HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-27-1961 Planning Commission Minutes S~Y OF EII~rfE, S
Ti~e: 7:00 P. M., Nonday, November 27, 1961
Place= Fruitvale School, Frui~vale Avenue
Types Regular Meettn~
The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Hiagins at 7:02 P, M.
Present: Connissione~s Andersons Bennetts CTisps Glenn and
Absent: Co~m~ssioners Johnson and ~ebster. (Chai~Taan~ebster arrived
at 7;06 P, ~,)
There was a ~o~ion by Co~u~lssionar Glenn, seconded by Cenr~ssioner Crisp,
that ~he read~ua of the m~.m~tes of the lns~ meet!n~ be waived and that
the nn~nutes be approved as submitted to the Comlssionl motion carrind
Vlue-Chair~mn Riggins declared Public Hearlugs open for the evening at
A, UP-33 - George So Rat=y - Wild~mod Park - Use Permi= for Continued Opera-
tion of Wild~od Pa=k Piculc Grounds
The Secretary advised ~hat to date there vere ~ritten communications on
file ~rlth a total of 45 signatures protestin~ this Use Pe~ait. He read
these u~mess together with the names of Mro 0neta~s clients which had'
been submitted for the file.
ChairuanWebster arrived a~ this time, aud Vice-Chairmau Higgius ~urnnd the
meeting to him,
MR. C. J. TOY, 20920 Jacks Road, was p=eseut and s~ated that h~wa~
posed to the grnntiug of this Use Permit for the reasons already stated
by other residen=s of the area, ~1. BRUCE 0NETA, attorney, submitted a
letter siCu~d by Ao A° Deazpsey stating that uo arrangements had been
made, nor vould they be made, for the use of Melody Roach for parking.
Mr, Oueta suggested the ridcuing of Four=h Street, if the Use Permi~
was granted, to prevent a possible hazard in the event of fire,
CEOR~E ~was present, but advised that he had uo further
aud vould abide by the decision of the Commission. Conmissions= ~l~nn
read a =sport subu~ttted by the Subdivision Committee iu connection vi=h
Plannin~ C~ission Minutes - Novsaber 27, 1961 - ConJt
I1. A. UP-33 - GeorRe Ratt~ - Wild~qood Park
this application. There was no one else present who vLshed to coineat'
regarding this matter, so Chairman Webster declared the Public Hearin~
closed on UP-33 at 7:47 P. M. It x.~as the consensus of the Cord{salon
that the o~raer of Wildxqood Park had bought the property in good faith,
as stated, and that in all faintass he should be given a chance to see
if the park could be operated in a manner that would satisfy the obJe~.-
tions filed by residents of the area. There was a notion by Coau~ssioner
Crisps seconded by Co~{esioner H~gins. that this Use Permit (UP-33) be
granted for the period to September 16~ 1964, subject to the nine (9)
conditions stated in Section 1II. C. of the Subdivision Cu~.lttee Re-
port pertaining to this application, dated Novsaber 27, 1961. Roll call
vote: Ayes: Corals,loners Anderson~ Bennett~ Crisps Glenn, H~ins ~nd
Webster. Noes= None. Absent-' Comissioner Johnson. Motion carried,
unnnimously. Chairman Webster stated that this Use Permit was actually
on a trial basis and he hoped that all concerned would cooperate in this
B. V-20.6 - H. W. ~unaersonslnc., Valle Vista I~ve - Variance from Rear-
~_.ard Setback Requirements
The Public Hea~_-~ng on V-206 x~as opened by C.~airuan Webster at 8=03 P.
The Secretary advised that No~ice~ of Publ'~c Hearing had been mailed
and that there ~e=e no ~rLtten coumuv/cations on files A Staff Report
pertainin~ to this matter was read by the Secretary. The applicant ~as
present and sta~ed that ~he terrain, as well as the requirements in con-
nection ~ith the septic tank lincs~ made it necessary to place the house
in the proposed location. Corm~{ssioner Crisp advised that the Variance
Ccr~{ttee~ together w~th the Zonin~ Ad~iu/strator~ had visited the si~e
and found that the terrains together ~r~th Health Departant requirements
in connection w~th the drain fields created a possible physical hard-
sh~p even though the lot conformed to all req~a~rements of the Zenin~
Ordinance. There x~as no one else present who vished to coE~en~ re~ardin~
this matters so Chairman Webster declared the Public Hearin~ on V-207
closed at 8=20 P.M. Xt was the consensus of the Co~n~ssion that there
was a physical hardship involved with the development of this plusperth.
There was a motion by Co~uiss~oner Bennett. seconded by Commissioner
Crisp~ that this Variance ~-206) be granted to allow a rear yard set-
back of 25 feet in lieu of the 23 feet requested in the application..
Roll call vote= Ayes: CoraLs,loners Anderson. Beunett~ Crisp~ Glenn,
HiEZins and Webster. Noes: None. Absent= Cvu~lssioner Johnson.
t/on carried unan~nously.
C. V-20~. - Mariella L. Allinger~ Mon~alvo Lane - Variance from Frontage
Requirement s
The Public Heart~l~ on V-20~ was opened at 8=25 P. M. The Secretary ad-
vised that Notices of Public Hearin~ had been mailed and that no written
connunications had been received. Cor=n{ssioner Anderson advised that the
site had been inspected by =he Variance Co~uittee and =he Zonin~ A~rltn-
istrator~ and that there ~as a definite problem involved in the deve-
lopment of tb~s property. He further advised that an appointment had
been made w~th the applicant and her engineer on l~onday~ Decsaber 4s
Planntn~ Com4:ssion Minutes - November 27,. 1961 - Const
II. C. V-207 -Marielie L. Al!inber~ Meritslye Lanq
1961, to try to arrive at a solution, so suelasted that this matter be
continued until the next regular meeting. MR. FRITZ HElMANN, 20561
Nontalvo Lane, FAo DAVE ARATA, 20400 Ft$11 Avenue, and MR. JOBNMOSER
were present and stated that they were opposed to the Srantin8 of this
Variance because of the narrow frontage of the property and extremely
poor visability in connection with the street. There was no one else
pre~.ut who ~ished to comaent at this tir3o~ so Chairman Webster directed
this mtt~r continued to allo~ adequate time for the neetimE ~th the
~pplicant and her enSineer.
Chairman Webster declared Public NearinSs closed for the eveniv4] at 8:54
P. M., subject to V-20~ heine continued tlntil the next reSular meetinE.
9:05 P, M,
A. BD- 319 - Robert MorEan, June Way and SararoSa Avenue - Subdiv~sion -
Commissioner Anderson s~ated that at the meetlnE on November 13, 1961,
this matter had been continued because M~. }brEam had requested that
condit].on #22 be Siren further conDideration. He reported that a study
had been made and that it was the recoEnendatfon of the Subdivision
Co~nnittee that no chanSe be made in connection -~-ith this condition.
~he algplieant and his suEinset were present to discuss this matter fnr-
ther with the Commission. There was a notion by Comm~ssioner Anderson,
seconded by Comissioner Crisp, that the tentative map for BD-319~
Robert MorEan, 5 lots on June Way and SaratoEa Avenue, be approved sub-
Ject to the 24 conditions enumerated in the Subdivision Con~nittee Repo~t
dated November i0, 1961. Roll call vote: Ayes: Co~;~ssioners Anderson,
Bennett, Crisp, Glenn~ MSSins and Webster, Noes: None. Absent: Com-
missioner Johnson. Motion carried unanimously~ Co~n{ssioner Anderson
~oved, seconded by CommisSioner Glenn, that approval of the tentative-
map for SD-319 be amended as follows: Condition ~22 be modified to
read '~edicate and improve Sararobe Avenue to provide for e 45 foot half-
street alon~ the entire frontage of the subdivision, a distance of ap-
proz{mntely 440 feet." Motion carried un~n{mously.
B. BDR-320 - Donald H. StellinS, Herr{m-n Avenue - BuildinE Site Approval -
I Lot
The Secretary advised that Mr. Stellin0 had called to say that he had
been unable to discuss this matter w~th his attorney and enSineer, but
would meet with them before the Plannins CommissionmeetinE on Decem-
ber 11, 1961. There was a motion by Co~:nissionar Anderson, seconded
by Commissioner Bennett, that BD~-320 be denied unless a ~rritten appli-
cation for continuation was submitted by the applicant before expiration
of the 30 day period beSinnin0 with the fllin~ of the application, in
which case the matter s4ould be continued until the next reSular meetins.
Motion carried unanimously,
Plmmin[,~ ~lssion Dlinutes - Novenber 27t 1961 - Const
llI, C, SDR-324 - Charles ~ynn~ Pike Road - Buildin~, Site Approval - 1 Lot,
It=. Robert Clatt was present to represent the applicant and expressed
satisfaction with the proposed conditions of approval, Taste was a
tion by Cc~ntssioner Anderson, seconded by Co~ssioeer Crisp, that the
tentative nmp for SDK-324, Charles Wynn, I lot on Pike Roads be approved
subject to the seven (7) conditions enumerated in the Buildinn Site
Connittee Report dated November 24, 1961; motion carried unanimously,
D, SDR-325 - H, W, Gunderson, lnc,, Valle Vista Drive - Building Site
Appnova! ~ 1 Lot
I~, Gunderson was present and expressed satisfaction with the proposed
conditions of approval, There was a motion by CuMssioner Andersons
seconded by Connissioner Crisp, that the tentative map for SDR-325s
H, W, Gundersons 1 lot on Valle Vista Drives be approved subject to the
n/he (9) condit~ons emigrated in the Building Site Co~nittee Report
dated l{ovember 2[~s 19611 motion carried uv~ntnously,
E, SDR-326 - PLariella L, Allingers 14ontalvo lane - Building Site Approval -
2 Lots
Cc~mtesioner Auderson stated that it lxau the recor,-...endation of the
Building Site Committee that this matter be continued to allow adequate
time for a meeting ~lth the epplicaut and her enaineers since there
a problem involved with the development of this property, On the basis
of this recomnendations Chairman Webster directed SDR-326 continued
tmtil the usering on December lls 1961,
A, A-60 - Dies and Voll, Saratoaa-Sunnyvale Road - Architectural Approval -
The Secretary displayed sketches sub~Ltted by A. J. Neonrd, a=chi=ect~
end advised that the preliminary plans ~ould be coupleted for the next
meeting, Chairman Webster directed this matter continued until the
meeting on December 11, 1961, and requested that the Secretary try to
arrange a meetinn between the architect and the Dest4~n Review
Bo A-66 - Saratoga Inn. Saratoga Avenue - Identification Sign for Apartments
The Secretary advised that sketches submitted for the sign at the
toaa Xnn Apartrisers were in compliance with all requirements of the
Ordinance. It was the consensus of the Cv~ission that the sian in
question was definitely in keepin~ with the objectives of Saratoga.
There was a motion by Coh~lssioner HiSales~ seconded by Co~tssioner
Bennetts that approval be aranted A-66s identification sian for Sara-
toaa Inn Apartments, as shown on the sketches submitted (Exhibit A);
motion carried ---nimously.
Plannin~ Co=mission Hinutee - Nove=ber 27a 1961 - Con't
Chairman Webster ~elcomed Councilman Glennon to the meetina,
Draft of Resolution - Proposed Chan~e of Zordna by Coun. ty
The Secretary stated that an aSenda and a ump had been received from the
Santa Clara County Plarmina Conmission showing a proposed chan~e of zonin~
to a11o~q fifty-eight (58) multiple dvellin5 units on property located adja-
cent to the Southeast lt~4ts of the City of Saratoga. He further advised
that Kathleen V. and Howard L. Brookss 19370 Saratoaa-Los Gatos Roads had
filed a ~ritten connunication protestina this chaulle of zonin~s and read a
draft of a resolution protestin~ this charge of zonina. There was a motion
by Cc~aissioner Bennetts seconded by Covnissioner Anderson, that this reso~
lution be adopted and transmitted to the Santa Clara County Plaunin~ Con- '
mission; motion carried unanimously.
The Secretary advised that the Plarnlin~ Co~n~ssion moetina scheduled for
December 25s 1961s would be held on December 26s 1961o
SDR-136 - Sa. cred Heart Chinch, Saratoaa Avenue - Report
The Secretary read a Study Report pertainin~ to SDR-136s Sacred Heart Church.
There was a motion by Co~,4ssioner Bennetts seconded by Commissioner Hi~Eins,
that the Study Report be adopted as the report of the Co~ssion and trans-
~Ltted to the City Council; motion carried unan/nousIy.
Chairman Webster declared the meetina adjourned at 10:15 P, M,
Respectfully subuu[tted,
Stanley M. Walker~ Secretary
Saratoga Plannin~ Cv~aission