HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-26-1965 Planning Commission Minutes CITY OF SAP, ATOGA PLANNING COMMISSION
TII~: ~onday, July 26, 1965~ 7:30 P.~.
PIACE: City Council Chambers, Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, California
I~PE: Regular Meeting
~e meetin~ was called to order by Chairmn Norton at ?:30 P.M.
Present: Comissioners Cowley~ Crisp, Kell~ ~all, Norton and O'Rorke.
Absent: Comissioner ~ight.
Conissioner McFall moved, seconded by Comissioner O'Rorke, that the readin~
of the minutes of 12 July 1965 be ~ived and that the minutes be a~proved
, as submitted; motion carried unanimously.
~e Chairmn declared public hearings open for the evening at ?:32 P.M.
A. C-8~ - ~milto~ Deveiopment Corporation,. Fierce Road - Request for Change of
Zoning from "R-I-40,000" (Single Family Residential) to "R-1-40,000
P-C" (Single Family Itcd~..ncial Planned C~unity) - Continued
July 12~ 1965
~e public hearins on C-83 ~s resumed at 7:33 P.M. The Secretary briefly
revised this application and read a c~unication from ~. and ~s. Victor
~eson of Pierce Road filed in opposi[ton ~o the proposed change of zoning.
Comissioner Crisp advised that the Subdivision C~ittee ~s not prepared to
make a rec~endation in connection with this mtter since the study being
conducted by ~. ~ckey had not yet been completed.
Jack Sie~fried of ~c~y and S~ps ~s present to represent the applicant
and discussed with the Cou~ission the est~ted time of completion of
~ckey's study and submission of the C~ittee report. He ~s assured by
time Chairmn that this would.be acco~lished as soon as possible.
At 7:36 P.M. Chairmn Norton di~esZed C-83 continued ~til the next re~lar
B. C-86 - Nell K. Chase, ~ratoga Avenue - Request for Change of Zoning from
"R-1-10,000" (Stn~le Family Residenc~al) ~o "R-M-3,000" (M~l~tple
Residential) - Continued from July 12, 1965 .
The continued hearing on C-86 ~s resu~d at ?:3~ P.M. ~e Secretary advised
that the plans requested for review by the Design Review Committee ~d been
filed jus~ prior ~o the meeting.
Peter Ayers, applicant's architect, ~s present and expressed ~llin~ness to
answer any questions relative to this application.
After a brief discuss~on, Chatrmn Norton (at 7:40 P.M.) directed C-86 con-
tinued until the next regular ~etinS to allow time for the Co~ttee to re-
view the plans for this proposed development.
C. C-.~? - M.V.S. Cobany, ~ratoSa Avenue - Request for Change of Zonins from
"A" (Agricultural) to "R-M-4,000 P-C' (Multiple Residential Planned
C~unity) - Continued from July 12~ 1965 .
~e public hearing on C-87 ~s resumed at ?:41 P.M. ~e Secretary read a
letter from C~rles A. Gibson of Farwell Avenue filed in support of the sub-
ject epplication.
Plannin~ Co,~tission Minutes - July 26~ 1965
IX. C. C-87 - H,V.S, Company, Saratoga Avenue
In giving a brief resume of a market analysis to be submitted to the Planning
Department, Dr. Abrams stated 1) there are approximtely 1800 luxury rental
units in the County 2) approximately 1600 of these are in the Polo Alto'-
Mountain ~iew--Los Altos area ~hich has a population of approximately 140,000
3) while the West Valley area has less than 300 such units, the population is
approximately 200~000 4) the age range in the two areas is comparable 5) the
vacancy rate in the West Valley area is approximately six percent but is high-
er in the Polo Alto--l~ountain View-Los Altos area and 6) the 1960 census
indicated that ~aratoga had the highest rate of income in the County.
After further discussions Chairman Norton (at 7:45 P.M,) directed C-87 con-
tinued until the meeting on 9 August 1965.
D. C-89 - Plamilton Development Corporationj Fruitvale Avenue - Request for
Change of Zoning from *~-1-40,000" (Single Family Residential) to
"R-1-20s900 P-C" (Single Family Residen~ial Planned..Community)
The hearing on C-89 was opened at 7:46 P.M. The Secretary advised that a
Notice of Hearing had been published and read a petition filed in opposition
to the proposed change of zoning with signatures of 13 residents of the
Sahara1 area.
Jack Siegfried of MacKay and Somps was present to represent the appticant
and advised 1) the subject application was filed on the basis of chan~es
anticipated in this area in connection w~th development of the ~est Valley
Junior College 2) the applicant felt that the proposed change was neither
extreme nor out of character with the general area 3) "P-C" zoning was
desirable to help take advantage of the natural topography and prevent
excessive grading and scarring 4) density in accordance with "R-1-2OsO0"
zoning ~ras proposed and 5) no specific plan for development had been pre-
sented since~ on the basis of past experience, the applicant was not anxious
to ~ncur the expense until there was some indication that the proposal would
receive favorable considera~ion.
T~o additional copies of the petition previously read by the Secretary with
a total of 27 additional signatures ~ere filed at this time.
Dr. W. G, Watrous of Fruitvale Avenue~/~rs. Gerald Marsha11~ Richard HockerJ
O. T. Robertshaw and Kenneth Zadwick of Three Oaks Way, C. C. Wisely and
T. J. Balgooyen of Valle Vista and James Compton of Oriole Road opposed the
granting of the subject application on the basis of increased density and
inconsistent lot sizes.
A show of hands indicated that approximately one-half o£ the people present
at the meeting had artended in opposition to the proposed change of zoning.
No hands were raised in support of the subject application.
Several people came forward ~nen Chairmen Norton~ in answer to a question
from James Cooke of Oriole Road~ announced that anyone desirin~ to add his
signature to the petitions filed earlier could do so.
After further discussion~ Chairman Norton (at 8:11 P.M.) directed C-89 con-
tinued until the next regular meeting and referred same to the Subdivision
Committee for study and a report at that time.
On the basis of a request from Mr. Marry Hatlet that he be allowed to speak
w~th regard to UP-87 before leaving to keep another appointment at 8:30 P.M.~
Chairman Norton announced that this matter would be given consideration at
this time in lieu of the order in which it appeared on the agenda.
G. U~.-87 - University Pre-School of Saratogas Big Basin l~y - Request for Use
Permit for NuTsetx School
The public hearing on UP-87 was opened at 8:11 P.M. The Secretary advised
that Notices of Hearing had been mailed and there were no ~ritten communi-
cations on file. He then briefly reviewed this application.
Elan~in~ Commission F~nutes - July 26~ 1965
II. G. UP-87 - University Pre-School of Saratoga, Big Basin Way
Mrs. Stinnett and her attorney, Mr. Christie, were present to discuss this
matter with the Commission and explained I) M~'s. Stinnett now operates a
Nursery School on Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road 2) because of the widening of
the highway, she finds it necessary to relocate the school 3) the proposed
location would be more or less temporary since she hopes to find a more suit-
able permanent location 4) Mrs. Stinnett proposes to remodel the existing
building and do extensive landscaping 5) she will accept the responsibility
of maintenance of the entire 2-~ acres 6) a maximum of 80 students is antti-
cipated and 7) classes ~ould be from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. and possibly
from 1:00 P.M. to 4i00 P.M.
Harry Harlot of P~mela Way protested the granting of this Use Permit on the
basis of added traffic congestion in the area.
Frank Dutro, Pamela Way, opposed this application on the basis of the noise
factor and the possibility of its prohibiting further development of this
Mrs. Mary Moss of Pamela Way protested the granting of this Use Permit on
the basis of traffic congestion and noise.
Mrs. Harold Blair, Pamela Way, stated that while she was generally opposed
to the granting of this application, she would be happy to have the property
After further discussion, Chairman Norton (at 8:25 P.M.) directed this matter
continued until the next regular meeting and referred same to the Subdivision
Connittee for study and a report at that time.
E. UP-85 - Mrs. Gertrude K. Blackie, Pierce Road ~ Request for Use Permit for
Two Horses on Two Acres under Separate Ownership
The public hearing on UP-85 ~as opened at 8:27 P.M. The Secretary 1) advised
that Notices of Hearing had been mailed 2) read a statement filed by the
applicant and 3) read two communications filed by Michael E. Purcell grant-
ring permission for Mrs. Blackie to utilize his property for the purpose of
keeping a horse for a period of ninety days (during which time he would file
for a Use Permit for a horse).
The applicant was present but stated that she had no further current at this
Mrs. Tom Scott, former owner of the applicantsts property, advised 1) they
had previously been granted a Use Permit to keep a horse on their property
and 2) they had spoken with the nei~lbors and none of them objected to Mrs.
Blackie having a horse on her property and one on the Purcell property.
At 8:31 P.M. Chairman Norton directed this matter continued until the next
regular meeting and referred same to the Subdivision Committee for study and
a report at that time.
F. .UP-86 - West Valley Baptist Church, Fruitvale Avenue - Request for Use Permit
for Church and School
The public hearing on UP-86 was opened at 8:32 P.M. The Secretary advised
that Notices of Hearing had been mailed and there were no witten
cartons on file. He then briefly reviewed this application.
Don Husted, Chairman of the Finance Committee of the Church, was present to
discuss this matter with the Cuumaission and advised 1> the eventual seat-
ing capacity of the proposed sanctuary was 700 to 800 2) the five acre
site offered adequate parking space for same and 3) there would be no day-
school in connection with this proposed church facility.
After discussion Chairman Norton directed 0?-86 continued (at 8:39 P.M.)
until the next regular meettna and referred same to the Subdivision Cu~uittee
for study and a report at that time.
The Chairman declared public hearings closed for the evening at 8:40 P.M.
~l.angin~ Commission Minutes - JUly 26, t965
A. SD-569 - Hamilton Development Corporation, Pierce Road - Subdivision -
65 Lots_- Centinued from July 12, 1965
Commissioner Crisp advised l) since Mr. Lackey had not yet completed
his study in connection with this matter, the Subdivision Comittee
was not prepared to m~ke a recommendation at this time 2) the appli-
cant had granted a 451day extension of time for action on the tenta-
tive map and 3) in view of the foregoing, it was the recommendation
of the Committee that:SD-569 be continued until the next regular meeting.
Chairman Norton so directed.
B. SDR-584 - Frank L. Gi~petti, Fruitvale Avenue - Building Site Approval -
1 Lot
The applicant was not~present.
After a brief discussion, Commissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Commis-
sioner McFall, that the Building Site Co~nittee Report of 26 July 1965
relative to SDR-584, ~rankL. Gippetti, 1 lot on Fruitvale Avenue, be
adopted and that the ~entative map (Exhibit "A", filed 9 July 1965) be
approved subject to the conditions set forth iu said report; metion
carried unanimously.
C. SDR-585 - Don Perata,' Pike Road - BuildinM Site Approval - 4 Lots
Commissioner Crisp advised that a site developmant plan had been reques-
ted by the Committee ~nd suggested that SDR-585 be continued until the
meetin~ on 9 August 1~965 to allow adequate t~me for preparation of this
Chairman Norton so directed.
D. SD-586 - Robert F. Plane,.DouMlas Lane - Subdivision - 6 Lots
The applicant was present and expressed satisfaction with the proposed
conditions of approval.
Commissioner Crisp ~ved, seconded by Commissioner Kellum, that the
Subdivision Committee Report of 26 July 1965 relative to SD-586, Robert
F. Plane, 6 lots on Douglas Lane, be adopted and that the tentative map
(Exhibit "A" filed 16 July 1965) be approved subject to the conditions
set forth in said report; motion carried unanimously.
A. A-170 - Mason Sh~w,~ Big Basin Way - Final Design Review - Commercial
B.uildin~ - Continued from July 120 1965.
Coum~issioner Cowley. advised that the requested color schedule had been
submitted and that the Committee found same satisfactory.
Commissioner Cowley moved, seconded by Commissioner O'Rorke, that final
design approva% be granted in connection with A-170, Mason Shaw, for
~%annin~ Cor~nission Minutes - July 26~ 1965
IV. A. A-170 -Mason Shaw
the cormnercial building as shown on Exhibits "A-3" and '~"; motion
carried unanimously.
B. A-189 - Dr. Isaac N. Abrams, Village Drive - Final Design Review -
Medical Office Buildin~ in Medical VillaMe
Commissioner Cowley advised that the plans submitted in connection
with A-189 had been reviewed by the Committee and were satisfactory
with the exception of the parking plan. In view of this, he recom-
mended that preliminary design approval be granted and that the
applicant be requested to submit a revised parking plan in connec-
tion with final design approval.
After discussion Commissioner Cowley moved, seconded by Commissioner
O'Rorke, that preliminary design approval be granted in connection
with A-189 on the basis of Exhibit "A"; motion carried unanimously.
C. A-190 - Ralph's Food Market, Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road - Final besign
Review - Identification SiEn
The Secretary advised that the sign company representative was in
the hospital so was~unable to attend the meeting, but had advised
that a condition limiting intensity of illumination to 430 milljam-
pores would be satisfactory.
Commissioner Cowley moved, seconded by Commissioner O'Rorke, that
A-190, Ralph's Food .Market, be granted final design approval for the
sign as shown on Exhibit "A" subject to the intensity of illumination
not exceeding 430 milliamperes; motion carried unanimously.
D. ~191 - Saratoga Travel Agency, Big Basin Way - Final Design Review -
Identification Sign .
Commissioner Cowley!advised that the plans for the subject sign had
been reviewed by the Committee and that all requirements of the
ordinance had been ~et.
After discussion Commissioner Cowley moved, seconded by Conmmissioner
O'Rorke, that A-191, Saratoga Travel Agency, be granted final design
approval for the sign as shown on Exhibi~ "A"; motion carried
unanimous ly.
Chairman Norton extended a w&lcome to Councilman Drake and to Mr. Loe and
Mesdames Parker and McGuire of the Good Government Group. He also expressed
appreciation for the coffee served by Masdames Parker aD~ McGuire at recess.
Commissioner Crisp gave a brief resume of action taken by the City Council
at the meeting on 21 July 1965 with emphasis on items of particular
interest to the Commission.
Plannin~ Commission Minutes - July 26, 1965
B. SDR-507 - George O. Lindem, Oriole Road - Request for Extension -
Continued. from July 12, 1965
Cormnissioner Crisp advised that the Building Site Committee had
reviewed the subject request for extension and it was the Commit-
tee recommendation that same be granted.
After discussion, Cormissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Commissioner
Kellum, that an exter~sion be granted in connection with SDR-507
for a period of one year from the present date of expiration; motion
carried unanimously.
A. General Plan - General Plan Connnittee Report relative to Annual
Review - Continued from July 121 1965
Commissioner Kellum advised that the Committee had met on two. occa-
sions and that an agenda had been prepared for the annual review of
the General Plan.
It was the consensus of the Commission that a special meeting should
be held for the subject review because of the length of the agenda.
After discussion, Chairman Norton, with concurrence of the Commis-
sion, directed that the Secretary set a hearing for the annual review
on the General Plan at 7:30 P. M. on August 16, 1965.
Fred N. Curenings - R~quest that "Equipment Rental Service" be added
to'. List of Permitted Uses for "C-S" (Commercial
..S. ervice) Zonin~ District -
The Secretary read a communication from Fred N. Cummings requesting
that "Equipment Rental Service" be added to the list of permitted
uses for the Commercial Service Zoning District.
After a brief review of this request, Chairman Norton directed same
continued until the next regular meeting and referred the matter to
the Subdivision Connittee for study and a report.
. Joseph Pon - Applicaeion for Commercial Zoning on Prospect Avenue in the City of San Jose
Commissioner McFall again called to the Commission's attention the
proposed shopping center at Prospect and Miller Avenues in the City
of San Jose. He advised 1) according to the newspapers, an appli-
PlanninM Cormnissio~ Minutes ~ July 26, 1965
VIII, B, ~oseph Port
cation for rezoning has now been filed 2) it is rumored that Mr. Port
and his friends have conducted quite an effective campaign to convince
residents of the area that they should not oppose such a center and
3) the matter is of vital concern to residents of Saratoga, particu-
larly those in this general area. In answer to a question from Chair-
man Norton, Coumissidner McFall stated that he felt this application
should be officially.opposed on behalf of the residents of Saratoga.
Following a brief discussion,' Chairman Norton 1) directed that the
Secretary proceed with the necessary steps to formally oppose this
application on behalf of the residents and 2) suggested that the Secre-
tary request that the City of San Jose inform the City of Sarauoga in
the future of applications that so directly affect the residents.
Chairman Norton declared the meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Stanley M. alker, Secretary
Saratoga Planning Oemmission