HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-08-1965 Planning Commission Minutes SI~4ARY OF IilNUTES
TII~: Monday, 8 November 1965, 7:30 P. M.
PLACE: City Council Chambers, Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, California
TYPE: Regular Meetin~
~e meetin~ was called =o order by CMi~n Norcon'at 7:38 F. M.
A. R~L C~L
Present: C~issioners Cowley, Johnson, Kell~ Hchll, a~ Norton.
Absent: Co~issioners Crisp and O~rke.
~. ~S
1. 11 ~c~obar 1~ ....................................
Comissioner Cowley moved, seconded by Comissioner Johnson,
Chat ~he readi~ of the minutes of I1 October 1965 be waived '"
and ~hat the minutes be spproved as submitted ~o ~he Co~is- "
sion; ~ion carried u~n~usly.
2. 25 October 196~
Co~issioner Johnson mved, seconded by Comissioner NcFatl,
that the reading o~ the minu~es of 25 October 1965 be waived
aM ~ha~ the minutes be approved subJec~ to the following
Page 3...~CESS ~ ~CO~E~...Cha~e ~his paragraph ~o read
as follows:
Chai~n Norton extended a welc~e to Councilran ~ler,
~rs. Parker a~ ~r. Kauf~ of the ~od Govermen~
Group, aM Hrs. O~cenberg of the League of ~omen Voters.
~ also expressed apprec~ion for the coffee se~ed by
Hrs. Pa=ke= at recess.
Page 4...I~ IlI-B.; .paragraph I...li~ 1...Gha~e "Co~issioner
Johnson" to
sioner HcFalI".
Plannin~ Co~nission Minutes - 8 November 1965
I. B. 2. Page 6...ITEltVI-C...Omit the existing paragraph and insert the
following under this item:
Conm~issioner Crisp reviewed an amendment proposed by
the Subdivision Committee in connection with Section 3.5
of Ordinance MS-3 (relative to corridor lots).
After discussion, Commissioner McFall suggested that the
word "street" be inserted preceding the word "cul-de-sac"
for the purpose of clarification. The Connnittee con-
concurred with this suggestion and authorized insertion
of the word "street".
Chait~man Norton then directed this matter continued until
the meeting on 8 November 1965.
Page 7...1TEHVl11-A...Insert the following as ItemVIII-A-4:
The Secretary read a letter submitted by Nick Simon,
President of the Saratoga Chamber of Commerce, extending
an invitation to the Cormnission and Staff to attend the
annual meeting of the Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday
evening~ October 26, 1965s at 8:00 P. M.
Page 7...ITgMVIII-A...lnsert the following as Item VIII-A-5:
The Secretary read a communication from the Saratoga
Chamber of Commerce advising that Mr. Jack Purcell of
Purcell Realty had been appointed by the Board of Direc-
tors as their representative to the Planning Commission
meetingss and expressing appreciation for the time and
effort put forth by the Commission on behalf of the City.
Plotion carried unanimously.
The Chairman declared public hearings open for the evening at 7:46 P. H.
A. C-87 - M.V.S. Companys Saratoga Avenue - Request for Change of Zoning
from "A" (Agricultural) to "R-M-4,000 P-C" (Multiple Residen-
tial Planned Community) - Continued from 25 October 1965
The continued hearing on C-87 was resumed at 7:47 P.M. The Secre-
tary 1) read a letter from Dr. and Mrs. John MPRryan filed in support
of the subject application and 2) reviewed a questionaire submitted
by Louise A. Smaha in support of this application.
Flannin~ Co~m~ission Minutes - 8 November 1965
11. A. C-87 - M.V.S.Company
There was no one present who wished to co~nent with regard to this
Chairman Norton (at 7:50 P.M.) directed C-87, M.V.S.Company, con-
tinued until the meeting on 22 November 1965.
B. Ordinance NS-3~ll - Proposed Amendment to Ordinance NS-3 - Clarifying
certain definitions, Adding the definition of
'~UEEPING", Clarifying sections relating to the
keeping of horses in residential districts, and
Adding sections relating to horses for riding
lessons - Continued from 25 Octobe~'1965
The hearing on Ordinance NS-3.11 was resumed at 7:51 P. M. Chairman
Norton briefly reviewed this proposed amendment and the previous dis-
cussion relative to same.
Cormnissioner McFall advised that the joint meeting of the Subdivision
Connittee and the Citizens Connittee (suggested at a previous meeting)
had not yet been arranged.
After discussion,-Chainnan Norton requested that the Planning Director
schedule such a meeting as soon as possible. He then (7:54 P.M.) di-
rected further hearing on Ordinance NS-3.11 continued until the next
regular meeting.
C. C-92 - Columbus-Founders Savings and Loan Association, Wardell Road -
Request for Change of Zoning from '~-1-15,000" and "R-l-40,000"
(Single Family Residential) to '~-1-20,000" (Single Family Resi-
dential} - Continued from 25 October 19~..
The hearing on C-92 was re-opened at 7:55 P. M. The Secretary advised
that nothing further had been filed in connection with this application.
The applicant's representative was present and advised that new maps ....
were being prepared and would be filed within the week.
............... Gha'irman'Norto~'(7:57 PZMj)7 on the"ba'sis of th~'foregoing~"direcf~d
C-92, Columbus-Founders Savings and Loan Associations continued
until the meeting on 22 November 1965.
~lanninM Conu~ission Minutes - 8 November 1965
II. D. V-263 - Kieth Sicgrist, Portos Drive - Request for Variance in connec-
tion with Street-Side Setback Requirement and Site Area Re-
quirement - Continued from 25 October 1965
The continued hearing on V-263 was resumed at 7:58 P. M. The Secretary
advised that nothing further had been filed in connection with this
The applicant was present to review this request and the tentative map
(SDR-603) filed in conjunction with same with the Counnission.
Co~issioner Johnson read the report of the Variance Connnittee rela-
tive to V-263, recommending that same be denied.
Couunissioner Kellum observed that there was another access to the
property covered by SDR-603 but that development would be costly
since the creek would have to be bridged.
After further discussion, Commissioner Kellum moved, seconded by Com- -.-
missioner McFall, that the hearing on V-263 be closed; motion carried
unanimously and the hearing was closed at 8:01 P.M.
It was moved by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner
Kellem that the V~riance Committee Report of 8 November 1965 relative
5o V-263 be approved and that the.Variance be denied for the reasons
set forth in said reportl motion carried unanimously.
B. SDK-603 - Kieth Sicgrist, Pottoe Drive - Building Site Approval -
4 Lots - Continued from 25 October 1965
In view of the action on V-263, Mr, Sicgrist requested that SDR-603
(filed in conjunction wit~ V-263) be withdrawn.
Chairman Norton, with concurrence of the Commission~ granted the appli-
cant's request.
II. B. C-93 - John B. Jessup, Big Basin Way - Request for Change of Zoning
from "K-M-4,000-X" (Multiple Residential) to "R-M-3,000 P-C"
~ultiple Residential Planned Community)
The hearing on C-93 was opened at 8:04 P.M. The Secretary advised
that a Notice of Hearing had been published and there were no written
con~nunications on file.
The applicant was present and, in his discussion with the Commission,
gave the following information: 1) a CondeminiemPlanned Community
was planned for the subject 20 acres 2) two-story town-house units
~l.anninE Cor~nission Minutes - 8 November 1965
11. E. 9-93 - John B. Jessup
were proposed with from one to 12 units in each building 3) a total
of 154 units were proposed, together with a community buildinS, pool,
and other park-like amenities 4) R-M-3,000 P-C zoning had been re-
quested originally so that a motel could be included in the develop-
ment, but plans for the motel had been dropped and R-M-4,000 P-C
zoning was now being requested 5) the topography of the property. did_
not lend itself well to a life-care retirement center, but their
' thinking was oriented toward a type of retirement center even though
occupancy would not be restricted and 6) a three-year program was
planned with the first units being developed adjacent to the creek.
In answer to questions from members of the Comission, Mr. Jessup fur-
ther advised 1) a feasibility study had bean made 2) the application
of the M.V.S.Company had been taken into account 3) present plans
were for the first phase to consist of units of approximately 1600
square feet that would sell for about $35,000 and 4) they wanted to
remain flexible enough to have units of up to 2400 square feet that
would sell for as much as $50,000 iu the later phases of construction
if units of this size were in demand.
After further discussion, Chairman Norton (at 7:23 P.M.) directed C-93
continued until the next regular meeting and referred same to the Sub-
division Cor~nitEeq for_stud~ and a reports-- -
'F. V-264 - Vern L. Adair, Prospect Avenue - Request for Variance in con-
nection with Permitted Sign Area
' The public hearing on V-264 was opened at 8:24 P. M. The Secretary
1) advised that Notices of Hearing had been mailed and 2) read a com-
munication filed by Mrs. Elsie Patrick, adjacent property owner, in
support of the subject application.
The applicant was present but stated that he had no couchant at this
There was no one else present who wished to speak with regard to this
matter. ----
Cor~nissioner Johnson read the Staff Report relative to V-264, recom-
mending that this variance be granted, and stated that the Variance
Committee concurred with this report~
After discussion, CommissiOner Kellummoved, seconded by Co~m~issioner
Cowlay, that the hearir~ on V-264 be closed; motion carried unanimously
and the hearin~ was closed at 8:31 P. M.
~l.annin~ Commission Minutes - 8 November 1965
II. F. V-264 - Vern L. Adair
Commissioner Johnson moved, seconded by Commissioner Kellum, that
V-264, Vern L. Adair, application for variance in connection with
permitted sign area, be granted as recommended in the Staff Report
of 8 November 1965 relative to this matter; motion carried
Chairman Norton declared public hearings closed for the evening at 8:33 P.M.
A. SD-592 - Western Hills Investment Comeany, Pierce Road - Subdivision -
26 Lots - Continued from 25 October 1965
Commissioner Kellum 1) advised that the Committee had been informed
that the requested site development plans would be submitted prior to
the next meeting and 2) recommended that this application be con-
tinued until the meeting on 22 November 1965.
Chairman Norton so directed.
B. SDR-603 - Kieth Sicgrist, Portos prive - Building-Site Approval - 4 Lot~ -
... Continued fro~'25 OctOber 1965
See Page 4.
C. SD-605 - }hven IpNcstment Company, Wardell Court - Subdivision - 7 Lots
The applicant was present and expressed no objections to the proposed
conditions of approval.
Cormnissioner Kellum moved, seconded by Commissioner McFall, that the
Subdivision Conmittee Report of 8 November 1965 relative to SD-605,
Haven Investment Company, be adopted and that the tentative map (Exhi-
bit A-l, filed 8 November 1965) be approved subject to the conditions
set forth in said report; motion carried unanimously.
IV. A. A-195 - Clarence Nealc, Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road - Preliminary Design
Review - Commercial Buildin~ - Continued from 25 October 1965
Cormnissioner Cowley reviewed new plans showing a reduction in the size
of the building and a new parking lay-out, and 1) advised that the
Committee felt that the indicated 28 spaces should be considered a
minimum for the development of this property 2) stated that it appeared
Plannln~ Commission Minutes - 8 November 1965
IV. A. A-195 - Clarence Neale
that these spaces could be provided within the area of the applicant's
property 3) advised that the applicant now had a second access to the
property and 4) observed that the applicant had been extremely coopera-
tive in trying to work out the problems involved with development of
this property.
After discussion, Commissioner Cowley ~ved, seconded by Cormnissioner
Johnson, that preliminary design approval be granted A-19S, Clarence W.
Neale, for the commercial building sho~m on Exhibit '~-1"; motion car-
ried unanimously.
B. A-196 - Quito Shopping Center, Cox Avenue - Final Design Review - Identi-
fipation SiMn - Continued from 25 October 1965
Commissioner Cowlcy advised that there had been no further communication
with reference to this matter, so recommended that same be continued.
The Secretary suggested the possibility of removing A-196 from the agenda
until the applicant indicated that he was rhady to proceed further.
In view of the foregoing, Chairman Norton, with concurrence of the Com-
mission, directed A-196 continued off the agenda until the applicant
came in with a further proposal.
C. A-~00 - Paul Fla~gan, Big Basin Way, Final Design Review - Retail Store -
Continued from 25 October 196S
Commissioner Cowley briefly reviewed this matter and advised that the
Coranittce 1) had met with the applicant ~o discuss the parking situa-
tion and 2) was willing to reco~end approval of the proposed parking
arrangemen~ for the existing house for a period of one year providing
that if the parking district has not been approved at the. end of that
period of time, the subject lot will be developed as parking for the
applicant's other property.
After further discussion, Conm~issioner Cowley moved, seconded by Cormnis-
sioner Kellum, ~hat final design approval be granted A-200 on the basis
of Exhibit "A" for a period of one year, subject to the specific condi-
tion that if the parking district is not in effect at the h~d' of-this-one-
year period, the property covered by the subject application is to be
vacated and developed as parking for Mr. Flanagan's other property and the
intervening business; motion carried unanimously.
D. A-201 - Vern L. Adair, Prospect Avenue - Final Design Review - Sign
After a review of this application, Commissioner Cowicy moved, seconded
by Commissioner Johnson, that A-201, Vern L, Adair, be granted final
design approval of the identification sign shown on Exhibit "A"; motion
carried unanimously.
PlanninE Commission Minutes - 8 November 1965
The Secretary gave a brief report on action taken at the City Council
meeting on 3 November 1965 with emphasis on items of particular interest
to the Commission.
A. Proposed Amendment to Section 3.5 of Ordinance NS-3 Relating to Cor-
ridor Lots - Continued from 25 October 1965
After a brief review of this matter by Commissioner Kellum, Chairman
Norton directed that the Secretary set this proposed amendment for
hearing at the first meeting in December.
B. Proposed Chan~e in Existing Permitted Uses in C-S (Cormnercial Service)
Zoning District and Additions Thereto - Continued from
25 October 1965
Commissioner Kellum brought to the attention of the Commission a re-
vised Subdivision Comnittee Report which had been placed in each of
the Commissioner's folders. After a review of this report, it was the
consensus of the Commission that an informal hearing should be held on
this matter.
After further discussion, Chairman Norton directed that the Secretary
set an informal hearing on this matter for the meeting on December 13,
Chairman Norton acknowledged the presence of l'[rs. Owens of the Good
Government Group and Mrs. Ottenberg of the League of Women Voters.
He also expressed appreciation for the coffee served by Mrs. Owens at
The Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 9:20 P. M.
Stanley M. Walker, Secretary
v Saratoga Planning Commission