HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-10-1961 Planning Commission Minutes .SUI~4ARY.. OF _ CITY .OP S~RATOGA PLA}~r/~!G CO}..~ISSION Time: 7:00 P. M., Monday, July 10, 1961 Place: Fruitvale School, Fruitvale Ave~me, Saratoga, California TFpe: Regular Meeting I. ROUTn ORG I _T__m Vice-Chairman HiSSins called the meeting to order at ?:05 P. Me A. ROLL CALL Preseut: Commiss~oners Amderson, Bennett, Crisp, Glenns Higgi~s and Johnson° Absent: Co~missioner Webster, B, MIMJTRS There yes a ~t~on by Ccnnisstoner Glen~= seconded by Co~n~ssioner Crisp, that minutes of the meeting of Juae 26, 1961, be approved as prepared end submitted to ~he Ccn~3s!on; n~tion carried unanimously, X1o PUBL1C ~ARI~CS Vice-Chairman Higgins declared Public Hea~ings ope~ £er the evening at 7:08 P. M. A. UP-29 - ~t. Michaels_A__r.c_h_SanSel Serb~enOrthodox C~urch Center - Al~en- d~le Avgnu~ - Use Permit for New Church The CityAdministr~tor advised that Notices of Public Hearing had been mailed and that there were no written communications on file. Wesley Kosich end George Vuko were present to give further details regarding this applicat~on for a Use Permit. S~nee there was no one else present who wished to cou=nent in connection w~th this matter, the Vice-Chairman declared the Public Hearing closed on UP-29 at 7:12 P. H, There was a motion by Commissioner Andersen, seconded By Co~ssioner Johnson, that this Use Permit (UP-29) be granted; motion carried unanimously. B, V-197 - Pe.._c_k L. M~rr~ck - Me~ick Driv~ - Variance requesting Reduction in Square Footage for Lot 7, Tract 1389 ~errick Villa) City Atlm~nistrator Howe advised that Notices of Public Hearing had been mailed and that there were no written conmmnications on file. He further advised that this was a legal applications filed after many months of study, and that the application had both his approval and that of the City Attorney. Mr. Metrick was present and gave further details regarding this matter. There was no one else present who wished to comment either for or againsts so the Vice-Chairman declared the Public Hearing closed with regard to V-197 at 7:30 P. Me At the 1 Plannin~ C~ission Minutes - Ju.l,y 10~ 1961 - Con't II, B, V-197 - Peck Lo MeJrje._k_.-_}le[.rick Dr!v~. suggestion of Ccm~issioner Crisp, thi3 matter was referred to the Variance 8omm~tta3 for furtt:er study and a report at the next regular meeting, Vice-Chairman }Hggins declared Public }~arings closed for the evenin~ at 7:32 P, M, A, SDR-293 - Do__u~!I~s .Hin_.ea__-,~c__~_eI Road - Buildilk~ Site Approval - 1 Lot The City Admit~is~rato~ advised tt~t the applicant had called end quested tha~' this 3L~tter be continl, ed~ since he needed more time in connection x~_th his revised tentative map. ea the basis of this quests Vice-Chairman HiEEins directed this matter continued until the meeting on July 2~ 1961. B, SD__R-2__9a - Nail D__._._oj._i~r_d .-__Off....P_tejce.. P~.'.d - BuildinS Site Approval - 4 Lots On the basis of a su~estio:~ from the City Administrator, Vice-Chairm-- HAggins directed this nmtter coutinued, but held off the agenda, until the Mto Eden Estate Assessment District had been formcd. C. SD- 295 - Win. IL l..._i~blin - p...a.r.a~_!n.p,.._..uj D__~rJ.v.a o Subdivision - 10 Lots The City ~tministrator read a letter from Mr. Gilbert of Idark Thomas and Company, Inco, engineer for the applicant, granting e. 30 day ex- tension of time in counection with this subdivision. He further ad- vL~ed that MTo Gilbert would no~. be present uutil 8:00 P. N., so this ma~ter was continued until that time° D. SD__.R_-~.9_8_ - W° G. w~trous_x_Er_~uit-va!e Aven~__e - Building Site Approval - i City Administrator F~we advised that ~ro Watrous had come b~ the o~fice to revie~ the condit~ons~ s~nce he planned to be out of to~m at the thne of the meeting° ~here ~as a motion b~ Co~iss~oner C~*isp~ seconded h~ C~,.~.~eaiouer Glenn~ that this application (SDR-298) be approved sub- ject to the ten (~0) conditions coutained in th~ Building Site Committee Reporl: dated Jul~ 7~ 1961, ~3 of ~hich has been modified; motion carried unanimously, E, SDK~299 - ~ohn I, McE~n - Leonard Road - Building Site Approval - 1 Lot Nrs, Noe~gerath was pre~ent to ~epresent the applicant and discussed the conditions of tentative approval ~ith the Commission, There ~ras a motion by Conn~ssioner Anderson~ seconded b~ C.:~iseionar Crisp~ that SDK-299 be given tentative approval subject to the t~elve (12) condi- tions contained in the Building Site C~.,..,lttee Report da~ed Jul~ 7~ 1961; motion carried una~usl~, 2 PlanniR~ Co~nission Mi.r~__te_s._~- July 24~_~196___1 - Con"= III, C, S.D- 295 - ~m. H. }icL:au~.hlin ~ Par8~unt~ Drive. - Subdivision - 10 Lots I4hen llr, Gilbert~ engineer for 14r, l{aLaughlin, arriveds the mmtter of SD-295 was again opened fcr discussion° Co~=uicsioner Anderson read a letter from Mr, lieLaughlin x4ritten in suppor~ of the subdivisions and another v~th 28 s~gn3.tures of residents of the area written in opposi- tion, Mr, Paul Px.'echette submitted a copy of an approved subdivision map of this area as divided in 1956, Mr, Gilbert advised that develop- ment of the area as sho~xx on this nnp was discontinued because of problems in connection x~ith the septic tanks on these acre sites, l~r, Ed Schaffer ~as pt'e.~enI' al~ spoke in opposition to the proposed half acre lots, On the basis of a sup~es~ion from the Subdivic~lon Connnittee, Vice~Chairn~n PAggins directed SD-295 continued until the meetin~ on July 24s 1961, and referred the mat*~er ~o tl~e Subdivision C~ittee for a report at than the, AR{3HIq"~.C~ DESIG.'~I P~ylE~ A, A-55 - SaratQga Po_st O__fdfic._/e~ .S.a.r.2.t~.o. ahA. venue- Architectural Approval Mr, I4~.~len ~vas present to represent the Pose Office, City Aa~'wn~stra- tot Howe read a letter from the Architects Couud. ttee recoz~nending that the PlannS. n~ Commission vlthhold action on thin application until further it_formation could be obtained regarding the items outlined in the letter, On the basis of this recomenda~_lon, Vice-Chairman Higgins directed this matter conr. inued until the meeting on July 24s 1961, to allow april:her meetin~ %~ith the Post Oilice architects, B, A-5__6 * .Ti._d..~ew..ater Oil... Co_n!V~a.u.y_-. B__i~__B. aain. 14a. l~ a~_Ln~. 8arat3~a-_Loj_C-atps __Re_a4. - AEchitectural Approval - b'ree S=andin~ Steel Canopy over Pump Islands - }it, Pape, enginee~' for Tidewater Oil Company, x~as present to represent the epplicant~ and advised tha~ they ~ould like to install the sug- gested rustic canopy but did net wish to remodel the building. It ~as the consensus cf I'he &-~,,~,Isulon that the entropy ~ould be unsatis- factory unless the buildin~ was re=odeledo There was a motion by Commissioner Bennetts ~econded by Comualssioner Glenn, than tILts appli- cation (A-56) be denied, RolX call vote: Ayes: Commissioners Bennetts Crisps Glenns Hip~ins and Johnson, Noes: None, Absent: 8o~m~ssioner Webster, Comm~ssioner Anderson abstained because of his connections with Standard Oil Company, SS-24 - ~ed~e~ood Highlands - Qui~.o Re. ad - Architectural Approval - Off Tract Directionnl Subdivision Sign - Mr, Gamboa was present to represent the applicant, After discussion there ~ras a motion by Commissioner Bennett, seconded by Coaissionor Crisps that ~his application for e sign be approved as shown on the submitted drawin~ motion carried unavtmnusly, 3 Pla--4~ C~..-.4esh)n M~u=es - J,,1.7 l0s 1961 .- Con~= V, PETITIONS AND GR!EVANCE__S : A. I, ..A-29 - _John___Ol~.~ver Rot .C..~inic - Sa.r_at__og.a~S_u_~nn~vale. Road - Request for Reconsl~eration of Architectural Approval re~arding Placement of Sign The applicant was not present to discuss this matter with the Com- mission, It was the gone=a1 consensus of the Comnisston that a conference with Dro Olive= was needed before any actlon was taken re~.a=ding this request, Therefore, Vice-Chairman Higgins directed this matter continued until the meeting on July 24s 1961~ and re- quested that the Secretary arrange a maetin~ with Dr, Olive=, 2, SDR-21.____A~ - _Fr_'.a...n~._C_._BenJh._~-.Kittrid.~e~e/Rq_a.d' - Request for Extension of Tentative Buildin~ Site Approval The City Administ=al:or read a letter from }L~rvey L. Van Fleet re- questing a three (.3) mouth extension in connection with SDR-214; There was a mot.~.on by Comissioner A~derson, seconded by sisnor Cri~, ttmt this extension be granted; motion carried unsntmousIy, 3. .C. oun~tv Subdivis~{qn o. Pro. s_~ec~t Road There was a motion by Ccmissioner Anderson, seconded by eisner Crisps that the Piauning Conmission file no objection to the County Subdivision on Prospect Roads but that they reco~end that Prospect Road be x..~dened and ~mp.=oved; motion carried unap{mnusly and the Secretary was directed to advise the County Plannin~ Conmission of this action. B. ORAL None. Vice=Chairman HiF~ins welcomed Councilman Lan~qill to the meetin~, and declared the meetin~ ad]oun]ed at 9:05 P. M. Respectfully[ su~mitted, Secretary v