HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-12-1962 Planning Commission Minutes Tinel 7:00 P. Mo, ~ondaT, Rarch 12, 1962 . Place: Fruitvale School, ~:uitvale Avenne, Saratogas California l~e: Regular Nesting I. ROUTINE ORC~NIZATIO}__I The neatinS was called to order by Chairnan Webster at 7:02 P. M. A. ROLL CALL Present: Couplesloners Anderson, Crisps Glenn~, Johnson and Webster. Absent= Corals,loner Bennett. B. I~INUTES There was a motion by Corntesioner Glenn, seconded by Corauissioner John- sons that the readin8 of the ninnies of the usetins of February 26, 1962, be waived and that :he ulna=as be approved subject to the follolrln~ cot- recite.on,: "b" '%e" I. Page 1 o.o... ChanSe the word y to in line 3, paragraph 1, of I., B. 2o Pa~e 4 .... ,. ChanSe paragraph 2 of VII., B=, to read as follows= It was the consensus o.=. {:.~e Cor~isalon the: there was little or nothin~ ~'aat c0c. ld be done with this property until soue definite plan had been sub~itted to the Comlsalon. Motion carried unantzaov.-.ly. II. PU__BLIO HEARINGS The Chaircan declared Peblic Hastings open for the evening at 7:10 P. A. C-4i. =- Jane, H. Claucy, Prospect Avenue - Chan~e of ZoninS frou R-lolO~000 to C-N - Con'.i_n~ecl. f_.~on___Pebr~mry 13, The Secretary read a letter froo Janes T, Port, Assistant Director - HiShwa7s, Saute Clara County Department of Public Works, coufinains that the First Phase o£ the Lair:ease Expressway Development had been approved by the Staff Snboor~it:ee of -_he Cottory T'_-affir~ays Cotz~ittee, and that this phase would in no way affect the Clancy property (C-41> or the trick property (C=42>. The Secretary advised that this r~tter would before the Board of Supervisors on March 25, 1962, and the City Councils of San Jose and SaratoSs soueti=e in April. The Secretary further ad- vised that there was a possibility that the Second Phase of the Express- way Pro,rem niSht affect the northwest corner of the Clancy property Plarmin~ ,Co=uission !tinurea ,,,,- March 12~ 1962 - Coast IX. A. (C-41), but ~ould not affect the Patrick property (C-42). The Secretary rend a letter fron the Saratoga Avenue Baptist Church expressiu~ approval of the subject Cban~e of Zoning, and a letter from Don S. OrLando ex- pressins approval of the rezoniu8 of both the Clancy property (C-41) and the Patrick property (C-42). There was no one present who wished to speak either for or a~ainst this appliention, so Chairugh Webster declared the Public Hearing closed on C-t~l at 7-'22 P. 1~. There x~as a notion by C~.,-~tssioner Crisp, seconded by Comisstoner John- son, that the PlauruEnE Comtssion recomend to the City Council that C-41, James H. Clancy, application for Ch-nSe of Zoning, be approved as requested; ~otion carried unan_t~nusly. Chairann Webster requested that ~he 2, ecretary call attention to the fact that aligr~-nt of the plan line for Lawrence Expressway x~uld soon cone before the City Council. B. C-42 -- H. G. Patrick, Prospect Avenue - Cb_-nope of Zonin~ frou R-I-10,000 to C-N - Continued fron Februat7 13~ 1962 The Chairnan directed that all of the evidence frou C-41 be considered a part of the record for C-42. The Secretary read a letter frou the Saratoga Avenue Baptist Church ex- pressing approval of this Chan~e of Zoning, and a letter fron Mrs. Patrick revtewin~ this nattar. Nrs. Patrick subnitted an aerial photo of the area which was filed for record. There was no one else preseu= who ~rished to comen~ regardin~ this application, so the Chairnan declared the public hearinS on C42 closed at 7:30 P. N. There was e raotion by Comissioner Crisp, seconded by Comissioner John- son, that the Plannin~ Co~uiselon recomend to the City Council that C-42, H. G. Patrick, application for ChanCe of Zoniua, be' approved as requested; notion carried unanimously.' C. IYP-36 - Robert Ro Walker, Vessin8 Road - Use Permit for Private Stable for the keeping of One Horse - Continued fron February 13v 1962 The Secretary read letters frou David Brim-Jones and E. C. Wilson op- posin~ the grautin~ of this Use Peruit. Co=uissionor Johnson advised that the Variance Comtttee had visited the site and felt that if the applicant could find sons other use for the existiu8 stable, the problem could be solved by buildin~ a new stable in conforuance with the Ordinance. The applicant was present and advised that ha ~uld be willin~ to comply with this request. 14r. Hattun8 van present and again stated that he felt that a stable was ,_,-aesirable in this neighborhood. Plannin~ C~ssion ~inutee -,l~ar. ch 12~ 1962 - Con*t I1. C. There ~as no one else present who wished to codaeat regardin5 this ap- plication, thaiman Webster declared the public hearimp. on L~-36 closed at 7:45 Po N, There was a uot~on by Connissioner aohuson, seconded by Comissioner Crisps that 1YP-36, Robert R. Walker, be ~ranted subject to the follov~n~ conditions: 1, Comply with all requirements of Ordinance NS-3, 2, The Plann~n8 Commission retains continuin8 Jurisdiction over the Use Pern~= tos from tins to tines raodifys delete or make additions to any or all of the conditions thereof, either on its o~n no=Son or on the application of the applicant, in order to preserve a sub- stantial right of the applicant or to preserve the healths safety, uoralss conveniences or welfare of persons residin~ or working in surroundin~ areass or to preserve exSstin8 or prospective values of property and improvements in surroundinG areas, or the enjoy- neat of such property and inprovenenCss or to prevent a public nuisance, Notion carried unanhnously. D, V-211 - The Firs= SaratoGa Conpanys Glen Brae D~ive - Variance from Site Width Reefu~.renents for Lot 61 and Site Area Requirements for Lot 58 of Unit No. 2~ Alpha Land Company Subd~vision The Public Hearing on V-.211 was opened at 7:53 Po 1~, The Secretary ad- vised that Notices of Public Hearin~ had been nailed and there ~ere no vritten co~nu~L~c3t.~ons on f~le, A Staff report pertainin8 to this appli- cation was read by the Secretary, ~i, Lo Splits=one was present and advised that Mr, Griffin had to leave to attend another meetin~ but would return within the hour. He requested =hat V-211 be continue~ tm~:il Mr. Criffin returned. On the basis of th~s request~ Chairman ~4ebater directed this matter cont~naed until later in the evening, xxx. S_,U~.DIV~SIONS AND BUIL.D~NG S~TE_S. A, SD- 333 - Alpha Land Company, SaratoGa-Sunnyvale Road - Subdivision - 4~. Lots - Co. ntinued from Februa~ry 26~ 1962 Connissioner Anderson recomended that action on this matter be deferred until action had been taken on V-211, On the basis of this recomenda- tion~ Chairnan Webster directed SD-333 continued until later in the eveninG, B, SDR-339 - Thomas Dorsey~ Saratoga-Los Gates Road - Buildin~ Site Approval - 1 Lot - Continued from February 26~ 1962 . Cor~iesioner Anderson advised that the Subd~vision Cor~ttee had net with Mr, Dorsey to discuss alternatives with regard to this lot, The Secretary P.l~mnin~, Co~n~ssion M~nutes - I~,=c~ 12, 1967 - Con't 1II. B. advised that he had heurd moth.in8 from l'~ro Dotsay since that time. Xt was observed thr=t the 30 day ex;zension for actlee ~ranted by FAT. Dotsay would expire before the meetins on March 26, 1962. There ~Tas a motion by Com!~s~_ousr Auderson~ seconded by Commissioner Clenn, that SDR-339 be denied; no=ion carried tmaniuously. C. SDR-~35 - Fo~.~:es= Be Yoder, Fruitvale Avenu2 - Revision of Tentative Map fo~.Bu!Idiu~, Site Approval ~remted February 13~ 1962 ~e Secretary read a ma~Dranduu from the City ~ar~.uistrator pertniuinC to this um. ttero ~e revised nap was reviewed by the Cc~ ssiono A question arose reSardin8 the fact t.hP~= ~he applicant had included as part of the site the proper.'-y offered for dedication. The Secretary vised that the City A=torn. ay had stated that this could be done since there %xas no off'/.cia1 plan line for F~itvale Avenue. The applicant was present to discmar ~hls ~n-"=e= further -,yith the Conn~ssion. There was a motion b7 Co_-nr/lse:~on~r ~za,~a?.son, seconded by Cozmnissioner Glenn, taint the reviw)ed tentative nap for SDE-335 (Exhibit A-l, sub~ltt- ted March 9~ 1962) be approved subject to the ten (10) conditions ted in the Build;tu[~ S.~..".e Coznittee Report of Febr~mry 9, 1962, conditions 3, 6, and 9 of which ha~ze been r~ised to read as follows: 3.. Construct drgze'.,my approaches 16 feet x~de at property line flared to 24 feet a~ exis:in~ street payinS, one (!) driveway to be on Three Oaks Way and the other on FruiCvaie A'~e~ue, Use double se~ll coat oil and 6creenin~ or better on 6 inch base 6o Abandon exiz=in8 entrance on F~uiT~ale Avenue. 9. Bonds and J.napectiou fees required as follows: .1~.. BOUND INSPECTIO!,~ FEE Driveway Approaches - I on Three O~hks Way 1 on Fruitvale Average $200.00 $30°00 F~uitvale Avenue luCrerecants 400.00 2~.00 TOTAL ................ $600.00 $54°00 XV. DESX~. SS-25. - The First SaratoE~. Company, SarntoCa-Sunn~vale Road - Subdivision SiP, n Application f.~r -z~ipt,~.~; Land Company Subdivision - ConC~nt, ed from Feb_~uarv 25~ 196f~ Chairnan ~ebster directed this umtter continued until action had been taken on V-211 and SD-333. Plqunin~ Co.'~.ission 1~inutes -Ymrch 12r 1962 Ch~tr~ Webster ~elcoued Countflush Laurel11 to the meti~ a~ noted t~C this ~d be hie last offic~l ~ei~. ~e ~mission ~ress~ r~ret t~t ~ ~d been ~t to file for the iorthc~i~ election, ~ t~ h~ for hie lo~ d~icat~ semite to the city. D, V-2~ - ~e F~r6~ S~R~o~R C~G~s G~eu B~ae ~ive - V~a~e ~n Site ~idth Re~nts for Lot 61 a~ Site ~ ~qu~ts ~or ~ o~ U~ ~ 2~ ~pha La~ ~an~ Su~ivis~n ~, Gri~f~ a~ ~e e~eer, Nr. ~erli~, discussed this V~nce request ~th the ~lssion. ~ey ~ai~ that ~e street patte~ the ~isCi~ h~ set ~he ~ines ~or Lot 6Z~ so ~ey ~re p~erZess ~ ~e it congo; A~er d~cuesion, they ~vis~ t~t if the so desired they ~uld again t~7 ~ ~ke Lot 58 co~om to t~ ~ere ~as ~ one else ~resen~ ~ho ~ish~ M c;~t ~th rega~ to this. ~lication~ so the C~i~n 6eelare6 the p~ttc hea~i~ elos~ on V-2II aC 9:07 ~. H. ~ere vae a m~ion ~ Co~t:esioner Jo~son, seeo~ b7 C~esio~r ~i~, t~t the Variance in co~eccion ~th ~t 61, requesti~ a site ~dth oi ~.57 feet, be approved ~ that the re,eat for a V~e in co~ection ~ith the site area of Lot 58 be die~proved; rotion C~ipn ~ebster declar~ public h~rin~s closed for the eve~ at 9:~0 ~Z, A. 5~333 - ~p~ ~,d ~any~ Saratoga-Su~e b~ - Subdivision - ~ Lo~s C;issionet ~derson advie~ t~t the Subdivision ~ttee ~sh~ discuss lots 50 ~ 5~ ~th the C~eeb~ Hr. Griffin stat~ t~t ~e ~istinc d~ sheds, ~ich ~ght be there for ~e t~, ~de these lots less desirable. ~ere~ore~ he ~ incZ~ed these as ~ (2) o~ the lots of less tha ~2~500 square feet allo~ ~ the su~ivision. It obee~ed that it vae necess~ Co conC~ this ~tCer to give the ~nt t~e to r~ise the mp so C~t bc 58 ~ould ~nfom to the o~i~ce. ~ere~ore, C~i~n ~ebeter direct~ ~-333 eont~d until ~e ~eti~ on ~ 26, ~962. IV. SS-25 - ~e ~irst 8~atoCa Cobany, Saratoga-5~n~le ~ad - Subdivision Sign ~pZiation ~or ~pha Land C~a~ Su~ivie~n ~iun ~ebster directed this miter c~C~u~ until the neet~ on ~ch 1962, since ~ action ~s ~en on SD-333. V. ~ BUS~SS Copiesloner Crib, r~resentinC the General PI~ C~tttee, request~ a Public HMri~ be eel o~ Ap=~.~ ~, ~962, in ~uction ~th ~ioloc o~ ~e General Plan. C~i:j.'~ ~s~ece:: d~reeC~ t~t the Secreta~ set a ~ati~ on this date ~ couction ~th General PI~ ~endations, ~cZ~ ~ee sent f~ the City Council. PIJ--~ C~,-.eSelon Minutes - HaTch 12, z96~ - Contt ~. BUSINESS h ~R-1~9 (a~ ~-8} - S~a~o~ I~ ~~ - Re~ for ~e~ Comtssioner ~er;on a~is~ that the ~!-~-ce does ~t pe~t ~te~c'sn of ~re ~;han one (1) y~r in ~uction ~th a Use a~ r.. ze a 7Mr;~: ;~t~'~:'.-,n bad already ben grant~s it ~uld be e:':t,.~".."~ ~.u. }I.~ '..:,':~leu advised t~t ~=hout a Use Pe~ts ~e~z~.o~. :o~d t~.~.: b~ ~:.~'-:~ed ou =he B~ldi~ Site ~proval. ~ere- fore, th~:~ was nc :.c'L.'.;v .;".3 ~3o~.ssion ~uld ~e. 2. ~- 268 - Ira Kirbri~s Satatoga-S~m~e b~ - Su~ivis~ - 62 Lots ~ Request fox ~t~ion ~e Secre~ r~ a le~er fr~ E. ~ S-~ of ~y ~ requesC~ an ~ion of One (E) y~ In co~ec~ion ~Ch ~ le=Cer did ~= 8=a=e the reas~ t~s ~ion ~s ~ededs a~ there ~s no o~ presen~ ~o ~$ve further de~lXs ~ch r~d to reQ~sC. ~efores =he C~selon felt =~C ~hey ~d ~ basis on ~ ~ 8ran= chSs ~=e~ ~son, C~t =hie reques~ ~ an ~e~n be de~; ~Eion 3. ~-33 - G~rae 8. ~=Cy, Wlld~ud Park - ~q~sC for Reco~era~n of Co~iCions ~e Secretary r~d a letter from Mr. ~y req~s~l~ ~ the d,~io~ esCabli~ed ~er his Use Pe~C be re~nsider~. ~ebs=e= directed ~= this mC~er be referr~ ~o ~he Var4--~e uit=ee for s~y u~ a reporC a~ ~he m~ uee~i~. B. Respectfully submitted, Stanley N. Walkers Secretary Saratoga Plan-t-S Cu,~i es~on