HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-23-1959 Planning Commission Minutes CITY OF SARATOGA PLAlqNINGCOr~ISSION
TIME: 7:00 P. M., Monday, March 23, 1959
PLACE: FruitSale School, Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga, Calif.
TYPE: Regular meeting
Presefft: Anderson,Bennett, Crisp, Ntggins, Pasetta, Tiffany
Absent:' Webster
CoF~issiener Higgins moved for ~pproval of the minutes as dis-
tributed. 'Commissioner Tiffany. seconded. Carried unanimously.
1. 'V-133 - 3. Lattimore
V-133 The Secretary read the .request for a variance in setbacks
for a greenhouse at 20090 Pierce Rd.
Mr. Latt]more and Mr. Walt~rs, a property o~mer in the sub-
division, spoke in favor of the variance.
The Secretary read a letter from Mr. and Mrs; Borls Stanley,
owners of the key lot adjoining Mr. Lattimore's lot, which
stated no objections to the greenhouse.
Commissioner Bennett moved for approval of the following
1) 5½x rear setback adjacent to the key lot.
2i ?w distance between dwelling and 9teenhouse-
Commissioner Tiffany seconded. The following roll call vote
.was recoraed:
Ayes: Anderson, Bennett, Pasetta,'Tiffany.
Noes~. Crisp, Ht99ins-
1. C-19 - A.Carreta et al - 7:15 P.M.
A.Carreia et al
The Secretary read the application for a change of zoning
from RE:B4 to C-I-H and C-2-H for approximately 25 acres
along the west side of Highway #9 from Prospect'Ave., south
to a point approximate~ .14J~O, north of ~he S- P- Railroad.
Mr. D- C. Huttlinger, 12019 ~. Highway #9, stated that he
represented all the peti.tioners and tha~ he had made an
error in the acreage description for C-2-H zoning - it'should
be 16-3 instead of 20. He spoke further of the desire of
the property owners to hive the creek as the zoning boundary
line. Mr. Menard, Los Gatos architect,,displayed a plan
for the above west side of the Highway #9 as an integrated
shopping center proposed by the propert~ owners.
Chairman Pasetta stated that the Planning Consultant had
already b~en directed to, set up Mpecifications for a Planned
Commercial in this area and if the property owners ha~ ideas
and plans'they should submit them to the Planning Commission
in writing.
The Chairman closed the Public Hearing at 7:35 P.M.
Commissioner Anderson moved for denial of t~e application
for rezoning - C-19. Commissioner Bennett secondad. Carried
2- C-20 - George Day - 7:4~ P.M.
The Secretary ~ead the request for a change of zoning for'
Day approximately ~2.26 acres between Saratoga Ave., and Allen-
dale Ave., adjacent and to the sou~h of Tract 822, Saratoga
Oardens, ~rom "A" to RI:B2, Ri:B2X, RI:B3, and RE:B~.
There were no ~omments from the audiena~ either f0~ or
against the rezoning. The Chairman closed the Public Hear-
,.lugs at 7:52 P.M.
Commissioner ~r~sp moved for approval of the application for
rezoning - C-~O. Commissioner Anderson seconded. Carried
Commissionar Anderson reaa the re-draft by the City Attorney
Access of Resolution PC-13 passed 'by the Plannin9 Commission on Febru-
Roads ..
ary 9, 1959 and the interim committeaTs recommendations for
additional paragraphs 5, 6, 7, and 8.
The Assistant City Attorney'stated that the additional para-
graphs were l~gally correct but the Dtrector of Public Works
questioned the method of computing costs.
Commissioner Bennett moved for adoption of the re-drafted
ordinance as amended by the Committee. There was no second to
the motion.
Commissioner Anderson moved to send the re-drafted res'olution,
PC-13, as amended, to the Director of PublicWorks f~r a written
report a%;:the next regular meeting. Commissi'oner Crisp.seconded.
Carried unanimously.
B. V-132 - Lyle Benson
VL132 Commissioner Higgins moved for approval of the Architectural &
Site control permit for additional office space~.and front
porch as shovm on Exhibit "B" and modified by Exhibit "C" sub-
mitted on March 23, 1959. Commissfoner Tiffany seconded.
Carried unanimously.
C. SDR-108 - E. T. Stafford, Jr.
SDR-108 The Secretary read.a letter from the Department of Public Works
Stafford clarifying Condition #3 regardin~ Flo~d Control fee and Mr.
Shelley Williams, real estate man representin9 Mr. Stafford,
presented maps showin9 ownerships of adjacent properties.
Commissioner Anderson moved'approval of the tentative map for
one buildin9 site on.Woodside Drive, subject to the following
. conditions:
1) Any zoning violation created by the existing buildings and
the new lot line voids the permit.
2) Record of survey.
3) $150.00 Storm Waters Fee payable to City of Saratoga.
Commissioner Crisp'seconded. Carried unanimously.
D- Highway 9 zoning
9 zon- The Secretary explained the .background of zoning for Annexation
Chairman Pasetta stated that the Planning Consultant has already
been directed to study Planned Commercial specifications fdr a
part of the 1957-a area.
The City Administrator stated further that work will begin on
the master plan within the n~xt 60 to 90 days and this will be
the first area discussed.
Chairman Crisp'of the interim Committee appgi~ted a[ the last
regular meetin9 to study 12,500 sq. ft. minimum.lot sizes
stated tllat the committee would have a report at the second
mee. ting in April.
1. SS-11 - Lee Brandenburg
L.Branden- Commissioner Higgins moved for approval of the proposed.
si9n subject to compliand( with Ord. 3~-~0 Commissioner
Tiffany seconded. Carried unanimously.
2- S5-12 - Lee Brandenburg
L-Br~nden- Commissioner Higgins mo~ed for approval of the proposed
sign subject to compliance with Ord. 3A-iO. Commissioner
Tiffany seconded. Carried unanimously.
3. SS-13 - C. Ray Elliott
SS-13 Cemmissioner Higgins moved for ~pproval of the proposed
sign subject to the following conditions:
1) Compliance with Ord. 3A-10.
2) If the sign posts are only 6~ hiOh the pests can be
~" x ~" rather than 1~" x 6".
Commissioner Tiffany seconded. Carried unanimously.
SS-I~ - South Bay Construction Co.
55-14 Commissi6ner Highins moved for denial of SS-l~.
S.Bay Const~
Co. Mr. Crane, of South Bay Construction Co.,'submitted a
CommisSioner HiSgins mo~ed for approval of the proposed
siOn as shovm on Exhibit "B", subject to the followin9
1) Compliance with Ord. 3A-lO.
2) The wood frame to be no hi9her than 7'.
The 15" x 15" letters to be hun9 horizontally from the
~rame ·
Commissioner Tiffany seconded. Carried unanimously.
SDR-109 1."SDRLi09 - F- A. Markeft, i site, Quito Rd. at Marshall Lane.
Markeft T~e Secretary..read the conditions set by ~he Dept. of Public
Commissioner'Anderson moved for approval of the tentative
map of 1 buildin9 site subject.to the followin9 conditions:
1) Record of survey.
2) Storm Waters Fee ofi$150.00
3) ~ecure"deed for widenin9 of Quito Rd. to 90' right of way.
Commissioner Crisp seconded. Carried unanimously.
2. SDR-110 - D. C. McFa~land, 2 sites at the end of Madtone
D.C. '. Hill Rd.
~he Secretary read the conditions as set by the Dept. of
Public Works.
CommissYoner Bennett moved for approval of the tentative
map of 2 buildin~ sites subject to the followin9 conditions:
1) Record of Survey.
2) Storm Waters Fee of $300.00 for two lots.
Madron~ Hill ~oad from Peach Hill Road to buildin9 sites
be improved to minimum ktandard 1~~ width.
Commissioner Anderson s'econded- Carried unanimously.
3. SDR-111 - Oerald Hansen, 1 site on Elva Ave.
G.Hansen T~e Secretary read the ponditfons set by the Dept. of Public
dommfssioner Higgins moved for the approval of tile tentative
map for 1 building site subject to the following conditions:
1) Street improvements]for 30 foot half street.
No cuts permitted ih rear of lot without engineered
retainin9 wall approved by County'Public Works Dept-
3) Record of survey. .'
~1.) Storm !qaters fee of $150.00-
Commissioner Anderson seconded, Carried unanimously.
4-' SDR-i13 - E. Garrison, 1 site on Vessing Rd.
E.Garrison T~e Secretary read the conditions set by the Dept. of Public
~o~missioner Higgins moved for approval of the 1 building
site on Vessing Road subject to the following conditions:
1) Storm Waters fee of $1~0.00.
2) Record of survey.
18~ of oil and screenings with 6" rock base from Quito
Rd- to building site.
~) Dedicate right-of-way for road purposes at this time to
~llow a 60' road on Vessing Rd., and a 30~ ingress
road as shown on tentative map.
Commissioner Anderson seconded. Carried unanimously.
5' SD-11~ - Geor~ Day, 45,.lots, Aloha Avenue. ..
SD-I'i[~ The Sedretary read the conditions as set by the Dept. of
Public Works and the report of the Plannin9 ConsUltant
aated M~rch 20, 19~9. C6~missi6ner'Higgins ~oved for approval
of the tentative map subject to the followin9 conditions:
1) Complete improvement plans and specifications to be
approved. by the County Engineerin9 Dept. before recording
of final map.
2) 6rade lots to drain' into streets in a manner accep.table
to the Engineering Dept.
3) Provide'l foot reservations.
2~'' plant mix
~) ~treets to be paved with a minimum of
surfacin~3 on a minimum of 6" base material. Actual
thickness requirements to be determined by County
5) The developer..must provide satisfactory storm drainage
facilities as required by the En~ineerin~ Dept.
6) Provide: 1. Concrete vertical curbs, gutters, and
concrete driveway approaches.
2. Plant mix suburban curbs where specified
in special conditions.
7) Desion of the oeometric sections and other construction
Sf all proposed and existing streets shall conform to
the prevailing standards of the Engineering Dept- In
cases of critical tqpo~raphy, special requirements may
be imposed by the Engineering Dept. for street con-
struction, driveway desiGn,.lot grading, etc.
8) Fihal map not to be recorded until (a) adequate sanitary
sewer bond is posted (b) plans and specifications for
sanitary sewers are app~oved by District
9) Existing wells to be sealed to~s~tisfaction of Health
Dept. prior to recording final map.
10) No occupancy of otherwise completed houses permitted
until (a) usable sanitary sewer is avai'lable (b) public
water system approved by Health Dept. is availagle.
]1) Existing dwellings fo be connected to sanitary sewer.
12i Septic t~nk systems to be pumped and filled to Health
Dept- specifications.
13) ~ildcat Creek on southeast of subdivision he divided
in open channel easement to Vickery andspiped to channel
box under Saratoga-to.s Gatos Rd. Channel to be on
westerly half of old Vickery right-of-way.
Pave Vickery Avenue 4" base rock 2" plant mix surface
from tract limit to Saratoga-Los Oatos Rd. Width of
street including plant mix gutters 18 feet ~i'nimum - 2k
feet recommended.
15) Provide facilities to intercept drainage from west side
of Aloha.
16) Flood Control fee of $675-00 per acre or $150.00 per
lot, whichever is greater, less the cost of in-tract
drainage facilities.
17) Rear lots backing on Marden right-of-Way to be fenced.
18) Street improvements to conform to County standards 2!"
plant mix surfacing on 6" minimum base rock with vertical
curb and 9utter. No sidewalks. A $15.00 inspection
deposit required on all driveways not constructed durin9
normal street construction.
19) Comply with Flood Control District requirements on creek
from south property line of tract on Lomita to storm
drain intake structures.
Commissioner. Tiffany seconded. The followin9 roll call
vote was recorded:
Ayes:'Anderson, Bennett, Higgins, Pasetta, Tiffany
Noes: Crisp~ :
6- SD-112 - Leonard Detrick, 23 lots, Howen Drive
SD-112 T~e Secretary read ale. tter from Mark Thomas & Co., on
L.Detrick :
behalf of the' owner, requestin9 a 30 day extension of time
for approval of the tentative map.
Commissioner Anderson ~oved to accept the 30 day extension
which would make May 11., 1959 the final day for action to
be taken on the tentative map. Commissioner Crisp seconded.
Carried unanimoUSly. ..
Chairman Pasetta adjourned the meett'n9 at 10:~0 P.M.
2b Present, 1Pre~s
City Officials' present: Cit~ Administrator, Assistant to City Admin-
istrator, AssiStant City Attorney, Director of Public Works.