HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-14-1967 Planning Commission Minutes S?..,2..~ARY OF M!i'iKFFES
T~4E: Monday, 14 August 1967, 7:30 P.M.
PURGE: City Council Chambers, Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, California
TYPE: Regular Meeting
Present: Commissioners Crisp, johnson, Kasner, McFall, Norton, O'Rorke,
and Smith.
Absent: None.
Com~missioner johnson moved, seconded by Co~mnissioner Smith, that the reading
of the minutes of the 2.8. JUlVji 1967 meeting be waived and that they be
approved as distributed to the Commission subject to the following changes:
page 4. . .paragraph 1. .line 2. ; .change "he" to '~b~. Rigley"
page 4. .paragraph 4. .line 2. .add "for his apartment development."
page 10. ..paragraph 4... .line 3. .' .change "parking" to "selling";
motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Norton, at the request 6f Commissioner Kasner, designated that
Commissioner Kasner be relieved of his duties as Chairn~n of the Variance
Committee and then appointed Co~mT~issioner Crisp to this position. He then
directed that Commissioner McFall be relieved from his duties on the Variance
Comaittee since he (Commissioner McFal!) is already serving in the time
consuming position of Chairman of the Subdivision Comaittee.
A. REED'S CARPETS - Russell R. Reed, Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road - !nfor~l Hearing
- Request to Add Floor Coverings and Draperies to the List
of Uses Permitted Under the "C-S" (Commercial Service)
~onin~ District - Continued from 24 July 1967
The Chairman opened discussion for this informal hearing by inquiring if
anyone wished to comment.
No one in the audience offered remarks and the applicant had no representative
The Secretary read the Staff Report suggesting three (3) alternate courses of
action open to the Planning Com~mission to resolve this n~tter. He then advised
that in the opinion of the City Attorney this use could be considered a Permitted
Use incidental to one of the uses (HoUsehold'.Repairs) mentioned in the list of
Permitted Uses in the C-S Zone.
.P. lann[nJ~ Commi.~;.~ion Min~.,tes - 14 Au.~st ].967 - Continued
iI. A. REED'S CARPETS - Continued
Chairnmn Norton stated that since the permitted uses are specifically
mentioned i~ the list the possibility of incidental uses is
e 1 iminated.
Comnissioner Crisp stated that it was the opinion of the Subdivision
Con'~ittee that this use was in direct violation of the Zoning Ordinance.
The Secretary, in answer to an inquiry from the Chairm~2n, explained the
procedure for obtaining a business license:
.' . i) Applicant submits a'signed application.
2) Subject application is referred to the,Planning Director
to determine whether or not it is a permitted use in the
said zone.
3) The Building Inspector then examines the building to
make certain it meets the requirements of the Building
The Secretary further explained that he had authorized the issuance of
the business license for Reed's Carpets since he believed it was a service
type use related to Commercial Service.
Chairm~n Norton suggested that members of the City Staff not assume the
responsibility of adding uses to the list of Permitted Uses without
authorization from the Planning Commission.
In answer to an inquiry from Chairman Norton the Secretary stated that this
business has been in operation about nine (9) or ten (10) months.
Commissioner Crisp advised that several citizens had approached him with
regard to enforcing the Zoning Ordinance to eliminate this use.
The Secretary stated that if alternate two (2) or three (3) of the Staff
Report of 14 August 1967 were adopted it would permit Reed's Carpets to
continue operating.
Co~-nissioner McFall moved, seconded by ConL~nissioner Crisp, that alternate
'(1) of the Staff Report of 14 August 1967 be adopted and that the request
to add Floor Covering and Draperies to the list of Permitted Uses under
the C-S Zone be denied; motion carried with the following. vote:
.0.'. RO1KE
Commissioner Johnson mentioned that some consideration should be given to.
adding this use to the list of Permitted Uses and then inquired what amo.u, nt
of time would be allowed the applicant to terminate this use.
After discussion, it was agreed t~at this should be determined by consulting
with the City Attorney.
....................... ..v .... _ ............................................................................ :.r ::u ....................... ~__... ·
The Secretary stated that there ,may be a clause in the Business License
! to cover situations such as this.
Planning Com~ission Minntes - 14 August ].967 - Continued
II. A. REED'S CARPETS - Continued
Commissioner Smith stated that the list of Permitted Uses in the
Zoning Ordinance is very confusing and contradictory.
Chairman Norton directed that in the future no Business License be
issued if the subject use is not specifically mentioned in the list
of Permitted Uses.
B. C-104 - Roy Kosich, Saratoga Avenue and Radoyka Drive - Request for Change
of Zoning from "R-l-10,000" (Single Family Residential) to "C-N"
(Neighborhood Commercial)' and from "R-l-10,000" (Single Family
Residential) to "R-M-4,000" (Multi-Family R~sidential) - Continued .
from 10 july 1967 ,
Commissioner Crisp 1) advised that this matter had been referred to the
General Plan Committee and 2) recommended that C-104 be continued to the
next reguler meeting at which time the General Plan Committee will submit
a report.
The applicant,'~...Kosich, agreed to have the matter continued and then
inquired how many members of the General Plan Committee were present when
this application was discussed.
Chairman Norton explained that he Qas present along with Com~anissioner Crisp
when this matter was discussed at a luncheon artended by:
1) ~yor Glennon
2) Lawrence Livingston, Planning Consultant
3) Kenneth Hartn~n, City Councilman
4) Dean Huard, Chairman Of the Citizen's Committee and
5) . Members of the Staff
After discussion, Chairman Norton directed this matter continued to the
next regular meeting.
C. V-302 - Itsuo Uenaka, Via }~dronas Court - Request for 'VarianCe in Connection
with Side Yard Setback Requirements
The public hearing on V-302 was opened at 8:03 P.M. The Secretary briefly
reviewed this file and stated that the Notices of Hearing had been mailed.
~. Ed Myers, architect representing the applicant, explained that ~.
Uenaka desired to construct a cabana, but since the pool and patio (constructed
several years ago) included some Of the area required for a dressing room
in thecabana area it is necessary to request the subject Variance.
After discussion, Chairman Norton (8:08 P.M.) closed the hearing for the
evening and directed that V~302 be continued to the next regular meeting
and referred same to the Variance Co~m~ittee for study and a report.
Commissioner Crisp, on behalf of the Variance Committee, arranged an appoint-
ment with the applicant for 9:00 A.M., 19 August 1967 for an on-site inspec-
tion of the property.
D. V-303 - Dick L. Chappell, Howen Drive - Request for Variance in Connection
with Rear Yard Setback Requirements
~. & Mrs. Chappell were present and explained 1) they would like to add a
guest bedroom to this house and 2) due to the slope of the house and loca-
tion of ~ lnut Trees it is necessary to locate the addition in a portion of
the required rear yard setback.
Plannin~ Commission Minutes - 14 AuSust 1967 ~ Continued
II. D. V-303 - Continued
Mr. Fred Wise, 13650 Beaumont Drive, was present and· 1) spoke in opposition
to this Variance 2) stated he spoke for other residents of the area and
3) expressed concern that this Variance would depreciate the value of his
proper'ty and that of his neighbors.
At this time (8:14 P.M.) Chairman Norton closed the hearing for the evening
and directed that V-303 be continued to the next regular meeting and referred
same to the Variance Committee for study and a report.
Con~nissioner Crisp arranged for a appointment for an on-site inspection of
the property for 9:30 A.M., 19 August 1967.
E.· UP-136 - B. T. Galeb, Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road and Seagull I~y - Request
for Use Permit to Operate a Permanent Indoor and Temporary
Outdoor Theater
Public hearing was opened at 8:15 P.M. The Secretary stated that Notices
of Hearing had been mailed and then briefly reviewed this application.
M~. B. T. Galeb, Jr. was present and stated that 1) noise would not be a
problem 2) the outdoor theater has been operating without objection and
3) lighting would be restricted to the s~age itself.
At the request of Chairman Norton, Mr. Galeb briefly explained 1) the
dimensions of the proposed indoor theater (3,000 square feet)· 2) the
seating capacity (196 seats) and 3) the adobe fire wall that would be
Noone else present wished to comment.·
Chairman·Norton (8:19 P.M.) closed the public hearing for the evening,
continued it to the next regular meeting, and referred same to the Sub-
division Committee for study.
F. UP-137 -·West Valley United Church of Christ, Quito Road - Request for
Use Permit for Church Building
The Chairman opened the public hearing on UP-137 at 8:20 P.M. The Secretary
stated that Notices of Hearing had been mailed and then read a communication
submitted by F~s. Helene Turtle, 18613 Martha Avenue, in sUpport'·of ~he .pro-
posed application.
Reverend Blanchette, Minister of the United Church 'of Christ, state~ that
t) after several moves his church services were now being held in the
Saratoga Theater and 2) due to rapid growth the building is very crowded
resulting in discomfort, especially for the children.
F~. jay Russell, representative for the church, advised that 1) a number '
of sites were considered 2) the proposed site seem to fit their needs
3) a church could be const'ructed on this site that would meet the require-
ments of the City and 4) the congregation would consist of about 250 members.
Mr. Lee Stuart Darrow, architect,'explained the exhibits and stated that the
proposed parking and setback requirements are in excess of those required by
the City Ordinance.
P].annin~, Commission Minutes - 14 Au.Uust 1967 Cont:inued
II. F. UP-137 - Continued
Commissioner McFa!l advised that 1) the Subdivision Committee ezamined
the well laid out plans and 2) a meeting (with the Subdivision Committee)
should be arranged to discuss.this proposal by the applicant or his repre-
In an answer to an inquiry from Commissioner Crisp, Reverend Blanchette
stated that they did not now hold two services, but if the rapid growth
continued it may eventually be necessary.
~.~. & ~.~~s. Bill Baker, 18565 McFariand Avenue, stated that they did not
object to the church site itself, but would object if an exit off McFarland
were proposed.
Chairnmn Norton assured ,Mr. & !~s. Baker that, according to the present
plans, no such exit is planned.
At 8:30 P.M. Chairman Norton closed the public hearing for the evening
and directed UP-137 continued to the next regular meeting and referred
same to the Subdivision Co~ittee~
A. SDR-703 - H. H. Sinclair, Saratoga Hills Road - Building Site Approval ~
2 Lots - Continued from 24 July 1967
Commissioner McFall'l) recommended that this matter be continued to allow
the applicant time to resolve pr~biems relative to Health Department require-
ments and 2) advised that an extension of time had been submitted by the
Chairman Norton so directed. :
B. SDR-708 - Richfield Service Station, Corner Cox Avenue and Paseo Presada
- Buildin~ Site Aporoval - 1 Lot
Mr. A. J. Lewis, representing the applicant, was present and expressed
satisfaction with the proposed' conditions of approval.
Co~nissioner McFall moved, seconded by Commissioner Smith, that the Building
Site Committee Report of 14' AuguSt 1967 relative to SDR-708 be adopted and
that the tentative map (Exhibit "A", filed 18 July 1967) be approved subject
to the conditions set forth (with special attention to the Note) in said
report; motion carried unanimously.
C. SDR-709 - Oliver W. Buehner, Allendale Avenue ~uilding Site Approval -
1 Lot
The applicant was present and requested continuance of SDR-709 to allow time
for an appointment with the Subdivision Committee to discuss Specific Conditions
"D" and "E" of the Building Site'Committee Report of 14 August 1967.
Chairman Norton so directed.
Plannin5 Commission Minut,--s 14 August 1967 - Continued
III. D. SDR-710 - B. T. Galeb~ Sea'gull ~y - Building Site Approval - 1 Lot
Commissioner McFall recommended that SDR-710 be continued to the next
regular meeting to permit sufficient time to submit a plan showing
proposed development of residual parcel to the north of proposed
parcel "A". ..
Chairman Norton so directed.
E. SDR-711 - James F. Jones, ~uito Road - Building Site ADDroYal 2 Lots
~. Robertshaw, present to represent the applicant, expressed satisfaction
with the proposed conditions of approval.
It was moved by Con~nissioner McFall, seconded by Codunissioner Crisp, that
the Building Site Committee Report of 14 August 1967 relative to SDR-711
be adopted and that the tentative map (Exhibit "A", filed 2 August 1967)
be approved subject to the conditions set forth in said report; motion
carried unanimously.
F. SDR-712 - J~rry Jordan~ Michaels Drive - Buildin~ Site Approval - 2 Lots
Commissioner McFall reco~n~ended that this matter be continued in order'to
await the submittal of a site development plan by the applicant.
Chairman Norton so directed.
G. SDR-713 - Walter E. Hilem~n, Peach Hill Road - Building Site Approval -
1 Lot
Commissioner McFall advised that the Subdivision Committee requested sub-
mittal of a site development plan and then recommended that SDR-713 be
continued to the next regular meeting to allow time for the applicant to
comply with the subject request.
Chairman Norton so directed.
A. A-i46 - Corinthian Studios, Saratoga-Los Gatos Road - Final Design Review
- Sales and Storage Building
At the request of Commissioner O'Rorke the Secretary.read'Lthe Staff Report'
of 14 August 1967 explaining the need for thirteen (13) parking spaces in
lieu of the seven (7) proposed.
Commissioner O'Rorke stated that 1) if the proposed plans were approved
the parking would be inadequate and 2) this approval would be contrary
to what the Parking District is trying to establish.
Mr. Warren Heid, architect for Corinthian Studios, stated that 1) he
felt that the Preliminary Design approval should be binding 2) as a
member of the Community he was not aware of any changes in policy regard-
ing parking that would affect Final Design Review 3) the Final Design
Review Plans (identical to the Preliminary Plans) were finished and put
out to bid and then it was found that due to reasons of health, money,
rain and development of the Plaza it was impossible to proceed as quickly
as planned 5) considerable time and effort has been spent to attempt to
comply with the Design approval 6) this proposal simply involved the
replacing of an existing sales area 7) parking at the gas station is not
deeded nor a'trade but available to Corinthian Studios indefinitely
Planning Comn~ission Minutes - 14 Aunt, st 1967 - Continue{]
IV. A. A-146 - Continued
8) nine (9) parking places exist altogether and these are more than
adequate 9) everyone realizes that if a small merchant is without a
warehouse the business will fail !0) this is an improvement of a
building in down to~,m Saratoga that has historical significance
1l) this building (formerly a church) has been in the area about
one-hundred (100).years and has withstood many things and this
should be considered 12) the property could be used for an undesirable
purpose if Corinthian'Studios moved out and as a result more parking
problems could be created.
Chairman Norton stated that in view of the changes made in the City in
past three (3) years (since this preliminary approval was granted) the
applicant should have expected some modifications in the Final Design
}~. Heid advised he was not aware'of any changes in the Ordinance
Chairman Norton explained that. preliminary Design Approval is not the
same as Final Design Approval.
Co~nissioner Smith stated that 1) the exhibit shows five (5) parking
spaces at the rear of the service station and notes two others as avail-
able and 2) there are in fact four parking spaces instead of the five
(5) shown, and one additional space marked reserved; thus a total of
five (5) instead of the seven (7) claimed.
Commissioner Crisp remarked that the off-street parking in the village
is the most unsatisfactory situation in the City and people .leave SaratOga
to do their shopping elsewhere ~or this reason.
Mr. He ~[~s appliCa g~l~ r acin~ a ~ales area and
that the conditions could'be better but since they do exist he felt the
Commission should grant Final Design approval.
Commissioner O'Rorke informed Mr. Heid that Final,. Design approval could
not be granted on the basis of the existing exhibits.
Mr. Heid then requested that A-146 be continued.
After discussion, Chairman. Norton directed A-146 .continued to the next
regular meeting and referred same to the Design Review Committee for study.
B.. A-245 - Virgil Herring, Big Basin Way - Final Design Review - Commercial Center - Continued from 24 July 1967
I.~. Warren Heid was present to represent the applicant.
After discussion, CommiSsioner O'R~rke moved, seconded by Commissioner
Kasner, that Final Design Review approval be granted in connection with
A-245 on the basis of Exhibits "A" and "B".subject to no occupancy in
the building prior to the provision of improved parking as provided by
the Parking Assessment District No. 1; motion carried'unanimously.
PlanninE Commission Minutes - ].4. Au:~ust 1967 - Continu~.~d
iV. C. A-257 - Professional Village of Saratoga, Saratoga Avenue and McFarland
Avenue - Preliminary Design Review for Professional Building -
Continued from 26 june 1967
Commissioner O'Rorke briefly ez~plained this application and then recommended
that same be continued to such time as the applicant submits a ~ster site
development plan.
After a brief discussion, Chairman Norton directed this application (A-257)
continued to such time as the Planning Director determines it is ready for
'D. A-26i West Valley Junior College, Fruitvale and Allendale Avenues
Final Design Review - Science and Math Buildin%
Commissioner O'Rorke read the Staff Report of 14 August 1967 recommending
Final Design approval of A-26i subject to provision of landscaping and
Dean Arnold (representing West Valley Junior College) explained that the
requested landscaping and screening would be provided.
Coma~issioner O'Rorke moved, seconded by Commissioner Kasner, that the Staff
Report of 14 August 1967 relative to A-261 be adopted and that Final Design
approval be granted, as sho~.m on Exhibits "A", "B", "C", "D" "~" and color
rendering Exhibit "F" subject to the provision of a minimum five (5) foot
wide landscaped strip of trees and plant material for screening purposes
along the entire south boundary of the tennis court and athletic field area;
motion carried unanimously.
E. A-262 - Richfield Station, Cox and Paseo Presada - Preliminary Design Review
~ Gas Station
Commissioner O'Rorke read the Staff Report of 14 August 1967 recommending
that Preliminary Design approval be granted on the basis of Exhibit "A"
and subject to the conditions stated in said report.
Mr. A. J. Lee, present to represent ~he applicant, expressed satisfaction
with the conditions set.forth in the Staff Report.
Co~nissioner O'Rorke moved, seconded 'by Commissioner Smith, tl'iat the Staff
Report ~e adopted and that Preliminary Design approval be granted A-262 in
accordance with Exhibit "A" and subject to the conditions stated in said
report; motion carried unanimously..
· F. A-263 - James Hellman, Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road - Final Design Review -
Identification SiSn
Commissioner O'Rorke read the Staff Report of 14 August 1967 recommending
that Final Design approval be granted for A-263.
It was moved by Commissioner O'Rorke, seconded by Commissioner Kasner, that
~he Staff Report of 14 August 1967be adopted and that Final Design approval
be granted james Hellman (identification Sign) on the basis of Exhibit "A"
and subject to elimination of any unapproyed existing signs on the building
or in the windows of the Subject address; motion carried unanimously.
PlanninE CommiSsion Minutes - 14 Au5ust ].967 -'Continued
IV. G. A-264'- George Britt, Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road - Final Design Review -
Identification Sign
Co~nissioner O'Rorke read the Staff Report of 14 August 1967 recoman~ending
that A-264 be continued so the applicant can revise his proposed sign
to show at least 16 square feet of reserved s~gn space for other potential
The Secretary advised that a letter submitted by the property o~er
(Mr. Galeb) stated that he was aware that no other tenants on the
property could erect free standing signs.
i~. Galeb was present and stated he was in favor of continuing this
matter to allow time to consider the pr6blem of signs for the other
~. Ted Davis, Q R S Sign Company, representing the applicant stated
that I) M~. Galeb understood, as part of the lease, that t~e 7-11
Store would have the only pylon sign in the area and that the other
tenants would not share the sign.
Chairman Norton explained that i). the problem of the lease is between
the property owner and the tenant' 2) the area allowed ,for signs is for
the whole shopping center and 3) the lease does not change the Ordinance.
After further discussion, Chairn~n Norton directed this matter continued
to the next regular meeting and referred same to the Design Review Co~ittee
for study.
Con~rnissioner McFal! gave a summary on items reviewed and action taken at the
City Council meeting of 2 August 1967, with emphasis on items of particular
interest to the Planning Commission.
A. SDR-652 - L. G. Tenbru~meler~ Montalvo Road - Request for Extension
The Secretary read a communication received from Mr. Tenbrummeier requesting
and extension of one (1) year.
Commissioner McFall moved, seconded by Commissioner Crisp, that an extension
of one (1) year from the current date of expiration be granted for SDR-652.
B. SDR-701 - George R. Thayer, Pierce Road - Reouest for Modification of Conditions
The Secretary 1) explained that this request involved modification of conditions
regarding curb, gutter-and surfacing of the Quarry Road off Pierce and
2) recommended that this matter be continued.
On this basis, Chairman Norton directed this matter continued to the next
regular meeting and referred same to the Subdivision Conmittee.
p!annin~ Commission Minutes 14 August 1967 - Continued
VI. C. I~-91 - i;Tilliam J. KinS.~ Panorama Drive - Review of Compliance of Conditions
The Secretary explained that 1) i.~r. King was keeping two (2) horses on
his property (one acre) and 2) i,tr. King, in response to a .letter sent to
him by the City, informed the Staff that the e:~tra horse had been removed.
Cormm~issioner Crisp stated that i) according to the Ordinance this is
a violation that automatically suspends the Use Permit 2) the Planning
Commission should hold a public hearing on this and 3) if this is over-
looked it will set a precedent for others.
Chairman Norton directed the Secretary to 1) instruct Mr. King to remove
his horses from his property until a public hearing.is held 2) discuss
this matter with the City Attorney and get a clear definition of the word
suspension and 3) set a public hearing for the meeting of 1i September 1967.
A. PARKING DISTRICT NO. ! - Review of Proposed Plans Continued from
24 Jutv. 1967
The Secretary briefly reviewed the Parking District Plans and then stated
that a report relative to this matter had not yet been prepared.
Co~m?~issioner O'Rorke requested that this matter be continued.
After discussion, Chairman Norton directed that review of this subject
be continued to the next regular meeting and referred same to the Design
Review Com~n~ittee for study.
Commissioner O'Rorke stated that 1) in the opinion of the Design Review
Con~.ittee and according to the designs~ submitted by the applicant the one
building proposed for the Medical Village appeared to be three buildings
2) the applicant is seeking a method by which these buildings can be
Connected to make them one building 3) some samples have been submitted.
that show the type of arrangement the applicant has in mind 4) the Design
Review Conm~ittee would like to get the opinion of the entire Comm~ission
on these proposals and 5) if these buildings are' not connected in some
way they must be considered as three separate buildings.
In answer to an inquiry from Dr. Abrams, Chairman Norton stated that
the design shown in Sunset ~iagazine is not objectionalbe but that does
not change the fact that only one building is permitted and not three.
Conm~issioner Crisp stated that 1)' he was very much interested in this
development and 2) in looking d~wn on this building there appears t6
be four roof lines and this does not indicate a residential appearance.
Dr. Warren Sturla stated that !) there were not ~nv buildings designed
for .a do~.c~ward view 2) in this particular building there are only two
aspects that would' give the impre'ssion that they are separate buildings
a) one is from the doors and b).is. from' the roof line.~and 3)=it was
his desire, also, to maintain a residential appearance for this building.
Co~.~missioner O'Rorke requested that some specific ideas be.submitted after
which a solution to the problem can be realized'.
Pl'annin~ Commission Min~.:tes - 14 Au.j.lust 1967 - Continued
Commissioner McFali read the addendum prepared by the Subdivision
Committee anti requested by the Cox~n~ission subsequent to adopting
the Staff Report of 24 July 1967 (recommending modification of
of Condition of Change of Zoning) relative to the Professional
Conunissioner O'Rorke suggested that/may have been helpful if some
mention had been n~de of a schedule with regard to the length of time
allowed! to complete this development.
Commissioner McFal! moved, seconded by Commissione~'- Crisp, that this
addendum be forwarded to the City Council as the recommendation of
the Planning Con~nission; motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner McFall stated i) the proposed Zoning Symbols had been
reviewed by the Subdivision Co~n~ittee and 2) read the Staff Report
reco~r~n~ending, with concurrence of the Subdivision Committee, that the
City adopt the proposed standarized symbols.
Chairman Norton inquired if it would clarify thing if everybody used
identical Zoning Symbols.
The Secretary answered that if San Jose and the County both adopted
these symbols there was really no reason for Saratoga not to do the
Commissioner Kasner advised that some of the symbols could be confusing
to people reading the Ordinance which has different symbols.
Chairman i~orton instructed the P'lanning Director to check the progress
(as to how many other jurisdictions adopt these symbols) and then report
back to the Commission.
Co~n, issioner McFall moved, 'seconded by Commissioner Crisp, that the Staff
Report be adopted and the proposed symbols a. ccepted subject to the following
1) The existing C-S symbol be proposed as C-P
(Planned Corm~ercial) rather than C-T (Thoroughfare
2) Adoption of these new symbols be made only after
similar adoption by a majority of the seventeen
jurisdictions involved (sixteen cities and one
county) within Santa Clara County.
motion carried with the followin'g vote:
P.!annin~ Commission Minutes - 14 Auf~ust 1967 - Continued
Commissioner McFall 1) advised that the Subdivision Committee met
with the City Attorney and the Staff to discuss the proposed Horse
Ordinance and 2) inquired what the feeling of the Commission would
be relative to reconunendinS annual renewal of Horse Licenses in order?
to check violations.
Chairman Norton stated he would be reluctant to recommend this since
the Staff is unable to check every horse stable and the result would
be a back log of paper work.
Commission. er Crisp stated that if this was the feeling of the Commission
then it should not be recommended.
After further discussion and a roll call vote it was decided' not to
include annual licensing as part of the proposed ordinance.
The Secretary 1) read a cormnunication recieved from A. J. Cristallo
requesting permission to use the old Saddle Shop on Saratoga-Sunnyvale
Road for an Artist's Studio and 2) explained that the building
(formerly part of the Barn) was not intended for further use. ·
Cormnissioner O'Rorke advised that he was under the impression that
this building was to be removed.
Chairman Norton instructed the Secretary to investigate this ..matter
further·· and then directed same continued to the next regular meeting.
Chairman Norton acknowledged, with ·pleasure, the presence of Councilman
Tyler, Mrs. Ottenberg of the Lea. Sue of Women Voters, ~s. Dorothy Parker
of the Good Government Group and l~n~. Ted Ga!eb, Dr. Abrams, Dr. Sturla,
and Fro. Virgil Herring. He, also, expressed appreciation to Mrs. Parker
for the coffee served. at .receSs.:
The Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 10:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Stanley M. ~a~ker, Secretary
Saratoga Planning Commission