HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-27-1962 Planning Commission Minutes .S,m~.iARY OF ~XISUTES
CITY. OF. aTeCA PL,~Ua~6 caltlss.Io~
Tin~_: 7100 P, N., Nonday, August 27, 1962
Place: Ftui~vale School, Fruitvale Averaxe, Saratoga, California
Type: Regular Noetin8
z, OP.C,a UzA XOX
The ~eet~ was called to order by Viee-Chai~nan Anderson at 7:04 P, M,
Present: Con;aissioners Anderson, Cowleye Crisps Glenn and Johnson.
Absent: Co~missioner Webster.
There was a motion by Connissioner Glenn, seconded by Conutssioner
Crisps that the readin~ of the minutes of the meetin~ of AuSust
1962, be waived szxi that the minutes be approved subject to the
lc~ing correction:
Ya~e 5 - Add the following statement as paragraph 7 (trsnediately be-
lo~ statemen~ of NELVIN NAYI~):
~o~missioner Glenn stated that an electric ~uttar ~as
music a~d thereby, a violation of the Use Permits"
l~otion carried
n. p.nBtzc mz. s
The Chairman declared public hearings open for the evening at 7:08 P,
Ao V-220 - Glen lq, Stinuetts Canyon View Drive - Request Eor Variance
in connection with Front Yard Setback - Continued from
Au~.ust 13~ 1962 ..
At the request of Cornn!ssioner Cowley, the Secretary reed the Staff
Report submitted at the previous meeting. He also read a letter from
the applicant which had been filed with ~he additional drawings re-
quested by the COmmission.
The applicant was present~ together with his architect, Bill Busses
who submitted (as Exhibit '~)") a photograph of the subject propert7
and (as Exhibit '~'~ an additional drawing pertaining to this appli-
cation, lit. Busse stated 1) it had been his understanding that the
P.~,,,nin~..Commission Ninu.~es - August 27, 1.962 - Continued
II. A. V-220 - Glen W~ Stinn~.l~,
right-of-way ~or Canyon View Drive was 60 feet and 2) if the right-of-
way was only 50 feet as indicated earliars the Variance needed was 5
feet less than requested°
Comissioner Anderson etated that he felt the evidence submitted did
not give the Cou~ission a basis for the findinSs required for the
~rantin~ Of this Variance.
Ctaumissl~ner Johnson, Chairman of the VarianCe Conziittee, concurred w~h
G~nni~stoner Andersonss statement.
In answer to a question from lit. Busse pertainin8 to other Variances in
the area, C~lssioner Anderson advised that a ntnnber of circumst~nces
caused the area to be developed as it was. He explained that many of
the lots were smaller than ~he zonin~ district required and that the
pog=aphy had created other physical hardships. For this reason, a ntnn-
bar of Variances had been granted in the area.
Co~'a,.issioner Glenn observed that the street improv~,~nts did not follow
the center of the right-of-way, but moved from side to side, creatin~
the illusion of Variances in some instances where the setbacks actually
conformed to the Ord4-~nce.
Since there was no one else present who wished to comnent with re~ard
to this matter, Cormuissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Connniss~oner John-
sons that the public hearin~ on V-220 be closed. The motion carried
unanimously and the Chairman declared the public haarin~ cloaed at
7:30 P. M.
There was a motion by C~.,~,4ssioner Johnson, seconded by Co~hissioner
Crisp, that V-220s Glen 14. Stinnett, applica~ion for Variance in connec-
tion with front yard setback requirenentss be denied; motion carried
B. C-.47 - Dr. D. A. Salzber~, Saratoga Avenue - Request for Chan~e of
Zoning from '11-1-12,500" t..o
The public b~-rina in connection with C-47 w~s opened at 7:35 P. M.
The Secretary advised that a Notice of Hearin~ had been published and
reed 1) a Staff Report recomendin~ that this application be continued
for further study and 2) a co~uu~cation from D. E. BEENAN, Saratoga
Avenue and Shadow Oaks Way, protestin~ this proposed Chan~e of Zoning.
Dr. Salzberg was present, together with his builder, Leon Hovik.
Pl~nnin~ C~bnlSSiOn Ninutee- ~Ust 27,. 1962
IIo B, C-47 -.l)r~ D. A~ Salzbe~g
Dr, Salzberg etated 1) the request was s~ithin the intent of the Master
Plan 2) the lead van suited £or apartment buildin~ 3) there van a need
for good apartments in the area close to the Village and 4) n number
Saratoga residents had etated that they approved the idea, A.t the re- ·
quest of Cu~iss~oner Crisp, Dr, Salzberg a~reed to submit a list of the
,~mes of the residents who had expressed a desire for these apartments,'
h afis~r to a question from C~'.-..~ssioner Glenus ltr~ Hovik advised that
a cost analysis vas not available at this time, but gave th~
information ~rlth re~ard to the proposed apartments: I) 30 units
2) luxury types French Provincial ~arden apartments 3) stdcco buildin~
~ith brick facin~ /,) three storiess t~o-story apartments with parkin~
underneath 5) rental nuitss onus t~o and three bedrooms at approxi~ely
$200s ~250 and $350 and 6) approxi~tely tw parkin~ spaces per units
nue covered and one encovered,
~he appliunt ~ae advised by the C~,-...tssion that it ~ould be necessary
for him to check the ordinance to determine ~hether or nnt he had
ficient property for 30 units,
There ~as no one else present vho ~ished to c~ent vlth tabard to this
It ~as the consensus of the Co~maission that this request should be
studied ~urther, as recentheaded in the Staf~ Pu~ort, ~he Chairmans
theze£ores directed the hearin~ on C-~7 continued anti1 the next regu-
lar meetin~ and requested that the Subdivision Committee submit a report
at that tt~,
Co UP-41 - First Church oi Christs Scientists Lomit~ Avenue - Request for Use Permit for Church..and Sund~y .S. cbuO1
The public hearin~ on UP-41 ~as opened at 7:55 9, H,
The Secretary advised that Notices of Hearin~ had been mailed and read
a Staff Report per~ainin~ to this matter, He further advised that this
~as a re-application in connection ~rlth a Use Permit previensly granted
which had expireds and that the only condition with regard to the pre-
vious U~e Permit ~as that the applicant get Architectural and Site Con-
trol approval,
It vas observed that most o~ the homes in the area ~ere built after the
original Use Permit for this Church ~;as granted,
COL, ROBERt RDICKs la9~1 WesCvie~ Drives stated tha~ he felt this lot
vas ideally suited £or the Church since it ~zas approxt~tely 300 feet
back from Loreits Avenues adjacent to the cemetery on one side nnd the
PI--n{x~ Com~ission Minutes - August 27e 1962 - Continued
DT-4I ~ First Church of C~ri~.~e .S. cientist
creek. on the other. He advised that Church Services wore held on Wed-
nesday and S-.~-y, only one business meetin~ was held each month, end
that the Church was nut need for social gethatchEs. He further stated
that they had sufficien~ property to park all cars on level ground back
off Loreira Avenue. With regard t~ traffic, Col. Ruick stated 1) ~n-
trance ~oUld not He directly opposite Vickery Avenue, but between Vickery
Avenue and Aloha Avenue 2) access and egress would be from Vicket7
Kcmina Avenue and Aloha Avenue and 3) traffic would net be too heavy.
He advised that, at present. the congregation was less than 100, but a
seating capacity of 350 was
O. T. ROBERTSHAWs 19575 Three Oaks Way. stated that he. tnos felt that
this lo= was an ideal location for the church.
E. E. CRECELIUS, Pierce Road, concurred with Mr, Robertshswss stat~.~nt,
and said they hoped to construct a church of which Saratoga, and the
entire West Valleys would be proud.
JACK REYNOLDS, Aloha Avenue, stated that he thouSht the traffic would be
a hazard and f~rther stated that he represented other people. In answer
to a request from the Chairman, nine people stood to indicate that they
aBreed with I~. Reynolds.
SHERMAN EDWA~DSs 14571 Vickery Arenas, raised the question of another
access to this property, and was advised that nuno was planned at present.
VIRGIL GIVENS, 14710 Vicker7 Avenue, reqnestnd a mop that would show
exactly where this lot was located. This request was Branted.
WILLIAM BR(X4N, 19079 Cox Arenas, stated that he did not feel the church
traffic would he a hazard since the people would net be drivin~ care-
losslys and that ha felt this should be taken into consideration,
VIRGIL GIVENS, after studyi~ the map, suSSested that an access be ob-
tained from Sixth Street, and was advised that this would involve buyin~
a ,rear deal of lands innlading a portion of the cemetery.
Since there was no one else present who wished to speak with tabard to
this applications Cu,anissioner Glenn moved, seconded by Commissioner
Crisp, that the public heurinB in connection with this matter be closed.
Motion carried ,,n-n{-w~usly and Chaix~m- Anderson declared ~he public
hearing closed on UP-41 at 8:19 P. M.
There was a motion b~ C~u~issionet Crisp, seconded by Cv~missioner Glean,
that UP-~l, First Church of Christ, Scientist, Loreira Avenue, request
for Use Pe~t~lt for Church and Sunday School Building, be approved in
cotdance with the Use Permit (V-126) previously Branted (26 January 1959);
marion eartied Unen~ra~usly.
P~n.~R Co,,,,,,tssion Mixmtes - August 27a 1962 - Continued
D. V-221 - Prod Vogler, Oak Street - Request for Variance In connection
with Site Area of one (1) D~elltu~Uni= of proposed three
The public hearing on V-221 was opened at 8:25 P. Mr
Tae Secretary advised that Notices of Hearing had been mailed and read
1) a Staff Report recommendtn~ that this matter be continued for fur-
thor study and 2) a conmmnicatton from Nason Shaw in support of this
Mr. Vogler was present end stated 1) he felt a triplex would be the
best use of this property 2) several existiz~ Muses in the area hod
been converted to so-called apartments 3) he planned to build very nice
apartments 4} he felt the loc would lend itself nicely to three (3)
units 5) Clarenee Neale recently converted an existin~ building (only
two doors away) to a triplex and 6) the Neale lot contained 50 square
feet less area thanMs o~nlot.
Comnisstoner Cooley stated that he had received the co~anunicatton sent
to his home by Mr, Vogler and resented the circled area on the exhibit
indicating that ~lr. Walker had approved this triplex in June of 1962s
that he felt ttwas poor taste on the part of the applicant.
Pit. VoWlet etated that he had net intended it this ~ay, but only to
show that it was felt that this was the best use of the property.
JOHN DENNEY, 14531 Westcott Drive, questioned whether or not this par-
titular zonin~ would work out well on the West side of Oak Street, He
stated l) apartments built there should be nice, up to architectural
standards 2) lots are so small that nice apartments would be eaeconemi-
cal unless you owned almost a block 3) he was s~eaktn~ only as a citi-
zen, no~ representing other property owners and 4) perhaps soma other
tTpe zontn~ might be better9 more of an asset to ~hole communlty~ since
mnnll parcels do not warrant amount of money invested for type units
that should be built.
On the basis of a suggestion from Concisetoner Crisp and concurrence of
other Commissioners, Chairman Anderson directed this matter continued
until the next re~ularmeetin; to allow time for further study.
The Chetrmeadeclared public hearings closed for the evening at 8:4~P. 1~
subject ~o C-47 and V-221 bein~ continued until the meetin8 on September
KECESS FROH 8:45 P. M. UNTIL 9:00 P. M.
.P~nnnin~ Cb~.ission }!inutes- August 27. t 1962 - Continued
A. SDR-370 - R. Do Hildebfandt, Bohlmann Road - Bulldiu~ Site Approval
1 Lot - Continued from August .13t 1962
llxe applicant leas present and, after discussion, expressed satisfaction
with the proposed conditions of approval.
C~.~..-.~ssioner Crisp roeveda seconded by Cozanissioner Clean, that the ten-
tatire map for SDR-370 (Exhibit ~'A", filed August 3, 19~2), R. D, Hilde-
brmxit~ I lot on Rohlmann Road~ be approved subject to the conditions
contained in the Buildtr~ Site C~muittee RepOrt df AUguSt 24, 1962; mo-
tion carried unanimously.
Be S.D.R-372 - IJm. E, Themass. Pier. ce Road - Buildix~ Site Approval - 1 Lot
The applicant was not present.
There was a motion by Co~issioner Crisp, seconded by Commissioner Glenns
that the tentative map for 5DR-372 (Exhibit "A"~ filed August 13s 1962)s
Win, E. Thomass 1 lo= on Pierce Roads be approved subject to the condi-
tions contained in the Buildin~ Site Committee Report of august 24, 1952;
motion carried nuanimously.
C, S~..R-373 - George G, 14oustakass Vessin~ Road - Buildin~ Site Approval -
4 Lots
The Chairman directed this matter continued until the meetinS on Septem-
ber 11, 1962~ since it vas necessary for the applicant to submit a
vised map.
D, SDR-374 - Fred Vealeft Oak Street - Buildin~ S..ite Approval - 1 Lot
Conditions had not been established in connection with this applica=ion~
so Chairman Anderson directed this matter continued until the meetin8 on
September 11, 1962.
A, A.-~88 - Standard Oil Company, Saratoga-Los Gates Road - Preliminary Appro-
val - Service Station - Continued from....Au~ust 13s 1962
Chainnan Anderson continued =o preside over the meetin~ buts because of
his former connection with Standard Oil Com~any~ abstained from takin~
part in the discussion and votin~ in the matter of A-88.
After discussion, there was a motion by Cumu~Lssioner Gtenn, seconded by
Coa=aissioner Johnson, that preliminary approval be ~ranted A-55s Stan-
dard Oil Company, for the subject service station on Sarato;a-Los Gates
Pl~nnin~ Com~iselon ~inutes - August 27~ 1962 - Continued
A, A-88 - Standard 0il Company
Road, subject to submission of final plans, specifications, elevations,
etc. for final approval as required by Section 13 o~ Ordinance NS-3;
motion eartied unanimously.
The applicantss representative agreed to use a shake roof on this our;.
vice station i~ the building code would permit same, and was assured
Chat the cede ~uld ~er~it it.
B, A-D9 - Ross Hall Corporation, Reid Lane - DesignRevievo~ H~mes Co be
built in Deedpark Subdivision
Robert Reese~as present to represent the applicant, and advised that
colors~ere controlled by the customers except that a black beusawas
not permitted, nor was an~ythiag that did net look di~nified. Ha
that advised that the color selection was subject to architectural ap-
proval su that no color used would be unflatterix~ to the house next
door. He explained that they used one or two colors ~ith white trim
and tried to create a quiet, dignified atmosphere.
l~r. Reese was advised that it ~ould be necessary for him to submit
pies o~ the colors available to the customers.
There was a motion by Co=missioner Glenn, seconded by Co~nissioner ~ohn-
son, that final architectural approval be granted A-59, Ross Hell Cor-
poration, for 29 homes as shodmen Exhibits "A"~ '~" and "C", filed
AUgust 21, 1962, subject to final color approval by the Design Review
~o~.'..~ittee; motion carried unanimously.
C. SS-2G - Pale Alto Development Corporation~ Saratoga Avenue - Final Design
Approval of Arroyo de Saratoga Subdivision Entrance and Sign
C~,~;tssioner GI~~m stated that a letter had been submitted by ~r. Drie-
cell statix~ that the area desi~nated as park{~ould be landscaped
net utilized as parking space for the Swim and Kacquet Club.
C~i.;~;~ssioner Olennmoved~ seconded by Ccmnissionor Cowlay, that final
approval be granted SS-25, Pale Alto Development Corporation, for en-
trance and sign in connection with Arroyo de Saratoga Subdivision, as
showann Exhibits "A" end '~", £iled 21 August 1962, and in accordance
with letter dated 21 August 1962~ in which the developer agrees to land-
scape the area desi~nated as parking if it is not used as parking in con-
necttnn with the Club; motion carried
Pl~nin~ Cennission Ninutes - August 27, 1962 - Conti~,~
1. A~83 - Creative Workshops Oak Street - Request for Extension of Use
of Fire~n~n's Hall - Continued from August 13~ 1962 .
The applicant vas not present and had not filed the letter requested
by the C~mmission~ith regard to additio~al perkinS, After discus-
sing the matter at length, ~here was a ~otion by Connissioner Glenns
seconded by Co,-..tssioner Johnso~s that this request be denied because
of lack of adequate parkina ~acilities; motion carried unanimously,
2o SDR-229 - H~s~ August Jon~ss Belle Vista Drive ~ Request for Extension
The Secretary read e letter ~romNrso Jonas requesting an extension
in connection with SDK-229.
There was a motion by C~hissiener Johnson, seconded by Co~missioner
Crisps tha~ this request be denied since a year's extension had pre-
viously been granted in connection with this application; motion car-
ried unan~,~uely,
I, Commissioner A~derson advised that he~ould be unable to attend the
meeting on September ll, 1962s since he would be out of to~m.
2. Commissioner Cowleyadvised that he would be sway the en~iremonth
of September,
~eapect~lly e~bmitted,
Saratoga Plaaning Comission