HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-28-1964 Planning Commission MinutesT!b~: Monday September 28, 1964, 7:30 P. M.
PI~.CE: Saratoga lligh School., Herriman Avenue, Saratoga, California
TYPE: Regular Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Chairmnn Ncrtoa at 7:30 P.M.
Present: Co~issioners Crisp, Kellum, Norton and OsRorke
Absent: Commissioners Cowlay, Glenn, and McFall.
Commissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Commissioner Kellum, that the
reading of the minutes of September 14, 196~ be waived and that the
minute8 be approved as distributed to the Commission; motion carried
Chairman Norton advised that Commitssicner Glenn vas absent because of
illness and expressed the hope that he would be back for the next
The Chairman declared public heariugs open for the evening at 7:33 P.M.
A. C-71 ~ Mammar Investment Company, Walnut Avenue - Change of Zoning
from "R-1-12,500" (Single Family Residential) to "R-M-5,000
P-C" (Multiple Family Residential Planned Community District} -
Continued from AugUst 24~.1964
Commissioner Crisp advised 1) the applicant had submitted a tentative
subdivision map and a final development plan as required by the Planned
Community Ordinance add 2) barring unforeseen circumstances, the Sub-
division Ccmmittee would be able to submit its report at the next
In answer to a question from Mx. 0berhauss Chairman Norton advised
that the maps submitted in connection with this application would be
available for inspection at the City Offices.
Commissioner Kellum observed that the Subdivision Connittee had
found working with the applicant quite satisfactory since he had
been cooperative and willing to accept all suggested restrictions.
After further discussion, Chairman Morton directed C-71, Maxmar
Investment Company, continued until the meeting on October 13, 1964.
; B. ?,-73 - Wefthope Pre~byter~,an CiLurch, Cox Avenue - Change of Zoning
from "R.-1-10,O,00" (Single Fab, ily R~;c-idential) to "C-N"
J[J~j~hborho~d Cc~ercial) - Co~:.luhcd f~om Scpt2mber 14, 1~64
The Secretary br~.efly revic~.ed this application and advised that no
further co~u,~ications had been f~led. He further ~dvised that Mr.
Garrison, representing ~he Church, had me~ w~.~h the S~bdiv~io~ Com-
m~ttee to discuss tiffs matter.
~. E. C. Ecke, Church representative, submitted a petieion with 61
signatures favoring the proposed change of zoning. He also presented
a perspective of the proposed church on BaretoGa Avenue and a ~p of
the general area showing the former church property and the new church
property. He explained 1) the Church desired to see the subject pro-.
perry developed in a runner that ~zould be of benefit to the co~unity
2) development costs would be prohibitive under anything other than
Comercial Zoning because of City requirements relative to drainage,
se%~ers, and road improvements and 3) prospective buyers, because of
development costs, were interested only if the property ~as rezonod.
Co~ssioner Crisp briefly reviewed the Co~ittee~s meeting %~ith D~.
Garrison and explained that the possibility of Conditional "C-N"
Zoning (limiting the property to certain uses) had been discu~sed,
particularly in view of the proximity of the Quite Shoppi~ Center.
D~z. Ecke advised that there ~s only one vacancy in the Quite Shopping
Center and the space ~ being remodeled at the present time. In
answer to a question from Co~issioner O~Rorke, he advised that the
new church property had access to Cox Argue ove~ a right-o~-~y along
the ~sterly bcundary of the former church property.
After further discussi~n, ~. Ecke verbally requested l~mited "C-N"
Zoning as mentioned by Comics!o~er ~tsp.
~. Ern~e Renzel ~nqu~red a~ to ~hether mul~.ple zoning had been con-
sidered for this property. He observed 1) parking space would not
be as restrictive tmder "C-N" zoning 2) the Quite Shopping Center
still had sufficient area to build another 40,000 square foot bu~lding
(t~o to three acres) and 3) ~ltiple zoning appeared to provide far
better use of the land.
~. Ecke explained 1) ~. ~rrison ~s exploring tl;is possibility but
2) it seemed that perhaps the property might not lend itself well to
multiple use because of its dimensions and the traffic hazard to
Reverend Petalum, minister of the Westhope Presbyterian Church,
expressed w~llingne~s to work with the Co~ission relative to the
possibility of Cond~t~o~l Co~ercial Zoning.
Chair~n Norton, after further discussion, directed C-73, Westhope
Presbyterian Church, continued until the meeting on October 13, 1964.
C. C~74- Frank Bonnet, Pierce Road ~ Change of Zcn4n~ £rom "R-1-40,0G0"
(Single ranlily Residential) to 'rE--I-40,000 P-.C" (Single Family
Residential Fl~nned Con~unity District) - Continued from
September 14 1964
Commissioner Crisp advised 1) the Subdivision Co~m,~ittee had no co~aneut
with regard to the ap~Iication for c|~auge oZ zoning 2) the Committee
had, however, advised the applicant of several unsatisfactory features
in connection with the tentaLive subdivision r~ap and 3) the applicant
had reqnested that the matter be continued to allow time to correct
these features.
On the basis of the foregoing, Chairman Norton directed C-74 continued
until the meeting on October 13, 1964.
D. UP-70 - Robert Adair, Prospect Avenue - Use Permit to allow Cocktail
Lounge .in Commercial District on Prnspect Avcnne
The hearing on UP-70 ~-as opened at 8:04 P.M. The Secretary advised
that Notices of Hearing had been mailed and a communication had been
received from the Baptist Church in San Jose. He then read the com-
munication which opposed the granting of the subject [se Permit.
The applicant was present: and explaj.ned 1) he had a prospect ~ho
wanted to lease the Cocktail Lounge 2) he did not feel that the
Cocktail Lounge would disturb the Church since the only access to the
Lounge would be from Prospect Avenue 3) the Cocktail Lounge would be
compatible ~th the San Jose commercial uses around the subject property.
Reverend Roy Nelson, Dan Nesseth, Mrs. Frank Olvira, and the Chairman
of the Board of Deacons, speaking on behalf of the Baptist Church,
protested the granting of this Use Permit on the basis that 1) liquor
is now being sold all around the Ct~urch 2) the Church detested this
type business in the area since, in general, it causes disturbances
and 3) the subject property is too close to the Church.
Mr. Ecke of the Westhope Presbyterian Church observed 1) other Cocktail
Lounges and Liquor Stores in the area are in San Jose, not Saratoga,
and 2) they were established without notice to Saratoga so Saratogans
had no chance to speak.
Commissioner Crisp observed that if ~. Adair opened a restaurant
(which is a permitted use in this district) he would not need the
City's permission to add a bar.
When Reverend Nelson raised a question regarding a license, Chairman
Norton explained 1) the City has no jurisdiction over the granting
of a liquor license 2) the Use Permit, if granted, would only grant
permission to establish the use if a license could be obtained.
After further discussion, Chairman Norton directed ~P-70, Robert Adair,
continued until the meeting on October 13, 1964, and referred same to
the Subdivision Committee for study and a repo~t at that time.
The Chairman declared public hearings closed for the evening at 8:22 P.M.
A, SD-516 - Frank Bonnet, Pierce Road - Subdivision - 80 Lots - Continued
from September 14,_i964
Chairman Norton, on the basis of statements nude by Commissioner Crisp
during the discussion of C.-74~ directed SD~516, Ff~nk B~nnet, continued
until the meeting on October 13, 1964.
B. SDR-522 - Robert F~ Pl~.ne. Douglas I~ne - Bui__ldin~ Si._____t.?_Ap___wroval - 1
The applicant was present and questioned Conditions II, "B" and II, "D"
of the proposed conditions of approval since 1) he ~ms building only
one home on this property 2) he planned to develop the property further
as soon as water ~ms available and 3) he felt that construction of the
road and underground utilities should be postponed until that time.
Commissioner Crisp explained that the applicant could post a bond
covering Condition II, "B" for a period of two years. Mr. Plane stated
that this would be satisfactory.
After discussion Chariman Norton directed, with concurrence of the
Commission, that Condition II, "D" be modified to read as follows:
"Provide underground utilities at the time of any future
subdivision, at which time existing power poles are to be
Commissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Commissioner Kellum, that the
Building Site Corpmittee Report of September 2S, 1964 relative to
SDR-522, as amended, be adopted and the tentative map (Exhibit "A",
filed Swptember 18, 1964) be approved subject to the conditions set
forth in the Building Site Conmittee Report; motion carried unanimously.
A. A-154 - Richfield Oil Corporation, Big Basin Way - Preliminary Design Review
Co__ntinued from September 14~ 1964
The Secretary recommended that A-154, Richfield Oil Corporation,
be continued until the meeting on October 13, 1964 since revised
plans had not yet been received.
Chairman Norton so directed.
B. SS-40. - Finnegan Construction Company, Herriman Avenue - Final
Design Review - Subdivision Sign for Sierra Monte Subdivision
The Secretary advised that this application met all requiran~ents of
Ordinance NS-3 and recomended that it be approved.
Commissioner O"Rorke moved, seconded by Commissioner Crisp, that SS-40,
Finnegan Construction Company, application for identification sign for
Sierra Monte Subdivision, be granted final design approval as sho~ca on
Exhibits "A" and "B"; motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Crisp gave a brief report on action taken at the CIty
Council meeting on September 16, 1964 wi~:h particular emphasis on the
discussion relative to Chester Avenue.
Chairman Norton acknowledged the presence of Mrs. Owen, M~~. Loe~ and Mrs. French
of the Good Government Group and ~s. Ottenberg from the League of ~omen Voters,
and expressed the CoF~nission~s appreciation for their attendance.
A. Tract 3822 - Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road - Request to allo~ Removal of
Trees along the Calabazas Creek - Continued from
September 14, 1964 ...
The Secretary advised that an on-site inspection revealed I) the entire
area had been a Walnut orchard so removal of the subject trees would
still leave a sufficient number 2) none of the trees in question are of
signi£icant size so 3) tt was his recommendation that they be allotted to
ratrove the tree8 as requested.
Commissiouer Crisp advised that the Subdivision Ccmittee concurred ~ith
the Staff recoumendation.
It was moved by Commissioner Crisp and seconded by Commissioner O~Rorke
that ~cKay & Somps be allowed to remove the trees along the Calabazas
Creek as requested. Motion carried unanimously.
B. C-66 - Joseph Long, Saratoga Avenue - Request for Release from
Condition - Continued from S~ptember 14, 1964
Cor~nissioner Crisp read the Subdivision Committee Report relative to
this matter.
Mr. Long ~as present but stated that he had no further comment.
Commissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Commissioner O~Rorke, that the
report of the Subdivision Committee relative to deletion of Condition
3 of C-66 be approved and forwarded to the City Council as the
recommendation of the Commission; motion carried unanimously.
The Secretary advised that a letter had been received from Dwight
Cas~ell setting forth a proposal for development of the Helen Rayburn
property. He explained that it ~as actually a matter for study by the
Design Review Committee.
In view of the obvious length of the letter a~d the Secretary's
suggestion~ Chairman Norton directed this matter continued ~ntil the
meeting on October 13, 1964 and referred same to the Design Review
Committee for study and a report at that time.
Chairman Norton declared the meeting adjourned at 8:50 P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
Stanley M. Walker, Secretary
Saratoga Planning Commission