HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-26-1977 Planning Commission Minutes CITY OF SARATOGA PLANNING CO~BIISSION
DATE: Wednesday, January 26, 1977 - 7:30 p.m.
PLACE: City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, California
TYPE: Regular Meeting
Present: Commissioners Belanger, Callon, Laden, Lustig, Marshall, Martin and Zambetti
Absent: None
Commissioner Lustig moved, seconded by Commissioner Laden, that the reading of the
Planning Commission meeting minutes of January 12, 1977 be waived, and that they be
approved as distributed to the Commission. The motion was carried unanimously.
1.~H~. Van ~Uyn opened the nominations for Chairman of the Planning Commission for
'the year 1977:
Commissioner Zambetti nominated~. seconded by_Commissioner ~UstiK, CommiSsioner
='Lynn Belanger for Commission Chairman. Com~nissione~ Lustig moved, seconded by
Commissioner Marshall, tha~ the nominations be closed for Commission Chairman.
The motion was carried unanimously.
Commissioner Lynn Belanger was elected Planning Commission Chairman for 1977 by
2. Chairman Belanger opened the nominations for Vice-Chairman 6f the Planning Commis-
sion for the year 1977:
Commissioner Laden nominated, seconded by Commissioner Marshall, Commissioner
Gene Zambetti for Commission Vice-Chairman. Commissioner Lustig moved, seconded
by Commissioner Callon, that the nominations be closed for Commission Vice Chairman.
The motion was carried unanimously.
Commissioner Gene Zambetti was elected Vice-Chaii~nan of the Planning Commission
fdr 1977 by acclaim.
3. Chairman Belanger nominated~ seconded by Commissioner Marshall, Mr. Marty Van Du~n
~for Secretary o~ the Planning CommiSsion for 1977. ~ommis~ioner Marshall moved,
seconded by COmmissioner Lustig, that the nominations be closed for Secretary.
The motion was carried unanimously.
Mr. Marry Van Duyn was elected Secretary of the Planning Commission for 1977 by
A. Composition of Consent Calendar
Commissioner Marshall moved, seconded by Commissioner Martin, that the Planning Commission
approve the Composition of the Consent Calendar of January 26, 1977. The motion was
carried unanimously.
B. Items of Consent Calendar°
Commissioner Marshall moved, seconded by Commissioner Lustig, that the Planning
Commission grant approval to the following applications:
1. Final Building Sites
a. SDR-1269 - John Markulin, Montalvo Road, Final Building Site Approval - 1 Lot
b. SDR-1279 - Santos Aparicio, Omega Lane, Final Building Site Approval - 1 Lot
c. SDR-1288 - Warren Held, Quito Road, Final Building Site Approval - 1 Lot
2. Design Review
a. A-5S0 - S. Aparicio Construction Company, Omega Lane, Final Design Review Appro-
val - 1 Lot Residential;' Per Exhibit '!A" and the Staff Report dated
Janaury 21, 1977
b. A-552 - Hal Johnston for Argonaut Delicatessen, 12866 Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road,
Final Design Review Approval - Identification Sigh;_ Per Exbibit "A"
~;~ and Staff Report dated January 21, 1977
-d.' 'AiSS3 - Efdr~a kdnk~f,'C6i~ b~i~e, F{~ai D~si'gh ReView 'Approval -'Lot #3 of
Tract #5693; Per Exhibit' "A" and Staff Report dated January 21, 1977
d. A-554 - Hal Johnston for Chow's Garden, 12950 Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, Final
Design Review Approval - Identification Sign; Per Exhibit "A" and Staff
Report dated January 20, 1977
The motion was carried unanimously.
A. SD-1284 - Wayne Leposavic, Sperry Lane, Tentative Subdivision Approval - 6 Lots; Request
for Consideration of Revised Tentative Map
Commissioner Marshall explained that the applicants for 2 adjacent parcels (SD-1284 and
SDR-1274-2 lots) concurrently submitted revised tentative maps which called for a change
in the means of access for 2 lots and a revised public street designation. It was noted
that the 2 lots of SDR-1274 were to take access from a minimum access road serving no
more than 4 lots, and that all of SD-1284 lots would take access from a new cul-de-sac
extension ofiSperry Lane. Commissioner Marshall noted that this matter had been re-
viewed by the Subdivlsi'on Committee-and Public Works Department, and that a Staff Report
had been prepared recommending approval.
Commissioner Marshall moved, seconded by Commissioner Zambetti, that the Planning Commis-
sion grant tentative subdivision approval to application SD-1284 per Exhibit "A-i"
(filed January 14, 1977) and subject to the:a_m.e~ded Staff Beport dated January 18, 1977.
The motion was carried unanimously.
A. UP-318 - Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF), 14500 Fruitvale
Avenue, Review of Draft Environmental Impact Report (E-4) on Request for Use
Permit in Accordance with the Provisions of Article 16 of Zoning Ordinance NS-3'
to Allow for the Expansion of the IOOF Lodge to Provide for 150 Units of Senior
Citizen Housing; Continued from November 10, 1976
Consultant Presentation
Marry Abell, representative of URS Research Company who prepared the Draft EIR, was
present. He explained that the EIR was prepared because there was a possibility that
there might be a significant::environmentbl effect as defined by the California Environ-
mental Act of 1970, and he noted that when this condition existed, the law required that
an EIR be prepared. Mr. Abell explained that this project was for a 1S0-unit senior
citizen housing complex :Sh a~l'~'-=acre site adjacent to the existing IOOF home, and he
pointed out that the projedt 'would be financed by a federal loan with HUD in the amount
of $4.6 million.
IV. A. UP-318 - IOOF Draft EIR (E-4) - Cont'd
With regards to the Report itself, Mr. Abell made the following comments:
1. Grading.. He stated that potentially the most significant issue was the fact that
the site was undulating, and that in order to accommodate the project's prospective
residents, the site would require grading. He pointed out that although the consul-
tants did not have a grading plan at the time they prepared the report, they did con-
clude that sensitive grading and sensitive siting of the structures could mitigate
the grading effects to minor levels. Later in the presentation, BIr. Abell pointed
out that the architects had made modifications to the plan for which the EIR was pre-
pared in December which included a reduction in-t~ p~g~sf~ and' re0rg~nizai
~ion of the structures to accommodate mitigating measures that the consultants had
identified. He noted that this included preservation of major existing trees and
the rep~rian zone located near the intermittent creek.
2. Circulation. Mr. Abell explained that the circulation would be exclusively tied in
to Fruitsale Avenue. He added, however, that the per the General Plan, for any
development over 50 units in nature, secondary access must be provided. He stated
that this could be provided either via the adjacent San Marcos Road or through a sub-
division would was proposed for 2 parcels immediately to the north. He emphasized the
fact that there woul~dizbe no necessity:to extend Crisp Avenue ~r any other adjacent
streets to provide circulation through thi~ p~oject.
3. Nuisance. Mr. Abell pointed out that this project would be occupied by an older
population group which was "generally a pretty quite bunch." He stated that the con-
sultants felt that the nuisance factor was minimal for~this type of project.
4. Community Services. He stated that most of the services utilized by the residents
would be provided on site with the exception of medical and shopping facilities which
were located within a 2½ mile radius. He stated that one of the drawbacks of this
project was the fact that the site was not accessible to these outside facilities on
foot, but stated that perhaps a shuttle service or car pooling among the residents
could mitigate this problem.
S. Natural Environment. He stated that the major effects would be attributable to grad-
ing and site modification. He stated that the natural attributes showed no evidence
of rare or endangered species on this site. Mr. Abell did note that there was a
riparian zone around the intermittent stream along the western edge of the lot, and
he noted that the Report recommended that this area be unaltered. He pointed out
that the Report also recommended that the eucalyptus groves located in the center
of the site and along the eastern edge of the site be preserved.
6. Revenue Effects. Because the foundation was tax exempt, Mr. Abell stated that the
project would only generate approximately $300/year in taxes. He pointed out, how-
ever, that approximately $6,000 in inspection and construction fees would accrue to
the City due to this project, and he estimated that no less than $1,000/year in sales
tax-='revenues would accrue to the City once the project reached maturity.
7. Conclusion. Mr. Abell concluded by stating that the consultants felt that if the
mitigating measures discussed in the Report were implemented, the impacts associated
with this project would be reduced to insignificant levels.
Commission Response
® Commissioner B~arshall noted that the Report referred to 32 acres of vacant land on
this site,~-and he stated that he felt the EIR should address in terms of impact
whether this p~oject would tolerate actual development of the vacant land for similar
use. Some concern was expressed that this vacant land would be developed relatively
soon. Mr. Abell explained that it would be consistent with ~he IOOF's ultimate ob-
jectives to eventually develop this vacant land in some form. He added: "However,
it is beyond the scope of this effort to speculate on the nature of that development
when there is no essential tie in with this project. This project stands by itself;
it is independent both as to circulation and existing interfaces with other land uses.
It could stand by itself effectively as a viable unit regardless of any ultimate
development of the rest of the property, whether it is ever developed at all."
IV. A. UP-S18 - IOOF Draft EIR (E-4) - Con!d
® Chairman Belanger asked why only 13 acres were being used instead of some of the 32
vacant acres. Mr. Abell explained that the actual size of the project stemmed from
HUD requirements relating to lot size. Chairman Belanger asked what the site coverage
y~'fH~'b~frdi~gs was, explaining that this term in the City Hid not refer to building
plus'~V'ing~ 'M~.' ~6eli"po'inted out thaHhe'Report d~'~0{'contain this information,
but stated that this would be provided.
® Commissioner Marshall asked if the 3-story buildings met City building height limits.
Staff noted that the structures were within the 30-foot height limitation, and that
consideration had been given to the aesthetic aspects of such structures.
Public Response
Chairman Belanger opened the public hearing ON UP-318 (E-4) at 8:10 p,m.
Danforth Apker, civil engineer~ noted that the Channel House in Palo Alto, a tax-free
organization, paid an "in lieu" pa.vment to the City of Palo Alto for services supplied
by the City, and he asked if consideration had been given to requiring such a payment
from IOOF. Additionally, he asked whether the streets in the project were to be pri-
vately maintained, and whether there would be a fence surrounding the project so as
to reduce police patrol.
Mr. Abell explained that the access road would be private and would be an extension
of the existing private road. He pointed out that the County She~iff's Department
had not indicated a concern over security forces for/pro~ection B~f'~h'is project other
than routine.~troli ~e added that~~District had'expressed'~ concern with the
3-story high struet~re"in that the District did not have equipment which could reach
that high. However, it was pointed out that per the response from the Saratoga Fire
District dated January 10, 1977, the Fire District recommended that a complete fire
sprinkler system be installed throughout the project, and added that no aerial equip-
ment would have to be purchased by the District if the project did not exceed 4000
GPM fire flow per building. Mr. Abell stated that with regards to the "in lieu"
payment suggestion, HUD would not fund this but added that perhaps the City could
negotiate such a payment directly with the IOOF.
® Ken Broch, president of the IOOF Board of Directors, responded to the questions on
development of the 32-acres of vacant land by noting that the land had been vacant
for 70 years and that they would not be "rushing out tomorrow and developing. it.
~ey are using it for the CqmmunitK. Gardens~ and as far as I know, we have no plans
to change that." Mr. Brochfal§o. explained that HUD would have preferred the project
having less site coverage than 13 acres because one of its requirements was that
there be a central dining roomjwhich all residents could reach by walking.
Margaret Dunn, Douglass Lane, noted'that West Valley College had recently opened bids
for a 6000-seat stadium which included~sound and lighting systems, and she pointed
out that this stadium would be only 1/2 mil~' f~om tie I00~ project. She requested
that the Final EIR speak to the question of whether this senior citizen housing
project would be compatible with such a stadium. Staff noted that the consultant
had not been advised of this matter, but stated that7th~~ qp~stion_.would.be ~addressed
in the Final EIR.
Commission Action
At this time Chairman Belanger closed the public hearing on UP-318 (E-4) at 8:22 p.m.,
and continued same to the Planning Commission meeting of February 23, 1977 at which time
the Final EIR for this project would be considered.
B. V-461 - William and Margaret Reid, 21110 Canyon View Drive, Request'Trot Variance from the
Requirements of Section 3.7-2 of Zoning Ordinance NS-3 to Allow a Reduction from
Sixty (60) Feet to Forty-Five (45) Feet in the Minimum Required Rearyard Setback
for a New ~qo-Story House at 20057 Canyon View Drive in the "R-1-40,000" Zone;
Continued from January 12, 1977
Note was made that a Staff Report had not as yet been prepared on this item, and the
suggestion was made that V-461 be continued. Chairman Belanger reopened the public
IV. B. V-461 - William and Margaret Reid - Cont'd
hearing on V-461 at 8:23 p.m. As there were no comments made, Chairman Belanger closed
the public hearing on V-461 at 8:24 p.m. and continued same to the Planning Commission
meeting of February 9, 1977.
C. V-462 - Dan Apker for Saratoga Oaks Homem~mers Association, 1022 W. Hedding, San Jose,
Request for Variance to Allow an Increase in the Height Limitation for a Televi-
sion Reception Antenna Tower to.be Located North of Stoneridge Drive in'
"R-i-40,000" (Vpry Low Density, Single-Family Residential) Zone from 55 Feet to
100 Feet.(Zoning Ordinance NS-3, Section 14.9
Staff explained that presently the condominium residents were recei~int television re-
ception via 5 antennas mounted on top of an existing telephone pole'~located on property
'~ot owned by'~h~ app1F~ants. However, it was noted that said reception did not provide
vie~ihg of' San Francisco stations, and as a result, the applicants were proposing to
erect a 100-foot high tower with 3 antennas mounted thereon directed toward San Francisco.
Staff_pointed out that the proposed antennas would be located approximately 100 feet north
and 40 feet below the existing facility; and it was noted that althg~gb the__p~p~sed
fa~i'Ii~5,'~0~ld b'~"~0 T~'e'~'De~'6~'the'existing facility, its overall height would be appro-
ximately 5-10 feet higher than the existing antennas. Staff explained that the Variance
Committee had reviewed this application, and had conducted a balloon test on the site for
purposes of evaluating the impacts said tower would h~ve on the surrounding area. It was
noted that a Staff Report had been prepared on this matter. ._ __
The Secretary introduced the following letters of correspondence into the record, noting
that all 5 letters opposed granting approval of V-462: (1) Letter dated January 15, 1977
from R.K. Thompson, M.D.', 2986q B~g_.B~sin way; (2) Letter dated January 17, 1977 from
I.H. Moore, 21040 Canyon View Drive; (3) Letter dated January 20, 1977 from Aloyse F.
Gacs, property owner of a house presently under construction at 21027 Bank Mill Road;
(4) Letter received January 24, 1977 from Henry Smith, 21029 Bank Mill Road; and (5)
Letter dated January 26, 1977 from Jerome Woodard, 21025 Bank Mill Road.
Public and Commission Response
Chairman Belanger opened the public hearing on V-462 at 8:35 p.m.
1. Danforth Apker, civil engineer and representative of applicants, pointed out th'~
there had beenia change sk~ce the original submission with regards to the antenna.
He ~R~ained that only one of the antennas would be pointed toward San Francisco,
and would be mounted atop the 100-foot tower;'~hat one would be pointed toward
Sacramento and mounted approximately 4-feet below the top antenna; and that one would
be mounted approximately at the 70~foot level and would be pointed toward San Jose.
He stated that one ~E the major considerations in choosing this site was the fa~ tha~
no trees would have'~6'6~ removed, and he'noted that the Association ~ould De'willing
to paint the galvanized tower a c61or which would blend in with the environment.
Mr. Apker informed the Commission that he had made on-site inspections of the homes
:~f'~h~'homes~ow~ed by complaining residents, but stated that he not been able to
speak directly to any of these people because none had been at home. He stated that
he did not feel that Mr. Thompson (20860 Big Basin Way) could see the proposed an-
tenna because of the distance and numerous trees between the two sites. He stated
that he thought that the only portion of the tower that the Mooro's (21040 Canyon
View Drive) could see would be the lower 50 feet through the trees. He stated that
both the Gacs (21027 Bank Mill Road) and the Smiths (21029 Bank Mill Road) would be
able to see the tower. Relative to the Woodard house (21025 Bank Mill Road), Mr.
Apker stated that he was unable to find the windows that looked in the direction of
the tower.
2. George Grummley, the gentleman hired to install said tower, explained that the antann;
system had been changed to a higher grade; i.e., Jetold-J-series, all-channel ~TV.
He stated that in order to benefit the homemakers he also proposed at the lower level
to increase their present coverage from San Jose with 2 additional arrays for Channel~
11 and 36.
"' Commissioner Marshall asked if E&H plane measurements had been taken. Mr. Grununiey
responded that they had not been taken, and explained that measurements were taken on
IV. C. V-462 - Dan Apker for Saratoga Oaks Homemakers Association - Cont'd
a trial and error basis with an array on top of a 10-foot pole held at the highest"'
ground level. In response to a question by Commissioner Lustig as to whether sta-
tistics of field-strength measurements of comparative locales had been taken, Mr.
Grummley stated that none had been taken. He added that the informatio~ was emperi-
cal data and that the best measurements that could be taken would be the actual
television reception. Commissioner Lustig stated that he felt the homeowners-asso-
ciation should request scientific field-strength readings. Mr. Grummley pointed out
that the proposed tower was on a very h'i'lly terrain, and he contended that E&H/plane
readings would be meanlngl~sS. He added: "The only_proof of the pudding in this
type of terrain is a monitor because you can have very strong signal;strength read-
ings and still have ghosting which is not an acceptable picture to view." '
3. Lee Grey, Vice President of the Saratoga Oaks Homeowners Association, stated that
the purpose for applying for this variance was to provide the best television recep-
tion possible in an aesthetic manner. He stated that the Association had a viewing
audience of 200 people out of the 70 members of the Association, and complained that
they could not receive any of the San Francisco stations. PIe added that the proposed
tower location was located in a wooded area covered with brush and trees.
4. Commissioner Callon asked whether consideration had been given to mounting a similar
antenna system atop the existing telephone pole. Mr. Apker explained that the
present facility was not on land owned by the Association, and he stated that the
Association did not have permission to modify or add to this system. He explained
that they were trying to erect an antenna system on land which the Association had
Judge John.~Longinotti, resident of SaratOga Oaks, explained'{HiF~he present syste~ .....
was on property not o~ed by Stoneson Developmen~ Company. He explained that When
-_ the development project had been constructed, it was thought that this telephone pole
was on ~and okmed by the McDonalds. He poin~d"0~t t~at permission had b~'~g~e~
by the McDonalds for the homeowners to erect an antenna facility on this pole, but
that it had been discovered at a much later date that the pole was actuall~.on-proD-
erty owned by the McDonalds' neighbors, the Steffeks. He added that there was no
possibility of modifying this current antenna system.
5. Commissioner Marshall asked what the highest point of land was on property which the
Association could control. Art Schumacher, part-owner of Stoneson-Development Cor-
poration and resident of the condominium development, stated that the highest point
on Saratoga Oaks property was about 650 feet, and that the highest point on the Mc-
Donald property was about 665 feet.
6. Con~nissioner Martin suggested that the Association obtain permission for erecting'this
tower on the McDonald property. He stated that there Would not be a variance required
because the height of the tower would not have to be more than 55 feet. Mr. Apker
explained that there was only a 12-foot wide portion of the McDonald property on which
this tower could be erected, and he expressed concern that damage might be made to the
existing retaining wall next to where this facility would have to be erected. Commis-
sioner Martin pointed out that a shorter tower would not require as large,~f"Ffoun-
dation as was presently being proposed for the 100-foot high tower.
7. Commissioner Callon asked Staff to give a status of the City~s attempts for providing
Cable TV. The Secretary stated that up until 2 years ago, the City had been actively
pursuing Cable TV, and that'it had established a contract with a carrier for such
Services. ~h~'f~e carrier could not meet Fi~ obligation, and
that the City had made several attempts unsuccessfully to renegotiate the contract.
8. Commissioner Marshall suggested that the homeowners association explore the possi':-~
bility of creating its own mini-cable TV facility. He stated that the City might
be willing to consider routing the inle--~ cable from the antenna-along power poles
in much the same manner as CATV groups did.
9. R.E. ~Kaufmann, re~fdii't"~f'{hi~'d~acent Gff~h~ffi~"Cffffd~i~i~ffffd"~reasurer of its
Homeom~ers Associat'ion,'stated'that he was representing the Association and himsdlf.
He stated that these two condominium developments were located in one of the "black
holes" of Saratoga, defining said holes as being a place "where you can't get
normal television viewing." He pointed out that the Gatehouse Development did not
IV. C. V-462 - Dan Apker for Saratoga Oaks Homeowners Association - Cont'd
receive reception from San Francisco either, and explained that they currently had
two antennas for Sacramento and San Jose stations. Mr. Kaufmann stated that the
delicacy of antenna orientation was such that a difference of onezhaT~ degree threw
the entire picture off, and he stated that they had a continuous maintenance problem
on their o~m antennas which were located on an 85-foot mast on top of a 35-foot
building. :Mr. Kaufmann stated"'tHa~"~'~lt the reason Cable TV had not been successful
so far was'because "the City has put a specification out that is absolutely impossible
to live with. They want everything for the City and nothing for the contractor. On
top of which if you measure the market in Saratoga, you will find a very small market
because most of Saratoga is not in a black hole."
Mr. ~aufmann personally suggested that the same antenna system be used f0~ both con-
dominiums in an eff~o'r~a01Ve"~f~ Of ~he residents' viewing problems. He stated
additionally, that the Gatehouse Association did not have "the kind of money that
makes it possible for us to hire a helicopter'and go up with a field-strength meter
and waive it around in the breezefat i various heights looking for the best line of
site; and then take a meter and drop'a signal down to try to pick up the best non~
ghosting area. That costs real money, and most homeo~mers associations have a few
thousand dollars that might be used in case a water heater goes bad or some central
facility blows. We can't use it to play around with helicopters." He further pointed
out that a community antenna system of 250± homes would be under a different set of
federal laws, and and he:~da~d that Gatehouse "is totally unequipped to deal with the
FCC at this point in time." In conclusion, Mr. Kaufmann urged that before the
Commission condemned V-462 on grounds of aesthetics, '~think about the other side of
the aesthetics -- people who would like to see what is going on in the world."
10. Henry Smith, 21029 Bank Mill Road, recommended that the Association look into alter-
natives before a variance was granted on something that might not be required and!
which provided an eyesore to the community. He expressed sympathy with the desire
for television, adding: "But why set a precedent for a 100-foot tower, and then
some other group who needs this for the same reason gets another variance, and we
suddenly have Saratoga covered with .unsitely towers."
At this point Chairman Belanger?Wa~ed~j that if an alternative location was chosen
which would permit a shorter tower within ordinance requirements and which did not
require a variance, it would be possible that the alternative would have a greater
jimpact aesthetically ~n the'~0'0~'fo~tower.
11'. John Steffek~ property owmer on whose site the existing antenna facility was erected~
gave a brief history of this situation. He explained that when he had purchased this
property he was told by the developer that the television pole was on his property,
but was being used by the McDonalds who were elderly. He stated~hat he was told that
one of the only forms of entertainment for the McDonalds was television, and explained
that he and his wife had made the decision to bear the facility for a finite period
of time. He informed the Commission that they currently viewed this antenna apparatus
from several major rooms in their home. He pointed out that it was not until the
antenna system was being considered for modification that he discovered the facility
was being used not only by the B~cDonalds but also by the homemakers association. He
urged that other alternatives be investigated prior to the Commission granting a
variance. He suggested that the Tollgate Homem~mers Association also be contacted
wi~h_.~eg~d~.~o the.joint yent~r.~.' .....................................
12. Charles Buchwald, resident of-Saratoga Oaks, stated that residents had been ex~l'8'Ffng
alternatives for 6 years, and he ~0'ntended that there was a limit to the amount of
exploring these people should have to do.
13. Everett Bryan, residents of Saratoga Oaks, stated that when he bought his condominium
5~ years ago, he was assured by the City that Cable TV would be provided. "So 5~
years later I am seeing Channel S in Sacramento and I am getting the most beautiful
'Mr. Umunhum signal on the San Jose station. As what the association is proposing is
quite expensive, I think you can assume that we have tried to resolve every single
-~b'l~fiFfh~f'fhere coffl'd p'~6~ib~"b~'~d we are very much interested in a very speedy
' decision on your part."
...... -- :_._.."._.jiE ...... i ......................
IV. C. V-462 - Dan Apker for Saratoga.-'Oaks Homeo~efs Association -'Cont'd"'
14. Gus Francis, president of the Saratoga Oak~ Homeo~mers Association, pointed out that
they had a TV committee work on this problem. He expl~ed that the committee'was'
instructed to locate a site on Saratoga Oaks propert>~/0ver which the AssociatEOn would
have control. He stated: "To me and to the rest of the homemakers, we fe~l rather
sure that the present site location would provide TV viewing that we want. Also the
type of antenna selected from an aesthetic standpoint is the best we can do. It is
certainly much better than each of us placing a 30-40 foot high TV antenna on top of
our tovmhouses, which we could do." Additionally, Mr. Francis stated that they would
look into the possibility of a joint venture proposal with the Gatehouse Condominium
15. Commissioner Martink as chairman of the Variance Committee, sta~d that the Committee
f-and the Staff per iFs Report had been led t~ believe that there were previously three
: 'antenHas'pr~p6sed'which were entirely different than the three antennas presently
being proposed. He stated that he felt the Association should investigate more
thoroughly alternate proposals, and then present their findings to the Variance
Committee for review prior to Commission action on this application,
16. Commissioner Laden pointed out that most of the complaints on this antenna location
-were dhe to the tower 5~ing located'~f~i~'Vt~'~ of man~. homeowners. She ~ug~sted
;'that the tower be moved closer to the condominium development in a location which
' would not be seen so obviously. _ .......
17. Chairman Belanger stated that she was interested in seeing the Association getting
: good television receptio'H'~it"h~l'iiFl~h'~Fic cost to the community as possib~.'
- SHe also urged further investigation by the Association. .._
Commission Action
Chairman Belanger closed the public hearing on V-462 at 9:50 and continued same to the
Planning Commission meeting of February 23, 1977.
RECESS: 9:50 - 10:10 p.m.
D. C-187 - Osterlund Enterprises, Inc., 59 N. Santa Cruz Avenue, Los Gatos, Request for
Rezoning from "R-1-40,000" (Single-Family Residential, Very Low Density) to
"R-1-20,000" (Single-Family Residential, Low Density) for the Southerly 2.3±
Acres of that 10.7± Acre Parcel ~med by the Campbell Union School District
.... -Located-o~-North-Side of-:Allend~le Avenue-between-Dolphin-Drive'and'Via AI~O
-Court~:(Zoning'Ordinance'NS~3~ Article'18) .......................
Staff explained that this application involved rezoning a 2,3-acre portion of the 10,7
acre Campbell Union School District site located on Allendale Avenue for purposes of
developing a subdivision. It was noted that the 2.3 acres were located along the fron-
tage of Allendale Avenue and were presently zoned R-1-40,000, while the remainder of the
site was zoned R-1-12,500. Staff pointed out that the General Plan recommended that
the frontage along Allendale Avenue be medium density; but it was noted that per previous
discussions by the Commission regarding zoning to consistency, it was the Commission's
consensus that the Allendale Avenue frontage properties be zoned low density. Conse-
quently, Staff pointed out that the request for rezoning the 2.3-acre site to R-1-20,000
was consistent with'~be__~ow-density l~-use:designation.
The Secretary introduced into the record the following letters of correspondence, noting
that all 3 related to the design aspects of the proposed subdivision:
1. Evelyn M. Avery, 13717 Fortuna Court, requesting that the Commission consider
other alternatives than extending Fortuna Court.
2. Paul Kelker, 13783 Fortuna Court, objecting to the extension of Fortuna Court,
and requesting the Commission to consider alternatives.
3. Charlotte Simpson, 13731 Fortuna Court, opposing the extension of Fortuna Court.
Chairman Belanger explained that due to incomplete noticing of this hearing, action would
not be taken on this application this evening. She opened the public hearing on C-187 at
10:20 p.m.,'and explained that after testimony was given, this matter would be continued.
IV. D. C-187 - Osterlund Enterprises, Inc. - Cont'd
e Jim Harper, representative of the applicants from HMH Civil Engineers, acknowledged
that the error in public noticing had been made by his clerical staff, and that it
amounted to 30 residents on the western side of the site not receiving notices at
the same time that the other residents had received their notices. He added that
this notice had since been mailed, and he referenced the Commission meeting of
February 9, 1977 as its publid hearing date.
® Dan Roberts, 18833 Harleigh Drive, asked whether the change of zoning would affect
the routing of Fortuna Court. Commissioner Marshall pointed out that this matter
had been discussed by the Subdivision Committee, and explained that in practical fact
the rezoning would have no impact on. the street but only on the number of lots. He
added that instead of 2 lots, the change of zoning would allow for ~ lo___ts__~--He re-
ported that the Subdivision CoMmittee had considered s~veral circulation alE~n~'iVes~
and he expressed the opinion that there was no easy solution. He stated that the
~ alternatives discussed thus far involved the extension of Fortuna Court or a bridge
~ acr6ss the creek.
® Paul Kelker, 1'3~83 For~una Court, stated ~hat Staff had informed him that access
from Allendale Avenue to Fortuna Court was paramount, and he asked if said extension
would even be considered if this rezoning had not been requested. Additionally he
asked whether this rezoning should be considered if the Commission was interested in
limiting the number of driveways,On Allendale Avenue. Commissioner'~hall stated
that the number of driveways and accesses onto All"~ile Avenue woui'd'b~ ~i~ble,
ranging from zero if there was not a street, to two -- one being the street and one
being a double driveway serving 2 pieces of property. Chairman Belanger added that
the proposed subdivision was for more than 1S lots, and she pointed out that by
ordinance a secondary access would be required. She reiterated that even if the zon-
!'ing for the 2.3 acre str~'~' land was granted to R-1-20Z~000, only 2 additional' lots
· would be added and there would not be much of an impact to the interal circulation
'pa~te~.' ...................
Chai.rm~n ~l~Bg~ ~losed the public ~ear~ng__gn.C-187 at 10:38 p,m. and"~'O~i'n~ed same to
the Planning CommissiOn'meeting of February 9, 1977. She announced that the Subdivision
Committee at its meeting of February 1, 1977 at 4:00 p.m'~ would be reviewing the pro-
posed subdivision, including internal circulation; and she invited the public to attend.
E. UP-325 - Robert and Lela Gunter, 18838 Casa Blanca Lane, RequeSt for Use Permit to Allow
the Construction of an 8-Foot High Accessory Structure (Workshop) Located
Within a Required Rearyard Setback at 18838 Casa Blanca Lane; Zoning Ordinance
NS:3, Section 3.7
Staff explained that this was a request for a use permit~ for an 8-foot high workshop to
be located in the rearyard. It was noted tha~ 'Said structure met all required setbacks
and would not visually interfere with the neighboring views because of trees and fences.
Staff pointed out that presently the applicant was repairing antique cars in his front
yard as a hobby, and it was Staff's opinion that said workshop would alleviate this
condition. Note was made that the Subdivision Committee had reviewed this application
and that a Staff Report had been prepared recommending approval.
Chairman Belanger opened the public hearing on UP-325 at 10:39 p.m. As there were no
comments Commissioner Marshall moved, seconded by Commissioner Zambetti that the public
hearing be closed. The motion was carried unanimously, and the public-.he_a~.~ng'was closed
at 10:40 p.m.
Commissioner Callon noted that said workshop would be located near neighboring swimming
pools, and she asked whether this workshop would help to create noise problems. It was
noted that there were no ordinances prohibiting the applicant from repairing cars on his
property, and'S~'~ff expressea'~h~'SFf~io"~ha'~fd worksh6p would assist in alleviating
present noise and visual impacts. Additionally, Commissioner Marshall pointed out that if
~here were complaints'generated'in the future with regard to this use permit, the Commis-
sion had jurisdiction to recall the use permit for further consideration.
At this point Commissioner Marshall moved, seconded by Commissioner Zambetti, that the
Planning Commission grant approval to application UP-325 per Exhibit "A" and the Staff
Report dated January 21, 1977. The motion was carried unanimously.
IV. F. UP-326 - Robert Maxfield, 19459 Burgundy Way, Request for Use Permit to Allow for the
Construction of an Accessory Structure (Covered Patio) within the Required
Rearyard Setback of a Residence Located at 19459 Burgundy Way (Zoning Ordinance
KS-S, Section 3.7-1bl) ..........
Note was made that said request Was for a 10-foot high freestanding patio cover which
would meet all setback requirements. It was pointed out that the Subdivision Committee
had reviewed this application, and that a Staff Report had been prepared recommending
approval. A note from Mario Belotti, 19401 San Marcos Road, was introduced into the
record opposing the bhilding of any structure which was not presently allowed by existing
building ordinances. Note was made that City ordinance allowed for such a structure,
and that the use permit was required because the height was over 6 feet.
Chairman Eelanger opened the public hearing on UP-326 at 10:45 p.m. As there were no
comments, Commissioner Zambetti moved, seconded by Commissioner Martin, that the public
hearing on UP-326 be closed. The motion was carried unanimously, and the public hearing
on UP-326 was closed at 10:46 p.m.
Commissioner Marshall moved, seconded by Commissioner Zambetti, that the Planning Commis-
sion grant approval of application UP-326 per Exhibit "A" and the Staff Report dated
January 21, 1977. The motion was carried unanimously.
A. A-SS7 - Security Pacific National Bank, Big Basin Way, Final Design Review Approval -
1 Lot Commercial; Continued from January 12, 1977
Staff explained that revised plans had been submitted, and the recommendation was made
that this matter be continued. Chairman Eelanger directed that application A-537 be
continued to the Planning Commission meeting of February 9, 1977, and referred this matte
to the Design Review Committee for further review and report.
B. A-547 - James Day Construction Company,_ DoUglass Lane and Taos Dri~'Finj!.Design Review
Approval -,Landscaping of Subdivision Entry; Continued fro~January-26, 1977
Note was made that both the Design Review Committee and the Subdivision Committee had
reviewed this matter relative to concerns expressed at the last Commission meeting.
It was poihted out that the proposed plans were considered to be the best solution for
this project, and the recommendation was made that this matter be approved.
Chairman Eelanger and Commissioner Martin both withdrew their objections regarding how
the common open space area would be held. Commissioner Martin~s~d'ih'~H[e developer
felt that the CC&Rs would insure that the homem~mer of Lot #1 °wo~ld have to maintain the
common open space area even though he may not be the original m,mer. Chairman Eelanger
pointed out that there was an agreement that if both the City and the owner wished to
change this condition, the owner could seek relief through the City Council. She pre~Y
dicted that this situation would arise in the future.
At this time-Commissioner Lustig moved,. seconded by Commissioner Zambetti, that the
Planning Commission grant final design review approval to application A-S3? per Exhibit
"C" and the Staff Report dated December 7, 1976. The motion was carried unanimously.
C. A-549 - William and Margaret Reid, 21110 Canyon View Drive, Final Design Review Approval,
Single-Family Residence Located on Canyon View Drive; Continued from 1-12-77
Staff noted that this.-~applicatiOn was related to application V-461 (Item IV-B), and it
was recommended that this matter be continued. Chairman Eelanger directed t'~at applica-
tion A-549 be continued to the Planning Commission meeting of February 9, 1977, and
referred same to the Design Review Committee for further review and report.
A. Stephen Richard, 20480 Blauer Drive, Request for Amendment re Inclusion of Real Estate
Offices as a Permitted Use in the "PA" tProfessional-Administrative) Zoning
District; Continued from January 12, 1977 (GF-311)
Staff explained that this was a request to allow real estate offices as a permitted use
in the "PA"~n~ district. It was pointed out that under the authority createdF~b~~'
VI. A. Stephen Richard (GF-311) - ConI'd
Article 14 of the Zoning Ordinance, the Planning Commission had the power to add permitted
uses to zoning districts. It was noted that the Subdivision Committee had reviewed this
matter, and that a Staff Report had been prepared recommending approval.
Additionally, Staff noted that the issue of real estate offices being located in the
"C-N" (Neighborhood Commercial) and "C-C" (Community Commercial) zones had been considered
by the Subdivision Committee. It was recommended by Staff that further investigation be
made relative to making real estate offices a"~onditional use in these commercial zones.
Discussion followed on this recommendation, with all Commissioners except Commissioner
Laden favoring such consideration. It was noted that a public hearing would be required
for such an investigation,/affd'~hif'~he City Council would also have to hold public"
hearings on same.
Commissioner Laden stated that she felt it would be premature to,change real estate 6ffice~
to a conditional use i~"~h~E-'C~h'd'C~N zones at this,_'ffii, ~'iTin"~he cre~t'i~f'~he
'Viflage Task Foice to review commercial needs in the Village. Commissioners Zambetti and
Callon both pointed out that real estate offices used a considerable amount of parking
· spaces for long periods of time at the expense of Village merchants, and that people who
~were involved in these real estate activities usually were not interested in sho~_ing_in
the Viiiage. Chairman Belanger added that if the City Council did not feel it appropriate
to hold public hearings on this matter, the Council could hold up same at the time.thiS
'batter was transmitted to it for review.
At this time Commissioner Marshall moved,'.-::seconded by Commissioner Zambetti, that the
Planning Commission grant appro~&l to GF-311 per the Staff Report dated January 24, 1977
allowing real estate offices as a permitted use in the "PA" zoning aistirct. The motion
was carried unanimously.
Additionally, Staff was directed to proceed on scheduling a public hearing to consider
changing real estate offices to a cond'iTi~ffl use in ~eF"CU~id~'CN'r zoning d'is~-ri?ts.
B. PM-77-1 - Ernest Renzel, Cox Avenue, Request for Approval of Minor Boundary Adjustment
between Two Parcels (APN 391-14-21 and 24)
Commissioner Marshall explained that this wRs a proposed landmqap} which would pld~e the
principal access into the Quito Shopping Center in the hands of the shopping center o~mers
instead under the ox~mership of the First National Bank, and would place the land behind
~he First National Bank building into the hands of the Bank instead of the shopping cen-
ter owners. He pointed out that said landswap was .agreed to by all 4 property owners
involved, and that a Staff Report and ResolUtions had been prppared recommending approval.
Commissioner Lustig favored this proposal, but he pointed out that approval of such
would not automatically grant approval to any extension plans which the Bank might be
considering for the future.
Commissioner Marshall moved, seconded by Commissioner Lustig, that the Planning Commis-
sion adopt Resolutions PM-77-1A and PM-77-1B per the Staff Report dated January 24, 1977.
The motion was carried unanimously.
C. EP-9 -Saint. Andrews ~piscppal Church,l.3601 Saratoga Avenue, Encroachment Permit Request
for Approximately 330 Feet of Chain-Link Fence Located within the Public Right-of-
Way on Crestbrook Drive
Staff explained that a temporary fence had been erected by the Church within the
right-of-way along Crestbrook Drive. Staff made the recommendation per its Report that
this matter be denied, expressing the opinion that there was plenty of space in which to
locate this fence outside of the right-of-way.
Earl Snary, headmaster for the Church, explained that the fence had been erected because
cars had entered the playing field along Crestbrook Drive and damaged the lawn. He ~oted
that the contractor who erected the temporary fence had mistakenly placed i~ next to the
curb rather than'setting it back 18 inches. He explained that..~ permanent ~e~e was
being planned jointly with the Santa Clara Valley lVater District,' and'Mr. Snary stated
that such plans should be concluded within a few months. He acknowledged the fence as
being an eyesore}'but reque.s't!a.t~.~"Commission.'s indu~g~pce_ to allow the fence
VI. C. EP-9 - Saint Andrews Episcopal Church - Cont'd
until the new fence was erected. He exp'lained that the Santa Clara Valley Water District
would be erecting an 8-foot high fence along the creek,--~t which point the Church would
be erecting a 3-foot high fence where the temporary fenc~ now was located. Staff noted
that if an 8-foot high fence was being proposed, a use permit would be required in that
the maximum height limitation for fences was 6 feet. As a result of this information,
Mr. Snary stated that a 6-foot high would probably be proposed.
Two neighbors residing across from the present temporary fence, Mr. Munce and Mr.
Galley, objected to the visual impacts of the existing fence. They both expressed s)~-
pathy for the vandalism occurring on the Church's property, but they noted that the
present fence did not keep people from entering the site. They requested that the pro-
posed permanent fence be erected as soon as possible, and that the current temporary
fence Be eliminated.
After discussion of this application, Commissioner Marshall moved, seconded by Commis-
sioner Laden, that the Planni'ng Commission deny the encroachment permit per the Staff
Report dated January 21, 1977. This motion was amended by Commissioner Marshall and
seconded by Commissioner Laden, that the Commission de~y the encroachment permit per
the Staff Report dated January 21, 1977, and that the..~mporary fence-situatibn ~"~ ;
'abated within/30 days. The motion was carried unanimously.
Chairman Belanger requested that the stack of graded materials alongside the creek be
cleaned, expressing the concern that rain could cause this debris to choke the creek.
Mr. Snary agreed to take care of this matter.
The following '~te~f correspondence were introduced into the record:
A. Letter dated January 14, 1977 to City Council from Mr. Richard Gardella appealing the
Planning Commission decision of January 12, 1977 regarding UP-296 (Lyngso Garden
Materials, Inc.). The Secretary noted that this appeal would be heard by the City
Council at its meeting of February 16, 1977.
B. Memorandum dated January 12, 1977 from the League of California Cities regarding "Planning
Commission Institute - February 2-4, 1977 in Los Angeles." Discussion followed on'
i~lanning seminars; and the Secretary pointed-out ~h'~Hh~ City Council had approved'
CommissiOner Zambetti's request to-pay f~ the tuition o~ the "One-Day Seminar on
--~ public Con~l of Land Development: National Innovations and a California Update."
C. Pamphlet from the University of California Extension regarding "Improving the Design
Review Process", to be held April 1, 1977 in Berkeley, California.
D. PPC Agenda for the meeting of January 27, 1977.
A. City Council Report
The Secretary gave a brief report of the City Council meeting held on January 19, 1977.
A copy of the minutes of this meeting i~ on file at the City Administration office.
B. Other
1. Discussion followed on subcommittee assignments, with note being made that Commis-
sioner Laden was investigating several alternatives with regards to the Design Review
Committee. A suggestion was made that consideration be given to holding more frequen
Co..mm!tt~e-of~=~ole meetings to discuss general planning matters, and it was sug-
gested that'coh'S~deration be given to placing either time limits on such meetings or
holding these meetings during day-time hours. After additional discussion, Chairman
Belanger requested that the Commissioners give further consideration to the structure
of Commission subcommittees, and she advised the Commission that assignment and -
reorganization of..~b~'omm'ittees would be addressed the the Planning Commission meetin
of February 9, 1977. "-
VII. ORAL CO~-[~rONICATIONS - Cont'd .......
2. The Secretary requested that a Committee-of-the-Whole meeting be schedule~to discuss
the General Plan amendments, water assessment district, the proposed shopping center
at Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road and Prospect Road, and the Bohlman Road slide area.
It was the consensus Of the Commission to schedule February 17, 1977,~.~'0=gT00'-p~.
in the Crisp Conference Room as this Committee-of-the-Whole meeting. The Secretary
stated that an agenda would be prepared and that time limits would be placed on the
discussion of each item.
3. Chairman Belanger .w~l~d'C~Tman Krause to this meeting, and expressed appre-
-~'i~f'i~'f6"[~ Dunn and Mrs. Moss of the Good Government Group for serving colleen-.
Commissioner Lustig moved, seconded by Commissioner Marshall, that the Planning Commission
meeting of January 26, 1977 be adjourned. The motion was carried unanimously, and the Plan-
ning Commission meeting of January 26, 1977 was adjourned at 12:15 p,m.
Resp~e~tfully submitted,
Ma~t~ Van Duyn,=.Se~reta~