HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-26-1963 Planning Commission Minutes Sb~.e4AR.'.~ OF MINUTES
[37}~: 7:30 P. M., Tuesday, November 26, 1963
YLACE~ Saratoga Nigh School, Herriman Avenue, Saratoga, California
TiPE: Regular Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Webster at 7:30 P. M.
Present: Co~cissioners Crisp, Kellum, Norton, and Webster.
Absent: Commissioners Cowlay, Glenn, and Johnson.
Commissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Corm~issioner Kellum, that the
reading of the minutes of November 12, 1963, be waived and that the
minutes be approved subject to the following modification:
Page 6...after III., G., before IV., DESIGN REVIEW, insert the
"The Chairman welcomed Mrs. Ruth (hgen, Good Government Group
representative~ and expressed the Commissionts appreciation
for her attendance."
Motion carried unanimously.
The Chairman declared public hearings open for the evening at 7:35 P. M.
A. UP-55 - Brookside Club of Saratoga, Cox Avenue - Use Permit for Additional
Parking and Modification of Existing Use Permit - Continued from
November ~2~ 1963 ..
The Secretary explained that the original application had requested addi-
tional parking only but since there were a number of items in the previous
Use Permit which needed clarification~ the application had been revised
to request modification of this Use Permit as well as the additional
parking. He advised that Notices of Nearing relative to the revised
application had been mailed and there were no ~=itten cor~munications on
file. He then read the letter of explanation which accompanied the revised
Planning Commission Minut.e~...- November 26~ 1963 - Continued
iI. A. UP-55 - Mrpo~cide Club of Saratoga
Comissioners Crisp and Kellum explained that the revised application had
been filed through a joint effort of the Subdivision Comictee and repre~
sentatives of the Club to clarify several items in the previous Use Permit.
The Secretary presented a new site plan submitted by the architect,
showing the proposed relocation of the club house and parking for 75 cars.
Warren Heid, architect, was present to discuss this matter with the Com-
mission on behalf of the applicant. He explained that the existing ordi-
nance, which was used as a basis for determining the number of parking
spaces shown on the site plans required that the Club provide 50 to 54
parking spaces~ so the 75 spaces indicated mare than met the requirements
of the ordinance.. He further explained that the relocation of the parking
provided better control.
Mr. Ousterman, representing the Club, stated that 42 cars was the largest
count ever taken on the parking lot and explained that this was during the
summer months. He further stated that the normal number was approximately
20 to 22. Mr. Ousterman also explained that they planned to use the club
house for meetings, minor social affairs, etc., but would not use it for
social affairs of the entire membership because of the 20% tax that would
be involved should they do so.
Mr. Held explained that access to the Club property would be limited to
the entrance at the club house.
Warren Badger, Saratoga Creek Drive, stated 1) he could foresee no pro-
blem with the additional courts and parking and 2) if activities in the
club house were limited after darkJ this could possibly prove satisfactory,
There was no one else present who wished to conunent with regard to this
Commissioner Crisp advised 1) the Subdivision Committee had been studying
this matter for several weeks 2) they had visited the site, met with
representatives of the Club, and discussed the matter with the Club mana-
ger and 3) it was their suggestion that this matter be continued until
the next regular meeting and referred to the Subdivision Committee for a
report at that time.
The Corm-iSsion concurred with this suggestion and the Club representatives
expressed willingness to have the matter continued.
On the basis of the foregoing, Chairman Webster directed UP-55 continued
until the meetina on December 9, 1963, and referred the matter to the
Subdivision Committee for further study and a report at that time.
Plann~n~.Coranission Minutes - November 26~ 1963 - Continued
11o B, C-56 - O, R, Maggiores Saratoga Avenue - Change of Zpn{ng from ~-l-10sO00".
(Single Fumi!y Residential) to '~-A" (Professlon~Z-Administrative)'-
Continued f=o~ Ma7 27~ 1~3 ....... ;~
The Secretary briefly reviewed this applicatio~ and advised that it had.
been held in abeyance for u period of six ~onths for the purpo~q of fur-
ther review to determine ~he~he= or not a need for additional "P-A" ~oning
had been created during this period,
Jack Palmtag was present to represent the applicant and stated 1} he had
previously presented statistics showing chats based on the standards of
ocher cities in ~he general areas the proposed ~-A" zoning was needed for
the future population of Saratoga 2) professional offices were being pro-
posed because of the medical units being developed across the street and
3) the proposed deveiopment would be co=~atible with the general area, i.e,~
the units would have shake roofs and would range from lsa00 to 2~00 square
feec in size,
Co=~niss~oner Crisp observed that 1) the first building was beiug con~
strutted in the 28 lot Medical Village across the street from the subject
property 2) large areas were also available in the ~-A" zones on Sara-
toga Avenue (Saratoga Inn property) and Big Basin gay (near Sixth Street}
so 3) hes personally~ did not feel that addit~onal "P-A" zoning was needed
in Saratoga nows or in the foreseeable future,
Mr, Palmtag advised that the applicant had been approached by a church
group ~ith regard to the subject propertys but it was felt that the pro-
posed development would be more compatible ~ith the general area end would
not create as great a traffic hazard, He stated that they had contacted
most of the adjacent property o~ners and the consensus of opinion had been
that they would prefer a development of this type to a church. He also
stated that they did not feel that "R-l" was the best use for the property
because of land use of the other corners of this intersection,
Natten Badger~ Saratoga Creek Drive~ stated that while the rendering pre-.
sented by Mr, Palmtag was quite in~ressive~ it had been his experience
that the finished product did not aiways produce the same effect, For
this reasons he opposed the proposed change of zoning,
Dr. Marcus Bitter~ River Ranch C~rcles advised that two additional
bulldines would be under construction in the Medical Village in the very
near future and would be completed for June, Z964s occupancy,
Joe She=ridy~ Cox Avenues stated that he would not be opposed to a develop-
ment similar to the Medical Village except that the subject property has
little fron=age and the points of ingress and egress would be dangerously
close to the ~ntersection to accomodate heavy traffic,
P19nnin~ Cou~nission Minutes - November 26~ 1963 - Continued
r~ B. C-56 -O. R. M~ggio~
Mrs. Wm. Brown, Cox Avenue, stated that she would not object if minimum
lot size (I0,000 square feet) was required for each building. She ques-
tioned the need for the additional '~-A" zoning~ however, and observed
that both the subject property and the development across the street might
remain only partially developed.
~. Brown, Cox Avenue, expressed satisfaction with the Medical Village and
stated that he would not be opposed to another such development if there
was an established need.
Dr. Isaac Abrams, Saratoga Avenue, questioned the need for additional
'~-A" zoning in the area. He stated that there were only about 20 persons
in SaratoEa who needed this type office at present and the Medical Village
was ready to accomodate 40.
Mrs. Brown observed that this property was located at a hazardous inter-
section and stated that she felt that a traffic study should be made before
action was taken.
Commissioner Crisp stated that he did not feel there was any evidence of
need for the additional '~-A" zoning since property in the other '~-A"
zones had not been developed.
Commissioner Kellum stated that he felt that in the absence of indicated
need the Commission should be very slow to recommend a change in the
General Plan.
Commissioner Norton stated that he felt there should be a definite show
of need before recommendin~ a change of zoning such as this since the
objective was for Saratoga to remain a residential city.
Chairman Webster quoted the section of the ordinance requiring a show of
need and stated that he felt the applicant had been given every considera-
tion. Iherefore, he con~inued~ he felt that the Cotmission should take
action instead of continuing the matter fuzZher. He further stated that
he felt negative action was indicated.
In answer to a question from the applicant's representative, the Commis-
tion advised that signed leases would not be adequate to establish a
need for this additional zoning since they could so easily be broken.
After further dtscussion~ Commissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Commis-
sioner Kellum, that the public hearing on C-56 be closed. Motion carried
unanimously and the Chairman declared the hearing closed 'at 9:00 P. M.
P~nnir~ Colmnissign Minute~ - November 2~, 1~63 - Continued
lI. B. C-5.__~6- O. R. Ma~iore
Cotmiestoner Crisp moved, sec~mied by CC~ra(eSi0~er ~ell~m, ~he~ the
ni~ C~ission reco~ ~o ~h~ CiC7 CoUncil Cha~ C-56, O. R. ~iOre,
be deni~ on C~ basis ~haC ~ cha~e ts noc requir~ co achi~e ~he
Cives o~ the Zonin~ Ordinance. ~oll call vo~e~ ATes: Co~issi~ners
Crisp, Kelly, Norton, a~ ~ebs~er. Noes: None. ~sen~:
Co~ey, Cle~, a~ Joh~on. ~o~ion carried unan~usly~
C. C-62 - ~arreu D. ~orCer, Jr., Fifth S~ree~ - Cha~e o~ Zonin~
'R-~-3,000" (Hu~Ciple Kestden~ial) ~o 'C-C' (Co~niC~ Co~rcia~)
~on~i~ed ~rom November 12~ 19~3 ......
Co~lssioner Crisp advised Chat ~he applicant h~d requested Chac Ch~s ~pp[i-
ca~ion be con~inued until ~he nex~ regular ~e~iu~. I~ ~as his reco~endR-
Ciou Cha~ ~his reques~ be ~ran~ed.
~ere ~as no one presen~ who ~ished co ~enC ~.~Ch re~ard ~o this pro-
posed chan~e o~ zoning.
On ~he baois o~ the ~oreSoin~, C~air~n ~ebs~er directed C-~2, ~arreu D.
~orCer, Jr., continued unCi~ ~e meecin~ on Dec~ber 9~
D~ C-~3 - Cre8~ Development Co~any~ ~rospecc Avenue - Cha~e o~ ZoninS '~S'' (Co~ercia~ Se~ice) ~o "C-N' (~ei~bor~ood Co~ercial)
· he public hearin~ on C-63 ~as opened a~ 9~07 ~. N. ~e SecretarT advised
~ha~ a No~ice o~ Heari~ had been published and there ~ere no
co~unica~ious on ~ile. He brie~ reviewed the application and read a
S~a~ Repor~ per~ini~ Co ~his ~Ccer.
Neeere. Garcia and Sha~er, o~ers of the subject propstOys ~ere presen~
~o discuss ~hi8 application ~iCh ~he Co~ission. Nr. Garcia advised
~) ~he~ had ~ried Co develop this proper~7 under ~he '~-S' zonin~ but
~ound ic al~os~ i~ossible 2) ~he~ had par~icu~arl~ desired Co have an
au~o~bile dealer bu~ could not l~eresC anyone 3) ~he property could be
developed ~o~ a shee~ ~e~al shop, cleanin~ es~ablish~en~, etc., bu~ Che~
did no~ ~eel Chat ~his ~as the be8~ use o~ the ~a~ ~) ~he~ ~ould like
~o plan a To~ and Coun~r~ ~Tpe developmen~ bu~ ~o do so a marke~ ~ou~d be
needed 5) since ~he 'C-S' zonin~ did no~ allo~ a ~arkec ~he request
'~-N' zonin~ had been ~iled ~) ~he~ ~ould keep ~he man7 be~uCi~ul oaks
on ~he proper~7 a~ ~ou~d box culver~ the creek a~ 7) ~he developmen~
~uld be patterned a~Cer ~he Los Altos Ran~ho a~ ~he ~o~ and Coun~r~
develop~en~ on S~evens Creek Road buc ~ould have an enclosed ~. ~r.
Garcia presented a prel~inary r~nderi~ and sca~ed ~haC he ~ou~d acc~p~
condi~ional zonin~ ~i~h a ~ ~ear limi~a~ion.
~ere was no one preseu~ who wished to speak wi~h reEard ~o this ~er.
Plannin~ Co~raission Minutes - NoVember 26, 1963 - Continued
II, D, C-6,,_/3 - Crest Development Company
It was the consensus of the Commission that &his matter should. be referred
to a Committee for study since it did not conform eo 6he General Plan,
After further discussion, Chai~m~n Webster directed C-63, Crest Develop-
the matter to the Subdivtsioh o a report at that
E, C-64 - Virgil R, Herring, B~g ~asin Way - ~ha~ge of Zoning from '~-A"
(Pro[ess~onal-Admtnistrative) to 'C-C' (Community Commercial)
The public hearing on C-64 was opened at 9:25 P, M. The Secretary advised
that a Notice of Hearir~ had been published and read comunicationsfrom
the following persons which were filed in protest of this application:
1) Anna L. Loze 2) Barbara Caldwe11 and 3) Artus Metzger,
The applicant was present and explained 1) he was being evicted from his
present place of business on January 1, 1964, since the prpperty had been
sold 2) he Could find nothing else available in the commercial zoning
3) he would like very much to continue to operate a business establishmen~
in Saratoga and 4) he would be happy to accept conditional zening.
Sam Hernandez~ Big Basin ~ay~ spoke in favor of the proposed change o~
Clarence Neale, Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road~ stated 1) Mr, Herring was not
only an established Saratoga business man but a most desirable member of
the community and 2) he felt the request for change of zoning was reaspna~
ble and should be granted.
Robert Neale, Saratoga Avenue, observed 1) Saratoga has created an ~mnge
as an antique center 2) Mr. Herring operates one of the better shops and
3) he felt the change of zoning should be granted so that this shop coul~
continue in operation.
Murray Brookmarts Pamela ~ay~ stated 1) the subject request, if granted,
obviously could not be considered spot zoning since it would be an exten-
sion of the existing commercial zoning and 2) he felt that business of
this type should be encouraged so .felt the reques~ should be granted.
Chairman ~ebster observed that the quaint appearance of the Village made
it unique and he felt the antique shops were compatible with the general
atmosphere. He further expressed the belief that the commercial zone
could be extended ~ith ample protection for the neighbors, and observed
that there was a proven need since an established merchant was being
~lannin~ Commission H!nuCes - November 2.6~ 1963 - Continued
IX. E. C-64 - Virgil R. Herrin~
Commissioner Crisp observed that while there had been a great deal of
opposition to Robest Neale's request for change of zoning, his antique
shop was a credit to Saratoga.
After further discussion, Chairman Webster directed C-64 continued until
the meeting on December 9, 1963, and referred the matter to the Subdivi-
sion Committee fox study and a report at that time.
F. ~r233 - Dr. Richard A. Wallace, Juniper Lane - Variance to allow 10' Side
Yard Setback in l~eu of the required
The public hearing on V-233 was opened at 10:15 P. M. The Secretary
advised that Notices of Nearing had been mailed and there were no written
communications on file.
Dr. Wallace was present to explain the need for this Variance.
Commissioner Crisp stated that the Variance Committee would like to mal~e
an on-site inspection relative to this request.
There was no one present who wished to comment with regard to this matter.
The Chairman, after further discussion, directed V-233 continued until
the meeting on December 9, 1963, and referred the matter to the Variance
Committee for study and a report at that time.
Chairman Webster declared public hearings closed for the evening at 10:20 P~M.
A. SDR-450 - Jerry Kocir, ~arion Road - Building Site Approval - 3 Lots -
~vised Ma~ - Continued from November 12m 1963
Commissioner Crisp advised that the Variance relative to the residual
parcel had not been filed, so suggested that this matter be continued
until the next re~ular meetir~.
On the basis of this suggestion, Chairman X~ebster directed SDR-450 con-
tinued until the'meetir~ on December 9, 1963.
Plannin~ Con~nission Minutes - Nove. mber 26~ 1963 ? Continued
III. B. SDR-452 - Oene C. Buthenuth, Palomino Way - Building Site Approval - 1 Lot -
,Continued from November 121 1963
The applicant was not present.
Conm~issioner Crisp moved, seconded by Co~nissioner Kellum, that the
Building Site Committee Report of October 28, 1963~ relative to SDR-452,
Gene C. Buthenuth, be adopted and that the tentative nmp (Exhibit "A"
. ,
filed October 18~ 1963) be approved in accordalice with the site develop-
ment plan (Exhibit "B", filed October 28, 1963) subject to the conditions
detailed in the Building Site Committee Report; motion carried unanimously.
C. SDR-453 - Multi--Building and Development Corporation, Ambric Knolls -
Building Site Approval - 1 Lot - Continued from November 12,
The Secretary read a letter from Robert E. Hacklet granting a 30 day
extension in connection with SDR-453 since a problem had developed rela-
tive to the septic tank permit.
Through mutual consent of the applicant and the Commtssion~ this applica-
tion was extended for a period of 30 days. The Chairman then directed
SDR-452 continued until the meeting on December 9, 1963.
D. SDR-458 - Paul S~.lanson~ Farxqe.ll Avenue - Building S~t.e App.r. oval- 2 Lots_
Connnissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Commissioner Kellum, that the
Building Site Committee Report of November 26, 1963, relative to SDR-458
be adopted and that the tentative map (Exhibit ';A" filed November 4, 1963)
be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the Building Site Com-
mittee Report; motion ca=tied unanimously.
E. SDR-459 - .John Taylor~ .Pierce Road - Buildin~ Site Approval - 1 Lot
Jim Cole of MacKay & Somps was present to represent the applicant and
expressed satisfaction with the proposed conditions of approval.
Conunissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Commissioner Kellum, that the
Building Site Committee Report of November 26, 1963, relative to SDR-459
be adopted and that the tentative map (Exhibit "A"~ filed November 12, 1963)
be approved in accordance with the site development plan (Exhibit s'B"s
filed November 26, 1963) subject to the conditions detailed in the
Building Site Committee Report: motion carried unanimously.
P~annip~ Co_uuui~sion Minutes - November 26, 1963 - Continued
III. F. SDR-460 - R~chard O. Bywater, Sobev Road - Build~..ng Site Approval.- 2. Lgts
Mr. Bywater was present and stated that it was his understanding that t~e
City Engineer would like to discuss the site development plan further.
He requested, therefore, that this matter be continued to allow time for
this discussion .
Gounissioner Crisp confined the need for further discussion of the site
development plan and recommended that this matter be continued until the
next regular meeting.
On the basis of the foregoing, Chairman Webster directed SDR-460 continued
until the meeting on December 9, 1963
G. SDR.-461 - Dplores Hickman,. Sobey Road - Buildinn Site Approval.- 2 Lo.ts
Mrs. Hickman was present and expressed satisfaction with the proposed
conditions of approval.
Commissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Commissioner Kellum, that the
Building Site Conmaittee Report of November 26, 1963. relative to SDR-461
be adopted and that the tentative map (Exhibit "A", filed November 15, 1963)
be approved in accordance with the site development plan (Exhibit "B",
filed November 26, 1963) subject to the conditions detailed in the Buil-
ding Site Committee Report; motion carried unanimously.
A. 4-118 - George J. Kochere Big Basin Way - Final Design Review - Crafts
Display and. Accessories - Continued from November 12, 1963
The Secretary read a letter addressed to Mr. Kocher and signed by Mrs.
Anderson of the Plumed Horse, confirming that she would lease Mr. Kocher
six parking spaces for a period of one year with an option to renew the
lease for an additional four years.
After discussion,Cenmaisdoner Norton moved, seconded by Commissioner Crisp,
that the six parking spaces on the Plumed' Horse parking lot be accepted and
that f~nal design approval be granted A-118, George J. Kocher; motion
carried unanimously.
B. A-12a - Brown & Kauffmann, Inc., Prospect Avenue - Final Design Review -
Subdivision Ho~e~ - Un%t 4-~, Prides Cross~3~ .
The Secretary read a Staff Report pertaining to this application.
Commissioner Kellum moved, seconded by Conunissloner Crisp, that final
design approval be granted the subdivision homes in Unit 4-A of Prides
Crossing as sho~m on Exhibit '~" (site plan) and Exhibit "B" (26 eleva-
tions and color schemes); motion carried unanimously.
P~ann~.n~ Commission Hinutes - November .26, 19.~3 -.Continue~
The City Council Report was deferred until later in the meeting.
A. Chairman Webster welcomed Councilman Drake, Mrs. Owen and Mr. Merkel from
the Good Government Group, and Mrs. Ottenberg from the League of Women
g. Report ~e Re~ire~ent Developments
Commissioner Kellum read a report from the Subdivision Conunittee relative
to their study regarding retirement developments.
There was a representative from the Episcopal Church present who stated
that they were making a preliminary study regarding the possibility of
such a development for their church.
Barney Rosasco, Aloha Avenue, stated that he had felt for some time that
a development of this type was needed in Saratoga, but felt that it should
be limited to older people. He further stated that he had visited several
such developments and was impressed.
Mrs. Ruth Owen stated that she felt that there were many people in Sara-
toga who would be interested in a development of small individual units
instead of the typical size Saratoga home.
Mrs. Dorothy Parker stated that she, personally, would be interested in
a small individual unit because she no longer needed nor wanted to main-
rain her present half-acre site.
After further discussion, Commissioner Norton moved, seconded by Commis-
sioner Kellum, that the Subdivision Committee Report be approved by the
Commission and transmitted to the City Council, together with an appro-
priate letter of transmit~al prepared by the Secretary, for their infornm-
tion and indication of acquiescence; motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Crisp gave a brief report on the City Council meeting of Novem-
ber 20, 1963, with particular emphasis on the following:
1) Architec~ Warren Held was authorized to proceed with plans for the new
Civic Center building.
2) Ross Nall's proposal that the City share in the indicated additional cost
for ~he storm drains across Highway 9 was rejected.
3) Since the School (at Titus and Prospect Avenues) will install full street
improvements on Titus Avenue and 23 feet on Prospect Avenue, the City
Council agreed to improve half of the remainder providing the County would
improve the balance.
plannin~ Comnission Minutes ~ November 26, 1963 - Continued
A. SDR-451 - Wade Hovers Peach Hill Road - ReqUest for Roconsideration -
Continued from November 12w 1963
Mr. Hover was present earlier in the evening but, because of another
appointments left prior to discussion of his request.
Coummisstoner Crisp read the Subdivision Committee Report relative to
Hoverss request for reconsideration.
Co=~lssioner Norton moved, seconded by Comissioner Crisps that this report
be adopted, subject to the following modifications, and then transmitted
to the City Council with the recomendation that Condition '~" be changed
as set forth in the report:
Page 2...paragraph 1..,lines 9 and 10 --- Omit "6 inch base rock and".
Page 2...paragraph 3...Revise condition to read as follows:
"Improve Peach Hill Road to provide for a 13 foot half-street,
usinE double seal coat oil and screenin~s on 6 inch base rock,
along the entire frontage of the property. This improvement
is to be made concentric with existin8 pavement (not right-
of-way) as approved by the City En~ineer."
Motion carried unanimously.
B. Subdivision Si~n~ - Staff Report relative to Maintenance and Repair
At the request of the Plannin~ Director, this report was deferred until
the next regular meeting.
SDR-3~9 - O. T. Robertshaw~ Fa.rwell Avenue - Request for Exteuelon
The Secretary advised that this building site approval had previously had
a six month extension but an additional six months time was needed. He
read a letter from Mr. Del Carlo requesting an additional six months.
Commissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Commissioner Norton, that the request
for a six month extension from November 14, 1963, be granted; motion car-
ried unanimously.
~lnnn!n~ Commission Minute~ - November 26, 1963 - Continued
Chairman I.lebster declared the meeting adjourned at 11:37 P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
~..~-"i " .... \-
Stanley M. l'~a~er, Secretary