HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-23-1964 Planning Commission Minutes S~Y OF M!NUTE.,S
TIME: Monday~ March 23, 1964, 7:30 P, Mo
PLACE: Saratoga High School, Nerri~.n Avenues Saratogas California
TYPE: Regular M~eting
The meeting w~.s called to order by Chairman Norton at 7:30 P. M.
Present: Com-assioners Cowleys Crisps Glenns Kellum, McFall, Norton
and OeRorke.
Absent: None°
Commissioner Glenn moved that the reading of the minutes of March 9,
1964 be waived and that the minutes be approved as submitted, Com-
missioner C~'isp seconded the motion which carried unanimously,
A. C-.65 - MacFay & Somps~ Inc. s Cox Avenue - Change of Zoning from
"Agricultural" and "R-1-12.~500" to '~R-1-12~500 P-D" - Con.~inued
from. March 9~ 1964 .
The hearing on C-65 was resumed at ?*.36 P, M. The applicant was present
but stared that he had no further counnent unless there were questions
he could answer.
There ~as no one in the audience who wished to speak in connection with
this application,
Commissioner Crisp advised that it was the recommendation of the Subdi-
vision Committee =hat the Commiss~.on recoumaend approval of C-65 subject
to approval of the tentative map°
After further discussions Commissioner Crisp moved~ seconded by
sioner Glenn, that the public hearing on C-65 be closed. Motion carried
unanimously and the hearing was closed at ?:39 P. M,
Counissioner Crisp moved~ seconded by Commissioner Kellum, that the
Planning Commission recommond to the City Cormoil that C-65s MacKay
& Sompsv Inc.~ be approved subject to approval of the tentative map;
motion carried unanimously.
Bo C-66 - Joseph P° Long~ Saratoga Avenue - Change of Zoning from "Condi-
tional Ce~nunity Com~rcial" restricted to parking to "Condi-
tional Co~nunity Commercial' restricted to offices - Continued
f~r.om March 9, 1964
The hearing on C-66 continued at 7-'40 P. M. The applicant was present
but stated that he had no further comment with regard to this application.
There ~as no one in the audience who wi-.hed to cotave-hi with regard to
this matter°
The Secretary read a Staff Report rece~nending approval of C-66 sub]oct
to certain conditions° Commissioner Crisp advised that this was also
the recomm~ndation of the Subdivision Committeen
After further d~scussion~ Commissioner Crisp moved~ seconded by Com-
missioner McFall~ that the public hearing on C-66 be closed° Motion
carried unanimonsly and the hearinN was c~osed at 7:45 P. M.
Plannin~ Cpnnission Hinutes - l~arch 23s 1964 - Continued
IIo- B. C-66 ~ Joseph. P~ Lend'
Commissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Commissioner Kellgm, that the
Staff Report of 23 March 1964 relative to C-66, setting forth the
rec~endation of the Staff and the Subdivision Committee, be adopted
and transmitted to the City Council as the recommendation of the
Cor~nission~ motion carried unanimously.
C. Ordinance NS-3o6 - Ordinance amendinS Ordinance NS-3, the Zoning Ordi-
nance of the City of Saratoga, by establishinS a
Planned Cormunity D~strict ZoninS Classification, and
by amending Sections 14.1 and 18.11 of said Ordinance
Continued from Hatch 9t 1964
The hearing on proposed Ordinance NS-3.6 ~as resumed at 7=47 P. ~.
ERNEST A. ORNELLAS ~s present to represent the Santa Clara County Home
Builders Association and observed that the proposed ordinance ~as in
keeping with the trend to preserve more open space. Re objecteds however
to restricting this type planning to retirement centers. l~r. Ornellas
offered the facilitites of the Association for making a further study
of this matter,
Commissioner Crisp explained to l~r, Ornellas that the Cavities had
already approved an amendment to the proposed ordinance relative to
common green developments,
There ~as no one else present ~ho ~lshed to cormmerit with reSard to this
Chairman Norton then directed the hearinS on Ordinance NS-3,6 continued
until the meeting on April 13, 1964, and referred same to the Subdivision
Committee for further study and recommendations,
Xt ~as decided~ after a sugSestion from Commissioner Crisp, that a Study
Session ~ould be held at the City Offices on Nonday~ April 6~ 1964, at
7:30 P, N,, to further discuss the proposed ordinance, Chairman Norton
announced that the meeting ~ould be open to the public and encouraged
those ~fnomight be interested to attend,
D, UP-63 - Faith Bible Chapel~ BiS Basin ~ay - Use Permit for Church and
Sunday School at 14660 Bi~ Basin Way
~he hearing on UP-63 ~as opened at 7:53 P, N, The Secretary advised that
Notices of Rearing had been mailed and there ~ere no ~ritten c~unications
on file, Re then briefly reviewed the application and read the applicant*s
statement of in~n~ion,
The applicant ~as present and explained that the maximum capacity of the
existing buildinS vould be 50 persons,
There ~as no one in the audience ~ho wished to counent with regard to
this matter,
After discussion, Chairmen Norton directed UP-63 continued until the
meetinS on April 13~ 1964e and referred same to the Subdivision Co~nittee
for atudy and a reconm~ndation at that time,
E, UP-64 - Stanford University, Pike Road - Use Permit to a11o~ Stanford
University to use the Crandvie~Kanch on Pike Road for Special
Academic Purposes ..
~he hearthS on U~-64 vas opened at 7:59 P~ ~o The Secretary advised that
Notices of Hearing had been miled and there ~ere t~o ~ritten co~ica-
irons on file, He then read the counaunications ~ntch~are si~ned by
1) l~Llton A, Broemsers HoD, and 2) H, Dudley
Edward A, Stoles ~as present to represent Stanford University and stated
Planning Coum.,',ssion M!ouutes - i~arch 23~ 1964
II. E, UP--.64 - Stanford University
1) they regretted the inc~.dent w~th the buses but felt that better equip-
ment would prevent a ~'ecu~-rence 2) buses would be used only six times
each year 3) it was felt that the University could use this property in
a way that would be a credit to Sara.~oga and no problem to the residen~s
4) the use of Pike Road had been considered but it was felt that it vas
so steep that buses would be unable to use it 5) if the use of buses
was denied they would ate_erupt to arrange other transpor=c. tion and
6) the proposed use of the property would not necessitate alteration of
the large mansion-type house existing on the propexty.
N. DUDLEY GERARD, Saratoga t~Llls Rcadp stated 1) approval of the subject
application would be a de~.riment to the character of the neighborhood
2) the rood obvior;sly was not designed for buses and 3) the residents
now carry heavy insurance on the road but if the subject application
should he granted, this policy might change°
JOHN OSTROWSKI, Ions Court~ concurred with Mr. Gerard°
HARRY SINCLAIR, Saratoga Hills Road, stated 1) Mr. Pike told him that
the subject property had been g~ven to Stanford Unive~s~ty so that they
would have a place to entertain very important guests and 2) he felt
sure it was never in=ended that the University open a school on the
LOUIS BERGNA, Pike Road~ advised 1) he did not approve the use Stanford
~as proposing for the subject property and 2) to allow cars to transport
people to the property by ~my of Pike Road would be hazardous°
RICHARD BENNETT, Brook~ood Lane~ requested that the Planning Cormlesion
give serious thought to this applicationo He pointed out Saratoga~s
pride in the Horticultural Foundation and compared it to the University~s
proposed use. He stated that the deciding factor should be whether or
not this would be good for Saratoga.
DONALD JAUKEL, Saratoga Hills Road, advised 1) the residen;'s on Saratoga
Hills Road spend a lot of money on maintenance of this rood 2) the
property lines go to the center of the street and 3) he questions the
University's right to use this road for the proposed purpose.
Mro Stoles advised that the University had membership in both the Pike
Road Association and the Saratoga Hills Road AssociaZion and contributed
a fair share to both. He further stated that if maintenance problems
arose in the future from their use of these roads, they would be willing
to pay their share.
RICHARD MARTIN, Saratoga Kills Read, stated that he felt Dr. Broemeer
had the University blocked on Saratoga Hills Road so that their only
access would be Pike Road.
Mr, Stoles advised that the University*s easement over Saratoga Rills
Read ~as not limited to single family residential use.
After further discussion, Chairman Norton directed the hearing on UP-64
continued until the meeting on April 13, 1964~ and referred this matter
to the Subdivision Connnittee for study and a report at that time°
P. UP-65 - Saratoga Lutheran Church, Saratoga-Los Catos Road - Use Permit
for Church and Sunday School on the southwest corner of the
intersection of Saratoga-Los taros Road and Glen Una Drive
The hearing on UP-65 ~ras opened at 8:30 P. M. The Secretary advised
that Notices of Hearing had been mailed and a petition had been filed
in protest. He then read the petition which had been signed by approxi-
mately 50 persons,
P.~annin8 Commission l~Lnutes - March 23, 1~64 - Continued
II. F. UP-65 - Saratoga Lu_theran Cb.,~a ch
Church representatives stated 1) they felt the proposed building would
be a credit to Saratoga 2) the church has no members at present but the
ultimate capacity of the building ~-ould be about 400 3) this church has
no connection w~th the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church and 4) they had
looked at property in other areas but this was most desirable since it
~s their policy not =o locate too close to Prince of Peace.
Warren Gilbert, architect, stated l) =~affic flow would not be detri-
mental since the design for ingress and egress was good and 2) they
planned to save as ~ny trees as possible and preserve the natural
beauty of the sloping site.
BEN GULLO, Saratoga-Los C~tos Road~ stated 1) residents would like to
keep the area strictly residential 2) there was no objection to the
church but to the location for the church 3) traffic is already heavy
along the highway and the church would create a traffic Jam and 4) many
accidents have already occurred and approval of the subject application
~uld create an even greater hazard in the area.
MAURICE RANKIN~ Glen Uua Drive~ concurred with l~r. Gullo. He further
stated 1) people would no doub~ park along Glen Una Drive making passage
impossible 2) the highway would be even worse.
MRS. BERNARD ALTERo San Jose~ advised that they owned the lot adjacent
to the subject property and were opposed to the granting of this Use
HARRY WHITENAN, Saratoga-Los Catas Roads stated that he was opposed to
the granting of this application since he felt 1) the site was inade-
quate 2) treffic in the area was too hear7 and 3) it was impossible to
prevent people parking on the street.
P~S. ANNA DAUGHERITY, Bellecourt, objected to the granting of this
application on the basis that ft would be a traffic hazard.
MRS. RUTH PENBERTHY, Glen Una Drive, concurred with Mrs. Daugherityo
Mr. Toryin, pastor of the church, explained that they opened a new
church in America every week and that there were basic reasons behind
the selection of each location.
MRS. GILDA FIRENZI, Saratoga..~os Gatos Road, observed that when Saratoga
was incorporated they were assured that their area would remain as it was.
DON FULLER, Canon Drive~ Los Catas, objected to the granting of the
subject Use Permit on the basis that it would create a dangerous traffic
After further discussions Chairman Norton directed UP-65 continued uutil
the meeting on April 13, 1964, and referred this matter to the Subdivision
Committee for study and a report at that time.
The Chairman declared public hearings closed for the evenin~ at 9:05 P. H.
III. A. SDR-4?4 - Lloyd C. Tidball, Palomino Way - Building Site Approval -
i I.ot - Continued from March 9w 1964
Commissioner Crisp advised that the requested site development plan
had not been received and that the time allowed fc~r Planning Cou~uission
action on the tentative map would expire April 6, 1964. He also observed
that the next regular Planning Commission meeting would not be held until
April 13, 196~.
The applicant was not present.
Planning Connnission Minutes - Parch 23, 1964 - Continued
III. A. SDR-474 - Lloyd Co Tidball
Commissioner Crisp moved~ seconded by Con~nissicner Kellum, that SDR-474,
Lloyd C, ridball, be denied without prejudice unless the applicant granted
an extension of time for action on the ten~ative map in ~riting prior to
April 6~ 1964~ in which case the application would be continued until the
next regular meeting; motion carried unanimously,
Be SDR-475 - John nurham~ Via Regina - Building Site Approval - 1 Lot -
Continued from F~rch 9t 1964
The applicant was not present°
Commissioner Crisp moved~ seconded by Con~nissioner Kellumt that the
Building Site Committee Report of March 23~ 1964 relative to SDR-475,
John Durham~ be adopted and that the tentative map (Exhibit '~"~ filed
February 24, 1964) he approved in accordance with the site development
plan (Exhibit "B"~ filed Fazch 23~ 1964) subject to the conditions de-
tailed in the Building Site Conmmittee Report; motion carried unanimously,
Co SD- 478 - Claude T~ L!ndsay.~ Cox Avenue - Subdivision Approval - 382 Lots -
Continued from March 9~ 1964
The applicant and his engineer were present and expressed satisfaction
with the proposed conditions of approvale
Commissioner Crisp advised that the applicant was considering rodesigning
a portion of the subdivision =o make provision for a common green develop-
ment if and ~hen Ordinance NS~.3o6 was passed,
Couraissioner Crisp moveds seconded by Commissioner Kellum, tha~ the Sub-
division Comml=tee Report of March 23, 1964 relative to SD-478 be adopted
and that the tentative map (Exhibit '~-2"~ filed March 16~ 1964) be ap-
proved subject to the 18 conditions outlined in the Subdivision Committee
Report; motion carried unanimouslye
D, SDR-47% - Bar1 J. Peter~ Saratoad Avenue - Buildinn S~te Approval - 1 Lot
The applicant was not present,
Commissioner Crisp moved that the Buildin~ Site Committee Repor~ of
March 23~ 1964 relative to SDR-479, Earl Jo Peter~ be adopted and that
the tentative map (Exhibit "A"~ filed March 6s 1964) be approved subject
to the conditions detailed in the Buildiug Site Committee Report. Com-
missioner Kelum seconded the motion which carried unanimouslye
Eo Sp~=480 - A. D. Houston~ Houston Court - Building Site Approval - 1.Lot
The applicant was present and expressed satisfaction with the proposed
conditions of approval°
Commissioner Crisp moved~ seconded by Commissioner Kellum~ that the
Building Site Committee Report of March 23, 1964 relative to SDR-480,
A° Do Houstons be adopted and =hat the tenzative map (Exhibit '~"s filed
March 10, 1964) be approved subject to the conditions detailed in the
Building Site Committee Report; motion carried unanimously,
F° SD.:..481 - John Antonuccio, Brandywine Drive ~ Subdivision Approval -
8 Lots
~he applicant and his engineer were present and expressed satisfaction
with the proposed conditions of approval,
Counissioner Crisp moved~ seconded by Co~issioner McFa11~ that the Sub-
division Committee Report of March 23s 1964 relative to SD-481~ John
Antonuccio~ be adopted and that the tentative map (Exhibit ~"~ filed
~arch 13s 1964) be approved subject to the 14 conditions outlined in the
Subd~vision Committee Report; motion carried unanimously.
Plannin~ Commission Minutes - March 23, 1964 - Continued
Ill, G. SDR-482 - Walter Eo Hileman, Peach Hill Road - Building Site Approval - 1 Lot
Cotmissicner Crisp advised that a site development plan hed been re-
quested in connection with this applicetion~ so suggested that it be
continued until the next regular meeting to allow adequate time for the
applicant to comply ~d..th this request.
Chairman Nortons on the basis of this suggestion, directed SDR-482 con-
tinued until the meeting on April 12, 1964.
Ao A-137 - Town & Country Realty, Sarahills Drive - Final Design Review -
Sign - Continued from March 9, 1964
Commissioner Cowley advised that the Design Review Committee had reviewed
the revised exhibits and found that =he sign met all requirements of the
Co~nissioner Cowley moved, seconded by Commissioner Glenn, that final
design approval be granted A-137, To~n & Country Realty, for a sign as
sho~u on Exhibits '~-I" and "D"; motion carried unanimously.
B. A-138 - First Church of Christ, Scientist, Lomita Avenue - Preliminary
Design Review - Church Building - Continued from March 9~ 1964
Commissioner Cowley advised that the Committee had met with the applicant
and that all requirements for preliminary design approval had been met°
Commissioner Cowley moved, sec~Med by Commissioner Glenn, that preliminary
design approval be granted A-138, First Church of Christ, Scientist, for
church building as sho-~n on Exhibits '~"~ "B", "C", and "D-2", and that
the letter from Mro Snow relative to shrubbery and fencing be made a part
of the record; motion carried unanimously°
C. A-141 - Claude T. Lindsay, Cox Avenue - Final Design Review - Subdivision
Homes - Continued from March 9, 1964
Commissioner Cowley advised tha~ it was the recommendation of the Design
Review Committee that this matter be continued until the next regular
meeting since additional exhibits would be submitted prior to that time°
On the basis of th~s recommendation, Chairman Norton directed A-141 con-
tinued until the meeting on April 13, 1964.
D. A-142 - Brown & Kauffmann~ Inco, Plymouth Drive - Final Design Review -
Subdivision Homes
Commissioner Cowley advised 1) the applicant had included t~o new designs
in this application 2) the Committee had feund everything satisfactory
and 3) appro.;al was recommended.
Commissioner Cowley moved, seconded by Commissioner Glenn, that A-142,
Brown & gauffmann, Into, be granted final design approval of subdivision
homes as shown on Exhibits '~"= "B"~ "C"~ and "D"; motion carried unani-
E. A-143 - George Kocher, Bi~ Basin Way - Final DesiSn Review - Sign
Commissioner Cowley moved, seconded by Commissioner Glenn, that final
design approval be granted A-143, George Kocher, for signs as shown on
Exhibit "A" subject to the provision that the two signs combined do not
exceed 24 square feet; motion carried unanimously°
Chairman Norton acknowledged the presence of Mrs. Ottenberg of the LeaSue of
Women Voters and expressed the Connnissiones appreciation of her attendance.
PlanninR Corm-nission Minutes - March 23, 1964 - Continued
Chairman Norton, with concurrence of the Commission, directed the Ciuy
Council Repo~t deferred nntil later in the meeting.
A. Rinccnada Mills Development - To~ of Los Gates - Quite Road-Pollard Road
The Secretary briefly reviewed Brown & Kauffmarmls proposal for this
development and advised that ~yor Glennon had requested that the Los
Cares Planning Commission continue this application to allow adequate
time for a study and comments from the City of Saratoga,
After further discussion~ Chairman Norton referred this matter to the
General Plan Committee for study and a report, and directed that the
Report be made directly to the City Council so that ~yor Glennon could
submit Saratoga's comments to the Los Gates Commission prior to their
next mee~ingo
Be Garrod Farms Development - Santa Clara County - Mr. Eden Road-Pierce Road
~he Secretary briefly reviewed this application for cou~uercial develop-
merit which had been filed with the Santa Clara County Planning Commission,
then read a draft of a resolution vigorously opposing same,
Shelley Willtams of Shelley Willtams Associates observed that the subject
property was located in the general vicinity of Stevems Creek Park, so
suggested that it might be given serious consideration, He requested,
therefore, that it be opposed in every possible way.
~he Secretary advised Fn~o Willtams that he usually artended these meetings
when the agenda listed an item of interest to Saratogas and assured him
that he would be present when this matter ~s discussed.
Commissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Commissioner McFall, that the pro-
posed resolution opposing the Garrod Parms Development he adopted and
transmitted to the Santa Clara County Planning Comnission; motion carried
Ao Design Standards - Continued from March 9, 1964
Chairman Norton directed this matter continued until the meeting on
April 13, 1964 at the request of Commissioner Cowlay.
B, Fencin~ for S~bdivtsions - Report fFom Design Review Committee
Co~atssioner Cowlay reed a report from the Design Review Conm~ittee
relative to future requirements for subdivision fencing.
Commissioner Glenn moved~ seconded by Commisstoner Crisp, that this
report be adopted and transmitted to the City Council as the report of
the Commission; motion carried unanimously°
C. The Secretary advised that lt~s. Adrienne C. Santana had requested that
she be allowed to plant Monterey Pines between the existing Walnut trees
in the right-of-way along S~ratoga Avenue adjacent to Lot 13 of Tract 2543.
After discussion, Commissioner OsRorke moved, seconded by Commissioner
McFall, that Mrs. Santana~s request be granted; mellon carried unani-
Plane~n~ Co~nission Minutes - F~rch 23~ 196~ - Continued
1. SD-328 - Arroyo de Saratoga, Saratoga Avenue - Request for Extension -
Continued from N~rch 97 1964
The Secretary advised that a letter had been submitted requesting that
this matter be wlthdr~n.
Chairman Norton~ with concurrence of the Commission, granted this
2o SDR-467 - Joyce Hendry? Canyon View Drive - Request for Reconsideration
Commissioner Kellum read a report from the Building Site Committee
receF~ending that the conditions established in connection with
SDR-467 be modified~
The applicant was present and expressed satisfaction with the proposed
Commissioner Kellum moved, seconded by Connissioner O~Rorke~ that
the Building Site Committee Report relative to Mro Hendry's request
for reeonsideration of conditions in connection with BDR.-467 be
adopZed and transmitted to the Cl~y Council as the recommendation of
the Conmaission; motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Glenn gave a brief report on action taken at the City Council
meeting on ~arch 15, 1964 with particular emphasis on the following:
1) Bids on construction of the City Council Chambers were 9% over estimate.
2)Further discussions to be held with Livingston and Blayney with regard
to General Plan Review Project°
The Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 10:35 Po M.
Respectfull~ submitreds
Stanley M. .~Secretary