HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-10-1962 Planning Commission Minutes .S.t~ff{~KY OF NINIrrES
Time: 7:00 P. M,s N~nds~, December lO, 1962
Place: F~uitvale Schools Fruitvale Avenues Saratoga, California
l~ype: P-egular Nesting
Chairman Yebster called the meeting r~3 order st 7:00 P, Mo
Present: Co-~ssioners Anderson, Cowleys Crisps Glenn, Johnsons Kellum
sad Webster.
Absent: None.
Connissioner Glenn moved, seconded by Con~issioner Johnson, that the
reading of the minutes of the meetin~ of November 26, 1962, be waived and
that the minutes be approved as prepared and submitted to the Comissian;
motion carried ,m~uimously.
The Chairman declared public hearings open for the evening at 7:03 Po N.
A. C-51 - Dr. Thomas E. Parkers Fourth Street - Cb~nSe of ZoninS from
R-M-4sOOO-X to C-C
The public hearin~ on C-51 was opened at 7:04 P. I~. The Secretary advised
that a notice of hearing had been published and no written co~--.nications
had been received. He briefly reviewed the application and read a Staff
Report regardin~ this matter.
Dr. Parker was present and displayed a perspective of the proposed office
building. He advised that the offices ~ould be occupied by psychologists
and psychiatrists and that they were particularly interested in this site
because of the quiet, serene atmosphere. He further advised that Flood
Control had been contacted and had agreed to ts/ce their easement in such
a way that this building could be placed on the site.
There was no one else present who wished to c~.~ent with regard to this
Co~seloner Crisp obee~ed tt~t Professicnul-Adeinietrative Zoning
weuld seem to be mote appro~tiate for this nee, The Pla~ing Director
advised that the applicant h~ reo, uested C-C Zoning to establish a pro=
fees~o~sl office on the property since aay ot~et ~oning mould req~re
Plannin~ Cou~ission Minute~ - December 10, 1962 - Continued..
II. A. C.-51 - Park.e.r
minimum sizes and d~m~nsions that could not be provided by the existing
property. It was his recommendation that Conditional C-C Zoning be
recommended subject to the following conditions:
1) One yea~ time limit to begin development.
2) Buildix~ Site Approval.
3) Design Review Approval.
4) Appreved site development plan before zoning becomes effective.
Co~issioner Crisp moved, seconded by Connuissionar Cowley, that this mat-
ter (C-51) be referred to a Committee for study and a report at .the next
regular meeting; motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Webster referred C-51, Dr. Thomas E. Parker, to the Ceneral Plan
Committee for study and a report at the meeting ou December 26, 1962,
then directed C-S1 continued until that time.
B. C-52 - I~ason Crocker Corporation, Westover Drive - Change of Zoning from
A to R-1-12~500 P-D
The public henring on C-52 was opened at 7:28 P. M. The Secretary advised
Chat a notice of hearing had been published and there were no written com-
munications on file. He briefly reviewed the application and reed a S~aff
Report ~ith re~azd to same.
l~r. Mittelman, representing the applicant, was present and with the help
of his engineer, Bill Kae~nerli~g, showed maps of the subject property
with relation to the C, eneral Plan and the existing surrounding zoning.
EABL LIlt)BERG, Kentfield, stated that he felt the Commission should main-
Cain the highest possible standards for Saratoga, and felt that if there
was any change, the standards should be increased instead of lowered as
this application requested.
CERALD PEtERSON, Kentfield, stated that ha felt the zoning on the subject
property should be R-l-IS,000 or R-I-20,000 s~nc-e the property was sur-
rounded on three sides by zoning of R-X-IS,000 and R-1-20,000.
WARREN CONDER, Kentfield, stated that the neighborhood had discussed this
application at length and representatives were present to urge that a
r~n~am zoning of R-1-15,000 be adopted.
~ A~DERSON, Kentfield, observed that if the people could be assured that
under the P-D Zoning each of the lots ~ould be comparable to the surroun-
ding lots, then he did not feel that they would object. He stated that
there were a n,-~be: of lots in the area of less than 11,000 square feet,
so felt there would be no objections if the smaller lots adjoined these
and the larger ones were adjacent to existing larger lots.
Plannin~ Co;mission Minutes - D~cember 10~ 1962 - Continued
Zlo B. C-52 - Hason C~ocker Corporation
HARRY CARLSON, Ken~field, stated that he felt the open area was much more
desirable than a subdivision, and inquired as to whether they ~ou!d be
assured of architectural control and other restrictions enforced in Kent-
field. Chai~u~n Webster advised that the Cify could not restrict develop-
ment for the benefit of open space. He further advised that some of the
restrictions referred to byMr. Carlson ~ere deed restrictions which are
not enforced by the City.
F~. l~ttelnmn advised that there were a number of lOsO00 square foot lots
adjoining the subject property on the east, and they had felt that the
proposed zoning ~ould provide a desirable transition~
There was no one else present ~ho wished to cormant w~th regard to this
Co;missio~er Cris~ moved, seconded by Co~issio~er Cowley, that the p~blic
hearin~ on C-52 be closed; motion carried unanimously and ChairmanWebster
declared the hearing closed at 8:29.
Comissioner Crisp advised that the Subdivision Comittee had been
studyir~ this matter for approximately t~o months~ and it was his opimton
tha~the proposed zoning was not compatible with the surroundin~ area inas-
much as the subject property ~as bounded on three sides by lots of 15,000
and 20,000 square feet.
There ~as a motion by Commissioner Crisp that the Planntng Cvu,ulsston
reco~end to the City Council that C-52, Hason Crocker Corporation,
appliuation for change of zonin~ from A to ~-1-12,500 P-D, be denied.
There was a request from Mr. Mittelmon that t~is be ~=hout p~eJed~ce~
~hich re~uest~as ~ranted by Connissioner Crisp.
E4hen it was observed that denial of this application would prohibit the
developer~s ~nkin~ a similar application for a period of one ~1) year,
Co~nnissioner Anderson stated that he did not feel the developer should
be penalized for a ~hole year.
Mr, Mittelman stated that he ~ould be will~n~ to chan~e his application
to a request for R-1-15,000 P-D Zoning if this was ~hat the Connnission
felt ~as needed.
C~n~nissioner Cowlay stated that he felt the C~uanissioners, in fairness
to the developers ~ere hesitant to second Connissioner Crisp*s motion,
and he felt that a study of the plan was needed, as well as reconmenda-
tions from the Cu.~ulttee and Staff.
Chairnmn gebster declared Commissioner Crispss motion deed for lack of a
Plannin~ C~.ission Hinutes - December 10~ 1962 - Continued
IX. B, C-52 - ~asonCrocker Corporation
Coumnissioner Glenn moved, seconded by C~-~tssioner Kellum, that the hearing
on C-52 be reopened. Roll call vote: Ayes: C~issioners Anderson,
Glenn, Johnson, Kellum and Webster. Noes: Cou~issioners Crisp and Cowley.
l~otion carried and the hearing was reopened at 8:37 P. M.
FA~. X~ittelmau, zepresenting theHason Crocker Corporation, requested that
C-52 be revised to request rezoning of the subject property to
R-l-15,000 P-D, and etated that a revised tentative map confo~.-:ng to this
zoning would be prepared and submitted to the C~ission for approval.
Cv~issioner Johnson moved, seconded by Connissioner Glenn, that the
requested change in C-52, Nason Crocker Corporation (from R-1-12,500 P-D
to R-l-15,000 P-D) be approved by the Planning Commission.
Commissioner Crisp co~,~nted that he felt if this area had been rezoned
at the time the surrounding property was rezoued (approximately two (2)
years ago), it ~uld have been rezoned to R-l-lS,000.
Counissioner Glenn stated that if the developer placed 10,000 square foot
lots adjacent to the 10,000 square foot lots on the northeast and 20,000
square £oot lots adjacent to the 20,000 square foot lots on the southwest,
he did not feel it would be an undesirable transition.
Roll call vote re previous motion: Ayes: Con~nissioners Glenn, Johnson,
Kellum and Webster. Noes: Co.--issioners Anderson, Cowley and Crisp.
l~otion carried and Chairman Webster directed C-S2, Rason Crocker Corpora-
tion revised to request R-l-15,000 P-D Zoning.
~R~, BUTLER, Kentfield, conresented that the P-D ZoninS seemed to benefit
only the subdivide~. He stated that nothing oou~d be done about the
existing lO,000 square ~oot lots in the area, but he felt strongly that
no new ones should be allowed. He stated that i~ the P-D was r~mnved
from the present application, the requested zoning would be satisfactory
with him.
EARL LI~)BERG, Kentfield, stated that he agreed with Mr. Butler and ex-
pressed concern that traffic would increase with the P-D Zoning. The
Connnission explained that P-D Zoning would not allow the developer any
additional lots since he would be required to average 15,O00 square feet,
l~r. Mittelm stated that if this matter could be continued, he would have
a revised map prepared and present it for the benefit o£ interested
Plannin~ Copiesion Minutes - Decmnber 10~ 1962 - Continued
IIo B, .C-52 - l~ason Crocker Corporation
Connnissioner Clenn nn~veds seconded by C~.......lesioner Covley, that C-52 be
continued until the meetin~ on January 14th, 1963o Roll cell vote: Ayes:
Cor~nissioners Anderson, Cowley, Glenn, Johnson, Kelltnn axnt Webster, Noes:
C,.~-..lssioner Crisps Notion carried and Cheit~nan Webster directed C-52,
Nason Crocker Corporation, continued until the meeting on January 14th,
Co 1~-42 - Saratoga United Presbyterian Churchs Sa~atoga-Sunnyvale Road -
Use Permit foE Church
The public hearin~ on UP-42 was opened at 9:20 P, N, The Secretary ad-
vised Chat notices o£ hearin~ had been mailed and there ~ere no ~nvitten
con~nunications on fileo He read a Staf~ Report pertaining to this matter,
establishing the proposed church site as a portion of the property covered
by the approved tentative subdivision map o~hn, Carcia (SD-288),
John Stokes was present to discuss this matter further ~rlth the Co~w~tssion,
The Secretary read a letter from the City Attoney to the City Ex~ineers
stating that it was ~elt that even with this revisions the general
character of the subdivision was retained and the lot sizes could be made
to conform substantLally to those of the original tentative map ~ith
perhaps the loss o~ one or t~w lots,
P~ESE IfnJ.IANS, Cbaitmmn o£ the Building and Plannin~ Connittee £or the
Church, stated 1) this site seemed to meet mos~ o~ their needs 2) a
seatin~ capacity of 300 ~as planned and 3) access ~ould be of~ Her~tr~n
Avenue, far enough £~om the intersection to avoid a tra££ic haza~do
CHARLES I~CLAIN, Henriman Avenues stated that he did not ~ant to hinder
development of the church, but requested that a condition be attached
that would require completion o~ the construction of Rerrtmnn Avenue
before the church v as built, Chairman Webster advised that the Planning
G.......ission did not have the power to require this other than in front o~
the church properly,
There tras no one else present who ~ished to connent with re~ard to this
Cor~aissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Connnissioner Johnson, that the
hearin~ on UP-42 be closed, Notion carried unanimously and the Chainsan
declared the heazin~ closed at 9:31Po No
Connnissioner Anderson n~ved, seconded by Connissioner 3ohuson, that 111>-42,
Saratoga Uxdted Presbyterian Church, application for Use Permit £or a
church at He=rtm~n Avenue and Saratoga-Sunnyvala Road, be granted subject
to compliance with the following conditions=
PlanninR Co~nission Ninutes - December 10~ 1962 - Continued
II, C, L~,-42 - Presbyterian Church
1) Final Building Site Approval,
2) Design Revi~Approval,
3) Dedicate right-of-way for improvement o~ Sarato~a-Sunnyvale Road
(Highway 9) to a line 70 feet from the existing centerline of Sara-
toga-Sunnyvala Road (Highway 9) alon~ the entire frontage o£ the
proper~y on Saratoga-Sunn~ale Road (Highway
4) Church site shall be included as a lot of the subdivision (SD-288),
5) The City of Saratoga Planning Coalsalon shall retain continuing
Jurisdiction over the Use Permit herein ~ranted and expressly reserves
the right to, from time to time, modify, delete or make additions to
any or all of the conditions thereof or to terminate or extend the
Vse Permit, either on its ova motion or on the application of the
plicant, in order to preserve a substantial right of the applicant or
to preserve the health, safety, morals, convenience or welfare o£
persons residin~ or ~orkin~ in surrotw~in5 areas, or to preserve
existing or prospective values of property and improvementss or to
prevent a public nuisance,
}btion carried ,n~n~m~uSly,
Do V-2~4 - John R, Dooleys Park Drive - Variance to allow 100s Width for lot
in lieu o~ required 110~ ~idth
The public hearin~ on V-224 was opened at 9|34 Po H, The Secretary ad-
vised that notices o~ hearing had been mailed and there were no ~ritten
connunications on file, He briefly reviewed this application and read a
Staff Report pertainin8 to same.
Chairman Webster requested that Cor~m4ssioner Anderson preside for discus-
sion and action on this application because of the possibility of a con-
fiict of interests inasmuch as ~he applicant ~as a business associates
lit. Dooley was present and advised that a half acre site ~as sufficient
for the home he ~-ished to build, and the sale o~ the other half acre lot
~ould help to finance his home. He stated that the parcel contained more
then enough square footage for t~w lots, but did not have the necessary
width for t~o lots as required by Ordinance NS-3o Therefore, he was
requesting a Variance of 10s in connection with one lot. He further
stated that vithim a 500 foot radius o£ this property there were two
existin~ lots of substandard vidth.
JOE CALDI~ELL, Park Drives stated that the area was zoned one acre when he
moved there, is zoned hel~ acre new, and that the ~rantin~ of this
Variance would only downSreds it more, Therefore, he requested that
application be denied.
Plennin~ Ccn=nission Hinutes - December 10, 1962 - Continued
II, D. X-224 - Doolay
GEORGE KCCEERs Park Drives concurred with liT. Caldwell and stated that he
felt the grantt-~ of this Variance l~ould be inconsistent with the sur-
roundin~ area.
There was no one else present who wished to c~u~ent with regard to this
Cu~lssioner Crisp nn)veds seconded by Commissioner Johnson, that the
hearing on V-22~ be closed; motion carried uea~imously and Chaitmmn Webster
declared the hearing closed at 9:~3.
Co~misetoner Crisp advised that the Variance Cu~mittee had reviewed this
application and could make none of the findings required for the grantin~
of a Variance. Therefore= it was the reccnnnendation of the Variance Com-
mittee that this application be denied.
Co~nissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Cc~missioner Cowley, that V-224s
John P~ Dooley, be denied since the Cot,mission was unable to make the
findings required by law for the grantin~ of a Variance; motion carried
Mr. Dooley requested that SDR-389, submitted in conjunction with the
Variance application, be withdral~n.
The Chairman declared public hearings closed for the eveninS at 9:49 P. M.
A. SDR-381 - Robert Morgan, June Way - Buildin~ Site Approval - 3 Lots -
~ontinued frg, m November 26~ 1962
Conmissioner Ands=sun advised that the appliP~n=ws revised mop had not
been received, so recon~ended that this matter be continued until the
nex~ regular meeting.
O11 the basis of this reconlnendation, Chairman ~ebster directed SDR-381
continued until the meetin~ on December 26, 1962.
B. SDR-384 - Fenten Eo Silvey, Norton Road - BuildinS Site Approval - 1 Lot -
Continued fromNovember 26~ 1962
Cormhis.loner Anderson advised that the improvement plan requested by the
City E~ineer had not been submitted. He further advised that the
Buildin~ Site Con~nittee had met with Mrs. 5ilvey and informed her that
they would have =o insist that she comply with the request of the City
Engineer before they could make a reco~unendationwith regard to this
Plannin~ C~....lssion Hinutes - December lOt 1962 - Continued
III, B. .SDR-3~4 - Silvey
The Secretat7 reed a letter from F~s. Silvey granting a 30 day extension
in connection~rith SDR-384.
Chairman Webster directed SDR-384 continued until the meeting on Decem-
ber 26, 1962.
C, SD- 385 - Cecciardi Corporation, Pierce Road - Subdivision - 8 Lots -
Continued £romNovember 26~ 1962
Ccnnissioner Anderson advised that the applicant was in the process of
revising the tentative map, so the Subdivision Co~unittee was mot prepared
to make a recounnendation at this time.
On the basis of this ~-~ormation, Chairman Webster directed SD-385 con-
tinued until the meeting on December 26, 1962.
D. SDR-386 - Richard La~ton, Pierce Road - Building Site Approval - I Lot -
Continued from November 26t 1962
The Secretary advised 1) Health Departanent felt this site was inadequate
for septic tank development 2) homesite location was undesirable since
water easement would be covered by fill for driveway and turn-around area
3) it would be necessary to n~ve the pox~er pole at least 20 feet since the
City Engineer ~ould allow no more than 1½-1 cut in bulldozing building
pad 4) it would ha necessary for o~ner to submit tentative mop covering
entire acreage before subject parcel could be approved and 5) lot design
did not meet requirements of City of Saratoga Zoning Ordinance NS-3.
Commissioner Anderson, on the basis of the Secretary's report, moved that
SDR-386, Richard LawCon, be denied since the lot, as proposed, appeared
to be unfeasible; motion carried unav~-~usly,
Mr. Lawton was present aed expressed satisfaction with this action.
E. SDR-387 - Dr. W, H. Otto, Jr., Woodview Court - Building Site Approval -
3 Lots
Joe Ledate was present and expressed satisfaction~rlth the proposed con-
ditions of approval.
Connnissioner Anderson moved, seconded by C~iseioner Crisp, that the
tentative mop for SDR-387 (Exhibit A, filed November 23, 1962) be approved
subject to the conditions contained in the Building Site Connnittee Report
dated December 10, 1962; motion carried unanimously.
P!.~.nning Commission Minutes - December l0t 1962 - Continued
III. F. SD- 388 - Mason Crocker Co~poration~ Westover Drive - Subdivision - 18 Lots
Chairman Webster directed SD-388. Mason Crocker Corporation, continued
until the meeting on January 14, 1963~ since the chan~e of zoning appli-
cation (8-52) submitted in conjunction with this application was contiv~ed
until that date.
C. SDR-389 - John R~ Dooley, Park Drive - Buildin~ Site Approval - 2 Lots
In compliance withl~r. Dooley~s request~ Chairn~n Webster directed
SDR-389 ~rlthdrawn from the agenda since his application for a Variance
(V-224) was denied.
H, SD- 328 - Pslo Alto Development Corporation, Saratoga Avenue - Revised
SubdivisionMap - 241 Lots
Leo Ruth, engineer for the applicant, advised that this map had been sub-
mitted only to redefine the various units, so no action was necessary.
Chairman Webster directed SD-328 removed from the a~enda.
A, A-95 - Robert C, Walters, Oak Street - Final Architectural Approval -
C~lssioner GLenn advised that the Design Review C~ittee did not have
sufficient plans on~hich to base a recomendation with regard to this
apartment buildin~,
The applicant was presen~ and stated that he was not aware that plans~
other then the color scheme and over-lay submitted at the meeting, were
C~issioner Glenn advised that landscape plans ~ere required and that
the Con~ittee would like to see a perspective if one ~as available,
A meeting between the Design Review C~-ittee and the applicant was
ranged for Saturda~ December ~Sth, 9:00 A, M, at City Hall, to discuss
the plans more thoroughly,
Chairman Webster directed A-95 continued until the meeting on December
~, A-96 - Blue Hills Shoppin~ Center~ Saratoga-Sunu3n~ale Road - Design Appro-
Val - Sign
The Secretary read a letter from the applicant requesting that this matter
be continued until the meeting on December 26, 1962,
Plannin~ ComnissionMinutes - December 10, 1962 - Continued
IV. B, A-96 - Blue Hills Shoppin~ Center
On the basis of the appliennt~s requests Chairm-n Webster directed A-96
continued until the meetin~ on December 26, 1962.
Commissioner Glean requested~lerification of the aggregate Sign area allo~ed with
regard to a shopping center (~rdinence NS-3, Section 10.5 (aD. The Chairman re-
quested that the Secretary contact the City Attorney with re~ard to an interpreta-
tion of this provision as soon as possible.
C. A-97 - Sterling Ltunber Cuavany9 Saratoga-Los Gates Road - Design Approval -
St~n ...
Commissioner glenn advised that this application did not conform with the
requirements of Zoning Ordinance NS-3.
The Secretary advised that this matter was in the hands of the City Attor-
ney and that he (the Secretary) was making a study of the other signs on
the site. For these reasons, he su~ested that this matter ba continued
until the next regular meeting.
On the basis of this information, the Chairman directed A-97 continued
until the meeting on December 26, 1962.
A. Joint Study Session re Hillside Development
Ccn~,issioner Crisp snggested that a Joint Study Session he arranged betMen
the Plansing Commission, City Council and Planning Consultant Lawrence
Livingston with regard to hillside development, He observed that SD-376,
John R~drigues, was the first of many such developments, inasmuch as the
majority of the undeveloped land left in Saratoga was in such areas. He
further stated he would be glad to draft a letter to the Couecil reques-
ting a Joint Study Session if the Commission so desired.
After discussion, Chairman Webster directed that Cen~issioner Crisp and
the ~laaning Director cooperate in transmitting a request to the City
Council for a joint Study Session with regard to hillside development some-
time after 3anuary 15th.
It was the consensus of the Conmission that a Study Session of the Plan-
ning Commission should be held prior to the Joint Study Session with the
City Council. Chairman Webster directed this meeting set for January 7,
196~, and requested that the Plansing Director mmke the necessary
~annin~ Couunission Minutes - December l0T 1962 - Continued
V, B, Storm Drainage D.istrict
The Secretary read a cv~unication from the City Administrator regarding
a proposed Storm Draixmge District for the area north of Herrimnn Avenue
and east of Saratop~a-Sunnyvale Road.
After discussions there was a Eelion by Cou~issioner Anderson, seconded
by Cu~alssioner Johnsons that the Planning Commission convey to ~he
Council their endorsement of the proposed Storm Drainage District as
described in Exhibit "A"; motion carried unanimously.
C, Saratoga Avenue Assessment District
The Secretary read a memorandum f~nm the City ~m~nistrator regardin~ a
proposed assessment district in the area of Saratoga Avenue ara Cox
After discussion, there was a motion by Cunassioner Clenns seconded by
Commissioner Co~leys that this proposal~ together ~ith the maps and letter,
be referred to the General Plan Cc~nittee for study ~ith full auth~rity
to further refer the matter to Plannin~ Consultant Lav~ence Livingston for
stndys a report and recou~nendations; motion carried unanimously.
~ OF~4~
Respectfully submitted,
Saratoga Plann~r~ Cemiss~on
v -11-