HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-24-1981 Planning Commission Minutes CITY OF SARATOGA PL~NNING.COb~ISSION
DATE: Wednesday, June'24, ].981 - 7:30'p.m.
PLACE: City Council Chambers, 13777 Fr~jitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA
TYPE: Regular Meeting
Present:Commissioners Bolger, King, Laden, Monia, Schaefer, Zambetti
and Crowther (wHo arrived at 8:40 p.m.)
Absent: None
The following cha. nges were made to the minutes of June 10, 1981: On page 6,
under GPA-81--2, the Interim Housing Element, a motion was made for adjournment
by Commissioner Zambetti, seconded by Commissioner King, after the public
h. earing was c].osed. This motion was withdrawn after further discussion.
A spelling error was correc'ted on page 6... (.i'~"~h~a~'?b=ee~ C~'arif'~ed"~By't'he t'~pes
that the minutes are correct as stated co.ncerning the length of'the cui-de-
sac on page 3 under SD-1489 (Wilson). Wi;th those changes, Commissioner
Zambetti moved, seconded by Commissioner .Monia, to waive the reading of the
minutes of 'June 10, 1981 and approve as-distributed. The motion was carried.,
'with CommiSsioner Laden abstaining since ~she was not present.
It was moved by Commissioner Monia, secon%ded by COmmissioner King, to waive ~he
read. ing of the minutes of the Regular Adj.ou-rned Meeting on June 16, 1981 and'-
approve as distributed. The motion was c'arried, with Commissioners Zambett'i
and Schaefer abstaining since they were not present.
Staff requested that SDR-.1493 be removed ~for discussion. It was clarified
that the approval for SDR-1488 (Spaich BrOthers) would be for Conditional Final
Building Site Approval. With that clarification, the following items on the
Consent Calendar were approved, wi'th 'the' motion made by Commissioner Zambetti
and seconded by Commissioner Monia. The motion was carried unanimously.
2. SDR-1488 Spaich Brothers, La Paloma'and Douglass, Conditional Final
Buildin.g Si't'e Approval, 2 L'ots
3. SDR-1413 Perry We's't, Vi'a' Regi'na', Final Building Site Approval., 1 Lot
4. SDR-1498 Norm Epstein, 20279 'Pierce'Road, Tentative Building Site Approval,
1 Lot (over' 50% 'expansion)
Discussion followed on SDR'-1493. Staff reported that there is a structure
in the rear'yard which had not been indicated in the tentative map. They
stated that the code requirement is that all structures on site conform to
the setback'requirements.. Mr. Fuqua ~ddressed the Commission, explaining
that there is a small tool shed where'chickens had been kept. Staff noted
t|~at sheep are 'now bei'ng kept there. ~Mr. Fuqua stated he had agreed at
the City Council meeting to do whatevSr was necessary. Commissioner
Zambetti moved, seconded by Commissioner Schaefer, to approve SDR-1493
for Final B~ilding Sit'e ApproVal., with the added condition that all struc-
tures meet the c~ requirements at the 'time of issuance of building permits.
The motion was carried. unanimously.
P:Y'anning Commission Page 2
Meeting Minutes 6/24/81
5. V--550 -. Ronald .and Patricia Knapp, 20885 Wardell Rd., Request for Variance
to. allow an existing corral and barn to remain in their present·
location wh·i·ch does not meet current ordinance setback requirements
(.50' 'from any property line and 100' from any dwelling not on the
.... si'te;"Co'n.ti'nued'.'from May .2'7, .19'8'1
Staff reported that the applicant hasirequested a continuance to July 22,
1981. It was ·clarified to Mr. Marshall Hall that a continuance'could be
· requested by him if he was unable to attend that meeting. It was directed
that this item be reagendized for July 22, 1981.
6.. GF-.328 -. Consideration of a Text Amendment to the Zoning Ordi'nance as it
r'e'l'a't'e's"tO"D'e'si'g'n' Review';' Conti'nued from June 16, 1981
This item'was discussed ~a'..fte.r'~the 0't'~r" ~t'ems
'~h'e'~ep~.~j~"-c~'~'j.Att'~'Va~.~V~'e'aF.th.a'n'e~est changes to the ordinance which
have 5·een made as a result of the 'last meeting held by the Planning Commission.
Additional changes were made, and it was determined that the heading of
Section 4·, on page 3, should read: "General Guidelines for Design Review".
Setbacks were 'discussed. It was the consensus that the setbacks of the
district in which ·the· lot is found will be maintained.
The public hearing was opened at 10:00 p.m.
Warren Heid, architect, expressed some of his concerns, specifically the
non-conforming structures created by this ordinance and the 13% standard
used in the 40,000 Sq. ft. district. He questioned the replacement of a
home that has burned down. He pointed'out that 20% is the standard used
for a 20,000 sq. ft. lot, but only 13% is used for a 40,000 sq. ft. lot.
The variance procedure was discussed,!and it was determined that there
should be an exception in the ordinance to cover replacement of homes that
need to be·replaced be'cause of fire, natural hazards, etc. Mr. Heid stated
that he felt the standard for the 40,000 sq. ft. ~·nd above lots should be
Commissioner Schaefer stated she feltSstrongly that the 13% for 40,000 sq.
ft. lots is really discriminatory and ·the number is not reasonable.
Don Elam, 14721 Live Oak Lane, expressed his concern about the appeal
procedure, stating that he felt there Fshould be more criteria for the
appellant to follow. He ·eXplained tha, t he felt there was a serious
inequity in the 'fact that, for $30.00, an appeal can be made that washes
away weeks of work by the applicant and Staff and also a lot of money spent
by the applicant. Mr. Elam stated that he feels this ordinance is needed,
since there are a lot of people interested in converting their homes. He
commented that he is not sure that the percentages listed can be applied;
perhaps they should be moved into the area of guidelines, rather than
Nin0 Gallo, developer,·stated that he will be spending more time with Staff
because of this ordinance, and he feels it will be making more paper work
for everyone. He added that the percentage of the coverage should be used
as a guideline, on what is being built', the individual lot, the design of
the home, etc. :
Dora Grens, 13451 Old Oak wa
.. y, stated that she felt that Mr. George Day,
who has built a lot of fine homes in this area, should be asked regarding
his criteria used in building,~:: ........ : '~
David Call stated that he feels some cgnsideration should be given to the
appeal system'. He discdssed the standards, and it was explained to him
that other cities have been contacted for their standards and guidelines.
- 2 -
Planning Cornmiss ion --- Page 13~
Meeting Minutes 6/24/81
GF-328 (cont.)
Woody Whatley, realtor, stated.that she feels entirely ~oo much emphasis
is put on a neighbor's 'objections. She 'stated that the Commission spends
a lot of time 'on the"situation, and should be a better judge than one or
two neighbors; more empha. sis should be placed' on the Commission's decisions.
CommisSioner King moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Monia
Seconded the motion, whi. ch was.carried unanimously.
Commissioner Crowthe'r' moved to' change the 26 ft. figure on page 4, Section
4-d, to 22 feet, rather than 26 feet.. Commissioner Schaefer seconded the
motion. Chairman Laden. noted that the con'sensus at previous meetings had
been 26 feet. Staff expres'sed concern that there would be the possibility
of increased mistakes in interpreting the ordinance .if another set of
numbers was used. The vote was taken on the motion and it was carried,
with Commissioners King, Laden and Zambetti dissenting.
Comm:issioner Monia moved to adopt Resolution GF-328 and forward it to the
City Council, rec'ommending t. he ordinance, using the percentages as presented
in the draft by Staff, wi'th the appropriate amendments agreed upon at this
meeting. Commissioner' Bolger seconded the motion.
Commissioner Crowther moved to amend the motion, to call out NHD in Section
5 separately, with the same statement.as HCRD, except replacing 12% with
8% and 43,560 sq. ft. with 87,120 sq.'ft. The motion failed for lack of a
Commissioner Zambetti stated that he would be voting no on the Ordinance.
He explained that his major reason is'the change from 26 ft. to 22 ft. He
stated that, even'thOugh it is a guideline, the creativity is being taken
away, and he feels that too much emphasis has been put.on height. He
added that he feels the Commission will be spending a tremendous amount..Of
time on design review. '-'H~ ~tat'~'tH..~ ']~e 'h~'~ 'tH'o~gH~ t~9~.~.~'."m~g'h.t"~e' '~ plac'~-
in the ordinance for a Design Review Committee made up within the community
of people that were specialists in the field or just concerned citizens.
Commissioner King stated 'that he was going to vote in favor of ~he motion,
not because he feels it is-a=per'~c'~ ~r'~ft:'~:~'~n~'e;_'h'e a'~rees w'~h'C~m~is-
'sioner Zambetti and also with Staff r~garding"the 'Confusion about the 26 ft.
and 22 ft. Howe'ver, he added, he feels, in the sense of moving something
on to the Council, that he 'is willing'to compromise, Commissioner King
commented that one issue that has not:been discussed tonight is the bulk
of houses over the last two years. H~ stated that he does not think thj. s
is a perfect formula; however, it is a formula by which we can at least
quantify something and determine 'what'we are making a variance from. He
added that he 'feels this is far superior to the guidelines and requirements
that this Commission has had to deal with in the past.
Commissioner Schaefer stated she agreed with everything except the figures
in Section 5. She asked if possibly there could be a separate vote on
the wording and one on the figures.
eommissioner Bolger commented that these figures were generated over many
months Of wo'rk. He added' that they may not be perfect, but they are some-
thing that is a benchmark that we shoqld be going from.
Commissioner Schaefer explained. that s'he felt the 40,000 number is so
restrictive that she cannot vote for'i't. She moved to amend that number
in the standards to 16%. The motion faile'd for lack of a second.
Commissioner Crowther commented that the ordinance has come a long way.
However, he added, the major undeveloped land in the City today is in the
NHD district, and we are starting out 'the'NHD district on flatland at
close"to 12,000 sq. ft. Fie stated that the standards do not mean much
without that clarified, and he thinks it is a major error in the ordinance.
Pl~'nning Commission -.- Page 4
Meeting Minutes -~ 6/24/81
GF-328 (cont.)
Commissioner Laden commend. ed everyone'who worked on the ordinance and
stated that she feels it has come a long way. She commented that the
criteria may still be a little hazy, but at least it gives us some better
feel for.where we are headed. She 'addedtthat she h'as great difficulty
with the' numbers and feels they don't.have a lot of substance to them;
they don't have any sort. of normal differential from one zoning group to
the other; they are based highly on what we have in town that may be an
average of 12 yea'rs old. She expresse'd concerns about the infills and
the additions., and stated that she feels we are'~really tampering with
people's-rights to use their proper'ty;Z therefore, she will be voting no.
The vote .was taken on the motion for approval and transmittal to the City
'~"~7~ '~h~-'!~="~'The~.~otio~ ~a~'~carried, with: Commissioners Schaefer, Zambetti and
7. UP-499 -- Jerome Smith, 20290 Orchard :Place, Request for a Use Permit to
allow the constr~ction of a detached garage over 6' in height
'(13.5' maximum) in the r'equi'~re'd rear yard
Staff described the proposal.-"~' ~'~ ......... ~"" .............
The public hearing was opened at 7:55 p.m.
Jerry Smith, applicant, stated that hei would like to have a 3 ft. setback
in the side yard. He passed out 'a drawing showing a 6 ft. setback and the
requested 3 ft. setback for the side yard. He'discussed the bay tree which
would have to be removed if a 6 ft. side setback were maintained. He
explained that there is an existing garage adjacent to his property line
which. has no windows,' and the proposed'structure would not be offensive to
the n'~.,ighb.ors. He explained that if the garage.were moved forward a little
towards the house it would be Very ~lose to the e~isting house, since the
lots are very small.
Commissioner King moved to close the pBblic hearing. Commissioner Zambetti
seconded the motion, which 'was carried~unanimously.
Commissioner Zambetti moved to approve~UP-.499, per Exhibits C, D and E (Fig.
2 o~ the applicant's drawing), with. a'.~ ft. rear yard setback and a 3 ft.
side yard setback, per' the Staff Report dated June 16, 1981, and making the
findings. Commissioner' Bolger seconded the 'motion, which was carried unani-
UP-.500 -. Martin Oudewaal, 14629 Big Basin Way, Request for a Use Permit to
allow the 'construction of four (4) condominium multi-family dwell-
ings in the""C-V~' (Visitor-Commercial) district and Negative
The proposed project was described by Staff. They stated their major con-
cern with the proposal is that the bulk and height of the structur~ may be
incompatible with the existing structures in the vicinity. The density of
the project was discussed. Staff noted that there were several options
listed in the Staff Report. Staff recommended continuance of this item
to allow for a study session with the applicant to resolve some of the con-
Chairman Laden explained that with approval of this use permit the Commis-
sion would be saying that this is an appropriate use of the site. The
Commission has control of the height, the intensity of use, parking, etc.
during design review and.building site approval. She added that, if the
Commission feels this is not an appropriate use ~f the site, then that. con-
cern should be expressed. If it is felt that multiple dwellings are appropri-
ate, then a study session is needed to go through that nrocess and work with
the applicant. It was noted that a letter had been received in opposition
to the project.
-- 4
· P~l'_aniiing Commission Page 5
Meeting Minutes -- 6/24/81
-UP:S00 (cont.)
The public hearing was opened at 8':05 p.m.
Lee Gray, a resident 'of Saratoga Oaks Homeowners Association, commended
the owners for cleaning up Big Basinwi'th their design, which looks
very appropriate. He express'ed concern over the recreational deck
since t!~ey have 'a very severe noise problem at the present time from
existing residences in the area. He asked the Commission to consider
the location of this deck as to the 'noise impact on the residents. It
was clarified' to Mr. Gray that the ordinance had previously been
.changed to allow cOndominiums in "C-C" and "C-V" districts with a con-
ditional use permit.
Warren Heid, the architect, described the proposal. He stated that this
is a very difficult site and is only about 63 feet wide. He noted. that
there has been tremendous interest .to improve quality housing in the
Village. Mr. Heid described the surrounding structures'and the proposed
structures, commenting that he had tried to capture a one-story look.
He stated that he feels this project harmonizes with the surrounding
area and protects and enhances the real.property values in the City.
Mr. Heid asked' the Commission to w6rk with them in study sessions to
understand the 'process that he and. the owner have gone through to come
up with something unique. The parking and access were discussed.
Staff noted that it was. a specific recommendation of the Village Task
Force that the ordinance be amended to allow multi-family and mixed uses
in the "C-.V" d'i. Strict. Commissioner King stated that multi-family uses
have previously bee'n discussed at this Commission as a buffer element in
the Village as we move from Village use to home use. Staff commented
that in the recent General Plan Advisory Committee meetings for this
area, the consensus of the people has been that they wanted higher
density sort of condominium multi-family developments to hel'p support
the Village.
Commissioner Zambetti commented that he had not decided what would be
the best use for this si. te. He added that he felt the surrounding
area has to be considered, and he does like this approach as far as the
architecture is concerned.
Commissioner Bolger stated he would like to see more of a multi-use.
for this particular .location, wi'thZa store and the condominiums above
and in back. He added that he did.not feel this architecture is com-
patible with the Caldwell property next door.
Mr. Heid stated that 'he could not see a multi-use on this site. He
added that he shares the Commission's concern. s; ho~_ever_~ thiS' will"':
help them make a decision as to what they want in .that area of town.
He emphasized the fact that the applicant and he would like to work
with the Commission to develop a quality
Woody Whatley, stated that she is in real. estate and numerous community
activities, and she thinks the proposal is a marvelous idea and
encourages a development of this kind.
It was the consensus to have a study session on this item, at which
time the Commission will consider how far commercialism should extend
up Big Basin and where the residential should start. Chairman Laden
d.i. rected that the public hearing be continued to July 22, 1981 and the
applicant and Mr. Heid will be notified of the earliest possible date
for a study session on th. is matter.'
9. A-.769 Loyde Paradise, Mendelsohn Lane, Two-Story, Single Family
Residence, Final Design R~view Approval; Continued from May 27,
'1'9'81 .... ·
Staff described the proposal, stating that one of the major concerns of
Planning Commission Page 6
Meeting Minutes -~ 6/2.4/8i
A- 769 (cont.) ~
the Commission on their onesite in.spec'tion were the trees ~h~-.d=~.~-might be
· j~_~j~L.¥~.dT."':7~ The' let'ter submitted by the' applicant regarding these trees
was discussed.
Ray Cobb, the architect~ stated th.at' pla~.s have been submitted to
Public Works for' improvements to Mendelsohn. The design of the house
was discussed by Mr. Cobb.
Commissioner Bolger stated that he! still feels this home is very high
and large for the site; yet the 'si~e is very unique.in the fact that
it is down from the road and he does not feel it will impact the
s'urrounding homes adversely.
Commissioner King moved to approve' A-769 as proposed, per the Staff
Report of May 22, 1981, with the removal of Condition 1-C. Commissioner
Zambetti seconded the motion, which was carrie~ unanimously.
~;'S'f~ff ex~i'~i"n~d-~"~inb Gallo, developer, that this item was not a
noticed public hear'~'g, and the present Urgency Ordinance was discussed.
10. EP-16 -- Lawren'ce Roe, 13499 Scully' Avenue, Request for Encroachment
Permi't' fo'r fence 'in 'right'-.of-.way; continued from May 27, 1981
Staff reported that the. applicant had requested a continuance on ti~is
matter. It was noted that a letter ha'd.'been received from William
S~eridan in opposition to the permit. It was directed that this matter
be continued to July 22, 1981.
1. Commissioner King gave a brief report on the meeting held by the
'City Council on June '17, 1981. A copy of the minutes of. this me~ting is on
file in the City' Administration Office.' '
2. COmmissioner Bolger moved that the Commission ask the. City Council. to
begin. studies on a Specific 'Plan for the southern hillside area of Saratoga.
Commissioner Crowther seconded the motion. Discussion followed, and it was
the consensus that priorities should be considered before this' request is sent
to the Council. Commissioner Crowther stated that one of the key things that
is in the present SpeCific Plan is the density standards, and it would be a
much simpler thing to request to the Council that they impose the Measure 'A"
density standards on the 'southwest hillside area. It was the consensus that
this matter should be di~scussed in a study session, and Commissioner Bolger
was asked to submit a description of the' area and some of the advantages and
reasons for considering this~ The motion and second were withdrawn.
3. Chairman Laden thanked the Good Government Group· for attending the
meeting and serving coffee'. ~
Respectful'l'y submitted,
R.'S. Robinson~ Jr.