HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-09-1959 Planning Commission Minutes CITY OF SAPATOOAPLANNINGCO~IISSION
TI~: November 9, 1959 - 7:00 P.M,
P~ACE: Fruitvale School, Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, Callf.
TYPE: Regular Meeting
Present: Anderson, Bennett, Crisp, Hi99ins, Tiffany, Webster
Absent: None
Commissioner Higgins.moved for approval of the minutes as
distributed and read. Commissioner Crisp seconded. Carried
1. A-8 - Mason Shaw, Railway Express Office.
A-8 The Secretary read the request for an addition to the
Mason Shaw,
Railway Express present Railway Express Office on Bi9 Bastn Way.
Mason Shaw and Howard Wyberg, clerk for the Railway
Express Office, spoke in favor of the application.
Commissioner Crisp moved that the matter be referred
to the Architectural and Site Control Committee for
further study and recommendation after consulting
with the CIty Attorney on the powers of the committee
in the following matters:
1. Can a permit be issued for a temporary
a. Can an Architectural Site Control Permit
be granted for a limited length of time?
Commissioner Higgtns seconded. Carried unanimously.
- I -
1. SD-1I~![ - S. S. WillJams (Con.)
SD-114/~ Mr. WillJams stated that the map was not yet ready for
(Con.) "filing.
Chatrman Webster ordered the matter continued to the
next regular meeting.
2. SDR-153 - Ted Hinckley (Con.)
SDR-153 Commissioner Anderson read a repont from the County
Ted Hinckley Engineers dated November 6th, 1959, and a letter from
Norman H. Dolloff, dated November 9th, 1959, regarding
soil studies.
Commissioner Bennett moved that the matter be continued
to the next regular meeting, and referred tO
County Department of Public Works for conditions.
Commissioner Anderson seconded. Carried unanimously.
3. SDR-15/~ - J- Blackwell
SDR-154 Secretary read the report of the County Engineer, dated
[Con.) November 9 th, 1959, listing fifteen conditions.
Commissioner Crisp moved for approval of the tentative
map, subject to the conditions as read.
Commissioner Anderson seconded. Carried unanimously.
4. SDR-155 - M. M. Bertholf (Con.)
SDR-155 Commissioner Anderson read a letter from the County
M.M. Bertholf
(Con.) Engineer, dated November 5th, 1959-
The Assistant City Attorney arrived at 7:45 P.M.
Mr. Bertholf spoke of the use of the culvert up stream.
Chairman Webster directed that the matter be referred
to the Subdivision Committee, to meet with the County
Engineer, the applicant and his engineer, to discuss the
- 2 -
matter of the culvert and the flooding, a report to be made at
the next re9ular Planning Commission Meeting.
5. SDR-156 - H. 6. Zimmerman.
SDR-156 Commissioner Anderson read the report of the Subdivision Com-
Zlmmerman mi ttee, dated' November 6th, 1959.
Commissioner Crisp moved for approval of the tentative map,
subject to the conditions as read.
Commissioner Higgins seconded- Carried unanimously.
6. SDR-157 - T. D- Lance.
~DR-15? Commissioner Anderson read the Subdivision Committee Report,
dated Novembe~ 6th, 1959.
Admiral Cormoily, representing Mr- Lance, spokein favor of
the buildin9 site.
Commissioner Anderson moved for approval of the tentative map,
subject to the conditions as read.
Commissioner Crisp seconded. Carried unanimously.
Chairman Webster ordered a recess at 8:20
Chairman Webster called the meetin9 to order at 8:32 P.M.
UP-5 1. UP-5 - Saratoga Parent Nursery School - 8:32 P.M.
Nursery Secretary read the application for the Use Permit and the
conditions set on the Use Permit issued previously, V-ll3-
Mrs. Woolley asked to have the fee waived. No one spoke
in opposition to the Use~I~mit.
Chairman Webster closed the public hearing at 8:39
Commissioner Anderson moved for 9ranting the Use Permit,
subject to the following conditions:
1. Off street parking. to be provided in the rear
of th~ lot for the number of people in charge
at one time.
UP-% 2. Filin9 Fee of $20.00 for this application to
Sat. Par.
Nursery be waived.
3. The Planning Cow~ission retains continuing
jurisdiction to impose such additional reGu-
lations and restrictions concerin9 the use
of the facilities as may be necessary to
prevent unreasonabe:interference with the
quiet enjoyment of other property in the
Commissioner Crisp seconded. Carried unanimously.
2. UP-6 - Federated Church. - 8:~0 P.M.
UP-6 The Secretary read the application for a Use Permit.
Church Col. Tressel, representing the church, spoke in favor
of the Use Permit. No one spoke in opposition to the
Use Permit.
Chairman Webster ordered the public hearing closed at
8:~7 P-M.
Commissioner Hi99ins moved for'approval of the Use Per-
mit, subject to the following conditions:
1. Building Site Approval.
2- Architectural and Site Control.
3. Conforman6e with off-street parking
requirements, as outlined in Ordinance
Commissioner Crisp seconded.
The following roll call vote was recorded:
A~es: Anderson, Crisp, HiGGins, Tiffany, Webster.
Noes: None
Abstained: Bennett.
3. UP-? - Mln9 Quong Home - 8:50 P.M.
'UP-7 The Secretary read the application for a Use Permit and
M{n9 Quo9~
Home a letter in the file, dated November 3rd, 1959.
Charles O'Netl, Director, and Robert Davies, Attorney,
spoke In favor of the Use Permit.
No one spoke in opposition to the issuance of the Use
Chairman Webster ordered the public hearing closed at
9:00 P.M.
Commissioner Anderson moved for approval of the Use
Permit'for the purposes stated in the application, sub-
ject. to the following conditions:
1. Compliance with off street parking require-
ments, as outlined in Ordinance 3A-13.
2. Architectural and Site Control, except for
fire escape and other fire control features
being immediately constructed.
3. The Planning Commission retains continuing
jurisdiction. to impose such additional re9u-
lations and restrictions concerning the use
of the facilities as may be necessary to
prevent unreasonable interference with the
quiet enjoyment of other property in the
Commissioner Htggins seconded. Carried unanimously.
4. Up-8 - Saratoga Inn - 9:03 P-M-
UP-8 The Secretary read the application for Use Permit-
Inn The following people spoke in favor of the Use Permit:
Mr. John Long, Live Oak Lane; Mrs. Theo Mteth, a ~esi-
dent of the Inn; Mrs. McCormick, a resident of the Inn;
Mr. john Waggorier, adjacent property owner; Mr- Mason
Shaw, Big Basin Way; Adm. Connolly, Beaumont Avenue.
UP-8 Mr- Roland Buckman, 14285 SaratoGa Avenue, spoke in oppo-
SaratoGa Inn
sition to the Use Permit.
'Mr. Willys Peck, 14.275 Saratoga Avenue, stated that he was not
opposed to the Use Permit, but would be opposed to the
establishment of a high density commercial venture at the
Mr. John Long stated that the proposed cocktail lounge
would be built in conjunction with the new dininG room
and restaurant building and that the old buildinG would
be torn down.
Chairman Webster closed the public hearing at 9:50 P-M-
Chairman Webster referred the matter to the Variance
Committee for report at the next meeting, the report to
be reviewed by Commissioner HiGGlns.
.A-8 At this point, the Architectural Site Control Permit
Mason Shaw
application of Mason Shaw, A-8, was brought up.
The Assistant City Attorney discussed the questions raised
earlier in the meeting and stated that the Planning Comm-
ission could issue an Architectural and Site Control Permit
to a temporary structure, but could not put a limit of time
on the permit if the applicant objected- However, if the
applicant agrees to a time limit, the permit can contain
one ·
Commissioner Anderson moved for Granting the Architectural
and Site Control Permit for the addition for a three year
period, with the addition to be torn down three years from
dates an agreement to be signed and a bond to be posted.
Commissioner Crisp seconded. The following roll call vote
was recorded. Ayes: Anderson, Crisp
Noes: Bennett, Higgins, Tiffany, Webster
A-8 Commissioner Crisp moved for the granting of the Archi-
Mason Shaw
tectural Site Control Permit for a t~o year period, the
building to be torn down two years from date, an aGree-
ment to be signed and a bond to be posted. Commissioner
Anderson seconded. The following roll call vote was
recorded: Ayes: Anderson, Crisp-
Noes: Bennett, Higgins, Tiffany, Webster.
Commissioner Hi99ins moved that the application be de-
nied. Commissioner Bennett seconded. The followin9 roll
call vote was recorded. Ayes: Bennett, Hi99ins,Tiffany.
Noes: Anderson, Crisp, Webster.
Commissioner Tiffany moved that the Architectural and
Site Control Permit be granted, subject to the following
1. Entire building to be removed five years
.. from date of issuance of this permit.
A $100.00 bond to be posted with the City,
to assure performance of this condition.
3. Applicant to agree in writing to these con-
ditions within ten days or permit to be void.
Commissioner Anderson seconded. The followin9 roll call
vote was recorded: Ayes: Anderson, Crisp, Tiffany,Webster.
Noes: Bennett, HiG~lns.
A. SDR-128 -.1. W. Curtis
SDR-128 The Secretary read a letter from the County Engineer,
I.W.Curtis ~
dated October 30, 1959.
Commissioner Anderson moveddthat condition No. 2 be
changed to read as s~ated in the letter from the County
SDR-146 Commissioner ~risp seconded. Carried unanimously.
B- SDR-i~6 - W. Seagraves
SDR-I~6 Chairman Webster ordered the matter continued to the
next regular meeting, at the request of Mr. Maurice
Rankin, Attorney for Mr.Seagraves-
C. Saratoga General Plan - Progress Report:
Saratoga Progress Report No. ~ from the Planning Consultant
Gen. Plan
was distributed to the Commissioners. The Secretary
announced that there would be no study session held
this month, because of the appointment of the Citizens
Blue Hills 1. Blue Hills Realty - Re: Confli'cting Street Name.
Letter A letter from Mrs- Marten Huttlinger, dated October
29, 1959, wasread.
Commissioner Bennett moved that the Secretary be
directed to prepare and send a letter to the San
Jose Planning Commission, copies to the County
Planning Commission and the San Jose Postoffice,
requesting that the street name "Blue Hil~ Drive"
in the City of San Jose be changed because Of "
confusion with the already existinK "Blue Hflls
Lane" and "Blue Hills Shopping Center".
Commissioner Anderson Seconded. Carried unanimously.
Gen.Servtce 1. The Secretary announced that a public hearing on
Zonin9 Dlst.
the Commercial Service Zontn9 District regulation
had been set for the next reguiar meeting. The
City Attorney had advised that an ordinance stating
Gen.Service the exact boundaries would be needed befoFe a public
Zoning Dist.
hearing could be set on the Commercial Service Zon-
ing District boundaries. Therefore, this will not
be taken up at the next meeting.
Commissioner Higgins moved for adjournment at 10:30 P.M.
Commissioner CPisp seconded. CarPied unanimously.
PPesent= 30
Press: 3
City O££ictals Present: Clty Admintstrator~ Assistant
to the City Administrator~ Director of Public Works,
Assistant City Attorney.