HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-14-1961 Planning Commission Minutes CITY OF SARA'/OGe~
TI~: Tuesday.~ Februaxy 14, lc~61
PLACE: Fruitvale School, Fruitval.a ~j~enne, Saratoga, California
TYPE: Regular Meeting
Chai~n Webster eel. led mating to order ac 7:00 P.M.
A, R_Q3~L
Preserve: Anderson, BannetC~ Crisp, Htggins, Webster
Absent: Gle~
B. M%;~TES
Minutes of m~eting of J~.nuary 23, 1961 approved with correctlolls:
(1) Deletion of last line~ Dage Z~ paragraph-I%5~ (2) In paragraph
IIX A1. line 8, cb~nRe "SD-1F~2" to read "SD-243"; on mgtion of
missioner Crisp; seconded by Conmissioner Bennett; ~ien carried.
C~imn Webster opened Public Hearings at 1:15
A. ~P-~.~-;To~s2~ a Jul3_ Cine!~!, Ce~aj.~sceJt ]~e, Souza I~na
The Secretary reported a revised applicati~u and legal description ~d
been submitted and Notices of ~bk!c ltearing mailed on February 7th. One
written co~nication received fr~ Carl R. ~ch, 13/+75 ~.~ito Road~ Sara-
UP-25 toga~ objecting to the proposed rest h~e. The applicant~ Mrs. ~ceal
Cinelli I.~es~oreland and her attorney~ !'~i).l]am Clark~ were present. The following
persons appeared to protest the aFplication: Robert Mgrris, 13393 Souza
~ne; 3im Steele, 13365 McCu!!och; I.fesley Walpern, 13397 Souza ~ne; and
Mrs. Frances Vita~a~ 13501B Souza ]~ne~ on the basis of creating a traf-
fic problem and poss~.b~y a situation ~here noise f~oml th~ ridjoining homes -
would annoy the patle~ts. Spea~{ing in favor of th~ rest hc~: Mr. and
Mrs. ~rtzell, 13501C Quite Road; Shelley Willjams, realtor; and ~s.
J. Ferris~ Muriei Rucl~r and Mrs. ~rkness: employees of the Case Belle
Rest H~e. Paul Wright, 13369 McCu!lo~h, stated he ~d no objection
to the rest home if ~t did not require a ~quiet zone~. Chai~n Webster
declared the ~blic Hearing closed on UP-Z5 at 8:03 P.M.
~ter discussion~ C~i~n Webster ordered UP-Z5 referred to a ~o~ittee
consisting of Co~issioners Anderson, ~nnett and Crisp for the purpose
of rev~wing of the testimony and i~tig~ing the Freeway situation to
see w~t effect routing plans will ~ve on this appIication for a report
at the next ~eting on February ~7, 1961.
B. V-185 - Marthe C. Barlow - Springer Avenue
Vattango from front yard setback
Secretary reported Notices of Public Hearing mailed and two communications
received from Louise and Joel Lindors 14305 S~ringer Avenue and Margaret
V-!85 and H. P. Seittor, 14325 Springer Avenue, protesting the granting of this
Barlow variance. Choirman Webster called for anyone present to be heard.
Richard Marques, 14345 Springors appeared in favor of granting the variance.
The applicant was present. Chairman Webster declared Public Hearing on
V-185 closed at 8:20 P.M. Couauissioner Higgins moved thee the application
V-185 requesting a variance from a 25-foot front yard to a 1Q-foot front
yard setbacks be granted; seconded by Cc,3~issioner Anderson; roll call
vote: Ayes: Bennett, Higglns, Anderson, C=isps Webster. Absent: Glenn
Motion carried and variance granted.
C. C-31 - Brown &KauffmaDn~ Titus & B~llwoodAvenue
Secretary reported Notices of Public Hearing mailed and no written com=~ni-
cations received. Wayne Brown appeared to request that this Public Hear-
C-31 ing be cent!need until the next meetings g~ving them an opportunity to
Brown & confer on this matter with the Subdivision Coumittee. No one was present
/~uffmnn to protest ths rezoning. Chei:.~an Webster ordered the i%,blic Hearing
continued for C-31 until the meetinE of February 27~ i96!.
Choirman Webster declared the Public Hearings for this meetins concluded
at 8:30
The Con~nission discussed the necessity for an interim ordinance for
planned development zoning districts. Motion by Con~nissioner. Crisp that
the Planning Commission recoum~nd to the City Council by resc!ution the
Interim passing of an interim or ergohey ordinance providin~ for four planned
Zonin~ development zoning districts: . (1) R1 12,500 PD (2) R! 15s000 PD
O~dinance (3) R1 20,000 PD (4) R1 40,000 PD - in stric'~ accordance with Article
of the proposed Zoning Ordinance prepared by Livingston ~. Bl~yney d~ted
December, 1960; seconded by Comaissioner Bennett; motion carried. Chair-
man Webster expressed his feeling that the problem has net been solved
unless R1.Districts are set up, Chairman Webster declared the Resolution
A. R__eport pf Special Committee on Curbs and
Cou~ntssioner Higgins reported on meeting of cu,~!ttee consisting of Com-
missioners Anderson, H~.ggins and CounciL.~en }~rtman and Glennons C~.airman.
Curbs Motion by Comissioner Bennett that the Planning C~Ission recommend to
and the City Council the adoption by Resolution of specifications for asphel-
Gutters tic concrete (plant mix) curbs and gutters to be installed in lieu of
portland cement concrete curbs and gutters in subdivisions having building
sites of 40s000 square feet and larger] seconded by Co.-amissioner HiEgins;
motion carried.
1. 8D-243 - Robert C. Kirlr~oo~ -. Belle Vimta & Ha'tee,hoe Drive
Henry Gilbert was present to represent ~be applicant. Cua~issioner
S-243 Anderson presented a report from the Subdivision C~itteo dated Febr-
Kirkwood uary 7, 1961. Motion by Commissioner Crisp; seconded by Commissioner
Bennett that the report of the Subd!vslon Comn, lttee dated February 7s
1961 in SDR-243 be approved and that Conditions Munlbcred 4~ 7 and 8
in the oubdivislon approval previously given be a.~nded to read as ~e-
commended in thi~; £eport.
Commissioner Cri~p withdrew motionl se"_onded by Commissioner Bennett;
no motion and no action. Mr. Giib~rt requested, on behalf of Mr.
Kirkwood~ a continuance of this matter until the next meeting. Motion
by Commissioner A!~derson; seconded by C~cnmissinner Higginss that action
on SDR-2~3 be continued until the mc. eting of February 27, 1961; ~tion
Motion by Commiosioner HigRins that motion previously passed pertaining to
curbs and gutters be rescinded and ma~ter placed back with the Cor~ittea for
report at the next meeting; seconded by Commissioner Anderson; motion c~rriedo
Chairman Webster declared previous motion rescinded and ordered the matter
ferred back to the special co'mml~tee appointed consisting of Co~issloncrs
Anderson, Higgins and Councilmen Hartman and Glennon.
2. SDR-2~4 - P~ck L. M~rick - ! lot~ Metrick Drive
Secretary repo~ted that the applicant, who ~as prnsent, had submitted
a new des!.gn for the lot in q~estion. Mz. Bengoings attorney, and
SDR-244 Gilbert~ engineers were presents representing the applicant. After
Marrick considerable discussion of past events in this matter and an opinion
handed down by the Saratoga City Attorney~ Co.-~nissioner Anderson moved
that application SDR-244 be disapproved in vie~ of the opinion given
in writi,~g by the City Attorney, Faber Lo Johnston, Jr~; seconded by
Counnlssioner Crisp; motion carried and app!i=ation d~nied. Chairmzn
Webster s~ated he had voted to deny this application because he felt
the City cannot oandone the takt.ng of ].and from one lot and adding to
another where the first lot bocasos illegal.
3o SDR-~57 - Stern & Renz.e_l._l~uita Medical Center
Co=mission~r Anderson reported that the proposed master plan for this
area was in good order but that conditions had not yet been received
SDR-257 from the City Engineer and would be available for the next meeting.
Stern & Mr. Root and Mr. Stern were present and expressed the desire to dis-
Renzel cuss modifications of their plans with the City staff before action
is taken. Chairman Webster erdared SDR-257 continued until the meet-
ing of February 27, 1961.
4. A-42 - Stern & Renzel - quite Medici! .Canter
Mr, Root and Mr. Stern presented new plans to the Conmission.
sicnet Bennett moved; seconded by Cor~missioner Crisp, that approval be
A-42 given to the two drawings marked "Exhibit X" in File A-42, subject to
Stern & approval of all signs not shown on the drawings; motion carried. Com-
Renzal missioner fliggins abstained from taking part in any of the discussion
or voting in the matter of A-42.
5, S~-258 -_Brown & Fauffmann - Titus & B~lbood Ayen~
SD-258 Commissioner Anderson recommended that this matter SD-258 be continued
Brown & to the next meeting when more information will be available on the
K2uffmann proper zoning of the area involved, Chairman Htggins ordered SD-258
continued to the meeting of February 27m 1961,
6o SDR-259 - May T. Elllott - SprtnMer Av.enu~
Motion by Commissioner Anderson; seconded by Cozmmisstoner Bennett;
that tentative approval be given SDR-259 subject to the seven (7)
5DR-.259 conditions in the report of the Subdivision Co~ntttee dated Febru-
Elliott ary 14~ 1961; motion carried, The applicant was present and received
a copy of the conditions,
7, SDR-~60 - Re~in__~!__d~Ma.__~rtha Barrow ~ Sprfn_Ee~ Avenue
Motion by CenEaissioner Anderson; seconded by Commissioner Crisp; the|;
SDR-260 tentative approval be given to SDR-260 subject to the seven (7) con-
Barlow dttions in the Subdivision Con~nittee report dated February 14~ 19611
motion carried. The applicants were present and received a copy of
the conditions,
8, SDR-261 - Tho.m~..s A. Wilber~ing -.1 lot, Sobey Roe4
Motion by ConKaissioner Anderson; seconded by Commissioner Crisp; that
SDR-261 tentative approval be given to SDX-261 subject to the nine (9) condi-
Wilberding tions contained ]n the Subdivision Cowmittee report dated February 14,
1961; motion carried. The applicant was present and received a copy
of the conditions,
C, ARC~___.___~.C_.TU__PAL ,& SITE COhTROL
1, A~43 - Walter J. Johnson - Sign - Coin Operated Laundry
. Quite Sboppin~ Center
This application was denied at the meeting of January 23, 1961.
A-43 Secretary recommended reconsideratton in view of the fact that the
Johnson Commission understood at the last meeting that the sign would ba
placed out on the sidewalk area when actually it would be placed flat
against the building. Chairman Htggins directed the Secretary to
i. (Centinns_d).
notify the applicant to contact Stern & Renzel for an indieatien of
what type of sign Is desirable to confol~ with the Qui~o Shopping
Center design, Chairman Higgins ordered that A-~3
the meeting of February 27, 1961,
2, ~.-~4 - Mrs,_.R° J,__S~i~s ~ A_~p~.r.~..men~ H_~qu~.__~.~_~_.a~ and Fifth Streets
A-~4 Motion by Co~m~ss]-ener Bennett~ seconded by Co~!missioner Crisp; that
Stiles A-44 be given tan~ative appreval subject to filing of final plans;
motion carried. Th~ applicant was present.
3. SS-21 - ~[~rweig Constru__~t. ion Co. - "Westchester of
Secretary presented a petition from residents of Tract ~1963 protest-
SS-21 ing the changing of the tract name from Allendale Oaks. Mr. ~arts,
Man~eig the applicant~ was present and s~ated he was n~t aware the tract was
Coast. named Allendale Oaks but would investigete this further, He was in-
Co, formed that the pr~po~,~d sign was not acceptable as a permanent on-
tract subdivision sign and was advised to check the Subdivision Sign
Ordinance and clarify his intent to make this sign a temporary on-tract
adveztising sign. Chairman Higgins ordered SS-21 continued until the
meeting of February 27~ 196!~
1. A-_3~ - San.~ose W~ter Wor._ks - Vickery Avenue Reservoir
Secretary read a letter from San 3o~e %~ter Works explaining their
A-31 reasons for reroutLng the 18-foot access road en the Vickery Avenue
S3WW property, Motion by Conmmissioner Anderson; seconded by Corma. issioner
Bennett; that the request of San Jose Water Works f~r'.revisidn
approved A=c~,& Site Control permit to allow reroutieg of the access
road to the Vic~ery Avenue site be appreved; metion carried.
2, SDR.~202 - Per.r'~ - Viekerr Avenue
Secretary read a letter from Mr, Polcntz reque~ting reconmideration of
SDR-~0Z Condition 11 of Application SDR-202, Mr, ?olcntz was present epd ex-
Polentz plained his request was made because he had be~=n unable to acquir~ all
the land involved for dedication purposes. Motion by Co~m~issioner
Crisp; seconded by Co~enissiDner Anderson; that Condition 11 be elimin-
ated from application SDR-202; motion carried.
B. ORAI,___~
City Administrator read a report from Livingston & Blayney quoting a price
for services for designing of street patterns and plan lines in the area
Street East of the proposed Free~ay and asking for a reco~endation fron th~
Lay- Planning Commission to the City Council to approve expenditure of funds
outs for this purpose, Motion by Commissioner Crisp; seconded by Co=~nissiener
A_~derson; recommending ~o the City Council approval for Livingston and
Blayuey to proceed with street layouts; motion carried.
Chairman Higgins welcomed Councilman Glennon to the meeting.
A~dre Bogart approached the Co_~mis~.on to aMk their views on commercial zoning
on Highway d9 if the proposed ~idenin~ i~ approved. The Com, nission informed
him that the General Plan show~ all c-~m~rcial zoning proposed for tha City of
Saratoga and that no additional commc~.cial araas are planned along Highway ~9.
Respectfully submitted,
Secretary, Planntn~C~.,mmissioB, rro-te_m