HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-23-1967 Planning Commission Minutes (2) SLr~R.h:u%Y OF 'MINUTES
TEa: Monday, 23 January 19677. 7:30 P.M.
PLACE: City Council Chambers, Fruitvale Avenue,' Saratoga, CalifOrnia
?IPE: Regular Meeting
,~'¢******-~****~¢ ,.
Present: Coma~issioners Crisp, Johnson, Kellum, McFall, and. Norton.
Absent: Cor~aissioners Kasner and 0 'Rorke.
Conmnissioner Johnson mo~ed~ seconded by Con~nissioner McFall, that the
reading of the minutes of 23 January 1967 be waived and that the minutes
be approved subject to the following revisions:
page 7. .paragraph 1. .line 2. .change to read as follows:
'~rs. Owens and Mr. Dove of the Good Govermn~ent Group, and'
Mrs. Ottenberg of the League of Women Voters";
page 2. .paragraph 2. .line 2. .the following be added:
"be adopted and the subject Use Permit";
motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Norton opened nominations for officers for the coming year.
Commissioner Kellum nominated Commissioner Norton as Chairman of the
Commission for 1967. Conmaissioner johnson moved, seconded by Comnissioner
McFall, that nominations be closed; motion carried with Commissioner
Norton abstaining. It was moved by Commissioner Kellum and seconded
by Commissioner McFall that the Secretary be directed to record a
unanimous ballot for Con~issioner Norton as Chairman of the Commission
for 1967; motion carried unanimously with Commissioner Norton abstain-
Commissioner Crisp nominated Commissioner Johnson as Vice Chairman of
the Coma~ission for 1967. Connnissioner Kellum moved, seconded by Com-
missioner McFal!~ that nominations be closed; motion carried with
Commissioner Johnson abstaining. It was moved by Commissioner Crisp
and seconded by Com~issioner Kelium that the Secretary be directed to
re~ord a unanimous bailot for Commissioner Johnson as Vice Chairman of
the Con~nission for 1~67; motion carried with Cormmissioner Johnson
C n ~ . ,
o m~ssioner CriSD nominated Stanley Walker, Planning Director as
Secretary of the Co~rnnission for 1967. Con~nissioner Kellum moved,.
seconded by Commissioner McFall, that nominations be closed; motion
carried unanimously. It was moved by Con=nissioner Johnson and seconded
by CoF~aissioner McFall that the Secretary be directed to record a unani-
mous ballot for Stanley Walker as .Secretary of the Commission for 1967;
motion carried unanimously.
Piannine~ Commission Minutes - 23 January ].967 - Continued
I. C. Commissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, that the
Cor~ission e~press its appreciation to Stanley Walker, Planning Director,
Evelyn Voges, Joan Loher., and Gary Bonfiglio, Planning Staff, for their
efficient and ~.,~il!ing assistance during the past year; motion carried
At this time Chairman Norton, on behalf of the Connnission, expressed
their gratitude to Mr. William C. Han!ey, City Administrator, and
requested the Secretary to write a formal letter stating same.
The following co~mnittees were then appointed by the Chairman:
Commissioner McFa!l, Chairman Con~issioner 0 'Rorke, Chairman
Conmnissioner Crisp Conmissioner Kasner
Con-~i s s ione r Ke i ! '~ Commi s s ioner McFa 11
Commissioner Crisp, Chairman Connnissioner Johnson, Chairman
Coraniss ioner Johnson Commissioner Kellum
Co~nissioner Kasner Commissioner O 'Rorke.
A. GENEI~L PLAN ~%ND1;~_ENT - Proposal to incorporate proposed Village Parking
Plan as element of Village Development Plan Sec-
tion of General Plan - Continued from 9 .january
The continued hearing on this matter was re-opened at 7:39 P.M. The
Secretary briefly revie~,yed this application and advised that nothing
further had been added to the file.
Mr. Robert Von der Torren was present to represent Mr. & Mrs.· Borden
Melton, Mr. & Mrs. Wallace, Mr. & Mrs. Worden and Mr. Mason Shaw and
.... stated that his clients 1) were disappointed that this plan was still
being considered, 2) would continue to oppose this plan, 3) were in
favor of a study of this parking situation and thereafter submitting a
proposal that would be satisfactory to everyone. "
Mr. Von tier Totten had the following questions to ask of the C0rnmission
in regard to this matter: 1) Would building sites be affected if the
parking plan was accepted and would it be binding, also, would it change
the access that no~,...~ e>mists, 2) if this plan is enforced, would there be
a change in the f~oning Ordinance, and 3) would this mean additional
comanercial property?
In answer to these inquiries Chairman Norton advised 1) that where the
Zoning Ordinance applies there can be no change made, ·2) the General
Plan does not change the Zoning Ordinance, 3) this parking plan is a
guide to what we hope the Ordinance will some day contain, 4) the
Planning Conm~ission does not plan any additional commercial property at
this time.
The Secretary advised that the gathering of material for Study of the
General Plan and a meeting with Livingston and Biayney was planned within
the next few weeks and anyone wishing to attend would be welcome.
Planning CormnniSsion Minutes - 23 January 1967 - Continued
ii. A. Mr. Ronald Mass, attorney, was present with Mr. Van der Torren and
stated that by limiting the property owners in the use of their prop-
erty they ~ere being' discriminated against and this was unconstitutional
Commissioner Johnson read the report of the General Plan Committee
reco~m~ending'that this matter be continued.
After further discussion, Chairman Norton (at 8:05 P.M.) directed
this matter continued until such time as the General Plan Committee
is ready with a report, and instructed the Secretary to publish
another legal notice.at that time..
B.. UP-120 - Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, Norton Road - Request for Use.
Permit for Construction of New Novitiate Facilities - Continued
from 9 january 1967
The continued hearing on UP-120 was resumed at °'06 P.M · The Secretary
briefly reviewed this application and referred to six (6) exhibits sub-
mitted in opposition by Mr. Charles Smith of Norton Road.
Commissioner Ketlum advised that 1) Mr. Lough, architect., had met with
the SubdivisiOn Co~m~ittee and 2) the map Mr. Lough submitted at the last
meeting was an old one and did not present a true picture of the proposed
plans for the access road and Bohlman Road.
There was no one present to represent the applicant on this matter.
Commissioner Kellum stated that Mr. Lough had requested this matter be
continued to allow time to work out .plans in connection with the access
road and Bohlman Road.
After further discussion, Chairman. Norton (8:17 P.M.) directed UP-120
continued to the next regular meeting and referred same to the Subdivi-
sion Committee.for further study.
C. V-288 - Brown and Kauffmann, Inc.~ Ingrid Court - Request for Variance
in connection with Rear Yard Setback Requirement
The public hearing on V-'288 was opened at 8:18 P.M. The Secretary 1)
briefly reviewed this application, 2) advised that Notices of Hearing
had been.mailed, and 3) read a communication from the Pride's Crossing
Home ~.~ner's Association stating they had no objections to the granting
of this Variance.
Mr. Rod Stevens was present to represent the applicant but stated that
he had no further coherent at this time.
After further discussion, Chairman Norton (8:20 P.M.) directed V-288
continued to the next regular meeting and referred same to the Variance
Committee for study and a report at that time.
Commissioner Crisp, on behalf of the Variance CoFanittee, made an appoint-
ment with Mr. Stevens for an on-site inspection at 9:00 A.M., Saturday,
28 January 1967.
Plannin~ Conm~ission Minutes - 23 January 1967 - Continued
iI. D. C-iO0 - Roy Kosich, Radoyka Drive ~ Request for Change of Zoning from
'~R-I-IO~000:' (Single Family Residential) to ':R-M-4,000" (Multi-
Familv Residentia.1) - Continued from 27 December 1966
The continued hearing on C-100 was re-opened at °'21 P.M. Yne Secretary
briefly reviewed this matter and read a letter from the applicant re-
questing that this be withdrawn.
Con=nissioner Kellum advised that the applicant agreed that this piece of
" property should be developed with a General Plan of their own making
which they will submit at a later date.
After discussion, Conunissioner Crisp moved, seconded by Commissioner'
Johnson, that the public hearing on C-100 be closed at 8:22 P.M.; 'motion
carried unanimously.
Connnissioner Crisp moved, seconded' by Con~nissioner McFall, that the
request for withdrawal of C-100, Roy Kosich, be approved; motion carried
A. SDR-668 - Ronald Clayton, Fruitvale Avenue and 'Saratoga-Los Gatos Road -
Building Site Approval - 1 Lot - Continued from 9 January 1967.
The Secretary stated that the applicant had reviewed the proposed c~ndi-
tions~of approval and found them satisfactory'.
Commissioner Kellum moved, .seconded by Commissioner McFall, that the
Building Site Co.~nnittee Report of 23 January 1967 relative to SDR-668,.
'Ronald Clayton, be adopted and that the tentative map (Exhibit "A",
filed 29 December 1966) be approved subject to the conditions contained
in said report; motion carried unanimously.
B. SDR-669 - Frank Pringl'e, Canyon View Drive - Building Site Approval -
1 Lot
Corm~issioner Kell~a 1) stated that the applicant had met with the Sub-
division Committee and 2) recommended that this matter be continued to
allow Mr. Pringle time to submit a site development plan.
Chairman Norton so directed.
A-238 - Youth Center, Fruitvale Avenue - Preliminary Design Review - Yout~
Center Building
Conmissioner McFall advised that the Design Review Con=nittee had not been
able to meet to review the plans; therefore, he recon~nended that this matter
be continued.
,~ ~ren Heid, architect, was present to represent the Youth Center and
explained that 1) they would like to start construction in May 1967 and com-
plete the building by. November 1967, 2) they plan to build the .structur~ in
three (3) phases, 3) the building will be compatible with the others in the
area, 4) a total of about two hundred and fifty (250) parking spaces will be
made available, and 5) the main hall will hold about four hundred (400)
Piannin~. Con~n~ission Minutes - 23 january 1967 - Continued
IV. A-238 - Continued
After discussion, it was the consensus of 'the Commission that there was
no particular objection'to t~e architectural plan including parking and
landscaping proposed. .'
Chairman Norton directed A-238 continued until the ne~t regular meeting
and r~ferred same to the D~sign Review Committee for study.
Coma~issioner McFall gave a complete report on discussion and action at the
City Council meeting on 18 January 1967 with emphasis on items of particu-
lar interest ~o the Con~ission.
A. C-64 - Virgil Herring, Big Basin Way - Request ~or Reconsideration with
respect to'Conditional Zonin~ - Continued from 27 December 1966
The Secretary brie~!y reviewed this request and then read the Staff
Report of 23 January 1967 reco~nnending that the requested uses be added
as Permitted Uses.
Mrs. Herring, applicant, and Mr. Warren Heid, architect, were presen~ to
answer any questions the Con~ission might want to ask.
Ann Valk, Big Basin way, was present and spoke in favor of granting the
additional requested uses.
After further discussion, Cora~issioner Kellum moved, seconded by Com-
missioner johnson, that the.Staff Report of 23 January 1967 relative to
this matter be approved by the Commission; motion carried unanimously.
B. S~j~TOGA PLAN LiNE - Request for Recommendation to City Council
Con~nissioner Johnson read the report of the General Plan Committee
recommending that the Planning Co~nission approve same.
Commissioner Johnson moved, seconded by Commissioner Crisp, that the
General Plan Con~nittee report of 23. january 1967 relative to the pro-
posed Saratoga Plan Line be adopted along with the accompanying map
and £orwarded to the City Council as the recommendation of the Commis-
sion; motion carried unanimously.
C. Finnegan Construction Co.~ inc. - Encroachment Permit for Signs
Tae Secretary e~plained that the applicant was in the process of
applying for an encroachment permit and ~.~ould be ready by the next
meeting on 14 February 1967.
D. Arroyo de Sarato~a~ Saratoga ~enue - Fountain at Entrance to Subdivision
The Secretary advised 1) that-the fountain was ox.~ed by the City of
Saratoga, and 2) he would'take a proposal to the City Council or i~s
appropriate com~ittee to.get it cleaned.
P!annin~ Conmission Minutes - 23 January 1967 - Continued
VIi. D. Chairman Norton requested that 'the Secretary find out about the owner-
ship of the sign by the fountain.
i. SDR-6!2 - William Sc'hoenard~ Montalvo Road - Re~luest for Extension
The Secretary read!~ communication requesting an extension in connec-
tion with SDR-612.
After discussion, Commissioner Kellum.moved~ seconded by Cox~nissioner
Kasner, that an extension of one (1). year be granEed in connection with
SDR-612; motion carried unanimously.
2. PETITION FROM PROPERTY OWI~RS - Request to amend General Plan to
Co~ercial, Big Basin Way between
Fifth Street and Saratoga Creek
The Secretary read a petition (with fifteen (15) signatures) submitted
by property o~xners explaining the increasing need for Comnercial devel-
opment throughout the area of Big Basin Way as designated on the nmp
submitted with the petition.
Mr. Robert Neale, Oa~ Street, was present to represent the property
owners and stated i) that the signatures on the petition represented
90% of the property owners and 2) he would like to have this nmtter
discussed at the time of the General Plan Review.
Chairman Norton so directed.
3. SDR-620 - M.' T. Scotty Via Regina Reouest for Extension
_The Secretary !)'read a coma~unication requesting an extension of one
year in connection with SDR-620 and 2) explained that the applicant
had already complied with some conditions.
After discussion, Co~issioner McFall moved, seconded by Comnissioner
johnson, that an extension of one (t) year be granted in connection
with SDR-620;.motion carried unanimously.
Ouito Park Business Center - Recuest for Home Decoration
4. E..H. Renze!~ .....
and Repair Supply Sh6p
The Secretary read a letter from E. H. Renzel, Quito Park Business
Center, requesting permission to locate a Home Decorator Stor~ in the
Quito Park Business Center.
In answer to an inquiry from Chairman Norton, the Secretary replied
that this use could be classified as a hardware store under the C-N
zone but that outside storage or equipmeBt rental would not be com-
patible with a C-N. use.
Plannin~ Commission Minutes - 23 January 1967 - Continued
VIII. 4. E. H. Renzel - Continued
After further discussion, Chairman Norton directed this matter
continued to the next regular meeting and referred same to the
SUbdivision Committee for further study.
Chairman.Norton on behalf of the Commission expressed good
wishes to Evelyn Voges for a speedy recovery from her opera-
tion and instructed the Secretary to send her a card stating
The Chairman acknowledged,.with pleasure,'the presence of ~s.
Stark 'and'ni~. & l~-s. Smith of the Good Government Group,' and
I~s. Duffy of the League of Women Voters. He also expressed
appreciation for. the coffee served by Mesdames Stark and
Smith at recess.
Chairman 'Norton declared the meeting. adjourned at 10:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Stanley M. Walker, Secretary
Saratoga Planning Commission
TIME: Monday, 23 January 1967, 7:30 PoM.
PLACE: City Council Chambers, Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, California
TYPE: Regular Meeting
A. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT - Proposal to incorporate proposed Village Parking
Plan as element of Village Development Plan Sec-
tion of General Plan - Continued from 9 January
Bo UP-120 - Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, Norton Road - Request for Use
Permit for Construction of new Novitiate Facilities - Continued
from 9 January 1967
Co V-288 - Brown and Kauffmann, Inc., Ingrid Court - Request for Variance in
connection with Rear Yard Setback Requirement
D. C~-100 - Roy Kosich,. Radoyka Drive - Request for Change of 'Zoning from
"R-l-10,000" (Single Family Residential) to "R-M-4,000" (Multi-
Family Residential) -'Continued from 27 December 1966
A. SDR-668 - Ronald Clayton, Fruitvale Avenue and Saratoga-Los Gatos Road -
BuildinR Sit_e ADprcval - 1 Lot - Continued from 9 January !967
B° SDR-669 - Frank Pringle, Canyon View Ik'ive - Building Site Approval -
1 Lot
A-238 - Youth Center, Fruitvale Avenue - Preliminary Design Review - Youth
Center Building
A. C-64 - Virgil Herring, Big Basin Way - Request for Reconsideration with
respect to Conditional Zoning - Continued from 27 December 1966
B° SARATOGA PI. AN LINE - Re__quest for Recommendation to City Council
1. SDR-612 - William Schoenard, Montalvo Road - Request ~or Extension
2. PETITION FROM PROPERTY O'~S - Request to amend General Plan to
Commercial, Big Basin Way between
Fifth Street and Saratoga Cre~k
Plannin~ Commission A~enda - 23 January. 1967 - Continued