HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-23-1961 Planning Commission Minutes Time: 7:00 P, M,s Monday, October 23, 1961 Place: Fruitvale Schools Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, California ~ype: Regular F~etin~ Io .R..~TII~E ORGANIZATION The meetin~ ms called to order b~ Vice~Cha~,~- Higgins at 7:05 Present: Co~nissioners Anderson, Bennett, Crisps Glenn, Johnson ~ l~tggins, Absent: COmm'~ ssionnr Webster, B, HIR~TEES There ~as a motion by Comm~ssionor Andersons seconded by Co~is- sioner Glenn, that the readin~ of the w'~nutes of the last meeting be waived and that the m~nutes be a~proved as distributed to the Cuu~iss~on; motion cart'wed unanhnously, lX, PUBLIC. HEARINGS Vice-Chairm~n HaLggins declared Public Hearings open for the evening at 7:08 P. M, A, V-201 - Joseph Bo Shulmane Lanark Lane -. Variance - Request for Variance from Rear Yard Set-Reck Requirements l~e Public Hearing on V-201 was opened at 7~09 P, ~o The Secre- tary advised tha~ Notices of Public Hear~u~ had been ma~led and that no written c~uuuun~cations had been received, A Staff Report pertaining to this application was r~d by the Secretary, Shulmnn displ~yed a ump and discussed this variance reques~ w~th the Cu..-..iesion, There ~as no one else present who wished to speak re~ardi~ this matter, C~...-..fesf~ner Crisp edvised that th Vsi'~ance Co-~tttees together w~th the Zoning Administrators had v~sited the site and it ~as the consensus of the group that the Map Act of Cal~fornia x~ould prevent the Cuu--tss~on*s granting this Variance, Con~nissioner Glc-nn moved~ seconded by C~-!-.~;ssioner Crisp, that the Public Hearing on V-201 be closed at 7:21 P, motLon carried un~-{,~usly, There was a ~)t~on by Cou~iss~oner Crisp, seconded by C--..u..lssioner Anderson, that V-201 be denied for ~he following reasons: l) The fo~p4ation was already place, 2) A Variance had previously been granted on the depth 1 Planning Com!ssion Minutes - October 23t 1961 - Con~t XI, A, V-201 - ~oseph B, Shulman of this lot. 3) A house of 2,300 square feet seemed too large for the Ioc. 4) No physical hardship ~ms involved. 5) The granting of thiu Variance wuld allow Mr. Shul-~ a privilege denied o~hers under the same circ,~tances. l~otion carried unanimously. B. V-2~ - J~ R~ Carr~ Canyon Vie~Drive - ~ience - Requas~ £or Variance £romRear Yard Set-Back Kequiremen~s The Public Hearing on V-202 ~as opened at 7:25 P, ~, ~he Secre- tary advised that Notices o£Public Hearing had been mailed and that no written connunicacions had been received. A Staff Report p~rtaining to this application.~as read by the Secretary. !it, Cart yes presen~ to discuss this ma~ter with the Co-=nission. Conmissionar Crisp advised Cha~ the Variance Co,~,~xttee, together with the Zoning/~lminis~rator~ had visited the site and found 1) that the p~oposed house ~as not out o~ proporation to the size o~ the lot 2) tha~ a physical hardship would be involved i£ the 50 foot rear yard set-back requirement ~ras eu£orced and 3) that the ~rantin~ of this Variance w~uld nuC allow lit. Cart a privilege denied others in the area. C~.-.~ssioner Crisp s~ated that for the £o~eaolntl reasons ic yes the reconlneedaCion of the Variance Cv,~tt~ea that this Variance be granted. Ct,.~.v.!ssioner Glenn moved, seconded by Connnissioner Johnson, thaC the Public Hearing on V-202 be closed at 7:31 Po H.; motion carried unani- mously. There was a motion by Commissioner Crisp, seconded by Conmissioner Johnson, that V-202 be approved on the basis ot the reasons already given; motion carried unanimously. Vice-ChairmanHi~:i~ declared Public Hearings closed £or the evenin~ at 7:32 P° N, Ill, SUBDIVISIONS AND ~jILDING SITE__S A, SDR!293 - Dg.u~las Hines~ Sobey Road__- Buildin2 Site .~roval - 2 Lots Con~n!ssioncrAnderson s~ated tha~ it was the recon~endation of the Building Site Con=nittce thaC this matter be continued until the next meeting, since lit. Hines needed time to prepare a revised map. The Secretary read a letter from Mr, Hines requestin~ that his application be continued to allo~ him adequate time to submit a revised map. On the basis o~ the recouneedation of the Buildin~ Site Co~mittee and the request £romltr. Htnes~ Vice-Chai,-~an Rigains directed SDK-293 cov~inued until the meeting on November 13, 1961. Plannin~ Co~m~ssion Minutes - Qctober 23~ 1961 - Con*t Illo B. SDR-318 - Ho O. Zt~merman~ Pelomino Way - Bui!din~ Site Approval - 1 Lot Connnissioner Anderson advised that it was the recommendation o£ the Buildin~ Site C~aittee that this matter be continued, but held the agenda, until the Mto Eden Assessment District had been £ormedo On the basis of this reconnnendation~ Vice-Chairman Biggins directed this matter continued but w~thheld from the egeuda until the Eden Assessment District b~ been formed, C. SDRo319 - Robert M~or~an, Jxme Way and Saratoga Avenue - Buildin~ s_!i~~ - ~ Lots Commissioner Anderson advised that FAT. Morgan was preparing a re- vised mnp showing a 5 lot subdivision in view of =ha requirements of the Nap Act of a~liIornia, and recommended that this mat=er be continued to ~llowhimadequate time to submit thismapo 0n t.he basis of this reco~nendation~ Vice-Chairman HigEins directed this matter continued until the meetin~ on Nov~uber 13, 1961. IVo DESIGI~BEVIEW A° A-69 - Dies and Voll=...Sarato~a-Stmn)wale Read - Architectural Ap- proval - Builders En~oriem The Secretary advised that the architect hed been unable to com- plete the plans for this buildin~ in time for the meeting, but hoped to submit them before the meeting on November 13, 1961o On the basis of this information, Vice-Chairm~n Hi~gins directed this matter continued tmtil the next regular meeting° B. A-51 - ~arato~a Inn, Saratoga Aven.ue. ? FIDe1 Architectural Approval - Co-op Apartments l~r, Longs Mr, Benson~ Mr, Wright aed~lr, Blair were present to dis- cuss these plans ~ntth the Co-,-{ssion. There was a metion by Com- missioner Bennett, seconded by Commissioner Crisp, ttmt the f~-~l drawings for ~he Saratoga Inn Cooperative Apartments be approved; motion carried unsn~usly. V° NE~ BUSIneSS A. Co~!~Tssioner Anderson advised that George Day had sub~itted a peti- tion to the City Council to chan~e two (2) street --~s in the Kentfield Subdivision (Tract 2544), n,a that the City Council had referred this matter to the Plennq~ Cor~n~88ions F~re Kretger was present to represent George Day° There Was a motion by C~......sssioner Anderson, seconded by Co~missioner Glenn, that the Plunning Co~mie- sion rec~,~end to the City Council that TCit4LES DRIVE, Tract 25~A, be changed to~ESTOVE~ DRIVE and that TOR0 COURT in the same tract be changed to BUCKINGHAI~ COURT. 11o11 Call Vote: Ayes= sioners Anderson, Crisp, Higgins and Johnson. Noes: Commissioners 3 Plannin~ Commissio~nutes .- October 23w 1961 - Con' V, At Bennett and Glenn, Absent: Cornra{ssioner Webster. F~tior. Commissio~er B--~n~e. tt sta~ tk~t ~s ~8ative vo~e wan bas~ on his ~licf tlmt ~ere s;as i~uffiCient ~fd~ace before ~e to ~ a re~.~t~n at this t~e. B, ~e ~ica=ion from the Director of hblic Works pertai~ street s~ns was caE1~ ~ the a~tent~n of ~he C~ssion, ~Ch re~est t~t ~e C~{ss~ners send in their rec~atio~ as as possible, O~ BUS~S ~. SD-23~ - Er~a ~ ~uff~ Cox Avers - Requeot for ~ension ~e Secreta~ r~d a letter fr~ the applicant requesti~ a o~ (1) yea= ~tex,sion in co~ct~n ~th ~act 2876, ~. Split- sto~ was present to represent Bro~ and ~uf~. It ~s the co~ensus of the C~ission t~t the ~tension ~s warrant~ in vi~ of the r~so~ stated in Mrs !~T. uf~a~s letter of Octo~r ~9, 1961. ~ere ms a rotion by C~ssioner ~erson, se~ by C~ssioner Crisp, that ~ ~te~ion of one (~) ye~ be gr~t~ ~ ~ectiou ~th SD-235~ ~tion carri~ ~usly, 2. SD-IN - C~r~e Day~ Alo~ Avenue - ~ces~ to Private Kight-of~Way ~e Sec=eta~ r~ a letter fr~ ~. AI~ ~ath ~ressi~ di~pproval of the t~ora~ access to the private right-of~ gr~ ~. Anaerson by C~rge Days ~e C~lssion ~vised it ~s the intent of ~it~n ~17 to prev~t access to this p~vate riSht-of-~y. ~ere ~s a ~t~n by C~ssioner se~ed by ~ssio~r Berneft, ~t t~ Secreta~ be direct~ to ~ite ~, ~ath, ~th a copy to G~rge Day a~ other interested parties, s~ti~ the intent of the C~ission in connection ~th ~ndition ~17; mt~n ~ried unan~usly. ~ssio~r GXe~ witMrew fr~ his offic~l ~paci~ as s~r ~ abs=ai~d fr~ t~ pa~ or voti~ in this B. O~ ~, Co~cilmn ~n ~s wel~ ~o the ~eting b~ Vice~imn 2, A q~s~n ~s rais~ by Counci~ ~r~n in co~ec~ion ~h ~he :~val of trees fr~ the Saratoga I~ Pr~er~y. ~ was advised ~ ~he Comiss~n ~ ~his was neces~ in ~he d~eI~- Vic~C~imn Higgins dacl~ ~he ~e~g adjourned at 8:30 P, M~ Re~eccfully Stanley M. Walker, Secretly v Saratoga Pia~i~ Co~ssion