HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-11-1962 Planning Commission Minutes CITY OF SARA~0GA P.MI~4INC Tit0ez 7600 P. Me, Tuesd2y, Septre-her 11, 1962 Place: Fruitvale Schools Ft~itvale Avenue, Saratoga, Call£otnia TNpe: lle~ular Meetin8 I, ROUTII~ ORGANIZATION The meetin~ wee called to order by Chairman Webster at 7:09 P, H. A, R~.L CALL Presents C~ssiouers Crisps Gler, n, Johnson, Kellum and Webster. Absent: C~;-,sesioners Anderson ,~4 Cowlay. Be RII~JTE$ Co~--essioner Johnson moved, seconded by C~.-..tssioner Glenn, that the reading of the ~4m,tes o£ the meeting of August 27, 1962, be waived and that the minutes be spproved as prepared n_,~ submitted to the C-~.~.Assien; motion carried *m~rn4tanUSlye IIo EUBLIC HEARINg. The Chairman declared public hear4~s open for the evening at 7:13 'Po A. ...C~7 - Dr. D. A, Salzher$, Saratoga Avenue - Request for Cban~e of Zonin$ fr..~. '~t-1-12s500' to '~i-14-3~000" - Continued from Angust 27, 1962 For the purpose of review, the Secretary aSain read the Sta£f Hapoft and the letter o£ protest submitted by Hr° Dr. SalzberZ and 14r, Hovik were present and stated 1) the contour of the land makes it di£ficult to develop this site into more th,, one or single f~ty ~-~e ,~ they still would not be particularly desirable 2) the subject property is almost entirely surrounded by nndtiple dwel- llass with the SarateXan Apartate on the ~est, Crystal Terrace Apart- ~ents on the East and Brsokaide Glen Apartments on the North 3) luxury unite ~nich p~vide Country Club type living are plnn~ed ~) since the subject property drops sharply £or a distance of approxsmntely 60 feet, the roo£ line would be only five feet above street Erade 5) they felt the proposed development wuld be the best possible use o£ the land and 6) indications are that there is a definite need £or this type rental unit in SararoSa. 21to applicant showed slides of the subject property and similar apartment units they had developed in Nounrain Vie~, as well as a perspective of the Nounrain View Apartments. In answer to a ques- tion from the Chairman, Nr. Hovik advised that the proposed apartments could be ready for occupancy within a year o£ the rezoning. p],nn4ua Conmission Hinute~ - S.~ptember ~ls 1962 .- Con~inned IIo A, C-~? - Dr. Dr A~ Salzbex~ NRS. D. E. BEENAN, SararoSa Avenue and Shadow Oaks ~;ay, protested this chan~e of zonin~ on the basis that 1) the 'residents want SaratoSs to r~ymin a lov densit7 area 2) .this area could be developed into lovely single f,m41y residences in a m~n-er similar to that of l~ossmere Court and 3) loss of an7 of the beautiful trees on this property vould be undesirable. 14to Hovik advised that l) they did not plan to r~nve any of the larSer trees 2) the wooded area ~ould r~in intact and 3) this was part of the chain of the proposed development and they would not want to destroy it. Mrs. Beeman submitted a petition vith twenty-two signatures protest4-~ this charge o~ zonin~, and requested that this application be ~ontinued since many people in the area had nut realized the matter ~ould be on the a~enda for this meeting. Chairman Webster directed this petition filed for record, but reserved opinion ~rLth regard to the request for a continuation. MPa. DON AI~ENSs 14060 Saratoga Avenue, stated 1) she fel~ this vould increase the traffic load on Saratoga Avenue 2) the increase in traffic would create the need for wideninS and 3) this would destroy the rural shr~ephere the residents are tryinS so herd to preserve. Commissioner Crisp observed that the City Council had recently taken action to eliminute a potential 1,000 spar~mput units from the General Plan. He stated that it was felt that this action was taken because the need for this D,n,her of apartments was net indicated and the apartments that wore needed should be closer to the VillnSe for the benefit o~ older residents, He then read a Subdivision Counttree Report pertainiU~ to this mtter. Dr. SalzberS submitted a report of statements from immediate property owaers. Since the s~aten~_nts were not signed, Cheirnmn ~/ebster directed this report admitted for record of ~nme8 of people contacted by Dr. SalsberS rather than on merit. Crmn4seioner GI'"- moved, seconded by Connnissioner Kellum, that this matter be continued until the next regular meeting as requested from the floor; motion carried ,mnn~nously and Cheirnm_n ~ebster directed C-47 continued until the meeting on Sapten~er 24~ 1962. Plann;ing C~mm4ssiOn Minutes - 8eptembe~ 11z 1962 - Conr4msed B. V-,221 - Fred Voglers Oak Street - Request ,cot Variance in connection vith Site Area o,c one (1) dvelliug unit o,c a proposed three (3) Apartmane BuildinR - Continued £rom August 27, 1962 , The Secretary read a ooznunieation £tom the City Attorney vlth regard to this matter. The opplicant was present ~nd presented elevations o,c the proposed apart- ment units. He stated 1) he did not ,ceel this property was appropriate ,cot single f_~41y residential 2) it would be a £tneuctal hardship to have only L~o uults 3) there was n~,le zoom for three units on this pro- perty, which would make a more practical tnves~nent ,cot the type units he plansad to build and 4) he vould be happy Go buy additional and had triads but ~us unable tO do so, Ccnmissioner Crisp stated that he ,celt the lot was hardly large enouSh for a one-£amlly house, especially three 'm4~s, but that the ordinance would allow the applicant to build tvo units, Camnissinner Joht~_~on stated that the Variance Committee had studied this matter care£ully and £elt there was no hardship involved that ~;ould war- rant the ~ran~4n~ of this Variance, C~..~.4ssioner Glenn tooveda secoudud by Co~missinner Crisp, that the public hearing on V-221 he closed; motinn carried unanimously and the Chair~mn declared the public hearing closed at 8:30 Po No Cuu~issioner Johnson moved, seconded by Commissioner Crisp, that V-221, Fred Voglers request £or Variance in connection ~tth site area o£ one dwelling unit o,c a proposed three unit apartment buildings be denied. Roll call vote: Ayes: Commissioners Crisps Glean, Johnsons Kellum and Webster, Noes-' None° Absent: C ...... assloners Anderson and Covley° Notion carried mmni~usly° The Chairman declared public henrihas closed for the evening at 8-'47 Po ~I° Chairman l~ebster welcomed Councilman Fred Ritchie to the RECESS FR~i 8:50 P. 14. TO 9:00 Po No IIIo SUBDIVISIONS AND Btrn.nll/G SITES Ao SDR-373 - George G, Noustakass Vessing Road - Building Site Approval - ~ Lots - Continued ~nn.Au~ust 27a 1962 Cr~m4SSinner Crisp advised that the revised map requested in connection vlth this applieatinn had nut been receivuds so suggested that this matter be continued until the next meeting° On the basis o£ this sug- gestinn, Chai~n l/abater directed SDR-373 continued until the meetin~ on Soptpmber 24, 1962, Plann4n~ Coaaiss. ion l~inutes - Sep~ber 11~ 1962 - Continued ITT, So SDR-374 - Fred Voglerz Oak StreeC - Build4n_a_ Site Approval - 1 Lot - Conti_m,_~ea from Aurdst 27, 1962 The applicant was not present for ~his portion of the mee~4-S, Ce;.--:ssiouer Crisp read the conditions of approval recoe~ended by the Buildin~ Site C~n~ttee, There ~ae a motion by C~issioner Crisp, seconded by Co~nissioner Glenns ~hat the tentative map for SDR-376 (Exhibit 'A", filed .Ax~et: 17, 1962), Fred VoSler, 1 lot on Oak Street, be apFroved subJec~ to the con- ditions read by C~..~.~;~iesioner Crisp from the dace sheet da~ed August 21, 1962, which is siSned by the Actin~ Clmtrm~n of the Building Site miCCee; motion carEled ,m~n4mnUSly, C, SDR-375 - Hark Thanas & C,~ny; Belle Vista DriVe - Building Site Approval - I Lot Nro Henry Gtlbet~ ~es present to represent the applican~ and expressed satisfaction with the proposed conditions of approval. C~issioner Crisp moved, seconded by Commissioner Glenn, that ~he ten- Catlye map for SDR-375 (Exhibit "A', filed August 2~, 1952) , Hark Thomas & C~Fany, 1 lot off Bella Vista Drive, be spproved subject to the con- ditions contained in ~he BuildinS Site Conaittee Report of September ll~ 1952; m~Cion cox~ied ~nmn(~nnuslyo IV. DESIGN REVI~ V, NRTW BUSINESS Re. solution - Heard of Supervisors - OpposinS Startling of Use Permit for Quarr~ on Co.n~ress Sprin~s Heed The Secretary a~vised 1) the subject Use Be~...:t spplication for a quart7 on Congress Springs Road had been denied by the San~ Clara County C~.~-~esion in Hatch; 1962; and 2) an appeal yes filed and rill come before the Board of Supe~visors on October 22~ 1962o He read a proposed resolution opposing the Sranting of this Use Permit, C~m~ssioear Glenn moved, seconded by Co~issioner Crisp, ~haC this resolu- tion be adopted by the F]~--(ng C~-~'..!ssibn and transmitted to the Bo~-d of Supervisors, Boll call vote: Ayes: C~-..~.iesioears Crisp, Glenn, Kellom and Vebstero Noes: None° Absent: C~iseioners Anderson and Covlsyo Hation carried unanimousIT, Plannin~ C~mlssion Minutes - Sept~her 11s 1962 - Continued VI. OLD B~SINESS A, C-46 - Gilbert C. 14my. Sar.ato~a~Snnn~vale Road - Chan~e o~ Zonin~ The Secretary read a comnunication frOm' the City ~ministrator sCatinS that the City Council had requested r~at this matter be reviewed and a reconmz~ndation made with re~ard ~o C~editional Zonin~o Co~ssioner Crisp moved, seconded by C~......Issioner Johnson, that the Fla~n4ug C~.-.,4ssion reconnnend to the City Council that Conditional Zonin~ be approved in connection with C-46, Gilbert C, 14ay, with the proviso that the use o£ the property shall be confined ~o nurseries and ~ardun supply sOstess including decorative rock~ provided that all equip- ment~ supplies and merchandise other than plants and rock shall be kept within a completely enclosed bulldin~ and that ~ertilizer of any t~pe shall be stored and sold in packaged ~orm only, and subject to c~liance with Article 13 (Design Review) o£ Ordinance NS-3. Roll call vote: Ayes: C~nmissioners Crisp, Johnson, Kellum and Webster, Noes: C~...~.4ssionar Glenn, Absent: Cv~lssione~s Anderson and Cowley. 14orion carried. Cornre4 esioner Glenn stated that his negative vote was based on his belief tha~ this action ~4ould open the door for C~..~,.~cial ZoninS all the ray Co Pierce Road. Bo The Secretary reported that ~o date no problem had arisen in connection with the new type conditions for BuildinS Site Approval° The Clmirmn requested that axmther report be given at the first mee~inS in January° VII, CO~flJNICATIONS A. WRIT~N lo SD.R-311 - 3osep..h..Bouncinn~ Sobe.~ Road - Request. £or Exten. sion The Secretary read a letter from Joseph Bonacius requestin~ an exten- sion in connection wi~h SDK-311o C~nnmissioner Crisp moved, seconded by C~issioner Glenn, that SDK-311 be extended for a period o£ one (1) year, £rom September 2~, 1962, Co September 25, 19~; motion carried unanimously. 2° A-83 - .Creative Workshoo of .Los Altos - Request ~or Reconsideratio..n The Secretary read a letter ~n 14r. ArresttonS requesting recon- sial°ration in connection with his request ~or an extension. He also reed letters ~rom As A. Dempsey, Clark Pl,nmbin~ Company and the Saratoga Fire Depa~!~nt in sopport of this request. P..la~zn~.n~ Cennnispion Minutes - September 11~ 1962 - Continued VII. Ao 2. A-83 ~ Creative Workshop. of .Los Altos lro Armstrong was present and revised his request for further use o£ the Fir~m~nue ltall to six (6) months (September 17, 1962 to l{arch 17s 1963), three (3) days each week (~uesday, Wednesday and · hursday)s 9 A. rt. to 10 P~ li., and stated that he felt sure they could find a permanent studio in that length of Commissioner GleNn moved, seconded by _C~ssioner Johnson, that the Creative Workshopes use o2 the Firem~n*s Hall (A-83) be extended for a period of six months (September 171 1962 to ltarch 17, 1963), three (3) days each week (~uesday, Wednesday and thursday), 9 A. 1~o to 10 P, l~os subject to the following conditions: 1) Parking to be o~f-street only, enforced by the operators o~ the Creative Workshop. 2) ~he ~lanning C¢-!,,..~ Ssion re.taihs continuing Jurisdiction over the use herein greeted and expressly reserves the right from time to time to media-y, delete or make additions to any or all o£ the conditions thereo~ or to term4n~te or extend the use. either on its own motion or on the epplieation o£ the applicant, in order to preserve a substantial right of the applicant, or to preserve the health sdety~ morals. convenience or wel£are of persons resid4ne or xeorking in surrounding areas, or to preserve exist!~.~.~ or prospective values of property ant improvements. or to prevent a public nuisance. Roll call vote: Ayes: Coutaissioners Glenn, Johnson. Kellem and Webster. Noes~ Co~anissionsr Crisp. Absent, Comm4ssioaere Anderson and Cowlay. 14~tion carried. Co,.-.;tssioncr Crisp left the meeting at approximately 9:30 P. 3. SDR-.371 - He Jo Sternera E1 quite Way - P~R~e..et for Reeons..i..deration rne Secretary read a letter from He J. Sterner requesting recon- sideration o2 conditions in connection srith the improvement of E1 Quite Way and the right-of-way width of the access road° Be also read a conmtmieation from the City Engineer recomnending that the specifications in connection with the improvement of E1 quite Way be changed from 2-1/2 inches of plantmix surfacing to double seal coat oil and screenings. Mr. Sterner was present and advised that he s~as unable to obtain addi- tieeel right-of-way width, su would be unable to comply ~ith the re- quirement for a 20 foot right-o£-x;ay on the access road. Chairman Webster directed this matter continued until the next regu- lar meeting and referred this request Jointly to the Subdivision and Variance Committees for study and a report at this meeting. ~lsnxd. n~i C~.~.lssinn M'l~utes - Sept,~.her 11v 1962 r Con~ VII. A. 4. L.inkletter-Totteu Dance S~udios, Prospect Avenue - RequesC for Addi- tional Perm~,~ted Uee in C-N Zone ... The Secretary read a letter from William Lo Bradnet of Linkletter- Totten Dance Studios requesting that Dance Studios be added to the list o£ permiZ~ed uses in n C-N Zone. Mr. Bradden ~as present and explained that his compamy desired loca~e a studio in the C-N District on Prospect Avenue. He further advised that their students were a~e 3 to 16 and were picked up by studio tr__-n_eportation, so parkin~ was no problem. Chairman Webster directed this matter continued until the weetin~ on September 24, 1962~ and referred stone to the General Plan Com- mittee £or etud~ and n report at this meeting. At the suggestion o£ the Secretary, Chait~nan Webster further directed that the General Plen C~..-~tttee review all pen~tted uses at this ng~xn~ DECtArtan THE MEETING ~DJOURI~D AT 9:4~ P. ~. Respectfully submitted, S~anley M. Wal~rs Secretary Saratoga Planning Cc-w~ ssion V ClTY OF SARATOGA PLANNING CO~ilSSION ~ENDA 7.~00 P~ Mi~ Tuesday, September li, 1962 Fruitvale School, Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, California I. RO~TINE ORGANIZATION A. ROLL CALL B. MINUTES II. PUBLIC .H~LRING8 A. 6-47 -- Dr. D..A.S.alz. berMs SaraCogs Avenue. - Request for Change of Zoning from '~1-1-12,500" to '~-I4-3,000" - Continued from August 27, 1962 B. V.-221 - Fred VoWlets Oak Street - Request for Variance in connec- tion vith Site Area of one (1) d~elling unit of a proposed ~hree (3) unit Apartment Building - Continued from August 27, 1962 SUBDIVISIONS AND BUILDI. I~...SITES A. SDR-373 - GeorMe G. Mous~akas~ Vessin~ Road - Building Site Appro- val - 4 Lots - Continued from August 27, 1962 B. SDR-374 - Fr.ed V.o~ler~ Oak Stree~ - Building Site Approval - 1 Lot - Continued from August 27, 1962 SDR-375 - Mark Thomas and Company. Bells Vista Drive - Buildin~ Site Approval - 1 Lot 1V. .DESIGN .REVIEW V. N~.$; BUSINESS Resolution - B~a~d of Supervisors - Opposing granting of Use Permit for Quarry on Congress Springs Road VI. OLD BUS. INESS VII. .C..8MM~..NICATIONS A. RRITTEN SDR-311 - Joseph Bonaclue. Sobey Read - Request for Extension B. ORAL