op?osed bhe vatlance
3nd sbn. ted th.~t since M~-.. Vertin, former owner knew
of the zoning at bhe t!me of bhe sele, Mr. Brown
would h'.?-ve action ,'against Mr. Verbin.
Mr. Rolf of Glen Una Drive rsised the question as to
whether the zoning ~.;a,s ]..'-~gal. Chairman Crisp
replied affirmativ~.ly. Commj,~sioner Pasebta ~sked
if a r~cord of survey v:~s furnished l'iz?. Brown.
#V 2
J. M. Brown ~.!r. Brow~ replied i~e!~;.'.tively.
Commissioner Webst.'~r aske~.~ if there had been any
~]efault in the deed of trust. ',Mr. Bro~,~n replied that
payments wpre uo to date.
Mr..~;nd I,irs. Broaden argued that a hardship was being
worked on them wheD they could not keep their ho~se
up; that bheir hobby b~s to buy old houses and make
them attractive.
Commissioner Cameron felt that the ma~ter should be
r~fer~-ed ~o ~,he City fib~ormey for a revie~ as ~o the
sbatus as a non-conforming use as respect Section 30
of the zoning regulations.
Chairman Cr]s!~, continuej~ the case and directed the
Secretary to secure an opinion from the City ~:tborney
as outl).med above.
#V 8 - Eerie 8ourdet
TheSeere'Defy r?e'-'d a le~;ter of opposite!on from Mrs.
Julia Arna!, 1:+378 Sprin[fer Eoad.
.,~-"V 8 ~avnond Arnal, son of the Mrs. !rnal mentioned above,
ReLic Bourdet
expressed opposi~icln o:~. the basis t:.'r~t the additional
buildi~g would block views from the wi~dows of his
mother's home.
Mr.Bourde~: spoke in sLqDff, ort of his variance aopllcati.?n.
Chairman Crisp continued the case and referred it to
the Architecsur-=l and Site Cor..trol Comm[a'jee, if
.';V 9 - Mrs. H. R. Ramsdell
,r"~rs.Ramsdell prPsented her case alon~ the lines of the
statement oiled with her app!ic;~tion for variance.
Mr.' C. V. Snyier of Park Drive spoke in opposition
to any change of zo:Gk~!g or variance from the present
zenithS' in the general area rather titan the specific
MPs. H. R. property in question.
Chairman Crisp referred the case to the sub.Sivlslon
committee for a report ~b the r. ext meeting. (A petition
supporting the vari~.nce re,:,ues~ was presented by i.!rs.
Ramsdell .be the Secretary - Exhibit A).
Chairman Crisp adjourned the Public Hearing portion of the meeting at
9:~0 P.N.
1, SD ~1, Lee H. Brandenburg - Committ.~e recommended
SE #1
Lee H. af.,proval of ~sntative map subject to the condiP, ions
set forth.
2. SD ,~4, _.-=-'rank & 'Gwendolyn Bennett - ipproved ~o:,'-rectiom
SD #4 made hy County Planning Department in their letter
Frank &- Gwendolyn
Bennett of j~nua-=.y 25, 1957-
SD #5 3- SD #5, SbeK,~rt Mc Cormick - Hold for' further study.
S. [';c Cormick
4. SD #D, Frank L. Small withdrew his request without
SD ~3
F.L. Small prejudice.
5. SD ~13, S. G. Hantranft - Have Mr. Hamtranft submit
H~ntranfg a E~cord of Survey.
SD ~lSR 6. SD ~15Z~, Fr.a~qk A. Luc:seg~ch - Aoprov~d genta~tive
Luos.:tich map subject ~o conditions set forth.
Commissio:~er Webstsr moved that th~ recommsndstions of the
subdivision corqmlttee ~e a~ov~d. C~rried unanimously
VI OE!,~E'ZAL PL.kNNYWG ~ n_ Z~!'I?vG
1. Mas~er Plan
Cbalrman Cyiso announced th ..t a public meeting would
be held on H~rch 14,1957 at the O~k Sgreet .3chool
at which time Mr. Karl B~lser, Director of the
Ssng~ Clara County Plon~i~g Commissio~ and members
Master Plan of his staff would exolaln and discuss the long'
range olanni~g study of Bhe Sar?.toga 8~es as ouBli-ned
r?cen~;ly i~ booklet form. The 3scr~ar'y w~s ,3ireogsd
to oublioize the matt~y, sending copies of publicity
dlrecbives to oll p~blic, s~r. vics and social
orgauigatiens in the City of Sar~oga.
2. Zoning Ordln?.nce
Th~ secreta:,~L. outlined several zoning orSinances
the County r~gul:~tio~s which did not fit i~,~ ths
Ss~atoga scheme and s~gges~ed Bhs oom~kt~ee work on
these p?.rglc~lar ordinances or r?guls~lc, ns tow.~rd
tD~ proosr adjustmenB.
Commissioner Higgi~_s recommended th~_~t atbe'.~.tior_. be
directed to,~:a'rd an ordinance controlling billboards
and signs. Me st'~ted theft the matter is currently
Billbcards before the State Legislature.
Commissicner Cameron concurred ,~ith the sbeteme~t
of Commissioner Hl~ins ar~ urged action.
Commissio.~er Bennett moved for a~]journment at 11:45 ir.~(. Carried
unan in'..ously.
Present, 75 - 2--tess