HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-23-1961 Planning Commission Minutes SFMMARY OF MINUTES
TIME: Monday, January 23, 1961
PLACE: Fruitvale Schools Frutt-~ala Avenues Saratogas California
TYPE: Regular Meeting
Chairman Webster called meetin~ to order at 7:00 P.M.
Present: Anderson, Bennett~ Crisp, Hi,gins, Webster
Absent: Glenn
Chairman Webster opened nominations for officers for coming year.
Co.-.-!esioner Anderson moved the nomination of John D. Webster as Chairman;
Co~lssioner Crisp seconded the nomination and moved that nominations be
closed. Co-....{ssioner Biggins seconded the motion nominations be closed;
motion carried. Chaipman Webster declared noniminations for Chairman closed.
Motion by Co~issioner Bennett to retain WilliamHigEins as Vice-Chairman
and Richard A. Greene as Secretary; seconded by Couunlssioner Anderson.
Cc-,m4ssionar Anderson moved that nominations be closed; seconded by Com-
missioner Crisp; motion carried.
Chairman Webster declared elected the followin~ officers of the Plan_ning
Cor~,!ssion for 1961: C~AIRMAN - John Webster. VICE-aiAIP~MAN- Williom
HigSins. SECRETARY - Richard A. Greene.
Motion by Couunissioner Crisp approving minutes oi meeting of January 9,1961
as received and read; seconded by Commissioner Bennett; motion carried.
A. UP-24 - San Jose Water Works~ Samtoga Country Club Reservoir
Secretary reported that No~ices of Public HearinZ had been mailed and no
UP-2~ objections received. Norman Andreds appeared to represent the applicant
and described the proposed ~ater tank to have a capacity of 4s00OsO00
gallons, 152' in dianeter and 30' hiEh with a 15' road around it. Mr.
Andrews presented photoaraphs sh~in8 tanks similar to the one proposed.
Dell Ross, Chairman of the Saratoga Country Clubs appeared in favor of the
proposed tank. Chairman Webster noted that there was one speaker in favor
A, UP-24 - San Jose Water ~Yorks (Continued)
of the proposed tank and none o[posed, Public Hearing on UP-24 closed at
7:18 P.M. Motion by Commissioner C~isp; seconded by Commissioner Bennett
~pproviug the granting of a Use Pek~nit to the San Jose Water Works for a
~.OOOsO00 gallon water tank on the Saratoga Country Club grounds subject to
receiving Building Site Approval and Architectural and Site Control;
motion carried.
B. UP-25 - Tomasso and Julia C~nelli~ Convalescent Home., Souza Lane
The Secretary reported that Notices of Public Hearing had been mailed to
adjacent property owners. Mr. Clarkes atterney for the applicant, appeared
and stated that the proposed convalescent home on Souza Lane will replace
the Case Bella Rest Home on Fruitvale Avenue a=d Allendale. The new home
UP-25 will have a capacity of 20 to 30 persons, the l~m~t set by the State b~ing
Tomasso 30. The Chairman opened the Public Hearing and asl~d if there were any in
and the audience to speak for or against the proposed convalescent home at the
julia Souza Lane 1neatice. Twelve residents of adjoining proper~y were present
Cine111 and stated their names and addresses. Due to tits discovery of a discrep-
ancy in the legal description showin5 that the parcel of land described in
the application was no= the true parcel proposed for the Use Permit; Com-
~Lissioner Anderson moved that the application be returned and the applicants
be allowed to resubmit e proper application; seconded by Conmissioner Crisp;
mo=ion carried. Attorney Clarke, consulting with the realtor for the ap-
plicants Shelley Williams. also presents stated that the applicants will
file an mnended application with the cotfeet description. Chairman Webster
asked if any present ~ished to spe~k for or against the Use Permit at this
time. they would be allowed to do so and their remarks recorded; otherwise
a new hearlag date wou!d be ~et and they would be so notified. .~.
Mrs. Frances Vi~anza of 13501-B Souza Lane sta~ed that she might be unable
to appear at ano~ler time and she opposed the proposed use of ~he property.
She said that Souza Lane i3 a quZet~ residentials one-way streets with lim,
~ted entrance and exit facilitles; that this Use Pex~ni= would cause addi-
tional traffic with vls~.torss etc., also ~ha= the construction would cause
noise and danger to the children livit~ on Souza Lane. Speaking for her-
self and her neighbo=s, 8he shoped that the proposed building would r~n~in
a fa~Etly dwelling and no~ be used for a convalescen~ home.
Chairman Webster ordered tht.s ma~ter continued until the meeting of
Feb_mary 14s 1961 so the applicant could file an amended application with
correct description of the property and directed the Secretary to mail No-
tices of Public HearinS to owners cf adjacen~ propertys making reference to
~he specific address for which the Use Perunit itmelf is requested and in-
clude in the Notices the approximate number of feet from ~u!to Road and
the side ef Souza Lane which is involved and ~he frontage and depth of the
III CO~fl'rl'~c~- REPORTS
1, S~2J3 -~o~er~ C.. Kir~ood; Bcll~. yis~:s & Eor~eshoe ~tv~
C~lsatoner Mderson reported ~h~.s m~ter con~inued fr~ maettu~
SD-243 Janu~y 9~ 1961, statt~ that the Jn~nt co,.,~.ftte~ ~rm th~ City
Robert ~u~il ~d Plannt~ Coalssion v;~11 ~et on J~uary 25oh to study the
~r~ curb ~d gutter probl~, ~htch has caused the postpoo~en~ o~ action
in this ~tter, ~e Secretary ~ead a latter fr~ the applicant 81ving
~he C~sston auChort.~y to postpone this matter until the
~s re~hed a decision, r~o o~ present; to represen~ the applicant.
Chaim~ ~ebs~er declared the application S~.la-continued un~!l the
meetinn of Feb~y 1~s 196!,
2, ~DR-244 - Peck L, ~rrick - 1 io~ ~n-t~Ic Drive
~e Secre~ reported he had received a telephone call fr~ the appli-
SDR-2~ cant's a~o~'ney ~ho was in the process o~ consulCf. n~ with the City
P~ck L, Attorney in ~his matter buC ~ha~ uo decision h~ been re,bed,
~rrtck one presen~ to represent appltc~, Ch~an Webate= o=de.~.!
s~o~tn~d ~tl th~ meett~ o:a Feb~ary 1~, 19~1,
3, SDR-171 - T, ~tlsna Hillyard - 2en~al of Tentatlve Butldin~ Site
. . Appro~l
Secret~ read a letter fr~ ~, Hi!ly~d reques~i~ an expansion o~
SDPP171 his ~enCa~!ve Buildl~ Site A~)proval for one year, No one ~,as present
T, ~, to rep=esen~ the applicant. Co~ssiontr ~derson moved thaC th~
Htlly~d quest for extension of o~ year on Bulldtn~ Site Application SDR-171
be de~ed bccaus~ o~ ineufficlen~ reason for raque~tn~ s~e; seconded
by Co~ssloner Cr].sp; motion carried and request denied,
4, SDF.-254 - ~s A, Parker ~_1 lo~ V!.=ka~ Avenne
SDR-254 ~opold ~al was present ~o rtpresen~ ~he appltcan'a, }~.on by
~s A. sione~ Anderson that SDK-25~ zpplic~tlon for Suildin~ Site
Pater. be ~iven tenta~:i-;e approval subject to the ~en (10) c.~ndtt].ons listed
in Subdivision C~tee Rcpoza da~ed January 23~ 19~1.; seconded by
Co~ssto~r C~Isp; motion carried,
.~R-255 - ~eral~Z..~o~s Elva A~92u~
SD~255 C~isstoner Males:son m~ed ~ha~ SD~-255, application ~or Butldina
~rald Site Approval be ~tven tenCa~tv~ approval subject to the six (6) co~
H~sen dittons llsted on the Subdivision Co~t~Cee report dated Jam~=y 23~
1961 ~d co~ected as to the location in the st~ned copy; seconded by
Comisstone~- Ht~ins; ~t!.on carried.
6. SDR-241 - Roman T. Chavez - 1Lot~ Elva Avenue
Motion by Counnissioner Higgins; seconded by C~z.~...{~sioner Crisp, that the
Planning Commission on its own motion reviewed SDR-241, application of
SD~-241 Roman T. Chavez and changed Condition 4 to read: "Improve Elva Avenue
Roman on the uphill side in front of the building site to an ~lev~n (11) foot
Chavez width from the centerlinc of E1va Avenues including a two (2) foot plant
m~x gutter, Centerline of existing traveled way to be cousidered center-
line of future construction," The Secretary was directed to so notify
Mr, Chavez; motion carried,
7, SDR-256 - John Derme7 - I lot~ Oak Place
SDR-256 Mr, Denney was present and reviewed the conditions, Motion by Co,anlssioner
John Anderson that tentative approval be given SDR-256s application for Building
Deaney Site Approval for one lot off Oak Place subject to the seven (7) condit~.ons
-.' set forth in Subdivision C~ittee report dated January 23s 1961; seconded
by Con~nisstouer Higgins; motion carried,
8, SDR-257 - Stern & Renzel~ Quito Medical Center
No one was present to represent the applicant, After study of the plans
SDR-257 by the Commissions Chairman Webster ordered that no formal action be taken
Stern & at this time and the matter continueds directing the Secretary to communi-
Renzel care with the applicant, advising that the Commission desires: (1) That
the applicant give some thought to development of the entire propertys
tying in the present contemplated development and (2) a revised plot plan
be submitted which shows the entire property and present developments on
SDR-257 was continued until the meeting of February 14s 1961,
1, A-42 - Stern & Renzel - QuitoMedi__.__cal____~ente__Z
Co,~missioner Bennett stated that in his opinion the builders were attempt-
~-42 ing to keep the cost of this building d~nhence sacrificing the design,
S~ern & No one was present to represent the applicant, Cormnissioner Higgins dis-
Renzel qual'[ied himself from any participation in this matter. Chairman Webster
directed O0h~tissioner Bennett to study the matter further with help from
the Subdivision Connnittee and report at the next meeting. A-42 was contin-
ued until the meeting of February 14s 1961.
2, A-43 - Walter J, Johnson - Sign - Coin Operated Laundry - Quito Shopping
A-43 Center
Johnson Commissioner HigEins moved; seconded by Commissioner Crisp that A-43s ap-
plication for signs be denied on the basis of poor design~ motion carried,
3. A-26 - Raylite Neon Corp, - qutto Donut Shop
~-26 The Ccmmission discussed the situation of the Quito Donut Shop sign having
~uito been erected despite the Commission's denial and agreed that the owners
Donut should remove it or b~ prosecuted, The Secretary was ordered to investi-
Shop gate the status of this sign and report to the Cu~ulssions also to keep an
eye on the Quito Shopping Center area for any sign violations,
4, A~37 - Lu-Ray Compsnys Inc. - Plumbin~ Shops H~ghway #9
Mr. x., Jones was present and t_he Co---tssion studied the revised plans sub-
mitted by the applicant. Motion by Connissioner Hi~ins giving preliminary
approval to Lu-Ray Co., Inc. for their proposed office building as su~nnitted
on "Exhibit B"~ File A-37, and the rear steel building as shown revised on
"Exhibit A"~ File A-37, as initialled by Cowissioner Highins; further,
that the exterior of the steel buiEding be covered with ribbed metal panels
all of ~aich is to he painted; seconded by Co-n{ssioner Crisp, On rol~
call vote: Ayes: Anderson, Crisp, Hlggtns, Webster
Noes: Bennett
Absent: Clean
Motion carried,
Chairman Webster delayed this matter until the next meeting in order to deter-
mine preferences of the C~,~,assioners. Reappointed on a temporary basis are
the following C~ttee Chairmen;
VARIANCE- C~..-..{sstoner Crisp, Chai~mn
SUBDIVISION & BUILDINC SITES - Commissioner Anderson,
ARCHITECTURAL & SITE CONTROL - Comissioner Higgins, Chairman
1. SD-144 - S. S. Williams - Tract 2577~ Brand~winc Acres
~he Secretary read a c~munication from S. S. Wtlli~m~ dated January ~0,
1961, requesting a 60-day extension on time limit in which to obtain
Final Building Site Approval for. Tract 2577 for the ~ge~ t~hey.ha~e Just
received .final approval 'from ~he Flood Control District and must
bonding affd fidancial .a~ngeuents. The tentative approval ~xpirea on
January 25~ 1961. l.k'o ~:illi~s uas present. The City Admtnd'strator
coEn~nded ~ 90-day extension. Comissioner aigSixis moved; seconded by
Coranissioner ,'mderson that a ttiree'months' ~x~ension be Eranted agplicant
SD-144 of the -.~im~. within ~ahich final maps may be filed; metion carried.
Chairman Webster advised that he would attend the City Council meeting on
February 1st and directed the Secretary to revised the attendance list
alphabetically and advise each Co-~{ssioner when to attend the Council
Chairman Webster welcomed Cooncilman Drake to the meeting.
Cun-,.{sstoner Crisp iuquf.~'ed us to the stat~s of the propc. sad Subdivision
Ordinance. The C~y A~nJ.strator adv~s~ it had been t~d
City Attorney. Glai~n l~ebste= req~,ested ~h3 City Ad~nistrator ~o con~
~he C~=y A~toney ~d report on the sta'tus of ~h~s proposed O~:d~nanue.
~a~man ~ebeter stated each ~Au~.c~r he~ received a copy of the pr~oeed
~ ~d~n~ce and req~sted tha~ each o2 ~hem ;=udy ~t carefully ~n order to
ta~ part ~n study sessions to ta~ p!~e beS~n~ ~u~y
~cret~y wu d~=ected ~o ~.ve ~t~ce ~o the press tha~ study session wouEd be
held on ~days J~u~ 30th at 7:00 P.M. at ~he City Offices, ~en to
~nterested p~t~ss bu~ ~s not to be considered e: pubi~e
~e C~ty Aam~nLsttator u~d ~.-.~{ss~on to consider recomend~g to =he C~ty
Co~ii actLon ~n the appoin~en~ of a n6 Co=AssLo~=, since, due to the
exp~ratLon of the tem of C~..-..~ssLoner Parden ~d the ~lEness of ~......~ss~r
Gle~, the ~..~les~ ~ totals fLve,
~ ~EBST~ DEC~D ~ETING ~0~ AT 9:17
Respectfully su~t=ed,