HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-23-1965 Planning Commission Minutes SU~'~,RY OF MIN~ES CITY OF SAP~TOGA PLA~N1NG COX{~ISS!ON TIME: Monday, 23 August 1965.7:30 P. M. PK~CE: City Council Chanters, Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, California TYPE: Regular Meeting I. ROUTINE ORGANIZATION Tile meeting was called to order by Chairman Norton at 7:35 P. M. A. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Cowley, Crisp, Kellum, McFall, Norton and O'Rorke. Absent: Commissioner Wright. B. MINUTES Commissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Co~nissioner 0'Rorke, that the reading of the minutes of 9 August 1965 be waived and that the minutes be approved as snSmi~ted; motion carried unanimously. II. PUBLIC HEARINGS Chairman Norton declared public hearings open for the e~ening at 7:36 P. M. A. C-83 - Hamilton Development Corporation, Pierce Road - Request for Change of Zoning from "R-1-40,000" (Single Family Residential) to "R-1-40,000 P-C" (Single Family Residential Planned Community) - Continued from August 9~ 1965 The continued hearing on C-83 was not re-opened at this time since 1) there were no additions to the file 2) there were no reports and 3) there was no one present who wished to comment with regard to this matter. The Chairman directed the hearing o~ C-83, Hamilton Development Corporation, continued Until the meeting on 13 September 1965k B. 0-86 - Nell K. Chase, Saratog~ Avenue - Request for Change of Zoning from "R-1-10,000" (Single Family Residential) to "R-M-3,000". (Multiple ~Ridential) - Continued ~romAu~ust 9, 1965 The continued hearing on C-86 ~s resumed at 7:]9 P. M. The Secretary brief- ly reviewed this application and advised that there were no further additions to the file. There was no one present who wished to c(~r~ent with regard ~o this mat[mr. CommiSsioner Crisp read the report of the Subdivision Committee relative to this application, recommending approval of same. After discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Crisp and seconded by Commis- sioner Kellum that the public hearing on C-86 be closed; motion eartied un- animously and the Chairman declared the hearin~ closed at 7:44 P. M. Commissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Commissioner Kellum, that the Subdivi- sion Committee Report of 23 August 1965 relative to C-86, Neil K. Chase, be approved and forwarded to the City Council as the reccmmendation of the Commission. Roll call vote: Ayes: Commissioners Cowley, Crisp, Kellum, McFall, Norton and O'Rorke. Noes: None. Absent: Commissioner Wright. Motion carried unanimously. C. C-87 - M.V.S. Company, Saratoga Avenue - Request for Change of Zoning from "A" (Agricultural) to "R-l~M-~,000 P-C" (Multiple Residential Planned qo_n~unitT) - ~ontinued from August 9, 1965 The public hearing on C-87 was resumed at 7:45 P. M. The Secretary briefly reviewed this application and read a letter from Mr. and Mrs. l{arry S. White- man filed in support of same. Planning Cownis~ion ~inutes - Au~vst 23,.19~5 ~. C. C-87 - ~oV,S. Compan~.~ Saratoga Aven.__~ue There ~as no one present who wished to con~nent with regard to this matter. Commissioner Crisp advised that it~as the reconm~endation of the Subdiv~sion Committee that C-8~, ~,V,S. Company, be continued until the m~eting on 13 September 1965, pending fuxther developments in connection with the General Plan Review~ Chairman Norton so directed (~:~9 P. H.). Do C-90 - Town and Country Rea~y, Cox Avenue and Saratoga Avenue - Request ~o= Chan~e of Zonin~ iron 'A' (A~riculCural) co 'P-A' (Pro~essional- Admin~ra~ive~ - Continued from August 9~ 1965 ~e continued hearin~ on C-90 ~s ~esumed at 7:50 P, ~. ~he Secretary briefly revised th~s appl~uCion and advised tha~ there were no furthe~ additions Co ~he ~le. Com~ssione~ ~isp advised ~) very restrictive conditional P-A zouin~ had been placed on the othe~ property on th~s corner (~ed~cal V~lla~e) v~ew of ch~s, ~he Subd~v~sion Comit~e had requested ~haC applicant ~urn~'h further ~n~orm~on relative. to the type bu~ld~n~ proposed and 3) s~nce this additional informClon had not been ~iled, it ~s the recomendation of the Subdivision Co~ttee that this meter be continued. On the bas~s of this ~eco~ndation, Chairmn Norton (at 7:52 P. ~l.) d~rected C-90, To~ and Country Realty, continued unC~l the next regular E. V-261 - Raymbnd ~co~t~, Re~d ~ne- Request for Variance ~n connection St~ee~-S~de ~Cback Requirement - Continued from Au~us~ 9~ 1965 ~e public hearing on V-261 ~s resumd a~ ~53 F. ~. After briefly review- ing th~s application, ~he Secretary advised that no furthe~ comun~cat~ons had been f~led ~n con~ection~th ~h~s ~ere was no one ~n the audience ~ho w~shed to coneat ~th regard to ~his request for variance, Com~ss~oner O'Rorke read the report of the Variance V-261, reckending approval of same. It ~s moved by Conissioner Crisp and seconded by C~s~ioner O~Rorke that th~ hearing on V-261 be closed; motion carried ~nan~ou~l~ and the Chairmn declared the hearing c~osed at 7:56 P. ~. Con~ss~oner O'Rorke moved, ~econded by Com~ssioner ~cFa11,.~hat the Variance Con~ctee Repor~ of 23 Augus~ 1965 relative ~o V-261, ~ymond ~cotti, be approved and thaC the subject ~artance be granted ~n accordance ~h sa~d report; motion carried unanimously. F. C~neral Plan - Annual Review ~he continued heartng on the annual revie~ of the C~neral Plan ~s resumed at 7:57 P. ~, ~ Secretary read a conun~cation from~. and ~s. A, OCtenber~ of Foothill ~ne pertaining to zoning ~n general and, specifically~ opposing the do~grad~ng of goning in the ~ar~ell Road area as proposed by ~he F~nnegan Construction Co~any. Sam Hernandez s~ated ~hat he felt iC was imperative ~hat a path~,ay be pro- vided along Sara~oga-Sunn~ale Road from the Village to ~he H~gh School. Comissioner Crisp explained that a paCh~y had been required ~n connection ~th all recent development along ~ratoga-Sunn~ale Road, but Chat there was no provision for a path~y ~n areas ~here the~e had been no developend. 1~. Peterson observed that ~he C~ty had constructed a pathway along Fruit- vale Avenue and raised a question as ~o ~hether a s~milar provision migh~ be mde along ~ratog~-Sunnyvale Road. -2- Plan~inR Commission l~.nutes - August .23, 1965 II. F. General Plan After further discussion, Commission Kellumrequested thht this matter be continued until the next regular meeting and advised that, at this time, the General Plan Connnittee hoped to be able to submit a report. Chairman Norton so directed (8:10 P. ~.). G. .UP-89 - St. Andreds Episcopal Church, Saratoga and Crestbrook Avenue - Request for Use Permit for General Church Use The public heaFing on UP-89 ~s opened at 8:11 P. M. The Secretary advised 1) Notices of Hearing had been mailed 2) no written comunications had been filed 3) the Comission had previously granted a Use Permit for St. adrews Church to utilize this property and 4) the Church had allo~d the Use Permit to expire so had re-filed. ~. Givens ms present to represent the Ch~ch and expressed ~lli~ness to ansver questions regarding this application. Prank Watkins~ So explained ~hat he lived across the street from this property, questioned the extent to ~ich the Church ~uld be permitted to use the subject property under this appli~tion if same ~s granted. Chairmn Norton explained that the application had been filed for use for "general church purposes" which would permit unlimited use of the property. He further explained, hoover, that any constructi~ ~uld be subject to both Building Site Approval and Design Review. After f~ther discussion, Chairman Norton (at 8:15 P. M.) directed ~-89 continued until the next regular meeting and referred same to the Subdivi- sion Co~i=tee for study and a report at that time. H. V-262 - ~ch G. Stephens, Sobey Road - Request for Variance in connection ~th Sit@ Area required for ~ Horses The public hearing on V-262 ms opened at 8:16 P.M. The Secretary advised that Notices of Nearing bad been ~iled and read a co~nication from the applicant requesting withdraml of the subject application. Co~lssioner O*Rorke moved, seconded by Comission McFall, tMt the appli- cant be allo~d ~o ~thdra-~ this application for variance (V-262) without prejudice; motion carried unanimously. ~e Chairmn declared public hearings closed for the evenin~ at 8:18 P.M. III. S~DIVISIONS AND BUILDING ~ITES A. SD-569 - ~mtlton Develo~ent CorporAtion, Pierce Road - Subdivision - 65 ~ts - Continued £rom August 9~ 1965 In ans~r to a question from the applicants* represen~ative Comissioner Crisp s~uted I) ~hat the Subdivision Comittee ms no~ prepared =o mke a reco~endation at this time and 2) ~hat ~he Subdivision Co~ittee would mee~ vith ~. ~ckey (~he consultant) and the developer before the next regular mee~in~ ~o discuss this m~er. On behalf of the Subdivision Comittee, Co~tssioner C~isp reco~ended that this applica~ion be continued until the next regular meeting. C~irman Norton so directed. B. SD-587 - L. A. Palm, Chester Avenue - Subdivision - 13 ~s - Con~inued from August 9~ 1965 The applicant was present and e~ressed sa~isfac=ion with the proposed conditions of approval. C~issioner Covley co~ented abou~ ~he lack of curved drivemys in this subdivision. -3- Pl~nnin~ Comission ~nutes - August 23w 19~ III.' B. SD-587 - Lo A. Pal.~, Chester Avenue After discussion it ~s the consensus of the C~ission that this was a good example of wk~ere the need to apply the rule requiring 25% of the drive~ys to be curved did not exist. Commissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Co~ission McFall, that Subdivision Comittee Report of 23 August 1965 relative to SD-587, L. A. Pa~, be adopt- ed and that the tentativemp (E~ibit "A-I", filed 20 August 1965) be approved subject to conditions one through nine set forth in said report; motion carried unanimously. C. SDR-589 - William R. ~Kenzie~ Belle Court - ~u~ldin~ Site Approval - 1 Lot ~. Yea~wod~ representative for the applicant~' was present and expressed concern over condition (G), of the Building Site Co~ittee Report, reEard- in~ underground utilities. Cuu~issioner Crisp s~ated ~hat ~he Subdiv~s~o~ Co~ttee had ~de an on site inspection of this property and it was the opinion of the Co~ittee that underground utilities should be required in this case. ~e representative, ~. Yearwood, expressed satisfaction with this expla~- tion and stated that he had no further coment. C~issioner ~isp m~ed, seconded by Co~issiouer Kellum, that the Build- ing Site Co~ittee Report of 23 August 1965 relative to SDR-589 be adopted and that the tentative mp (E~ibit "A", filed 5 August 1965) be approved subject to the conditions outlined in said report; motion carried unani- mously. D. SDR-590 - ~s. Pearl C. Saunders, Live Oak ~ne - BuildinS Site Approval - 2 ~. Tho~s Riley was present to represent the applicant and questioned condition (F). He explained that the Director of hblic Works had suggest-. ed that the 35' foot radius right-of-my be used instead of the 42 feet. In view of the foregoing Co~issioner Crisp requested this be conti~ued until after the recess to give the Comission ti~ to discuss this mtter with ~. Riley. RECESS ~RECO~E~ After consultations during the recess, Comissioner Crisp moved, seconded by C~issioner Kellums that the Subdivision Co~ittee report of 23 AuSust 1965 relative to SDR-590, Pearl C. Saunders, 2 lots on Live Oak hne, be amended under Specific Condition (F) to read as follows: "F. Construct a 32 foot radius turnaround ou 35 foot radius right- of-my at the easterly terminues of the access road, as approved by Director of Public Works, using double seal coat oil and screenings or better on 6 inch base rock." and that the report be adopted as amended and the tentative mp (Exhibit "A", f~led 12 August 1965) be approved subject to the conditions set forth in said report~ motion carried unanimously. Chalrmn Norton extended a welcome to Mesdames Parker and Stark of the Good Govern- ment Group and expressed appreciation for the coffee served at recess. IV. DESIGN REVIEW A. A-152 - Wellsire, lnc., ~ospect Avenue - Fill Design Approval - Comer- cial Buildin~ ~e applicant ~s present but had no count to mke at this time. Co~issiouer Cowley, on be~lf of the Design Review Co~ittee, requested this mtter be continued until the next regular meeting, because there were st~ll some questions in regard to the parking facilities. Chairmn Norton se directed. -4- Plannin~ Commission Minutes - August 23, 1965 V. CITf COUNCIL REPORT The Secretary artended the City Council meeting and gave a brief report on action taken at the meeting of 18 August 1965. VI. NEW BUSINESS Ordinance NS-3.11 - Proposed Amendmept to Ordinance NS-3 Relating to Certain Definitions and-the Keeping of Horses 1. The Secretary stated that through court action it was found that the Zoning Ordinance does not very clearly define what constitutes the keeping of a horse or horses and that the City Attorney had sent a proposal; which, should be added to the Ordinance. Chairman Norton referred this to the Subdivision Committee for study and a report and continued this until the next regular meeting. 2. The Secretary stated he had a se&ond proposal from the City Attorney that involved regulating the keeping of pets and the number of pets allowed. In this proposal the City Attorney states that there should be something more definlte in the Ordinance pertaining to this matter. Chairman Norton referred this to General Plan Committee for study. VII. OLD BUSINESS A. Fred N. Cummings - Request that '~Equipment Rental" be added to List of Permitted Uses for "C-S" (Commercial Service) Zoning Dis[rict - Continued from August 9~ 1965 The applicant ~ras present but had no further comment. Commissioner Kellumr~ad the report of the Subdivision Committee relative to this matter, reconfmending tha~ "Equipment Rental" be added to Ordinance NS~3 (as a Conditiona!. Use) in the C-S Zoning District. Commissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Commissioner Kellum to add "Equipment Rental" as a Conditional Use under Sectlo~ 7.3~ paragraph C of Ordinance NS-3; motibn carried unanimously. B~ JoSeph Pon- Application for Con~mrcial Zoning on Prospeer Avenue in City of San,Jose The Setr~tary requested withdrawai of this ma~ter, from the agenda, until after action has been taken by the San Jose ~ity PlanninE Commission. VIII. COMMUNICATIONS A. WRITTEN 1. SD-567 - lama Serena Development Company, inc., Prospect Avenue - Request for Reconsideration The Secretary read a letter from Shean and Associates requesting reconsider- ation of the requirement that a bond be posted, By the developer, for one- half the cost of the railroad crossing for a period not to exceed ten years as set forth under Condition 13 in the Subdivision Committee Report of 12 July 1965. After discussion Chairman Norton directed this continued until the next meeting and referred it to the Subdivision Co.uuittee for study and a report at that time. 2. SDR-440 - Shannon Li~htfoot~ Sprinter Avenue - Request for Extension The Secretary read a letter requesting an extension of sixty (60) days in connection with SDR-440. -5- Planning Conmission Minutes - .~uguet 23..~965 VII!. A. 2. SDR-440 - ~hapnon LiSDtfoot. Springer Avenue After a brief discussion, Commissioner Kellum moved, seconded by Commissioner McFall, that an extensiqn of sixty (60) days from the p~csent date of expiration be granted in connection with SDR-440; motion carried unanimously. B. ORAL IX. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Norton declared the meeting adjourned at 9:10 P. M. Respectfully submitted, · / .~ Stanley M. Walker, gecretary Saratoga Planning Commission -6-