HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-14-1981 Planning Commission Minutes CITY OF SARATOGA PLANNING COMMISSION
DATE: Wednesday, October 14, 1981 - 7:30 p.m.
PLACE: City C'ouncil Chambers, 13777 FrUitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA
TYPE: Regular Meeting
Roll Call
Present: Commissioners Bolger, Crowther~ Laden, Monia, Schaefer and
Zambetti (Commissioner Monia arrived at 7:50 p.m.)
Absent: Commissioner King
Commissioner Schaefer moved, seconded by Commissioner Crowther, to waive the
reading of the minutes of September 23, 1981 and approve as distributed. The
motion was carried, with Commissioners Laden and Zambetti abstaining since they
were not present at the meeting.
'la. Nega'tive Declaration -. SDR-1'495 - S~r'enson & Garner
lb. .SDR-1495 Sorenson & Garner,. northern corner of Oak and Third Streets,
Amendment to a previous TentatiVe Building Site Approval to
allow the construction of 8 condominiums rather than 8 apart-
ments ....
The proposal was described by Staff'.
Commissioner Schaefer moved to apprgve the Negative Declaration for
SDR-1495. Commissioner Zambetti seconded the motion, which was carried
Commissioner 'Schaefer moved to approve SDR-1495, per the Staff Repo'rt
dated July 6, 1981 as amended, and Exhibits "B-i" and "C". Commissioner
Zamb'etti seconded the motion, which. was carried unanimously'.
2a. Negative Declarat'ion -. SDR-1503 'O'ud'ew'aal,' et' al
2b. SDR-1503 M. Oudewaal, et al, northern terminus 0f Third Street, Con-.
struction of a four-story, 45-room hotel, Tentative Building
Site Approval
Chairman Laden stated that, as a result of the last study session of the
Commission on this item, it was being recommended-that this item be
agendized for another study sessi'onm.on October 20, 1981. She noted that
a letter had been received from the. Chamber of Commerce. in favor of the
project, and also that a written re'sponse had been received from the
City Geologist regarding the Commission's questions on this site.
Commissioner CrowthOr. questioned wh~ether this project would fall und. er
the category of.~ ~d'at0~y.oE_IR',. ~a~h~r..th'~n the'D.fo~osed"'Ne'gati~e
Declaration. The Deputy City At~or.ney stated't'ha't h~ would review the
state requirements and report on this matter at the study session.
Warren He|d, the architect, gave a .presentation on the project. He
'commented that the Village feels that this is a project that could stimu-
late some activity. He added that there are soils reports on the site
because of a previous application.. Mr. Heid questioned the need for a
new tentative map, stating that the~y had Final Approval on this site.'
The parking was discussed., and Mr. Heid stated that they were attempting
to locate-a document that allows 5,'000 sq. ft. of building, with a ratio'
- ~1 -
'~Planning.Commission Page 2
Meeting Minutes 10/1.4/81
SDR-1503 (cont.)
of 1 parking space for every 473½. ~This would be in addition to the
4 spaces from the building that is being torn down, and would give a
total of 15 spaces, rather than 8. .Mr. ~eid commented that there are
comments by the Flood Control that they io not wish them to go over the
creek bank; however, the creek bank'is eroding because of improper support.
t'Je a~ded.that h~-feels thai th? p~rking irea will not destroy the bank and
u r e he earlier approval was for a
different project entirely; this is.a la get structure and a totally
different tyD~ of use. :He added that es entially this would be viewed as
a new applichtion. Staff stated that an fees that have been paid relative
to the.prior application that are applic ble to this application would be
wford, President of the Village ssociation, stated that his mem-
bers were unanimously in favor of the in:~. He added that they had passed
out a petition at their meeting, which n~w has 182 signatures on it at
· this time, with an additional 50 to'be aided. He read'the petition into
the record, listing the reasons for their. support. Mr. Crawford noted
that the petition had been signed by the Village Association, the business
people, landowners and interested citizens.
Chairman Laden requested Mr. Heid tO be able to demonstrate at the study
session the building in relationship to the surrounding area; i.e. the
creek and the' hill at the end of Third Street, and also the barn at the'
top of Third Street.
Commissioner Crowther stated that'he was concerned about the closeness
of the building to the barn and the'potential fire hazard that it might
'cause. He also expressed his concern regarding the parking situation
with the bridge.coming out on Third,Street. Commissioner Crowther added
that he feels it is a realistic concern that people will tend to park
on Third Street and in.many cases won't irive down to the lower area.
Mr. Heid commented that he feels, with the parking in the entrance at the
lower level, that the atmosphere will be improved. He described the
safety aspects of the building.
Commissioner Schaefer stated that she wo'Hd not favor the 2 parking spaces
going out into the creek; however, if th parking were taken care of, she
feels the idea and concept is good.. She added that she feels it should
be determined how much of the building c .n go in to be compatible with the
area and allow for appropriate parking.
Mr. Heid discussed the creek and aldo th~ pathway that is being required
by the Fire Chief. He Commented that th re is a conflict, since the Fire
Chief is requiring 20 feet and the Water District have stated that they
don't want any trees'taken out along the creek. Chairman Laden stated
that Fire Chief Kraule would be invited o the study session, to discuss
this matter further'.
Commissioner Monia agreed with 'Commissioner Schaefer's comments a~d added
that he feels the parking is going to ha~e to be addressed. He added that
he did not feel that 38 spaces would be ufficient to handle 45 rooms and
visitor and employee parking. ..
Mr. Heid stated that he believes there i a document stating that they have
a credit for 5,000 sq. ft. He added tha the former City Attorney stated
that he has seen this document, and.they are attempting to locate it at
this time.
Commissioner Monia stated he would also like to consider the poSSibility of
sliding the building somewhat forward, b ,cause of the 'trees. He added
that he 'is also concerned about the~size of the structure and suggested
disc,ussing an allowable footprint, w~th design appropriate for it.
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~lann~ng Commission Page 3
Meeting Minutes 10/14/81
SDR-~iS03 (cont.)
Commissioner Zambetti stated that he.had concerns reg~arding the parking and
the pad, and stated' that he would like more.input from the applicant
regarding statistics as to what would be the total.be~nefits to the City.
Commissioner Crowther noted that the City Ge61ogist h~as recommended a
geotechnical investigation prior to the ~p~0Va'l of~ development. Mr.
Heid indicated that they had done this fOr'-the"Drevio~us approval, and
they could update it. ~
Larry Tyler, Big Basin Way, addressed the parking. He Stated that there is
a parking problem in the Villlage, but not in Parking~ Assessme~ District
#1. FIe added that he feels. t'~a.t '~--:d~.cfim~nt-' do~s"e~s'~ (~t~i'Ch':'Wd~'~'l~"'
the applicant 5,000 sq? ft. of new building. M~. Tyl, er ~mented that the
, !
project will put the.Village together and give it some economic stability:·
Commissioner Crowther expressed concerns regarding be!rming the channel
and.=rt'~""effe~t""~n'' ~v~'t~r'-- l~i~e.~. ~ n ~h.~' '.1% :flood'?
.... '!'[~"':'~.~hat th'~'~.fiCe~nrotection""requ~rements be siubmitted
It was directed that thi. s item be continued to a study session on October
20, 1981 and the regular meeting of October 28, 1981·I
! I
: !
3a. Negative Declarati'on'- V-.556 - JacksOn/Woods
3b. V-556 --' Jackson/Woods, 12300 Saratoga-.Sunnyvale Road, Request for a
3c. A-.780 - Variance to allow (1) The construction of a~two-.story office
building to maintain a heig!~t of 26' where ~0' is the max.
height allowed; (2) Parking~ in the rear yard where it is not
normally allowed; and (3) The construction df a soundwall over
6' in h~ight, and Design Review Approval oflthe office building;
co'ntin'ued from A'u'gust' 26', '198'1 ......
Staff gave the history of this proje.ct and described~the current proposal.
They commented that the applicant has resubmitted pld~s.that deal with
the concerns of the Commission during their on-site ~zs~t.
The public hearing was re'opened at 8.:20 p.m.
Warren Jacobsen, representing the developer, discussed the Staff Report
conditions. He commented that he would make all of ~he balcony rails
consistent rather than screening jus.t one rear balco~y, as conditioned in
the Staff Report. He added that thi.s would be bette~ from a design' stand-
r i
point. Mr. Jacobsen clarified that.:the loading be th is on the adj.acent
property and a letter has been rece'ived from that p~ope ty owne ,
, r r stating
that this is acceptable. i
The windows were discussed, and it was noted that th~ second-story windows
had not been removed. Commissioner 'Zambetti commented that he did not
feel the trash area was sufficient ~or the square fo6tage. The lighting
was discussed, and Mr. Jacobsen commented that he felt there was a need for
security lighting·. ,
William Benevento, 12270 Kirkdale, s]tated that he feit the screening for
the balcony should be solid as opposed to lattice. He also requested that
there'be no windows above the first .floor; the wzndows and the steel wall
on the second floor should be elimi.nated, and-that t~ere be no intense
lighting. He stated that he was pleased. that the pa~king had been eliminated
in the rear, and the applicant has s:caled down the b~ild'ing and lessened
the height
! I
The trash location was further discussed. Mr. JacobSen stated that they
could put a larger bin in the 30 ft.;.area. The screening on the balcony
was discussed. It was suggested that the eastern side of the balc6ny
,-Plann.ing Commission Page 4
Meeting Minutes 10/14/81
V-556 and A-780 (cont.)
be screened, and Mr. Jacobsen stated that instead he would not put
the sliding door there.
Commissioner Zambetti asked if the applicant were willing to enter into
an assessment district in reg.ards to continuing the frontage street
improvements along Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, and also some type of
Deferred Improvement Agreement in regards to a traffic light at Seagull.
Mr. Wi'nt'e.r, ~f~om the S.K. Brown Construction Company, stated that they
would not be the ~wners at that timeZ, so they would have to set it up
in the CC&Rs or buy-.sell agreement.
Commissioner Bolger moved to close t'he public hearing. Commissioner
Schaefer seconded the motion, which ~was carried unanimously.
Commissioner Schaefer moved to appro. ve the Negative Declaration for
V-556, amended to read 26,784 sq. ft'. for the size of the building.
Commissioner Monia seconded the moti'on, which was carried, with Commis-
sioner Zambetti di. ssenting. ~
Commissioner Bolger moved to approve~ V-556 and A-780, per the Staff
Reports dated August 6, 1981 and August 17, 1981, the Addendum dated
October~8, 1981, and Exhibits "B-l"'and "C-i", with additional conditions
to be added: (1) The sliding glass door to the balcony on the northeastern
corner of the building is to be eliminated; (2) The second-story windows
on the eastern side of the building are to be eliminated; and (3) Lighting
after 9:00 p.m. in the rear of the building for security purposes to be
reviewed and approved'by Staff. Commissioner Schaefer seconded the motion.
Commissioner Zambetti stated tha't he would not be voting for the motion,
but he hoped that the motion could be amended to include.a bonding for
the traffic light and an agreement for an assessment district for the
frontage roads~ He explained that he WOuld be voting no'on=.the motion
because he feels very strongly ~&~'the size-of' ~h~"'~s't'ruc~ure"'j~' t~ ~-.
.~h~"~7~'~.~h~ lot. commissioner Zambetti added 'that he 'is also c0ncer~ed
about the loading berth being on another property and also feels that in
the future there will be a problem with underground parking.
Staff commented that there is currently no assessment district. They
stated that there has been discussion for a number of years for the
improvements of this area..with frontage roads on either side of the
highway, and both of the developments on the corners of Saratoga-Sunnyvale
Road and Prospect have long term bonds guaranteeing the participation in
a signal at Kirkmont and the highway.
Commissioner Bolger commented that He feels the applicant has expressed
a willingness to enter into an agreement that would be favorable to this
particular situation. Staff explained that there are a number of ways
of bonding for the signal; a'~'5~year.bond could be used or the appropriate
funds could be deposited with the City to cover the pro rata share. They
explained the use of a Deferred Improvement Ag. reement to cover the assess-
ment proceedings, and that. agreemen~ then would run with the land and would
carry onto subsequent owners.
The Deputy City Attorney stated that typically such a requirement would be
~mposed at the Tentative Building Site Approval stage, rather than with
the variance and design review procedure. It was determined that this
condition could be placed at that time.
The vote was taken on the motion to~approve V-.556 and A-.780. The motion
was carried, with Commissioner Zambetti dissenting.
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- 4 -
=Planning Commission ·Page S
.Meeting Minutes· 10/1.4/8.1 '
4. UP-508 - Saratoga F6othills De·velop~ent Corp., Request for a Use Permit
to allow Modification to Condition 4a of UP--353, which would
lower the minimum age for Occupants of a multi-.family residential
project 'from 55 to 45, at Saratoga Parkside, Saratoga Avenue;
~continued from September 9, 1981
Staff described the current proposal= They commented that they feel that
the City has worked with the applicant in granting the 37% density bonus
and are therefore recommending denial of ·the request.
The public hearing was reopened at 9~00 p.m.
Jerry Lohr, the applicant, gave a presentation on the current proposal.
He commented that the 72 units, which represents the 37% bonus, was strictly
at the suggestion of the City Council and reflected the desire of Saratoga
at that time to have some senior citizen rental units.
He introduced Mr. Bill Murphy, President of the Saratoga-Los Gatos Board
of Realtors, who discussed the status of the real estate market.
Mike Trapman, representing the homeowners of the project, indicated his
group's support of the project. He amended his remarks in the Staff Report
dated October 9, 1981, to read that ~he homeowners, not the City of Sara-
toga or some other Government agency, are subsidizing the rental units
required by t'he City of Saratoga.
Mary Jean·Van·Peborgh, President of the Saratoga Area Senior Coordinating
Council, read a resolution into the· record, stating that th·ey remain firm
in their support of the· recognition qf a continuing need for increasing the
supply of suitably designed senior housing in Saratoga. It read that, while
they are sympathetic to the position~of the developer and Views of the
residents in Saratoga Parkside, they:deem it best to take no position on
this request~, as they feel this is a~decision to rightfully be made by the
~ppointed Commissioners. ;
Colonel Barco, 19101Camino Barco, stated that he feels that the applicant
has a real problem, since the real e~tate market is so depressed, and at
the same time the neighborhood has a.great concern also. He stated that
he feels the key to this issue is that the market demand determines wha~
is going to be there, and the developer adjusts to that. He commented that
he does not agree that there is a demand for senior citizen housing in
Saratoga at this time. Colonel BarcQ commented that he felt the City should
either stick to the contract as it reads or throw it out altogether. He
added that he felt the applicant should work out the problem with the people
that live there.
Jim Russell, 12776 Saratoga Glen Court, stated that he was a board member
of the Saratoga Park Woods Homeside Association, and they had previously
expressed concerns over the changes that have been suggested. He'listed
specific concern about the potential increase in population and vehicle
density, not just from this development, but the whole area. He commented
that three cities, including Saratoga, have backed out on senior citizen
housing that was·government subsidized because HUD changed the ground rules.
He added that this had a great impac~ on senior housing.
Richard Martin, 13981 Pike Road, stated that he had. addressed the Commission
and Council a great deal on this subject when it was approved. He commented
that he felt that the applicant was in the same position as other contrac-
tors, and he did not feel this modification should be granted. Mr. Martin
added that the Commission and City Council spent a lot of time setting up
these conditions, and he did not feel they should be relaxed at this time.
Bernard Turgeon,...~.~.26_Atrium, stated that he was one.of the partners in
th. is pa. rtner-s=h'Y~ and th~"'c{t.y.~-'~i~i~'~'~-~h~-~--~=a.~n~r~' He. c0~n~en.t.'ed"~|~-~-.~-they
had entered into a partnership on a social experiment with ·the City, in
which they'were .to provide rental· h6using-and it was to be subsidized by
the profits from·the larger units that would b'e built. Mr. Turgeon reminded
the Commission that they had asked the Commission what would·happen·if this
~'Plann'ing CommisSion Page
Meetin~ Minutes 10/1.4/81
UP-508 (cont.)
social experiment got. into trouble, ~nd they were told that they should
bring the problem back to the Commission and it would be worked out.
'Mr. Turgeon explained that this social experiment is not working because
of the economy. He added that he 'fe~t that wh'at they were asking for
was justified, and this modificationiwi'll either solve the problem ol.r they
will have to do it all on their own.i Mr. Turgeon commente. d that the're are
many buyers; however, the problem is:that they can't sell their homes.
He explained that this modification ~ould hel~'until the mortgage money is
available again at decent rates.
Peggy Corr, 19224 DeHaviland, stated!that she has been involved-for six
years with the proposal for senior h~using. She commented that she was
on the City Council when the contract was made wi. th 'the applicants. She
stated that she feels that they provided something for the City that was
ve'ry much needed and is still needed~. Mrs. Corr added that, despite. what
has been said, she feels there is st~ll a great demand for senio~ housing
in Saratoga. She stated that she fe~ls the only people who are really
affected by this change would be theipeople who have already bought their
homes in the pro.ject. She added that if they are agreeable to the modifica-
tion, then she feels the City should!~onsider'their feelings.
'Commissioner Zambetti moved to close~the public hearing. Commissioner
Schaefer seconded the mo~.ion,'.which ~as carried unanimously.
· .Commissioner Crowther commented that~both Mr. Murphy and Mr. Turgeon had
· indicated that the real estate marke£'is bad everywhere, and he is not
convinced that this modification wil~'really'help. He stated that he
~.feels that it is possible that the u~'its still. would not sell with the
proposed change. He added that, with r'egard to the bonus., Staff had men-
tioned that this site was zoned for 12 single-.family residential units,
and the PRD Ordinance which was adopted was primarily for senior citizen
housing and permitted by a use permi~ this density of 72 units on land
that is zoned for' 12 residential units. .He added that he' feels the real
bonus is a factor of 6. Commissione~ Crowther indicated that he does not
regard someone who is 55 as a seniorScitizen.~ He stated tha't he had a
concern that after the applicant sells' his units then the buyer will be
~ '
responsible for selling the units to-~someone who is 55 years old. He
added that, if the interest rates stay up', it is going to be very hard for
the City to enforce this'sort of proves.ion. He further stated that the
interest rates could drop very quick~y, and he does not think it would be
fair that the ~pplicant.could sell these units to 45 year olds,.~even though
the interest rates had dropped. He ~ndicated that' he feels that the
financing has to be brought in as a ~ondition;if.the rates drop to a cer-
tain level th~n it would revert back~to the higher age. Commissioner
Crowther added that he thinks that i~' the only reasonable way that it could
be done to prevent an unfair situation. He stated that he pe. rsonally
believes that the City has a contract; there was a bonus given for that
contract; the developer has profited~more than he would have if the resi-
dential zoning had been adhered to, ~nd he feels that.the'City ought to
hold to the contract.
Commissioner Bolger expressed two concerns: (1) As Commissioner Crowther
stated, the burden that would be pla~ed. upon a 45 year old person who is
responsible to sell it to someone '55!years of age or older at some later
.date, and (2) the aspect of changingithe CC&Rs. He feels that that would
be.a dangerous precedent, and he personally is not in favor of doing that.
Commissioner Monia stated that he feels the remarks made by Colonel Barco
should be well studied, and he feels there is a lot to be learned from this
experiment. He commented that he is not sure that in the future the
Commission should become involved in ~i~t~tin~.'wh'~.~':a'Z~l~'.S"'p~.~'.i.c~.'.._.j~%.~.'be
or restricting who should. live or not live within the boundaries of Sara-
toga. He added that unfortunately i~ this experiment the City found out
that the subsidizing of rental properties by increasing the sale price of
homes really did not work; 67% of the' rentals went to non-Saratogans.
~and t'hat a concession has already-
been made in reducing the a~e limit to 55.'
'Planr~ing Commission Page 7
Meeting Minutes 10/1.4/81
UP-508 (cont.).
Commissioner Monia stated that the City had wanted to offer a hous'ing
stock to the residents of Saratoga, and it should be put into the record
that perhaps.~rental housing for Saratogans is not such a bi.g driving
force. He added that he did not think the City is responsible for the
applicant's problem; it is related more to the risk of doing business,
not to any particular agreement made' with the City. Commissioner Monia
stated that if the problems were due~ to some land use policies, then
the Commission could do something about it; however, the Commission is
certainly not in control. of what the' interest rates are going to be.
He stated that he also has a concern about changing the responsibilities
and the difficulties of selling these properties to other individuals
who will eventually be residents and seniors of Saratoga; therefore, he
would not vote for approving this request.
Commissioner Schaefer indicated.that~ she generally agrees with the comments
made by Colonel Barco about the Cit~ not belonging in the housing business.
She stated that she does.feel .that a contract was agreed to with 'the
Drevious Commission andC&~H~i-l"i 'stat~'~hat"~' ~].i~-~ ~hl~ co~e-'b~k'~'~' .'~
had a problem. She added~thaf she personally regrets that that statement
was made; however, she feels that the Commission needs to honor that. She
stated that she would like to have t.he Commission consider an age of 50
or 52 as a compromise, because she feels ther'e are other precedents in
other Cities that allows that age.
Commissioner Zambetti stated. that he was on the previous Commission, and
he would be voting for denial, since he believes that there is a partner-
ship and he sees no consideration on the applicant's part in requesting
the modification. Commissioner Zambetti moved to deny UP-.508, per the
Staff Report dated October 9, 1981. Commissioner Monia seconded the
Chairman Laden stated that she was a member of the Commission that made
this contract with the applicant. She-commented that Mr. Lohr was always
aware of the fact that this site was' zoned for 12 housing units and he
was willing at any time to build those '12 homes. She explained that the
Commission prevailed upon him to work with them to get as much as possible
for senior citizens. She 'added tha~ she feels the Commission has established
a partnership to some degree, in which there was ho built-.in flexibility
but an understood flexibility in case things didn't work out as anticipated.
Chairman Laden commented that she is most concerned that, whatever the
result of the vote, t~id 'C'~ty ~not los'e sight of the fact that there is a
need for senior citizen housing in Saratoga, be it rentals or sales.
She also express'ed concern that the City is driving out any possible future
development of senior citizen housing through the private sector because
the kind of action=~=.when contracts are made that are totally inflexible
is not appealing to financial institutions in the future. She added that
Saratoga has tried to rely on ~"'~!~at~'s'ector and the City is now turn-.
ing their back on the private sector; s'he fee'is that that is not to the
City's benefit in the long run.
The vote was taken on the motion to deny UP-.508. The motion was carried,
with Commissioners Laden and Schaefer dissenting. The applicant was noti-
fied of the 10-day appeal period.
5a. A-.788 - Sharon and Howard Morse, Request for Variance and Design Review
5b. V-560 - Approval to allow the construction of a second-story addition
to an existing two-.story structure which exceeds the floor area
ratio by greater than 5% (14% max.) at 20878 Verde Moor Court;
continued from September 23, 1981
Staff described the proposal, stating that they were recommending denial
of both the variance and design review, since there are alternatives on
the site to provide the 'additional area requested by the applicant.
Warren Gilbert, the architect, discussed the definition of floor area
Plan~ning Commission -. Page 8
Meeting Minutes 10/14/81
A-788 and V-560 (cont.)
ratio. He sta. ted that it was their contention'that usable floor space or
usable enclosed space was space at floor level, not window seats or
window sills, regardless of how deep they are.
Staff quoted the Design Review Ordinance, which states that the area
within the exterior walls is within the structure and is usable space.
They stated that Staff has interpreted that as all space within the outer
perimeter walls of the building that are potentially usable for living
Commissioner Crowther stated that it would be his inclination that if it
is not"'on the floor and if it is not a big area, to give the applicant
the beneficit of the doubt.- He added that it is a very small amount of
area being considered.
It was the consensus of the Commission that they agreed with the Staff
interpretation.' The Deputy~City Attorney stated that he concurred with
Staff on the 'interpretation. He 'explained that it was the general feel-
ing among the Commission ~·d City Council that if there was an area that
could physically be used, not necessarily on ground level, that still
had some effect with respect to bulk.
Chairman Laden commented that, since the window seat area does put the
appli·cation·over the allowable use,~the variance procedure can continue,
and the variance would be for the window sill, which is 24 sq. ft.
The public hearing was opened at 10,:35 p.m.
Mr..Gilbert discussed the revised plan and elevations. He explained that
the original recommendation for denial from Staff was premature to
receiving any revised' detailed drawings. He stated that the reduction
did take place without in fact crea~ing an imbalance, and they were request-
ing that the design be approved as revised. Mr~ Gilbert described the·
current proposal and the alternatives on sight which Staff had indicated.
He explained that the area suggested' by Staff is outside the family room,
which would shut off the light and ventilation required for the family
room. He commented that it would be at the steepest portion of the lot
and would create some grading and construction problems. Mr. Gilbert
stated that he believes their solution ~oes comply with the intent of
the new ordinance. and has the support of the neighbors. He pointed out
that the· only neighbor who is opposed to t~ addition is Mr. and Mrs.
Hall, whose residence is to the 'southwest of this property, about 300 ft.
away. He submitted pictures showing the Marshall residence and stated
that it would not completely obscure their view, but would perhaps cut off
some of i't.
Chairman Laden noted a letter from the MarshalIs in opposition to the
project, and ~ letter signed by several of the neighbors in favor of the
Marshall Hall addressed' the Commission and gave the ·b~ckground of the
.subdivision. H·e stated that at th~eZ·t~ime ·of the' construction the developer
had indicated that they would not 'put two--story houses on the southern
side of Verde Moor because it w·Ould be obstructive. Mr. Hall commented
that the Morse house has the garage. and utility room th·e lower floor ~nd
it will be a three-story home ·if they put an addition on it~ He added
t. hat he did not feel this is ·a hardship case; the· home is not overcrowded.
Mr. Hall described his view' and stated that the addition would cut out
t'heir view' of the very 'center' of San Jose on the valley level.
The possibility of having a room goZon in back of the 'garage was discussed.
Mr. Gilbe~ explained that there would not be enough room because of the
setbacks. He s~ated that there is a back porch 'deck coming ou't from the
kitchen in that area·. He added that he feels this is the only place for
this addition. He commented that i~ he· slid over the garage then it would
be a 3-story building and it would not be in balance, nor would it be
- 8 -
,.P].an~ing Commission Page 9
Meeting Minutes 10/14/81
A-788 and V-S60 (cont.)
harmonious to the architecture of th~ neighborhood.
Mr. MorSe, the applicant, stated that Mr. Hall's comments are basically
correct, in that the addition does impact their view. He stated that he
feels the question here is one of reasonableness. Mr. Morse commented
that he does believe that this is not an unreasonable impact. He added
that they felt it was important to keep a balance of the house and they
were concerned that there be a plea~ing aesthetic look about it.
Commissioner Bolger moved, seconded:by Commissioner Zambetti, to close
the public hearing. The motion was~carried unanimously.
Commissioner Crowther commented that he feels this site is unique because
of the topography, which would make it difficult to locate it anywhere
else. He added that he believes the variance is a small extension beyond
what the ordinance permits.
Commissioner Crowther moved to approve V~S60 and A-788, making the nece-
ssary findings to grant. the variance for the 24 sq~ ft. Commissioner
Monia seconded the motion. ~
Discussion followed, and it was determined that separate motions should
be made. Commissioner Crowther~withdrew his motion and moved to approve
V-S60, making the necessary findings, per Exhibits A and B. Commissioner
Monia seconded the motion.
Commissione'r Zambetti stated that he would vote against the motion. He
pointed out that the Staff Reports says that Staff cannot make the findings,
and he.concurred, stating that he has problems with making the finding for
physical hardship and also has a problem with consistency.
The vo~'~.""~'s't~ken'~o'~_t~e.'~'~on to!approve V~560. The motion was carried,
with Commissioner Zambett{ dissenting.
Commissioner Schaefer stated that, regarding the design review A-.788, she
feels that the subdivision was extremely carefully laid out, and nothing
appears to be any higher than those~two homes that are at the end of
Verde Moor Court; obviously there w~s a very logical plan to that street's
development. She added that she understands the fact that people need to
add to their homes, but she feels this does obstruct the view and she feels
there are other options.
Commissioner Crowther commented tha~ all of the residents of that area
are very concerned about.views and they have been circulating petitions
around the City for the last seven years relative to views of the hill-
sides. He added that he feels this' is a very small impact on someone's
view. ~
Commissioner Crowther moved to approve A-~788. Commissioner Monia seconded
the motion, stating that he feels it is a reasonable amount of obstruction
of the view and he doesn't think there is a real major impact. The motion
was carried, with Commissioners Zambetti and Schaefer dissenting. The
applicant and neighbors were informed of the 10-day appeal period.
6. .A-790 --. Wiebe Kramer, 13427 Christie'Drive, Request for Design Review
Approval to allow the 'constructiOn of'~a second-story addition
(27.'-6"' maX'. height) to 'an existing singl'e--'story"dwel'l'ing
Staff reported that the applicant has requested a continuance. They
commented that the 'question has come up as to whether this item should be
continued to a date specific or whether there should be some refiling
charge to the 'applicant for the.renoticing.
The. Deputy City Attorney commented ~hat it would be appropriate for the
Commission to suggest to the City Council that they consider'revising the
fee schedule for people who file and then keep continuing the matter. He
noted that the applicant's letter states that they would like a withdrawal
· Planning Commission Page 10
Meefing Minutes 10/14/81
of the plans. He stated that in his judgment the applicant will have
to go through the same process over= again. He added that the item
could not be continued to a date certain because the date of'the revised
plans is not known. It was determined that thi's matter should be
reagendized and renoticed at a futu.re date.
7a. Negative Decla'rat'ion -. SDR--1'478'-' Thompkins &' ASsociates '('Johnston)
7b. SDR-1478 Thompkins &.Associates (~ohnston), Request for Tentative Build-
ing Site Approval for a three-lot subdivision on the southern
side o'f BrookWOod Lane
Staff gave the history of the project. They stated that the area is
recently subject to a modification Of the General Plan, and they'des-
cribed the present proposal. Staff. commented that the Santa Clara Valley
Water District has suggested that there needs to be protection against the
1% floor, and they have proposed four different methods of providing that
protection. Discussion followed on these methods. Staff indicated that
they were recommending that thi's ma'tter be continued to the October 28th
meeting, in order to allow receipt :of written comments from the Water
District. Discussion followed on the natur'al berm on the property.
The public hearing .was opened at 11~:17 p.m.
'Bob 'Peck, representing the' applican't, discussed the berm and stated that
the Water District had indicated in all of their correspondence that they
did not want any fill, and if the b'erm were built up along the creek that
would be considered fill. Mr? Peck! discussed the combination of the
methods suggested by the Water.Dist.rict.
Jitta Cymbal, representing Westfall Engineers, discussed a flood insurance
study done by Nolte Engineering,=~whZich discussed figures for the whole
creek. CommiSsioner Crowther asked~ if they had estimated what the uncer-
tainty is in the 100-.year flood. Ms. Cymbal indicated that it usually is
very small, especially when you get. to the longer frequency floods; the
error then becomes less significant~,
Chairman Laden stated that the issues that need to be addressed are:
(1) A written document from the Water District before the Commission ~akes
a decision, and (2) Does the Commission wa'nt this kind of development,
this kind of berming? (3) The access of the third lot off of the road.
Commissioner Zambetti stated that h.e feels that the access could potentially
be a problem, and he feels the Comm'is~ion has 'to be consistent. He added
that he feels the Commission needs .to look at other p~rojects on Marion
Roads, some of the developments we anticipate on this street, and what
the Commission would'like to do in other areas of Saratoga. He also noted
concern about the turnaround. Commissioner Zambetti stated he would
like something in writing from the 'Flood Control District. He added that
he was concerned about the berm and~ tree loss, and would like to see some
raising of the pads rather than extensive berming.
Staff explained that one of the three lots has an existing home on it,
which is on a slab foundation. They commented that to raise that home
will be very difficult, if not impo.ssible. Staff stated that if the
determination iS.to build up th.e pads on the 'other two lots, there would
still have to be some berming done around that existing house to protect it.
Dav~ Johnston, the applicant, discussed the '55 flood, and indicated that
they then built a substantial stone wall and were better prepared for a
second flood in '63. He stated that he did not feel that the problem
exists now that did 20-.25 years ago. re flooding. '
Commissioner' Bolger stated that 'he ~had a ~roblem since it appears there
is no secondary. ac.cess to Brookwood Lane except through Wildwood Park.
l~Plan~ing Commission Page 11
Meeting Minutes 10/14/81
SDR-1'478 (cont.)
Discussion followed on the d~dication of the flood plain to the City.
It was noted that the General Plan Qhange by the City Council puts the
area which ·w~s the ·total ded·icatio·n of the Water District-into a con-
servation area.
Ms. Cymbal noted that the Flood Control has seen the plans that are in
front of the· Commission.. She state·d that they would have to get approval
from the ·Control for the· type of construction, after the Commission has
approved the Building Site Approval~ She noted that the Flood Control will
be specifying what type of berm, what kind of fill, etc., and will be
reviewing the construction drawings.
Chairman Laden stated that the Commission would '·like some word from the
Flood Control that they approve of the plans, and that they feel that the
way·this berm is to be constructed will in fact resolve the problem.
Commissioner Crowther commented that he felt the combination of berm and
raising pads would be the best solution. He asked if there was any way
to write a hold-~harmless agreement with ~egard to th~ flooding issue.
The DepUty City Attorney stated that there have been hold-harmless agree-
ments · n connection with geologic conditions, and he ·felt the same could
be done'with respect to flood conditions. He stated that he would recom-
mend that as a condition on any future development here.
It was the consensus of the Commiss:ion that they would be in favor of
this subdivision of land, provided ·that the requirements of the Flood
District can be met in a way that is appropriate from the Commission's
viewpoint of developing the proper·ty. Commissioner Monia stated that he
would prefer to see the houses elevated, and he does have some concern
about whether the berms are going to have a long range damaging effect
on·the trees.
Mr. Peck stated that they were trying to save trees also, and by using a
combination of 'm~fhbds, the mound a'round the house will be reduced sig-
Mr. Johnston asked for a clarification regarding the dedication. It was
clarified that the area between the berm and the area that the Flood
Control is asking for would go into a conservation area. The Deputy City
Attorney stated that if this area were an easement it would be owned by
the property owner, but it would be restricted as to any use or develop-
ment · and would have to be kept for~conservation purposes. Mr. Johnston
Stated that he felt the easement requirement by the Water District would be
sufficient for any municipal public works or water works function.
commented that what the residents of that street do not want to see is a
walkway or an addition to the park~ Chairman Laden commented that she
did not think that· was contemplated. Staff stated that they felt the
City Council did in'fact wish to retain and Created the conservation
designation on there'for the very purpose of allowing some of these uses
between the actual c. reek· and the b~rm. The~ Deputy City Attorney noted
that the condition from·tHe Santa Clara Valley· Water District is to dedi-
cate flood plain. He stated that he interprets the word "dedicate" as
implying something akin to a street and not simply an easement. Chair-
man Laden commented ~h~t the decision ~ould be at the Council level; not
at the Commission level.
It·was directed that this matter be continued to the October 28, 1981
8a. Nega'tiv'e Declar'a.'tiOn -. SDR-.1506 -- Ralph Renna ('LaGuisa)
8b. SDR'-·1506 - R. Renna (LaGuisa), ReqUest for Tentative Building Site
8c. A-·789 Approval and DeSign Reviiew Approval'··to allow the construc-
tion of a single-~story .structure over 22' in height (22'6")
'i'n a'n··in-··fill· si'tuation at' 15'0'41"S'ob'ey' Roa~d'
Staff described the proposal and stated that they were recommendi. ng
-,P'lan~ning Commission [ Page· 12
Meet~ing Minutes 10/14/81
SDR- 1506 and A- 789 (cont.)
The public hearino was opened at 11:45 p.m. (Commissioner Schaefer left
the meeting'at 'this time).
Mr. LaGuisa, on behalf of Mr. Renn,' the applicant, stated that he concurred
with the conditions in the ·Staff Reports.
Commissioner· Zambetti moved, seconded by Commissioner Monia, to close the
public hearing. The motion was carried unanimously.
Commissioner Zambetti moved to approve the Negative Declaration for
SDR-1506. Commissioner Monia seconded the motion, which ·was carried
un animous ly.
Commissioner Zambetti moved to approve SDR-.1S06, per the Staff Report.
Commissioner Monia seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously.
Commissioner Zambetti moved to approve A-789, per the Staff ,Report dated
September 21, 1981 and Exhibits "B"' and "C". Commissioner Monia seconded
the motion, which was carried unanimously.
9. .UP-509 -. Robert Pemberton, 12782 Ca.rniel Avenue, Request :for a Use Permit
to allow the erection. of a. fence over 6' high (8' max.) in the
rear yard .........
The proposal was described by Staff, and they stated that they were
recommending approval. ;.
The public hearing was opened at 1E:4.5 p..m.
Mr. Pemberton, the applicant, .described the slope of the property. He
stated that the houses nearby have 'retaining walls and' a 6 ft. high .fence
on top of that; he is asking for a similar type of structure.-
Chairman Laden po:inted out that if this proposa. 1 is approved, the fence
w-ill be measured from the original .g.rade of the land and not on top of the
fill that is in the yard now.
Commissi. oner'Monia moved to close 't~he public hearing. Commissioner
Zambetti seconded the motion, wh'ich was carried unanimously.
COmmissioner Zambe'tti moved to approve UP-509, per the Staff., Report and
Addendure, making the necessary findings. Commissioner Crowther seconded
the motion, wh'ich was carried hnanimously.
1.. Chairman Laden thanked the Good Government Group for attending the
meeting and serv:ing .coffee.
Commissioner Zambett-i moved to adjourn the meeting to a Regular Adjourned Meeting
on October 20, 19'81. Commissioner Moni~ seconded. the motion, which was carried
unanimously. The meeting was 'adjourned at 12:07 p.m.
Se r ary c et