HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-26-1962 Planning Commission Minutes SUMMARY OF MII~dTES CITY OF SARATGGA PLAh~ING COF}IISSION Tiue2 7200 P. M,, Nonday, February 26, 1962 Place; Fruitvale School, ~tuitvale Avenue, Saratoaa, California T~pe: ReBular Meetin8 ROUTXNE ORGANIZATION The neelinE was called to order by Chatmjau Webster at Y:00 P. M. A. ROLL CALL Present: Conuissiouers Anderson, Crisp, Glenn, Johnson, and Webster Absent: Cozxaissioner Benhell B, MINU~ES There was a r~otion by Commissioner Glenn, seconded by Commis- sioner Johnson, that the readin8 of the minutes of the meetinB of February 13, 1962, be waived and that the uinutes by ap- proved subject to the follow~nE corrections: (1) PaEe 3 ...... Add the followins sentence to the last para- Eraph of II., 8., ~P-36, Robert R. Walker: ChairDan Webster requested that the Variance Cubittee study this matter an~ Eive a report at the meetin8 on March 12, 1962. (2) Pa~e 3 ...... ChanEe "his" to "this" in line 2 of para- Zraph 4. (3) PaSe 4 ...... Chan~e the n~ue "0. O. Johnson** to *~. W, Johnson*' as Cheiruan of the Variance Counittee. (4) Pe~e 8 ...... Chen~e the '~, H," to *~. M," in the last line. II. PLYLIt HEARINGS IXI, SUBDIVISIONS AND BUIED~G SITES A. SD- 333 - A~pha Laud Coupan~, Sarato~a-Sunnyvale Road - Su~di- vision - ~ Lots - Continued from [ebruar~ 13~ 1962 0ouuissioner Anderson advised that the developer and his en- ~inecr had uet ~th the Subdivision Couuittee to discuss this application, and that a revised uap would be subalfred, The Plannfn~ Comiss!on,Minutes - February 26~ 1962 - Coast Ill, A, Secretary read a letter from the applicantss engineer requeetin~ a 30 day extension to atlo~adequate tins for revisian of the tentative nap, It was observed that the letter requestin~ the extension was dated February 9, 1962, and the next neetin8 ~rould nat be held untilHatch 12, 1962, There was a motion by Cormissioner Crisp, seconded by Co~lssioner Glenn~ that SD-333 be disapproved because of inadequate desire, except that if the applicant submits a request for extension ~hich will pernit action at the meetin8 on N arch 12, 1962, the applica- tion be continued until that meetin~ rather than be denied; notion carried ,rmotr~usly, B, SDR~39 - Thus Dorsey, SararoSa-Los Gatos Road - Buildin~ Site Approval - I Lqt - Continued from February 13t 19~2 Co~nissioner Anderson stated that the applicant had advised that this loc was sold to hin~ithout Buildin~ Site Approve1 ant viih- our a letter statir~ that. it did not have Buildir~ Site Approvalo Be further stated that since there ~es a problem involved, the applicant ~anted to ~i~e the matter further consideration before proceedinSo ~he Secretary read a letter requestinS an extension of 30 days, On the basis of the foreSoinS, Chairnan ~ebster di- rected this matter continued until the neetin5 on Narch 12, 1962o C, SD~-340 - Basil Fishback, Vessin~ Road - Buildin~ Site Approval - ~ Lot The applicant ~as present and after discussion, expressed satis- faction xeith the proposed conditions of approval, There ~as a notion by Cor~dssioner Anderson, seconded by Comissioner Cri~p, that the tentative nnp for SDR-340 (Exhibit 'A', filed February 1962) be approved subject to the 12 conditions contained in the Buildin5 Site Coattree Report dated February 26, 1962; netion carried urmninously, 1V, ~ESIGNKEVXE~ SS-25 - First SararoaR Company, SaratoSa-Sunnyvale Eoad- Subdivision Si~n Application - Continued from February 13~ 1962 Chairmn ~ebster directed this netter continued until the meetin~ on Flarch 12, 1962~ since no action could be taken re~ardin~ the subdivi- sion sign until the tentative nap for the subdivision had been approved, V, NE~ BIJS~NESS VI, ~LDBUSIltESS A, Comicsloner Gleen advised that it ~as the recomeadation of the DesiSu Cor~ttee, after further observation and study, that there Planninq Connission Minutes - February 26? 1962 - Conmt VI. A. be no change in the decision that the siLm for Blue Rills Shoppin~ Center be uoved as sho~n in the drawiru~ subuitted with the applica- tion for relocationo B. Anenduent to Zon~n~ Ordinance NS-3 A discussion was held reSardinG lot sizes in the P-D zones. was the consensus of the Comission that this uatter was nut a problen at present, though there night be need for further discus- sion at a later date. There was a u orion by Comissioner Crisp, seconded by Cor~ssioner Johnson~ that the Secretary be directed to set a date for Public Hearin~ in connection with the first anenduent to Zoning Ordinance NS-3 as submitted in the draft by the City Attorney; notion car- ried and the Secretary was so directed. C. Coraniselone~ A-aersOn read a report frou the Subdivision Cuuuittee in connection with the petition of the Thelea Avenue Residents Croup re~ardinG the Alpha Land Subdivision (SD-314 and SD-333). MRS. EMXLY BOE'£~hER, 20298 Thelea Avenue, DAVID MEEKER, 20280 Thelea Avenue, and WILLXAN LEYLAND, 20184 Thelna Avenue, were present and strongly opposed the lack of access fron the subject subdivision to Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. They expressed concern with re~ard to ~eneral traffic on Thelrm Avenue. but were note alerued about the construction traffic created durin~ the deve- lopuent of this subdivision. The Co~ssion explained that to accouplish the purpose of a uaJor linited-access thoroughfare (such as Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road), uininun distances between ac- cess points to the thoroughfare nest be uaintained. They fur- ther explained that there would be other ~ajor collector streets intersectinG SaratoGa-Sunnyvale Road in this Senera1 area, though not all were existing streets at the present time. There was a u orion by Corn~ssioner Johnson, seconded by Cu~ais- sioner Glenn, that the Planning Conrdssion concur in the report of the Subdiv~sion Comittee dated February 26, 1962, with re- gard to the petition of the Thelna Avenue residentst notion car- ried unaniuously. Chairnan Webster requested that the Secretary advise the City uisistrator of the action taken with reSard to this uatter. VII. COI~tUNICATIONS A. WRI'r£~N 1. The Secretary read a letter frouFArs. Ja~es Clancy regardinG her application for Change of Zoning (C-41). Chaircan Webster directed this letter filed for record. Plann~n~ Com~ission Minuteq - February 26~ ~962 - Con't VII, A, 2. A letter requesting an extension in connection with SDR-179 and l~-.8, Saratoga Iun Restaurant, was read by the Secretary. It was the consensus of the Comissiou that this matter should be reviewed before action was taken, so Chairman Webster re- quested that the Subdivision Committee study the situation and make a recomntendation at the meeting on March 12, 1962. ~he Chairtmn directed this matter ~ntinu~d until the mee~inS March 12, 1962, and requested that the Secretary contact the applicant and advise of the delay. IRVING ATKINSON, Director of Public ~ervic~ and Development for Goodwin B. SteinbarEs A. ~. A., submitted a sketch of a parcel land on Highway 9 and asked for advice in connecti~n with the de- velopment of this property. He explained ~hat the property was part of a 'backaCe" purchased by Goodwin B. Steinberg when he rained lend for development of the Brookside Glen ApartUent~ on HiZRway 9. He further advised that, because of the proposed widenin8 of Highway 9, there was a problem with regard to develop- ment of this particular portion of the property. Mr. Atkinson asked that the tomlesion suggest a solution for this problem that miSht be acceptable to both the owner and the City o£ Saratoga. It was the consensus of the Commission that there was little or nothing that could be done with this property, ands in any events no action the Coxmaission could take witHout a formal application. The Secretary advised that the City Adr/tnistretor had suggested a meetin8 ~-ith the Subdivision Commfttee and the Planning Com- mittee of the City Council. Co~=aissioner Anderson advised Mr. Atkinson that he would be happy to bring this matter up for dis- cussion at the next meetin8 of ~he Subdivision Committee and the Plannin~ C. Chairman Webster thanked Councilman Drake for his presence at the meeting. THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:26 P. M. Respectfully submitted, ~, Secretary SararoSa Plannfng Commission V