HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-28-1980 Planning Commission Minutes%~ .'~'
DATE: Wednesday, May 28, 1980 - 7:30 p.m.
PLACE: City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA
TYPE: Regular Meeting
Roll Call
Present: Commissioners King, Laden, Schaefer, Siegfried, Williams and
Absent: Commissioner Marshall
Commissioner Siegfried moved to waive the reading of the minutes of May'14,".y.
1980 and approve as distributed. Commissioner King seconded the motion, which
was carried unanimously.
1. UP-451 Ronald and Linda Tate, Request for a Use Permit to allow the
V-525 - construction of a 500 sq. ft. cabana over 6' in height within
the required rear yard and a Request for a Variance to allow
two arbors to provide minimum 10' and 11' side yards where
20' is required and to allow one arbor to provide a minimum
27' front yard where 30' is required, at 15250 Sobey Road;
Continued from April 23, 1980
The correspondence received on these applications was noted into the
record. Staff described the proposals for the use permit and variance.
They indicated that they had been able to make the necessary findings
for the use permit; however, they were unable to make the necessary
findings for the variance for the arbors. They explained that they
are, therefore, recommending denial of the variance, and feel there are
sufficient alternatives.
Commissioner Siegfried reported on the on-site visit. He commented that
he had looked at the site from Dr. Colangelo's home, and he had no
particular problem with the use permit. Commissioner Siegfried stated
that he felt that the cabana is essentially in a side yard area and is
the proper location, and it will not have any effect upon the neighbor-
hood. However, he added, he feels it is inappropriate for the Commission
to grant the variance for the arbors. Commissioner Siegfried stated
that he felt particularly the area adjacent to the bathroom and spa really
has an impact on the neighbors~."'H~comi~eh~d'~ha~'-H'e"f'e.!t"th~-'°H~ous-e'
itself has some rather significant visual impact and'~e did not feel that
should be increased. He explained that he felt that the one arbor could
be moved to be brought within the proper setbacks, and on the other side
it might still require a minor variance.
The public hearing was opened at 7:44 p.m.
Dr. C. Colangelo, 15270. Sobey Road, again requested that the variance
for the arbors, particularly the two that flank his side, be denied.
He stated that the Tate home is huge and should be ample fo~ a family
of three. He added that there is certainly enough natural screening
from the row of trees on his side of the property line. Dr. Colang61o
stated that he felt the needs for these additional structures should
have been anticipated since the property itself is rather sizable.
He commented that he felt the privacy that had been stressed could be
provided by stained glass, drapes, blinds, and curtains.
Mrs. Colangelo stated that the applicant has offered to put up full
~ '= P'lanning Commission Page 2
Meeti'ng Minutes '5/2.8/8.0.
UP-451 Vo525 (cont.)
grown trees, which they appreciate. However, she stated, they could
not aba'ndon their position of urging a denial, since they felt that
if the Commission grants this variance. tja~'~'~~"="~l'~"7~' set.
David Takamoto, the architect, discussed the design. He stated that
there are restrictions to the property in terms of the setbacks. He
added that whatever there would be added will be below the vision of
the trees that are existing, so it would not impact the privacy of the
neighbors. Mr. Takamoto ~'!i~e~d"~H~.~ he felt the Commission had
significant reason to grant the variance. He ~dded that, if need be,
the trellis in the ~'~.4~'d'a't~0'~-o~S6b. ey~' ~.~d~!~--'~be taken down.
Mr. Takamoto stated that they had at one time planned to put in some
kind of fence to give privacy to the bathroom area, but it would have
been necessary to have a 10 ft. fence to do this. He added that any
alternatives relative to natural planting would have to be 10 ft. high
and fairly dense.
Jack Butanica, the landscape architect, stated that they had considered
foilage. instead of a structure, but he felt that a structure is more
secure. He added that he felt the arbors lessen the impact of a large
structure and the structure will also lessen the impact of the noise
from the equipment.
Tom Coe, a neighbor who lives across the street from the Tate home,
stated~that if the same objective was achieved by just raising a 10 ft.
vertical fence around the bathroom area without requiring any type of
variance, he felt that this type of approach would not.be nearly as
.attractive as what the applicant is proposing. He added that this
treatment achieves an outdoor effect, and he urged for the approval of
the use permit and variance.
Commissioner Siegfried stated that it should be kept in mind that there
are some things that can be done over a period of years to accomplish
the same effect from the privacy standpoint, using trees and landscaping.
Since no one else appeared, Commissioner Siegfried moved to close the
public hearing. Commissioner Zambetti seconded the motion, which was
carried unanimously.
Commissioner Schaefer stated that she' viewed the landscaping as a way
of mitigating what perhaps people see as being very large as far as
the home is concerned. She ~'~j~jd~that she would vote for the trellises
since she felt they will visually make the house appear more in scale.
Commissioner Schaefer commented that she felt the plans had been very
carefully considered. She stated that she sympathized with the
Colangelos, but felt that when the planting and fence go in, it will
actually look much better. She indicated that she felt the two arbors
and bathroom treatment would be better than leaving them plain. .Com-
missioner Schaefer added that she would vote for the cabana since it
will have a. visual effect of being only 12 ft. high.
Commissioner Williams stated that the lot itself is quite unusual and
is also depressed slightly. He commented that he felt the applicant
has done an outstanding job of trying to mitigate some serious problems.
Commissioner' Williams noted that he did not have any problem with the
arbor in front but is strongly concerned about the addition along the
bath. He al~o commented that he did not object to the use permit for
the cabana.
Commissioner Siegfried indicated that he is not totally opposed to the
variance in front, other than the fact that he felt there really isn't
a need for the variance on the Colangelo's side and feels that a~bor
could easily be moved. He added that he is totally opposed to the
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· UP-451 - V-525 (cont.)
variance for the trellis and arbor in the bathroom area.
Commissioner Zambetti commented that he would approve the use permit.
However, he' added, he would have difficulty in approving the variance
for the bathroom and also would have some difficulties with the arbors
because they do encroach the front yard.
Commissioner King agreed, stating that he felt. there are some other
solutions, particularly with the bathroom and the trellis issues. He
stated that he felt some natural planting might serve some of the same
Commissioner Zambetti moved to approve UP-451. Commissioner seconded
the motion, which was carried unanimously.
It was clarified by Staff that if V-525 was denied without prejudice,
this would allow the applicant to reapply with a different proposal,
which could try to meet the Commission's desires.
Commissioner Siegfried moved that V-525 be denied without prejudice,
since he felt there are some options with the trellises in the front
area. Commissioner King seconded the motion.
Commissioner Williams commented that it is rare that the Commission
sees a set of plans and presentations as complete and outstanding as
in this application; ]however, it is just simply a case that it impacts
the Colang~lo~s property on that side, and particularly with the bath
area there.
The vote was taken on the motion to deny V-525 without prejudice.
The motion was carried, with Commissioner Schaefer voting no. The
applicant was requested to work with Staff on submittal of a new proposal.
2. V-524 - Immanuel Lutheran Church, Request for a Variance to allow the
· ~ · '~hUr.'ch- t'o.: 'i~c~e~'~'e 'the '_h'~ {~h~":~f 'i't:S ;'-:~.~6~".' k~t'~e'd'.t'SWth~._.:
newly constructed church from'g'5i 'to' 63' which would be 8'
higher than permitted by ordinance, at 14103 Saratoga Avenue;
continued from April 23, 1980
Staff reported that an on-site inspection |had been made by the Commis-
sion. They indicated that there had been a petition received from 21
homeowners in the area, requesting that the cross be relocated to the
Saratoga Avenue side of the church, and not be lit.
The public hearing was reopened at 8:10 p.m.
Richard Johnson, 13226 Glen Brae Drive, .stated that he was a member of
the church and Chairman of the Building Committee. He stated that they
regret that there }has been concern by the neighbors on this issue. He
discussed the rationale for the cross as it stands and the request for
the variance. He indicated that there were two strong reasons for the
design as it is, in which the cross really is a-part of the building
even though it is not physically attached to it. He explained that they
feel very strongly that the cross is a vital part of the worship atmos-
phere and it should be associated with the sanctuary building itself.
Secondly, he added, they would not like to be just like other churches
and have the cross out front; some different architectural treatments
are appropriate. The landscaping that is planned was discussed, along
with the lighting program and the color of the cross. It was noted
that there had been a meeting between the church and the neighbors,
which centered on the impact of the entire church, as well as the cross.
Mr. Johnson stated that there ]had been a suggestion for putting a fence
along the parking lot as a potential additional screening. He stated
that they had looked into the cost of doing so, but would like it to be
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'=' P'lanning Commission ' Page 4
Meeting Minutes 5/28/80 '
V-524 (cont.)
a temporary fence until further planting had developed.
Mr. Johnson explained that there are two crosses, and one of the
design goals of the church was to bring the outside in. He stated
that there are two windows behind the chancel, which is the front of
the church, so when worshipping inside you see the lower cross through
those windows. He indicated that the tall cross is really a part of
the design of the building though not attached, and the purpose is to
identify the building as the worship building and predominant symbol.
Commissioner Schaefer stated that there are very few crosses as large
as the current ones in Saratoga. She indicated that she felt it impor-
tant to have a cross but did not understand why they need to be so
large, and they seem to be more lighted and look more commercial than
smaller ones.
Lloyd Johnson, representing the architect, stated that the size of the
cross is entirely in relationship to the size of the building, and to
put a small cross on that particular design would be a misfit.
Tom Kenyon, 14024 June Way, stated that the discussion at the meeting
centered around landscaping and the lighting of the cross and other
lighting. He noted that the fence had been discussed. Mr. Kenyon
raised some questions on the lighting of the cross and its continuance.
He commented that the church has already taken steps to install much
softer lighting on the side of the church to create a more pleasant
effect. Mr. Kenyon stated that they still were opposed to raising the
cross 8 ft.
John Campbell, member of the Council of the church, stated he was present
during the on-site inspection and also at the meeting with the neighbors.
He explained that the main objection of the neighbors had been the
lighting of the building itself and the lighting of the. cross. Mr.
Campbell indicated that they will landscape heavily around the back and
edges of the parking lot. He added that if they put up a fence it would
be a temporary one that would be taken down as soon as the lands. caping
was mature enough to block the View. He stated that they would' urge that
this variance be granted, as precedents have been set with other churches
in the area on the height of their buildings. Mr. Campbell indicated
that the lighting on the cross is on the same time clock as the security
Judy Gerhart, 14011 June way, questioned the timetable on the landscaping
and the commitment on the fence. ~
Mr. Johnson explained that as of yet there had been no firm commitment
on the fence. FIe stated that landscaping is part of the original design
review and will be planted before the rains come in the fall.
Kay Kenyon, 14024 June Way, reemphasized that the neighb'ors still do not
want the cross raised, particularly during the evening if it i.s going to
be lit. She stated that the lighting is going to be more dramatic if the
cross is raised. Mrs. Kenyon noted that she felt there would be fewer
objections if the cross were raised and not lighted at all. She explained
that it is the lighting at night that most concerns the neighborhood.
Mr. Johnson stated that they do wish to light the cross, but ]~'~.'1~. ~he
issue could be discussed further. He added that throughout the country
one of the landmarks of the skylines is almost always the local church
and the topmost point of the christian church is the cross.
Pastor Amundson stated that they had tried to work with the neighbors
and are not rigid in their positions. He commented that the lighting
is an issue on which they would try to compromise. He added that he
felt, with landscaping and changes in the lighting program if necessary,
that a compromise could be reached with the neighbors. Pastor Amunds0n
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Meeting Minutes 5/28/80
V-524 (cont.)
pointed out that crosses have been quite small but have most always
been accompanied by big steeples, and they are almost of the past now
with the cost of wood being what it is.
Since no one else appeared, Commissioner Zambetti moved to close the
public hearing. Commissioner Siegfried seconded the motion, which was
carried unanimously.
Commissioner Siegfried stated that he could understand why the church
wants the cross in that particular location. He added that the whole
nature of the building focuses on that particular location, as a cross
is a sign of christian worship. Commissioner Siegfried commented that
he could understand the neighbors' point of view because the cross is
imposing from June Way and other locations. He stated that he felt some
reasonable compromise could be reached. He indicated that he felt they
need the additional height. Commissioner Siegfried commented that he
would be in favor of the lighting being minimized or only on during
nights of worship. He also stated that he felt perhaps the color of the
cross could be changed to a more neutral color.
Commissioner Zambetti moved to approve V-524 per the Staff Report,
making the findings. It was the consensus of the Commission that there
should be some time limit on the lighting of the cross. Commissioner
Siegfried amended the motion to condition it to be lighted not beyond
10:00 except when services are later. Commissioner King seconded the
motion and the amendment.
Chairman Laden commented that she felt that the cross from almost any
point of view'.~ji.S' at an appropriate size as it stands, and she does not
see the need for the cross to be increased in size. She stated that
it signifies that there is a church there. Chairman Laden added that,
' if the variance were approved, she would certainly suggest that the
amendment for the lighting be a part of the approval, but it should be
added that t~_lighting program be reviewed in 90 days to ensure it is
meeting"t]~'_.ne'eds.'6'f~both the church and the neighbors.
The vote was taken on the amendment to allow lighting of the cross
until 10:00 p.m. on any evening except those when there are services,
and then it could be lit until those services are over; the lighting
program shall be reviewed after a 90-day period. The motion was carried,
with Commissioner Schaefer voting no.
The vote was taken on the motion to grant V-524, making the findings
per the Staff Report as amended. The motion was'carried, with Commis-
sioners Laden and Schaefer voting no.
3. UP-457 - Doyle Whitlow and Melvin Hurwick, Request for a Use Permit
V-528 - to allow the subject site to change ownership, remodel the
A-715 - existing structure, and continue operating under UP-97, and
Design Review Approval for the sign, and Request for a Vari-
ance to allow a free-standing sign, at 18560 Prospect Road
Staff described the proposal for remodeling and the free-standing sign.
The public hearing was opened at 9:00 p.m.
Lloyd Anderson, an employee of Delta Queen Management Company, stated
that their company is taking over the car wash in question. He stated
that they have received a letter from·the Sanitation Board, stating
that they do have the necessary clearance.
Since no one else appeared, Commissioner Zambetti moved to close the
public hearing. Commissioner Siegfried seconded the motion, which was
carried unanimously. Commissioner Zambetti moved, seconded by Commissioner
Williams, ,~_~'~rov'~'k!F~S.y.p~r' the -~S~aff Report dated May 20 1980. The
motion was "'6a'rrie'd"unanimSd's.ly~= .... '
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UP-457 V-528 A-715 (cont.)
Commissioner Siegfried moved to approve V-528, making the findings,
and stating that the sign i~' necessary because of the way the car wash
is set Pack from the street. Commissioner Zambetti seconded the
motion, stating that this portion of Saratoga is the only corner of
commercial that Saratoga has that is bordered by San Jose on all three
sides, and he feels they have to be competitive with the other areas.
The motion was carried unanimously.
Commissioner Zambetti moved to approve A-715, per the Staff Report.
Commissioner Siegfried seconded t]~e motion, which was carried unani-
Break 9:10 - 9:30 p.m.
4. UP-458 - John Cuda, Request for a Use Permit to allow the construc-
V-530 tion of a 20' x 24' garage 12' in height which would pro-
vide a 6' rear yard where 25' is required, and Request for
a Variance to allow the construction of a 20' x 30' attached
carport which would provide a 30' rear yard where 60' is
required, at 208.70 Verde Vista Lane
Staff described the applications, stating that there are other options
mentioned in the Staff Report. They indicated that they were unable
to make the necessary findings and are recommending denial of the appli-
Letters received in opposition were noted into the record. Commis-
sioner Williams gave an on-site inspection report. He described the
site and the design of the house. He noted that there was evidence that
there has been slippage on the adjacent hillside area. Commissioner
Williams stated. that there was also the question of grading of a drive-
way along the narrow distance between the house and the southern part
of the property. He explained that he was concerned about clearance
for this driveway, as well as visibility and grading. He added that
there appear to be other alternatives and stated that there are certainly
ways of putting the double garage and extra parking down below closer
to their existing grading than there is at the upper level. Commissioner
Williams noted that the applicant had not been at the on-site inspection
to discuss~.options.
The public hearing was opened at 9:35 p.m.
John Cuda, the applicant, described the proposal. He stated that the
lot is lower than the neighborhood around him and it is difficult to
obtain good privacy until the trees grow, and even then it will be
difficult. Mr. Cud. a added that he also needs added protection against
the rainfall in the area of the attached carport, and the new roofline
would provide this. He stated'that if he put the garage in the center
-of the front lawn everyone could see~'iF~i~ the proposed site for the
garage and carport cannot be seen by the street or the neighbors. The
applicant discussed the slide that had occurred last year and stated
that it was not because the soil is unstable but because of poor design.
Mr. Cuda commented that he would like to at least get some better
--options from this
Commissioner Williams added that this was a steep site, and he felt
the garage would need to be carefully engineered.
Chairman Laden stated that she has some strong feelings about an
application which asks for an additional driveway of 170 ft. in an
area where you already have a driveway with a large turnaround. She
explained that this is an area with a slope and she felt that as little
~ ~lanning Commission Page 7
.,, Meeting Minutes 5/28/80
UP-458 - V-530 (cont.)
as possible should be done to cover that with impervious surface and
grading which will have an impact on erosion. Chairman Laden indicated
that she personally has a great deal of problem considering a structure
that is 6 ft. away from the neighbor's fence, regardless of whether
the neighbor chooses to have his house near it or not. She added that
the City has setbacks for some very specific reasons, and this request
is a great variation from the ordinance, when the property in fact would
contain this particular structure in another portion of it, maybe not as
conveniently for the applicant, but certainly with less impact on the
hillsides and the neighbors.
Commissioner King commented that one of the concerns that always comes
before the Commission is the setting of precedents, and by pushing each
item to the extreme the applicant is testing that principle in every way,
and he should consider that when working on alternatives.
Staff stated that, while the applicant has expended a great deal of
effort, they have some trouble with the accuracy and quality of the
representations. They explained that they don't agree with the numbers
and are concerned about the driveway slope. Staff indicated that, since
the existing slope in back of the house now is very close to 2:1, to cut
that slope steeper to accomplish this proposal creates a landscaping
problem and a slope that is inconsistent with the Grading Ordinance.
They stated that they would like to have an opportunity to give the
applicant more technical guidance and need the applicant or engineer to
give diagrams that are specific and accurate in figures and detail.
Commissioner Siegfried stated that there have to be other reasonable
alternatives, and the present proposal is really pushing to the absolute
limit the request for a variance.
It was the consensus of the Commission that they should tour the site
and will work with the applicant and Staff to find a suitable time. It
was directed that this item be.continued to the June 25th meeting.
5. V-529 - Wells Fargo Bank (R. L. Haas), Request for a Variance to allow
one lot of a two-lot subdivision to have an average width of
128 ft. where 150 ft. is required, at 19330 Saratoga-Los Gatos
Staff described the variance request. It-was further clarified that the
slope of the lot is over 10% and a 2-story residence could be built on
Commissioner Williams stated he did inspect the site and described the
lot in question, stating that it had a peculiar shape. It was noted
that this lot would take access from Bainter Avenue and part of Bainter
is in the County.
The public hearing was opened at 10:05 p.m.
Frederick Dorr, 19460 Bainter Way, stated that he owns the property
adjacent to the lot in question. He explained that his property is along
Bainter Avenue, and the County abandoned Bainter along side of his pro-
perty in 1955. Therefore, according to his deed he explained, he owns
property to the centerline of Bainter Avenue, and it appears that he
would have to deed part of his property to enable the road to go through
for access to this site. Mr. Dorr commented that'he objected to the
project on the basis of increased density. Staff indicated that the
tentative 'map shows that the site does have access to Bainter Avenue.
Ron Westfall, the applicant's engineer who prepared the map, explained
that it was prepared essentially from record data as far as the parcel
on Bainter Avenue and the creek is concerned. He added that the total
property has not been surveyed as yet, but that all record data indicates
that there is adequate access to the property. Mr. Westfall stated that
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Meeting Minutes 5/28/80
V-529 (cont.)
they would confirm this as soon as possible.
Staff commented that they would recommend a continuance of this matter
until the issue of access can be resolved between the parties in
Dr. William McLaughlin, 19310 Saratoga-Los Gatos Road, stated that his
property borders the northeast corner of this property. He commented
that they do enjoy a very nice area back there, and to put a home in
the center would significantly change the character of~the area.
Dr. }~cLaughlin explained that 'he would not 'like to see this done,
especially with a lot that needs a variance.
Discussion followed on .Exhibit "C", which had been submitted by the
applicant to illustrate how a lot could be fit within the parcel in
question by modifying the configuration of the line dividing the entire
property. The possibility of a third lot being created by this modifi-
cation was discussed, and it was determined that the legality of this
third lot should be considered' further.
Ronald Haas., the applicant, explained that Exhibit "C" had been sub-
mitted as an example of how the remainder of Lot "B" would theoretically
meet all of the requirements if it was assumed that a small area was not
part of it. He commented that this was not an actual plan for the
development of this site.
Chairman Laden indicated that she has some concerns regarding noncon-
forming lots, even though they may become legal lots by the granting of
a variance. She added that she would find it very appropriate to see
and approve a design at the same time if the variance were to be
approved, to ensure that the Commission and the neighbors would be
comfortable with th'e structure that will be built on that site.
Commissioner Siegfried commented that the applicant may be creating a
lot that might not meet ordinance requirements. He stated that he has
some difficulties with the variance process to enable this kind of a
lot split.
Hrs. Maynard, - a'~:i..d~w"'afid~n'er' o ~' the'-pF0'pe.'Ft~,~.Tg-~t~'d 'ft~i~.- S]~e ]~d. offer~
:i~H ."{~.'i'~'~ .i 1 "t h 6"2 :~"a'~'l '~'_ii.~ '.~ ff& 6~ i'{'~"!5', }'~1' 'n-dli ~h b.8~ S' ,-.-'- ~h ~' a d.~ ~i ':.~ h'a't' ~'h e
needs the money"and must sell, even though she has become very attached
to the area. She commented that if the lot cannot be split she will
have to' move away, and she would like to stay on the upper part of the
Gary Vendeweghe, an attorney representing Mr. and Mrs. Lucas, explained
that the site is very unique and that the character of the area should
be preserved. He stated that the Lucases will be able to see the pro-
posed two-story home, which will be a large, high residence. Mr.
Vandeweghe added that the neighbors do not wish any structure in that
Mr. Don Lucas, 19370 Saratoga-Los Gatos Road, stated that the area is
very unique and serene. He explained that when they bought their home
the lot in question was unbuildable because of its narrow width.
Commissioner Zambetti stated that he was opposed to c~eating this lot
and would have difficulty in approving the variance.
It was the consensus of the Commission that there.""shoUld"'be an on-site
inspection and the legalities of the lot should be considered further.
The applicant'was requested to stake the property to show where the
house will be and also where the boundaries of the lot are, for an
inspection on Tuesday, June 3, 1980 at 7:00 p.m. It was directed that
this item be 'continued to the regular meeting on June 11, 1980.
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Meeting Minutes 5/28/80
· 6. V-531 ~- 'Gerald Christensen, Request for a Variance to allow a pro~
posed swimming pool to provide a 10' side yard where 20'
· is required, at 14330 Cordwood Court
· Staff described the proposal for the pool. They commented that, with
a retaining wall, the grading can be mitigated.
Commissioner Williams gave a report on the on-site visit'. He explained
that this is ·a split level site, and the proposed location seems t'o be
best for the pool. Commissioner Williams commented that the 'proposal
does not· affect the adjacent neighbors.
The public hearing was opened at 10:50 p.m.
Mr. Christensen, the applican·t, stated that he had discussed the pro-
posal with the ·adjoining neighbor, Mr. McKinsey, who indicated that
his proposed home will be built on the extreme side of his lot, and
the pool would not have an .imp·act on it.
Miles Rankin, realtor, addressed the Commission,. stating·that he had
the subdivision' map for the·vacant adjoining property for the Commis-
sion's review, if desired.
Commissioner Zambetti moved to close the public hearing. CommissiOner'
· .Siegfried seconded the motion, which Was carried unanimously.
Commissioner Zambetti moved to deny V-531· without· prejudice, un·til.'the
homes for the three adjacent lotS' have proposals sho·wing their locations
There was no second to this motion, and it thereby failed.
Commissioner Siegfried moved to approve V-531, making the five findings,
on the basi_s of what is defined as the' side and rear of the. lot and how
it takes access. He added that he felt this was 'an appropriate loca=tion
for the pool site.
Commissioner W~illiams' Seconded the motion, agreeing that he felt the
findings could be made and that this is· the most appropriate location.
The motion was carried, with Commissioner Zambetti voting no.
7. A-675 - Osterlund Enterprises, Chester Court, Tract 5924, 5 lots,
Final Design Review Approval; Continued from May 14, 1980
Staff reported that a site visit·has been scheduled for July 15, 1980,
and it .was di. rected that this item be continued to the-July 23, 1980
8.. A·- 714 - Gerald Butler, Vickery La~ne, single -·Family Residence, One' Lot,
Final Design Review Approval ..
Staff reported tha·t they are recommending approval subject tO the con-
ditions in· the Addendum and Staff Report. It wa·s noted that the home
structure has been redesigned, and the grading was discusse'd.
Commissioner Zambetti moved to approve A-714 per the Addendum dated
May 23, 1980 and 'the Staff Report dated May 21, 1980.
siegfriea, ana .was cartlea
' ~1. SDR-1452, Robert Cirell, Cunningham Place, Discussion of Condition.
II-D (turnSround b'ulb) - Mr. Ron Becker, Cunningham Place,
addressed ~he Commission, ·stat·ing that the 'neighbors had not been
notified of the previous meeting when the tentative map had been
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~.~'~'Planning Commission =~ Page 10
'.Mee'ting Minutes' '5/2.8/8~0
Written C0mmunicat ions (cont.)
app.ro'ved. He stated that they wish the cul-de-sac bulb on Cunningham Place
to remain.
Staff commented that if the condition to remove the bulb is deleted and
· the neighbors then change their mind and wish it removed at a later date-,
the developer will not be obligated to remove it.
The Co'mmission point'ed out' that they 'h~d a lengthy discussion on the bulb
at the earlier meeting, and the fact th.at they are unsightly and create a
safety factor had been c'onsidered at .that '.time.
Chairman Laden stated that it would b.e appropriate for .the neighbors to sign
a letter or petition, stating they wanted the bulb to remain. Mr. Becker
stated that he would have the. nei'ghbors do so and submit it to the Planning
Department. It wa's indicated that the item would then be put on the Consent
Calendar for the next meeting.
O.ra 1
1. City Council Report Commissioner King gave a brief report on
the meeting held on May 21, 1980. A copy of the minutes of 't. his meeting is
on file in the City Administration Office.
2. There was a di. scussion on requirements for the heating
and the use of solar energy.
3. Chairman Laden thanked Councilwoman Callon for attending the meeting
and the Good Governmen~ Group for attending and serving coffee.
~Commissioner Zambetti moved'to adjourn the meeting in honor of Tanso
Ishihara, who was caretaker of- Hakone Gardens, and who recently died in
Japan. Commissioner Schaefer seconded the motion, which Was carried unani-
m0usly. The meeting was adjourned at 11:33 p.m.