HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-09-1970 Planning Commission Minutes CITY OF SA!k'.ATOGA Pi~",~iNiNG COFIb:;!SS!ON
,_'.I!?.qUTF. S
TIME: Monday, 9 February !_970, 7:30
PL:~CE: City Council Chambers, Fruitva].e Avenue, Saratoga, California 95070
R'~'~ !ar Meeting
TYPE: ~ u~
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Norton.
Present: Commissioners Crisp, Kraus;, Lively, Norton, and Smith.
Absent: Coramissioners Bacon and [ij. tcalf.
Co:mmissioner Smith moved, seconc'.ed by Cor.,_missior~er Lively, that the reading
of the minutes of the 26 January 197.0 meeting be waive~l .ant! they be approved
as distributed to the Commission; motion carried unanimously.
, :-
A. AMENDi'.HENT TO SIE~]!)!VIStON ORD!NA~CE NS-5 - Amendment Relating to Site Approval
Requirements and Exceptions - Continued
frora 26 Janus. rv 1970
Chairman Norton re-openec! the hearing at 7:33 P ~'.~ Chairman Norton ezplained that
1D 'th,? ordinance amendment states 'that if improvements on a structure adcl
up to more than 50% building site a~roval will be reouircd 9~ if a series of
minor improvements um]er 50% are made it would not be necessary to obtain bui!dir~g
site approval and 3) the Planning Cozmnissicn is concerned with the citizen that
improves a structure 25% at a tirae; :,thereby, evading t~,o bui]c]~n~ site approvaI'
Th~ Secretary stated that the SubdiVision Committee requests that the period
of time (in which these improvement~ are made) be limited to a certain number
of years and the City Attornej, suggests that the proposed ordinance be amended
as follows:
Under Section !. . .paragraph 2. .line 5. .of ~he proposed amendment.
", -,'r-its"
between the words p.~_ ,~ .. and "each" insert the following "within a period
of five (5) years"
Co~umissioner Smith recommended that the proposed ordinance amendment in or~ler
to clearly stated when the five (5) year period is to begin should be further
amended as follows:
.Under Sectsion 1. .paragraph'2. . .line 5. . ,of the: proposed amendment. .
after the phrase "within a period of five (5) years" add ':after completion
date of first moomlzca~zon
No one in th~ audience .ished to comment
. , W - ·
Com:nissioner Smith moved, seconded by commissioner Lively, to close the public
hearing at 7:42 P.M.; motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Sraith moved, seconded by Commissionc. r Lively, that the proposed
-7 .... ~' ~" of Part Three
ordinance amsn-dme'nt to Subsection, (C) of Section 3 =.~ .... p~on~
of Ordinance NS-5 relating to site approval be aclopted, as amended, anti for-
x,mrded to the City Council as the recommendation of the Planning Commission;
motion carried unanimously.
· . ....... t... 9 F,-~brL:arV ].970 Contir:~_,ed
II. B. UP-179 - C. T. Lindsay Company, Arroyo de Argueilo - Request for Use
Perknit to Allow a MOdel t!ome 'Sales Office
The Chairman opened the hearing at 7:44 P.M. The Secretary stated.
the Notices of Hearing x.~ere mailed and briefly review.Ted this file,
Mr. George Carter, x,~as present and statec] that 1) his property is
contiguous to the location proposed for the m.D~e! hozne sales office
2) traffic is a 'problen~ in this area 3) approxin~te!y one-half of
the houses in the subdivision have been sold and 4) he is not partic-
ularly concerned about the parking in connectio~:~. x.2ith"the proposed use.
Chairman !'~orton, in ans:.::er to an inquiry from ~.k. Garter, stated that
Use Permits are usually grantcd for a period of one year and can be
extended x.2ithout publishing any type of notice provided that no seri. ous
complaints were received by the City during that time.
Com:nissioner C~-isn stat?d that the applicant x.yi].l be required to post
bond and enter into an agree:nc:nt x.~ith the City .to insure elimination
o~ the sales office upon expiration of the Use D~rm'
........ · t.
14r. Carter s'ta'ted that the subject mede! home b~s been oRerating as a
sales office for quite some time.
Commissioner Lively stated that the parking' i~ connection x.Tith this
use should be given further consideration.
Comr~issioner Smith stated that a more detailed map should be submitted
by the applicant in order to determine 1) the s.n~ount'ef parking that
x.;ill be available and 'j) the residences in the area that x~ill be affected.
He further sug~:eSt~,~f""[~{~{'t a""dt'ddy be' n~ade' t~ determinis' ~'6~lj' long the model
sales ffice has been operating ~,:ithout a perre:it. '
Ch -man Norton stated that, he felt, a n~oclel ho~ne and a sales office
.e c~.ble and it seen:eel that if one is a!!o~.,ed the otl~e,' should
e cons~c~er~,d an aux~.l!~.ary u~e ano some considerate. on should oe g~ven
The Secretary stated that, perhaps, UP-179 should be continued to
time for further study.
Chairman Nob-ton closed 'the h~ar~n~; for the evening- at 7:55
directeel UP-!79 continued to the next regu].ar ~.eeting and referred
same to the Subdivision Com~nittee for study.
A. SDR-832 - David L. ~,iendenha!!, Mt. Eden Road - Building Site Approval
- 1 Lot - Contin:.~ed. fron~ 26 january !970
Con~n~issioner Smith stated tlnat the location of this building site meets
the require~nents of ~-b~ s~o~ density.ordinance
The Secretary stated there will be .some grad in.% required for the
in connection x.~ith th{s s~"~ but ~t will not be visible to the valley.
The applicant ~.~as present an~3 stated 1) Condition ii-D of the Building
Site Co~.~ittee Re~ort dated 9 February 1970 requires under~ro,m~ utilities
and this ~.~oulc] differ from the other utilities in the a~ea since they are
all overhead and 2) there is a 50-foot drop because of the creek ~.~inich
x.~ou!d make it very difficult to neet the underground u~ility requirement.
.P!arminR Co:r.:mission b~inv..tes 9 Febcuarj{ 1970 - CDntin,.~ed
II!. A. SDII-832 - Continued [
Chairman i:brton, after studying the tentative map, stated that 1) the
applicant can request reconsideration of Condition !!-.D 2) the Subdivi-
sion Conm~ittee will th~n study the matter and make their reco:'~m:en6ation
to the Planning Cornmissic, n and 3)~ the Planning Comaission ~.z:[D1 then
make a recor:~mendation. to the City: Council.'
Commissioner Smith moved, seconded by Co::missicner Kraus', that the ]~uilding
Site Com~nittee Report of 9 February 1970 relative to SDR-832 be adopted and
that the tentative map (E:<hibit "A-I", filed 22 january 1970) be approved
subject to the conditions set forth in said report; motion carried unani-
mous ly.
A. A-296 - Franklin Homes, Fourth Street and Springer Avenue - Final
Desi~;~n Review7 - Decorative Fenc~
- ~_
Commissioner Kraus explained that the applicant wishes to install a
fence around his apartment development and ~,~ill endeavor to enhance
the appearance of the subject fence with !andscaping and ground cover.
The Secretary explained that the applicant has requested that a fence
height of five feet be permitted.
Commissioner Kraus stated that the applicant did request, when he mat
with the Design. Review Committee, that a si:c foot fence height be
allox,yed, but the Conm~ittee recommended in the Staff Report dated
9 February 1970 that the fence height be limited to 'four-and-one-:hal. f
Commissioner Lively pointed out that Exhibit "D" shows a six inch
opening on the bottom of the fence.
The Secretary stated that the. five foot fence may be more desirable
for this particular propert.y.
Commissioner Kraus stated that Condition a). .of the Staff Report. .
could be amended to permit a five foot fence in !ieu of the ,four-and-one-
half foot height.
Commissioner Kr~us moved~ seconded by Cor2missioner Lively, that the Staff
Report dated 9 February 1970 be ad.~o~d as amended and that Final Design
Approval be granted for A-296 as shox.a on E:<hibit "D" and subject to the
conditions stated in said report; motion carried_ unanimously.
B A-339 >.v~n,,~l Costa Quito Road ~7{nal Design Review - l, iquor Store
Chairman Norton noted that the Staff R~port dated 9 February ].970
recommends that Final Design Approval be granted for A-339.
· Commissioner Crisp stated that the applicant pToposed to construct a new
building and the City Attorney has ruled that building site approval will
not be necessary..
The Secretary explained that !) the ne~ building will be considered an
accessory structure and in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance'
building site approval x.;ii! not .b.? necessary 2) the City Attorney did
state that ad~n,,ate Darking,co,,]d b- required under Desi2jn ISleview Anproval
3) the building on this property lies direcr'qv in the oath of the oro-
posed free. way and sotne day x.~ill be removcd because of the freeway and
4) the o~.a~er of the subject propert,z desires to make the property n~ore
econoaica].ly valuable.
~ ..... ~ ....Cozv.~:issicu ~,~uutes - 9 Februar%., 1970 - Contint~.ed
IV. B. A-339 - Continued
Ch~man Norton suJgested that.~ perhaps, the CLty could require
a Change of Zonin~ application prior to ~ra. nting permission for any
fdrthet~ 'commercial d~-velopmen~: on the subject site and 2) it might
b& ~,2ise to 'rec0nsic]e~ (at the text General Plan Re, view) the possibility
of permitting such structures in the future.
Commissioner Lively stated that 1) be is concerned with the aesthetics
of the existing building 2) a nex.~ front has been put on the existing
building but when driving up Quite Road the old front with the roof is
clearly visible and 3) he would recommend that the applicant be required
to provide a pitched roof for 'the addition.
Chairman Norton suggested that' some type of screening along the edge
of the roof could be required.:
Commiss'ioner Kraus recommended. that A-339 be continued to allow the
Design Review Committee to con'sider the redosign of the roof line.
Chairman b~orton directed A-339, continued to the next regular meeting
'and referred same to the Design Review Committee for further study.
C. A--340 - Azule Florist, Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road - Final Design Review
- Identification
The Secretary advised that the applicant requests that .zt..-340 be with-
Com~nissioner Smith moved, seconded by Commissioner Kraus, that the
request for withdrax,ral in connection with A-340 be granted; motion
carried unanimously.
Commissioner Smith gave a summary of items revie~.~ed and action taken at the
City Council meeting on 4 February 1970 with emphasis on ~natters of particular
interest to the Con~nission. .,
· A. SD-839 - Saratoga Foothills Development Corporation, Miljevich Drive -
and Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road - Request for Reconsideration
Continued =" 26 Ja~,,a~v 1970
Chairman Norton noted the Staff Report dated 9 February 1970 which recommends
that the Subdivision Contmittee Report dated 26 January 1970 be modified to
de!et~ Condition 20. He then stated that 1) the subject requirement could
have been imposed at the time the original map ~;as presented 2) subsequent
developers across the road could have been asked to ~iden Saratoga-Sunnyvale
Road in this area 3) it is not fair to ask' the present developer to further
i~'~.i;.r6ve this road x,;hen they have .: dones' their share 4) it was hoped that
the City could obtain seine type of donai:ion fror~ the developer, but in this
particular case the entire i~nproven~ent would be a substantial burd?n and
'5) the Staff Report dated 9 February 1970 should be amended as follows:
Delete last paragraph of said Staff Report dated' 9 ~brua~'v 1970 and insert:
"If this n~odification is acce~,tea by the Dlannin. g Cc~mi~s~on i~ is fur~.-~-
recommended that this report be forwarded to the City Council as the
reco .... tion the Piannin~ Co~r~n~issian"
Cou:missioner Sn~ith moved, seconded by Con,.mission.a.'r Kraus~ that the Staff
Report dated 9 February 1970 r~!ative to SD-839 ]be adopted, as' amended,
and that Condition 20 as stated in the~ Subdivisi.en Co~'mnittee R~.port dated
26 January 1970 in connection with read uidening 'requirements on Saratoga-
Sunnyvale Road not be imposed dud ~.:h:~t said .report and reco~mn~endation be
forwarded to the City Council as the reco~nendation of the Planning C:on~;nission~
motion carcried unaniruous!y.
?!an~:~ir_,.St_Cor..~mi.~sio~ }:iinutes - 9 Februar~ '1970 - Continued
VI. B. SDR-898 - Vincent Figlfomeni~ Glenmerit Drive - Request for Reconsidersiron
- Con'[:inued from 26 January 1970
Con'~nissioner Smith atate~ that th=:' S ...... ?.eport dated 9 February 1~7n
states the recommendation of thd Subdivision Committee in connection
with the subject
Mr F~{~l~om~'-~i was present and stated that his engineer, Mr. Beck,
feels ':that ' if ' the fifteen foot drivew?.y requtrenent is enforced the
,',~tair'~u{~ x,:,a].! will not hold because of too much cu~ and if!.1.
...Comtaissionar Crisp advised that the City ~n','{neers did lo61.~ into this
matter and ~"~1- that if the road is pro~er!y engineered the retaining
......... wall will not come
}~. Figlion'~eni stated that he would accept the recommendations sta~ed
in the Staff Report dated 9 February 1970.
~ Cornmrs '. net Crisp, that the
· me' 'ed, by
Com~aission~r Smith , v seconded 's~ o
Staf~ Report dated 9 February L970 be adopted and the revised
Site Co~r~nitt:ee P, eport dated 9 pe]Sruary 1970 relative to SDX-838 sub-
. mitted therewith be approved; motion carried unanimously.
C. City Council R. eouest for Considerat:Lea of ,x,~a,-tm.~nts in "C--V'~ (Visitor-
.... (,_~ 9Z,.~
Conunerciali Zo2/p-Z D/strict (lie
Tlne Secretary stated t:hat 1) "th6 'City Council has referred 'td"'the Planning
Goramis'aion a request to consider adding apartm~mts to t?,e "C-V" (Visitor-
C mmerc/al) Zonin~ District 2) this request is broug['-. 't:o light
connection with a recent Change of Zoning (C-~24) on upper Big Basin
Way which involved the Ca!dx.~el! apartments located in the subject area
and 3) the City Council is of the opinion that if apartments were added
as a Cond/tLenal Use in the "G-V" Zoning District the problem of the
legal-non-conforming Goldwell apartments would be resolved.
Comn:fssioner Smith stated that 'if apartments are all. o,:.yed in the "C-V'~
Zoning District a lot of area x.~/!! be opened up for apartments that
should not be utilized in that x,,ay.
. o~.~ended'that, o~rhaps Mrs. Coldwell could be
Commissioner Cr/so rec ........ - ,
granted a variance in connection with her legs].-non-conforming apartments.
Chairman Norton stated that apartn~ents do not generate any more traffic
than cot;~ercfal establishments; therefore, he does not feel he would be
opposed to adding apartments to the "C-V" Zoning District.
Commissioner Smith stated that' 1) Mrs. Caldwe!l feels that in tx. Tenty-ffvs
year~ (when her ~e-al-non-conforming use expires) the value of her property
will change and 2) if apartments were allowed in the "C-V" Zoning Di. stric~
then the Caldwel! apartments would no longer be considered spot zoning.
Commissioner }~a. us stated that 1) hc~ would rather not have any new additional
sparthreat zoning and 2) he v:o'uld be more in favor of granting Mrs. Caldwe!!
a variance as recornm,i, nded by C'ommissioner Crisp.
Chairman Norton directed the subject request continued to the next regular
meekLug, referre'd the matter t.o the Subdivision Committee and requested
that the Com~.nittee explore the request with the .City Attorney prior to
submittfn-g a recommendation.
Pla___~nn~n~ Com?ission ~,i.{.nutes - q February 1970 Continued
Request of Ira Kirkorian
The Secretary read a comnxunication receivec] from Ira Kirkorian,
iBuilder and Developer, requ~esting that car x,xash ~ith incorporated
~aoolin~, faciliti?s be added to the list of conditional uses in the
"C-V" (Visitor -Commercia 1) Zonin~Z District .'
Chairman Norton requested th.e Secretar;
' ~ 3 to schedule and publish a
Notice of Flearing for an ! formal Hearing for the subject request
Traffic at Intersection of F'ourth Street and B~, Basin Way
The Secretary read a letter received from C. Prentiss Anc]rews
e~cplaining the e~-~isting traffic problem on Fourth Street and
Big Basin Way.
Chairman Norton suggested that a No Parking str~p be put in this
Commissioner Kraus recordmended that the C~ehouse Sign be moved
closer to the Plumed Horse since it does obstruct 'the view of traffic
......... :
sense e~ctent in its presen.t location.
CommisSioner Smith stated thht it might be helpful if the curb
~ere painted red in this area in order to eliminate the parking
of cars,at this particular s~ction of the intersection.
The Secretary stated that p~rking is regulated by the City Coucil.
Chairman Norton referred the subject letter to the City Council
for consideraticn~
'.l'-Com~nunication received from Robert A. Mohrman
The Secretary read a letter 'received from Robert A. Mohrman, 19041
Austin Way comp!imenting the Planning C remission on the thorough
, O
~.~ay in x.;hich they approach and solve applications and requests
presented b.~fore them.
Chairman Norton acknox.~!edged, with pleasure, the presence of Councilman
D~.O, er, ~s. Stark of the Good Government Group and Mr. David Burnett
an observer and' new resident' of Saratoga }~e, a~so thanked ~lrs Stark
for the coffee to be served after the meeting. -.
Chairman Norton adjourned the meeting_at 9:16 P.M.
Respectfully subtnit~e..~_, .....
Saratoga P'!artning Conz,~ission