HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-10-1966 Planning Commission Minutes SUMMARY OF MINUTES
TIME: Monday, l0 January 1966, 7:30 P. M.
PLACE: City Council Chambers, Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, California
TYPE: Regular Meeting
-. The mee=ing was called to order. by Chairman Norton at 7:30 P. M.
.. Present: Commissioners Cowley, Crisp, Johnson, Kellum, Norton and McFall.
Absent: Commissioner O'Rorke.
Commissioner McFall moved, seconded by Connnissioner Johnson,
the reading of the minutes of 27 December 1965 be waived and that
the minutes be approved as distributed to the Commission; motion
carried unanimously.
Chairman Norton opened nominations for officers for the coming year.
Commissioner Crisp nominated Commissioner Norton as Chairman of
Commission for 1966. Commissioner Cowley moved, seconded by Com-
missioner Johnson, that nominations be closed; motion carried with
Commissioner Norton abstaining. It was moved by Commissioner Crisp
and seconded by Commissioner Kellum that the Secretary be directed
to record a unanimous ballot for Commissioner Norton as Chairman of
the Commission for 1966; motion carried wi=h Commissioner Nor=on
Commissioner Crisp nominated Commissioner Johnson as Vice Chairman
of the Commission for 1966. Commissioner CowIcy moved, seconded by
Commissioner McFall, =hat nominations be closed; motion carried with
Commissioner Johnson abstaining. It was moved by Commissioner Crisp
and seconded by Commissioner Kellum that the Secretary be directed
to record a unanimous ballot for Commissioner Johnson as Vice Chair-
man of the Commission for'1966; motion carried with Commissioner
Johnson abstaining.
Plannin~ Commission Minutes - 10 January.1966 - Continued
i. C. Commissioner Cowley nominated Stanley Walker, Planning Director, as
Secretary of the Commission for 1966. Commissioner Crisp moved,
seconded by Commissioner Cowley, that nominations be closed; motion
carried unanimously. It was moved by Consnissioner Cowley and
seconded by Commissioner. Johnson that the Secretary be directed to
record a unanimous ballot for Stanley Walker as Secretary of the
Commission for 1966; motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Crisp, moved, 'seconded 'by Commissioner Cowley, that the
Commission bestow a' ~pecial commendation upon Stanley Walker and
(Mrs.) Evelyn Voges, Commission Secretary and Recording Secretary,
for their efficient and w,illing assistance during the past year;
motion ca~r'ied unanimously. Commissioner Cowley suggested that this
motion of special commendation be brought to the attention of the
City Council.. Chairman Norton, with concurrence of the Commission,
so directed.
Before makinS the committee appointments for 1966, Chairman Norton
observed 1) Commissioner Cowley had announced plans to retire from
the Commission in March of 1966 (after servin~ for four years)
2) Commissioner McFall had advised that he would be absent for some
time because of a trip abroad 3) Commissioner Crisp was entitled
to some relief from the lon~ and heavy load he had been carrying
and 4) it was necessary to .take all of this into consideration in
appointing the committees for the coming year. The following com-.
mittees were then appointed by the Chairman: .~.
Commissioner Kellum, Chairman Commissioner O'Rorke, Chairman
Commissioner Crisp. "" Commissioner Cowley
Commiss loner Johnson Commis s loner McFal 1
Commissioner Crisp, Chairman Commissioner Cowley, Chairman
Commissioner Johnson Commissioner O 'Rorke
Commissioner McFall Commissioner-Kellum
"With reference to the General Plan Committee, Chairman Norton com--
mented 1) it would be necessary to appoint a new chairman, of
course, when Commissioner Cowley retired 2) by that time, there
should be some indication from the City Council as to whether plans
for a major review of the General Plan would be resumed in 1966 and
3) this would determine the Committee's workload and the available
time required of the Chainnan~
Plannin~ Commission Minutes - 10 January 1966 - Continued
Chairman Norton declared pubric hearings open for the evening at 7:39 P,M,
A. Ordinance NS-3.11 - Proposed Amendment to Ordinance NS-3 - Clarifying
certain definitions, Adding the definition of
'~{eeping", Clarifying sections relat.ing to the
keepin~ of horses in residential districts, and
..]Adding sections relating to horses for riding
lessons - Continued from 27 December 1965
The continued hearing"'on .Ordinance NS-'3.11 was resumed at 7:40 P. M.
Commissioner Crisp advised that the Subdivision Committee had dis-
cussed this matter with Mr. Teerlink (attorney representing the
Citizens Committee) and Mr. Johnson (Saratoga City Attorney) in the
afternoon and it was agreed that perhaps it would be better to 1)
enact a separate ordinance relative to horses and 2) eliminate from
Ordinance NS-3 any= reference to horses except 'to indicate that they
are permitted and give a specific reference to the separate ordinance.
He also advised that it was further agreed that an ordinance based on
the Woodside Ordinance appeared appropriate for Saratoga, and it was
the recommendation of the Committee that 1) such an ordinance be pre-
pared 2) the proposed· ordinance be submitted to Mr. Teerlink for re-
view and 3) the final draft then be presented to the Commission. In
answer to a question from Chairman Norton, Commissioner Crisp con-
firmed that this would eliminate the need for Ordinance NS-3.11 (pro-
posed amendment to Ordinance NS-3 relating to horses) by replacin~ it
with a more detailed ordinance.
Commissioner Kellum explained that it had proven quite difficult to
try to cover this matter adequately by revisin~ Ordinance NS-3.
After discussion, the Commission approved, in principle, a separate .
ordinance regulating horses, and Chairman Norton, with concurrence of
the Commission, referred the matter of drafting the new ordinance to
the Subdivision Committee.
Commissioner Crisp then moved, seconded by Commissioner McFall~ that
the public hearing on proposed Ordinance NS-3.11 be terminated with-·
out Commission action; motion carried unanimously.
Plannin~ Commission Minutes - 10 January 1965 - Continued
II. B. V-265 - John Lyngso, Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road - Request for Variance
in connection with Rear Yard Setback Requirements and Front
Yard Setback Requirements - Continued from 27 December 1965
The public hearing on V-265 was re-opened at 7:49 P. M. The Secre-
tary advised that nothing further had been added to the file with
the exception of additional plans submitted by the applicant.
Warren Held, applicant's.architec~ called attention to the new drawings
and explained that t~ey reflected changes in the parking layout and
showed the frontage road.
Ronald K. ~indsay .of Calson Properties, Inc., owners of three lots at
the rear of the.subject nursery, expressed concern with regard to the
proposal to construct a 12 foot wall along the rear property line of
the nursery. He requested that 1) a 10 foot setback be required at
least to the rear setback line of Lot 24, preferably to the rear lot
line 2) the 10 foot setback be landscaped and maintained 3) that the
height of the wall be restricted to 8 feet in the area in which the
.- 10 foot setback was required and 4) the height of the balance of the
wall be restricted to 10 feet.
Mr. Heid explained 1)'an 8 foot wall would be impractical 2) it was
their feeling that a well designed wall would be less unsightly than a
view of the rear of the nursery, that the wall would serve as both a
visual barrier and a sound barrier and 3) it was his understanding in'
talking to Mr. Lindsay and his son that the requests they had'made had
been complied with.
Mr. Lyngso commented 1) he was embarrassed about the condition of
this property and would like to clean it up and make it look as pre-
sentable as possible 2) he had little interest in Manor Drive since
he had not wanted the street,.no one wan'ted his trucks to.use it, and
he had an access for his trucks on the front of the property and 3)
a uniform 10 foot high ceiling was needed in the storage building to
properly handle the equipment..
At the suggestion of Commissioner Crisp, Chairman Norton temporarily
closed the hearing on V-265 at 7:58 P. M. and directed same continued
until Item III of the agenda had been completed to give Messrs. Lindsay,
Lyngso and Held a chance to read the report of the Variance Committee
relative to this application so that .the proposed conditions could be ..
discussed. .
At 7:59 P. M. Chairman Norton declared public hearings closed for the
evening with the exception of V-265 which had been deferred until later
in the evening...
Plannin~ Commission Minutes ~ 10 January 1966 - Continued
A. SD-607 - Douglas Hines, Pierce Road - Subdivision - 5 Lots - Continued from 27 December 1965
Commissioner Crisp advised 1) the applicant was in the process of re-
vising his plans 2) a letter.granting an extensio~ of time for action
on the tentative map had been submitted and 3) in view of this, it
was the reco~nendation of the Subdivision Committee that this matter
be continued until the next regular meeting.
Chairman Norton so directed.
B.. SDR-609 - John LynEso, Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road - Building Site Approval 1 Lot - Continued from 27 December 1965
Commissioner Crisp suggested that this matter be continued until the
Variance Con~nittee Report relative to V-265 had'been discussed and
action had been t~ken on this application.
On the basis of this suggestion, Chairman Norton directed SDR-609 con-._.
tinued until. later in the evening, following further discussion of
A-204 - Robert H.' Green, Big Basin Way - Preliminary Design Review ..... Con-
version of Apartment Building to Con~nercial Building - Continued
from 27 December 1965
Commissioner Johnson advised 1) the Design Review Committee had met with
the applicant 2) the Committee was satisfied with the applicant's reasons
for applying at this time 3) the City Administrator had advised that for-
mation of the Parking District was not as far in the future as had been
anticipated by the Commission and '4) it was the recommendation ofthe Com-
mittee that preliminary design approval be granted.
After discussion Commissioner Johnson moved, seconded by Commissioner Crisp,
that preliminary design approval be granted A-204, Robert M. Green, on the
basis of Exhibit '~"' motion carried unanimously. ..
I1. B. V-265 - John Lyn~so
The continued hearing on V-265 was re-opened at 8:04 P. M.
Mr. ~eid, with reference to Condition '~" of the Variance Committee
Report, inquired about the possibility-of modifying this condition (for
the purpose of clarification) to deny access to Manor Drive for double-
bottomed dump trucks in lieu.of permitting access for passenger vehicles
and small trucks.
Plannin~ Commission Minutes - 10 January 1966 - Continued
_ 11. B. V-265 - John Lyngso
Mr. Lindsay requested that Condition '~" of the Variance Committee
'Report be modified to require .a 10 foot. setback (in connection with
the proposed wall). to the rear wall of the house instead 0f re-
quiring it for the depth of the front yard of the lot.
After discussion Chairman'Norton (8:16 P.M.), with concurrence of
the Con~nission, directed V-265 continued until the next regular
meeting with a request that" the applicant, his architect, and
Lindsay m~ with ~he' Variance ComiEtee prior =o that ~e to try
~o find an a~reeable solution to ~his problem.
1II. B. SDR-609 - John Lyn~so
thaiman Norton directed SDR-609 continued until ~he n~ regular
mee=i~ since no action had been ~aken in connection with V-265~
Variance application f~led in conjunction with SDR-609.
V. C1~ ~C~ ~PORT
Since minu~es of the City Council ~eti~ on 5 Jan~ry 1966 had alr~dy
been distributed, the Gomission conchred that a further report on the
meetin~ would not be necessary.
A. .q-90 - To~ & Country Realty, Cox and SaratoEa Avenues - City Council
Request for Recomendation on'Revised Application - Continued
from 27 December 1965
~e Secretary advised that the'applicant had submitted new plans in
keepi~ with the Medical .VillaEe requir~ents.
· Comissioner Crisp (on'behalf of the Subdivision Comittee) requested
1) that C-90 be' continued until the next reEular meetinE a~ .2) that
the DesiEn Review Comittee study the subject plans and submit its
coments to the Subdivision Comittee prior to that time.
Durin~ the discussion that followed, the Secretary obse~ed that pla~
for the various bulldinEs in the Medical VillaEe had not been submitted
in connection 'with the application for Gha~e of Zonin~ but had re-
ceived desiSn approval individ~lly under separate applications as the
'various o~ers were ready to build..
Plannin~ Commission Minutes - 10 January 1966 - Continued
VII. A. C-90 - Town& Country Realty
Chairman Norton 1) commented that.the Commission seemed willing to
recommend the same zoning and restrictions for this property as had
been given the Medical Village subject to receipt of acceptable plans
and 2) suggested that the Secretary be advised of any additional
exhibits needed (Such as the specifications mentioned by Commissioner
Cowley) so that same 'could be obtained from the applicant. He then
directed C-90 continued until the. hext regular meeting with a request
that the Design ReVfew Committee review the subject plans and submit
its comments to the Subdivision Committee prior to that time.
.B. SDR-440 -"Shannon Ligh'tf~ot, Springer Avenue - Request for Extension -
Continued from 27 December 1965
Commissioner Crisp suggested that this matter be continued until the
next regular meeting since 1) the Committee had requested that
P.G.& E. review these two sites (in connection with a possible re-
quirement for underground utilities) and 2) a report from P.G.& E.
had not yet been received.
Chairman Norton so directed.
C. General Plan - City Council Request for Clarification of Item I-A-1
of General Plan Committee Report (adopted as Commission
recommendation) relative to 1965 Review of General Plan
The Secretary explained that at the last City CoUncil meeting the
Mayor had requested that the Planning Commission clarify Item I-A-1 of
the General Plan Committee Report which was transmitted to the Council
as the recommendation of .the Commission.
Commissioner Kellum explained 1) the Committee had purposely left this
part of the report flexible 2) it had, however, proven difficult for ....
the Council to interpret 3) the original General Plan had indicated a
medium high density area along Saratoga Avenue in the area of Cox Avenue
4) this had been changed at.a later date to indicate single family resi-
dential and 5) some of the circumstances which had prompted this change
were no longer. present. He then.called attention to a proposed modifi-
cation of Item I-A-1 of the General Plan Committee Report and explained
that it 1) had been drafted after. a meeting with the Planning Commit-
tee of the. Council and .2) was the recommendation of the General:Plan
Commissioner Cowley stated that while he had mixed emotions about this
matter, he could offer no better solution with respect to an alternate
land use for.this property.
Commissioner Kellum observed that it should be made clear that the
General Plan does not dictate the zoning. He explained that if the
General Plan was changed, it would only mean that the area .could be
rezoned without violating the General Plan.
Plannin~ Commission Minutes - 10 ·January 1966 - Continued
VII. C. General Plan
During the discussion that followed, the General Plan Committee. direc-
ted that the word '~najor" be omitted from the recommendation in the
proposed modification. ..
Commissioner Kellum moved, seconded by Commissioner Crisp, that the
proposed amendment to Item I-A-1 of the General Plan Committee Report
be approved, as modified, that it be forwarded to the Council in com-
pliance with the MayOr's'request. for clarification, and that the
General P.lan Committee Report be modified accordingly; motion carried
D.. A-195 - Clarence Neale,' Sar..ato~a-Sunnyvale Road
Commissioner Cowley observed that the parking for Mr. Neal's property
had been approved subject to the garage to the north being eliminated
and the area of the garage being used for parking.
After discussion, Chairman Norton directed that the Planning Director
check into the matter of Mr. Neale's compliance with this condition.
1. SDR-541 - Thomas L. Wallace~ Saratoga Avenue - Request for Extension
The Secretary advised that Mr. Wallace had filed a letter reques-
ting an extension in conneUtion with SDR-541.
After discussion, Commissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Conmmissioner
McFall, that an extension of one year from the present date of ex-
piration be granted in connection with SDR-541; motion car~'ied
2. SDR-544 - Charles Wynn~ .Pike. Road - Request for Extension
The Secretary advised that a .ietter requesting an extension in
nection with SDR-544 had been filed, and suggested that this.matter
be continued for further review.
Chairman Norton directed SDR-544 continued until the meeting on 24
January 1966.
1. The Secretary advised that he had not yet furnished the Design Re-
view Committee with the needed information relative to the parking
study (in connection with the requirements of Ordinance NS-3), but
that the work was progressing and would be completed soon. ~!
Plannin~ Commission Minutes - 10 January 1966 - Continued
VIII. B.' 2. Chairman Norton acknowledged, with pleasure, the presence of Court-
· cilman Bu.rry, Mrs.. Owens and Mr. Metcalf of the .Good Government
Group, and Mrs. 'Ottenberg of the League of Women Voters.
Chairman Norton declared the meeting adjourned at 8:45 P. M.
"' Respectfuli ' ' ' , ~
Stanley M. Walker, Secretary
Saratoga Planning Con~nission