HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-22-1962 Planning Commission Minutes ..S~Y OF ~INUTES
Time= 7:00 P. M., ~onday, October 22, 1962
Place: Fruitvale Schooll Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, California
T'~A~e: Regular l~eetin~
The meeting was called to order by Chairman gebs~er at 7:00 P. N,
Present: Comassionere Anderson, Cowlayw Crisp, Glenn, Johnson, Kellum
and Webster.
Absent: None.
Bo !~aU~ES
C.-.--~ssioner Glenn movedz seconded by C~,~,lssioner Crisp, that the resdin~
of the minutes of the meeting of October 8z 1962, be waived and that the
minutes be approved as prepared end submitted to the Co~ission; motion
carried una~-~usly.
Chairman 14ebster declared public hearings open for ~he evenin~ at 7=03 P. 1~
C-.~. - John Rndri~ues, Pierce Road - Request for Change of Zoning from
R-1-40z000 to P--1-40,000 P-D, K-1-40,O00 to K-I-20,000 and
R-1-12~500 to It-1-20~000 - Continued fro.re. October 8a 1962 .
The Secretary briefly reviewed this application, then read a comnun~ca-
tion from Livingston and Slayhey, Inc. regarding this matter.
Comm~ssioner Anderson s~a=ed tha~ the Subdivision Connnittee had met with
the subdivider with regard to th~s proposed subdivision and thnt a revised
tentative map, incorporating the suggestions made by Livingston and Slaynay,
Inc., had been submitted. He further advised, however, that the City En~i-
near had been unable to condition the revised map in t!_,.~ for this meeting.
The Secretary ~han read two petitions opposing the use of Verde Vista Lane
in connection with this subdivision (both petitions signed by the residents
of Verde V~sta Lane). The Secretary advised that these petitions per-
rained more to the Bates propert7 than the subject applications and he felt
Chat this mettcr could he worked out with ME. Bates. He then read the
developeras rebuttal ~o testimony given by the residents of Surrey Lane
with regard to the subject application,
F~annin~ ,C~mission l~JinuCes -. October' 22~ 1~62 - Continued
I.Io C-~8 - Rodri~ues
There was no one present who vished to cu;..,~ent with reSard to this watter~
C¢~m4esio~? Crisp n~ved, seconded by C,.~..!~tesioner Kellums that the public
hearlaB in connection with C-48, John RodrlSuess be continued until the ~ea~t
reSular metinS (November 13, 1962),- since no action wuld be taken on the
~en~ative map prior ~o ~Jaac time; motion carried ,,~4fmusly nr~d Chairm~n
t~ebster so directed,
The Chairman declared public hear4n~s closed £or ~he evening' at 7:53 P.
subject ~o C-48 beinS continund until the next regular moecin~o
A, SD-3~6 - John Rodri~ues~ Pierce Road - Subdivision - 64 Lots - tentinned
from October 8~ 1962 ,
C..~.~.lesioner Anderson edvisnd that it was the reconnnendation of ~he Sub~
division CcnmnitCee that ~his matter be continued until the next reSular
meetinS, since there had been insuf£icient time ~o prepare the
On the basis o~ ~his recofm~enclatione Chainnan ~ebster diretied SD-376 con-
tinned until the meetin~ on November 13, 1962,
I~O~EItT CRONEKIZLEK ~?as present nnd reques~ed ~hat the Secretary read ~he
letter he had £iled ~ith reSard to this application, After this
lind been read by the Secretary, l~ro Cropmn4~ler briefly reviewed with ~he
C--...~esion his conversation with Hro l~dri~ues concerninS this
Chairman ~/ebster directed that ~his letter be ~-_~ered into ~he record and
requested that ~he Seezetary read this leJ;ter ~hen the public hearin~
. opened on C-48 a~ ~he meetinS on ~lovmnher 13~ 1962,
Be SDR-J?? - B° Frank Gillette, Norton Road - BuildinS Site Approval - I Lot -
· Continued from October 8~ 1962
Co......tssioner Anderson s~ated that he had been advised by the Sta£~
Dro Gillette had decided aSainst tryinS Co build on this
Since a requeet for withdrawal bad no~ been filed, Ccm~iesioner Anderson
~oved~ seconded by Cv~.-,issioner Glenn~ that SD~L-377~ S° Frank
1 lot on Norton Roed~ be denied; motion carried un-ntmously,
C, SDI{-381 - Robert 14organs June Way - Buildin~ Site Approval - 3 Lo~..s.
Ct,~mlssioner Andersen advised tha~ the Buildix~ Site Cu..-..~ttee was not
ready to make a recon~nendation ~ith reSard to this spplication, since the
conditions of approval had not been cv~Fletedo He snSteeted, thare£ore,
tbe~ this miCter be continued until the neact regular meetint°
Plannin~ C~lssion Ninu.~es - October 22~ 1962 - Contin..ue4
II1, C, SD.R-381 - Norman
On the basis of this su~gestiou, Chai~mn ~/ebster directed SDR-381s
Robert HotSan, continued until the meeting on November 13, 1962.
A, A-92 - Brown & Kauff~n--~ Inco, Prides Crossing - Final Approval - Hoes,
in Second Unit of Subdivision - Continued from October 8t 1962
After reviewing the exhibits in connection with this application, there
was a motion by Co.'.~..lssioner Glenn, seconded by Connnissioner Johnsons
that A-92, Brown & gauffn~nn, Inc., be approved for general lay-out aS
shown on Exhibit "A-I", dated October 22, 1962, except for lots 71 and
75, which are in direct line of Christie Lane and l~iller Aveuue~
respectively; motion carried una~4r~usly and the Chairman directed that
the Secretary advise the developer that it would be necessary for him
to submit revised layouts for lots 71 and 75°
Chairman Webster comu~nted that he felt the subdivider had been very
cooperative ax~ had put forth every effort to carry out the wishes of
the C~...~...fsston,
go .A-.93 - Argonaut Shopping Center, Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road - Design Approval -
Sign for LeasinR of Second Unit
CHARLES GUI~N of the Gunn-14iller Company was present to represent the
Conrn~ esioner Glenn advised that this sign, as sho~n on the sketch sub-
mitted, was apprex~r~tely 40 square feet and could not be allowed since
it did cot conform r,o the ordinance. He advised that a ter. porary identi-
fication sign of 24 square feet, plus a "for lease" sign of 6 square feet,
was the n~ximum allowable under the ord9nn~ceo
Ck.~.;...~ssioner Anderson stated that it was felt that Buildqn.= Site Approval
would be required for the second unit, so suggested that 14r° Gunn advise
14_r. Lodato o~ this and suggest that he contact the Planning Director re-
garding same.
Cuueuissioner Glenn recounended that this matter be continued until the
next regular meeting to allow the applicant adequate time to revise the
On the basis of this suggestion, Chnirmnn Webster directed A-93, Azgoneut
Shopping Center, sour!nixed until the meeting on November 13, 1962o
Pl.m~..~,~ Commfssion Hfnut~a - Octobe~ ~2t..196~ - qon~irmed
IV, C. A.-94 - St. Andreds Episcopai Church, Saratoga Avenue - Final Design
.A~proval ~ Church Bu~ldin~ i ,,
~IARREN ~, archi~ec~, ~s pres~n~ ~o r~rese~ ~he ~pli~nC,
sented a perfectlye of the p~posed building,
~e Building Diz~Cor for the Church vas present and, In answer Co a
question f~ the Co--~ss~n, stated CMC the l~s~pi~ s~ on the
plans su~iCC~ ~uld be c~leC~ by Che t~e the build~ ~as finish~.
~ere was a moCion by Ct.......tss~ner Glem, se~M~ by C~t ssio~r
John~n, ~C fiml design approval be granted ~9~, St, ar~s Episcopal
C~rchs for the church buildi~ as sh~ on E~ibic "~1" (consisc~
4 sheets plus 1 ~eeC o~ color specification) ~ ~ibiC '~" (~lor~
~chiCeccural reMeri~); ~Cion ca=ri~ -~vt~usly.
~. ~ BUSI~SS
A, City Council ~lutton ~o~ 13~ - Stating Poll~ of City o~ Sara~o~ re
~ere ~s a ~n ~ ~issioner C~ley, se~ed ~ C~lssio~r
~t the ~la~g Ce~ssion ~ress its approv~ o~ proposed ~solucion
~. 135 to ~he City Co~cil~ ~ion carried u~ously.
B, SD-312 - K. C,, Inc,~ ~tvale Avenue - S~ivtsion - 7 Lots -
C~ss~r ~e~son Mvised t~t the Su~ivision C,-..-.x tree had r~ie~
this appli~tion ~re~ully ~ g~ tMC ~ c~es were ne~ed in the
~ere ~as a ~tion by C~tssioner Jo~n~ se~ed by Co~iss~ner
Gle~ tMt SD-312 be ~teMed until October 9, 1963; ~tion ~ried
1. ~e Secre~ read a letter ~r~ ~on ~. CrYall req~sti~
~eral h~s be a~ed to the list o~ Co~iCioMl Uses in all zo~
~ssio~ GI~ ~gested t~t this m~ter be re~e~ed to the
~ral P~n C~ttee for s~.
Pla~n~ Ce..'..,.lssien ~inute~ - October 22~ 1962 -~Continued
VII. A. 1w Chairman Webster referred this matter to the General Plan Cubittee
for review s~ith the request that they submit a report and recouunen-
datiou by the last meeting in November.
2. ~he Seeretaz-y read a momorandem from the City Administrator advisin8
that the City Council had authorized the Planning C~.ission to retain
Livin~ston and Blayney, lnc. for various pl~n~in~ matters ~hen they
felt it ~s necessary.
Chairman Webster requested that the Secretary secure a copy of the
City Council ninutes covering this meetin~ for the benefit of the
NEE~r_.I~G ADJOURIqF~ A~ 8:55
Respectfully submitted,
Saratoga Planein~ Co~ission
Time: 7:00 P. M., Monday, October 22, 1962
Place: Fruitvale Schools Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CaZifornia
T]~e: Regular Meettug
The meeting was called =o order by Chairman Webster at 7:00 P. M.
Present: Commissioners Anderson, Cowlay, Crisp, Glenn, Johnson, Kellum
and Webster,
Ab sent t None o
Cm,m~ssioner Glenn moved, seconded by C~u~issioner Crisp, that the readin8
of the minutes of the meetin8 of October 8~ 1962, be waived and that the
minutes be spproved as prepared and submitted to the Co,~ission; motion
Chairman Webster declared public haarix~s open for the evenin8 at 7:03 P. M.
C-48 - John RodriSues, Pierce Road - Request for Chan~e of Zonin~ from
R-i-40,000 to R-I-40,000 P-D, R-1-40,000 to R-1-20,000 and
R-l-12v500 to R-1-2Ot000 - Continued from October 8t 1962
The Secretary briefly reviewed this application, then read a con~unica-
tion from Liv~n_~ston and Slaynays Inc. reSardin~ this matter.
C~.~.assioner Anderson stated that the Subdivision C~Ittee had mat with
the subdivider with regard to this proposed subdivision and that a revised
tentative map, incorporatin8 the su~esCione rode by Livinaston and Blnyney,
Inc.,. had been submitted° He further advised~ hovevet, that the City Engi-
neer had been unable to co~dition the revised ~_-_p in time for this maetina.
The Secretary then read two petitions opposin~ the use of Verde Vista Lane
in connection with this subdivision (both petitions siSned by the residents
of Verde Vista Lane)o The Secretary advised that these petitions per-
rained more to the Bates property than the subject application, and he felt
that this matter could be worked out ~ntth lit, Bates. He then read the
developerss rebuttal to test~e__nny given by the residents of Surrey Lane
with regard to the subject application.
Pl~nniu~ C~mmissiou Minutes - October 22t 1962 - Continued
~ - Rodri~ues
t~ere yes no one present who wished to comment vith regard to this matter, so
Co-~esiouer Crisp movedJ seconded by Commissioner Kellumj that the public
henrieS in connection with C-~8~ John Rodrl~ues~ be continued until the next
regular meetin~ (l~ov~her 13, 1962), since bo action would be taken on ~he
~en~ative a~p prior ~o that tt~ae; motion carried ,mnnimnusly and Chairman
Webster so directed,
~ C!mirman declared public hearings closed £or the eveninS at 7:5~ Po ld, s
subject ~o C-~8 bein~ conti~m3~l until the next regular meetinS,
S.~DM SION8/~D BUILD.I~G. 811'88
Ao 8D-3~8 ~ Johh Rodrigues, Pierce Road - Subdivision - 64 Lots ~ Continued
£r.om O~tober 8~, 1962.
C....-Jesioner Anderson advised tbet it w~s ~he re~.,.~.endation of ~he Sub-
division C~,ittee tbet this matter be continued until the next re~uls~
meetinS~ since there had been inau~icient time to prepare the conditions,
On the basis o~ this reco~,needa~ion, Chairman Webster directed SD-376 con-
tinued until the meetin~ on Novaabet 13~ 1962,
gOBER~ CRONENII!T.F~ ~ts present --~ requested that the Secretary read ~he
letter he had filed vith re~erd ~o this application, After this lette~
had been read by the Secretary, l~ro Cronemiller briefly reviewred ~-lth the
C--.....tssiou his sonversatinn with Hro Rodri~ues concerninS this matter,
Chairman 1~ebster directed that ~his letter be -~ered into the record aed
requested that the Secretary re~d ~his letter ~/nen the public hearin~ was
opened on C-/48 at ~he meetinS on ~iov~her 13, 1962,
S° SDR-377 - ~, Prank Gillette, Norton Road - Suildin~ Site Approval - I Lot -
Continual ~rom 0c~ober 8t 19~2
C~..~..~ssioner Anderson s~a~ed that ha had been advised by the S~s~ ~ha~
Dro Gillette had decided aSainst tryinS to build on this lot,
Since ~ reques~ ~or ~lthdra~al had no~ been filed, Cv,,,~ssioner Anderson
~oveds seconded by C~..-~.iesioear Glenn~ ~hat SD1~-377, S, l~rank Gillette~
1 lot on l~or~on Roads ha denied; motion carried unanimously,
C, SDR-381 - Robert Normans June Way - Buildin~ Si~e Approval - 3 Lots
C~umissioner Anderson advised that the Buildin~ Si~ Com~t~ee yes not
ready to make a recommendation vith re~ard to this application~ since the
conditions of approval had not been c~le=ed° He su~ested~ therefore,
that ~his matter be con=inued until the next regular meeting°
Pl. annin~ Commission Minutes - October 22s 1962 - Continue~
llI, C, SDR-381 - NorRan
On the basis of this suggestion, Chai~n l~ebster directed SDR-381s
Robert ltorgan, continued until the meeting on November 13s 1962,
A, A-92 ~ Brown & Kauffmann, Inco, Prides Crossin~ - Final Approval - Homes
in Second Unit of Subdivision - Continued from October 8t 1962
After revievin~ the exhibits in connection with this applications there
was a motion by Co.'.-..issioner Glenn, seconded by Commissioner Johnsons
that A-92s Brown & Kauffmann, Inc,, be approved for general lay-out as
shown on Exhibit "A-I', dated October 22s 1962, except for lots 71 aug
75, ~hich are in direct line of Christia Lane and l~iller Avenue,
respectively; motion carried unan~r~usly and the Chairman directed that
the Secretary advise the developer that it wuld be necessary for him
to submit revised layouts for lots 71 and
Chairman l~ebster con~nented that he felt the subdivider had been very
cooperative and had put forth every effort to ~_~_t-ry out the wishes of
the C,~uuaisston,
Be A-93 - AZgOneUt Shopping Center, Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road - Design Approval -
Sign for LeasinR of Second Unit
CHARLES GUNN of the Gunn-liiller Company vas present to represent the
Commissioner Glenn advised that this sign, as shorn on the sketch sub-
mitted, was approx~mntely ~0 square feet and could not be allowed since
it did net conform to the ordinance, He advised that a temporary identi-
fication sign of 2~ square feet, plus a "for lease" sign of 6 square feats
was the maximum allowable under the ordi~anceo
C~.-..tesioner Anderson stated that it was felt that Buildix~ Site Approval
would be required' Ior the second unit, so suggested that 14to Cunn advise
Nr, Ledato of this and suggest that he contact the Planning Director re-
gardin~ same,
C~-,,lssioner Glenn reconnended that this matter be continued until the
next regular meeting to allow the applicant adequate time to revise the
On the basis of this suggestion, Chairman l~ebster directed A-93s Argonaut
Shoppin~ Center, continued until the meeting on November 13, 1962°
Plann~ Co~nission Minutes - October 22t 1962 - Centinu~l
IVo C. A-94 - St. Andrevs Episcopal Church, 5eratoga Avenue - Final Design
Approval - Church Buildin~ ,
WARREN HELD, architect~ was present to represent the applicants and pre-
sented a perspective o£ the proposed buildin~o
~he Building Directo~ for the Church was present ands in answer to a
question ft~n the C~,~sston, stated that the landscapin~ sho~n on the
plans submitted ~ould be completed by the time the building was finished°
· here vas a motion byCon~nissioner Glenn, seconded by Conunissioner
Johnson, that final design epproval be granted A-94, St. Andrevs Episcopal
Church, for the church building as sho~n on Exhibit "A-I" (consisting
4 sheets plus I ~eet of color specifications) and Exhibit '~" (colo:ed
architectt~al rendering); motion carried ur~nt~?_usly.
A, Cit~ Council Resolution No. 135 - Stating Policy of City of Saratoga re
Creek Chsnnels
There was a motionbyC~issioner Co~ley~ seconded by Cen~uissioner
that the Planning Co~Assion e~press its approval of proposed Resolution
No. 135 to the City Couneil~ motion carried unanimously.
B, 8D-312 - Ko C., hc.~ Fruitvale Avenue - Subdivision - 7 Lots - Request
for Extension
C~.~lssioner Anderson advised that the Subdivis~on C ........ wttee hed reviewed
this application carefully and f~ma that so chanCes were needed in the
There was a motion by C~issioner Johnsons seconded by Cou~issioner
Gleen~ that SD-312 be extended until October 9, 1963] motion carried
1. The Secretary read a letter from ~on
funeral homes be added to the list of Cond~tional Uses in all zonin~
Cou~issioner Gla-- su~ested that this matter be referred to the
~eneral Plan C~4ttee for study.
Plann. in~ Commission Hinu:es - Oe~oher 22, 1962 - Continued
VII. A. l. Chairman Webster referred this matter to the General Plan Comntttee
for review with the request that they submit a report and recomnen-
daeion by the last meeting in November.
2. The Secretary read a ~orandem from the City Administrator advising
that the City Council had authorized the P3nnning C~......{esion to retain
Livin~ston and Blayney, lnc. for various plRnni~ matters when they
felt it was necessary.
Chairman Webster requested that the Secretary secure a copy of the
City Council -~{-utes covering this meeting for the benefit of the
Respectfully submitted.
Saratoga Planetn~ Co~m~ssinn
7:00 P, H,, 1'4onday, October 22, 1962
Fruitvale School, Fruitvale Avenue, Saratogas Californ~
C-48 - .John Rodriffiuest Pierce Road - Request for CbanSe of Zonin8 from
K-1-40,0CO to R-I-~O,OOO P-D, K-1-40,O00 to R-1-20,O00 and
R-1-12,500 Co R-I-20,000 - Continued from October 8~ 1962
A. SD- 376 - John Rodr.i~uee= Pierce Road. - Subdivision - 64 Lots - Continued
from October 8, 1962
Bo SDR-377 - B. Frank Gillette~ Norton Road - Building Site Approval - 1 Lot -
Continued from October 8, 1962
Co SDR-381 - Robert l~or~anI June Way - BuildinS Site Approval - 3 Lots
A. A-92 - Brovn & Kauffmanns Inc?~ Prides Cro'ssin~ - Final Approval - Homes
in Second Unit of Subdivision - Continued from October 8, 1962
B, A-93 - Argonaut Shoppin~ Center~ Sarato~a-Sunnyvale Road - Design Approval -
SiSn for LeasinS of Second Unit
A-9.~ - St. Andreds Episcopal Church, Saratoga Avenue - Final DesiSn
Approval - Church BuildinS
City Council Resolution -'Stating Policy of City of Saratoga re Creek Channels