HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-09-1964 Planning Commission Minutes 7:30 P. M., ~o~, Narch 9, 1964
8aretoga Bigh Sahool, Herr~n Avenue, Saratoga, 0alifornia
P~gula~ M~et~ug
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Norton at 7:30 P.
Present: Co~ssioners Cowlay, Crisp, Glenn, Kellum, McFall, Norton: are
0 'Rorl~a.
Absent: None.
Co~m~esioner Clenn moved, seconded by Counnissioner Kellum, that the
reedin~ of the minu~es of Februat7 24, 1964 be ~aived and that the minutes
be approved subject to the followin~ corrections:
Page 6...Item C.o.para~raph 2...line 4 ...... Chax~e "three" to
paragraph 3...line 3 ...... Cban~e "three" to
The Chairman declared public heurir~s open for the eveninS at 7:33 P. M.
A. C-65 - MacKay & S~a~s, Inc., Cox Avenue - Chan~e of Zonin~ from "A~ricul-
Cural" and '~-1-12,500" to ~-1-12,500 P-D" - Continued from Feb-
ruary..24~ 19~ .... . . _~
The continued hearin~ on C-65 was res-m~d at 7:34 P. M. The Sacwatery
advised chat a r~vised Notice of Hearing had been published and there were
no ~ritten connnunicatione on file.
Jim Cole, engineer for the applicants presented a colored nmp showing the
parcels covered by the subject application.
George Towns: Nolcott Nay, inquired about the existinS zonin~ on these
parcels. The Secretary displayed a Zoning Map showing same.
There was no one in the audience who wished to co~nent with regard to this
Co-,nissioner Crisp suggested that action on C-65 be deferred until the
tentative map coverin~ this property had been approved. Commissionor
Glenn concurred.
Connnissioner Cowlay advised that the Corn:tree would be unable to make a
recommewtation in connection with the Design Review application until
further exhibits had been submitted.
On the basis of the foregoing, Chair~,~ Norton directed the public hearing
on 8-65, MacKay & Somps, 1no., continued until the me, tins on March 23,
.PlanninR Co~nni..s. sion. Hl~ute~ - Hatch..9, .1.964 - Continued
IIo B. C-6_.J6 - Joseph P, Lon~, Saratoga Avenue - C,ha~e of Zoning from '~onditional
Community Commercial' (restricted to pa~lcin~) to 'Cov~iitional Com-
mun. ity Conenero. tel' {restricted to officeS)
~he hearing on C~66 *ras opened at 7:55 P. 1{, ~ Secretary advised that a
Notice o£ Hearin~ haS been published and there *rote no witten co~nunica-
tions on file.
~he applicant ~as present but stated that he hal no comment.
~here *ras no one in the audience *rho wished to speak with regard to this
After discussion, Chairman Norton directed C-66 continued until the
lneetin~ on ltarch 23, 1964 and referred same to the Subdivision Committen
for study and a report at that time.
C. .O..rdinance N.S-3.6 - An Ordinance amendin~ Ordinance NS-3, the Zoni~ Ordi-
nance of the City of Saratoga, by establishin~ a Plenned
Coum~nity District Zoniz~ Classification, and by _~nding
S..ections 14.1 and 18.11 of said Ordinsn.c..e.. .
The hearin~ on Ordinance NS-3.6 *ras opened at 8:16 ~. lt. The Secretary
advised that a Hotice of l~arin~ haS been published end there *rere no ~rit-
ten co~nunications on fileo
Comissioner Kellom explained that the purpose of the proposed ordinance
*ras to make possible the development o£ a residential community prt~=~ily
for older or retired persons desirin~ _~-mller residences or d~ellit~ units
then *rere eco~--tcally feasible under existing zoning districts~ ~hich
community might combine a number of uses in order to develop a livin~
envirornnent facilitating active retired living, He stated that the Co~-
mission *ras anxious to make this ordinance serve the co~rnunity end ~ould
*relcome counts. He aSded, ho*rever, that the Cu~uission did not *rish to
defend the ordinance since it *ras still in a preliminary state.
As the proposed ordinance *ras reviewed, section by section, the
~all pertainin~ to Section 2) ~ere as
..SECtTON 2:
4A°1; No co~=nent.
4A.2; No
4A. 3: Connnissionur Crisp stated, for the purpose of clarification, that
the intent of the ordinance *ras not to establish conm~rcial
districts within the PC Districts but to allow iacilities required
by the residents.
Chaix~an Norton obsetwnd that only in a very large development of
this type would a commercial or recrcetional center be
and that it was possible that Saratoga might have a norabet of small
developments instead of one large one.
~/ith reference to density, Chairman Norton explained 1) density
would not be affected by PC sonin~ and 2) only a chan~e of zoning
as would be required no*r could increase the density under PC sorting,
In answer to a question from John Ostrowski, the Commission explainod
that the property used for recreation, etc. would be included in the
sqtmte footage £or the purpose of establishin~ density.
The Secretary advised that Dr. Abrams had suf~l;ested that the buil-
dings not be restricted to one story since elevators could be used
if the developers so desired. Paul Frechette observed that this
point *ras well taken since there was a lot of rollin~ land in Sara-
toga that would lend itself yell to both two stories and splits.
Plannin~ C~-~,ission Minutes - Na:ch 9. 196/, -Con. t. inued
IX. C. Ordinance NS-3.6
~A.4: No cu~ant.
4A. 5: No courtant.
~A.6: The Secret~ ~vis~ t~t Dr. ~r~- ~ s~geet~ Chat the
'~ect~ted t~e" established alloy iot ~elopment by unit on a
sc~ul~ P~s ~ that the site d~elopment plan require
'Senera1" deli~ation a~ location o~ st~ct~es rather
~A. 71 No
John Ostrowski observed that Saratoga needed the Planned Coummnity Dis-
trict provision in the Zonin~ Ordinances but stated that ha felt that
in a deveZopment o£ this type more consideration should be given to den-
sity in terms of :~eople per acre" than '%.miCe per acres.'
Commissioner Glenn observed that most of the older people in Saratoga
were far less concerned with cost than with havin~ to leave Saratoga mhen
they no longer desired to care for their houses and gardens, and that the
intent of the ordinance was to provide a place for them to go.
Chairman Norton explained that the City wanted to make such a development
possible although land costs in Saratoga might make it economically
&;r-,-issioner Crisp stated that it was his -_-aerstandin8 that there was a
non-profit organization in Saratoga that might be interested in such a
development o
At the su~gestion of Conunissioner OsRorke, the Chairman requested a show
of hands to indicate whether those present felt that the proposed ordi-
nance was a worthwhite under~:akin~ or whether the matter should be dropped.
Thirty-five persons voted Co continue work on this ordinance and no one
voted to drop the matter.
After further discussion~ Chairran Norton directed the hearinS on this
matter continued until the meeting on Narch 23, 196~.
The Cheirm-n declarert public hearings closed for the evening at 9:13 P. M,
Chairman Norton welcomed Councilman Hart-t-- ~,a observed that Council---- Tyler had
bean present earlier in the evening. Ha expressed the Conmission's appreciation.
for this interest from the City Council.
~he Cturlrman acknowledged, with pleasure, the presence of l~rs, Ruth O~en, Mrs.
Dorothy Parker, Hr, Cordon Hunter and Mr. Robert Le~is of the Good Coveranent Group
and thanked them for their attendance.
A. SDR-467 - 3oyce Hendry, Canyon View Drive - BuildinS Site Approval -
3 Lot~ - Continued from February. 24s 1964 ......
The applicant was present and requested further consideration in con~_e~-
tion with Conditions IX, A, and IX, B. He stated that compliance with
Condition lI, As weuld destroy much of the aesthetic beauty of the sub-
Ject ri~ht-of-way since oak trees would have to be r~rn~ved and there would
be unsitely scartin8 because of the cut for the road, and that compliance
with both of these'conditions ~ould be very costly.
Plannir~ C~-'-..issio.n. Hinutes - Hatch 91 196~ - Conti. nued
III, A, ,SDR-467 - Joy=e Hendry
After further discussion, Commissioner Crisp roDveal, seconded by
sioner Gleuns that the Building Site Co~nittee Report of Februa~j 10, 19(~
relative to SDK-467 be adopted and that the tentative map (Exhibit
filed January 17~ 196~) be app=oved in accordance with the site develop-
merit plan (Exhibit ,~,w, filed February 28, 196~) subject to the conditions
detailed in the Buildi~ Site Cv~,ittee Report; motion carried nn~nimously.
The applicant then filed a written request for reconsideration of Condi-
tions II, A, and II, B.
Chairman Norton directed this matter continued until the meetin~ on
ltarch 23, 196/, and referred the applicant 's request to the Buildin~ Site
Connnittee for study and a report at that time.
B. SD-~73 - Brown & Kauffmann, Inc., Scully Avenue - Subdivision Approval
62 Lots - Continued from February 24~ 1966
H. L. Splitstone was present to represent the applicant and expressed
satisfaction with the proposed conditions of approval.
Commissioner Crisp moved, seconded by C~u,.tselouar Kell,~, that the Sub-
division Con~nittee Report of Hatch 9, 196~ relative to SD-473, Brown &
Kauffmann, Inc., be ndopted and that the tentative map (Exhibit 'A-I",
filed February 28, 1964) be approved subject to the ten conditions outlined
in the Subdivision Comnittee Report; motion carried unanimously.
C. SDR-474 - Lloyd C, Tidball, Palomino ~ay - BuildinS Site Approval - 1 Lot
D. SDR-475 - John Durham,_Via Re~ina - Building. Site Avprcv.a.1 - I Lot ....
Cc~ntssioner Crisp advised that a site development plan had been requested
in connection ~rith both 5DR-474 and SDR~75 and that neither had yet been
received. He reconnendnd, therefore, that these t~o applications be con-
Cinued until the next regular meeting.
Chairman .?~rton, on the basis of this reconneudaCion, directed SDR-474 and
SDR-475 continued until the meeting on !latch 23, 1964.
E. SDR-476 - First Church of Christ, Scientist, L_~ta Avenue - Buildin~ Site
App va.1 - I Lot re ........
Chairman No=ton directed this matter continued until later in the evening
to allow adequate time ~or the applicantss representatives to review the
' proposed conditions of approval.
F. SDR-~77 - Paul. K~ Fidd.es~ Tht.e.e. Oaks Way - Buildin~ Site Approval ,- 1 Lq.t
Nr. Fiddes expressed satisfaction with' the proposed conditions o~ approval.
C~,'.,-.issioner Crisp moved, seconded by Co~tssionar Kellum, that the Buil-
dinS Site Connnit~ee Report of ttarch 9, 1964~ relative to SDR-~77 be
adopted and that the tentative map (Exhibit 'A's filed February 28, 1964)
be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the Buildir~ Site Com-
mittee Report; motion carried unanimously.
SD-478 - Claude T. Linds.ay~ Cox &van. u.e .. Subdivision Approval -.. 383 Lots
Comissioner Crisp recommended that this matter be continued until the
next regular meetin~ since the revised map requested by the Subdivision
Co,~ntttee had not been submitted.
On the basis of this recommendation, Chairm~-. Norton directed SD-~}8 con-
tinund until the sting on l~arch 23, 1964.
Plannin~ Commission Minu~es - Mar~h .9m 196~ - Continued
A. A.-.137 - Town & Country Realty, Sarahills Drive - Final Design Review -
Sign - Continued from F.ebruary. 2.4.s 19 .(~ .
Commissioner Cowlay advised 1) C~issioner Glenn had visited the sub-
Ject site with the Plnnntng Director 2) the proposed location of the
sign is definitely within the future street right-o~-way and 3) it was
the reco;iueedation o~ the Design Review C~.---~ttee that the siSu not be
approved until it ~as relocated on private property.
~he Secretary read a letter from Mr. Cronemiller grantin~ permission to
locate the sign on his property.
Commissioner Cowlay stated that the Co-~ittee did not know about the new
location prior to the reading oi Nr. Cronemillerms letter, so recommended
that this matter be continued to allow adequate time for revision of the
Chairman Norton directed A-137 continued until ~he meeting on Hatch 23,
lrro E. SDR-J~76 - First Church of Christ, Scientist, Loreira Avenue - Building
Site ADoroyal - ~ Lot .
Mr. Robertshaw~ representing the applicant, exVressed satisfaction with
the proposed conditions of approval.
C~-.....sssioner Crisp moved, seconded by Con~issioner Kellum, that the Buil-
dinS Site Committee Report of Narch 9~ 1964, relative to SDR-476 be adopted
and that the tentative map (Exhibit "A", filed February 28, 1964) be
approved subject to the conditions detailed in the Building Site Committee
Report; marion carried ,m~nimeusly.
IV, B, a - First Church of Christ, Scientist, Loreits Avenue - Preliminary
Design Review - Church Buildin~
E. E. Crecelius, representing the Church, explained that half of the pro-
posed building would he used as a church and the ether half as Smutay
School facilities. For this reason, be further explained, the 64 parking
spaces indicated would be adequate at present, and additional spaces would
be provided when other Sunday School facilities were available and the
entire building was used as a church.
RT. Robertshaw advised that the necessary fencing would be provided by the
Church~ but explained that Hr. Snow preferred that no fence be constructed
between the church property and his property since there was an existing
Co~mnissioner Cowlay advised that the Design Review Committee would like to
meet with the re~resentatives from the Church to discuss this totter fur-
ther, so suggested that this application be continued until the next regu-
lar meet~nE,
O~ the hasis of this snggestion, Chai~ Norto~ directed A-1Bg contim,ed
until the meeting on ~ch ~B, 1~64.
C. ,.A-~3~ - A. A. ~empaey, Big Basin 1~ay -Finsl Besign Approval - Real
Commissioner Cowlay moved, seconded hy Com~issiouar ~le~n, that design
approval ~e grante~ A-13~ ~o~ a period of one (1> ~e~r from date with no
co~ideration to ~e ~iven to an extension, su~ect to the parking aze~
back o,f the building being given an otl and screening coating; marion car-
tied uuan4~usly.
Plannin~ Couniss~on }lin..u.~.a8 - Narch 9~ 1964 - Continued
IV, D, A-l/g) - Dick Finnt~an, Herrtrain Avenue - Final DesiSn Review - Subdivision
Cv.~a~tssioner Co~vley advised that the Connnittee had reviewed the exhibits
submittad and had no objections to the homes and the layout as proposed.
Connnissionar Co~ley moved, seconded by C~issioner Glenn, that A-140 be
granted final design approval as shown on Exhibits 'A', '~", 'C' and '~)"
and that the developer be allowed to plant olive trees (one to each lot)
as requested; marion carried unanimously.
E. A-141 - Claude ~, Lindsays Cox Avenue - Ft~,l Design Revie~ - Subdivision
Commissioner Cowlay advised that it was the recomeadatlon o~ the Design
Review Committee that this matter be continued until the next regular
meetin~ and that prior to that time the Staff discuss the Design Revie~
requirements with the applicant.
Chairman Norton directed A-1~1 continued until the meetin~ on Narch 23,
Chairman Norton, with concurrence of the C~u~uission, de£erred the City Council
Report until later in the evening.
701 Program - Count~ Plannin~ Devartment
Roy Croneton of the Santa Clara County Planning Department explaiv~t that the
701 ProSram was intended primarily to develop a cotmty~ide ~eneral plan looking
ahead to 1970. He further explained that the ProSram had several colonant
studies (partaini~ to land use, population and employments industrial and com-
mercial developments capital improvenents, etc.) that must be completed before
the 1970 Plan was actually developed. He advised that some of the issues k~aich
confront the County ~ould be outlined in t~o reports (the first o~ which he
presented) and that the County ~ould like to discuss these with the various
Vl_nn~ing Corals°ions and Councils. He then explained to the Commission the
various elements o~ the ProSram.
Chairman ~orton theylead Nro C~uneron for his very izfformative presentation and
assured him o£ SaratoSses continued cooperation in ~uture pl~nnin~ ~or the
Connissionar Crisp briefly reviewed action taken at the City Council meetin~
on liarch 4s 19~4s ~ith particular emphasis on the £ollovir~: 1) Conditional
Community C~hercial zonin~ ~as approved £or ~arren Porters° property on
Fi~th Street as recon~ended by the Plannin~ Commission 2) further studies
were requested in connection vith the amendment to Ordinance I~S-I relative
to reimbursement a~reements and 3) £inal site approval ~as granted £or the
Laurel Ban°an School o
Ao Junk Cars
· he Secretary advised that the Sherif£~s Department had ticketed Junk cars
parked in various sections o£ the City, so some progress had been made in
this matter.
P.lannin~ Co~.~is.s. ion Minutes - l~r. ch 91 19~ - Continued
~, B, ~esi~n StaMards
Afte: discussion, ~aiman Norton directed ~his ~er con~inu~ ~il the
meeti~ on ~ 23,
A. ~'~IMN
1. SD-328 - ~o~o d~ S~ra~o~a, Saratoga Avis.- ~equest for ~x~ension
~e Sec~Ca~ r~d a letter E~m Jos~h S~y oE Ruth ~ CoinS, I~.
tequesti~ tMt this totter be continued until the next reSular ~eti~.
C~i~n No=~n so directS.
2. SDK-~19 - ~;~en L. Petic~las~ Bohl~nn RoM - ~ques~ ~or Extensio~
~e Secret~ read a letter ft~ Nr. ~Mpi~ request~S an ~tension
oE o~ year in ~ection ~ith SDR-~lg.
Co~ission~ Crisp ~ved, seco~ed by ~tssio~r ~11~, t~ ~
~tension o~ one yur fr~ the date o~ ~iration be granC~ in con-
~c~ion wi2h SDR-~19; ~tion carried u~sly.
B. O~
~. ~~T
~e C~i~n declar~ ~he m~ti~ ~Jour~d aC 10:35 P. M.
Kespect~ully submitted,
Stanley M. ~ Secretary