HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-09-1964 Planning Commission Minutes SIII~RY OF MINIITES
Tib~: Monday, November 9, 1964, 7~30 Po M,
PIZCE: SeretoEs High Sobs, el, Herriman Avenue, Saratoga, Caltfo~nla
TYPE: Regular }~eottng
The mee[ing was called to order by Chairman No£~on at 7:36 Po Me
rresent: Cenm~issioners Cowley, Crisp, Kel~um, McFall, and Norton.
Absent: Commissioners Glenn and O~Rorke
It was mgved by Commissioner McFall and seconded by Commissioner
Crisp that the reading of the minutes of October 26, 1964 be waived
~nd that the minutes be approved as submitted to the Conmission.
Motion carried unanimously.
The Chairman declared public hearings open for the evening at 7:38 P.M.
A. C-74 - Frank Bcnnet, Pierce Road - Change of Zoning from "R-1-40,000"
(Single Family Residential) to "R-1-40,000 P-C" (Single Family
Re~idcntial Planned Community) - Continued from October 26, 1964
Commisoioner Crisp advised that a revised map had been submitted and
was now under study by the Staff. He further.advised that a special
meeting had been called for Thursday, November 12, 1964, to discuss
this application and that the Committee we~ld no doubt at least have
a report for the next meeting.
Chalnnan Norton then directed C-74, Flank Bonnets continued until the
meeting on November 23, 1964.
B. Campbell High School District, Prospect Road - Informal Hearing
Relative to Proposed Future School Site - Continued from October 26,
The Chairnmn read the report of the General Plan Committee relative to
this proposed school site. He also advised that he had learned that
the Education Code does require that the Commission make a recommendation,
so noted that the report should be corrected accordingly. lhe Committee
concurred, and the Chairman directed that the sentence pertaining to a
specific recommenderich (next to the last sentence in the report) be
deleted from the General Plan Committee Report.
zI, B, ~a.!bci~.k~.~..D..JlhO2L~!~_r!qE. .P.~qTyp. i,.t P. oad- Coptinued
Cotmnissi. cner K.211um st~cd thos be f._~lt the Comu:'.&nion should find out
undcr whst circumstances, what conditi:~ns~ tz],o St:~.e fiLancial auLhofi-
ties tit, de fine roccm,:;cnd,~ticu t. hat this gi~'e be
Chairteen Norton etated fi:at ha felt this particular propenal was
too undesirable since the school would ser~e titc purpose of a gradual
transition from tbe cotnmcrcial add multiple zones to the single family
residential zone.
Co~issioner Kellum observed that it was likely that the school wonld
ask protection from the City as soon as the school. was established.
Commissioner Crisp stated that he, personally, would not be willing to
recentend approval of this proposal.
M~. ~lovos, attorney representing the Cox and Orlando families, dis-
cussed this proposal with the Co~ission and advised that the subject
property was now in the procoos of being de-annexed from the Campbell
High School District so that it could be annexed to the Fromout lligh
School D': strict.
Mr. Orlando presented a map showing the proximity of the new Lynnbrook
School (Frosent High School District) to the area in question and ex-
plained that a petition would be submitted to County and State authori-
ties within the next few days requesting that the students in this arcs
be allowed to attend the Lynnbrook School.
Chairm3n Norton observed that this was a new consideration and Commis-
sioner Cowicy suggested that the Commission request that the District
withdraw or postpone this proposal until further infor~tlon was
ave i lab le.
After discussion Commissioner Cowley moved, seconded by Co~issioner
Crisp, that the Ccmmission approve the report of the General Plan Com-
mitnee, as modified, and that the Secretary be directed to transmit a
co~y of this report to the Campbell lligh School District together with
a rcquest that action on this setter be deferred until a further study
can be ~de; motion carried unanimously.
Co~issioner Cowley requested that the Secretary obtain, from the State
authorities, a copy of the report reco~ending that this site be used.
Chairman Norton then directed this matter continued until the next
regular meeting and requested that it be placed on the agenda under
"Old Business" at that time.
If. C. Campbell ElcmeDtar'y School District, Allendale Avenue - Inform~l
Hearing P. elative &:o Proposed Future Scheul Site - Continued from
October 2f~ 1964
Chairman Norton read the report of the Ge,~ecal Plan Co~:lm]ttee relative
to the proposed Allendale Avenue school site.
After a brief discussion, Commissioner -']uwlcy moved, seconded by
Commissioner Crisp, that the report of the General Plan C~nmit['ee,
recommending against acquisition of the subject site, be approw:d and
transmitted to the Campbell Elementary School District as the recommend-
ation of the Commission; mot fen carried uuauimously.
D. _C-7__5 - Margaret Carniel et al, Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road and Carniel
Avenue - Change of Zoning from "R-1-12,500" (Single Family
Residential) to "P-A" (Professional-Administrative) - Continued
from October 2.6_~ 1964
The Secretary advised that the applicant had requested that C-75 be
continued until the next regular meeting.
Chairman Norton so directed.
E. C-76 - Robert Taylor Construction Company, Prospect Read - Change of
Zoning from "R-I-40,000" (Single Family Residential) to
"R-l~40,O00 P-C" (Single Family Residential Planned Community) -
C~ntinued from October 26, 1964 __
Commissioner Crisp advised that the tentative map submitted in
conjunction with this application was under study by the Staff but
would not be conditioned before the time for action on the map had
expired. In view of this, be requested that the applicant submit
a statement in wiriting granting an extension of time. He further
advised that the sample contract premised by E, fr. ~ahr had not been
Mr. Seagrave, representing the applicant, advised that the sample
contract and extension of time wculd be submitted at an early date.
Chairman Norton directed C-76, Robert Taylor Construction Company,
continued until the meeting on November 23, 1964.
~ F. U..P.-71 - Central Fire District, Cox Avenue - Use Permit for Fire Station
~.~ The hearing on UP-71 was opened by Chairman Norton at 8:15 P. M. The
,.% Secretary advised that Notices of Hearing had been mailed and there were
no written co~m-nunications on file.
Fred Luhring, Chief Engineer of the Santa Clara County Central Fire
District, was present to discuss this application with the Commission.
He explained that a station on the subject site would provide very
good coverage for the area served by the District.
Mr. McCinnis of the Saratoga Fire District advised 1) a study had been
conducted several years ago relative to the feasibility of the Saratoga
Fire Department serving the entire City but 2) it was tabled and nothiDg
had been done since that time.
II. F. UP-71 - Central Fife Distrjct__~..C_o.x__,Sven~,e~ vise rermi. t for Fire
After further discussion, Chairm~n Ncvton directed UP-71 continued until
the next rugu!ar meeting a~Id referled s~me to the Subdivision Cow~ittee
for study and a report at that time.
G. V-251 - G~!orge A. Anthony, Camino Rico - ~ariance to allow Street-Side
Setback of 15 feet in lieu of the required 25 feet
The hearing on V-251 was opened at 8:22 P. M. The Secretary advised
that Notices of Hearing had been mailed and there were no w~'itten
communications on file.
Mr. Anthony explained that he needed an additional garage to store his
pick-up truck but didnit want to locate the garage closer to the house
since he would like to use this area for a swimming pool.
There ~,as no one else present who wished to comment wi~h regard to this
Chairman Norton directed this nmtZer continued until the next regular
meeting and referred same to the Variance Conmittee for study and a
report at that time.
The Chairman declared public hearings closed for the evening at 8:26 P. M.
A. SD-516 - Frank Bonnet, Pierce Road - Subdivision - 80 Lots - Continued
from October 26~ 1964
In view of the discussion in connection with C-74, application for
change of zoning filed in conjunction with SD-516, Chairman Norton
directed this matter continued until the next regular meeting.
Bo SD-529 - Robert Taylor Construction Company, Prospect Road - Subdivision
180 Lot~ - Continued from October 26+ 1964 .
Chairman Norton directed SD~529 continued until the m~eting on Novem'Der
23, 1964, on the basis of the discussion in connect:ion with C-76,
application for change of zoning filed in conjunction with this
tentative map.
C. SD~-530 - B. Michael Anderson, Pike Road - Building Site Approval -
1 Lot
Con~nission Crisp advised that the site development plan requested in
connection with SDR-530 had not been received. He suggested, therefore,
that this matten~.~--continued until the next regular meeting.
Chairman Norton so ~irected.
IlI. D. SDR-531 - GeorSe ~kers, E1 Cam/no Grande - Bail.~ing Site ~pproval -
4 Lots
The applicant e~pressed satisfaction with the proposed conditions of
approval with the exception of II, B, relative to improvement of the
cul-de-sac street.
The applicant's engineer, Harry Aumaek, explained that excessive fill
would be needed to widen the road to 26 feet since the fill would have
to Eo down approximately 60 feet for one foot of width on the road. lie
further observed that this would disfigure the property. In support
of a minimum access road, he stated that parking space for four or five
cars would be provided on each site.
Co~nissioner Crisp explained that a precedent had been set for subdivi-
sion standards in such instances. }Is further explained that emergency
vehicles would need the space in the event of parked cars.
After further discussion, Commissioner Crisp moved, seconded by
Commissioner McFall, ~hat the Building Site Committee Report of November
9, 1964, ~elative to SDR-531 be adopted and that the tentative
(E~ibit "A-I", filed November 9, 1964) be approved subject to the
conditions set forth in the Committee Report; motion carried unanimou3]y.
The applicant then filed a formal request for reconsideration of
Condition II, B, proposing that this condition be revised to require
an 18 foot private road on a 40 foot right-of-way, using AC berm in
lieu of concrete curb and gutte~.
After discussion, Chairman Norton directed ~his request fo~ reconsider-
ation continued until the next regular meeting and referred same to the
Subdivisio~l Committee for study and a report at that time.
E. SDR-532 - J. J. Pqn, Verde Vista Lane - Building Site Appr?val r 1 .Lct
The applicant requested that this matter be continued until the meeting
on November 23, 1964.
Chairman Norton so directed.
F. SDR-533 - F & M Construction Company, Sobey Road - Building Site
Approval - 1 Lot
Chairman Norton directed SDR-533, F & M Construction Company, continued
until the meeting on November 23, 1964, since there were sanitation
problems to be solved.
Chatrain Norton acknowledged, with pleasure, the presence of Councilman Drake
and Messrs. Metcalf and Mann of the Good Government Group
A_-!54 - Richfield Oil Corporation, Big Basin ~my o Preliminsry Deuigu
Review - Plans for Remodeling Service Station - Continued from
October 26, 1964
Siuce no further plans had been submitted, Commissioner Cowley suggested
that this matter be continued off tile agenda until further exhibits had
been received.
Chsirman Norton so directed.
Commissioner McFall gave a brief report on action taken at the City Coun,'l!
meeting on November 4, 1964, with emphasis on items of particular interest
to the Plauning Commission.
A. Elizabeth Gaudreau, Big Basin l'~y - Request that "Real Estate Offices"
be added to the list of Permitted Uses for Professional - Administrative
pistricts - Continued from October 26~ 1964
The Secretary advised that Mrs. Gaudreau had asked that the subject
request be withdrawn.
Chairman No~ton, with concurrence of the Commission, granted this
B. ~DR-451 - Wade Hover, Peach Hill Road - Request for Extension - Contin-
ued from October 26, 1964
The Secretary advised that the City Attorney had confirmed that the
date of reconsideration of conditions was in no way related to the date
of approval of the tentative map or expiration of same.
Commissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Commissioner Kellum, that the
request for extension in connection with SDR-451 be denied on the
basis that the request was made after expiration of approval of the
tentative map; motion carried unanimously.
C. West Valley Junior College District - Request for Report with Recommend-
~.tions - Continued from October 26~ 1964
Wallace Hall, President of the West Valley Junior College District,
advised 1) the subject site was chosen after extensive public hearings
with full awareness of the feelings of the Planning Commission and
Council of Saratoga 2) it iS one three sites which will ultimately be
obtained for maximum enrollment in 1985 3) the District will cooperate
in every way possible to solve any problems that might arise and to
maintain the charm and character of the City 4) development of the site
will be such that the trees will be preserved wherever possible
C. West V~lle_vJ__unior College District - Contin_u~d from Pane 6 .
5) the campus will have its own cafeterias and book stores so that
no commercial development would be needed in the alea and 6) he would
be happy to answer any questions the CoH~ission might have.
Chairman Norton read the report of the General Plan Committee relative
to this matter.
Commissioner Cowley moved, seconded by Commissioner Crisp, that the
report of the General Plan Committee be adopted and forwarded to the
West Valley Junior College District as the recommendation of the
Commission; motion carried unanimously.
The Secretary advised that a letter bad been received from ACTA
relative to leasing a portion of the LuRay Plumbing building in the
Commercial Service Zone for the purpose of establishing a general
office and assembling and shipping toys and miscellaneous items. The
Secretary explained that there was a question as to whether this
would qulaify under the Permitted Uses for Commercial Service Zones.
After discussion, Chairman Norton directed this matter continued until
the next regular meeting and referred same to the Subdivision Committee
for study and a report at that time.
1. Sam Hernandez, Big Basin Way, stated that, in reviewing the requests
for various school sites in Saratoga, he hoped the Commission would
not overlook the importance of education.
2. Wilson Marker, Kosich Drive, inquired as to whether the Junior
College might not be as compatible with surrounding residential
as the City Hall and Civic Center.
Chairman Norton explained that the Civic Center was a much smaller
development with far less traffic than a 5,000 student Junior College.
A. Chairman Norton declared the meeting adjourned at 9:25 P. M.
B. The meeting was reassembled at 9:26 P. M. to hear a statement from
Mr. Howard of ACTA, who had arrived after discussion of his request.
Mr. Howard explained that they had signed a lease for a portion of the
LuRay Plumbing Building without realizing that there might be a zoning
problem. He further explained that the space would be used for billing,
assembling and shipping.
B. Continued from Page 7
During the discussion that followed, Mr. Howard made arrangements
to meet with Mr. Walker and the Subdivision Committee on Thursday
morning, NQvember 12, 1964 to discuss this matter further.
C. Chairman Norton again declared the meeting adjourned at 9:30 P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
Stanley M. Walker, Secretary