HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-26-1961 Planning Commission Minutes SUI~LARY OF MINU'IZS
T~e: Y:~ P. M., ~ay, J~ 26, 1961
Place: ~i~vale Sc~ol, Fmi~vale Avenue, Saratoga, Califomia
~e: ~lar
C~imn p:o tm ~ggins called the meeting ~o o~er a~ ~:05 P. M.
Present: Co~issfoners A~erson, Beme~, Crisp, Clem, Higgins and
Absent: Comisslcne~ ~ebsCer (arrived at 7:30 P,
A ~ion ns rode by Com~ss~ouer Cle~ and seco~ed by C~ss~oner
~ohnson t!nt m~nute~ of ~he nee~i~ o~ June 12~ 1961~ be approved as
pr~ar~ and su~ed ~o she Cg~iss~on~ ~tion carried u~n~usly,
C-:3~ - C1~6~c~ Mi~mbsrland ~iv6 - Chaste o~ Zqning
~a Secre~a~ advised ~ha~ a No~ics o.[ Public H~-i~ ~d been published a~
~ ~h~r6 ~er6 ~ ~i~en c~unications cn ~ile. Mr. ~merling,
Eo~ ~he applicant, was presen~ a~ gave ~u~her details regarding this appli-
catch. ~. D~ps~y requested and r~ceivsd i~omtion regarding ~he
$n ~his area. Since there was ~ one else presen~ ~ wished ~o ~men~
gard!ng ~his m~er, the Chaimn declared ~he ~ab!.ic ~aring closed a~ ~: 18
P.M. Cmtssioner ~erson read Re~lu~ion No. C-36-1 rscme~ing ~o
6i~y Council ~ha~ ~his C~s of ~uing applica~ion be app~ved. ~are
a rotion by Cmissionsr Crib, seceded by Cmissionsr Olenn, ~
Resolu~ion be adopted ~y the Plsmi~ Comission. Roll call vote: Ayes:
6omissioners Anderson, Be~e~, Crisp, Glem, Hidins a~ Johnson. Noes:
None, Absent: Comissioner W~bster. ~ion carried.
C~imn pro ~m Higgins declared Public Heari~s closed fot ~h6 ~ening a~
Y:24 P. M,
A. SD- 28fl - Ga__~c~ a~ Associa~es~ Hsrri~n ~vsnue a~ ~ay 9 - Su~ivi~
sipn - 5~
Mr. ~c~y, ~spressn~i~ Ga~c~ a~ ~socia~es, diseased ~he ~ndi~ions
of ~6n~a~ive approval ~h ~he Cmission, ~6re ~as a m~ion by Com-
~ssiener Crisp, sa~ by 6missioner earson, tM~ ~D-288 be given
~enta~iv6 approval subJec~ ~o ~h6 24 conditions ~n~ained in ~he Sub-
division C~ee K~or~ da~ed Jmc 22, 1961; ~n carried umn~ousEy.
Plannin~ Cannalesion Minutes - June 26~ 1961 - Canal
Connissioner Webster arrived at 7:30 P. M. m~ ass,uned Chainmnship of the meeting
at 7:35 P, M.
B, SDR-292 - ~tlbert Bell, Elva Ave.~nue - Buildin~ Site Approval - 1..Lot
~he applicant was not present, There ~as a motion by Comnissioner
Anderson, seconded by Conmi~sioner Clenn, that tentative approval be
granted 5DR~292 subject to the seven (7) conditions contained in the
Building Site ComiCtee Kepo~t dated June 22, 1961; motion carried
C, SDR-293 - Do_._u_q~s__l~_~ey~ad ~ BJll__d. in~.Sit_..~eAv. p_roval - 1 Lot
The Secretary advised that cond~tiov; o~ tentative approval had not been
es~blished for this application due to a delay in septic tank approval
from the Health Depart~aento Chairman ~ebster d~rected this matter con-
tinned until the next regula~ meeting°
Do SDR-____2_9~ - ~e~l Dol.l_ar___d, O~f Pi~r~e Road - B~ildin~ Site Approval - ~Lots
Counnissioner Anderson adviued that it ~as the reconnendation of the
BuildinE Si~e Connittee that this matter be continued un~tl the Mr, Eden
Assessment District had been famed and the street completed, On the
basis of ~hie recennendation, C~man Webster directed that SDR-29~ be
continued until the meet~,~ on July 10, 1961, subject ~o ~arther con-
tintmace a~ that t~me dependent on the p~ogress of the Assessment
E, SD- 2._95 ~ l~no Ito ~.~..u~hl~.n~ Earamount Drive - SubdiviRi~._on - l0 Lots
The Secretary rend a letter~ntth 12 siglmtu~es of residents of the area
l~hich had been filed in p~otest of lot sizes in this subdivision. Mro
McLaughlin and his engineer, ~r, Gilbert~ were present and advised that
~eople already living in the area would benefit from this subdivision
since it wauld make s~ers available to them. ~r, Wenzel was present
and spoke in protest o£ ~he lot s~eso Nro MaChis spoke in p~otest o~
the location of the projection o~ Paramount Drive because of its ef£ect
on his property located ~diately sou~h of this subd~.visiono ~t was
the consensus of the Commission that this matter.should be s~udied
further, so Chairman Webster d~rected this matter continued until the
next regular meeting,
F, SDR-296 - Ralph R. ~arns~orths Spbey Road -. Bui14ing Site Approval - 1 .~ot
Mr, Farns~orth and his engineer, Mr, Westfall, ~ere presen~ to discuss
the conditions of ten~ative approval with the Commission. There was a
motion by Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Co~lssioner Crisp, that
tentative approval be granted ~DR-296 subject to the ~even (7) conditions
contained in the Building Site Connittee Report dated June 22, 1961;
motion carried unanlmously,
Plannina Co~ssion Minutes - June 26= 19~1 - Co.n't
Ill. G, SD- 297 - Clarence Mi~__nn__eE1y, C~uberl.and Drive - Subdivision - 31 Lots
Mr. Kaommerling, engineer for the applicant, was present and advised
that the 17 conditions of tentative approval were satisfactory, 'Com-
missioner Bennett asked whether favorable action on the application
would indicate any approval of the lot sizes shown on the e~ceptnd
portion of the property. l%ere was general agreement that there was
no implicationwith respect to the excepted portion and no precedent
would be created, There was a motion by Commissioner Andersons
seconded by Comm{ssioner Crisps that tentative approval be granted
SD-297 subject to tile 17 conditions contained in the Subdivision Com-
mittee Report dated June 22, 1961; motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Webster declared'a ten (I0) m/nute recess. The meeting ~s called to
order again at 9:00 P. M,
A, ~-._51 - SaratoF~a Inn - Architectural Approval - Co-operative Apartments
Coumissioner Higgins read a letter from the applicants regarding pro-
posed cban~es to be shown in revised plans for the 24 apartment uo/ts~
and discussed with the Commission a perspective drafting which had been
submitted. There ~as a motion by Comm~ssiouer }~ggins, seconded by
Commissioner Crisp, that A-51, Saratoga lv_n, be given preliminary archi-
tectural approval and that when final plans and specifications are sub-
mitted they be accompanied by a complete color scheme and landscape
plans; motion carried urmuimously.
B, A-55 - Sj_ratoZa Post__Qffice - Architectural Approval
The Staff advised that a representative of the Post Office had called
and asked that this matter be continued until the next regular meeting
since revised plans had not been completed, On the basis of the re-
quest from the applicants Chairman Webster directed this matter con-
tinued until the meeting on July 10, 1961.
C, A-56 - Tidewater Oil Co~.sn¥~ B'i~ Basi~ W~¥ and SaratoMe-Los Catos.Road
Architectural Approval - Free .Standin~ Steel Canopy ever
The Secretary read a letter from the applicant advisin~ that revised
plans would be submitted on June 29, 1961, On the basis of this
formation, Chairman Webster directed that A-56 be continued until the
meeting on July 10~ 1961,
D, A-58 - Ba__.r.}ara Caldwell, Bi~ B~sin Way - Archi~ectural Approval -
Mrs, Caldwell was present to discuss this application further with the
Coalsalon, l~ere was a motion by Commissioner Hl~ins~ seconded by
Commissioner gannett, that A-58 be given prel~m{nary architectural ap-
proval for apartments as shown on sheets 1 through 16 of plans sub-
nd. tted; motion carried unan~-~uslyo
A. Resq~tion - ~%q~end~ to the Cit/? Council adoptlob of the Proposed
Zonin~ ~'di~nce
~e 5ecretaU read Resolution No. 101 recome~in~ to the City Cou~il
the app~val of the Proposed Zonin~ OEdi~nce and ~p. ~ere was a
motion by Con~.ssioner Glenn, seconded by Cm~ssio~r Crisp, that the
Resolution (~01) be adopted. Roll call vote: Ayes: Co~issioners
Anderson, Bereft, Cri~p, Glan~,. Hi[~lus, Joh~.lson ur~ ~ebster. Noes:
None. Abeend: None. ~=ion ~rried. C~%ssioner Be~et~ stated
=haC he had vo~ed to send ~he Resolution to the Council al=~ugh he
~as ~t in college a~re~en~ ~ith certain ~ectlons of ~he Ordi~nce.
~ added t~t he fel~ the Ci=y Council should k~ t~= ~he C~esion
was no~ ~ u/un~us a~re~en~ on all points, C~imn Webster advis~
t~= tf anpne disa~reed wASh any ~ecific point of this erdimnce a~
wished to call i~ to ~he a~e~ion of =he Council, letters could be
~it~:en on an individual ~sjs '~ith a copy to ~he Secreta~ of
County SubdiviSion ~ OIl Bob!~ann Road
~e Secre~a~ r~d a ~e~er sen~ =o ~he County Pla~ng Comission in
an~er ~o a comunication advisix~g =he Saratoga Pla~in~ Comission of
a proposed subdivision on ~hlmnn Road. He also read Resolution No. 102
vl~ok'o~asly p=o~est~ this subdivision. ~ere %~s a ~ion by Co~is-
sione= Johnson, zeco~ed by ~,a suioner Hi~ins, t~ Resolution No. ~02
opposing this ~unty Subdiv'tsion be adopt~. ~11 ~1~ vo~e: Ayes:
C~ssioners A~erson, Berneta, Crisp~ ~1c~, ~ins~ Joh~on
~ebste=. Noes: None. Absent: None. Eelion ~rried. ~ere was a
hr~her ~=~n by ~ssioner Webster, se~ed by C~Assioner Crib,
~ =he City Aam~nis=ra~or, ~ni~ A~inis~ra=or a~ Direc=or of
Works, or any one of ~h~, be authorized ar~ reques=ed ~o r~resen~
=he C~ission in any ~blic Heari~s concemi~ the Pa~r-~ Heigh=s
Su~i~sion a~ preseu~ the vies of the C~ission in opposi~ this
su~ivision; m~ion carried u~ously. Chaimn Webster asked the
Staff to reques~ ~ifi~n of a~ ~b~ic H~ri~ in comec=~n wi=h
C~imn Webster publicly co~nd~ ~,Xr. Cab-tar for th~ ~y he ~d ass~
responsibilitF a~ the efficie~ ~er in which he was ~in~ m=Cers as
Secre=a~ of ~he C~ssion.
80 ~ttee
C~i~n Webster rode the foll~ng ap~in~ents ~o the ~ esion
8U~SION ~ BUT~n~e 81~ CG~.. ~..~lssioner ~erson, C~i~n
C~issione= Ctisp
Plarmin~ Conmission Minutes - 4~ne___2~6~. 1961 - Const
V. C. Ccnnm:L~tee Appoin~ -
ARCHITECTLR~ALDESIG~REVIEW CO}R4ITI'EE ..... Commissioner Higgins, Chatrmm-
Counni~stoner Bexmett
V~AIA!;CE COI~IITIZE ......... . ....... . .... ..Cemissloner Crisp, Chairman
Cc~ni~siouer Johnson
Commissioner Anderson
A. C-3~ -~hn. a__~4J~lJ_e.X__S~~r__a.~p~§_,Aj,_en, xe - Chan~e of Zonin~
Commissioner Ande~son read the report £ro~_a the Subdivision
in connection with tt~a application. Mro S~oner, attc~ney for ~he
appli~qnts, x~Hs presen~ and discussed this mal~er with ~he Commission.
1~. Shercdy was present and sl~ke in s,~por~ 0£ the ~eporC. Mrs.
War~ield Iequeci:ed and received in.~o.~untion as ~o why the report did
nn~ s,,pport the Ceneral Plan. There was a~o~ion by Commissioner
Bellnell. seconded by Co~m.tssAon~r Higgins, tha~ the Planning Comnission
recommend to the City Council that the Change o~ Zoning requested in
applt. cation C-3~ be denied. Roll call vote: Ayes: Co~issioners
Anderson, Bennett, Cris~p, Glenn, lliggino, Johnson and Webster. Noes:
None. Absent: None. ldotion car~ie~o
B. V-lJ_~6 -Garc__~.a_a._nd~As~o~ci~__e~__P,~Kr.~an AvSuue_~nd IHghway 9 - Request
£ojV,_ar,, an__c,e._on lot in Proposed SubdiVision
Commissioner Crisp read the repo~ from ~he Variance Coai~tce in con-
nectionwith this applica~iono There ~ms a motion by Co,m~lssioner
Higgins, seconded by Conmaissioner Johni~u, that the Variance requested
in V-196~rlth respect to lot 12 he g~anted; motion carried unan~nusly.
Chairman l~ebster welcomed Councilman Har~man to ~he mae~ing.
The Chairm~n declared the meetixl~ adjourned a~ 10:14 P. ~.
Resp/9'tfully submitt ,
D~A~ Carter~ Secretary