HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-22-1962 Planning Commission Minutes SIINNARY OF NINUTES
Tins: 7:00 P. No, Monday, January 22, 1962
Place: Fruitvale School, Fruitvale Avenue, SararoSa, California
~ype: Reaular~eetin~
The neetinS was called to order by thaiman Webster at 7:03 P.
Present: Comissioners Anderson, Bennett, Czisps Glenn, Johnson and
Absent~ Norm.
There was a hotion by Cocnissioner Glenn, seconded by Comt ssione~
Crisp, that the reading o£ the nfnutes of the last meetfat be waived
and that the minutes be approved as sub~ttted to the Co~mtssionj
tion carried unanimously.
Chairman Webster opened nominations for officers for the comin8 year.
Comissioner Crisp nominated Comissioner Webster for Chairnmn of the
Comission. There was a motion by Comissioner Johnson, seconded by
Comissioner Bennett, that nominations be closed; motion carried unani-
mously. C~alestoner Glenn moved, seconded by Counlssioner Crisps that
the Secretary be directed to cast a unnntnous ballot for the sole nomi-
nee, Cornissioner Webster; notion carried unan{nously.
Comnissioner Crisp nominated Cor.~issioner Anderson for Vice-Chairman.
Commissioner Glenn moved, seconded by Cu~ulssioner Johnson, that uoni-
nations be closed; notion carried unanimously. There was a notion by
Cou~lssioner Glenns seconded by Counisstoner Johnson, that the Secre-
tary be instructed to cast a unaBimnus ballot for CoEntestoner Anderson
for Vtce-Chai~un; motion carried unanimously.
Chairnan Webster declared the followin8 officers elected for the year
1962: CHAIRMAN - Commissioner Webster. VXCE-CHAIFa~AN - Conuissioner
Plannin~ ~cnnission Minutes - January 22~ 1962 - Coast
Chairman Webster declared Public HenrinEe open for the eveninS at 7:12
A, ~T207 - Nariella L, AllinSet, Montalvo Lane - Variance fron Site Area
The Secretary advised that a revised Notice of Hearin~ had been mailed
in connection with this application~ and that John J. Moser had filed
a written cu~aunication strongly opposin~ this Variance because 1) he
felt it would set a precedent and encouraSe others to request approval
of substandard sites and 2) a serious drainaSs probleuwould be
volved in view of the terrain. A Staff Report pertainin8 to this
plicatiou was read by the Secretary.
GRANT B, RC~E, Realtors was present to represent the applicants and
stated that in good faith he had sold the property for t~o (2)
sites since the property provided two (2) good, view lots.
14RS. FRITZ HEll, 20561 Montalvo Lanes stated that they had bought
a home in this area under the protection of acre zoniu~ and that she
was opposed to anythiD8 less than an acre.
LLOYD B. BAKER, enSineer for the applicants stated that ~he property
in question had been reduced in size because of the necessity of the
access road, but that it still provided ~wo (2) Sood, view lots.
I~RS. GEORGE B. ARNANINI, Montalvo Lane, protested the Srautin~ of this
Variance, statin~ that she was opposed to lowerins the standards in any
Counissioner Bennett observed that the map indicated a 30l ~rade for
the second driveway and stated that he felt it dangerous since fire
equipneat would be unable to use the drive, CoEuissioner Crisp stated
1) the old ordinance required n full acre for each site so the subject
property did not qualify for two (2) lots at that time 2) the new
ordinance requires 40,000 square feet for each site and this property
still is not adequate for tw (2) sites 3) residents of the area op-
posed the adoption of the new zonins nap because the full acre site
was being reduced to 40~000 square feet 4) the Staff EnGineer had
expressed the opinion that the property was inadequate for two (2)
sites and 5) the Health Departneat ms hesitant to approve one (1)
site, especially t~o (2). Xn answer to a question from Lloyd B. Baker,
the Comission advised that they could see no serious problem with one
(1) lot~ only the second. There ms no one else present who wished
to speak in connection with this matter, so Chairman ~ebster declared
the Public Hearin8 closed on V-207 at 7=28 P. H. Xt was the consensus
of the Conmnieelon that they could not mke the findings required by
Plannin~ Ccnnission Minutes - January 22, 1962 - Con't
11, A, V.-207 - ..l~riella L. Allin~er
law to 5rant this Variance (V-207). There was a notlob by Comissioner
Crisp, seconded by Covanissioner Bennett~ tha~ V-207~ ~rielln L,
Allin~er, be denied~ Roll call vote: Ayes: Comissioners Anderson~
Befell, Crisp, Clemb Johnson and Webster. Noes: None, Absentl
No~. Motion e~rfed u~n~ously.
B. V-209 - Nick ~. Niljevich, SnratoSa-Su~ale Road - Variance from Re-
quireeats for Existin8 Ngn-Co~fomin~ Use
The Public ~ari~ on V-209 ns opened a~ 7=50 P. N. ~e Secreta~
advised that Notices of Public Heari~ ~d been mil~ a~ =here ~re
~ ~itten c~unications on file. A Staff R~ort pertaini~ to this
application ~s r~d by the Secre~a~ sta~i~ 1) Variance was
quested to enable ~ntin~tion of a lean1 ~n-co~o~n8 use bei~
displaced by dedication of la~ for the reconstruction of H~ay 9
2) applicant~s lessee has five (5) ~re years to ~n on hie lease of
the f~iC stand 3) applicant is willin8 to relocate and ~dify
buildi~ ~ e~ble lessee to ~ntinue in business for duration of
lease 4) sit~tion involves un~cessary physical hardship and prac~i-
ca1 difficulty, a~ ~traordi~ circmstance because of ~de~n8 of
~ NC~Y, ri~h~-of-~y a~t for Santa Cl~a County, acci~ on be-
half of the City of Saratoga, hr=her ~lal~d the circ~tances in
connection ~th this application ~ s~a=~ t~t he felt the Variance
was instilled bemuse of =he ~deni~ of H~y 9.
Co~ssioner Crisp ~mended the Staff on ~cell~t statement of faces,
a~ drew attention to section of ordinance concerni~ physical ~rd-
ships in co~ection ~th street locations. ~ere was ~ one else pre-
sent ~ho ~ished to speak with reSard to this application, ~ Chai~n
Webscer declar~ the Public ~arin8 closed on V-209 at 8:06 P. M,
There was a ~tion by Comissioner Crib, seco~ by Ccmissioner
Johnson~ t~t V-209, Ni~ M. Niljevich, be grated subject to the four
(4) conditions stated in the last pa=aSraph of the Staff R~oTt of
Jaunty 22, 1962, condition ~3 of ~hi~ has the ~rds '~hich~er date
is earlier' added aC the end of the co~itions a~ subject to the dedi-
cation of l~d as agreed to between the appli~n~ and the City of
Saratoga. ~11 call vote: Ayes: Comissioners ~derson, Be~ett,
Crisp, Glenn, Johnson and ~ebster. Noes= None. Absent: None, ~tion
carried unan~ously,
Chai~n Webster declar~ Public Hearts closed for ~he eveni~ at 8:12
PlanaimS Commission Ei~utes - ~anuary 22~ 1962 - Ccntt
SDR-294 - Nail Dollard~ Palomino Way - Buildin~. Site App. roval- 4'lZots
~he applicant was present and e~ressed eatis~ac~i~n ~ith the proposed
conditions o~ a~proval, ~ere ~s a notion ~y Co~ssioner Anderson,
sec~ed by C~issioner Crisp, ~haC the tentative mp (Exhibit
filed 1-15-6~) ~or SDR-294~ Nail Dollard~ ~ lo~s on Palomino ~ay~
desi~ted as 1, 2, 3 and ~ be aFproved subject to the eight (8)
ditions engraved in the repor~ of the Buildin~ Site ComiCtee dated
January 22~ 1962] mtion ~rried u~n~usly,
B, SDR-316 - Shelley ~llli~s Associa~eS, Palom~ho ~ay - Buildi~ Site
~ro~al - ~ Lots . ,.
~e Secreta~ ~d s letter from the applicant requesting that this
~application be continued until the meetin~ on Febmary 13, 1962~
since he needed additio~l t~ for the p~eparation o~ his revised
~, Com~ssione~ ~erson ~e~m~ed that this request be ~rant~.
~ the basis o~ this recomendation, Chai~n Webster direct~ SDR=316
continued until the n~t regular meeting.
C, SDR-318 - H, G, Z~n, Paloni~ Way - Buildi~ Site. Approval - 1 ~t
~ewe ~as ~ one present to ~=esent the a~licant, Comiasioner
~er~n ~ved, secoMed by C~issio~r C~isp, that ~t ~2 on the
tentative mp (E~ibit A-l, ftl~ 1-15-62) ~o= SDR-318, H, ~.
mama, Palo~no Way, be approved subject to the ellen (11) condi-
tions enmerated in the report o~ the Buildi~ Site Comittee ~ted
Janua~ 22, 1962; motion carried unav~mnusly,
D, S~-326 - ~iella L, ~li~e~, ~ntalvo Lane - Buildi~ S~te ~p~oval
~ere ~s n ~tion by C~tssioner ~e=son, seconded by Comissioner
Crib, that SDR-326, ~iella L, Allinger, 2 lots on ~ontalvo ~e,
be denied since ~he Variance ~-207) uecessa~ to this application
had been disapp~oved~ notion carried unan~usly.
A-67 = ArSonau~ Prm~essio~l Center~ Blauer D~v2 - Sign Application
The consensus o~ the Comisston was that although they liked the s~n,
it did ~t con~om ~ the O~dince, There was a notion by Comissloner
Bennett, seconded by Com~ss~oue~ Johann, tMt th~s ~ttet be ~e~e~:ed
ba~ to the applicant ~o~ re-su~iesion in accordance with the O~diunce;
~tion cur~i~ ~an~usly,
Planninm Com..i~sion Minutes - January 22, 1962 - Con't
Chairnan Webster thanked Councilman Hartnan for his presence at the neerinG,
RECESS FROM 8:35 P. M, TO 8:45 F. ~,
The Secretary read a memorandum from the Director of Public Works
regarding street signs. After discussion =here was a motion by
mi~sioner Johnsons seconded by Co~n{ssione~ Glenn, that the Planning
Cornission recormend to the City CounCil that the street sign sub-
nitted to the Plahnin8 Cor.--~ission by the Director of Public Works be
adopted as the standard dtreet sign for the City of Saratoga to be
included in the Street Standards; motion carried unanimously.
The Gouniss~ou distussed the heed for revisions in connection With
the General Plan. It was decided that the Chairman would appoint a
comittee (at a later date) to study probleras that had arisen~ith-
in the last year and a half and make re~onm~eudations regardinG these
Comissioner Johnson suggested E. D. Cowlay, architect employed by
Lockheed~ as a possible candidate £or the vacancy on the Planning
Comission. Chairnan Webster directed the Secretary to submit Mr.
Cowleyes name to the City Council without recomeudation.
Sam Hernandez suggested architect Warren Held as a possible candidate
for ~he Planning Commission vacancy and was advised that Mr. Haid~s
name had already been submitted to the City Council.
Proposed names for Highway 9 ~ere discussed, and Commissioner Bennett
commended the Planning Department for their suggestion, Montalvo Blvd.
The Secretary advised that the City Attorney had been unable to draft the
amendments to the Zonin~ Ordinance for this meetings but would have ~hem
ready for the meeting on February 13, 1962.
Planniu~ CoE.n...issi~n Minu~es - J~nunry22~ 1962 - Cont~
A~ ~h6 request o6 Chairann WebsCer~ the Cor~ission discussad iu~or-
n~lly their preferences vl~h respec~
nittees in 1962= Subdivision and Buildin~ Si~e C~iC~e6s Desinn
Revie~ Comittee, Variance Co~ittee and General Plan C~ttee~
Respect£u~l~ sub~itted~
Stanle~ M, ~lker, Secretar~