HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-14-1972 Planning Commission Minutes CIl~f OF SARATOGA PiA~YNING CO%,!R, fISSION
TI~Z: Monday, 14 February ].972 7:30 P-M.
PLACE: City Council Chambers - 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, Califo~ia 95070
~PE: Regular Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lively at 7:30 P.M.
Present: Cormnissioners Bacon, LiVely, Martin, Metcalf, and Smith.
.~ Absent: Connnissioners Belanger, !and Marshall.
C~issioner Smith moved, seconded1 by Coma~issioner Bacon, that the reading
of the minutes of 24 January 1972 meeting be waived and that they be
approved as distributed subject to the following changes:
page 6. .under H. SDR-926. . .paragraph 4. .line 3. .delete "at
the time" and instead insert "aftar" and on page 7. . .insert the following
be'tween paragraphs 4 and 5. . ."Coxmmissioner Belanger asked whether the
Co~.rm~ission would consider allowing a free-standing directory-type sign of
modest proportions to identify all building tenants?" and in paragraph 7. .
on page 7. .line 2. .insert the word "directory" betwean the words
"large" and "sign"; motion carrie~! x,zith Con~nissioners Martin and Metcalf
ab staining.
A. UP-205 - Open Hearth Restaurant, Saratoga-St~nnyvale Road - Request for Use
Permit to Allow a Restaurant-Dinner House - Continued from
24'January 1972
Chairman Lively reopened the hearing relative 'to UP-205 at 7:35 P.M.
The .Secretary read the Staff Repo~'t dated 14 February 1972 reco~.r~nending
that the requested Use Permit be granted to allow a resta~rar:t-dinner house.
Mr. Ed Driscoll, o~,~ner of restaurant, questioned condition (3) of the subject
report which states that a review ~of the parking req~irements would take
place one (1) year from the date gf approval of this Use Permit. He stated
he was interested in finding out ~,~-hat this review would entail.
The Secretary explained that this ~revie.~z would be done to make sure that
the .parking is adeqnate and that the number of employees have not changed
and the square footage used for the dining area is still the ssjne.
Chains. an Lively inquired what, if ;~any, action would be ~aken i~ the parking were
found to be inadequate?
Cormnissioner Smith stated that if ':tbe o~...~~er should propose a change in the
use of any portion of the building then the Plar~'ning Commission should review
the parking in the entire buildi~g.
Chairman Lively reconmended that ~he subject 'report be amended by deleting
condition (3) and adding the following to condition (2):
"Parking require~nents m~st be reviewed if there is any c-'.~.ange in tenancy {n the entire building."
Conm~issioner Smith moved, secondecl~ by Con~n~issioner Bacon, that the hearing
in connection with UP-205 be closed at 7:41 P.M.; motion carr~.ed unanimously.
Planning Co'~.~issio~.. Min,_:tes - 14 Februnt, 1972 - Continued
II. A. UP-.205 - Continued
Con~nissioner Smith n:oved, seconded b~- Comn~issioner Bacon, that the Staff
Report dated 14 Febn'_.ary 1972 relative to UP-205 be adopted, as amended,
and a bse Permit be grante,t to allow a restaurant-dinner house in a portion
of the Rus:~el.l Re. ed buiiding located at 12333 Saratoga-S-unnFale Road subject
'to ~he co'~diEicns stated in said report; motion carried unanimously.
B. ~.F_~j~Pj. ' C & ! Development Co., :Titus Aven, e and Br~ckton Avenue -
·,-~ ~t for Use Pe~'~nit 'to Allow Model Home Sales Office
Chaimxan Live!7 opened the hearing relative to UP-206 at 7:42
~e Secretary stated that the No:.tice of Hearing was ~ilad. · He furthere
stated that there is one new devlelcpment relative to this application and
tI{at is that Brown and Kauflmann: has recently relocated without pe~ission
their sales office onto Brockton': Lane. Supposedly [she model hom~a sales
office .requested in connection w'ith UP-206 was to cancel out the Bro~,m
and Kauf~m. ann s.3.1es office. C &~I Development is caking over all the
lots left over from the Bro~.a~. and Kauffmann subdivision in this area.
Co~.~issioner Smith staued that if a new model home sales office is desired
the applicant m'ust a'bandon the old sales office.
].~ere w~'~s no one present to represent the applicant ~nd no one in the
audience x~_shed to coxr~m. ent.
Con~isslone3: Bacon stated it w~s', his understanding that Brox.m and KaufD~xann
sold all their lots in this area.; tl~ezefore, would no longer need a sales
office i~. ~b~[s Icca't~.c~n. :,
Com~issione.~ Martin stated that the lot ~.zhere the applicant is proposing
to build the model home sales office is actually a parking lot on a very
busy street with many existing homes. !f the parking lot is elininated
there will not be sufficient parking for a ~odei hoxne sales office.
applicant should attempt ~o loca~e the model home sales office at the
interior of the subdivision.
Chair~r~n Lively closed the hearing for the evening at 7:48 P.M., directed
UP-206 continued to the ne~t regular 'meeting and referred same to the Sub-
division Coxmnittee for study and a report.
C. UP-207 - Brookside Climb of Saratoga, Cox A~'enue - Request for Use Petit
to Allow ~,zo (2) AdditiOnal Tennis Courts
Chair~xan Lively opened the hearing relative to UP--207 at 7:~9 P.M.
~e Secretary' stated that the No~ice of Hear~.ng was mailed.
Mr. McMilian, atton~- for the applicant, starred that 1) this is a
reapplication on a Use Pern~it tha't w~s granted in ]-969 2) the Brookside
Club had a~'~ticipated purchasing the needed property at the time the Use
Pem~it was originally granted, bult have only recently finalized the purchase
and 3) the plans are still exactly the same as sho~.zn on the maps previous].y
subz~i't~ed and a,~r~'~'n'v~--~ ;
Mrs. Donald K. ~lske~.:, 12651 SaratOga Creek Drive, stated that 1) she ~.~as
p~'esent to rep~r,zs~:.nt the ho~neo~ne~..s in th~.s area 2) Walter Windes of 12681
Saratoga Creek Drive did not receive a N~i'~ice of }{c~aring relative to th~.s
matter 3) the reside:rxts of the a~ea object to granting of this Use Permit
since the applicant has not con~plied wi~nh the conditions of their cu~-rei~t
Use Perp.~it 4) tb.e ou~msdoor noise ~fzas to be restricted ancl yet t'hey have
consistently used loud speakers axed microphones for the. s~.mim meets at 7:00 A.M.
5) the noise has bee~ so bad tha~2 during the s't~m~-~r months the neighbors
were unable ~-o ~se ~.'bc~i~s back yar~s and x,~ere forced to go to public par!<s for
their B.-.B-Q's, e~c. 6) in the'Use Per~it granted in 1963 it x<,as reconLmended
Planning Commission Minutes - 14 February 1972 - Continued
II. C. UP-207 - Continued
that landscaping be provided around the perimeter of the club property
in order to act as a noise buffer between the club and the neighbors
7) this has not been done and the existing landscaping is not adequate
8) this is designated as. a private club and yet it operates as a public
club and is open for public swimaning and tennis lessons 9) until these
problems are resolved we feel this request for Use Permit should be
witM~eld and 10) the residents do not object to the tennis courts as
such but do feel the existing violations should ba abated.
Mrs. Ask~, in answer to' an inquiry from Cormnissioner Smith, stated that
no 'formal complaint was made to. the City previous to this time; however,
the applicant has been notified.
The Secretary stated that the plan has changed slightly froni the original
proposal due to the acquisition' of the additional property.
Chairman Lively requested that a review be made of the original Use
Permit versus the proposal sho~,~ on the current plan and that a check
be made to determine what can be done about some protective landscaping.
Chairman Lively closed the hearing for the evening at 8:04 P.M., directed
UP-207 continued to the next regular meeting and referred same to the
Subdivision Comn~ttee for study. and a report.
D. C-153 - James W. Day, Walnut Avenue - Request for Change of Zoning
'from "R-l-12, 500" (Single-Family Residential) to "R-M-5,000"
(Multi-Family Residential)
Chairman Lively opened the hearing'at 8:05 P~M.
The Secretary stated the Notice. of Hearing was mailed. He then read
1) a Statement of Reason filed'by the applicant 2) a communication
filed in opposition to the proposed Change of Zoning by Mr. and ~'~s.
Theo P. Williams of 14345 SaratOga Avenue and 3) a petition containing
sixty-t~o (62) signatures objecting t~ the subject Change of Zoning.
Mr. Ed Kolstad~'~ present to represent the applicant, stated that 1) the
applicant feels this concept for development of this property will not
increase density in this area, but rather decrease it 2) if this property
were developed as straight "R-I" (Single-Family) there is a strong possibility
that eight or nine building sites could be realized and they would all house'
families and this would result in higher density 3) whereas very few
families with children wo,~ld be interested in the type of accon~nodations
posed and 4) since most people buying this type of living unit ~are past the
child rearing stage. Mr. KO. lstad presented pictures of the type of units
and/or developmenf~roposedo
Mr. Richard Morton, 14141 Victo~ Place, stated.that they have lived at
their current address since. 1947 and are opposed to'the subject proposal
since they do not want an~ additional traffic on Walnut Avenue.
Mrs. Mechanic of 20410 Walnut Avenue stated that there are over forty
(40) children playing in the Walnut Avenue area. The only entrance to
the proposed development wo~ld be off Walnut Avenue - a ~ery dangerous
place for access. She objects to this request for change of zoning on
the basis.that the additional traffic would cause a hazard for the'resi-
dents of the area.
Dorothy Lee Hilbert Of 14160 Victor Place stated that 1) several years
ago an ill-advised plan was submitted for this pr6perty which did not
obtain approval 2) the cdrrent proposal would allow for too heavy an
increase in density at this location 3) even eight to ten building
sites would. create a high density and a tremendous amount of traffic.
Planning Commission Minutes - 14 FebruaE ].972 - Continued
II. D. C-153 - Continued
Mr. Raymond Paxton of 14205 Squirrel Hollow Lane stated that he would
like to know about any changes proposed for the creek which runs through
Chairman Lively stated that the applicant is required to work with the
Santa Clara County Flood Control to maintain the creek in accordance
with the' Flood Plane concept.
Mr. Kolstad explained that the creek will be maintained in its natural
Chairman Lively closed the hearing for the evening at 8:21 P.M., referred
the matter to the Subdivision Committee and continued same to the next
regular meeting.
E. V-371 - W. C. Garcia & Assoc., Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road - Request for
Variance to Allow Increase in Square-Footage in Area of Building
Chairman Lively opened the hearing relative to V-371 at 8:22 P.M.
The Secretary stated the Notice of Hearing was mailed. He then read
communications filed in opposition to the proposed Variance:
1) A letter submitted. by Paul and Joyce Brow.me. of
20223 Carol Lane.
2) A letter. ,,~ritten by Dr. Robert J. Miller of 20322
Carol Lane.
3) A letter received from Mrs. Henry P. Kaplan of
20745 Sevilla Lane.
4)A letter from Frank W. Schork, Jr., President of
Saratoga Manor Homeowners Association
'5) A petition signed by forty-one (41) residents of
the area.
Mr. Stewart Bowie, President of S.D.C., Inc., stated that 1) his company
proposes to buy the subject property; therefore, he will be speaking as
the applicant'at this time 2) the architect for S.D.C., Inc. has met with
the Subdivision Corr~nittee and De'sign Review Committee to discuss this
proposal 3) this matter was discussed with the members of the Planning
Commission at the ~eeting of 24 January ]972 and subsequently an appli-
cation for Variance was made 4) times and circumstances have changed
since the "C-V" ordinance, which limifed food markets to 12,000-square
feet, was adopted 5) no other u'ses permitted in the "C-V" zone are
limited to this size 6) super markets are between 24,000 to 30,O00-square
feet in size 7) the request is to allow a 28,000-square. foot market in
lieu of the 12,000-square foot ma~ket permitted under the ordinance
8) every one of the trees sho~,n~ on the plan is one that now exists on
the property and the plans for the buildings have been dra~,rn around said
trees 9) the applicant is amenable to dedicating to the City the corner
of this property for park purposes since the Master Plan of the City
designates this property for park use 10) in considering this Variance
some alternatives must be considered 11) the property could be used by
a single-larger use and that may be appealing or a number of very small
shops could go in here; however,' these smaller shops would compete with
the unique shops in the Village 'area and it is doubtful that the shops
· in this center could"survive under those circumstances 12) development
of this area as proposed by the applicant would be an asset to the City.
Commissioner Metcalf explained that the Design Review Cemmittee did meet
informally with the applicant's architect.
Planning Con~nission Minutes - 14 February 1972 -'ContinUed
II. E. V-371 - Cont.~nued
Chairman Lively asked if the architect understood that any building built
on this site.would have different standards than the normal Longs Drug
Store and/or Lucky Food Market and that they would be required to design
the buildings to fit in with the character established for Saratoga.
Commissioner Metcalf answered that this was understood but what may not
be understood is that the develqper will be expected to treat the grove
of trees located on this property as a park site and having done that the
remainder of the site could be considered for development.
Mr. Eugene Garrets, architect for S.D.C., Inc., stated that at the meeting with
the Subdivision Committee and Design Review Committee the emphasis
was on simply asking for direction., The maps submitted for review
by the Planning Commission were .prepared for a development in th~
City of Davis and were submitted as a tool to stimulate conversation'.
as to design approach.
Conm~issioner Bacon stated that during the discussion of this matter
with the applicant the words "Toxin and Country" style' were used many 'times and
it was understood 'these' buildings woul~ be low in profile.
Chairman Lively agreed that the. unsightly impact of the market could be greatly
reduced if the profile were 1.ow..
Mr. James tlansen, representing a Homeowner's Group in the area, stated
that if a market of the substantial size proposed is allowed in this area
numerous delivery trucks will be coming and going which will create addi-
tional traffic and,noisy operations. and at four or five o'clock in the
morning this can become a disturbing hazard.
Mr. Frank Ziegel of 20254 Kirkmont Drive stated that 1) about three years
ago a lot of residents of Sarato. ga worked on the General Plan and at that
time the question of the best use of this property was considered 2.) the
zoning was at that time changed to "C-V" (Visitor-Commercial) and a suggested
plan for landscaping and fencing was prepared 3) the idea of the 12,000-
square foot market arose because the other establishments in the area did
not want competition of the size that would result from a market of the
size proposed by the applicant so a compromise was reached 4) this was
the feeling of the residents and businessmen at the time of the General
Plan Review and it is still the same - a 12,000-square foot market for
this property is adequate and 5) the applicant should be required to
submit detailed plans showing exactly what type of architectural design
he proposes to use for this seve. n (7) acre site.
Chairman Lively explained that the applicant has been advised that any
buildings proposed for location 'on this property will be carefully studied
by the Subdivision Coma~ittee and Design Review Committee and that the
architecture used must blend in with the surrounding area.
Mr. Bowie explained that at the time of Design Review he would be happy
to 'meet with residents and businessmen of the area to discuss the proposed
design for the buildings.
Mr. Robert V. Pirkl of 12099 Kirkbrook Drive stated that 1) his property
is adjacent to the one under discussion 2) the Variance seems to imply
a large business operation and ~) the fact that this operation would be
adjacent to a residential area should be given careful consideration by
the Commission and he is opposed to a food market of the proposed size.
Chairman Lively explained that the applicant could conceivably build
something other than a grocery store at this location with no limit
as to size .if the use were permitted under the "C-V" ordinance.
IIo E. V-371 - Continued
Mr. Charles F. Schwager of 20386' Kirkmont Drive stated that 1) low-
profile buildings would not be a's objectionable as the usual size
market, but even low-profile buildings will not decrease the noise ·and
traffic already existing from other markets in the area 2) the trees on
this property should be retained· and the landscaping increased in order
to provide some type of buffer zone for the residents located in the area
3) in 1967-68 the City had 'a professional report prepared and in that
report it was recon~nended that this corner be developed as an aesthetic
approach to the City 4) this market will not provide this approach
5) there are already too many markets in this area and 6) he is very
much opposed to the proposed Variance.
Mr. James C. Bro~ of 12099 Natores Court stated that 1) at the time
they pLuL'chased their property from Mr. Garcia they were assured that the
subject property would be developed as a park site 2) another market in
this area ~,xculd be oven~helming and to threaten the smaller stores in this
area in this way is quite meaningless 3) if Merida Drive were opened into
this co~ercial area as a result· of this development it would become a main
thoroughfare to Highway 85 and the children in the area have to walk this
way to get to school and 4) he is opposed to the subject Variance and any
thought that Merida Drive would be opened to traffic.
Mr. A1 Stadjuhar of 20377 Kirkmont Drive stated 'that he is one of the
first residents of this area and was ·assured that no large co~ercial.
venture of this type would ever go in at this location and he is opposed
to the subject Variance request.
Dr. Don R. Smith of 15135 Via Colins stated that 1) he has maintained
a medical-dental building adjacent to this property for the last twelve (12)
years 2) it is difficult for him to understand hox.~ this developer could
make plans for something of this size without contacting him 3) he is not
opposed to development of the subject "~r0'p~rt~i"But ~e""~'~'~ 'belie~ that some
consideration should be given to 'his e}zisting building 4) he and the two
other doctors enjoy this location and hope for an amicable relationship
with the developer and 5) he has no feeling one way or the other about
the requested Variance.
Mr. Bro~,~ of 12099 Natoma Court Stated that Mr. Garcia (at the time he
sold Mr. Brown his lot) made a conm'ittment for a 200-foot setback between
the Bro~.m property and any buildings proposed for the property under
discussion.· According to the plans the setback has been reduced to
something like 30-or=50-feet.
Chai~an Lively explained that unlder th~ present ordinance a 10-foot side
yard and a 30-foot rear setback is all that is required.
Mr. Ernest Kaufman of 12055 Carol' Lane stated that he was assured at the
time he moved into this area that~ the subject property would be developed
as a park site. He is completely opposed to a super market of the proposed
size at this location since there are already too many markets in this area.
Mr. Bruno Edinger of 12088 Natoma Court stated that he is opposed to a
market at this location. The amount of traffic created by a market has
been ~de evident by other markets operating in 'the area.
Commissioner Metcalf stated that 1) he has revi-ewed the "C-V" ordinance
and he finds that the proposed principle use of this land is not within
the letter or spirit of the draft of the ordinance 2) the ordinance
authorizes, in a "C-V" zoning district, a pha~acy with no size limitation,
but it clearly limits the size of a food store to 12,000-square feet and
it is pretty apparent that the people who drafted the ordinance were think-
--ing of something like the Saratoga Dm_~g Store o~ the Argonaut Pharmacy and
not a discount d~g store such as .a Longs or Payless. It seems clear that
the developer should be required to submit a request for a Variance for both
the proposed drug store and the food market.
Piannin~ Connn~ss~on Minutes - i~. February 1972 - Continued
II. E. V-371 - Continued '
Chairman Lively closed the public hearing for the evening at 9:11 P.M.,
directed V-371 continhed to the next regular m~eting and referred same
to the Variance Committee.
Commissioner Martin, on behalf of the Variance Committee, arranged for
an on-site inspection of the property with the applicant for Saturday
morning, 19 February 1972, at 9:00 A.M. He, also, stated that the
Variance Committee would meet ~ith interested residents of the area
on Saturday morning, 19 February:. 1972, at 9:30 A.M. at the site.
A. SDR-931 Jordan M. Pennoyer, via Regina - Building Site Approval -
2 Lots - Continued from 24 January 1972
The Secretary, ~in answer to an inquiry from Commissioner Metcalf, explained
that if the slope of a lot is over 10% then the Planning Commission must
approve the ·type of·house that is allowed On the property.
Connnissioher Metcalf emphasized that if the average slope is over .40% the
lot cannot be stretched enough tO make a legal lot.
Commissioner Bacon stated that 60,000-square feet would be needed to make
a legal lot if the slope exceeded 730%in this case.
Commissioner Smith pointed out that a total of 120,000-square feet would
be required for the two (2) lots if the slope is indeed over.3.0%'j.~
CoF~nissioner Bacon stated that is correct unless the second lot had a
slope less than 10%.
The Secretary, i{{ answer to an inquiry from Conhmissioner Martin, explained
that Mr. Pennoyer woul'd have to arrange to have the matter of access for
Lot "A" clearly defined in his deed.
Chairman Lively directed SDR-931 continued to the next regular meeting and
referred the matter to the Subdiv. ision Committee to resolve the matter of
slope density and the access road to Lot "A".
B. SDR-938 - Saratoga Foothills Development, Corp., Saratoga Avenue - 13 Lots
- Continued from 24 January 1972
The Secretary recommended that this matter be continued to the next regular
meeting to allow time for further study.
Chairman Live ly so. directed°
C~ 'SD-941 - Kunkel-Thomas, Sobey Road - Subdivision Approval - 12 Lots -
Continued from 24 January 1972
The Secretary recommended that this matter be continued to the ne~,:t regular
me. eting since the applicant is still working to develop a more meandering
type of cul-de-sac,
Chairman Lively so directed.
D. SDR-926 - Southland Corp., Saratoga-Los Gatos Road - Building Site Approval'
2 Lots - Continued from 24 January 1972
Commissioner Metcalf moved, seconded by Cormmissioner Smith, to deny
building site approval for SDR-926 unless a letter of extension is received
from the applicant; motion carrie.d unanimously.
.~.~ Flanning Commission Minut'es - 14 February 1972 - Continuect
III. E. SDR-942 - Shannon Lightfoot, St!ringer Avenue - Building Site Approval
- 2 Lots
The Secretary recormnended that '.this matter be continued. to the next
regular meeting in order to resolve legal implications involved with
this property. He then read tw.O' (2) communications objecting to the
proposed building site received. from the following:
1) Doctors Carol and Phil'lip Jacklin of 14436 Esterlee Drive.
· 2) Mr. and Mrs. C. Leland Bice of 14481 Springer Road.
Commissioner Smith explained that the Subdivision Committee is working
'with the City Attorney in connection with this matter.
Chairman Lively directed the matter continued to the next regular
meeting and referred SDR-942 to; the Subdivision Committee for study
and a report at the next meeting°
F. SDR~943 - John T. Stone~ Mt. Eden Road - Building Site Approval ~ 1 Lot
%]~e Secretary reco~ranened that this matter be continued to the next regular'
meeting since this building site is in Saratoga but the access lies in the
County and involves another building site, also, in the County.
Chairman Lively directed the matter continued to the next regular' meeting.
A. A-369 Sisters of Notre Dame, Bohlman Road Final Design Review -
Facade Remodeling for Old Chapel at Novitiate
Commissioner Smith stated that if the front of ,this old chapel is remodeled
in too fancy a manner it will stick out like a sore thumb against the
remainder of the building which'is .real old.
Commissioner Metcalf explained that some of the tiles that will be used
are real old and have been salvaged from buildings that were removed. He
then read the Staff Report recommending that Final Design Approval be
granted for the remodeling of the 'old chapel at the novitiate.
Comnissioner Metcalf moved, seconded by Cormmissioner Bacon, that the
Staff Repo.rt dated 14 February 1972 be adopted and that Final Design Approval
be gr'~ant.~ed,-~s sho~ on Exhibits "H" and "I" for the remodeling of the
chapg(~el'building subject to the condition stated in said report; motion
carried unanimously.
B. A-271 - John Rodrigues, Jr., Big Basin Way - Final Design Review - Front
Elevations - Condominium
Commissioner Metcalf read the Staff Report dated 14 February 1972 recommend-
ing that Final Design Approval be granted for the exterior elevations for
the fifth tox.~house complex for .A-271~
Commissioner Smith recommended that in paragraph 1.. .line 3.. .
'.'four (4) separate" be change to read"six (6) separate".
Commissioner Metcalf moved, seconded by Cormnissioner Bacon, that the
Staff Report dated 14 Februar>L1972 be adopted, as 'amended, and that
Final Design Approval be go~.~ted/for the exterior elevations for the
-fifth townhouse complex as'shown on Exhibit "L" and "M" subject to
the condition stated in said report; motion carried unanimously.
IV. C. A-384 - Russell Reed, Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road - Final Design Review -
Identification Signs - Continued from 24 January 1972
Commissioner Metcalf explained that this request 'is actually split into
two parts:
1) ..The identification sign.
2) _The modification of the building facade to be done
by the Open Hearth .Restaurant for a nautical design.
Mr. O'Day, applicant's representative, stated that the only lighting
to be used will be for the landscaping and the pathway.
Conunissioner Smith recommended that the subject Staff Report be
amended as follows:
In the title of the report. .delete "Identification
Signs" and instead ins.ert. ."Modification of Building
Facade" and in paragraph 1. . . line 1. . .delete
"architectural treatment of the front of the building"
and instead insert. . ."building facade".
Chairman Lively recormnended that .the subject Staff Report be further
amended as follows:
In paragraph 2. . .add ..after the word modification. .
", with the condition that indirect lighting will be
for landscaping and path and walkways only."
Commissioner Metcalf moved, seconded by Commissioner Bacon, that the
Staff Report dated 14 February 1972 be adopted, as amended, and that
Final Design Approval be granted .for the modification of the building
facade for the Russell Reed building as sho~,rn on E~ibit "M" subject
to the condition stated in said report; motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Metcalf stated that =the matter of the identification sign
for this building is, also, scheduled for discussion at this time.
Mr. Driscoll, o~,rner of the Open Hearth Resta'c~rant, asked if a report
relative to the sign had been prepared.
Commissioner Metcalf explained th'at at the Design Review Committee meeting
the applicant had been given some indication that his free-standing sign
would be satisfactory if it were cut do~,n~ from 8-feet to 6-feet, but it
seems to be the consensus of the Commission that no free-standing sign
should be permitted.
Mr. Driscoll stated that he is excited about becoming part of a City that
is trying so hard to maintain itsl uniquie character; however, he would
request that this matter be considered in proper perspective since this
this is a unique situation. %~qe .fact that the building is set back off
the street a great distance will allow traffic to go past without even
noticing the restaurant unless there is a sign of significant size. Even
on freeways where no signs are allowed there are some exceptions made in
certain cases.
Mr. Koshland, designer of the sign for this applicant, stated that the
sign proposed on the exhibits submitted has been tied into the building
as attractively as possible and it has been set into planting; therefore,
no structural element of the sign can be seen.
Chairman Lively stated that all the arguements hold true; however, free-stancling
signs are allowed only for shopping centers; therefore, this building will
have to meet that requirement in order to qualify for a pole sign. If the
Commission deviates from the ordi:nance for one situation other business
establishments in the area will be encouraged to request the same type of
sign for their use.
Planning Comnission Minutes - 14 Februar, 1972 -'Cbntinued
IV. C. A~384 - Continued
Commissioner Smith stated that even if this were called something other
.than a free-standing sign other establishments in the area would feel
free to present the same arguments that this applicant has put forth.
Commissioner Metcalf stated that in fairness to the applicant the other
sign violations in this area should be checked and corrected.
Chairman Lively directed this matter continued to the next regular meeting
and referred A-384 (identification sign) to the Design Review Conm~ittee for
study. :
The Secretary explained that the applicant could meet with the Design
Review Committee and the Planning and Environmental Committee of the
City Council to determine what the feeling of the Council would be
relative tO the proposed sign.
Commissioner Bacon gave a summary of items reviewed and action taken at the
'City Council meeting of 2 February 1972, with emphasis on items of particular
interest to the Commission.
A. Capitol Real Estate - Request toiAdd Children's Nursery and Boarding
School to Li~ of Conditional Uses - Continued
from 24 January 1972
Mr. James Wright, applicant, sta~ed that 1) he has operated a school
of the type requested in Palo Alto for seventeen '(17) years 2) the
school would provide overnight care for children from four (4) to twelve
(12) years 3) it would be a "fun" type of place for children to stay .r-"
while their parents are away andz4) the principle use would be for
a daytime nursery school. :
Chairman Lively explained that 1) there have been numerous applications
made for nursery schools and each time there has been a tremendous citizens
turn-out against this use and 2). a meeting with the Subdivision Committee
can be arranged to discuss this matter.
Commissioner Smith explained that the Subdivision Committee did meet with
the applicant to discuss this matter and informed him that he should bring
the subject before the planning commission in order to obtain their feeling
on the matter.- :
Commissioner Metcalf stated thatznursery schools have been deleted from the
list of uses in the "R 1" zoning district and should not be reinstated.
Chairman Lively directed the matter continued to the next regular meeting
and referred the subject to the Subdivision Committee.
' B. SDR-822 - Earl Zimmerm~n, Bohlman Road - Request for Extension -
Continued from 24 January 1972
The Secretary read the Staff Report dated 14 February 1972 recommending
that the request for extension in connection with SDR-822 be denied~ ~
Commissioner Smith moved, seconded by Commissioner Bacon, that the Staff
Report dated 14 February 1972 be ~dopted and the request for extension be
denied; motion carried unanimously
Plannin~ Commission Minutes - 14 February 1972 - Continued
VI. C. SDR-935 - John L. Richardson~ Quito Road - Request for Reconsideration
The Secretary explained that the owner of the property in connection
with SDR-935 !~as requested that this matter be continued to the next
Chairman Lively so directed.
Monte Bello Ridge Mountain Study (Phase II)
The Secretary explained that the Planning Policy Committee has adopted
Resolution No. 11 and now requests Saratoga adopt regulations substantially
in accord with those outlined in ResOlution No. 11 to adopt emergency
regulations necessary to prevent premature development occuring in the
Monte Bello Ridge Mountain Study are~.
The Secretary read the General Plan Committee Report of 14 February 1972 which
recommends that the Planning Co~nission recon~end to the City Council that
the City of Saratoga ad0ptregulations substantially in accord with those
reco~nended by the Planning Policy Committee in connection with the Monte
Bello Ridge Mountain Study.
Commissioner Metcalf moved, seconded~ by Commissioner Smith, that the General
Plan Comnittee Report dated 14 February 1972 relative to the adoption of
emergency regulations in the Monte Bello Ridge Mountain Study area be
adopted and fon~arded to the City Council as the recommendation of the
Planning Commission; motion carried unanimously.
Santa Cruz Mountain Study (Phase I)
The Secretary read the General Plan Committee Repor. t dated 14 February 1972
recommending that the proposed regulations adopted by the Planning Policy
Committee relative to the Santa Cruz Mounmin Study Phase I be endorsed by
the City of Saratoga. :
Commissfoner Metcalf moved, seconded by CommissiOner Smith, that the General
Plan Committee Report dated 14 February 1972 be adopted with the proposed
regulations adopted by the Planning Policy Co~mnittee to control development
in the Santa Cruz Mountain Study Area (Phase I) and that the Planning Commission
recommend to the City Council that the subject ordinance be endorsed by the
City of Saratoga in principle and that the City of Saratoga adopt similar
regulations, but modified to suit Saratoga's specific goals and standards;
motion carried unanimously.
Chamber of Commerce Letter of 25' January 1972
The Secretary read a letter received from the Saratoga Chamber 'of
Commerce'relative to Architectural Control in [he qity of Saratoga.
Chairman Lively referred the matter to the Design Review Committee.
Brox.m and Kauffmann - Model Home'Sales Office
Commissioner Martin inqukred about the method used to police conditions
placed on developers. The. Bro~.m'and Kauffman Use Permit cam~ up. for
review about two (2)~months ago.. A request for extension was submitted
and at that time it was agreed that if the developer moved out of that
model home sales office they would sell it. The garage on this house is
now a family room.
Planning Con~nission Minutes - 14 February 1972 - Continued
VIII. B. Brown and Kauff~nann - Continued
The developer has moved the model home sales office out of one home·
and into another model home around the corner from the one vacated.
Also, the bond for the development should not be released since the
developer has not planted any 'of the trees on the lot formerly used
for a model home sales office.
Chairman Lively ·thanked the Good Government Group representative
for the coffee served at recess.
Chairman Lively adjourned the meetzing at 11:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Stanley M..!~alker, Secretary
Saratoga Planning Commission