HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-24-1961 Planning Commission Minutes SUI'~IAP, Y OF MINU~ES Time: 7:00 P. M., Monday, July 24, 1961 Place= Fruitvale School~ Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, California Type: Regular Meeting I. ROUTINE ORGANIZATION The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P. M. by Chairman pro tem Anderson. A. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Anderson, Bennett, Crisp, Glenn and Johnson. Absent: Co=migsioners Higgins and Webster. (Co~a~issioner liftgins arrived about 9:00 P. M.) B. MINUTES There was a motion by Couunissioner Glena, seconded by Commissioner Crisp, th2t minutes of the meeting on July i0, 1961, be approved as prepared and submitted to the CorJaisslon; motion carried unanimously. Ii. PUBLIC HEARINGS Chairman pro tem Aaderson declared Public Hearings open for the evening at 7:08 P. M. A. UP-30 -~ur__L_ady o__f Fatima Vill________a_l Saratoga-Los Gatos Road - Use Fennit - N._,.lrsinR Hon,~ Addj~io__n The Staff advised that Notices cf Public Hearing had been mailed and that there were no written communications on file. Mr. Fred Houweling, arch'ttect, was present to represent the applicant end gave further details regarding this ~pplication. A petition with fourteen (14) signatures of residents of the area was submitted by Mr. John Schatz in opposition to this Nursing Home Addltlon. The following were pre- sent and spoke in protes~ of this application: ~r. John Schatz, Jr. Mrs. Jules ~. Rispaud 20843 Forest Hills Drive 14493 Oak Street Saratoga, California Saratoga, California Mrs. Gustave H. Dearell Mr. Walter Vaughn 20430 Saratoga-Los Gatos Road 20491 Forest Hills Drive Saratoga, California Saratoga, Califorula Mrs. Robert Neale 14500 Oak Street Saratoga, California 1 Plennir~ Commission Minut@s.~ ~ 24,~ 1961 - Don't II, A. UP-30 - Our Lady of Fatima Villa - Saratoga~Los Gates Road - Use Permit - Nursing }bme ltddition The general consensus of those opposing this Nursing Home Addition was that the increase in capacity would create a greater traffic problem, additional lighting need, more ambulatory patients and a decrease in property values. Mr. George I'~.~alen gave further information as to when and how Our Lady of Fatim~ Villa originated. There was no one else present who wished to cormmeet in connection with this matter. Chairman pro tom Anderson directed this Public Hearing continued until the meeting on August 14, 1961, and requested tlmt the Subdivision Co~mnlttee study the situation in the meantime and be prepared to give a report at the meeting. B. V-198 - St. Androws .Episcopal Chu:_-ch .- Saratoga Avenue - Variance - Re.queE.|.' what 35' Height be allowed for Proposed Church The Staff advised that Noticed of Public Hearing had been mailed and that there were no vnrit. l:c~l copmaunlcations on file. Rev. Strashurger and Mr, Warren 11aid~ grchttect, were present to give further details regarding this application for a Variancao Mr. Joe Taphorn spoke in protest of the pieposed height of the church° Since there was no one else present who wlshed to comment regarding this matter, Chairman pro tom Ap~]erson declared the Public Hearing on V-198 closed at 8:24 P.M. There was a motion by CotmLissioner Glenn, seconded by Commis- sioner Bennett, that tlL~S Variance be granted; motion carried unani- mously. Commissioner Crisp abstained because of his connection with the Church. Chairman pro tern Anderson declared Public Hearings closed for the evening at 8:27 P, M. A ten (I0) minute recess was declared, and the meeting was called to order again at 8:3~ P. M, III, SUBDIVISIONS A~) BUII~)ING SITES A, SDR-293 - Dou~lgs Hines - Sobey Road - Building Site Approval - 1 Lot Mr, Walker read a letter from Mr, Hines requesting that this matter be continued, but held off the agenda, until the nelq Zoning Ordinance was adopted, There was a motion by Commissioner Bennett, seconded by Co~nnissioner Crisp, that SDR-Z93 be continued, but held off the agenda until the applicant submitted a revised tentative map and requested that it be returned to the agende, subject to the City Attorney's ruling that this is a legal procedure; motion carried unanimously, B, SD- 295 - Iqm. H...McLauF~hlin - Paramount Drive -.Subdivision -..10 L.o. ts Mr. Walker read a letter from Mr. Gilbert, engineer for the applicant, requesting that this application be withdrawn. There was a motion by CoEmmissioner Crisp, seconded by Commissioner Glenn, that this request be approved; motion carried u~animously. Plannin~ Cosmission Minvte--- - July. 24..~. 1961 - Con*t 1II, C, SDR-300 - Edward E. Crece!iqs -. Pierce Road - Buildir~ Site Approval - 1 Lot Mrs. Crecelius was present to discuss the conditions of tentative approval with the Commaission. There was a motion by Corr~niasioner Crisp, seconded by Co~m~issioner Glenn, that SDR-300 be given tenta- tive approval subject to the eight (8) conditions contained in the Building Site Con~ittee Report dated July 20, 1961; motion carried unanimously. IVo ARCHITECTUI~A~L. DESIGN REVI~4 A, A-55 - Saratoga Post Offic~ - Sarato~ Avenue -.Arc_.hitect~ral Approval Commissioner Bennett read a report from the Architectural Design Review Committee in connection with this application. James T. Ward, Regional Real Estate Officer for the Post O~fice Department, wa~ pEesent to discuss this matt'~r further with the Co~issiono There was a motion by Commissioner Clann, seconded by Commissioner Crisp, that preliminary architectural approval for A-55, Saratoga Post Office, be granted sub- ject to the four (4) conditions contained in the report from the Architectural Design Revlr:w Cc~ittee dated July 24~ 1961; motion carried four (4) to one (1) %~th Commissioner Bennett dissenting. Commissioner HiESins arrived at t~s time av~ assumed Chairmanship of the meetins at the request of Chairman pro tcraAnderson, B, A-45 - Valley Methodist ChurCh - Prospect Road - FInal Architectural prova! Key. Br&xton Combs and Mr. Ronald Knapp were present to represent Valley Methodist Church. There was a motion by Cc~issioner Higgtns, seconded by Cormissioner Bennett, that A-45 be given final architectural approval, subject to the parking and driveway areas being prepared with double seal coat oil and screenings on six (6) inches of base material; motion carried unanimously. Co A-59 - ~rgonaut Medical Center -.Blauer Drive -.Final Architectural Approval Mr. Heald, the architect, was present to discuss the plans with the Commission. There was a motion by Commissioner Bennett, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, that A-59 be given final architectural approval subject to compliance with all existing ordinances; motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Higgins abstained because of his connection with the architectural firm. Planni~ Conm~ission Minutes__T July 24~ 1961 - Con't V. OLD BUSINESS A. y-19~ - Peck Lo Marrick - Merrick Drive r Va~239_nce - ReqUest for Reduc- tion in Square Foo~:age for Lot 7. Tract 1389 (Merrick Villa) Corra~issioner Crisp read a report from the Variance Cormnittee recom- mending that this Variance be denied. There was a motion by Commissioner Anderson, seconded dy Commissioner Crisp, that V-197, Peck L. Marrick, an application for a Variance on Lot 7 of Tract 1389, Marrick Villa~ be denied. Roll call vote: Ayes: CoL~nis~ioners Anderson, Bennett, Crisp, Glenn, Johnson and Higgins. Noes: None. Absent: Conm~issioner Webster. motion carried uaanimously~ Mr. Merr]ck was present and in en~4er to his inquiry, was sdvised that h~ had the right to appeal. B, A-29 - John O]ive__r__P.et ~.~.~niq - S~e~£~,~Su__n~_v%_'~].e ~oa~-__R~qEest for RecoDmiaerat]on of Architectural ADpro~al re~ardtn~ Placement of S~ ~he Staff advised tha~ Dr. Oliver had been ill and for that reason, had been unable to meet with the Architectural Design Review Committee. Vices-Chairman Higgins directed A-29 continued until the meeting on August 14, 1961, and requested that the Staff contact Dr. Oliver for another appointment before that time. VI. PETITIONS AND GRIEVANCES A. WRITTEN 1. SDR~2P3 - ValleX Methodist Church - Prospect Road - Request for Ex- tension of Tentative Building Site Approval Mr. Walker read a letter from the applicant requesting a three (3) year c,xtension in connection with Stems 3, 4, 6 end 9 of the Condi- tions of Tentative Approval, and a 60 day extension in connection with the remaining items. There was a motion by Commissioner Crisp, seconded by Commissioner Anderson, that an extension be granted on Items 3, 4, 6 and 9 for a period of three (3) years or until the next building is proposed, and that they be required to install acceleration and deceleration lanes as approved by the City Engineer; motion carried unanimously. There was a motion by Commissioner Crisp, seconded by Ce~ntssioner Johnson, that a 60 day extension be granted on Items 1, 2, 5, 7, 8~ 10 and 11; motion carried unanimously. 2. SDR-~99 - A. M.Di~_~as._~- SaratoKa-Sunnyva!~ Road - Request for Extep- sion 9f Tenter.ire BuildjaR Site Approval Mr. Walker read a letter from the Cen-Cal Company requesting an extension in connection with SDR-209. The consensus of the Commais- ,ion was that this request should be denied inasmuch as the Tenta- tive Approval had already expired and they did not wish to establish a precedent. There was a motion by Commissioner Anderson, seconded 4 Planning Corrm~ission M{n'ates - July 24~, 1961_- Con't VI, A, 2, SDR-209 - Ao M. Dias - Sqra,__.jpRa-Su__n__nyvale Roa_______~d-_~_R_e__q..uest fo.r Ex- tension of Tenx:at]ve Buildin~ Site Approval by Commissioner Glenn, that the request for an extension in con- nection with SDR-209 be denied; motion carried unanimously, 3, CountLZonlnF~ Ch_.aj~q_- Con~r'es.s. Sprir:~s Road Area Mr, Walker read a proposed resolution vigorously opposing the contemplated zoning cha~ge in the Coun~zy area which abuts Saratoga in the Congress Springs Road area. There was a motion by Cem- missioner Johnson, seconded by Conmdssioner Glenn, that the Com- mission adopt this resolution as written; motion carried unanimously. ORAL None Vice-Chairman Higgins declared the meeting adjourned at 10:15 P, M. Respectfully submitted, Stanley M. Walker v 5