HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-11-1961 Planning Commission Minutes SUP~iARY OF MINUTES
Time: 7100 P. H., Nonday, Deceuber 11, 1961
Placel Fruitvale School, Fruitvale Avenue
T~p~1 ReSular Mee~in~
The meetinn was called to order by Vice-Chairman HiSSins at 7:00 P. M.
Presentl Con~nissioners Anderson~ Bennett, Crisps Glenn and Higgins.
Absent; Ce~aniss~oners Johnson and Webster. (Coumissioners Johnson
and Webster arrived at 7104 Po Me)
There was a motion by Counissioner Crisp, seconded by Co..~.'..issioner
Bennett, that the reading of the min. xtes of the last ~eetiug be waived
and that the minutes be approved as submitted to the Co~aission; notion
car_~ied ,m-nimouslyo
Vice-Chairman Highins declared Public Hearings open for the evening at 7102
P. M.
A. C-37 - Leo P. Grillt~ Prospect Avenue - Chan~e of Zoninfl
C~aissioners Johnson end Webster arrived at this time and Vice-Chairman
Higgins turned the meeting to Chairman Webster.
The Secretar~ read a letter sent to J. B. Enoehs, Director of Publie
Works~ Santa Clara Countys requesting information iu connection with
the Lawrence Expressway. He stated that he had bean advised that the
County expected to have the proposed plan lines ready in late JanuazT~
but bed been unable to secure any additional information. A letter
from Edward R. LaCrotx. attorney for the appl~cant~ was also reed by
the Secretary. PIt. LaCro~ac was presen= to discuss this matter further
with the Con=aission. MRS. PATRICK stated that she felt it ~ould be
unfair to fezone only Mr. Orillise property, since severe1 others were
faced with the same situation. MRS. CLANCY stated that it had been
her --aerstanding that the rezoning of the entire area ~ould he con-
sidered at this time, but was advised by the Co~ssion that only Mr.
Grilli*s property was under consideration since a public hearing had
nat been set on other property in the area. It was the consensus of
PLANNING COlellSS__lON MItlUTE5 - DEC~EI,~.._E.R 11~ 1.961 - CON*_T
II, A. C-37 - Leo P. Grilli
the Co~misston that even though Mr, Cri!llss property would be isolated
by the Expressway, it would not be directly affected by the right-of-
way aligmnent, There %Tas no one else present who ~shed to co~ent re-
Sard~s this ~t,~er, so C~i~n Webster declared the Public tlear~
closed on C-37 at ~:32 P. M. ~ere was a ~tion by Co~les~ner
seconded by Co~8s!oner H~Sai~, t~ the Pl,nntu8 Coals,ion reck-
mend to the City ~cil that C-37, Leo P, ~fllis applicat~n for
C~e of Zoni~ frm R-1 to C-N, be approved as requestS. ~11 call
vote: A~s: ~mi8sioners ~dersons Bemnetts Criep~ Hi[Eins~ Joh~on
a~ Weber,to No,D: Co~issioner Gle~. Absent: None. ~tion car-
ried. Co.w.~t8sionar ele~a stated t~t his nea?.~ive vote was based on
his belief at this proper~y should ~t be rezoned until ~he plan lines
for the ~%=~ce E:~eesway had been precised.
B. V-201~ - l~riella L. Alli~er, Mon~alvo Lane - V~iance from ~outaae
~.kC ~iNG COEI1~D FR~ MOV~R 27, 19al
The Secreta~ read a letter sianed by tile app?.iuant a~ her ax~iz~er~
Llo~t B. B~ers requesCi~ a 30 day {l~ens:[gu iu conraecelon rfi~h V-207
and SDR-326. Coml~sfone~ ~de~son stated that the Bufld. inE Site Com-
mittee Md been lmrkln~ with the appll~nt a~.~d Mr representatives
and that the Buildlea Site Approval applicatf. on miEht eM~e t~s
ance ~pl~ca~!on or mke ~.~ u~ecesM~. Therefore, he recae~ed
t~t this ~tter be conclnued. Miss ali~er was present to discuss
this application ~rith ~e Co~ission aM aEain requested a 30 day ~-
tension to ~rk out the problm invo].ved ~h the d~elopment of this
property, On the basis of the appli~ntss request and the rec~enda-
tion of the B~lldinE Site Co~ttees C~i~n Webster directed the
Public Heari~ on V-207 contim~ed ~til the ueetina on Jenny 8, 1962.
C. ~-3~ - SararoSa Cooperate. re Nurse~ Sch~l, SaratoSa-S~Fale ~ -
Ese .Fe~t for N~ Location of N~se~ School
~e Public Heari~38 on ~-35 was opened at 7:51 P.M. ~e Secretary
vised that Notices of Public Heari~ had been miled, a~ read a ~itten
comunication which lmd been received from ~ce W. and Bluford M.
Thornton. A S~aff Report psrtaini~ to this al~li~tiou was =~d by the
Secreta~, Mr. Ric~rd ~ley was present to r~resent the applicant
and advised t~t a!thouEh the square f~taEe ~.ms 8reater in the present
locations the proposed location was ~re satisfactory for the I~arse~
School. M. JES C!eN~ spoke ~ suppor~ of the n~ location. Com-
missioner Crisp redheaded that this miter be referred to a ~tttee
for a report at the n~t meeti~. CMim~- Webster directed this appli-
cation continued untll the meetina on Dec~ber 26~ 1961, a~ referred
i= to the Subdivision C~ittee for study and a report at that t~e.
Chairman Webster declared Public Hastines clo~6d for ~h6 ~ai~ a~ 8=21
P, N., subJ~c~ ~o V-~0~ bain8 continued until Ja~y 8, 196a, a~
beina cou~iuued until Dacebar 26, 1961,
Co~cilmn D:~e's presence at the meetin8 Was ac!~wledaed by C~i~n
A, ~DR~326 - I.~i~lla L, alinSer, Mon~alvo ~ - Building Site Approval -
2 Lo~
On the basis ol r. request from the applicant for a 30 day ~t~sion
in conu6ation l.~Ch this application, Cha!~n Webster directed ~E-326
continued until the meetins on Jan~ry 8~ 1962,
B, 5DJ.-~32J = Do~id l!o Sca11:l.~, Herrimam Average - EuIldi~ Site Appr~al -
~, Boris S~m~ley~ attorney for the applicant, was pres~t aM re~ested
t~t this appliu~n be ~ithdra~m, ~.t~e request was ar~ed by the
~, S~-3~2 - Br~.m and ~ufa, Inc,, Prospect ~enue - SuMivision -
228 L. gts .
coh~lssion~ ~er~n advised t~t the SuMivision C~ittee ~d met
~ Mr, B~ and his e~ineer ~ tha~ a revised tentative mp ~uld
be auntted, ~ rec~e~4ed, therefore, t~t this application be con-
tinu~ until the meeting on Deckher 26, 1961, On ~e basis of this
re~,.~--~at~n~ Cinii~n Webster dtrecC~ S~32~ continual ~til the
~t re~lar ~etina~
~ A-6~ - Dies ~d Vol!, S~atoaa-Su~Fale ~ad - ~chi~ectural ~pr~al -
Co~issioner l!lgg:tn~ advised ~ha~ ~he Dgsign Revi~ C~'~ee h~
~i~h the a~chi~eci:~ A, J, ~anard~ and di~cussed ~he plans for
buildi~, Mr, Me~rd was p~eseut, displayed s~les of the mterials
to be used~ and discussed this marts: further ~th the Co~ission.
~e~e wa~ a motion by C~ssioner H~inF~ secoMed by
Johnson, t~t the prel~]n~ plans for A-50, Dies and Voll, be approv~
as sho~ on Exhibits A-1 aM B; motion ca~ied umn~ouslyo
B, A-6~ - Io O, Oo Fo ~me, FNi~ale Avers - Final ~ch!tectural ~proval -
~, ~nderson ~s presen~ to represent the applican~. Com~.esioner
HiEgins advised t~t the Design ~vielq Committee was sati~fied ~th the
1V, B, A-63-~.O. 0. ~.~
ft~t plans for this ~minis~ration Butldlv~, There ~s a ~ion by
~ssioner ~8~ss seco~ed by C~.,~'wssioner Crisps tha~ the fi~l
plans for the I, O, 0, F. ~m aniseration Buildt~ be appmv~ as
sh~ on ~ibi= A-2; motion ~rri~
V, ~ ~S~ESS
C~im~R ~ebs=er declared the mee~ina adjourned a~ 8~ P. M,