HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-27-1963 Planning Commission Minutes Slle'd~Y OF FiINUTE8
Time: 7:00 P. N., Nonday, Nay 27, 1963
Place= Fruitvale School, Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, California
Type: Regular l~eetin~
The meetingwas called to order by Vice Chairman Johnson at 7:00 P. N.
Present: Co~nissioners Cowley, Crisp, Glenn, Johnson, Kellum and Norton.
Absentl Commissioner Webster.
Comissioner Glenn observed as follows:
Pa~e 13...paregraph 3...line 4...the name '~risp" should be changed
to "Cowley".
The Secretary advised that this error had been noted and corrected on
the official copy of the minutes.
Cvu~issioner Glenn moved, seconded by Commissioner Crisp, that the
reading of the minutes ofF lay 13, 1963, be waived and that the minutes
be approved; motion carried unani~.ously,
The Chairman declared public hearings open for the evening at 7:02 P. N,
A. q-~6 - O. R. l~ggiore, Saratoga Avenue - Chax~e of Zoning from
'~-1-10~000" to ~rofessional-Administrative" - Continned from
l~ay 13~ 1~63 .....
Connnissioner Crisp read a report from the Subdivision Committee per-
tainin~ to this application. With reference to the report he explained
1) the final maps had been approved on t~o units o£ the developmout on
the southwest corner of this intersection 2) the first building would
be constructed ~ithin three months 3) the Co~n!ttee felt that the
developer had made satisfactor~ proSross and~ therefore, felt that their
rec~,--;endetion that this Change of Zoning application be reviewed in six
months was in order.
~!anuin~ Connn~ssion Hinuta~ .~ .May 27~ 1963 - Continued
lI. A~ .C-5.6. - O. IL Ma~ior~
LEONAr~ FLECKNER, representing the applicant, presented a study showin~
acreage in Profaesional-Aam~ietrative use in su~'oundin~ cities in rela-
~ion to population. He stated 1) it had been his understanding that the
property already zoned ~-A" at this intersection was intended for medi-
cal use and 2) for this reason the Maggiere property was proposed pri-
marily for administrative use.
After further discussion, Co~tssioner Glenn moved, seconded by Co-,nia-
sioner Crisp. that the public hearinS in connection with C-56 be closed;
motion carried unanimously and the Chairman declared the hearing closed
at 7:18 P. M.
Co-~esioner Norton moved. seconded by Commissioner Glenn~ that the Com-
mission adopt t/~e report o£ the Subdivision Cv~.~ittee, hold the subject
application (C-56) in abeyance for six months, then review it in accor-
dance with the report; motion carried unanimously.
When the Secretary advised that it would be necessary for the hearing to
remain open in order to continue it for a period of six months, Connnie-
sioner Glenn w~thdrew his motion and Cc~,~tssioner Crisp his second (with
concurrence of the Co-~ssion) in connection with the motion to close the
Vice Chairman ~ohnson then directed C~56 continued until the meeting on
November 25, 1963o
B, C-51 - Virgil i~ Herring~ Big Basin ~ay - Change of Zoning £rom
sional-Adn~nistra~ive' to 'Co~unity C~rcial" - Continued
_~..y 13~ 1963 .. .
~he Secretary read a letter f~om the applicant requesting that C-51 be
held in abeyance until the application could be revised.
Co~,issioner Crisp edvised that he was prepared to read the report of the
· ~ubdivision Connittae in connec~ion with this epplication~ but the Sub-
division Cor~ntttee had no objection to the eentinuanceo
On the basis o~ the fore~oing, the Chairman directed C..51 continued until
the meeting on ~un~ 10, 1963.
Plannin~ Colnmission Hinu~es - M~y 27, 1963 - Continued
II, C, UP-50 - Mrs. Nora Thorneycrofts Lynde Avenue - Use Permit for Academic
Kinder~arten - Continued from Nay 13t 1963
Commissioner Crisp read the report of the Subdivision Committee with
regard to this matter.
C. J. WHI~E, representing Saratoga Orchards Subdivisiou~ stated that they
objected to the granting of this Use Permit since they felt the use was
not consistent with residential a~t the7 were concerned about traffic con-
gestion. He further stated that they questioned Saratogass need for such
a school and felt that the Cu~ission should not establish a precedent
with regard to same.
Mrs. Thorneycroft observed that i) Saratoga Zoning Ordinance NS-3 made
provision for such a use in residential areas 2) since the proposed use
was for academic purposes exclusively, it would be a very quiet opera-
tion and 3) w~th so few students and the circular driveway for loading
and unloading, there should be no traffic congestion.
JXM GRAHAM, adjacent property owner, stated that he felt it would be
unfair to grant this Use Permit until the area was more fully developed.
He advised that his objection was based on 1) traffic congestion and
2) establishment of a business in the area.
Connnissioner Glenn observed that the requested use was a conditional use
in any R-1 zone.
Commissioner Glenn moved, seconded by Commissioner Cowley. that the pub-
lic hearing on Lrg-50 be closed; motion carried unanimously and the Chair-
man declared the hearing closed at 7:35 P. t4.
In answer to a question from Counnissioner Cowley~ Counnissioner Crisp
advised that there were two nursery schools no~.7 in operation in R-1 zones
in Saratoga (along Highway 9) and there had been no problem with either
of them.
After further discussion Connissioner Cowley observed that the difference
in circumstances along Highway 9 and Lynde Avenue was pertinent in this
Oo~n{csiouer G1~- movnd, seconded by Connnissioner Crisp, that UP-50s Mrs.
Nora Thorneycroft, application for Use Permit for Academic Kindergartens
be denied; motion carried unanimously.
Plam!.in~ Cv,~lssion I4irmces -.14~¥ 27a 1,~63 - Continued
lI. D. ...UP-51 -ltrs. Frances 14artindale. Oak Place - Use Permit for Nursery
School in Social Hall Building at Saratoga Federated Church -
.C.O~tinued_.from l~4,y' 13 ~ 1963
Comissioner Crisp read a report from the Subdivision Conmaittee wi~h
regard to this application.
DOUGLAS ADANSs Reid Lane~ stated that he concurred with the zQport of
the Subdivision Cvu~uittee.
~here was no one else present who wished to conmen~ with regard to this
Counissione~ Glenn moved, seconded by Commissioner Crisp, that the hearing
on U~-51 be closed; motion carried unanimously and Vice Chairman Johnson
declared the hearing closed at 7:43 P. M.
There was a motion by Co-n{ssioner Glenn, seconded by C~i,~.,.~ ssioner Kellum,
that UP-51. Mrs. Frances 14artindale~ application for Use Permit for Nur-
sery School, be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the Sub-
division Conmittee Report of May 24, 1963~ motion carried unanimously.
E. ~V-226 - Richand O. Bywater, Sobey Road - Variance to allow Lot ~idth of
135~ for t~o (2) lots in lieu of required 150s - Continued from
May 13~ 1963
Coumissioner Crisp explained 1) the subject lots had been created many
years ago and held in several ownerships since that time 2) both lots
are in excess of the required area and 3) the City Attorney felt that
the applicant had adequate grounds for a Variance.
There was no one else present who wished to torment with regard to this
Connnissioner Crisp moved~ seconded by Cu~udssioner Glenn, that the hearin~
on V-226 be closed; motion carried unanimously and the Chairman declared
the hearing closed at 7:49 P. M.
Conmissioner Crisp moved~ secov~]ed by Conuuissionsr Kellums that V-226,
Richard Bywater, be epproved as requested; motbn carrind unenhnously.
C-58 - Eichler Bomes~ Inc,, Co~ Avenue - Change of Zonin~ from "A~ricul-
.rural" ~o ~{-1-12w500
~he public hea=tn~ on C-58 was opened at 7:50 P, M. The Secretary
advised that a Notice of Hearin~ had been published and read a communi-
cation from Mrs. Elizabeth Gandreau opposing this proposed development.
~.annin~ Co~nission Hinutes - l~a~ 27, 1963 - Conti~ued
II. F. C-58 - Eichler Homes, In~.
He further advised that it was the Staff reconanendation that this matter
be continued until the next regular meeting since a study was being made
by the applicant, at the request of the Subdivision Conunities, with
regard to the tentative map.
Commissioner Crisp advised tkat the Subdivision Comittee was not pre-
pared to make a recounendation at that time,
N. L, SPLITSTC~E, engineer for the applicant, stated 1) they felt the
request for R-1-12,500 P-D zoning was appropriate since the subdivision
would abut on the freeray 2) uo lots would front on Cox Avenue 3) the
everage lot size would be 13,200 square feet 4) the parcel indicated as
an exception was not a part of the subdivision since Hr. Eichler had been
unable to acquire the property and 5) they vould be happy to make the
study requested by r. he Subdivision C~mnitteeo
HERBF~q.T LEE, A~gouaut Place, stated 1) he concurred with the statements
in Hrs, Gaudreaues letter 2) he did not feel that a large number of
these homes would be co~vatible with the Saratoga area and 3) he would
not like to see Eichler homes beco~ a part of the Saratoga scene.
In answer to a question from Robert tiarding, the Connnission advised that
they felt it was unlikely that the samehess o~dinarily seen in Eichler
tracts would be seen in the proposed area, They briefly explained
requirements o£ the o~dinance and suggested to lit. Herding that he refer
to the ordinance for further particulars,
Co~missioner Cooley suggested to the applicant that perhaps ic would be
advisable to file an application for Design Revi~wwhile the other appli-
eations were being processed. He stated that he would not like to be
responsible for sitting as Chairman of the Design Review Co.~ittee three
months from now, after a great deal of money had been spent, saying that
it was felt that the design of the homes was not right ~or Saratoga°
Vice Chairman ~ohnson directed C-58 continued until the meeting on
June 10, 1963.
Tha Chaimn declared public hearings closed ~or the evening at 8:10 P.
Plaunir,~ Commission Nln.u. qes - I~ay 27, 1963 - Continued
Ao SDR-384 - Fenten E, Silvey, Norton ~ad - Buitdin~ Site ~proval
Co~nu~ ~rom ~y 13~ 19a .
Co~issioner Cri~ ~vised tha~ the requested si~e develop~nt plan h~
been re~iv~ a~ ~prov~ by the City E~ine~.
Co~issioner C~I~ wved, se~nded by C~issio~r Norton, that the ten-
tative mp for SDK-3~ (Exhibit 'A', ~t1~ N~ber 2, 1963) be approved
in accordance ~h the site development plan (~tbt~ 'B-I', ~i1~
~y 7, 1963) subjec~ to the coercions outltn~ in the Buildi~ Site
~iCtee ~por~ of ~y 2~, 1963; motion carri~ ~antmously.
B, SDR-421 - ~. A. B~er, SararoSa Hills Road - Buildin8 Site ~proval -
I Lqq - ~nt.inued f~om ~y 131 1963
Comisstoner Crisp advised ~t the si~e developmen~ plan was beth8
revised and it ~as ~he reco~nda~ion of ~he Buildi~ Site
thac this m=~ be continual until the n~c reaular mee=i~.
On ~he basis of the fore~oin~s Vice C~fmn Joh~on directed SDR~21
conCinu~ untie the m~t~S on June 10, 1963.
C. SDR-423 -Neil H, Dollard, Palomino Iqay - BuildinS Site ~pr~al -
4 Lots - Continued from ~y 13~ 1963
~e Secre~a~ r~ a letter from ~he applic~ req~stin~ that this
application be ~hdra~.
~ C~issbn gran~ this request.
D. ~DR-424 - Earl J. Peter, June I4ay - Buildin~ Si~e ~proval - 3 Lo~s -
Continued fr~ ~y 13~ 1963 ....
~e Secretary read a com~ication from the Ci~ A~orney par~aini~
~o ~his applicat~n, s~atinS t~t a Varia~a on ~he depth of the resi-
de1 parcel was needed before the subject lots ~uld be approve.
Comiss~ner Crisp m~ed, seconded by C~issioner Kelly, ~ha~ SDK-424,
Earl J. Peter, be disapproved on the basis of ~he c~unication
the City AtConay; ~tion carried u~niwusly.
P~mming Conmission Minut~s.-Eay 27, 1963 - Confiinued
IIX. E. SDR-351 - Kenneth Iwagakt~ q~to Road - Revised Tentative Map - 3 Lots
Con~tssioner Crisp advised that it was the recormendatton of the Sub-
division Comntttee that the proposed modification be approved subject
co compliance ~ith all conditions established by the Planning Conunission
in connection with the previous approval of SDR-351.
O. K, Freyschla~, Quifio Road, ~ho protested the original approval of
the subject tentative map, again protested on the basis of a dangerous
intersection at East Maude Avenue and quito Road.
Conmisstoner Crisp moved, seconded by Comtssioner Kellum, that the
revised tentative map (Exhibit "A-3") for SDK-351, Kenneth Iwagakt, be
opproved subject to compliance with all conditions of SDR-351 as pre-
viously approved by the Plannin~ Connnission; motion carried unnnimously.
SDR-400 - R. Jo Hunter, Pierce Road - Revised Tentative Map - I Lot
Hr. Hunterrs representative expressed satisfaction with the proposed
conditions of approval.
Commissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Cv~issioner Kellum, that the
revised tentative map for SDR-400 (Exhibit "A-i", filed May 3, 1963) be
approved subject to the conditions outlined in the Building Site Com-
mittee Report of liay 24, 1963~ motion carried unanimously.
G. SD-~27 - Eichler Homes, Inc. s ..Cox Avenue - Subdivision - 8~ Lots
Commissioner Crisp advised that the Subdivision Connnittee had met with
the applicant and it was the recommendation of the Committee that this
matter be continued until the next regular meeting since a further study
was being made.
On the basis of this recomnendations the Clmtrman directed SD-427 con-
tinued until the meeting on June 10, 1963.
R, SDR-428 - Kenneth Hartmanw Hums Drive - Buildin~ Site .A~proval - I Lot
The applican~ ~as not present.
Commissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Co..~.~cLssioner Kellum, that the
tentative map for SDR-428 (Exhibit ,~,, filed May 16, 1963) be approved
subject to the conditions outlined in the Buildin~ Site Committee Report
of l~ay 27, 1963~ motion carrind unanimously.
Plannin~ Conm~issiOn Minut~ - May 27; 1963 - Continued
I. SDR-429 - Ralph Pi~trobono, Sobey Road - Buildir~ Site Apprpval - 1 Lot
The applicant Was present and expressed satisfaction with the proposed
conditions of approval.
Commissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Conmissioner Kellum, that the
tentative map for SDR-429 (Exhibit "A", filed May 17, 1963) be approved
subject to the conditions outlined in the Building Site Comtttee
Report of May 27, 19631 motion carried unanimously.
A. A-55 - Saratoga Post Office, Saratoga Avenue - Preliminary Design
Approval - Continued from May 13~ 1963
After discussion, Commissioner Cowley moved, seconded by Co~m~issioner
Glenn, that A-55, Saratoga Post Office, be granted preliminary design
approval in accordance with Exhibits "A-I" and "C"; motion carried
B. A-102 - Robert Nnale, Saratoga Avenue - Final Design ~proval - Antique
~hop - Continued fromMay 13, 1963
Con~nissioner Cowley advised that the City Council had approved the
Change of Zoning for the subject property so design approval could now
be granted subject to the posting of a performance bond covering future
parking, the amount of the bond to be set by the City Engineer. He
explained that the applicant had complied with the requirement that a
plan be submitted showing that parking could be provided on this site
in the event that further study indicates this is what should be done.
Commissioner Cowlay moveds seconded by Commissioner Glenn~ that A-102,
Robert Neale, be granted final design approval for an Antique Shop on
Saratogs Avenue subject to the posting of a one year performance bond
for parking spaces, amount of the bond to be set by the City Engineer,
and the further condition that there be ~ outside display of merchan-
dise at any time; motion carried unanimously.
C. A-105 - Valley Methodist Church, Prospect Avenue - Final Design Approval -
Pre-School Bulldin~
After Commissioner Cowley briefly reviewed this application, the Secre-
tary read a letter from the applicant requesting that installation of
the parking and perimeter landscaping be waived until construction of
the third and major unit was begun.
Commissioner Cowlay moved, seconded by Commissioner Glenn, that A-105,
Pre-Schcol Building for Valley Methodist Church, be granted final
Plannin~ Co~nission Hinutes - Nay 27, 1963 - Continued
IV. C. A-105 - Valley Nethodist Church
design approval in accordance with Exhibits "A-l, '~" and '~", sub-
Ject to the conditions of their letter o£Nay 29, 1963 (Exhibit "E")
and with the further understanding that within two weeks the archi-
tect will submit to the Planning Director the additional information
~rlth respect to plantin8 that is required by Ordinance NS-3; motion
carried unanimously.
D. ~2110 - Quito Barber Shop, Quito Shopping Center - Design Approval -
The Secretary brief17 reviewed this application and advised the type
and degree of illumination proposed in connection with this sign.
Co=missioner Cowley moved, seconded by Co~missioner Glenn, that A-110,
Quito Barber Shop, be granted design approval for sign as shown on
Exhibits f~" and "B'~ motion carried unanimously.
A. General Plan - Proposed Revisions
It was the consensus of the Commission that a special meeting should
be called for discussion of revision of the General Plan.
After discussion the Chairman directed~ with concurrence of the Com-
mission~ that the Secretar~ set the public hearing for July 1~ 1963.
B. St. Michaels Chur~ Picnic Facilities - Report from Secretar~
~he Secretary advised that his investigation revealed that the only
picnic held at the Church to date was on the day of dedication~ but
that picnic facilities are plannsd for the future.
C. Ordinance 3E-2 - Procedure
Co~niss~oner Glenn moved~ seconded by Con~issioner Crisp~ that the
Co---ission adopt the policy of having site development plans initiated
by the Subd~vision Committee in conJunctionw~th the City Engineer~
motion carried unanimously.
Vice Chairman Johnson welcomed ~ayor Glennon and thanked him for his presence
at the meeting.
PlanntnM Co~_lssion~inutes - May 27~ 1963 - Continued
1. 1~ae Secretary advised that he had artended the Santa Clara County
Board of Supervisors Meeting with Mayor Glennon and the Board had
reversed the decision of the County Planning Commission and
granted Mrs. Knnoyer a Use Permit for n Childtens, Riding Academy
on Bohlman Road.
2. Coremissioner Cowley advised that engineers from PC,&E had attendnd
the City Council meeting and given the foliowing information with
regard to the lighting facilities for the Sarabills Subdivision:
a) Lights are not mercury vapor but incandescent, so glare is no
major factor,
b) Only 40% of the roadway is on the Saratoga side of the hill.
c) Lights will be 24 feet above the ground,
d) Each l~mp will be shielded.
Con~nissioner Cowlay further advised that the Design Review Cormnit-
tee had been asked to review 1) type of shield and 2) profile of
standards to prevent too much criss-crossing on the street.
3. Cdu~isstoner Cowlay advised that the City Council had requested
that the Design Review Co~nnittee study the feasibility of requirinE
underground facilities in connection with future subdivisions, and
the Conmmittee hoped to have further information prior to July 1,
4. Earl J. Peter requested clarification of the procedure for ob-
taining Building Site Approval on his three lots on June Way.
The Connission discussed this matter with Mr. Peter and advised
that his application could be reinstated upon the granting of a
Variance on the depth of the residual parcel.
Respectfully submitted,