HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-13-1981 Planning Commission Minutes CITY OF SARATOGA PLANNING COMMISSION
DATE: Wednesday, May 13, 1981 - 7:30~ p.m.
PLACE: City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA
TYPE: Regular Meeting
Roll Call
Present: Commissioners B01ger, Crowt~er, Laden, Monia, Schaefer and Zambetti
Absent: Commissioner King
Commissioner Monia"moved, seconded by Commissioner Bolger, to waive the read-
ing of the minutes of April 22, 1981 and approve as distributed. The motion
was carried unanimously.
1. SDR-1491 Dean and Susan Nowacki., Glenmont Drive - 1 Lot (Over 50% expan-
sion), Final Building .Site Approval
2. V-531 Gerald Christensen, 14330 Cordwood Court, Request for One-Year
Commissioner Crowther asked that SDR-.1491 be removed for discussion.
Commissioner Zambetti moved to approve the remaining item on the Consent
Calendar, V-531. Commissioner Schaefer seconded the motion, which was
carried unanimously.
Discussion followed on SDR-1491. :Chairman Laden explained that this item
was before the City Council for a consideration of the condition for fire
requirements, and the City Council had waived. that condition. It was
noted that this approval is for Fi:nal Building Site Approval of an over
50% expansion. Commissioner Zambetti moved to approve SDR-1491. Commis-
si. oner Bolger seconded'the motion,~ which was carried unanimously.
3. SDR-1485 Kamil'Navai and M. Kermani, Big Basin Way 1 Lot, Commer-
cial (8-unit Townhouse Project), Tentative Building Site
Staff explained the project, stati.ng that the Commission has reviewed
this project under the use permit'and design review approval, and it
was also discussed at a Committee-.of-the-Whole regarding the General Plan
designation of the site. At that ,time th~ Commission indicated that they
felt this project conformed to the: intent of the General Plan for the
Village area by allowing mixed use:s, having a commercial structure in
the front and multi-family units i.n the rear. Staff described the circu-
lation on the site.
Chairman Laden commented. that the .intent of the Commission and the feel-
ing at that time was that the commercial would be in line with the
Village concept plan which was to keep commercial on Big Basin Way.
Commissioner Crowther commented that the General Plan states that this
site is designated for apartments. Staff explained that this. is zoned
"C-V", which allows apartment unit.s or multi-family units under a use
permit. The use permit procedure lallows the Commission to vary density
as to what they feel would be appr~opriate for the property, and in this
case 8 units, plus a commercial structure, was considered to be appropri-
Pla,nni.ng Commission Page 2
-M~eting Minutes -- 5/13/81
SDR- 1485 (cont.)
ate. The requirements of the' "C-V~' district were:,,.discussed. -It"was
· 'p6-i~t~d' 0~t 't'ha£='~'~L' ~o:~=e,c~' eXce~d'~ ,b,UildiH~""]~'eig']~t' 1-imit~' ~f ~l'c-V ....
--ai~.t~i:d~' '~ :"f3' ~e~'-:~'h~:":~.i.~=;~8~'='d:on~':~'' ~'~ .e~a~'h~- '~.etbadk._~r~q~e-=.
~'f~'.. 'Staf~ '~x~lai~a"~"t ~'de'r :-a us~-p'er~iF the C0mm~s~'i'oh"'H'~s the'
p6Wer and authority to vary both 'height and setback limitations.
Chairman Laden gave the background'of the use permit. Commissi:oner
Crowther stated that he'had sat in.on the General.Plan meetings on this
site, and thought it wa-s'.de~ermin~d that apartments were needed in the
Village to provide a base of business to many of the current businesses
that are located in the Village. He stated that it may be that the mixed
use is the best use for this site, but he did not believe it was consistent
with the General Plan.
Chairman Laden indicated that it was felt that it was in compliance with
the intent of the General Plan to continue the'.Village as a commercial
activity, and that the people who Operated commercial endeavors had
determined that each of those added to their abi'lity to stay as active
merchants because.it helped to bring bus~ness to that area.
Commissioner Bolger stated that he had agreed in concept with the mixed
use for this area. HoWever, he did not recall the issue of density
being. discussed at the study sessi6n. He added that he also has problems
with the setbacks andswith the height o~ this project.
Staff pointed out that .the apprication before the Commission at this time
is the Tentative Building Site Approval. They explained that the use
permit and design review approval have been app~oved. Staff discussed
the reorientation of the three parking spaces ~n Parking Assessment
District No. 3, so that the entry way for Parking District No. 1 to the
site could be accommodated.
The Deputy City Attorney stated that the findings for this project have
already been made, and a determination of consistency with the Genera].
Plan had been made at the time the!use permit was issued.
It was clarified that SDR-1485 meets all of the conditions of the use
permit. Commissioner Zambetti moved to approve .SDR-1485 per the Staff
Report. Commissioner Monia seconded the motion, which was carried, with
Commissioners Bolger and Crowther dissenting.
4. UP-487 - Imperial Savings, Request for a Use Permit to allow a financial
5. A~762 institution to locate in!the "C-.C" (Community-Commercial)
district at 20473 Saratoga-Los Gatos Road, and Final Design
Review .ApprOval; continued from April '8, '1'9'81
Staff described the proposal. It was expIained that at the last meeting
there were no respresentatives from Imperial Savings present, and the
Commission had several questions regarding the number of employees that
would be working at the bank and the parking spaces designated. They
also expressed some concerns about'the relocation from the Village to
Helen's Antiques. Staff noted changes in the Staff. Report.
Commissioner Schaefer commented that she has a concern that it is on
a scenic highway. Staff indicated'that an extensive amount of landscaping
would be added.
The public hearing was opened at 8:10 p.m.
GeOrge Mock, the architect, discussed the parking spaces that the present
Imperial Savings has. The signage was discussed, and it was indicated
that the signs must be approved as:part of the Design Review Approval.
Commissioner Schaefer also indicated that she would like to request that
tl~e lighting be turn:ed o.ff ~ 9f'0~yp:m..;'-ex~pt-for~s'ecuri_ty"!ighting,
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F~l~nn~ng Commission Page 3
Meeting Minutes -. 5/13/81
UP-487 and A-762 (cont.)
because of the scenic highway.
Commissioner Bolger moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner
Zambetti seconded the motion~ which was carried unanimously.
Commissioner Zambetti stated that the building where they are going to
relocate is a 3,000 sq. ft. structure that brings sales tax dollars to
the City. The present location is~ on Big Basin Way, in a 1900 sq. ft.
structure, and does not bring any ~sales tax dollars. He explained that
if this is approved, the Commissio'n would be allowing a bank to increase
'its square footage, even though it. has moved off of Big Basin Way, and
has moved to a road that has a higher traffic volume and wi'll have much
more exposure, and the City will lose the sales tax volume that could be
generated from a 3000 sq. ft. building. Commissioner Zambetti added that
he was concerned about the 1900 sq'. ft. building that is being vacated,
since it would be a'poor location now for retail.
Commissioner Bolger commented that~ he shared the concern'about sales tax
dollars, but quite obviously these~ dollars are not really coming in
because businesses keep going out Of business at that location. He
added that he also shared the concerns about the fact that there may be
some difficult problems in bringing a retail establishment into that
vacated location on Big Basin Way.:
Commissioner Schaefer commented that she feels the antique business is
declining, and more people do not Want to cross the highway at that
'intersection. Therefore, she indicated that she now'feels that if the
bank can go into that location and improve the site, perhaps it would be
a suitable arrangement.
Commissioner Laden moved to approve UP-487, per the Staff Report as
amended. The motion failed for lack of a second.
Commissioner Zambetti moved to deny UP-.487 without prejudice. Commis-
sioner Monia seconded the .motion. ~Commissi'oner Monia commented that
he had several problems with this particular property being developed
into a bank. He stated that within the next year perhaps some other
reasonable development for the property m~ght come forward; if not,
perhaps the'Commission might reconsider and give Imperial Savings the
right to relocate there. Staff pointed out that if the Commission denies
t~e use I'permit lwithout prejudice, the japplicant can come back immediately
with a revised proposal; theref0rei ~.~'h~ '~'~j~s.~^m.~:~wish to deny the
use permit at this time.
Commissioner Z.ambetti amended his motion to read to deny UP-487, eliminat-
ing the without prejudice. CommisSioner Monia seconded the amended mo-
tion. The~motion was carried, with Commissioners Laden and Schaefer
dissenting. The applicant was notified of the 1.0-day appeal period,
and the Design Review A-762 was suspended for the time being.
6. V-541 R.A. Maddalena, 3rd Street and Big Basin Way, Request for a
Variance from the parking.requirements de.scribed in Section
11.2 of the Zoning Ordinance for a combine~ restaurant/retail
s'ales operation'in the "C-C" (Community-.Commercial) District;
continued from March 25, 1981
Staff explained the history of this application. They noted that there
had been a meeting with the Villag~ Merchants to get their feeling with
regards to parking in the entire V~llage. A letter from Mr. Aird, the
president, ~as noted, which indicates their position with regards to the
Upstairs-Downstairs, as well as the entire parking situation. At the
meeting the possibility was also d~scussed of having the Brozdas and Mr.
Madda!ena participate in some designated fee for a period of time, with
the. eventuality of a parking assessment district being formed. Staff
indicated they were opposed to that position, and they indicated they had
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M~ti~g Minutes - 5/13/~
V-541 (cont.)
also discussed it. with Mr. Phil Assaf, the City's bond attorney, and
he indicated that~ he als. o is not in favor of that position because the
parking district. which the Brozdas are 'adjacent to or near may not be
formed in that designated period o.f time,. and .there may be some legal
question involved. The possibility of splitting the current Parking
DistriCt ~o. 3 into two parking districts was discuSSed, and Staff
indicated that a shortage ~h~'oc.~rS~'r~gardingj.th~-"numbe'~'~nd=-the=-'''
percentage requi'~ed to form.a ~istrict. Staff i~dicated that they had
asked Mr. AsSaf if the individuals who are opposed to the parking di. strict
and those properties could be excluded, and he .commented that that would
not be possible because those individuals would be benefitting from the
assessment district proceedings if it were. to be formed. One of the
things Mr.'Assaf had indicated was' the various tax options that wo~ld be
available to those individuals who have been opposed to the forma. tion
of the district. He suggested that they could contribute their parking
spaces to a public entity and receive a tax break, and also would get some
credit if and when the assessment ~istrict was formed. However, these
individuals'would be surrounded by=parking on Big Basin and potential
traffic and parking in the rear. 'Staff. commented that they were recom-
mending denial of'this applicati0n~. If the Brozdas are allowed this
variance, they added, someone that. has been planning to.expand their
operation'during the last fifteen years would not be able to expand as
much as they anticipated. Staff commented that there are numerous
'problems associated with extending the assessment district further west
to include the Brozdas.
Commissioner Schaefer ma. de the following comments: (1) Perhaps t~ere
could be a limited time for the Maddalenas to continue operating, subject
~o solving the parking issue on private.property unless some other
solution is reached; (2) Perhaps~'t!~e m~nu coul~'be~m'ade more limited, and
more retail brought in; and (3) If. the variance were granted, with the
idea that it is a previously existing building and money were set aside
(a bond) for future parking spaces, is this setting a precedent for other
people who are about to build? ~
The Deputy City-Attorney stated that the bonding counsel has already
indicated that requiring money be ~et aside now probably would cause
problems, and he concurs. The proposal of requiring the applicant to
contribute to a district to be formed in the future , but contri'buting
now', causes some real legal difficulties. He added that the Commi. ssion
can require, as.a condition of the2 variance, that the applicant join'a
Staff commented that they do not encourage the limiting of the menu
or limiting the hours as a condition, since that would be very difficult
to enforce.
The public hearing was opened at'8:35 p.m.
'Doug Adams, attorney for t~e applicant, stated that he felt it would be
'possible for the City to enter.into a contract that would contain some
terms that would not be normally contained within a variance procedure.
He co.mmented that the Brozdas have' indicated that they would be willing
to join a parking assessment district. Mr. Adams stated that he had
explored the possibility of leasing some property from the Saratoga
SChool District for parking, which would be in excess of 300 ft..from
the site. However, he had found out that it is not a possibility at this
time. He also indicated that Mr. Maddalena Senior had made some bids on
the Koch'er/Tyler property, but' didZnot reach an agreement. He added that
he is going to explore the possibility of joining forces with Ross
Maddalena Senior to create some additional area for parking. Mr. Adams
pointedl. out that the Staff Report 'States th. at it does not appear that the
use has created problems now with ~arking, so hemfeels 'a continuance now
would not be harmful. He added that, as long as there are some possible
.ways of solving the 'problem, he would like an extension of time to
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M~eting Minutes -. 5/1.3/81
V-541 (cont.)
allow operation to continue within the framework'of the City's regula-
tions. The time~rame was discussed.
Commissioner Zambetti suggested that perhaps a parking structure could
be designed in the rear, behind the gallery and between that and the
barn.. Mr. Adams stated that that was one of the options that have been
considered; however, they were trying to solve the problem without doing
that, because he did not feel that would totally solve it.
Commissioner Zambetti discussed the other parking variances that have
been granted in the City on Big BaSin Way. He indicated that Mr.
· VanArsdale had been granted a variance in 1958, and there were five park-
ing spaces between the barn and the gallery.
Chairman Laden commented.that, by adding the Brozdas and the other three
properties into the parking district, i~'-actually mak~ the percentage of
signatures now presently willing to join the district less than there
were prior to that. She added that perhaps~ there might be a tax incentive
that would encourage those additional properties to sign on. She added
that Mr..Shook, Director of Public~ Works~ had also stated that by bring-
ing all those properties into the ~istrict, the CitX.~'~~..away their
-p~i=V~."park'i~ b~"~u~in'~ ~'roa~ '~H~6ug~ would '~Ct~al~.'be."t~king'..
up spaces in the disfrict that haV~ previously'been allotted to Other
businesses and other expansions.
Mr. Adams suggested that perhaps Mr. Assaf could write a letter, inform-
in.g the owners of the tax breaks that would be available to them in the
event of their joining the district, and also to include the benefit of
Betty Allen, owner of a business in the Village, stated that she had
talked to Raisa Kocher, and Mrs. Kocher and ~r. Tyler are very willing
to volunteer their services to beg~in the petition procedure to form
Parking Assessment District No. 3.'.Mrs. Allen stated that Mrs. Kocher
had stressed that time is definite~ly a problem, since it is a long
process. She added that Mrs. Koch~er and Mr. Tyler have both had experi-
ence in working with the district formations~. Mrs. Allen encouraged
the Commission to.again.look at thee granting of extensions, perhaps a
one or two-year period of time, in order to allow the district to be
formed. She commented that the Ci~ty has the support of the Village
merchants. The enforcement of twos-hour parking on Big Basin Way was
discussed. Commissioner Zambetti ~commented that this would give 50%
more parking in the Village. Mrs.' Allen eX'61ained that the merchants
had not discussed the current formula for parking~ and she feels they
· ~iH~ed""'~o~=~"~'~f~'r~a~i~n' 'to sug'geSt a' ne~ ratio
Since no one else appeared,'Commis'sioner Zambetti moved to close the
public hearing. Commissioner bolg=er seconded the motion, which was
carried unanimously.
Commissioner Zambetti stated that, as a merchant in the Village, he
would like to point out that there! have been parking Variances granted
in the past up and down Big Basin !Way. These variances were discussed.
He commented that he did not think there is a parking problem in the
Village. He suggested that the me.rchants and employees should enter.
into a shuttlebus service, which would help the parking situation. He
added that parking in the Village ~is very adequate in number but poorly
organized, unevenly distributed, and lacks in access and visibility.
Commissioner Zambetti indicated th'at he felt it important that some
sort of bond go into a fund to der. ive some of~the things needed to get
Parking Assessment District No. 3 ~organized.
The Deputy City Attorney commented that this would be a cont'ribution to
a fund towards a district where it. is not certain the district wo~ld be
formed. Staff stated that they feel that, if the Commission grants
this variance, it would work against the formation of the assessment
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Meeting Minutes 5/13/81
V-541 (cont.)
district. They explained that if'that is a precedent, then there might
be other applicants within Parking District No. 3 that may wish to
e'xpand and get .a. variance from the. ordinance, and there may not be that
impetus to form an assessment distlrict.
Commissioner Bolger suggested puttying a c0ndftion on the variance that
it be reviewed at a particular time, say, six months, since it appears
that there is a good deal of inter=est from the Village merchants, and
apparently there is some impetus at this time being generated to start
this district. ·He stated'that he Would like to see some definite progress
towards the parking assessment dis.trict being formed.
Commissioner Schaefer pointed out 'that there have been some comments
from seve·ra'].:of the merchants who ~re not in favor of the variance.
She added that she felt that, if a variance is passed without any kind
of settlement on parking, other pegple will want to do the same.
Commissioner Bolger commented that'he did not mean to indicate that
Maddalenas would be exempt from contributing to their portion of the
assessment district; quite the contrary, he thinks they should'·d6 their
fair share in this particular situation.
The Deputy City Attorney stated that he would like to remind the
Commission that a variance can be for a limited time; it can be con-
ditional; it can be revokable.
Commissioner Crowther commented that he feels that Maddalen~s is an asset
to the Village. However, he added~ he has trouble with making the
finding of special privilege. He Commented that he feels that the
periodic progress rev·iews that the Commission has been having are
creating a positive impact; some progress is being made toward forming
the Parking Assessment District or finding some other solution. He
stated that his feeling is that this matter should be continued and
perhaps give..them 90 days tO come back again and show us additional
Commissioner Schaefer stated that She°would encourage negotiation for
private property, because that wO~ld allow any.potential expansion of
Maddalena's so that the upstairs portion of the building could be used,
and it would allow .parking for any other part of that entire building
and barn.
Commissioner Monia stated that he felt that the Commission should take a
firm leadership position as to what we are going to do with business
activity in the Village and the formation of a very important parking
district.. He commented that he would be very much in favor of granting
a variance to Mr. Maddalena and feels that a one-'year period of time
would be more realistic. In the meantime, he added, he thinks that the
Commission should go forward to the City Council and.recommend that we
really study the situation and whatever necessary course of action is
required to form that district. He indicated that"if the Commission
really wants to encourage ·prosperity,·development of the business activity,
and the attractiveness of the Village,·he feels they must take a leader-
ship role. He commented that he does not think it would be a special
privilege, since other similar variances have been granted.
Chai·rman Laden asked the Deputy Cit'y Attorney if, rather than acting on
this as a variance and making findi~ngs, th'e'Commission could allow
Maddalena's to continue in businessl for a specific length of time, with
the condition that (1) they either ~find private property on which to meet
the parking regulations, or (2) the~ Parking Assessment District is at
such a state that the Commission th~en feels comfortable to address the
variance itself.
The Deputy City Attorney stated that he would be inclined in that event
P'l~nn~ng Commission Page 7
Meeting Minutes -. 5/13/81
V- 541 (cont.)
to opt ·for the private agreement between the City and Mad·dalena's, as
suggested by Mr. Adams. He stated~ that he felt the City could enter
into an agreement, su·spending acti~on on the variance,·and indicating
· that the matter would then be reCo'nsidered, in the eVent·certain things
do not occur.
The possibility of.granting a conditional variance, on the basi·s that
the finding of special privilege c,ould not be made, was discussed.
The Deputy City Attorney·stated that he has a problem with granting
a variance and putting conditions ·on it be·cause the· finding necessary
for the granting of that variance ·could not be made. He indicated that
· he feels the Commission, based upon the fact that other parking variances
have been granted in 'the Village', .could rely on that as a basis for·a
finding that it is not a spe·cial privilege. He added that he thinks there
has been sufficient testimony presented that there is not a present
insurmountable problem, but that there· is concern about the future.
He stat&d that he feels
be permitted now, but the Commis·si·on w·ill take a look at it in the future,
because additional development is ~expected and further·parking requirements
will. have to be met. He commented~ thatYthe Co'm~isS~H ~an~'fmpo~e"-a~'ti~e--,
limit and require the applicant, as a condition of that variance, to take
acti_on in the establishment ~f theZ parking dist·rict or the acquisition of
private land, with the objective of meeting the future parking needs.
The Deputy City Attorney added that the· Commission does have the ~ower,
as the ordinance now reads, to gra~nt a variance which is revokable or ~.gr
a ]im~t~_period of time. He stat~ed that
th~ a~th6~i~~ '~'~F~y" i'm~l~.~'~='' ~"]i~ t~"=~o~m'i~'l~!~s~"U'n~'~hing ti~e
~d'ings'~-..tha~_.are supposed to be m:ade or that another applicant ~s going
~.~6'.'.'.'.[~i~'~=~'~ny_ ~!~.f£.~'~'~nt situation; ~the Commission would still have to make
findi'·ngs for a variance with respe~ct to another applicant. and the pur-
pose of the conditions is to provi~de flexibility in handling the variance.
Discussion followed on a time-fram·e, and Commis'sioner ~'~onia ·then moved
to grant V-541 for a one-year peri'od of time, with ninety-day revie~vs,
~t which time if the Commission ~s not satisfied with the progress of
the applicant in the formation of 'Parking Assessment District No. 3
or·other solution to the problem, such as the acquisition of othe·r
private land, ~hey maintain the r~·ght to revoke the variance. Commis-
sioner Bolger seconded the motion,' which was carried unanimously.
Break - 9:25 - 9:40 p.m.
7. V-546 - Douglas North, 'Request fo~ a Variance to allow the constructio·n
of a garage expansion to maintain a 6.67' interior side yard
where 10' is required and~a 17' front yard where 25' is required
at 19091 Portos Drive; Cohtinued From April 8, 1981
~The proposal was described by Staff. They pointed out that Option No. 1
in the Staff Report is not viable, since there is a p0ol on the site
in that corner which is not shown on the site plan. HOwever, there are
several other viable options. Staff explained that this site is adjacent
to a SHARP area which allows those. particular lots to measure their front
yard from back of curb rather than property line. What the applicant is
proposing would not create any greater encroachment than would already·
be allowed in the SHARP area. Staff indicated that they could not make
the·findings required to grant fhe'·variance in terms of the side yard
setback, since they 'feel there are~ other options. The options were
The public hearing was opened at 9:45 p.m.
Mr. North, the applicant, stated that the primary reason they would
like·the variance is 'for off-stree~t parking.. He commented that the
options suggested in the Staff RepOrt are-not suitable to the site.
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Meeting Minutes - 5/13/81
V-546 (cont.)
Mr. North stated that the proposed construction enhances the house as it
now stands. He commented that the side yard clearance is very close
to what has been granted their neighbor, and he would like that same
Commissioner Zambetti moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner
Monia seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously.
Commissioner Bolger gave a report On the on-site visit, describing the
site. He indicated that he did not feelithe suggested options are
viable. Commissioner Zambetti added that the options do not fit into
the classic design of this home. He added that the applicant has some
difficulty because he is a corner ~ot and is set back on the lot. There-
fore, there is no other location for him to expand his garage as other
people in similar neighborhoods have done. Commissioner Crowther commented
that the neighbor's house to the east does have a..~'imil~' s~'tback to that
being proposed on the side yard.
Commissioner Bolger moved to grant V-.S46, making the findings. Commis-
sioner Zambetti seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously.
8a.-Negative Declaration SD-1489 - Wilson Development
8b. SD-1489 Wilson DevelOpment, Tricia Way - 10 lots, Tentative Subdivision
Commissioner Laden abstained from ~he discussion and voting on this ~atter.
'Staff described the proposal, stating that several concerns have been
raised: (1) the noise that is generated on Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road.
A noise study was done with the environmental documentation and it
recommends a 6 ft. high barrier along Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road to be con-
tinued to the north on lot 6; and (~2) access. The acces~ was discussed.
Staff explained that this would create 19 units on a cul-de-sac with
an emergency access road, and City policy has allowed only 15 lots on
a cul-de-sac unless there is a secondary or emergency access way. Staff
noted that six neighbors.have submitted letters requesting that no addi-
tional access be allowed onto Trici.a Way. They indicated that an option
does exist to have public access from Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road instead of
extending Tricia Way, and also limiting the numbers of units on a cul-de-
sac to 15. The.setbacks from Sarat'oga-Sunnyvale Road and the. noise were
discussed. The public hearing was .opened at 10:00 p.m.
Dick K~er, civil engineer, discusse~d the proposed subdivision, including
the access. He indicated that they. have submitted additional documents
on lot #6 to show the building pad .area and the setbacks. The sound wall
and emergency access were di. scuss~d~.
Commissioner Schaefer explained tha't on the on-site visit the intent
seemed to be that it was not particularly safe to have another road come
down onto Saratoga-SunnyVale Road o~ very advisable, because of the
turnaround to go in the opposite direction there and because of the gas
station traffic.
Hal Hamawi, 20432 Tricia Way, stated that he was very concerned about!
the new development because of safety as it relates to i.ncreasin~ density
and the use of Tricia Way during any construction. He also indicated
that he would like the Commission to comply with the City policy regarding
the number of homes on a ~ul-de-sac~without an emergency access.
William Gloege, 13109 Regan Lane, requested that the Commission continue
this matter, in order to give them. an opportunity to prepare their comments.
Staff suggested that it be continued to a study session where the neigh-
bors and the engineer can discuss' the project, and it could then be
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SD-1489 (cont.)
returned to the Planning Commission's regular meeting, where a decision
could be made. It was deter'mined that it should be scheduled for a
study session on Tuesday, June 2, 1981 at 7:00 p.m.
The Commission requested the neighbors to express their concerns now
to allow the developer some time to prepare answers to the questions.
Mr. Gloege commented that he would not feel comfortable about going
beyond what they have submitted'in writing at this point. It was
suggested that there be another onr. site visit arranged by the developer
and neighbors. :
Mrs. Townsend, Regan Lane, stated that she has lived there for 21 years
and has' watched deterioration take place. She stated that she was
concerned about two-story houses being built behind them, since it
would block their view. She also expressed concern about the traffic
impact on Blauer and the noise level.
Staff. was requested to do a traffid study on what the volume of traffic
on Blauer is now and what it might be with additional homes. The
intersection of Blauer was discussed. Staff i~dic. ated that there most
likely will be a signal either. at Blauer or Brandywine, but currently it
is being held in abeyance to gather further data.
It was directed that this item be continued to a study session on June 2,
1981 and the regular meeting of June 10, 1981.
9a. Negative Declaration - SDR-1490 - Park Saratoga As'sociat'es
9b. SDR-1490 - Park Saratoga Associates, Prospect Avenue and Saratoga-Sunnyvale
Road - 3 Commercial Lots (Re-division), Tentative Building
Site Approval
Staff described the current proposal, explaining that the three buildings
on the site would be separated evidently for tax purposes. They added
that all of the buildings are'either under construction or they have
been completed. Staff noted' that the'main concern has been by the' Central
Fire District, and they have condi~ioned the Staff Report. Staff com-
mented that there are three additi6nal parking spaces on the second
parcel; therefore, they could add an additional 450 sq. ft. They explained
that the use permit would have to Re'.modified to al-low that.
The.public hearing was opened at 9:~35 p.m.
Commissioner Crowther stated that He would.be strongly opposed to any
new construction on that site, and'asked if the split could be condit~.onal
on there being no new construction.on any of the lots. The Deputy City
Attorney stated that the condition:is already there to the extent that it
is under a use permit and further Construction would require a mod. ifica-
tion of the use permit.
Bob Pedrick, representing the applicant, stated that they were asking
for the redivision to separate the !three lots for tax purposes. He
stated that he realized that if one of the three lots is sold,'a new
use permit would have to be_granted to allow the existing uses to con-
It was noted that a letter from DrY' Smith had been received, and it had
been explained to him that there wo!uld be no new buildings.
Commissioner Zambetti moved to closZe the'public hearing. Commissioner
Schaefer seconded the motion, which'.was carried unanimously.
Commissioner Zambetti moved to app'rove the Negative Declaration for
SD-.1490. Commissioner Schaefe~TM seconded the motion, which was carried
- 9 -,
Ptan. ni~g Commission Page 10
Meeting Minutes S/13/81
SDR-1490 (cont.)
Commissioner Crowther moved to approve SDR-.1490, wi'th the condition
added that "No further construction is permitted 16~ ~ny o?f th~ n-'e~-i~"~-.~=~.
was carried unanimously.
(Commissioner Monia left the meeting ~t 10:45' p.m.)
10. UP-493 - Norman Dion, 19104 Springbrook Lane, Request for a Use Permit
to allow the construction' of a cabana over 6' high (9' max.
height) in the required' rear yard "
staff described the proposal. The. DepUtY City Attorney stated' that
there was a request by the applicant to ~nstall footings and foundations
for the cabana because it was tiedi in with work going on with respect
to the rest of the structure, which was not the subject of the variance.
An agreement was prepared between the City and the applicant which
permitted him to do that work, but with the expressed understanding that
he'would apply immediately for a u~se permit, and should the use permit
be denied by the Commission, then all of that work was to be removed.
The Deputy City Attorney advised the Commission, while reviewing this
application, to ignore the fact'that any work with respect to the cabana
has been done, since the applicant: under'stood that he was performing
the work at his own risk, with no guarantee or warranty of any kind that
the use permit would be granted.
The public hearing was opened at 19:50 p.m.
Don Smith, the architect, addressed the Commission. Commissioner Zambetti
questioned.the fact that the hoUse:seems to have been developed with the
greatest intensity for the front, ~ith the house moved further and
further back, even though a cabana!had been planned. Mr. Smith stated
that the landscape plans originally submitted to the Cit. y indicated
that the caband would be in the proposed location. He explained that
they had not gone into any detail and the owner was not originally going
to build the cabana, but then decided to go ahead with it. Mr. Smith
commented that the house had been moved so far to the rear of the lot
because the applicant wanted the h6use up as high as he could get it for
maximum view. '
Staff explained that if the structure were reduced to less than 250 sq.
ft. it would still need a'use pe~mi% since the structure is over 6 feet
in height and it is within the rear yard.
Mr. Smith described the location of the cabana and the pad elevation.
Commissioner Bolger moved to closeZthe public hearing. Commissioner
Zambetti seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously.
Commissioner Bolger stated that helhad a problem with the fact that
the adjacent Brookman Estate has not been developed yet, and there may
be problems with that particular parcel as well, with the fact that it
will be encroaching. :
Commissioner Zambetti moved to den~ UP-493 wi. thout prejudice, stating
that he felt that the-site had been poorly planned from the beginning,
and if the applicant decreased the.size of the structure and lowered the
height of i% it would be within th~ required yard. Commissioner Bolger
seconded the motion.
Staff clarified that any accessorylstructure over 6 feet in he. ight in this
rear yard'area would need a.u~e permit. =Staff state'd' that if the Commis-
sion has a problem with this structure they should give the applicant
specific direction as to the acceptable height of the structure and the
'Plannin~g Commission Page 11
Me'etin'~ Minutes - 5/13/8
UP-493 (cont.)
acceptable size. :
Chairman Laden commented that they'would like a redesign.of this cabana
on the back property that would not impact future development on the
adjacent property, since the""CommiSsion feels they need to take~..tha~--
into consideration.. The vote was taken on the motion to deny UP-.493
without prejudice. The motion was! carried unanimously. The applicant
was notified of the 10-day appeal period on this decision.
lla. Negative Declaration V-.522 - Allen Don
lib.V-522 Allen Don, .Old Oak Way, Lot #12, Request for'a Variance to allow
the construction of a single-family residence to maintain a
10' side yard where 20' is required on a site near the terminus
of Ol'd Oak Way
Staff gave the history of the application and described the current
The public hearing was opened at 1i:00 p.m.
Mrs. Don addressed the COmmission,.stating that they have been through
the process for almost a year, and:now they'have just learned that they
will also need'Design. Review Approval of the'structure. She added that
Staff has indicated that the structure shown in the exhibit is too tall,
and the designer will-prepare a new exhibit if the variance is granted.
Mrs. Don commented that they need to get a building permit before
September and she asked if it was possible to consider both the variance
and design review at one meeting.'
Chairm~n Laden stated that it would be more appropriat'e to take action
this evening on the variance, to determine if the variance is going to
be granted prior to redesigning th6 home. Staff commented that the
design review consideration could be on the next agenda if the new exhibit
were submitted by the beginning of'next week.
Roger Griffin, the architect, cla'rified that the deck on the plan with
the revised height situation on the building will no longer exist along
the north property line.
Commissioner Zambetti moved to approve the Negative Declaration for V-522.
Commissioner Schaefer seconded the~motion, which was carried unanimously.
Commj_ssioner Zambetti moved to approve V-522, making the findings. Com-
missioner Schaefer seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously.
Commissioner Schaefer commented that she would' like landscaping along
the north prope.rty line to act as a buffer, and it was noted that this
could be covered in the Design Review application.
12. V-550 - Ronald Knapp, 20885 Wardeli Road, Request for a Variance .to
allow an existing corral and barn to remain in their present
location which does not meet current ordinance setback require-
ments (50" from any property line and 100' from any dwelling
not on the site) ,
Staff described the application. They stated that they feel there are
physical constraints associated wi. th the property which allows them to
make the findings necessary and are recommending approval. The corres-
pondence received in opposition and in favor were noted into the record.
Staff indicated that the applicant has submitted a copy of what they
feel was the original permit, and it does not have Condition No. 3,
that the corral was to be relocated when the adjacent property was
developed, on it. Staff also noted' that the Knapps had received a
verbal clearance from an inspector!at the time the barn was completed;
therefore, the Staff Report ·has been conditioned to get requisite
building permits and pay whatever fees are necessary. Staff discussed
Planning Commission Page 12
M&~ti['g Minutes.- 5/1.3
V-550 (cont.)
the setbacks.
The .public hearing was opened at 11:15 p.m.
Mr. Knapp, the applicant, stated that one of the objectives in moving
to Wardell was so they could have !a horse. Mr..Knapp submitted the
original per'mit, which lists only ~two conditions. He commented that
the corral and barn were there when Mr. and Mrs. Moon moved there.
Mr. Knapp commented that the barn ~and corral are almost as close to
the other neighbors' homes who are. in favor of.the application. He
submitted letters from Mr. and Mrsl. Sterling and Mrs. and Mrs. Bogart,
stating they were in favor of the variance. Mr. Knapp discussed the
fly problem and stated that it was. there regardless of the horse. He
commented that he could not think Of a better way to maintain the rural
character..of Saratoga than to keepta horse in a barn if it is kept clean
and neat.
Shirley Diemer, 20751 Wardell Road, read the letter she had submitted,
indicating that she was in favor of the variance.
Mary Moon addressed the Commission, stating that the conditions are
affecting their property and them adversely. She submitted pictures of
the area. Mrs. Moon discussed the fly problem and the odor from the
manure piles. She indicated that ~he applicant was boarding a horse;
the horse is not theirs. She stated that the excess dust is caused.
from the weight of the.horse.
Chuck Moon added that the wind blows from the north daily and the
manure'pile is maintained next to the barn currently. He stated that
if it were cleaned upon a regular basis the problem could be minimized,
but he does not think that will happen.
Marshall Hall, 20685 Wardell Road,.discussed the driveway, which'is the
only means of access to three residences. He stated that the driveway
is constituted'of a 30 ft. deeded easement, and they have only used about
· 14 ft. of it. He explained that the easement runs on the north side of
the Knapp property and on the east:side. When the subdivision was con-
structed in 1976 they were required' to relocate the roadway, which they
did. Mr. Hall .ad'd~d~' tha~._~'ti~ey~ on-l~ -'to~. "14 .-f~
was put up so Mr. Knapp's horse corral would not slide down the road.
He indicated that the horse corral'is built right on top of the easement.
He ex'plained that he thought it wo~ld be a temporary corral, and. he has
no objection.to it now, but it does cloud the property line. Mr. Hall
indicated that the access they have now is not adequate, and if the
Fire Department ever~F'jsays that they need more than 14 feet, they want
to be ab-!e-'.fo~'~a~e.'~it·. Th.e easement.was discussed, and it was pointed out to
Mr. Hall that it had not been shown on the exhibits and the Commission was
not aware of its existence.* (.addition below)
'The Deputy City Attorney stated th'at more information would be needed
on the easement. He a~ded that he would have a-.problem with the Commis-
sion approving a variance that has an encroachment.
Chairman Laden requested the applicant to submit an accurate map of the
property and all the easements that are on it, in relationship to any
existing buildings, including the barn and corral.
Mr. Knapp cOmm~ted that'the Corra~ is over the easement, and the barn
is not. He stated that he could move the corral easily. Mr. Knapp
stated that he would submit the requested map to Staff. He also
submitted a letter from Mrs. Bravoswho owns the horse being boarded.
Mr'. Knapp commented that he boards the horse because they are friends;
he is not renting the barn out as a commercial enterprise.
The Deputy City Attorney stated that he would like Mr. Hall to submit
· Mr. Hall was asked if he was co~s-~dering developing his property suc|~
that he would need a wider roa'~'~i~rder to permit that; Mr. Hall stated
he has no desire to develop it.
'P~l.~nn~r:'g Commission "-'. Page 13
Meeting Minutes -. 5/13/81
V-550 (cont.)
a title report or policy· showing the easement, and also a copy of the
agreement, if possible, that may have ·related to the ·construction of the
corral over the easement. Mr. Hall indicated· that ther'e was no agreement.
drawn up. He added that be would s'ubmit a copy of the title report to
It ~q'aS' d~:.r~C'ted ~'h.at ~h'~'S. item be continued to the meeting on May 27, 1981.
(Commissioner Schaefer left the meeting· at 12:01 p.m.)
13. A-768 Dividend Industries, Request for Design Review Approval for a
two·-story-dwel!ing over 22" in height (27' max.) on a lot with
an average sl.o·pe less than'. 10% at the end· of a private stree~
off of HorSeshoe Drive
The proposal was deSCribed'· by Staff.. The changes in the Staff Report
were noted.
· The public hearing was opened 'at 12: 10 p .m.
Ma·rty Oakley, the architect, clari',fied that the height is 26 ft. Ite. m
C in the Staff RepOrt, regarding landscape screening, was discussed.
Mr. Oakley Stated that he .did not feel that screening in that area is
appropriate because the adjacent house that will be designed...:f?r .Lo.t .#1
will be approximately 150 feet from this structure. ·
Jim Ormsberg, from Dividend Industries, stated that he interprets this
requirement· to mean that the event'ual owner would' have. to come in with
some landscape plans and that the City believes there might be some
adverse impacts from that side of 'the house. Mr. Ormsberg added that
h'e feels· this type of condition would pre-empt the homeowner from
deciding what he wants to do with 'his own home.
Discussion followed on the conditi:on, and it was determined that Con-
dition No. 3 shall read: "Landscape plans indicating how the proposed
structure will be screened from ad. jacent ·property shall. be submitted
for Planning Department review and approval·, as determined necessary.
by Staff."
Commissioner Zambetti moved to clo'se the public hearing. Commissioner
Bolger seconded the motion, which was carried una.nimously.
Commissioner Zambetti moved to approve A-768, per the Staff Report as
amended, making the findings. Commissioner Bolger seconded the motion,
which was carried unanimously.
14. 'A-766 'Gerald Butler, 20634 Vickery Avenue, Single-Family Residence,
Final Design Review Approval
Staff described the proposal. They gave the background of this sub-
division, and stated they were recommending approval.
Gerald Butler, the applicant, described the eXiSting adjaCe·nt str·hC~u'~'.
He stated that this subdivision includes a scenic ~asement'. 'He dis,-..·'`,·
cussed this easement and also the ,circular driveway that Staff had asked
to be eliminated. He explained that the' Fire Chief had been concerned
· about the· amount of parking space :in the area, and a circular driveway
would provide more parking. He also noted that there would be no runoff
of·waters above the property. The possibility of using turf stone was
discussed. It wa·s determined tha~ Condition 1-D' should read: "A circu-
lar driveway utilizing turf stone .shall be submitted for Planning
Department review and approval."
- 13-
"'~j jPl~.a.n..n~ng Commission Page 14'
M~e'~t'ing Minutes - 5/13/
=,,'. ~
A-766 (cont.) :
Commissioner Zambetti moved'to approve A-766, per the Staff Report as
amended. Commissioner Bolger seconded the motion, which was carried
15. A-767 - Conservative Baptist Church, 18820 Prospect Road, Church Office
Building, Final Desi'gn Revi'ew A'pproVal'
The proposal was described by Staff.
Commissioner Zambetti moved to approve A-767 per the Staff Report.
Commissioner Bolger..seconded the' motion, which was carried unanimously.
16. A-765 - Galeb Properties, Request for Clarification of Condition 1-C
Discussion followed on clarification of Conditibn 1-C of the Staff
Report regarding the driveways. It was determined that the condition
sh. ould remain.as stated,' to read: "'The site plan shall be modified
so that two of the eight lots will have side facing garages and. curvilinear
driveways." Staff was requested tO inform the applicant of this clarifi-
17. Specific Plan - Consensus Changes By Cit'y Coun'cil
Copies of the consensus changes by.the City Council on the Specific Plan
'for the Northwest Hillsides were distributed to the Commission.
1. Letter from James Colyar, dated April 28, 1981, regardin~ SDR-1326o
Staff report~ that the owner 6f"Parce.1 "B" has requested that the Commission
reconsider Condition VIIoB to allow him to convert an existing patio cover
to a carport rather than build a new parking structure. It is Staff's inter-
pretation that the intent of this condi. tion was to create a parking structure
which con£orms to ordinance requirements, rather-than allowing a non-conform-
ing part of an existing_.st~cture to be~'u~..~.d f0~ PaTking- .Discussi0~.~llP~.ed
~n this condition. "-.C6~;S's'i'b'n~'~' Z'~b~'tl~ 'm~ed '~6"t~H6'ld"'S~'a'ff 'is "~n~erp~e~a-' ~'"
it l'~'ff'b'f '~hi ~-'-c-0¼ai"£'ian .j :?C'6~m'f"s:~ i ~'~' So
· (.~'~.~E~-ad d'n'anim0ds ~y'. ..... ~ .... ' ............... ' .... "; ........... ;"' .... ' .......................... ~ "~' ..... ' ..................
Oral :
1. Chairman Laden thanked Mrs.' Stark from the Good Government Group
for attending the meeting and serving c'offee.
Commissioner Zambetti.moved, seconded b~.Commissioner Bolger, to adjourn the
meeting. The mot.ion was carried unanimbusly, and the meeting was adjourned
a.t 12:44 p.m.
Respe'..ct~F.l~ly submitted,
, ~a°rby~ns°n' '