HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-28-1965 Planning Commission Minutes SD)~2aARY OF MINUTES
Ti)Z: Monday, june 28, 1965, 7:30 P. ~.
PLACE: City Council Chambers, Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, California
~E: Regular ~et~
~e meeting was called
Present: Co~isSioners Crisp, Kellum, McFaii, Norton and O'Rorke.
Absent: Co;i~issioners Cowiey and WriSht.
B. M l ~j ~ S
Comnissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Co~_missioner Keilum, ~hat the
reading of the minutes of june 14, 1965 be waived and that the
rainutes be approved subject ~o the following modification:
Pare 8...item Iii-E...Paragraph 2...Change =he co~ at the end of
line 2 (after the word "Church")
~o a period and omit the rest of
the paragraph.
Moti3n carried unan!-aousiy.
Chai~zn ~j'~'-='-o" declared Dubiic ~.ea'~'~ o:=en for the evening a" 7:33 P.M.
A. C-83 - EzmiiCon Developmenu Corporation~ Pierce Road - Request for
Change oz Zoning from R 40 000 (Single Family Residential)
to =R-!-40,000 P-C': (Single Family Residensial Planned Com-
munimv) - Conuinued from June 14~ 1965
Con~nissioner Crisp recor,~ended Char ~his application be continued
until the 'zezz regular m~eting since i~ was s~iI1 under study by Mr.
Lackey an~ ~hc Subdivision Co~ittee.
Chairman Norton so directed.
Planning Cor~'mission Minutes - June 28, 1965
!I. B. C-85 - Lonm Serep;_ Development Company, inc., Prospect Road - Request
for Change of Zoning from "A" (Agricultural) to "R-!-10,000~'
(Single Family Residential).- Continued from June 14~ 1965
~he Secretary briefly reviewed this application and read a letter from
t!le Southern Pacific Company indicating that they felt a public cros-
.-sing at the proposed location would fill no present need and would bene-
fit no one. _~ha letter further stated that, on this basis, such a pro-
posed crossing would be opposed by the Southern Pacific Company.
Mr. Sheehan.~ representing the applicants advised that Mr. St. Claire of
Southern Pacific had told him he felt 1) ~qhi!e there would probably be
no particular objection to the proposed crossing~ it would no doubt be
opposed at this t~ae because there was no particular need for it at the
present and 2) the street should be stubbed at the railroad and ~he
request r?~de again at a later date when the property beyond was actually
being developed.
in answer to a question from Co~issioner Crisp, Miles Rankln advised
that he had been u~b!e to establish ~he status of the right-of-way for
the ~xisting crossing.
Commissioner Crisp, on bahaif of the Subdivision ConP..ittee, reconm~ended
that C-85 be continued until ~he next regular meeting to allow addi-
Eiop~l time ~o try to ~ork out a so!uKion to this problem.
Chai_np~n Rotten so directed.
C. C-87 - M.V~S~ Co~any, Saratoga Avenue - Request for Change of Zoning
from :'A" (.~ricu!~ura!) ~o :'R-M-4,000 P-C': O~itip!e Residential
~ienned Co.._.~r~unitV
At Ehe request of Dr. Abrems and with the concurrence of the Com~aission,
Chairman Norton deferred the hearing on C-87 until the end of the public
hearing agenda.
D. C-88 - Finnegan Construction Company~ inc.= Wardell Road - Request for
Chan~e of Zoning from "R-l-!5,000:' and ':R-1-~.0,000" (Single
Family Residential) to "R-!-20,000': (Single Family Residential)
Z~e hearing on C-88 was opened at 7:45 P.M. The Secretary advised that
a Notice of Hearing had been published and read !) a comr, unication pro-
testing the proposed change of zoning and requesting review of a peti-
tion filed in protes~ of a previous application on this property signed
by A!~xander l. jett~ jean Preston jett~ Shirley ~. Diemar, Douglas
Diemar and D. F. Diemar of Wardell Road and 2) a con~nunication signed
by eight (8) residents of the Foothill Lane-Pierce Road area protestipG
the proposed change of zeAing and again requesting review of the 127-
signature petition previously filed in connection with the subject
Planning Commission Minutes - June 28:1965
~i. D. C-88 - Finhelen Construction Company, Inc.
Miles Rankin, representing the applicant, observed 1) the previous
application for change of zoning on this property requested
::R-!-12~500" zoning 2) the subject request for change of zoning would
.not increase the density over that of the existing zoning on the pro-
..party since only 27 lots are p~oposed for the 19 acres 3) the proposed
half-acre lots would provide a gradual transition from the :'R-1-12,500"
zoning to the !;R-!-40,000~! zoning and 4) the proposed change of zoning
would permit the developer co establish one price category for his
hoPes in lieu of the two that would be required under the existing
in answer to a question raised by Mr. Ottenberg, Chairman Norton di-
rected tb~t the !27-signature petition filed in protest of the previous
request for change of zoning on this property be considered a part of
the file on the subject application for change of zoning insolaf as it
is relevant.
After further discussion, Chairm. an Norton directed C-88, Finnegan Con-
struckion Cor~pany, inc., continued until the ~eting on July 12, 1965
and referred s-~m_e to the Subdivision Con~=~.itzee for study and a report
at that time.
E. b1~-83 - Santa Clara County Library ComT=ission - Request for Use Permit
for Brancl'! Library a~ Quite SheDDing Canter
The p~oiic l~earing on UP-83 ~s opened at 8:04 P. M. The Secretary
advised t~at Notices of Hearip~ were mailed and there were no written
communications on file.
George Fartier, County Librarian, advised uhat the County Library
Conmission had obtained a ten year lease with a five year option on
~his proposed building in the Quite Shopping Center axed that the buii-
ding would be built accord ing to County specifications.
Mrs. Jamison and Mr. Olmar of the Quite area spoke in support of the
subject application and advised that a branch library was badly needed
in this area.
After further discussion, Chairm..an Norton directed UP-83 continued
until the n~=t regular meeting and referred s~e to the Subdivision
Co~.ittec for study apj a report at that time.
Planninz Conmission Minuues - june 28~ 1965
iI. F. UP-8~.- Saratoga Union School District, Via Escue!a Drive - Request
for Dse Peanit for Elementary ~' ~ool (Congress SDrir~s School)
The public hearing on UP.-8~- was opened at 8:09 P. M. The Secretary
advised that Notices of ~iear~n~ ;~a-'~ been ~]ed and there were no
written communications on file. He further advised 1) the subjec~
,'school had already been constructed and 2) the subject application
was filed in con~!iance with Ordinance NS-3 when it was realized that
it had previously been overlooked.
~ere ~.ms no one present who wished to conmnent with regard to this
After discussion Cori~issioner Crisp moved, seconded by Commissioner
l,XcFall, that the hearing on DP-SI~ be closed; motion carried unanimously
and the hearin~ was closed at 8:13 P. ~!.
Conm~issioner Crisp moved~ seconded by Con~aissioner McFa!I, that UP-84,
Saratoga Union School Disurict, application for Use Permit for Congress
Springs Schooi~ be granted subjecd uo Building Site Approval and Design
Approval; motion carried up~nimously.
G. V-260 - Haven Nursery, Saratoga-Sunnyvaie Road - Request for Variance
to allow Expansion of Legal Non-Confo~in~ Nursery
'~e public hearing on V-260 was ooened at 8:14 P. M. ~e Secretary
advised that Notices of Hearing had been mailed and there were no
written co..~_nunications on file. ~e then explained !) the subject
application covers approximately ~hree acres behind uhe original Haven
Nursery 2) the nursery is a legal non-conforming use 3) the present
o~ner acquired the nursery and the subject three acres approxi~ate!y a
~ ~ ......
'year and a n=_~ ace a~ expanded ~h~ nursery into the additional pro-
perty a~ thee t~e 4)' the Court supported the City of Saratoga and
ordered that ~he nursery be reduced to izs original size by August of
~his year and 5) the e~.m:er is now in the process of reducing the size
of the nursery and is requesting a variance to allow lena! expansion
inzo che additior~! three acres.
Ross ~a~a~o'"e o~.Tner of the Haven Nursery, lqas present to discuss this
matter with ~he Conmission, and advised that the subject property was
aln~st con~.letely screened ~-?ith shrubbery at this time.
John Turner of I~ardei1 Court opposed the granting of this variance on
the basis of uhe use of Wardel! Court as access for trucks ar~ semi-
Planning, Co~f~ission Minutes - June 28.. 1965
t!. G. V-260 - Haven F~rserv
Mr. Paretore ergiained that the 40 foot access off Wardell Court was
b!ccked and had not been used as vehicular access for more than a
year. He further explained that he does not propose to use this ac-
· cess in conduction with future operation of the p~rsery.
Andre Bogart, ~rdelI Road, spoke in support of the proposed expan-
sion on the basis that i5 is the best use of ti~e land.
Douglas Darling of Wardell Court stated that he was in favor of the
granting of the subject application providing that cans and other
~teria!s were not allowed to accumulate on the property.
George Engstrom of Carhie! Avenue stated that he was in favor of the
proposed expansion providing there would be no access from Wardell
Cour~ apj materials were not allowed to acct~late on the property.
After further discussion, Chairm~n Norton directed V-260, M~ven Nur-
sery, continued until the meeting on July 12, 1965 and referred same
to the Variance Cor,~aituee for study ap~ a report at that time.
C. C-87 - MoVoSo Cgf~?eny~ Saratoga Avep?ae - Reques~ for Change of Zoning
from "A" (Agricultural) to ':R-M-4,000 P-C~ (Multiple Residen-
tial Planned Corf,~unitv)
~qe hearing on C-87 was opened at 8:30 P. M. ~e Secretary advised
that a Notice of Hearing had been published end read co~3anications
from !) Mrs. Fes Jm:!es 2) Mrs. Louise jones and 3) Mrs. Dorothy
Parker filed in support of this application.
Dr. Abrams presented color slides of ~he proposed development
advised l) ~he subject property had been bough~ (together with o~her
property which has since been sold to Paul }~sson) in an effort to
control the enviror~ment of the Medical Village 2) in considering the
needs of the co~anity to try to detenz:'.ne the best development of
the preparty, it was found =hat while there seemed to be sufficient
homes for growing f~mi!ies, there appeared to be a need for a develop-
~nt of this uype for adults whose families were groom ap~ who still
wanted quality but without the maintenance of a hon~ 3) research
revealed that mnny such people were leaving Saratoga because of the
lack of such a development 4) they were striving to provide such an
ep3~irop~ent with open space~ privacy and the individuality of a home
5) the location scans appropriate since the property is isolated by
the railroad on the south, the creek on the w~st, ~he Medical Village
on the north ap~ Paul M2sson on the east 6) s~iler units would be
Plannin~ Conmission Minutes - June 28, 1965
!i. C. C-87 - M.V.So Company
provided in the larger bui!dir. L~ in the background and tradiLionai
tox.m houses for adult families in the smaller Buildings 7) a com-
munity building with a dining room and a pool would be provided at
the entrance 8) the dining room would serv'e residents only 9) the
· 'units would rent from $175 to $350 (approxi~tely) !0) thirty to
forty units would be developed first, then additional units as the
demand m~Leriaiized and ~) a total of approximately 175 units were
planned for the 17 acre parcel.
Dr. ,-Robert O'Neill spoke in suppor~ of the subject application and
stated that he felt the proposed dave!opment would be an asset to
Messrs. Conrad Fischer and Carl Peters o2 the Eichler Subdivision
opposed the subject change oZ zoning on the basis of an increase in
A show of hapjs indicated that many of those present (approximately
30 to 35) were interested and had ateended in support of the sub3ect
Co~issioner Crisp sFggested that the Planning Cotmission and City
Council hold a joint study session to discuss the subject application.
After further discussion, Chairman Norton i) directed C-87 continued
until the meeting on july 12, 1965 2) requested that the Secretary
arrange a date for a joint study session of the Commission and Council
and 3) referred C-87 to the Subdivision Co~L~ittee for study and a
repor~ at the next regular meeting.
A. SD-567 - Lonm Serene Development Company, Prospect Road - Subdivision - 55 Lots - Continued from June 14, 1965
Commissioner Crisp !) advised that the question of obtaining access
across the railroad to the property beyond still existed and 2) suE-
gested that, for this reason, SD-567 be continued until the next regu-
lar meeting.
Chairm..an Norton so directed.
PianninZ Co~aission i4inutes - June 28~ 1965
iit. B. SD-569 - Hamilton Development Corporation, Pierce Road - Subdivision -
65 i,o~s - Conuinued from june !4, 1965
Ce..~aissioner Crisp advised that the Corzmittee report was not ready
since Mr. Lackey had not co~...~pieted his review and analysis of the
proposed plannee co~E=mnity.
..in view of the foregoing, Chairn~n Norton directed SD-569~ i~milton
Development Corporations continued until the meeting on July 12, 1965.
C. SDR-574 - john Kirkpatrick, Pike Road - Bui~ing Site Approval - 1 Lot
Continued from june 14~ 1965
~le applicant was present and advised that the }!eaith Department had
run percolation ~ests ~hat a~ernoon. lie requesued that this matter
be continued until a repor~ could be obtained from the Health Department.
On ~he bzsis of this request, Chairm~n brton directed SDR-574, John
Kirkpatrick~ continued uncii the nsx~ regular meeting.
D. SDR-576 - ~'/alter ~i!~n~ Madtone Hill Road - Bniiding Site Approval -
1 Lot - Contipped from june 14, 1965
T{~a applican~ was no~ present.
it was m~ved by Co~aissioner Crisp and seconded by Co~nissioner McFaii
~hat ~he Building Site Cominittee Report of june 14~ 1965 relative to
SDR-576, Walter Hiiem~n~ be adopted and that ~he tentative map (Exhi-
bit ::A':~ filed june 4, 1965) be approved subject Eo ~he conditions set
forth in said report; ~netion carried unanimously.
E. SDR-5?9 - Richard W. Rutowski: Sobay Road - Building Site Approval -
2 Lots
~ne Secretary recom~.~nQed that thi~ e~p!ication ba continued to allow
~im~ for consultation wi~h ~he Health Department in regard to septic
~a~c approval.
On the basis of ~his recor=~endation, Chait~-r~n Norton directed SDR-576
continued until the meeting on july !2, 1965.
F. SDR-580 - Santa Clara County Library Com~2ission - Building Site Approval
i Lot ~ Ouito ShODDin~ Center
Co,~z~lissioner Crisp rec~r~endcd that SDR-580 be continued until the nex~
regular meeting since the Use Pen~it app!ica~ion filed in conjunction
with this matter had been continued until that time.
Chaiz~-p. an ~orton so directed.
Plannin~ Commission Minutes - June 28~ 1965
Ili. G. SDR-581 - Helen K. Rayburn, Big Basin Way - Building Site Approval -
~ Lot
The applicant was not present.
Commissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Commissioner Kellum, that the
,Building Site Cou~nittee Report of June 28, 1965 relative to SDH-581,
· 'Helen K. Rayburn, be adopted and that the tentative map (Exhibit
filed June 21, 1965) be approved subject to the conditions set forth
in said report; motion carried unanimously.
SDR-582 - Saratoga Union School District, Via Escuela Drive - Building
.~ite Approval - 1 Lot
Warren ~eid, architect, was present to represent the applicant and
requested that this matter be continued until the next regular meeting
to allow time for him to discuss the proposed conditions of approval
with the applicant.
Chairman Norton so directed.
I. ~DR-583 - Dr. Robert B. Richards, Sobey Road - Building Site Approval -
1 Lot
Warren Heid was present to represent the applicant and observed that
it would be a tremendous hardship for his client to meet the condition
requiring improvement of Sobey Road in view of the amount of fill that
would be needed.
After further discussion of this matter, Chairnmn Norton directed
SDR-583 continued until the next regular meeting to allow time for
Mr. Heid and the applicant to discuss this mazter further with the
Building Site Committee.
VII. A. ~DR-565 - Robert F. Plane, Douglas Lane - Request for Reconsiderazion
Continued from June 14, 1965
Commissioner Crisp read the report of the Building Site Committee rela-
tive to the applicant's request for reconsideration, recommending modi-
fication of Conditions II-C and II-F of the conditions of approval.
The applicant was present to discuss this matter with the Commission
and expressed satisfaetion with the proposed modifications.
Commissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Commissioner Kellum, that the
report of the Building Site Committee of June 28, 1965 relative to
SDR-565 be approved and forwarded to the City Council as the reco~m~en-
dation of the Commission; motion carried unanimously.
Plannin~ Commission Minutes - June 28~ 1965
VIII. A. SDR-568 - D. R. Monroe, Paul Avenue - Request for Reconsideration
The applicant was present to discuss the proposed modifications with
the Conmission and stated that the offe~ of dedication presented a
problem with respect to the mortgage company. I{e explained that the
mortgage company that now holds the 16an on the property has control
.and will not sign the offer of dedication.
After further discussion of this matter, Chairman Norton directed
this request continued ~ntil the meeting on July 12, 1965 and reques-
ted that the applicant obtain a statement in writing from his mort-
gage company.
A. A-184 - Mijo Corporation, Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road - Preliminary Design
Review- Commercial BuildinM - Continued from June 14, 1965
A. J. Menard, architect, was present to represent the applicant and
explained 1) the building being moved onto the rear of this property
would have a new exterior 2) the existing garage operation on the
front of the property will move into this building 3) the existing
service station use (which is incidental to the garage) will also be
moved to this building and 4) the building now housing the garage
will remain at this time.
After discussion Conmissioner O'Rorke moved, seconded by Conm~issioner
Kellum, that preliminary design approvalbe granted A-184, Mijo Cor-
poration, for a corm~ercial building as shown on Exhibit "A"; raotion
carried unanimously.
B. A-185 - Santa Clara County Library Commission - Preliminary Design
Review - Branch Library Buildinn - quito ShoppinE Center
Commissioner O'Rorke requested that A-185 be continued for further
review inasmuch as the Use Permit application and Building Site appli-
cation had been continued.
On the basis of this request, Chairman Norton directed A-185 contin-
ued until the meeting on July 12, 1965.
C. A-186 - Saratoga Union School District, Via Escuela Drive - Final
pesi~n Review - Elementary School (Con.gress Sprin~s School)
Commissioner O'Rorke advised that the Conmittee had reviewed the
plans for this school and had found them satisfactory, but suggested
that A-186 be continued until the next regular meeting in view of
the request (by Mr. I{eid) that the Building Site Approval application
be continued.
Chairman Norton ~o directed.
Plannin~ Commission Minutes - June 28, 1965
IV. D. A-187 - Saratoga Baptist Mission, Saratoga Avenue - Final Design Review -
Commissioner O'Rorke advised that the proposed sign met all requirements
of the Ordinance. "
.It was moved by Con~nissioner O'Rorke and seconded by Commissioner Kel-
..lum that final design approval be granted A-187, Saratoga Baptist His-
slot, for the sign shown on Exhibit "A"; motion carried unanimously.
Con-~issioner McFall, in answer to Chairman Norton's request, advised that he would
happy to work with Commissioner O'Eorke on the Variance Committee.
Chairman Norton gave a brief report on action taken by the City Council at
the meeting on June 16, 1965, with emphasis on items of particular interest
to the Commission.
Chairman Norton extended a welcome to Councilman Tyler and to Mrs. Parker and
Mr. Lewis of the Good Goverranent Group, and expressed appreciation for the cof-
fee served by Mrs. Parker at intermission.
A. County-Wide Census
The Secretary read a communication from the City Administrator
1) explaining that the County is planning a County-wide census
and 2) advising that the Council had requested a recommendation
from the Commission as to whether the City of Saratoga would be
willing to participate at an est~nnted cost of $3,500.
The Secretary advised that the census could be beneficial to the
Plannin~ Department since it would give accurate population count
and other information helpful for plannin~ purposes.
After discussion Chairman Norton directed this matter continued
until the next regula~ meeting and referred same to the General
Plan Committee for study and a report at that time.
B. General Plan Review
Chairman Norton =eriewed with the Commission a communication from
l~ayor Glennon suggesting that the Commission proceed with a typical
annual review of the General Plan as soon as practicable and post-
pose the full-scale five year review until the West Valley Junior
College location has been settled.
Plannin~ Commission Minutes - June 28, 1965
VI. B. ~eneral Plan Review
In compliance ~th the Mayor's request and with concurrence of the
Commission, Chairman Norton directed that the General Plan Commit-
tee proceed with plans for a typical annual review of the General
C...~roposed Ordinance NS-5.9
The Secretary advised of a possible need for an amendment to 0rdi-
hence NS-5 with respect to site approval requirements and excep-
tions thereto. He explained 1) the Ordinance now excepts altera-
tions, additions to and expansion of the main structure on the
site 2) in some instances this has allowed people to, in effect,
build new homes without being required to obtain site approval
3) the City Attorney feels that this section of the Ordinance should
be clarified 4) the Planning Department feels that building site
approval should %e required when the percentage of alteration, addi-
tion to or expansion of the main structure exceeds 50% and 5) the
Staff would like the Subdivision Committee to review the matter and
submit an opinion.
Chairman Norton directed this matter continued until the next regu-
lar meeting and referred same to the Subdivision Committee for study
and a report at that time.
D. 9eor~etown Subdivision
The Secretary advised that in compliance with a condition imposed in
connection with approval of the tentative map, a map showing the pro-
posed unit division of the Lindsay (Georgetown) Subdivision had been
submitted for the approval of the Subdivision Committee and the Plan-
ning Director.
The Chairman referred this matter to the Subdivision Conmlittee and
the Planning Director for review and the necessary action.
1. UP-63 - Faith Bible Chapel, Big Basin Way - Request for Cancel-
lation of Use Permit
The Secretary read a letter from Mr. George R. Latham, Board
Chairman of the Faith Bible Chapel, expressing appreciation ~o
the City of Saratoga for the courtesy extended during their stay
in Saratoga, and requesting cancellation of their Use Permit since
they were relocating in another state.
Planning Commission Minutes - June 28~ 1965
VIII. A. 1. UP-63 - Faith Bible Chapel
Chairman Norton referred this communication to the Staff to deter-
mine what action, if any, was required.
.2.1 SDR-450 - Jerry Kocir, Marion Road - Request for Extension
The Secretary 1) read a communication from Jerry Kocir requesting
an extension in connection with SDR-450 and 2) explained that
approval of the subject tentative map had ~pired October 14, 1964.
Commissioner Crisp observed that the Planning Commission policy
had been to deny requests for extension in cases where approval
of the tentative map had already expired when the request was made.
Commissioner O'Rorke moved, seconded by Commissioner Kellum, that
the request for extension in connection with SDR-450 be denied since
approval of the tentative map had expired; motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Norton declared the meeting adjourned at 10:45 P. M.
Respectfully s~.~ted ,' /,? ,
Stanley M. 'Wal~er, Secretary
Saratoga Planning Commission