HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-28-1981 Planning Commission Minutes ""~ '~ CI'['Y OF SARATOGA PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DATE: Wednesday, Janua'ry 28, 1981 7:30 p.m. PLACE: City Council Chambers,. 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA TYPE: Regular Meeting. ROUT I NE ORGAN I ZAT I ON Sweari. n~-in of n. ew PlannLng Commissioners BetS'y (~ory, the Acting City Clerk, read.the oath. of office and swore in new Commissioners Bolgers, Cro~vther a. nd Monia. The new commissioners were wel- comed by Chairman Laden. : Roll Call Present: Cornmiss.loners Bolger, C'rowther, King, Laden, Scha. elTer, Monia. and Zambett i Absent: None Minutes Th.e .tTollowing changes weFe made to the min. utes of January 14, 1981: On page ? the last sentence in the eleventh paragraph should read: "He added that, whi'l.e he apprec:iates the sentiment to preserve this spa. ce, the hard reat:i. ty is that you can't show lan. d on a General Plan a.s a park without eventually 'follow- ing th. rough w~th that; otherwise you end up with a. virtual condemnation." On page 5, the ta-g-tz-'~:e'n't:en~z~v.z:.i:n~ the ninth paragraph should 'read: "She explained tha. t she wa.s concerned th. at the City has certain setbacks, and yet continually go ahead a. nd grant variances and use permits and set a precedent." With. those changes, Commission. er Zambetti moved to waive the reading of the n{inutes of ,J'an't~ary ]4, 1981 and approve as distributed. Commissioner Ki'ng seconded the motion, which wa.s ca. rr'i. ed ~'-.w&.¢~:H-c¢'o~'~'~'ss loners Bo'l. ger, Crowther and Monia ab- staining since they were not present at the meeting. Commissioner Zambet.ti moved to approve the minutes of the meeting of ,January 20, 1981.. Commissioner I,aden seconded. the moti. on, which wa.s carried, w'i. th Conun:i.s- sioners King, Schaefer, Bolger, Crowther and Monia absta;i. ni'ng since the'y were not present a.t the meeting. Annua. 1 Reorgan.-i. zation Comm:i. ssioner Za. ml~etti nominated Comn~-i.s.s:i. oner Laden fo'r Cha:irman of the I'~lannin. g Commission for 1981. Commissioner Schaefer secon. ded the nominat:i. on. Commis- sioner Kino' moved to close the nominations Commissioner Monia seconded the motion, which was carri. ed unan:imously. The vote was ta'ken, :and Commissioner Laden was appointed Chai. rman unan'i. mousl~'. Comm:i. ss :i. oner Zan~bett:i. nomin. ated Commi ss ioner Schaefer for Vice-Chairman. Comm:i. ssioner Bolger seconded the nomi. nation. Commissioner King moved to close the nominat:ions. Comm:i. sSioner Zambett.i. seconded th.e motion, which was carr.i_ed. unianimously. The vote was taken, and Comn~j. ssione'r Schae'fer was appo :i_nted Vice- Cha i rman un an imous !y. ' Commissioner Zambetti nominated R. S. Robinson for Secretary of t. he (:oremission. Commissioner King seconded the nom:i. nat'i. ons. Commissi. oner Zambetti moved to close the,. nominations, and Commissioner King seconded the motion. The motion was carried unan-imously and the vote was taken. R. S. Robinson was appointed Secretary unan:i. mous ly. : CONSENT CAI.,ENDAI{ 1. SDR-136' - Veda Call, Sobey Road. 2 :lots, Request for One-Year Extension of Contract for Improvement Agreement I{:"~as' Cl.ari.f~ea"by s:t'aff tllgt the s.u. rety bond wi-ll .remai-n i-p full' fo-rcg.. 1 Pianni. no Comm:iss i. on Page 2 rv!:e,,a:t :i.i~'k. M.i, nt~tcs 1/2 8 / 8 '1. "" SI)R- ].'367 (cont.) with the onesyear extens'ion on thri. s matter. Staff stated that there tt~e 'road .i_~nl'~:oxrements in conjunctio~ wit]~ tl~.e ad.Z~z~.c. ent l~'c~pe'z't.'y: '['t was d. eter~i. necl tl~a.t t:t~.e a.t~px'o'va]. for tl~e one-year exte~s:i.o~ sl3ot~Zl.d i_ncl. ude tl'~e co~'~cl. itio~ t]~at Et~rtt~e'r exte~si_o~'~ wi.l.]. not be gra~ted, Co~missri. o~.er Za.n~l~etti ~ov'e~l. to ~pl3rove the extensi o~ .~o'r o~e year for tt~e (~o~tract 'for .lE~nprovement Agreen~e~t on SDI'~-71.367. (~on~issio~.er Scl~a.e.fe'r seco~ded tl~e ~otion, ~qh].c~ wa.s carr:i. ed una~i. xx~ous].y. 21't was noted again tl~.~.t fL~'tl'~er extensi:o~ w.i. 21.'l. not [~e consi. clerecl 1~~ tl~e Con~i s s. i.o~. Veda Ca.].], tl'~e apl~].ic~tnt, state~ tt~at tt~e roa'~cl t~as t~ee'~ i.~nprovecl. 'so~e, and a on.e-)'ear extensj. on j.s agree~:~[~71. e w:[tl~ t~e'i'. Sloe co~n~e~ted tt~a.t sl~e wi..1.1. coord'knate witt~ Mr. ,la.c:ol~sen, tt~e a(tj~.ce~.t l~'rol~ert>, owner, on tl~e' :in~l~roven~ents, a.~'~d. they w:i.'2L]. st~are tt~e cost of com~on improven~e~ts o'~ So[~e), Road and the ~ni~j. mL~n access roa~.d. :~ro~n Sol~ey Road ~v'i. tl~in that o~'~e-yea r l~e'r:i_od.. P[II.~Li[C HEAI~.I:NGS 2. A-747 - Norn~a~ B~-~ke'r, Ma'rio~ Road, 'i'wo-Sfo~-')~, Sj.~'~g]e-I~an~:i.].y Resj. de'nce, Sta'~f desc~'.i. bed tl~e ct~r're~t t~rop'.os~.l.. 'l~t~e Deput}' (~j. ty Attor~e'y st~ted ~nd j_t w~'ks r~otecl tl'~a.t n.o co~-res]~2o~de~ce }~ad l~een recei.'ved. S'i.n. ce no o~e apl~eared, Con~:i. ssio'ner ZambettTi. n~oved to c21. ose tt~e pul~].ic u~anj_n~ot~s 1 y. : dra. j_nage ease~ne~t ~qas d~.sc~.~ssecl.. It was ~oted t]~at (]o~]:i. tj.o~ ('~ tt~e SLa.L'.[7 Repo'rt rectt.~:[~.'es t.l~.e reco~'{lj.~g of tl~a.t ot~e~ st~a. ce ea. se~ne~t. Cornn~j_ssio~er Za~[~etti. moved to ai~l'~rove A-747, I~er t]'~.e Sta. ff Repo-~'t concept ~.t tt~e 'la. st n~eeti~g, :i~ox': ~t 6 f't. setb~.~ck for t.]~.e sj_de and. t~ack angl_e olF tl~e d'ri. veway, sta. tj_~g ",'l'}~e 90© a..~gZl..e of tl~e driveway sl~a21'l. l~e rou~ded to "k'~:~.c:i.].-i. tate ~ccess a.~l eg'.~ress JFron~ ti'~e gara. ge." Co~n~iss.[o~e'r Kj_ng second2ed. tt~e ~notion, ~vt~ich wc~s car'ri. ed tl~.a~.~not~.s]_y. He st~ted tI~at t~.e is .satistTied w,i.t]~ tl~e2 6 tFt. Setback, sj. nce it st.:i..l.'l oli_VeS ~lccess S.i. nce no or~e else appeared, (2om~r.i. ssl o~er'Za. ml~ettjj. ~n'oved to cl. ose wa.s ca.'rried ttna~.i~ot~siy. - 2 [~i[;~fi~i. xxg Co~nissj o~ Page 3 bfeet:i~g r, linutes 1./28/81 IJP-476 (con'E.) Co~nmj_ssj. one'~- Mo~ia. expressed conce~-~-~ at~otit. tt~e 't~oss:i.t~i.e t~.%.'e 'of- tl~e fa. cj.l:i..t.x.; fo'~'a ]~om'e occd~ation i~i "t.'l~e' ~.(~.~'u~e.:." l[t'-~a.s 'n'o~'~'d'~'l~at,.u.nde~- tl~e t~se pc'tin'it 'procedu. re, tt~e (':o~nn~issyi. on does ]~a. ve co~tj.n.t~ous jt.~rj. sdic- ti. on. Sta. JT'f ~qa~'s 'rec~t~ested to send· tl~e ~tt~l.~].j c~nt a. cot~y o~7 A~'t:icl. e ].2, pa. ragra. p]~ ].2 . ]. (cl), 6f tl~.e Zoni. ng 9'rdi.~a~cc, ~'9ga. rd5.~g Occt~patio'~a. 1 IIon~e Use. Co~n~nis'sionex' K. ing n~oved to a. pp-~'ove UP-4.76, per tl~e Staff lieport da. ted ,la. nu.a'ry 7, 198]. a. nd. tl~e Adcle~d.u~n dated ,.Iat~3ua. ry 20, ]..~)81, n~.~k':i. ng tint :find'i~gs. Co~m:i_ss.loner Monia scco~d. ed tt~e ~ot:i.o~., ~q}~ic}~ t,,a.s carri. cd, ~,i. th Co~nmri ssj. on er Scl~e:ffer vot-i. ng ~o. 4. V-S41 - I~. A. Ma. ddalena., 3'~-d Street a.~d. Bl.g Basin Way, Reqt~est :t--'o'r ~. Va-'rj_ance tT'ro~ t.l~.e pa~rk i_ng .'reqt~Li. ren~e'nts descri. bect. in Sec. t:i. on l. ll. 9 o-t-' tl3e Zoni. no ()'rdi~a~ce for at co~'nl3i.taed ~'est~t~rt~.~t/'retai. 2l sa.].cs o'.p..era. tion i.n tl~e "C-C" (Co~n~nu,~it'>~-CZon~nerciall.) l)-i. st'r:i_ct St~ff st~.tcd that ttne api3.1i. cant l~as ~ot sul~n~itted a].] of ttne a.i_~p'rol.3'riate ¢loc. ume~'~tat:i. on ~-~.nd c].ra~'.i. ngs. 'llt ~vas recomme~ded tl~at t.l~i.s -i. te~n 13e co~- tint.~ed to '[;ebrt.~ry 21.11., 1.98]_. Sta.ff g~ve tl~e t~istory of tt~e a. ppl.:i. ca. tion. Tl~ey: ext~].a'i. ne~l tl~e parki~g ra. tio a~d ~.oted tt~at t.t~is apt.~lj. catio~ ~,..'a.s .fox' tt~e Llpsta~.'rs-.[)ow~staj.'rs I~estaurant. Con~miss:i. one'~' l_,ad. en exl~ll. ainecl.' tt~i~.t tl~e intent l~cre ~as: .fo'r a retail ot~t].et and t~ossj. l~]~.' a tat.~le o~: tx~o x~,l~.j.l.e pL~rcl~asj.~ng. l't ]~a.s I.~ccome a. 'restaterant as ol~poseLl. to a~ retail oL~tll. et. 'l'l~e' pa.'rkj. ng.]~as ]~ad an ~.ml~act o~ tln. e I.~a. rking :i.~ tl~e 'V'i ll. a. ge. 'l'l~e rest~t~r~.nts i.~ tt~c \~i.]ll.a. ge x~,ere discrossed, a~.d. it ~as de'tcr~:i.r~ed. t.l~at a st~dy ·session '~,_i.]]. i~e t~.elcl o~ tl~c restaura. nts :in tt'~e "(]-C" cl. istx'ict o~ ]=ebruar)~i3, ].981· "l~l'~e p~l_~lic l~ea.~'ing ~,~as ot~ened at 8:].2. p.n~. Dot~'g Ad~.n~s, tl~e a. tto~'ney representing tl~e ai~t_~]..lca~t, stab. ted. tt~at t~ad l~ee~ t'rx~.i.~.g to work wit}~ Sta. ff ~-~d the:l~.' engi~eer ]~a.s I~een "E~lir~PO. '~.',.:."':'~'~;i:~'~rLTM ""'~""'7..' ~:~ .' .' :': .'!Z~".'-.~j:":-': :.:.:-s~i'?-:' '.Z.'7. ~L""'.%~ '-7 :" --'.:~1:'~:~. "' 2[t was d:irected. tt~at tl~-Ls :i. te~n t3'e co~ti..~ued t.o tt~e n~eeti.~g on Fel_~'.~:uar'y jtjl., 1981. 5. .IZnt.'roduct'to'r~ of tt3e Specifi. c P.l~tn j:f-or tl~e Nortt~'est I-ti'[].sides and tt~e l!i~'~viro'nme~3tal. Impact Ret3ort (8:30 :i3.m. ) D.i. ck S:i. egfried', tl~e (.it~airlna~ of tl~.e (Z.tt'i. ze~s Advisory Co~nittee, sented. tl~e Si.~eci:f:i.'c P'l.~itn fo'r ttie Norti~,,cst II:i.1.'l.s:i. des . i--le :i.~'ttroduce~l t.t~e :Eoll. o~v':k~ig (:omn~i_ttee ~embers: Mi. cln~iel A~adeT'so'n, [):i. ar~'~e Bo'l. ge'r, ./X't~'~' M~.trie Bu~'ger, ,Jin~ (;ocl~'~'ane, Marlene Dt~ffi.~n, ,'Ioyce i-llava, a.~dT_C'~'irl_ " ~'ou~gl:~erg, ~.nd noted t.l~t l~ax~'rence l'~ates, .Jot~'~-t B'P-i. gt~a.n~, [)e21. apl. aine ~Icl)aniel., ~tnd Do-~.'otl~),' B.'liller t~e're at3set~t. M~-. Siegf'r:i. ed ~oted tl~a.t tl~ese peopjl.'e have cloveted a g~:e~t d. eal. o-t~ ef.fo'rt and t.i.n~e. ~te also con~e~ded. Sta.:15f ~nc~tl3ers Ka.t.l~y Kerdus, Dan 'l'ri.~i.d~:~d, '12)o~ ~"i.~t3e'r21. y 'a.~d Ci. ty Geol. og:ist Bi2121. (:otto~'~, for tln. eir tinge a~.d e'f:fort.. M~'. S:i. egfr.i. ed. gave 13~.ckg~ouncl in.15Or~ation on tl~e Sl3eci_fic P.l_f~.n. FIe cl. iscttssed tt~e 13-i. 13l. iog~'al3t~}~ a.~'~.d tl~d i..~trocl. t~ction. "l't~e 17oll. o~ing Contmi. ttee l~embers g~ve t3r:i.e-t-'. p'rese~tat:ko~s d~ tt'~e conte~ts o.f tt~e I.~la~: ,J:i.~n (:oct~'~'r~.~e l)~s it.y l:~:l e~ne~t 'Dick Sj. egtT't'ied - Rural (;l~ar~cte'~' lilement ('t~or ,.I. Brigh. a~) !~nd. Aestl~etics a.'nd Sce~'i.c Qual[i. ty . .I~ ]. e~ne n t Oi~c~'~ Space li].ement. ,Jo)~ce i-lZl~va I-Iaza~'ds Di. ck Si. egLfried - 14~ivi'ronn~e'nta]_ Co~3ce'r~s Ar~. ~!~-~.r:le Burger' Co~mt~ni. tz>' Se~'v_lc. es a~d. []t:il-iti. es - 5 - P (1 a n ~ ~ n g C o mmi. s s i o n P a g e 4 Meet.~.ng Minutes .1./ Spec:i. tic Pl. an (cont.) Dj_anne Bo].ger and - C:i'rcu].at:i. on F!].ement Marl. erie D-i. ck SieglTried -' Economics (Mr. Siegf'ried commented that kh:i.s section will be :tYurther studied, since it was received too 1. ate to d.o a. th. orough stud.)~ of it). Mike Anderson - Zoning Restrictions and Modi..f-ic~:~tion o'f Former HCRD Ordinance Dick Siegfri. ed Ana.'[)~sis off SigniiUica. nt Impacts and A'I te mat i yes Appendix and Minutes Chairman Laden commented that the Commission was p'l. eased wi. th the con. tent an.d the i=.a. ct that the Committee did meet th.e time'l~ame. She stated that pubTile input wou'ld be ta. ken a.t this time regard:i. ng concerns that should be considered at the study sess-i. on. The publ:Lc hear.~.ng was opened at 10:05 p.m. WilJiam Kohl. er, 21842 Via Reg:i. na., expressed concern regardi. ng the tra.'ff.~:ic noise and excessi. ve tra~'f:[c, and. he i~e].t. this was llot specifica].l.y addressed. He stated th. at he tUel't that the i~].an i.s a good basis to wor'k · w-i. th. I-Ie added tt~.a.t he felt tha~ work sh. ou'l.d begin on the ord. i. nan. ces a.t this time. J'ef.iF Sch. wartz, ].9281 San Marcos, .stated th~-~t he feZit the Commi. ttee had dealt wi. th workino w:ith o~' reduc._ ~ haza , er ~ in,,' rds rath t.h~-~.n a. voj. di_ng them. He commented that he feeIs there should be wide public disctissiorl :_.~ and exposure concernin. g thj. s.-.'-; Commissioner Zambetti commented theft more study needs to be done regard- ing th.e circulation area :firore Tollo'ate to Pj. erce the lands of McBain -o ' ~ · and (;i.l~bs and Pa'rnas, the modi.fication o.ff the I. ICRD OT'd:inance, and the .con. cel~t o'f group:i. ng structures. C. omm:i. ssion. er Monia commented that he h. aCl concern r'ega:rdi. ng t. he ava:i.l.a-. bi[ity ][or emer,~ency ~ehi. cles to hav'e access to th.e:::'Md'Ba-i'n'z~a~'d Gibbs ~ · ... and Parnas property. FIe stated ~hat he would like 'StafFf to l~'repa. re some recommendations a.s to a method to connect O].d Oak and Chiquita, well as (Zanyon V:i. ew a'nd Tollgate. Ch. ai-rman Laden suggested that StafiF include the proposed cj. rculation plans and the tentat.[v'e maps :~or those cu'rrent subdi. vision. s to the study sess:ion.. It was directed that this item be co'nt:~.nued to the Committee-o;~'-the-Whole on 'f=el~ru. ary 3, 1981 and the regular meetj. ng o~. Feb'rua'r'y 11, 1981. D E 5 I. G N R E V ]2 E W 6a~. Negative Declaration - A-739 - Michael Va].].ey 6b. A-739 Mi_chael Va.'lley', Kittridge Road, S:l. ngle-l:amiZly Residence, FinaZl l)es:i. gn Review Al~proval; Continued. from November 12, 1.980 These items were discussed along with the one-year extension igor SDR-~1.386. StaftY explained that th~.s matt'er-~had been continued .firore the meeting o.fF November 12, ].980. At that time there had been con. cerns w:~th the septic tank, leach field line, the poss:i. bi. litv of ].owering th.e deck and garage, the treatment ol/th.e loose soil mate'ria].s on the and i. nformati. on on the geotechni. ca]_ 'reports. Sta:ff.~ noted that the appl:[cant has subm:i_tt. ed in fforma. ti. on on these items. The cu'rrent pro- posa21. was discussed. .-. .... ; -" E f-. Commissioner Zambetti ind. ic;ated that the ordinances' do not permit septic tanks, but a. pprova]. for a set~'.rS-~..j~.dnk had been granted long ago to the Qui. ckerts. Commissioner LacJe;n s'~h. ted that th.e site had previously been illega.].ly graded without a i~,/'a. din.g perm:i.t. The treatment of the previ.- ously graded. s].op. es was di. scus'Sed.. It was' noted that this site ~qas origjnal'l.y t.9¢~%'edZBnde~.:.-.the.-.llCRD. Ord. inance. Commfi. ssioner Crowther pJ:~a~nx~g con~n:i. ssi. on Pa. ge 5 ~eeting Mj. nutes ]./28/821. A-739 a~d S~)I~-1386 (cent.) stated tti~t.'tt~e t~CRD Ordi~ia~ce requireS' tiTat a soilg and g~ology report '~be'aOl~e. before_~Froy~.~', a~'~l...l~e-did ~ot see t.l~a.t i~.fo~?~nat:i. on i.n tt~e repel't-. ,jfi.~ Ha. rper, ci. vil e~lgi~eer, stated tl~at tl~e i~'roject 'geologist ~'as not prese~t. It ~,,as cZ[ari.fied. tb.~t ~o speci. fi.c t~o'r-i.~gs ~,~ere d. one on tl~:i.s site, si~ce -i.t. ~,~as t.l~.eir ollin:i. on tt~at they t~ore ~ot ~.ecess~.r'y. Con~ni_ss:io~er Cro~,,tl~er state,:[ ~:.t tt~e ma.t'~ st~o~vs a dormant sl~.d.e adiiacent to tl~e l~omo site, ~.~d t.l~e r~pot't.s s]no~ t. lnat 'i_t is ~. t~a. za~'dot~s zo~e, a. Ps and. I'd zone. He askecl bor'i. ngs. ~r. Hatper stato~[ tl~at' tic.is site i.s outs:td.e of tt~e sl.id.e stud}~ a~'ea condt~cted by tl~e Cit}~.. It t~a.s noted by Staff tt~at tt~e Cit}~ Geol_og:tst 't~ad rev~i.e~,,ed tl~.~ts site. a~d it tnas ~net ~:ktl~ t~is app~'oval. 'l'l~e Delluty C:i.t>~ Atto~'ney stated theft, .i_:f tt~e Co~nmissi. on 'feol. s it appropr-kate, tl'~.ey can a. sk -for ~:t soils '~'epo'~'t., and st~cl~ report ~ot~ld not be a. co,~d~.t~.on fo~' extension of tt'~e tentative mail. ~'l't~o des:tg~ re,levy relates to tl~e strttctt~'~?e and tl~ey ca~ ~'eqt, est fu'~'tl~er i.~for~at:ko~ o~ tl~at po:i.~t. He co~n~'ne~ted tl~at }~e ~ould a. dgi. se tl~e Commiss:i. on tl~at tl~eir responsil~il.~.ty is to s~ttisf}~ tl~e~nselves a.s to tt~e proposed strut- tt~re, a. nd .~f tl~ey feel a. ddit:io~a.~. i~forn~atio~ is ~eeded, t.t~ey ca~ '~'ecl~.~est it. l-Ie c.l.~-~.rifTi ed tt~.t a.d.d-i.t~.onal c~>nd:i. ti.o~s c~.~n. ot l~e placed. o~ tl~e tentative n~l} -fo'~: tl~.e ext. e~s i. on , t~t.~t suggested tt~.at add~_t:i.o~al :i_~.fo'r~nat:Eon cot~l.d 13e requested in connecti. on ~qi. tl~ tt~e desig~ 'revi. e~ t.~ecat~se tl~e site atlproval. di.d not tel_ate to co;~structj. on. o:f a~y pa'rtict~- ].a.r strt~ctt~re. Mr. 14arller stated tl~.a.t t.t~ere xqas. a. soils rello'rt su.b~j. tted xqit}'~. tl'~e o'r:i.g:i. nal_ site approval fo~' tl~e Q~.~ickert p'roject. He a. lso co~mented tt~at a selltj_c ta~k permi't t~as 13een issued. 13~,' tt~e Sant~-t CZl. ara l~ealtl~ 1)ep ar t~ne n t. Con~m:i. ssi. oner Crotvtt'~er r~.i. sed. tl~.e'i Ctt~.estj. o~ atlout tl~e C:[ty's l_egal. 1. ia- ~. bj..].~.ty witl~ regard to tln. e dr'i. veway be~.ng too steep for -fire access. M~'. : Harl~er :~ndicated tha. t tl~e road des:i. gn. l~ad been c}'~t~ged, and tl~a.t tl~e -...:.~Z~ road nox~ ~et ~xl. 21. fi~'e access reqt~j. rements. Con~n:Ession. er (Zro~qtt~er com~'ne~ted tt~a.t I~e wot~l.d l. ike to kno~' tnox~ deEzj_s.{o~as could tle ~n~de on tl~e slope st~b.L].j_t}, ~qitl~otlt. a so:i. ls repo'~:t. [-le stated tin. at t~e is concerl~ed allot.~t tl'~e extensions. o:f tl~e te~tat:ive ~nap ]lec~tuse a. dditio~al. condit.kons cardnot be nt~t o~ it. Com~nissj_o~er Crowtt~er al. so exllressed. concern ~i. bout tl~e 21. ega! 1. j.a. tli. l.j. ty of tt~e (~j_t}~ i.n. a!lprov:i-~g sites st~ow~'~ o~ ~naps as Ps a~.d Pd. The Detlt~ty C'.i. ty Attorney stated tl~t tl~e Con~ni. ss:i. one~'s a. re not tect~icai expelrts. 2[f tl~ey feel tl~.at add.i. ti. ona. 1 teci'~.~'i_c~tT[ 'i. nfor~.tio~ :ks reqt~:i. red, tl~ey ca~ ask :for j_t. ['le ~dded tl~at j..f t.l~e Con~nissj. o~ :feeZ[s tl~at ft.~rtl~er j. nfor~natio~'~ j_s reqttzEred witl~-~-estlect to desj. g~ 'x'ev:tel~', tl~e appropriate cotll'se of actj_on is to adv:i. se tl'~e a. ppl. j. cant x.~l~at datz~ tl~ey coul. d lj_ke to see, an.d. co~tti.~ue all tl~ree i.l:en~s to a stt~d.}~ sessi. on. follo~vi~g items were nolzed. as concerns: ].) Mr. Cotto~'s review of tt~i.s approval ' '~-" ' 2) lie'port frown tt~e 14ealt. l~ :]Z)6!3~'tn~e~t oi~ ti~e ].ea. cln 'f:i. eld. -. 5) A~x~ add'j.t:Eo~a3. soil. s testing tl~at n~ay' l~a. ve t~ee~ done at tl~e t. jme of site ~tlll.3~'ova. 1 '~".; 4) l~ette~' from Cln:L'ef l(rat~]e or ext~jl~j.l: tidbit s]lox.qs dr:i. ve~.qa.'}, sl. ope. ~' 5) Tl~e ct.~t a. nd :gj. 21.2[ requir,ed. fo~- tile l'oad. " Ct~tir~an Lad. en. stated tl~at tl~e ex':Esting doct~nenta. t:i~o~ ca~ ~le g:i.x~e~'~ to tl~e Co~n~niss':{on, and t. tne'y ca~ deter~ni.~e if ~tclclj. tj.o~aFl stud.{es s]~ould 13e n~ad.e. FIt was po.inted ot~t t.l~a=t tl~e exte~sj.o~3 on S1')1Z-].586 :{s i~eed. ect at tl~is ti~e ].lecause t]~e "l"e~tati~ 15t~'i.l.d.ing S.i te Atlllroxral will. ex. pire. 'I'l~e l)et~t~t)~ (Zity- Atto~'nel, co~tn~e~ted tl~:~.t j.f tt~e Comn~iss.i_on ]~as so~e concern reg~trding tt~e exte~s.i_o~ ~:~.t tt~is tinned, tl~e~, do not t~ve to l?lann.~g Commission Page 6 ~x'_k~-~e"tj_ng Minutes - 1/28/81 A- 739 and SDR- 1386 . (cont.) extend for the full year. FIe sta'ted that the Subdivision Map. Act a. nd the City ordinance 'permit a series of extensions not exceeding a total of two yea. rs. Consequently, an e;Xtension Could be given for. a. period of time and addit.ional extensi.ons could be granted after the concerns have b e en re s o I ved. It was determined that a stud.v session could be held on February 17th a.t 4:30 p.m. on this matter. Commis.sioner Crowther move'd. to extend the tentative map for SDR-1386 through the study session plus the following meeting o~7 the Commission., a~nd then recons:ider the extension at that time. Co'mmissioner Bol. ger second~ed the motion. The Deputy Ci. ty Attorney stated that the tentative map should be extended. to a date certain, and h.e al. so su.ggested some latitude in the event there is some continuance or the plans a. re not ready. He noted that the applicant can. not do any con:struct'ion until. the 'design review is approved. Commissioner Crowther amended h. is; motion to extend the' extension on SDR-1386 for a three-month period.. Commissioner Bolger seconded the amendment. The ~not. ion was carrie~ una. nin~ously. 'It was directed that the Negative, Declaration for A-739 and Design Review Approval. A-739 will be continued .to the Committee-of-the-Whol. e on February 17, 1981 and the regu.lar meeting on. February 25, 1981. M'r. Harper stated that h.e will coordihate with the Staff regarding the con- cerns previously stated. I-Ie was .reqUested by Commissioner Monia to submit the ]_each field study, sanitation. report and percolation test results '.7""' previously-done on this s'ite. ' .... 7'aj Negat"ive 'D'~'~]:ar'~.ti'on' - A--74] -' 2.l'd]fn M~rTk'u'].i.n 7b. .;X- 741 - .]~~YWV~"~t.~ Mon~.al.v~' Ro'~F Single- Family Residence, Final Design lieview Approval; Continued from November 12, 1980 Staff reported that the applicant: has n. ot submitted any change in plans, and th. ey are working with. anot. h. er~ architect a.t this time. Cliff Beck, th.e applicant, stated that they have a new arch~.tect and would 'l. ike this matter continued., It was directed that this item be continued to February 1]., 1981. 8. A-750 - Jo]~n McNulty, Sobey Road, Two-Story, Si. ng.l.e-Eamily Residence, Final Design Review Approval; Continued from January 14, 1981 Chairman Laden noted that the Cominission, at the:i.r last meeting, had asked for a Site Development P'lan2, including a swimming poo.l. location, and tl~ey also asked for a drawing off the lower level. Staff commented that the applica~nt has submi. tted ~hese requirements. Commissnioner Zambetti moved to approve A-750, per the Staff Report dated January S, 1981, amended to, delete Condition 2, which had 'required design review approval on a. ~uturb pool., and the Addendure dated January 21, 1981, amended to include the condition: "Specific pool elevation shall. be i~ubject to Staff review and approval." Commissioner King seconded ~Zh.e mot:i. on, which was carried unan:i. mously. Solar sitin. g was discussed, and j_~ was determined that Commissioners Schaefer and Crowther will. work with the Staff to discuss the optimum the angl. e of the roofs' should be in future des i. gns. 9. A-'752 - Saratoga Investors, Inc.:, Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, Building "C", Park Saratoga, Fina. 1 Design Review Approval (Sign Program) Staff described t.he proposal. Th. ey sta. ted that they were recommending denial, since the proposed sign p!'ogram di.'[fers from the program p'revi- ously approved for Buildings "B" and "D". Pa.~e 7 1~.',t rfn i n g C o mmi_ :; s i o n g Meeti. ng Minute.,.; - 1/28/8]. A-752 (cont.) J4m Cassidy, representing th.e appl-icant,.addressed the Comm-ission and.described their proposed program, stating that it was quite important that th. ey use tt~e ].ett. er style proposed. The ]etter style was discussed, along with th.e s'i~e and length. Commiss'ioner King commented th. at. a precedent had already been set ~ol].ow the approved sign program~ since a previous app].~cation had been denied by the Commiss i..on and appealed and denied by th.e City Council. lie stated that he Felt' the Commission. should maintain the sign program as approved for thi.~ development. Chairman Laden commented that the' sign program has been discussed at each sta. ge of the'development, and the Commission has been quite con- sistent with that program and those requirements. Discussion followed. 6n the critei;'ia' for the sign program, and it was determined that the applicant should wor'k with Staff on tha. t criterTia. Commissioner Zambetti moved to dQny A-752'~d. thout prejudice. Commis- sioner C'~owther seconded. 'the motion, which was carried unanimously'. COMMUNICAT IONS Written 1. Resolutions PC-138, PC-139 and PC-140. Commissioner King moved, seconded by ' Commissi. oner Sch. aefer, to approve Resolution PC-138, commending Start Ma:rshall for his dedication and sQrvice to the.City as a member 6f the Planning Commission. The motion was carried unanimously. Commiss:koner Monia moved., seconded. by Commi.ssioner'King, to approve Reso].ution PC-'].39, commend:ing I)ick. Siegfried for his dedicati. on and service to the City a.s a member of the Planning Commission. The motion was carried unanimously. Conm~issioner Mon:i.a moved, seconded by Commissioner Schaefer, to approve Reso]ution PC-140, commending Shelley Williams for his dedication and service to the City as a member of the Planning Commission. The motion was carried unanimottsl. y. Oral. 1. City Council Report Commissioner Schaefer gave a br:i. ef report on th.e City Council meeting held on Janu'a. ry 21, 1981. 2. COmmissioner Monia suggested that the structure of th.e Land Development Committee be reviewed. It was noted that this item is on the agenda for the Committee-'of-the-Whole On February 3, 1981. 3. Commissioner Sch. aefer inqu;ij'red about the bike trai].s on Saratoga- Sunnyvale Road, and it was noted by Counc.i_lpe~son Watson that the City Council has taken this under study. 4. Chairman Laden thanked Councilpersons Callon, Watson, .lensen and Mallory for attending the meeting,' and th.e GoOd Government G-roup for atten. ding and :serving cofEee. AD.J OURNMENT Commissioner Zambetti moved, seconded by Commissioner Bolger, to adjourn th.e meeting. The motion was carried unan'i. mously, and the meeting was adjourned at 11:09 p.m. l~espectfully submitted, ~ b ': 'l r ' RSR: cd C'["FY OF SARATOGA PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DA"I'E: Tuesday, January 20,.1981 4:30 p.m. PLACE: Crisp Con'Ference Room, 13777 'Fl'ui. tvale Avenue, Saratoga., CA TYPE: Regular Adjourned Meeting Roll Call Present: Comniissio'ners 1,aden, Marshall', Siegfried, Zambett:i., and W:i. lliams (Comm:i_ssioner Williams arrivea at 4: 35 p .m. ) Absent: Commi. ssion. ers King and Schaefer FINAL BUII,DING SI'['E APPROVAL SI)R-.1.479 - Gibson Anderson, Farwell Avenue - ]. Lot, Final Building Site Approval Staff noted that all of th.e conditions have been met. on th'i.s over 50% expan- sion. Commissione'r Zambetti moved to approve Final' Building Site Approval for SDR-1479. Commissioner Marshall seconded. the motion, which was carrieZd unani. mous ly. MISCELLANEOUS ',"; AppOin. tment of Planning Comm:issioner to General Plan Advisor), Comm:i. ttee Commissioner Za. mbetti moved to a. ppoint Commissioner Laden as the Commission representative on the General Plan Advisor}' Committee. Commissioner Wi. lliams seconded. the motion, which was carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Marshall moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Commission. er Siegfri. ed, and :it ~as carr:ied una. n:kmously: The meeting was adjourned. at 4:38 p.m. Respect:fu.l_ ly submi tted, . S. ! obinson, Jr. Secretary RSR:cd :