HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-11-1959 Planning Commission Minutes e
TIME: F'.'ay 11, 1959 - 7:05 P.
PLACE: Fruitval~ School, Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, Calif.
TYPE: Regular Meeting
Present: .Anderson, Crisp, BeDnett, HiQSins, Tiffany, Webster
Absent: Pasetta
B. M!i'~ITES
Commissioner Hi~Tgins stated that the Planning Commission minutes
for the meeting of April 27, 19~9 concerning the motion to approve
the variance of L- N. 'P.5eleyco - V-139, should be ame'nded
follows: "as per plans submitted."
Commissloner Anderson moved for approval of the minutes as dis-
tributed and amended. Commissioner Crisp seconded. Carried
unanimous ly.
1. V-i~ - Rundle's (Cont.)
V-1~45 Mr. Ziegler presente~'a new ~lan for. the si~rx, marked Exhibit
Rundle~ s
B~ which conforms to the others in the Blue Hills Shoppin~
Center ·
Commissioner U~g~]ins moved for approval of the Architectural
and Site Cgn~ro'l permit
Commissioner Bennett seconded. Carried unanimously.
2. V-l[';_6 - Heath & Co.
V-lh6 .
Hee. eh Commissioner Hig[,ins di'squalified himself on this matter.
& Co.
Commissi oneT Bennett moved to peturn the application and ask
for different plans to be submitted.
Mr. Done, hue, Fepresentin[~ 'Heath and Co. s spoke in favor of
the application.
Chairman ,"ebst~r directed that the matter be referred to the
follo:.~ing committee: Bennett, Chairman; Tiffany, Crisp,
~ V-lk8 - St. Andrew~s Episcopal Church
V- 1
St.Andrews Commissioner Priggins moved for approval of tile Archi Lectural
Epi scopal
Chur'ch and Site Control perraiL for ~ sign to be as sho~-~n on Exhibit
A-2 and to be erected at the location as sho,¢m on Exhibit
A-l, both ~.'.hibits being in M~-e file. Commissioner Tiffany
Seconded. Carried unanimously.
Mr. Eramet're Oatewood, representing t~,e Church, asked for the
return of the $20.00 fee..
The City Administrator stated that this sign should have come
in under the original Arcfiitectural & Site ContFO! permit
granted to the church.
Commissioner Bennett moved to waive the fee of $20.00. Com-
missioner Tiffany seconded. The followin,.7 roll call vote was
Ayes: Anderson, Bennett, Crisp, Tiffany
Noes: Hi99in3, Webster
1. SDR-116 - Moreland SShool District (Cont.)
,~ore- Chairman l./ester read the report of the Subdivision Committee.
School Commissioner Crisp moved for approval of the buildin9 site
as submitted subject to the follo~,:ing conditions:
2) Recor~ of' Survey
3) Flood ConLrol Fe~ of Ib675.00 per improved area.
[,_) Improve stre'ets to hail section to subdivision standards
as specified by County Engineer.
~) Provide adequate surface draina,qeaas specified ]Sy the
County Engineer.
Co~.F. issioner Bennett Seconded. Carried unsnimously.
2. SDR-I18 - ArSonaut Shopping Center
SDR-118 Commissioner Anderson reported that recommendations had
Shopping been received from the Planning Consultant, County Engin-
ears, County Plannin9 Dept., City Administrator, but not
as yet from the State Division of Highways.
Chester Root, representing Mr. Lodato, stated that they
were agreeable to postponing action until the next meeting.
Chairman Webster referred the matter to tile subdivision
Committee for an extensive'and expeditious study and report
back at the next meeting.
SDR-119 3- 5DR-119 - J. Piazza
Chairman Webster directed that this matter be deferred until
later in the meeting since no one representin~ Mr. Piazza
was present.
h.. SDR-120 - W. C. Noeggerath
SDR-1P0 The Secretary reed th~ conditions set by the County Tech-
nicians at their meeting of May 6, 19~9. The City Admin-
istrator told of complaints of lack of water pressure in
Wildwood Heights subdivision immediately ad.iacent to these
building sites.
Mr. Dominic, Creegan & D'Angelo and Mr. and Mrs. Noeg§~rath
all spoke regarding the sites.
Commissioner Crisp moved for approval of tile tentative map
subject to the following conditions:
1) Connect to Sanitary Sewers
2) Driveway to be improved to i~ ft. of oil and screenings
from end of existing pavement to end of access road
according to County Engjneerws specifications.
3) Record of Survey
l[.) Storm Waters fee of $!!-50.00 for 3 lots.
~) An irrevocable offer of dedication for
the extension of CanyOn View Dr~ve across
northerly end of property to be deposited with the City.
6) Retain natural topographic features as nearly as pos-
sible in developing the building sites, avoiding exces-
sive cuts or fills.
Commissioner Higgins seconded. Carried unaniraously.
~. SDR-121 - A- Mirassou
SDR-121 T!~e Secretary read the conditions set by the County Tech-
niciants on May 6, 1959.
Chairman Webster ordered that the maps be referred back to
the applicant for better location of the site. The Secre-
tary was directed to contact the Health Dept. for an explan-
ation of the reasons of disapproval and if percolation
tests were taken.
!!I PUBLIC ]~ARINQ5 - 8:~0 P.M.
-V-136 1. V-136 - San jose ~ater Works, Continued
& V-137
San jose 2- V-137 San Jose Water Works, Continued.
Water Works
The Secretary sta~ed thgt there had been mo report received
yet from the San Jose Water Works re~ardin0 the two Use
Permit applications.
Chairman Webster ordered the public hearings continued on
V-136 and'V-13? to the next regular meeting, May 2~, 1959-
V-141 3. V-141 Trojan Construction Co., Continued.
Trojan Con-
struction TIle Secretary read a letter from the City Council dated
May 11, 1959 stating that they would forego any further
~ction in connection with this application until the Plan-
nin~ CommisSion has completed their handling of the matter.
Mr. Bonacina, representing Mr. P. Marrick, stated that they
had worked out their problems satisfactorily with 'Frojan
Construction Co.
The Secretary read a letter from Trojan Construction Co.
.dated May 6, 19~9 outlining their action to date in contach~ng
ti:e'adjacent property owners.
Chairman Webster referred the matter to the Subdivision
Committee 'Lo follow through with recomznendations on the
Use Permit at the next regular meeting. The Public Hear-
'i::g was continued until the next re.qular meeting, ~/2~/~9.
V~i~.L7 - F~rs. O. C. Stinnett
V-11I-7 Mr. Joseph Kelley, a~.torney representing Mrs. Stinnett,
and .M. rs.. Stinnett both %poke in favor of the appllcation.
The followinU people spoke objecting to the nursery:
Mrs. Sousa, 13~91 Sousa Lan~
Fir. P. M. Hartzell, Sousa Lane
i~r. ifitanza, 13501B Sousa Lane
Letters were read objecting to the nursery from:
H. L. and T. McVay, Sousa Lane and
l'j. and F?. Wolpern, 13397 Quito Rd.
Chairman Bennett moved that the public hearing be continued
until the next regular meeting. Commissioner Anderson
seconded. Carried unanimously. Chairman Webster referred
the matter to the Architectural & Site,' Control Committee
for a report at the meeting on ~iay 2.~, 19~9-
B- 3. SDR-119 - J. Piazza, Continued.
SDR-119 Cl~.airman Webster directed that the applica~t,.be informed
that his building site approval application will be con-
sidered at the next regular meeting-
A. C-21 - Alpha Land Co.
C-21 The Secretary read the application for change of zoning from
Land Ri:B2 to RL.,:B!I- at the southeast corner of McFarland and Sara-
toss Avenue.
Commissioner Crisp moved that the Secretary be directed to set
a date for Public Hearin9. Commissioner HiSpins seconded.
Cart ied unanimous ly.
B. C-22 - ira Kirkorian
C-22 The Secretary read the application for re-zoning from RE:BZI.
to R1B2 and C-2-H for a 28 acre parcel on Highway #9 between
Prospect and the railroad tracks.
Mr. Eirkorian stated that he was willing to wait until the
master plan is ready'rather than have a public hearing on this
application at this time.
Commissioner Bennett moved that the application be denied and
the $100.00 filing fee be returned to the applicant. Commis-
sioner Tiffany seconded. Carried unanimously.
'A. Swimming Pool Ordinance
Swimming Commissioner Crisp read a letter of referral to the City
Pool Ord.
Council outlining the Planning Commission's feelings as stated
at their last meeting.
Commissioner Bennett moved that the Chairman be authorized to
sign and transmit the letter. Commissioner Hipgins seconded.
Carried unanimously.
B. Coverage in Required Rear Yards.
Coverage Commissioner Anderson read the report of the Subdivision Com-
in Required
Rear Yards mittee.
Commissioner Crisp moved'thgt the Secretary be directed to set
a date f6r Public Hearing on the proposed amendment to Ordi-
nance 3A-8. Commissioner Hipgins seconded. Carried unani-
C. Definition of Private No~-profit Recreation Areas
Rec.Areas Commissioner Crisp read the report of the Subdjvisioff Committee
and requested that it be turned over to the City Attorney for
his recommendations.
Chairman l'/ehster so directed and requested a redraft and com-
ment prior to the next meeting if possible.
1. Cupertino School District re proposed school site
Cupertino The Secretary read a ~etter from the Cupertino School
School Di'~t.
re ,.District dated May 6, 1959..
proposed site
~mmissioner Bennett m6ved to hold the matter ev~ to the
next regular meeting. Commissioner Tiffany seconded.
Carried unanimously.
Chairman Webster referred the matter to the Subdivision
Committee and Commissioner Hi~ins to confer with the
Planning Committee of the Council and report bac~c at the
ne~t meetinr:
Bay A. The Secretary read an invitation to the opening of the Bay
Arts. Tree ~p~rtments in Los Oa~os.
B. The Secretary stated that the Subdivisio;~ Ordinance was still
Ord. in the process of be~n~ typed and would probably be:'Fe~d~ by
the next Pl~nninC Commission meetinC.
Saratoga C. The Secretary stated that the Saratoga Country Club had f~led
Club papers of incorporation e. 5 required in their Use Permit.
Chairman Webster declared the meetino adjourne~ a~ 10:l.~ P.T~.
2~ Present, 1 Press
City Officials present: City AdministFator~ Assistant to City
Administrator, Director of Public Works~ Assistant City Attorney.