HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-27-1961 Planning Commission Minutes SIrMIvLA. RY OF MINUTES
TE4E: 7:00.:~M., Monday, March 27, 1961
PLACE: Fruitvale School, Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, California
TYPE: Regular Meeting
Chairman Webster called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Present: Commissioners Anderson, Bennett, Crisp, Glenn, Higgins and Webster
Absent: None
B. MINUT______ES
There was a motion by Commissioner Glenn; seconded by Cozmnissioner Higgins
that minutes of meeting of March 13, 1961 be approved as submitted; motion
Chairman Webster declared Public Hearings open at 7:05 P.M.
A. UP__.-26 - Fenten E. Si!vey, Norton Road - Excavation of Excess Materials
City Administrator Howe read a report from Director of Public Works Huff
recommending approval of this application, subject to four (4) conditions.
Mrs. Silvey was present and advised that the excavation was necessary be-
fore plans for their home progressed further~ since they wanted to be sure
UP-26 the house could be built on the property. There was no one else present
Silvey who wished to cormTent regarding this U~e Permit. Chairma~ Webster declared
the Fubiic Hearing closed on UP-26 at 7:14 P.M. There was a motion by Com-
missioner Bennett; seconded by Commissioner Crisp, that this Use Permit
(UP-26) be granted subject to the four (4) conditions stated in Director
of Public Works Huff~s report~ and subject to determination of compliance
with these four (4) conditions by the Director of Public Works; motion
B. C-32 - Frank Shepherd, Prospect Road (between Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road and
Scully Avenue) - ChanFte o.f Zonin~
City Administrator Howe advised that the Notice of Public Hearing had been
C-32 published and that no written communications had been received. Both Mr.
Shepherd Shepherd and Mr. KaeEmerling were present, and outlined for the Commission
the general plans for the area in question. There was no one else present
who wished to comment regarding this Change of Zoning.
B. C-32 (Continued)
Chairman Webster declared the Public Hearing closed on C-32 at 7:25
There was a motion by Commissioner Glenn; seconded by Commissioner
8-32 that the P18nninE Co;mission recommend to the City Council that this
Shepherd application for Change of Zoning (C-32) be granted as requested by the
applicant, but that the City Council withhold final approval until the
tentative map covering this parcel has been ~pproved by the Planning
C~mmission. ROLL CALL VOTE: AyesJ Anderson, Bennett, Crisp, Glenn,
Higgins and Webster. Noes: None
8. V-189 - 3amos.~inn, Woodmont ~rive - ~ariance from Side Yard Requirements
City Administrator Howe advised that Notices of Public Hearing had been
mailed and that no w~ritten co~nnunications had been received. The appli-
cant was present to give details regarding the storage area in question.
Hr. Duckham, a neighbors advised the Connnission that he had no objections
V-189 to the storage. There was no one else present who wished to co~ent re-
Dann garding this matter. There was a question as to whether Mr. Dunn needed
a Variance of one (1) foot as stated in the application, or a Variance
of four (4) feet. C~irman ~ebster declared the Public Hearing on V-189
continued to the next regular meeting~ and referred the application to
the Variance Cou~ittae with the request that they submit a report and
recouunendation at the next regular meeting.
D. V-190 - James W. Gabnon, Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road - Variance from required
width of corridor
City Administrator H~e advised that Notices of Public Hearing had been
V-190 mailed and that no written communications had been received. There was
Gagnon no one present to represent the applicant. After discussion~ Cimirman
Webster ordered the Public Nearing on V-190 continued until the next
regular meeting, and requested that City Administrator Howe notify the
applicant that either he or a representative most be present at the next
meeting or the Variance would be denied.
R, V-191 - John Canepa, 3r.~ Brae,nnr Court - Variance from side yard
City Administrator ~G~e advised that Notices of ~xblic lienring had been
mailed and that there were no comnrunications on file. The applicant was
present and advised the Commission that there would be little or no back
V.-191 yard if the house had to be set back further on the lot. Mr. Dempsey,
Canspa the developer, was present and stated thst this subdivision was planned
prior to incorporation and prior to Ordinance 3A-8. Mr. Takeshita~ the
designer, advised that he had checked with the Zoning Administrator and
received tentative approval of the set-backs before completing the plans.
Mr. Samiss a neighbor, stated that he had no objections and that the house
across the street had even less footage on the street side. The general
consensus was that the County Code, by which this subdivision was governed
in the planning stage, did not cover corner lots.
E. V-191 (Continued)
Chairman Webster declared the Public Hearing closed on V-191 at 8:25 P.M.
V-191 There was a motion by Commissioner Crisp, seconded by Commissioner Glenn
C~nepa that this Var~.ance (V-191) be granted~ allowing an 18 foot side yard on
Braemet Court instead of the required 25 feet, Roll call vote:
Ayes: Anderson, Crisps Glenns Higgins and Webster. Noes: Bennett.
Motion carried.
At 8:30 P.M. Chairman Webster declared all Public Hearings closed for the
A. The report from the Special Committee regarding Street Standards in Acre
Zones was read. After discussion, there was a motion by Commissioner
Street Crisps seconded by Commissioner Higgins~ that the report dated March 20,
Standards 1961, be approved by the Planning Commission and transmitted to the City
Cte, Council with a request that the Council take action to effectuate this
report, Roll ca1! vote: Ayes: Anderson, Bennett, Crisp, Higgins and
Webster. Noes: Glenn. Motion carried.
1. SD-243 - Robert C. Kirkwood~ Horseshoe Drive - Subdivision - 3 Lots
Commissioner Anderson read a report from the Subdivision Ccnmntttee
SD-243 pertaining to this application, Mr, Gilbert was present to represent
Kirkwood the app!icant, After discussions there was a motion by Comissioner
Crisps seconded by Commissioner Higgins, that the recomm~ndations of
the Subdivision Comittee regarding SD-243 be approved; motion ...
2. SDR-257 - Stern and Renzel, Quito Nedice1 Center - Request for
Reconsideration of Con_____d_itions
Mr. Renzel was present and requested that some of the conditions of
SDR-257 tentative approval be roconsidered by the Planning Commission, He
Stern & was advised to confer with the C~ty Staff and the Subdivision Com-
Renzel mittee~ then submit a written request to the Co~nission outlining
specific changes he desired th~ to consider,
3. SD-258 - Brown &Kavffumnn, Titus & Bellwood Avenue - Subdivision
Commissioner Anderson stated that this application should be contin-
SD-258 ned until the street pattern had been received from Mr, Livingston,
Brown & Chairman Webster requested that City Administrator Howe obtain a
Kauffmnn letter from Brown and Kauffmann granting an extension of time in
connection wtZh this application, and ordered this application con-
tinued until the meeting of April 10, 1961.
4. SDR-263 - James W. Gagnons Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road - Building Site
Gagnon Chairman Webster ordered this application continued until the next
meeting, since the application for a Variance had been continued.
5. SD-268 - Ira Kirkorian, Off SaratoE~-Sunnyvale Road (between Seagull
and Prospect) - Subdivision.- 62 Lots
Kirkorian City Administrator Howe read a letter from the applicant requesting
a 30-day extension of time in connection with this application.
Chairman Webster ordered SD-268 continued until the meetin8 of
April 10, 1961
6. SDR-269 - Arthur. Straw~ Sober Road - BuildinK Site Approvs1
Comissioner Anderson advised that the Building Site Committee wished
SDR-269 to talk to Mr. Strametz regarding this application, but had been
Strametz unable to do so since ha had been out of town. elLairman Webster
ordered SDR-269 continued until the meeting of April 10, 1961, so
that the Committee would Imve an opportunity to confer with
7. SDR-270 - Louise M. Zick~ Saratoga-Los Gatos Road - Building Site
Couunissioner Anderson advised that the Health Department recommended
SDR-270 that this application be denied, since sell conditions made the lot
Zlck too sm~ll for septic tar~, Mrs, Zick was present and requested an
opportunity to discuss this matter with the Health Department. Chair-
man Webster ordered SDR-270 continued until the next meeting in order
that the applicant might contact the Health Department.
8. ~D-271 - Frank Shepherd, Prospect Road (between Saratoga-Sunnyvale
Ro__ad__a.v.d~S~,.l_/y__Av_/.enl~) - S~bdivision - 69 I~ts
Connissioner Anderson sta~ed that a ne{~ tentative ~ap would ba nec-
SD-271 essary for this subdivision, since the Flood Control Department had
Shepherd advised that they needed more right-of-way than the present map
showed, Chairman Webster ordered SD-.271 continued until the meeting
of April 10, 1961 so that the applicant would have an opportunity to
submit the revised tenta{=ive map,
9, SDR-27Z - .Mark Thoums..& Co_J_~a_..r..m!l Avenue - Bu!ldin~ Site Approvel
Connissioner Anderson advised that Conditions of Tentative Approval
SDR-272 had been established for ~hts application. Mr, Gilbert was present
Eark Thomas to represent the applicant. There was a motion by Co~{nissioner
& Co, Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Crisp, that SDR-272 be tentatively
approved subject to the eleven (ll) conditions outlined in the Build-
ing Site Committee Report dated March 27, 1961; metion carried,
1. A-43 - ~alte~ J, Jo~9~on, Sign, LaUndry - ~u!to ~edlcal Cen~er
A-43 City Administrator Hc~e read a report from Director o~ Public Works
Johnson Huff in connection with this sign, After discussions Chairman Webster
referred A-43 to the Architectural & Site Centre! Committee for a re-
port at the next meeting,
2, A-47 -George Day llomess Signs Real Estate Office - Saratoga Avenue
~nd Perk Plaza
A-47 Hr, Kreiger was present to represent the applicant, There was a
George question rega~ding the size of this sign, The matter was referred
Day to the Architectural and Site Control Cormnittee with a request for a
report at the next meeting, Chairman l~ebster ordered A-47 continued
to the meeting of April 10, 1961,
3, A-48 - Standard Oil Co,s Service Station - Argonaut Shoppin~ Center
A-48 Mr. Don Holl2r w~s present to represent the applicant, After discus-
Standard sions there was a motion by Connissioner Bannotre seconded by Co-~niS-
0ii Co, sioner Higgins~ tlmt A-48 be approved as per drawings on files
subject to the eight (8) conditions established by the Planning Com-
mission~ motion carried,
Commissioner Anderson abstained from taking any part in the discus-
sion or voting ~.n the matter of
A-~.__~O - .MJ..I~u__B, Ste_r~s Sians _A. partnnents - Sarato_.ZaZ.G~'..4nnyvale Roa_d
The applicant had a r~presentative present to ~ive the Cormlesion
A-49 further details in connection w~ith thi~ application for a single-
Stern face ~ian, There was discussion as to the exact location of the
sign, Comissioner Glenn made a =otion~ seconded by Commissioner
Highinss that this application (A-49) be approved as shc%~n on draw-
ings submitted by appltca~it with no express 1imitations as to the
location of the signl motion ca=tied,
5, SS-22 - Clay D~velopme_~ntJo__~,~_Sl~n~_Subdivision - ~u. ito Oaks
SS-22 There was a ~ot]on by Con.q~.sstozter }lig~inss seconded by Commissioner
Clay GXenns that ~;his app!icat:~on for a tehlporary sign for a period of
Dev, Co, one year (SS-22) be approved as shown on Exhibits As B and C~
motion carried,
6, SS-23 - Wesley Kosich~ Sian~ StLbd~Vieion - la Saratoga Park
SS-23 Hr, Kosich was present to give the Co~ission further details in con-
Koslch neelion ~ith this double-face sign, There was a motion by Connnission-
er Higginss seconded by Commissioner Glenns that this application for
a temporary sign for a period of one year be approved in accordance
wi~h Exhibit As with the exception of the li5h~ which was to be
eliminatedI motion carried,
Chairman ~;ebster welcomed Councilm~n Drake to the meeting.
Comisstoner Anderson brought up the problem of buffer strips along the
Frea~ay~ which had been referred to the Plannina Commission by the City Coun-
Free- cil at their March 15, 1961 meetha. The problem, as posed by Lawrence
way Livinaston, entails the creation of a 50' landscaped buffer strip alona the
Buffer Freeway to preserve the value of adjoining acreaae for residential use.
Strip After a brief studys there was a metion by Commissioner Glenns seconded by
Comlssioner Hiaains, that the Chairman of the Planning Commission be auth-
orized to co~nunicate with the City Council, etatina that the Plannin~ Commis-
sion does not approve this buffer strip and outlinina reasons for this de-
cision; metion carried.
A question was raised in connection with the term "Architectural and Site
Control". It was the aeneral consensus that "Desjan Review" was more appro-
priate and less confusina to the aeneral public. The matter was referred to
the Architectural and Site Control Committee for further study and a report.
Respectfully submitted, ~
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