HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-23-1962 Planning Commission Minutes .St~AKY ~F NINUTES
Time: 7:00 P. N., Nonday, July 23, 1962
Place: Fruit-vale School, FTultvale Avenue, Saratoga, California
Type: Regular Mee=tng
The meeting was called to order b~ Chairman Webster at 7:08 P, N,
Present: Co-xnissix~ners Anderson, Co~rley, Crisp~ Glenn, Johnson
and Webster,
Absent: l~oce,
C~uanissiouer Crisp n~ved, seconded by Co~nissioner Johnson, that
the readin~ of the minutes of ~he meeting of July 9, 1962, be
~qaived and that the minutes be approved as prepared and sub~'Ltted
to the Cc~rn~sion; motion carried ummimously,
The Chairman declared public hearings open for the evening at 7:10 P,
A, UP-37 - Palo Alto Development Corporation, Saratoga Avenue - Request
for Use Pen~it for Private Kecreat~onal Club for use of
siden~s of the A~royo de S~atoga Subdivision off Saratoga
Avenue - Cont..~uued ~.rom July 9~ 1962
The Secretaz~r advised that a cuua~unication had been received from
lturray Owen, representing a group of home-owners in the Glenbrook
Subdivision~ opposing the granting of this Use Pernntt. The Chair-
mnu ruled that this letter could not be admitted as evidence since
the public hearing in cennec~ion xqitb this application was closed
before the letter was received, He did, ho~ever~ direct that the
letter be filed for record,
Cou~nissionur C~isp read a statement, based on his past experience
in sound engineering, regarding the level of sound ~aich m~ht
o~mnate from the activities of the proposed club. Chairman Webster
directed this statement f~led, though nut as evidence,
Ceuaulssioner Anderson gave a brief rest~e of his experience with
the three (3) existing swim clubs in Saratoga, and stated that
~l~nn~u~ Co.~nission Minutes - July 23~ 1962 - Continued
II. A. Y~-37 - Valo Alto Development Corporation
1) Saratoga Woods Swim Club had been in operation for more than
four (4) years and, to his knowledge, there had been no complaints
2) complaints were received in connection with the Brookside Club
after it opened so the Couu~lssion reviewed and modified the condi-
tions of the Use Permit in January, 1960, making the restrictions
more severes and since that time, to his knowledge, there had been
no complaints and 3) the Saratoga Swim Clubs which had been in
operation for mny years, seemingly had not decreased property
values since mny very fine homes had been built in the area in
the years since the club opened.
Comissioner Glerm stated that he favored the club because 1) it
would increase the limited recreational facilities in Saratoga
without cost to the taxpayer 2) it would guarantee the City per-
manent maintenance of this subdivision entrance and 3) with the
severe restrictions that ~ould be placed on this operations he
felt that it ~ould not affect the privacy and property values
other residents of the area.
Comissioner Cowley observed that the club ~ould affect fewer
homes in the proposed locations it would appear, than if it was
moved hrther within the subdivision.
Comissioner Webster stated that he, too, felt that clubs such as
this were excellent for the City, but felt that they should be
loeatedwell within the subdivisions they served.
After further discussion, there was a motion by Comtssioner
seconded by Conshis,loner Johnson, that UP-37, Palo Alto Develop-
ment Corporation application for Use FernuLt for private recrea-
tional club for use of residents of Arroyo de Saratoga Subdivision~
be granted subject to the conditions outlined in the Subdivision
Conmittee Report of June 20, 1962, revised as follows on July 23,
Page It Condition No, 1 (OPERATION)
1st line - Add the follox~lng after the words '~rivate recreational
"including the Saratoga Avenue entrance to the Arroyo
de S&tatoga Subdivision"
let line - Add the ~ollowing after the wrd "operated":
'~nd maintained'*
p~..~,m~ C,u~ission liinutes - July 23~ 1962 - Continued
llo A, UP-37 - Pals Alto Development Corporation
Paze 2. CondiCtUm Itst 2 ~I~BERSHIP)
3zd line - Add the followix~ at the end of the last sentence:
~tfor a period of C~o (2) yearsT and these management
· ~e~bers shall be e~ployees of the subdivider."
Ps~e 3 - Aid the follovin~ as Condition Nov 12
Construction of houses on lots 2s 3 and/~ of this subdivision must
be c~pleted before this cabfins club is placed in operation°
Roll nell vote: Ayes-' Connnissioners Anderson, Cowl°y° Crisp,
Glenn and 3ohason, Hoes: Cczsnissioner Webster, Absent:
Notion carried,
B, C046 - Gilbert C° Nays SaratoSa-Sum~yvale Road - l~equest for
of Zontx~ from '1~-1-12s500" to "C-S" - Continued from July 9s
The applicant ~as present and briefly reviewed the circ,,m_~tances
which prompted this application. Boris Stanley, attorney, ~as pre-
sent to represent 14Z, and Hrs° S~ains former ovners vho sCill have
a security interest in the property° lit° S~anley a~ain reminded ~he
Commission that the Swains had operated a ~,,~eery on this property
since 1931° He stated that because of the P, G, & Eo riSht-o~-vay
and the railroad it was felt that the subject property would better
lend itself to nursery use than to the residen~ial use ~or vhich it
was recently zoned, He also advised that if ~he City wuld prefer
to Stunt conditional zoning° restrictix~ the proper~y to nursery user
he felt this w~uld be satisfactory with the applicant, lit. S~anley
submitted a petition supportinS this chanSe o~ zoninS viCh siSna-
tures of other property o~mers in the area, vhich was filed for re-
cord. He ~urther stated that he felt the nursery use would make a
Scod buffer zon~ ~or the C-S zone to the nerch.
There was a motion by Consul°eisner Crisps seconded by C~n,lssioner
Anderson, that the public henrin~ on C-46 be continued until the
meetin~ on August 13s 1962, and that this utter be referred to the
Subdivision ConnniCtee or another co~L~iCtee for further study and a
report at that time, Hell call vote: Ayes: Conuissioners Ander-
son and Crisp° Hoes-' Co~nissioners Cowl°y° Glenn° Johnson and
l~ebster° Hotion did not carry.
Since there was no one else present wM wished to speak with re-
8ard to this matters C~....'..lesioner Glenn movnds seconded by Co~mis-
sionnr Cowl°y° that the public hearin~ in connection with C-~6 he
P~annin~ Cormlesion Minutes - JuZy 23~ 1962 - Continued
II. B. C-46 - Gilbert C. May
closed. Roll call vote: Ayes: Cou~issioners Aedersons Cowley,
Glenn, Johnson and Webster. Noes: Con~nisstoner Crisp. Absent:
None. Marion carried and Chairman Webster deolared the public
hearing closed on C-46 at 8:48 P. M.
There was n motion by Commissioner Clenn~ seconded by Conntssioner
Johnson, that the Plann{ug Cun~nission recon~end to the City Council
that C-46, Gilbert C. May, application for change of zoning from
'~-1-12,500" 2o "C-S", be denied. Roll call vote: Ayes: Co~niS-
sioners Anderson, Cowley, Glenn, Johnson and Webster. Noes: Com-
missioner Crisp. Absent: None. Marion carried.
RECESS FRC[I 8:50 P. N, tO 9:00 P. M.
C. UP-S9 - Saratoga Federated Church, Saratoga-Los Gatos Road - Request
for Use Permit for additional church building on Saratoga
Federated Church propert~
The Secretary advised ~hat Notices of Nearing had been mailed~ and
read e conmunication from E~.mett Getewood ~hich had been filed in
support of th~s application and the applicantss application for e
Gifford Sobey~ architect, was present to represent the applicant
and discuss this matter with the Comissiono
Since there was no one else present who wished to speak with regard
to this matter, Connissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Co~missiouer
Joh-~on, that the public hearing in connection with UP-39 be closed.
l{otion carried unanimously and Chairm-- Webster declared the public
hearing closed at 9:09 P. M.
There was a motion by Co~nissioner Crisp, seconded by Co,~nissioner
Johnson, that UP-39s Saratoga Federated Church, request for Use
Permit for additionel church building, be granted subject to ~he
conditions outlined in the Co~mission~s approval dated November 9,
1959, condition #3 to ha modified as follows: Chan~e the City Ordi-
nance number from 3A-13 to NS-3. Motion carried un~usly.
D. V-218 - Saratoga Federated Church, Saratoga-Los Gatos Road - Request
for Variance in co--~ction with freight of Building and Off-
Street Parkin~ Spaces
The Secretary advised that Notices of Hearing had been nmiled and
there were no ~ritten connnnicatione on file. He further stated
that this was a re-application for the same Variance previously
granted by the C~aission.
There was no one presen~ who wished to conment with regard to ~his
matter, so Co-~issioner Johnson moved, secoednd by Co~issioner
Cowley, that the public hearing in connection with V-218 be closed.
Pl~nntn~ Ce=atssion lttnutes - July 23a 1962 - Continued
II. D. V-218 - Saratoga Federated Chur.ch
Motion carried aed Chairman ~/ebster declared the public hearing on
V-218 closed at 9:14 P. M.
There was a motion by Ce-w-issioner Crisps seconded by Con~issioner
Johnson, that V-218s Saratoga Federated Churchs request for Variance
in connection with building height and off-streee parking spaces, be
approved as specified in their application; motion carried
Chairman Webster declared public hearings closed for the evening at
9:15 P. M.
A, SD.R-365 - Saratoga Federated Church, Saratoga-Los Catus Road -
Buildin~ Site A~proval - 1 Lot
Cifford Sobeye architects was present to represent the applicants
and expressed satisfaction with ~he proposed conditions of approval.
There was a motion by Ce..~.lssioner Andersons seconded by C~n~tssioner
Crisp, that the tentative map for SDR-365 (Exhibit "A", filed July
1962) be approved subject to the conditions in the Bulkl ing Site
wittee Report dated July 23, 1962; motion carried u~n~rmusly.
Bo SDR-366 - California Steel Buildings, Inco, Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road -
~uildix~ Sit.e Approval - 1 Lot
Charles Harden, present to represen~ the appli~--t, expressed satis-
faction x~i~h the proposed conditions of approval.
Commissioner Anderson moveds seconded by C~-.-..{ssioner Cowleys
the ten=ative map for SDR-366 (Exhibi~ "A", filed July 13, 1962) be
approved subject to the conditions con~ained in the Building Site
Committee Report of July 23s 1962; motion carried ux~-~vnnusly.
C. SDR-367 - Robert Wo Pulvers Austin Way - Buildin~ Site Approval -
There was no one present ~o represent the spplicanto
Cc~4esioner Anderson moved, seconded by C~,-..~ssioner Crisp, that
the tentative map for SDR-367 (Exhibi= "A"s filed July 13s 1962) be
approved subject to the conditions contained in the Building Site
Cc-~ttee Report dated July 23, 1962; motion carried unanimously.
~1~ Co, misstonPltn~Ces - July 23a 1962 - Con~R.ued
IIIo D, SD-327 - Dro Isaac N, Abrams, Saratoga Avenue - Subdivision -
28. Lots - Revised TenCattve Nap .
Dr, Warren Sturla, represen~in~ the applicant, advised that it was
necessary to submit a revised map since the boundary line of the
property in question lms the West hank of the creek instead of the
middle of the creeks
There was a marion by C~Issioner Ax~erson, seconded by Conmis-
sioner Crisp, that the revised tenta~ive map for SD-3~7 (Exhibit
A-2, filed July 13, 1962) be approved subject to the conditions
contained in the Subdivision Co-~t=tee Report dated July 23,
which condit~ons are a revision of the conditions es~ablished
the time the tentative map for this subdivision was originally
approved (April 23, 1962); motion carried una~-~usly.
A. A-7~ - Richard C. Faust, Allendale Avenue - Yimal Approval -
l~.chaels Church -Con. cinued from July 9J 1962
%~esley Kosich was pTesent to =epresextt the applicant ar~ ~ave ~ur-
thor de~ails re~ardin~ this applica~iono
There w~as a motion by Comies~oner Clenn, seconded by Comm{ss~oner
Johnson, that A-74, St. ltichaels Church, he ~ranced final design
review approval as sho~n on Exhibit "A"s filed July 17, 1962~ mo-
tion carried unanin~uslyo
Bo A-~. - Palo Alto Development Corporation, Saratoga Avenue - Pri-
vate Recreational Club for Arroyo de Saratoga Subdivision -
Continued from.Jul7 9, 1962
There was a motion by Cx)...-.~ssioner Glenn, seconded by Co~nissioner
Johnsons Chat final design review approval be ~ranted for A-80,
private recreationel club for Arroyo de Saratoga, as sho~n on
bibits "A" and '~" (plot plan and landscape) and Exhibit
(color)s filed J,m~ ~, 1962; motion carried unanimously.
C. A-8..6. - Saratoga Federated Churchs Saratoga-Los 6atos Road - Final
ApproVal -. Mditio..nal Church Buildin~
There was a matron by Comnissioner Glenn, seconded by Co~issioner
Johnson, Chat A-86, Saratoga Federated Church, he ~ranted final
design review approval for the additional church buildin~ as sho~n
on Exhibits "A", '~" and '~"~ filed Jul~ 17s 1962; motion carried
Plnnn!n~ C~ssion Ninetee - July 23~ 1962 - Contin~,ea
lVo D. A-87 - California Steel Buildin~s, Inc., Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road -
Preltmina~7 Approval -.. Warehouse Buildir~
· here ~ae a motion by Commissioner Glenn, seconded by Comm~ssioner
Johnsons that prelim{nnvy approval be granted A-87s California
Steel Bu~ld!-~E~ss hco~ subject to final architectural plnnn showin6
colors and l~-ascaptn~ as required by Ordinance NS-3; motion car-
riad unanimouslyo
The applicant was advised that the C~lssion felt that a colored
buildln~ that would blemt into the landscape would be pre£erable
to a plain~ galvantzad buildinto
A. Chai~nan ~;ebster welcomed Councilman Drake to the meeting.
B, Paul Fe~cati - Chan~e of Zonix~ - ~?.E:Bo4' ~o "A' - Santa Clara
The Secretary read a co-~unication from Phyor In~lis reques~nl~ that
Saratoga support Monte Serene in upposin~ a chan~e of zonir~ appli-
cation on the Santa Clara County Flann~n~ Co~,~ssion ag~-~aa. This
matter was referred to the Sub~i~is~on C~.~.ittee for study aud a report.
A. 14RX'rk~N
T~ 1~E~"TX~ ADJ~Ta~D AT 10:25 P. H,
Respectfully sub~ittei,
Stnnley M. Walkers Secretary
Saratoga Pla~ Co,~=,,iesion