HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-28-1982 Planning Commission Minutes CITY OF SARATOGA PLANNING COY~ISSION
DATE: Wednesday, April 28, 1982 - 7:30 p.m.
PLACE: City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA
TYPE: Regular Meeting
Roll Call
Present: Commissioners B01ger, King, Laden, Monia~.and Schaefer
Commissioner Zambetti arrived after the break
Absent: Commissioner Crowthat
Commissioner Laden made the following change to the minutes Of March 24,
1982: Citing Commissioner Crowther's question as to whether the.de-
veloper whom Commissioner Laden represented had .ah-.'~'~'~'6~mic.'
interest, Commissioner Laden indicated he did not.
Commissioner Monia moved to approve the minutes of ~ri]i- 6, 1982,
waiving the reading. Commissioner Laden seconded the motion, the
minutes of '3i6'rll 6 were approved.
Commissioner Monia moved to approve the correction of the
minutes. Commissioner Laden seconded.~the motion. The motion carried.
Commissioner Schaefer determined that A-818, A. Berman, Request for
Design Review Approval to construct a one-story building over 22' in
height on Via Tesoro Court (Lot 2) in the R-1-40,O00 zoning district
be cor,~tinued at the May '2'6th .meeting~ due to a request for a one-
month continuance.
Commissioner Schaefer announced that. testimony for the Moreland School
District v~ould begin tonight and fur_.ther announced that the issue would
be continued to the session of May .18 for a study session in which areas
D and F would be discussed. She stated there would be another public
hearing on this item.
Commissioner Schaefer reviewed the discussion of the April 20, Regular
Adjourned Meeting concerning the 1974 General Plan, Areas A, C, B, and
part of J, indicating that no vote was taken and further indicating
that a vote will be taken following discussion of .a'i.'.i·. of the areas.
At the meeting of May 4 Areas B, G, H and I will be discussed. Further
discussion of the 1974'G-eneral Plan was delayed until after 8:00 p.m.
2. GPA 82-1-B, Moreland School District, Consideration of changing
the General Plan ~esignation from Community Facilities-
Elementary School to Medium Density Residential on the
11.57 acre parcel designated in the Santa Clara County
Assessor's Book as APN 386-10-60, and known as Brook-
view School
Staff reviewed the proposal indicating that the school district
wishes to have the Community-FaCility School Site designation
amended to allow for Medium Density Residential development. The
Area D representative expressed that it is the consensus that the
area should be zoned R-l-20,000.
Staff noted several letters were submitted in opposition to the
request, indicating their desire to keep the school site open as
much as possible to provide recreational opportunities and private
Commission 4/2 2
Commissioner Schaefer called attention to several qdestions posed
by the residents. ~
Commissioner Schaefer recommended that since E1 Quito is owned
by Moreland School District, this proposal be discussed in con-
junction with the Moreland School.
3. GPA 82-1-C, Moreland School District, Consideration of changing
the General Plan designation from Community Facilities-
Elementary School to Planned Development-Residential
Parcel designated in the Santa Clara County Assessor's
Book as APN 386-14-4, and known as E1 Quito Park School
at 18720 Bucknall Road,. Saratoga
Staff'outlined the E1 Quito Park Sclhool proposal. Staff noted
residents' opposition to the proposal indicating they wished a
lower ~ensity designation. Commissioner Schaefer called attention
to letters received indicating the desire for single-family designa-
tion because of traffic conditions.
The public hearing was opened at 7~42 p.m.
Bob Black, 12750 Paseo Presada, representing the Quito Park area~'..'~.
urged the Commission to deny th~ petition for PD zoning, since in
his opinion the proposed changes would make the area undesirable
and not in compliance with the area.
Kathy McGoldri'ck, Area representative to the CitizenS!.. Advisory
Committee to the General Pla~ reiterated the consensus of the E1
Quito Park Area in their opposition to the commercial or condominium
dwelling because of poor traffic conditions.
Terry Griswold, representative from the Quito Area, called lthe
atten'tion to a prior staff decision in the Teresi property, which.
was to have set the precedent for the area. This report showed
single-~to~y'-' zoning along Bucknail and the side of E1 Quito Park.
Griswola feels the present zoning proposals of staff are, therefore,
Margaret Russel, representative'member of the Citizens' Advisory
Committee from Area D, requested that no action be taken on the
school site issue until the General Plan is approved, since all
of the sites are addressed in the General Plan.
John Anderson, representing the Moreland School District, presented
a.history of the school district and its community committees. He
outlined the proposals of the several commissions all of which in-
dicated the desire that the Brookview and E1 Quito Schools be sold
in order to reduce the indebtedness of the community and to secure
future tax reductions. Anderson cited declining enrollment as the
primary reason for the proposed!school closings.
Mr. Asby, speaking on his own behalf and that of several neighbors
in the Saratoga Woods area, expressed the opinion that maintenance
in the desired fashion of a school site ~rimarily with open space
is not an expense to the Moreland School District.
Dan Guiter~ez, resident of the Quito area, reaffirmed the opposition
to the PD zoning.
'~Thi,s.. ma't~'e'~'~aS 'Co~i~ed to the', me~etin,g of May tSth in ,the' ~
1. Consideration of Amendments to the 1974 General Plan of the City
of SaratoEa: continued from April 14, .!982
In referring back to the General Plan, it was decided to review
all elements dealing with all areas including circulation, land use
and all other open space, Areas B, G, H, and I would be continued
at the May 4th meeting, and discussion of Areas D, E, F, L, and'K
-.2 -
" Plannino
Commission 4/28/8'~
would be continued at the meeting of May 18.
The public hearing was opened at 8:14 p.m.
Clarification of item #29 in the Quito area was requested from the
public. It was reconfirmed that a study session would take place
on May 4, together with a regular adjourned meeting, complete with
minutes and a possible vote on Areas B, G, H, and I, if deemed
necessary. The Moreland School sites would be topic for discussion
at the May 18th meeting, and the May 12th meeting would be a regular
4a. A-809 V. Bellomo, Request for Design Review Approval and a Variance
4b. V-570 to erect a sign which exceeds the maximum allowable area at
18~70 ProSpect Road; continued from March.24, 1982
Staff reviewed the proposal andSrecommended that the application
be denied.
The public hearing was opened at 8:20 p.m.
Through interchange with the applicants and the Commission, the
Commission recommended to the applicants the conditions of an
acceptable sign would include: maximum size of forty square feet,
.removal of the existing sigp., the height not exceeding 13'4",
and2tH~t .. the t~ sign be ,"a(~t ur~' t6n'e ~nd ?.inc.l~h'de '!.oh~.y "the ~n~me. F..a~d
addreSS ;.:of:.. the:. center. -' -=The ~' setback .:~ust b~ ".,as ..'pe.r.,'-~he :~.ordi.n..an:ce
Commissioner Schaefer proposed the possibility of changing the
name of the center for increased exposure.
5. SDR-1458, John Rankin, Request for Tentative Subdivision approval
for 4 lots on Glen Una Drive; continued from April 14, 1982
Staff noted the corrected maps were now in compliance with the
Commission's directions and the'parcel has been subdivided into 4
The public hearing was opened at 8=50 p.m.
John Rankin and the surveyor appeared on behalf of the proposal.
Commissioner Monia moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner
King seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Laden moved to approve SDR-1452 as per the Staff Report
dated 4-14-82 with the conditions a~ listed, and with the map "B-i"
dated 4-23-82.
Commissioner Monia added the condition that the line on the map
which appears to be a property line be removed.
Commissioner Solget added the ordinance trees that are affected by
grading be boxed.
A call for the motion was made. The motion passed unanimously.
6. SDR-1516, Imperial Savings, Request for Building Site Approval to
1 lot' (consolidation of 3 lots) to allow construction of
a bank on Saratoga-Los Gatos Road near Oak Place;
continued from April 14~ 1982
Staff reviewed letter received from applicant, confirmed Staff
findings with City Attorney indicating that site approval is
~' P].anning '6'
Commission 4/28/82
necessary and, therefore, the application is timely.
The public hearing'was opened at 9:00 p.m.
Mro Adams restated Imperial's position and indicated that Imperial
cogld proceed with development as long as #2 is eliminated and
tha~ #3, sections N'and 0 also be eliminated..
Angelo J. Scampini, Northern California Counsel for Imperial
Savings and directly in charge of processing this application, asked
that the obligation imposed on Imperial Savings to improve another's
property be eliminated. He advised the Commission that if such
elimination were not made, Imperial Savings would not undertake the
development and would spend their money in another community.
Mr. DiSalvo, representing Mr. Hacketa, the property owner, explained
Mr. Hackett's position in not wanting his lots consolidated, and
requested explanation from Staff about the need for consolidation.
Staff clarified that consolidation was not necessary, rather a
parcel map must be obtained to show the representation of the exist-
!ng lots.
Commissioner King moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner
Monia seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. The
public hearing was closed at 9:20 p.m.
.Discussion.followed_ahou~.the_qusstion .off. ownership of the alleys,
whether they are publicly or privately owned°
Commissioner Laden moved to approve SDR-1516 as per Staff .Report
for the CormmissiOn, dated 4-14-82,.with the elimination of the
following conditions: Section 2, D-4 and Section 2-0, with .all
other conditions to remain in effect. Commissioner Bolger seconded
the motion. Commissioner King moved to amend the motion to reinstate
condition 0. Commissioner Monia seconded the motion. The ~6ti~h to
'~m~nd"'carried with Commissioners Laden and Bolger dissenting. The
vote on the amended motion carried with Commissioner Bolger dissenting.'
.... bi~cusSion about'ownership of the alleys prevailed. The app.licant
reviewed his right to use the property. Staff reminded the Com-
mission %hat the map Which created these two alleys indicated not
true public ownership. Rather,:he pointed out, in 1906, these
alleys were offered for public dedication, pointing out further
that, to his knowledge, the alleys were never accepted by any
public body. :
The City Attorney expressed doubts about private ownership, and
suggested to the CommisSion that since the land has already been
offered for dedication,'if it becomes necessary, the City could
accept the dedication. Thus, if such a claim is made, the road
~Utd be made public since the dedication is irrevocable.
COmmissioner. Monia moved to reconsider the motion.. He stated he
was under the impression the only private area being dealt with
was the alleyway. Commissioner Laden seconded the motion and
it carried unanimously.
Staff indicated they were not certain exactly where the Cal-Trans
State of California ~ight-of-way is along the frontage. The
City Attorney recommended that the requirement of the paving be
conditioned upon a determination that that area is part of the
public right-of-way. ,
Commissioner Monia moved to approve SDR-1516 as per Staff Report,
eliminating Section 2, D-4 and requiring that 2-0 have a clear
description as to whether or not the property which the Staff
E'eport is requiring be approved shows that it is either offered
for dedication for a public road or that it is within a public
right-of-way. Commissioner King seconded the motion. The motion
carried with Commissioner Bolger dissenting and Commissioner
Zambetti abstaining since he was not in attendance at the public
-4 -
would be continued at the meeting of May 18.
The public hearing was opened at 8:14 p.m.
Clarification of item #29 in the Quito are was requested from the
public. It was reconfirmed that a study session would take place
and-that the sign be a ~eutral tone and include only the name and
address of the center. The setback must be as per the ordinance
which is 10 feet.
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Planning Commission
?a. A-817 M. Gera, Request for Variance and Design Review Approval
?b. V-574 to construct a two-story dwelling at 19120 Springbrook
Lane which exceeds the standard floorsarea ratio by 14.7%
(where 5% is the maximum.allowed) in the R-i-40,000 zoning
Staff reviewed the proposal noting the correction made in reviewing
the square footages. The Agenda states the square footages to be
14.7%, and the Staff Report indicates the square footage as 13.5%.
Staff noted the actual square footage is 23.3% over the standard
floor area ratio, Staff further stated they could not make the
findings to grant the variance for the structure, so they could
not recommend approval for the design review.
The public hearing was opened at 10:10.
Sophia Ostoya, the designer of the home, described the house design
and proposed uses of the rooms in the house. 'She explained that
she did not feel the home'was a two-story dwelling since it was not
visible as~suCh-.frOm the street.
George Gera, explained that the existing properties to either side
of the applicants' proposed home.was under the ridge restriction.
Commissioner King moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner
Monia seconded, the motion carrying unanimously. The public hearing
was closed at 10:19.
Discussion followed regarding why the two-story house next door
was allowed when the subdivision was conditioned 6n.'.single-story
dwellings. Further discussion followed regarding whether the
proposed house is a single-story or a two-story house.
It was the consensus of the Commission that the floor area ratio
is too large and that the applicant decrease the floor area ratio.
The City Attorney stated he felt the applicant should also be given
clear direction as to the one-story issue° He stated it might effect
their decision as to whether they wish to appeal or just revise the
plan and resubmit it to the Planning Commission,
The matter was continued to May .12, in order to review the:.final
map approval.
8. A-813, F. Charters-, Request for Design Review Approval to construct
a second .s~ory' addition-at".21011 Canyon Viewf Drive~ in ~he ....
· R..l~40 i O0D ZoningldiStriCt. ~:'.. f .!:..i'. '... 'L~ '. ':-. ..... n.~.' '~.':~ . ' ....,
Staff explained that the structure is compatible with the area and
does not impede anyone's view sine& there is ample.vegetation between
the parcels. Staff further explains the addition ms within the
standards of the Design Review Ordinance, thus recommends approval.
The public hearing was opened at 10:45.
Jim Morelan, lO0 W. Rincon, Campbell, the architect for the-ap-
plicant, requested approval.
Carl Munsey, 20971 Canyon View Drive, adjoing property owner, ex-
pressed concern for privacy because of the removal of some vegetation
between the properties.
Mr. Charters, the property owner, spoke in his own behalf explaining
that the removal of the vegetation was for maintenance and survival
Commissioner Laden moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner
Monia seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Laden moved to approve the Staff Report A-813 as
dated 4-28-82, with the addition of Staff approval for any needed
landscaping for privacy on the easterly side of the property as
per Exhibit B. If so determined, applicant must either add ad-
ditional landscaping or the Staff can determine that the present
landscaping will thrive. Commissioner Zambetti seconded the
motion. The motion carried with Commissioner Schaefer abstaining,
feeling she had incomplete information.
9. A-818, A. Berman, Request for D~sign Review Approval to construct
a one-story dwelling over 22' in height on Via Tesoro Court
(,Lot 2) in the R-l-40,000 .Zoning district :(To be continued)
No one 'appearing to speak, the matter was continued.
10. UP-517, W. Gilbert, Request for'.Use Permit Approval to construct a
gazebo at 20065 Glasgow. Drive over 6' in height in the
required rear yard in the R-l-12,500 zoning district
Staff explained that it was a use permit to construct a gazebo
over 6' in height which is allowed under use permit proceedings.
Staff recommended approval.
The p~blic hearing was opened at ll:05.
The applicant was not present. :'Commissioner Zambetti moved to
close .the public hearing. Commissioner Laden seconded the motion.
The motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Zambetti moved to approve the use permit 517 and
make the following findings: 1-3 approved per staff report dated
4-22-82, with Exhibits B and C. Commissioner King seconded the
motion. The motion carried unanimously.
" 'C~m~sioner S~h~efe~"~'~fe~ed to a request f6r reconSide~a¥i'6'n ......
of a previous item by Mary Boscow, 14611 Big Basin Way. The reason
for the request stemmed from the fact that some of the persons in
the condominiums had not been noticed since their names were not
listed in the assessor's book, =.No appeal had been filed by the
applicant° The item was not brought up for reconsiderationo
ll. Land Development Committee
The Commission discussed the Land Developm~ht..Committe~=o .'Commisbner King
moved to recommend to City Council that they r__einstat_.e the Land_...D.e-
velopment Committee with the suggestion that it' 'consist oT th~Oe
ime~bers, two C~mm~ss~oners an~ one staff person, and'that Items 1,
~3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Staff Report be handled by the Land Develo_pme_n.t \
~Co"'~ittee, wit~'Yh'F'P~anning 'Eommission remaining the advisory agency~
!for all Tentative Subdivision Maps.
Commissioner Monia moved to amend the motion to sZpecify who would
be serving on the Land Development Committee. Commissioner Zambetti
seconded the motion. The motion as amended carried with Commissioners
King and Bolger dissenting.
Commissioners Laden, King and Zambetti volunteered to serve on the
Land Development Committee on a rotating basis.
1. City Council Report
The City Attorney reported that Codncil gave its second reading
on the NHR Ordinance and it becomes law in thirty days..
- 6-
In answer to Commissioner Moniai's question, Staff stated the
subject of the Design Review Ordinance will be discussed on the
A discussion followed ~egarding~the procedure of the General
Plan review.
Commissioner King moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner
Bolger seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at ll:50 p.m. to a regular adjourned
Respectfully submitted,
~ ert S. Shook
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