HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-22-1959 Planning Commission Minutes CITY OF SARATOGA PLANNING COPLMISSION TR~E: June 22,' 1959 - 7:05 P. M. PLACE~ Fruitvale School, Fru{tv&ke Ave., Saratoga, Calif. 'T~PE: Regular Me~ti'ng ~-. I ROUTINE ORGANIZATION A- ROLL CALL Present: Anderson, Bennett, Crisp, Higgins, Pasetta, Tiffany, Webster Absent: None B. MINUTE~ CommiSsioner Bennett moved for approval of minutes as distributed. -Commissioner Tiffany seconded; carried unanimously. II COP~ITTEE REPORTS A. ARCHITECTURAL &.SITE CONTROL V-146 1. V~146 - Heath and Company, Continued Heath & Co. Commissioner Bennett stated that new plans had been submitted. '- Mr. Chester Root, Architect for the bank, spoke in favor of the revolving sign. Commissioner Bennett moved for approval of a sign on the ~irst National Bank on Cox Avenue, the size and lo- cation to be as shown on Exhibit "A". Commissioner Pasetta seconded. The following roll call vote was re- Corded: AYES: 'Anderson, Bennett, Pasetta, Tiffany, Webster NOE~ Crisp ABSTAINING: Higgins~ A-3 2. A~3' - San Jose Water Works ~an Jose Water Mr. Andrews, San ~ose W~ter Works, sp~ke in favor of the Works building. Commissioner Anderson moved for approval of the building as shown on the plans' and drawings on file subject to the following conditions: -1- A-3 1) The building be painted predominately green. (cont.) 2i The building be screened from th~ highway by suitable evergreen trees selected and planted by the applicant. Commissioner Higgins seconded. Carried unanimously. B. SUBDIVISIONS AND BUILDING SITES SDR-121 1.' 'SDR-121 - A. Mir~sou, C~ntinued Mirassou Chairman Webster ordered the matter continued to the next regular m~eting because the County conditions were not yet ready. SD-122 2. SD-122 - George Day G. Day Commissioner Pasetta read the conditions recommended by the SubdivisiOn Committee. Commissioner Higgins moved for approval of the tentative map subject to the conditions as read except that condition #13 and ~14 should be changed to read as follows: ~13 - S~orm Waters fee of $150. per lot or $675. per acre whichever is ~reater less the approved cost of drainage facilities. #14 - Construct bridge or culvert to have 40t wide ~raveled road way and one 5' wide pedestrian walk on each side over Wildcat Creek to accomodate 680 CFS flow. Channel desing to 6e'to Flood Control design specifications. Bridge to be located on main. street connecting Saratogaand Allendale. Commissioner Bennett seconded. Carried unanimously. Chairman Webster directed the Secretary to call to the attention 'o~ the City'Council the problem arising in con- dition ~13 and ~21 regarding creek improvement. SDR-125 3- SDRr~25 - N. Thompson Thompson The Secretary read the conditions as set by the County Technical committee on June 19, 1959- Commissioner Crisp moved for approval of the tentative map subject to the following conditions: 1) Construct 30' half:street on Fourth Street to County Engineer specifications. 2) Record of Survey 3i Storm Waters Fee of 9675. per acre. Drain water to creek as per Flood Control requirements. 5i The trees to be saved. Commissioner Miggins seconded. Carried unanimously. SDR-126 4. SDR-126 - E. W. Morton' Morton ~he Secretary read the recommendation of the Technical Committee meeting of June 19, 1959. Chairman Webster.ordered the matter held over to the next meeting i~ order that the applicant could meet with the Health Department'.. SDR-127 5- SDR~127 - J. A. Zabielski ~abielski The Secretary read'the conditions as set by the County Technical Committee meeting on June 19, ~959- Commissioner Fasetta moved for approval of the tentative ~ap subject to the following conditions: l) Record of Survey 2i' Storm Waters FeeI of $150. 3i Prorid6 dedication on Calabazas Creek to Flood Control Requirements. commissioner Crisp seconded. Carried unanimously. III PUBLIC HEARINGS A. USE PERMITS V-136 1. V-136 - San Jose Water Works - Cox Avenue - Continued 9:OOPM San Jose Water NLr. Andrews, San J6se Water Works, stated that the queStions- Works asked at the April 27 ~eetin~ had not been answered by the Wa~er Works because their attorney felt that the Planning ~ommis~ion had nO jurisdiction over water rights. Assistant City Attorney Clark stated that he had discussed this with the San Jose Water Works Attorney and agreed with him. However, the Planning Commission does have jurisdiction over a commercial use as to structures, fencing, and landscaping. V-136 The City Administrator suggested that the Use Permit (cont.) be granted'for one Well on each site at this time, addi- tional wells to be tied to the population growth in the Saratoga area. Commissioner Higgins moved for approval of the use permit V-136 subject to the condition that submersible pumps be installed. Commissioner Bennett seconded. The following roll call vote was recorded: AYES: Anderson, Bennett, Higgins, Tiffany NOES½ Crisp, Paset~a, Webster At t~e ~equest of ~ommissioner Crisp Chairman Webster directed that the City Attorney give a written'legal opinion on the jurisdiction of t~ Planning Commission in this matter. V-137 2. V-137 - San Jose Water Works San .Jose Water Commissioner Higgf~s movad fo~ approval of the Use Permit, Works V-137 - Subject to the condition that submersible pumps be installed. Commissioner Tiffan~ 'seconded. The following roll call vote was recorded: AYES: Anderson, Bennett, Biggins,..T~kfany NOES~ Crisp, Pasetta, Webster UP-1 3- UP-i' - Mrs. G.W.'Stin~tt'(c~ntinued) 9:50 P- M. Stinett Commissioner CriSp read the recommendation of the Sub- division Committee. Mr. Kelley, attorney for Mrs. Stinett, stated that they were not interested in putting up signs and questioned condition ,~H~. Mrs. Angen, Thelma Avenue, spoke in favor of a 6' fence~ Commissioner'Higgin~ moved for approval of this use permit subject to the conditions as read except that conditions (b) and (h) are to r&ad as follows: (b) install an attractive and suitable 6' high solid .... redwood fence (basket weave or equal) around the entire east end southern boundaries of property about as shown UP-1 on attached sketch of 6/10/59 marked "A", (con .) (h) This use permit and conditions pertaining thereto to be subject to review and reasonable modification at any time by'Planning Commission," Commissioner Tiffany seconded, Carried unanimously, B. VARIANCES V-153 1, V-153 - Don McFarland - 10:10 P, M. McFarland = -~ The Secretary read the request ~r a variance in the side yard setback. Commissioner Pasetta moved for granting the variance, the house to be located as shown on Exhibit "A!'. Commissioner Crisp seconded; carried unanimously. C. CHANGE OF ZONING C-21 Alpha 1, C-21.- Alpha Land Company (continued) - 10:11 P, M, Land . Co, Chairman Webster ordered the public hearing c~ntinued to the next regular meeting as the subdivision committee is to meet this week with the Planning Consultant on this matter and a report will be due at the next meeting, Chairman Webster ordered the public hearings closed at 10:12 P, M. IV OLD BUSINESS' Subdiv- A, SUBbIVISION ORDINANCE ision .--- -.. Ord, Commissioner Pasetta stated that ths recommendatio.~s of sub- dividers and public utilities had been incorporated into the ordinance and pointed out the few changes made, Commissioner Bennett moved for approval of the pr~posed sub- division ordinance and that it be recommended to the City Council for adoption. Commissioner Higgins Seconded; carried unanimously, Non- B. DEFINITION OF PRIVATE NON-PROFIT RECREATION AREAS Profit -. PriVate The SeCretary read a letter from the AsSistant City Attorney Rec. Areas dated June 8, 1959- Commissioner Higgi~s moved for adoption of the definition as outlined in paragraph 2 A in the Committee report and that it NON-PROFIT be sent to the City Council as a recommendation of the Rec. Areas (cont.1 Planning Commission. Commissioner Anderson seconded. Carried unanimously. After a general agreement among the Commissioners, Chairman Webster directed that Commissioner Crisp compose an appropriate letter regarding the ideas in paragraph B of the Committee report for transmittal to the City Council for their considera- tion. Cupertino C. CUPERTINO SCHOOL DISTRIC*. .School. Dist.' Th~ Secretary stated that a report had been received from the ~lanning Consdltant on the ~roposed s~hool site at Titus Avenue and Prospect Road. A letter dated June 17,'1959 from the' Cupertino Sshool District was read regarding a second proposed site on the Galeb pro- perty. Mr. Gordon, Woodside Drive, spoke in favor of the Cupertino School Distr~ct Site at Titus Avenue. Chairma~ Webster appointed t~e following committee to meet with the Planning Committee of the Council on the school' site matter; Anders~n, Chairman, Bennett and Crisp. V PETITIONS AND GRIEVANCES A~' WRITTEN None B. ORAL Tree The City Administrator distributed the proposed Tree ordinance Ord. to-the Planning Commissioners for their comments and recommend- ations. Commissioner Higgins moved for adjournment at ll:O0 P. M. Commissioner Bennett seconded. Carried unanimously. Present: 12 Press: 1 City Officials present: City Administrator, Assistant to City Administrator, Assistant City Attorney