HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-25-1966 Planning Commission Minutes Sb~R;h~l~Y OF MINUTES
TLME: Monday, 25 July 1966, 7:30 P. M.
PLACE: City Council Chamoers,'Fruitvale Avenue~ Saratoga, California
TYPE: Regular Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Norton at 7:30 P. M.
Present: Coxmuissioners Crisp~ johnson, Keliu_m, Norton and O~Rorke.
Absent: Corzf=issioners Kasner and McFall.
Co~m~issioner johnson moved, seconded by Con~nissioner O'Rorke, that
the reading of the minutes of 1! July 1966 be waived and that the
minutes be approved as distributed to the Co~mission; motion car-
ried unanimously.
A. V-280 - Bell-Scott Developers, Bank Mill Road - Request for Variance
in connection with Front Yard Setback Requirement - Continued
from 1! July 1966
The public hearing on V-280 was re-opened at 7:34 P. M. The Secre-
tary briefly reviewed this n~atter and advised that nothing further
had been added to the file.
There was no one present to represent the applicant and no one in the
audience who wished to con~ment with regard to this application.
Commissioner Keilum explained that the proposed location of the house
did not coincide ~ith that shown on the approved site development
plan and, after discussion, suggested that V-280 be continued until
the next regular meeting to allow adequate t~ne for preparation of a
revised site development plan or another solution to the problem.
Chairman Norton so directed (7:36 P.M.).
B. UP-ill - Church of jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Allendale Ave-
nue- Request for Use Permit for Church
The public hearing on UP-!!! was opened at 7:37 P. M. The Secretary
advised that Notices of Hearing had been mailed and there were no
written co~r.munications on file. He then briefly reviewed the sub-
ject application.
Mr. Grant B. Rowe, realtor~ introduced Bishop Carl E. Nelson who was
present to represent the Church. Bishop Nelson expressed apprecia-
tion for the courtesy extended by the Planning Director and other mem-
ct~.~.f ~
bers of the ~ ¢~= in connection with the filing o= this app!ication~
and in discussing this matter with the Cormmission advised !) the mem-
bers of the Church are familiar with the Saratoga General Plan and in
complete agreement with same 2) the Church has 879 members, 80% of
whom reside in Saratoga 3) the proposed site consists of more than
seven acres 4) the total seating capacity of the Church will be about
400 and 5) 193 parking spaces are indicated on the present plans and
additional parking for over-flow use is' being contemplated.
Plannin,~ Commission Minutes - 25 July 1966 - Continued
!I. B. UP-Ill - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Cormmissioner Crisp advised that he and Com~issioner KellLu~ had visited
the site and felt that the location would be quite appropriate for a
church. He observed, however, that additional parking would no doubt
be needed, especially since only one service was planned.
Co~aissioner O'Rorke suggested cooperation with St. Michae!s Church
in scheduling the time of services in view of the proximity of the two
churches and the possible traffic congestion on Allendale Avenue.
Messrs. A. L. [~nsen of Dolphin Drive and Frank Yore of Pottoe Drive
inquired about underground utilities and parking requirements and were
advised I) utilities would go undergroun~ only to the nearest existing
pole and 2) adequate parking would be provided.
After further discussion, Chairman Norton (7:57 P.M.) directed '0'P-11!
continued until the next regular meeting and referred same to the Sub-
division Conm~ittee for study and a report at that time.
C. V-281 - RoberE L. Lavender, Gernei! Court - Request for Variance in
connection with Rear Yard Setback Requirement
~e public hearing on V-28! was opened at 7:58 P. M. ~e Secretary
advised that Notices of Hearing had been mailed and there were no writ-
ten comanunications on file. He then briefly reviewed this application.
l~ae applicant was present to discuss this request for a variance with
the Conunission.
Commissioner Crisp advised that the Variance Com~ittee had already made
an on-site inspection and the Con~nittee Report could be completed prior
to the ne}:t regular meeting.
After further discussion, Chairman Norton (8:00 P. K.) directed V-28!
continued until the meeting on 8 August 1966 and referred same to the
Variance Cor,~anittee for further review and a report at that time.
A. SDR-630 - W.'Austin Eimore~ Canyon View Drive - Building Site Approval -
I Lot - Continued from i! july 1966
B. SDR-636 - Roman T. Chavez~ Canyon View Drive - Building Site Approval -
! Lot -- Continued from i! ju!v 1966
C. SDR-638 - Walter E. Hileman, Peach Hill Road - Building Site Approval -
! Lot - Continued from ii july 1966
Since the additional information needed in connection with these appli-
cations had nc, t yet been submitted~ Chairman Norton directed !) SDR-630
and SDR-636 co~tin'c, ed until the ~.~xt r~o-u]~r ~,~e~{n¢ and 2~ SDR-638
continued until the meeting on 22 August 1966. Chai~an Norton also
quested that the Secretary contact these applicants and remind them that
unless the applications were pursued with due diligence the Con~ission
might find it necessary to deny them.
D. SDR-646 - Samuel E, Pace, Saratoga-Los Gatos Road - Building Site Appro-
vai - ! Lot - Continued from 11Ju!v 1966
The applicant was present and protested Condition i!-C ('-~quzr~ng an
offer of dedication) on tba basis that he had no agreement with the
previous owner to dedicate property along the street frontage of the
residual parcel.
P!annin~ CoFa~ission Minutes - 25 july 1966 - Continued
i!i. D. SDR-646- Sa~e! E. Pace
After a discussion of this requirement~ Chairman Norton, at the appli~
cantos request, directed SDR-646 continued until the next regular
meeting to allow time for consultation with the previous owner rela-
tive to this Fatter.
E. SDR-648 - Dr. Colin Beaton, E1 Camino Grande - Building Site Approval -
! Lot
Mr. Ted Shebs, representing the applicant, explained that Condition
it-C (relative to the widening of E1 Camino Grande) would place the
improvement against the utility poles. After discussion, the Building
Site Conmxittee directed that "as required by the Director of Public
Works" be added at the end of Condition ii-C to permit flexibility in
the placement of the additional improvement within the right-of-way.
Mr. Shebs then expressed satisfaction with this condition.
Condition !!-D was then questioned by Mr. Shebs. He explained that
access to the subject site would be from E1 Camino Grande and that
improvement of the frontage on both streets would be a heavy burden
for the applicant. He also questioned the advantage of having only
this portion of Sunnyside Drive improved.
After discussion, Cbai_nnan Norton, at the app!icant's request~ directed
SDR-648 continued until the next regular meeting to allow adequate
time for Mr. Shebs to discuss this matter with the Director of Public
F. SDR-649 - Henry Miller, Fruitvale Avenue - Building Site Approval -
i Lot
The applicant was not present, but the .Secretary advised that he was
aware of the proposed conditions of approval and had expressed satis-
faction with same.
After discussion, the Building Site ConLmittee directed that the Buil-
ding Site Com_mittee Report be modified as follows:
1. Delete the ~:i~OTE" following Condition i2-E.
2. Add the following as Condition
"If the e~'-~isting drive to the property in the rear is used
for access to this site~ it shall be improved to minimur:~
access road standards (18 feet in width, using double seal
coat oil and screenings on 6 inch base rock)."
Com'-~issioner Crisp moved~ seconded by Con~_missioner Ke!lum, that the
Building Site Cc~r~ittee Report of 25 july 1966 relative to SDR-649,
Henry Miller, be adopted~ as modified, and that the tentative m~p
(Exhibit "A'~, filed 15 July 1966) be approved subject to the condi-
tions set forth in said report; raotion carried unanimously.
A. A-222 - Manuel Lozano, Prospect Road - Preliminary Design Review -
Car Wash - Continued from I! July 1966
Con~nissioner O~Rorke advised that revised plans had not yet been
submitted and that no further information had been received with
respect to the request before the Board of Supervisors. in view
of this~ he suggested that A-222 be continued until the next regu-
lar meeting and that the Secretary be requested to contact the ap-
plicant prior to that time.
Chainan Norton so directed.
Planning Commission Minutes - 25 july 1966 - Continued
iV. Bo A-226 - Dr. john Oiiver~ Saratoga-Sunnyvaie Road - Preliminary Design
Review - Comm~erciai Buildin~ - Continued from !! July i966
Coma~issioner OvRorke advised that the Co~rm~ittee had reviewed tlhe plans
for the proposed building and felt that further attention should be
given to both egress and parking before approval was recon~mended. He
explained that egress from the area of the new building was shown on
the plans as an easement on the adjacent property and the Conm~ittee
felt that arrangements for this easement should be formalized on a per-
petual basis prior to approval. With regard to the parking, he advised
that the Comm~ittee felt that adequate parking was not being provided
for all the possible uses that might occupy this building. He then
suggested that both problems could be solved by reducing the size of
the building.
Dr. Oliver suggested that more than the required number of parking
spaces might have been provided in connection with the other building,
and it was decided that this possibility should be explored together
with the possibility of providing parking in the 40-foot setback at the
rear of the 'building.
After further discussion, Chairman Norton directed this matter continued
until the next regular meeting and referred the problem of the parking
ratio to the Staff for a recorr~endation prior to that time.
C. A-227 - Saratoga United Presbyterian Church, Herriman Avenue - Final
DeSignReview - identification Sign
After a brief discussion, Conmissioner O~Rorke moved, seconded by Com~
missioner johnson, that final design approval be granted A-227 as sho~,~.~
on Exhibit ':A"; raotion carried unanimously.
D. A-i65 - Dr. ?iarcus K. Bitter~ Village Drive - Final Design Review -
Medical Buildin~
Commissioner O~Rorke advised that the Co~:~.ittee had reviewed the sub-
ject plans and ~ound them acceptab!e~ subject to elimination of the
wal~ay to Cox Avenue (as indicated on the plans in ink).
After discussion Com~_..issioner O~Rorke moved, seconded by CoFanissioner
Crisp, that final design approval be granted A-!65, Dr. ~,~rcus K. Bitter,
as shown on Exhibit "A-!" as amended; motion carried unanimously..
The Secretary briefly reviewed discussion and action at the City Council
meeting on 20 July 1966 with emi~hasis on items of particular interest to
the CoF=mission.
Irr_,. ~EW BUSineSS
A. Ca~ital Improvement Program
The Secretary advised that a list of items had been prepared for con~
sideration under the Capital improvement Program~ both for this fiscal
budget (which was just passed) and the ensuing years.
After discussion~ Comanissioner O'Rorke suggested that the Secretary be
requested to write a letter to the City Administrator asking for assur-
ance that the Comm~ission would have an opportunity to review the pro-
~;~'a~ for the coming year
Chairman Norton~ with concurrence of the Con~nission~ so directed.
Planning Commission Minutes - 25 july 1966 - Continued
Vii. B. General Plan Review
Connnissioner johnson (Chaimnan of the General Plan Con',mittee) inquired
as to when the Cor:~,aissioners felt they would like to have the report
on the annual review of the General Plan ready for consideration by the
During the discussion that followed~ it was decided that the Conmission
should inquire as to wb. ether the Council would like the major review of
the General Plan undertaken and if so, when.
The Secretary advised that the City Administrator had informed him that
the Staff would bring this matter before the Council as soon as
C. Pendinp~ Ordinances
in answer to a question from the Co.rmnission~ the Secretary advised that
the drafting of the various pending ordinances would be completed soon
and sar:~e would be set for public hearing before the Comanission.
Chairman Norton called atten-~ion to copies of a letter from the Chamber
of Com~.erce which had been placed in the Commissioners: folders, ad-
vising that representatives had been appointed to attend the Conmm_ission
meetings and thanking the Conremission for outstanding service to the
c orf~nun i ty.
The Chairman extended a welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and Mrs.
Dorothy Parker of the Good Goverm?.ent Group, and expressed appreciation
for the coffee served by Mrs. Parker at recess.
Chairman Norton declared the meeting adjourned at 9:3! P.
ResDectfu!!y submitted,
- ,,? .~ ~, ,< .
Stanley M. 'Waiker~ Secretary
Saratoga Planning Connission