HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-25-1963 Planning Commission Minutes SIH~IA. RY OF MINUTES
Time: 7:00 P. M., Henday, Feb~-uary 25, 1963
Place.* Fruitvale School, l~uitvala Avenue, Saratoga, California
Type: Regular Hasting
The meetin~ was called to order at 7:03 P. H. by Vice Chairman Johnson.
Present: Comm~ssioners Cewley, Crisp, Glenn ~ Johnson.
Absent| 8v~nissioners Kellum and 14ebstero (C~lssioner 14ehste= arrived
at a~proximately 7:35 P. No)
Connnissioner Clenn moved, seconded by Connissioner Crisp, that the rendta3~
of the minutes of the meeting of February 11, 1963, be waived and that the
minutes be approved as prepared and submitted to the Cuaission~ motion
carried unanlmouslyo
The Secretary advised thaC Mro Tipton, representing the Saratoga Union School
Districts had requested that there be no anDking at the Planning Commission
and City Council meetint~s, The Connnission unanimously protested this decision,
A, SDR-381 - Robert Morgan, June ~4ay - Building Site Approval - 3 Lots - Con-
t__inued fTom J.a, nuary 28~ 1963
The Secretary s~ated that he had received a telephone call from Herman
Nager~s secretary advising that this application would be withdrawn bur
to date no written request for withdrawal had been received, He further
stated that, because of the expiration of time in connection ~lth this
application, it was his reconanendation that SDR-381 be denied,
C~lssioner Crisp moved, seconded by Connnissioner Glenns that SDR-381,
Robert ~organ, he denied on the basis of the foregoingI motion carried
Pl. anv/n~ Commission Minutes - February 25, 1963 - Continued
Ill. B. SDR-384 - Fenton Eo Silvey. Norton Road - Building Site Approval - 1 Lot -
Continued from February 11, 1963
The Secretary advised that ~ro Silvey had engaged an engineer but that
the site development plan had not been completed. He read a letter from
the applicant granting a 30 day extension in connection with this appli-
cation (SDR=384) o
Comissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Commissioner Cowleye that applica-
tion SDR-384, Fenton E. Silvey, be extended for a period of 30 days;
motion carried unanimously.
The Chairman directed SDR-384 continued until the meeting on March 11,
C,SDR-406 - C. A. Behnke? Sobey Road - Buildin~ Site Approval - I Lot
The applicant was not present,
There was a motion by Coz~issioner Crisp, seconded by Conmaissioner Glenn,
that the tentative map for SDR-406 (Exhibit "A", filed February 13, 1963)
be approved subject to the conditions contained in the Building Site Com-
mittee Report of February 25, 1963~ motion carried unanimously.
D. SD- 407 - R...L?. Mathis& Wardell Road - Subdivision Approval - 25 Lots
Mr. Mathis was present and expressed satisfaction with the proposed con-
ditions of approval,
Co~nissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Commissioner Cowley, that the ten-
tative map for SD-407 (Exhibit "A-i", filed February 25, 1963) be approved
subject to the ten (10) conditions contained in the Subdivision Committee
Report of Februst7 25, 1963~ motion carried unanimously.
Ao A-97 - Ann Parker Valk, Big Basin Way - Design Approval - Shop for Acces-
sories and Interior DesiEn Services - Continued from February 11,
Commiesioner Glenn advised that the Design Review Cubittee had met with
the applicant to discuss this matter, He further advised that the City
Attorney had dictated an agreement which had been signed by Louise Thomp-
son of the Plur~ Horse, leasing to the applicant for a period of five
(5) years the required parking spaces.
C~assioner Crisp stated that he felt the parking spaces should be pro-
vided in front of the proposed shop, since he felt the leased spaces on
the Plumed Horse parking lot would not be used.
Planoin~ C~ission Ninutas - Februatw, 25m 1963 - ContiMed
IV, A, A,,97 - Ann Parker Valk
C~issioner Glem obsetwed that the proposed pa~king was in full coz~
plt~nce with the requt~'em~nts of O~dinance NS-3s and advised that a study
vas being made vith regard to co~n parking areas to serve the Village,
Vice-Chatman Johnson s',ated that he felt the applicant had met the re-
quirements of the o~tieance and if the proposed parking was not adequate.
perhaps the ordinance should be reviewed.
Con~ctssioner ~4ebster arrived at this t~r~ (7:35 Pe Me) and, at the request of
V~ce Chairman Johnsons assumed the Chair.
After further d~scussions there ~as a motion by Comissioner Glenns
seconded by Conm~ssioner Cowley, that lisa1 design approval be granted
A-97, Ann Parker Valks as sho%m on 'Exhibits "A" ~,a '~', dated Februar~
1963, subject ~o the following conditions:
1) Brick planters along curb to be limited to propert7 boundaries.
2) Upon expiration of present parking permit (Exhibit ~"), the se-~ or
equal provisions for parking shall be provided.
Roll nail vote: Ayes: Cou~iesioners Cowleys Glenn and Johnson. Noes:
C~ssioners Crisp and Webster. Hotion carriede
B, A-98 - Thelma Durighello, Prospect Avenue - Design Approval - Beauty Salon
Continued from February 11~ 1963
The app~-icant x~as not present.
The Secretary advised 1) the additional exhibits requested by the Com-
mission had not been submitted 2) he had heard nothing Item the applicant
for more than t~qo (2) ~eeks and 3) in viev of the foregoing, it vas his
reconnendation tha~ this application be de~ied.
On the basis of this recommendation, Co~lseiorer Clenn moved, seconded
by Cous~issioner Johnson, tha~ A-98, The~ma Durtghello, be denied~ motion
carried unanimously.
A-61 - A. J. Honard, Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road - Preliminary Design Approval
After discussions Co~issioner Glean moved~ secoP~ed by Cou-.lissioner John-
son, that prel~m~uary design approval be granted A-61 as shown on Exhibit
'A-I's dated February 19~ 1963~ subject to compliance with Article
Sections "C", ~[", '~" and ~t" of Ordinance NS-3~ motion carried
urmnimou s 1 ~.
F~.lannin~ Cvu~lssion Minutes - February. 25s 1963 - Contimaed
IV. D. A-81 - Luceal Westmoreland, Souza Lane - Final Design Approval - Nursing
William Clark, attorney, was present to represent the applicant.
There was a motion by Cv.~.tssioner Glenns seconded by Cuu.alssioner Johnson,
that final design approval be granted A-81, Luceal Weshnorelands as shown
on Exhibit "A-l" (consisting of 11 sheets) dud Exhibit "3-A" (site plan
which replaces sheet 3 of Exhibit "A-I"); motion carried unanimously.
E. A~99 - Goodwin B. Steinberg, Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road - Final Design A. pRroval - Apartments
Co.~a.'.lssioner Glenn advised that this property was under sttuiy by the City
Council with regard to Highway 9 (Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road) and it bad been
recorn~nended that this application be conEinued until the study was
C~=~issioner Crisp stated that the City Council had advised that they
would have an enex-mr after their next meeting,
On the basis of the foregoing, Chairman Webster directed this matter
(A-99) conttnund until the meetin~ on Fmrch 11, 1963o
1~. A-100 - Saratoga United Presbyterian Church, Sarstoga-Sunnyvale Road .D. est~n Approval - Sign
Cu~lssioner Glenn moved, seconded by Cuu~..'ssioner Cowley, that final
design approval be granted A-100, sign for the Saratoga United Presby-
terian Church, as shown on Exhibits "A", ~" an~ "C", dated February 199
1963; motion ca~*.ed unan~t,nusly.
A-101 - Our Lady of Fatima Villa, Saratoga-Los Gatos Road - Final Design
Approval - Convent and Administration Buildtn~
After dtscueston~ C,--..lnstoner Glenn moved, seconded by Commissto~er
Cowley, that final design approval be granted A~101, Our Lady of Fat{-m
Villa Convent add Administration Building, as aho~m on Exhibit "A" (pages
1 through 6) s dated February 19~ 19639 and color rendertng: (Exhibit
of Pile UP-45); motion carried unanimously°
Ae Third High School Site - Los Gatos Union High School District
Cuuuutsstoner Crisp gave a brief report on the Los Gatos Uuton High School
Board meetings held to give consideration to a site for a third high
school in the Los Gatos Union High School District. He advised that the
ul~mnte capacity of the Saratoga High School was 1800~ dud the ultimate
/Runbet of high School students in Saratoga was 1800s so an additional
high school in Saratoga was not needed. He further advised that the ulti-
mate number of students in Monte Sereno does not warrant a site in that
Pl~nnin~ ,C~,4ssion Minutes - February 25~ 1963 - Continued
V, A, 'l'hird H'{.~h School S~.,?.e
area, 8o Monte Sereno is protesting the possibility of locating the third
site in that areao Commissioner Crisp suggested that the City Council be
requested to ~rite a letter to the School Board s~'ating that Saratoga
objects to havin~ the third site located in this area.
Bo .Cg~nittees
Chai~nan Webste~ appointed the followring comnittees for 1963:
SUBDXVXSION AND BU?Lnl~G SX~E CC~I~IEE --- Co~uissioner Crisp, Chaizman
Cou~dssioner Kellum
DESIGN KEVXE~ C(l~v~'l~O~. ................... Co~anissioner Cowley, Chairman
Cor~n~ssioner Glenn
C~.--~ssioner Johnson
GENERAL I~LAI~ CCI. I. II'I'I~E .................... Cou~c~s sioller GlezLv~, Chairman
C~u~..~ssioner Crisp
C~,~ssioner Cooley
VABXANCE Ca~ll'~E ........................ Cc-~.,~.~ssioner Johnson, Chai~.~nan
C~,=Assioner Kellum
Commissioner Crisp
A, R~din~ Academy - Report from Subdivision Committee - Continued from
~eb~ua~'y 11~ 1963 .
Comniss{oner Crisp advised that he and the Planning Director had visited
the site of ~he p~oposed riding dub, and requested that the Planning
Director ~ead the report he had prepared,
After the repo~ had been read, Commissioner Crisp moved that the Plan-
ning Commission authorize the drafting of a resolution to be presented
to the Santa Clara County ~laneing Counnissionm lnco~porating the objec-
tions outlined in the report of the Planning Di~ector, Cvu~issioner
Glenn seconded the motion ~hich carried unanimously,
G, SDK-387 - John P, l~altbym Woedbaxd~ Way - Report from Subdivision Committee
Continued from February 11~ 1963
Co~nissioner Crisp briefly reviewed this totter and stated that I~, tdaltby
had met Y~tth the Building Site Connittee re~ard~ng same,
Plannin~ Com~.ission Minutes - February 25a 1963 - Continued
VI, B, 8DR-387 - John P~ Haltby
After £tu:ther discussions Commissioner Glenn moved, seconded by Commis-
sioner Crisp~ that Cond~.tion II, E, as sho~n on Exhibit '~", dated
February 25, 1963s be substituted for the existin~ Condition 1I, Es in
the Building Site Connittee Report of January 14~ 1963~ motion carried
urm, imouslyo
C, ~-H Prolects - Report from Subdivision Co~nittee - Continued from
February. 11~ 1963
Couuuissioner C~$sp read a report from the Subdivision Committee re~ardir~
this matter°
A~ter discussions Commissioner Glenn tooveda seconded by C~......~tssioner John-
son, that the te~o~c of the Subdivision C~mmitC~e be approved end
warded to the City Cotu~cils and that the Secretsly be directed to set a
date of hearing before Planuing C~u~ulssion to anneider an ~m~n~ment to
Zoning 0~dinance B-3 regarding such projects, Roll call vote: Ayes:
Commissioners Crisp, Glenn, Johnson and Webster, Noes: Commissioner
Cowlay. Notion carried° Co~miseloner Cowlay s~ated that he was opposed
to the entire idea since he did not feel that ~ an amendment would be
be in ~eeping vlth the objectives of
Cb8i~n Webster suggeBted that the follo~lug be added to as 3 (d) of the
Subdivision C~..--sttee Report:
"The word sanfinales as used herein shall be deemed to include and be
limited to the following:"
The Co~nission accepted this suggestion,
Russell Strametz inquired as to whether a temporary permit could be issued
to allow him to keep his FFA anttotals on his property unt$1 a decision ~as
reached with re~ard to an amendment to the ordinance, The Cou~lssion
advised that they did not have the authority to arant such a request, that
the only possible relief would be from the City Council.
1. Chairman Webster welcomed }It. Louis Wine, Good Government Group repre-
seutative~ to the meeting.
Plannin~ Co.-...lssion Ninutes - February 25t 1963 - Continued
VIXo Bo 2, Commissioner Crisp gave a brief report wt_th regard to the status of
the Library Study and advised that a meeting had been arranged between
the General Plan 8~.'.~,ittee, Mrs. Georgia Ryder, C, eorge Fartier and
Charles Earlyre Library Connittee, Friday, 14arch 1, 1963, at 3:30
Respectfully ~ubmitted,
Stanley PI, WaI~3r, Secretary
Saratoga Planeing Co~nission