HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-26-1982 Planning Commission Minutes CITY OF SARATOGA PLANNING COM~ISSION
DATE: Wednesday, May 26, 1982 - 7:30. p.m.
PLACE: City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga, CA
TYPE: Regular Meeting
Roll Call
Present: Commissioners Bolger, Crowther, King, Laden, Monia, Schaefer
and Zambetti
Absent: None
Commissioner King moved, seconded by Commissioner Zambetti, to waive the
reading of the minutes of May 4, 1982 and approve as distributed. The motion
was carried, with Commissioners Laden and Crowther abstaining, since they were
not present at the meeting.
The following changes were made to the minutes of May 12, 1982: On page 2,
the first sentence should read "State Act" and on page 6, the date in the
third line should be May 26, 1982. Commissioner King moved, seconded by
Commissioner Laden, to waive the reading of the 'minutes of May 12, 1982 and
approve as amended.. The motion was carried, wi'th Commissioner Zambetti
abstaining since he was not pres'ent at. the meeting.
la. GPA 82-1-B Moreland School 'Distr'.ict, Brookview 'and E1 Quito School
lb. GPA 82-1-C Sites, amend the General Plan Designation from Communit'y
Facility-School Site to Medium Density Residential and P-D
(Planned Development) Residential respectively; continued
from May 18, 1982
Staff gave the history of the applications. They noted that the Planned
Development was no longer be'ing considered as part of the E1 Quito site.
It was explained' that part of the purpose of the hearing at this t'ime is
to get input from the citizens in 'the area as to wh~t they feel is the
appropriate use for the school sit~es, considering the fact that the Zon-
ing Ordinance may be amended to allow .different uses. It was noted that
the sites have a General Plan des'i'gnation of Community Facility-School
Sites, and the zoning allows the 'implementation of school uses because
they are conditional use's in the R'-I-10,0O0 district; therefore, it is
not inconsistent with 'the Genera]..Plan.
The environmental analysis procedure and State guidelines were discussed.
Commissioner Crowther expressed th'e opinion that he felt an Environmental
Impact Report should be prepared on the project, specifically in view of
the large public interes't.' It was~ noted that an initial study is on
file for Commission review.
The public hearing was opened at 7'.:50 p.m.
Terry Griswold, 12618 Paseo' Cerro,. inquired about the sale of the sites
and reiterated Quito's position'j'th'at, if the property is going to be
sold, they want single 'family homes there.
Mr. Reasoner reiterated the School 'District's position. He clarified
that the State does discourage 'dis.tricts from holding onto sites that
are not being used for school purposes by' placing increased penalties.
He noted that the district has acc.epted a bid for lease for a one-year
period of time with 'the' 'One World Montessori School.
Commissioner Crowther stated that he' believes that the Open Space Ele-
ment of the'General Plan catalogs 'the 'schOol sites as open space, and
he asked Staff to research 'this 'issue. Staff explained that school sites
are not designated as open space; .they are part of the' Open Space Element
because they are a resource. They added that the General Plan is not
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~Meeting Minutes 5/26/82
GPA 82-1-B and 82-1-C (cont.)
inconsistent with the 'zoning because· school sites are conditional uses
and the concurrent uses with school. sites are conditional uses and are
allowed in those districts. Commissioner Crowther· disa'greed, and asked
the Deputy City Attorney to review ·the Open Space ·Element and the map
and designations. The· Deputy City 'Attorney· clarified that the school
sites are listed as resources.
CommiSsioner Schaefer explained tha. t she had discussed with Mr. Reasoner
the fact that perhaps the three-month period granted by any public
agency selling land could be extended to six months·, in order to allow a
community group to come forth ·if they are interested in buying it for
25% of its fair market· value. She· ~also ·sugges·t·ed that the amount of land
or fees' that would be required when' development occurs could be increased.
Bob Michaels and Randy Snyder, of the Executive Board of the Saratoga
Parkwood Homeowners Association, expressed their previous recommendation
to support the current zoning of Co.mmunity Facilities-School Site.
Jack Coverstrei't~, a resident of the Moreland School ·District, noted that
the "%)i~'t'~i~'t p'aid for'-".~.~TM ~o'ok~i~" site, not-= ~h~-F~it~, ..~nd'~ h~' ~.~r~ge.d th"~.--
CommisSion to consider the best usaige for the site ·for the City now and
in the future, stating that the· district is in financial trouble and
needs money to make improvements· on other schools .·
Susan Zimmer, a resident of the Sch.ool District, indicated that the larger
issue is the education of the children, and the· district needs money at
th i s time.
Mike Evans, a resident of the Schoo:l District, agreed, stating that he
did not wish to be burdened with carrying an empty site that is no longer
used as an educational facility.
Commissioner Monia moved· to close the public hearing. Commissioner
Laden seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously.
Commissioner Bolger agreed that there needs to be an Environmental
Impact Report. He sta·ted that he feels there would be a great deal of
traffic added to the neighborhood i'f R-l-10,000 zoning was recommended,
and he also would like to know how much traffic would be generated if
it were designated R-i-20,000. The~ traffic increase· wa·s discussed.
CommiSsioner Monia moved to deny GP·A 82-1-B, stating that he feels that
the area should be consistent wi.th the General Plan, wh·ich has an open
space school use designation, and t~e neighbors have expressed their wish
to keep it in its present use. Commissioner Bolger seconded the motion.
Staff discussed the underlying zoning and the General Plan designation.
Commissioner Laden suggested taking this school site and putting it into
the General Plan discussion, which would include needed open space. The
· policies of the General Plan Committee· were discussed.
The vote was taken on the motion to deny GPA 82-1·-B. It failed, with
Commissioners Zambetti, Laden, Scha'efer and King dissenting. Commissioner
Laden moved that this item be joined with the General Plan Review and'
assessed along with it. The motion. failed for lack of a second.
Commissioner King commented that he felt that the Commission was being
unrealistic, since the City was doing nothing to allow people to come
into the community wi·th young famil~ies that are going to utilize these
schools. He moved to approve GPA 8'2-1-B and C, per the Staff Report.
Commissioner Zambett·i seconded· the 'motion. It was pointed out that the
applications should be considered'in separate motions.' Commissioner King
withdrew his motion and moved to rec'ommend approval'.'of GP~ 82~1~B-, '~°~..--i..Aj!=~'-.'
per the Staff Report dated January '.7, 1982. Commissioner Zambetti
seconded the motion.
The motion was discussed. The vote ·was taken, and the motion was carried,
with Commissioners Bolger, Crowther= and Monia dissenting. Commissioner
~chaefer moved that the Commission request that there be an attachment in
writing on this property that, at th~ time of the subdivision map, the
City will be·· requesting 1~ to 2 acres of land for dedication. Commissioner
~ing seconded the moti·on, which was carried, wi'th ·Commissioners Bolger,
Crowther and Monia dissenting.
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~Meeting Minutes 5/26/82
GPA 82-1.-B and GP,A 82-1-C (cent.)
f~R~'i~[r~{%[i . . ."~'P'i""'~2-1-C (El Quite SchOol Site),
~iscussion followed on the portion'of land to be purchased by the City
to add onto the park that is now under' lease. Mr. Reasoner stated that
the District will make the' det'erminati'on of the amount of land to be
offered, and the land is nowbeingrsurVeyed. A"p0'Ss'ib'l'e .donation of
land to the City by the District was discussed. Commissioner Monia
commented that the City does"give 'up tremendous open space resource, and
he feels some consider'ation'should be 'given to the fact that the communi-
ty has supported the District for ~any years.
Staff .i{6:t~=d'z'!~Eat the Commission is'only dealing with the area that is
developed in school buildings at this time. The Deputy City Attorney
clarified that the drawing on the Original application is before the
Commission, and if approved, that ,'ill'be't'he"boUndary'O~'th'e'Gen~ral Plan.
FIe added that if the survey being done by the District is different,
this action will be controlling.
Commissioner Crowther Stated that he believes this site also needs an
EIR, and he moved to deny GPA 82-1-C and retain it as a'school site.
The motion failed for lack of a second.
Commissioner Zambetti moved to recommend to the City Council approval
of GPA 82-1-C, per Item 3 in the' Staff Report dated January 7, 1982
and Exhibit "D". Commissioner ~onla seconded the' motion, which was
carried, with Commissioner Crowther dissenting.
2. Consideration of Amendments to the 1974 General Plan of the City of.
Saratoga; continued from May 18, 1982
Staff commented that at the previous meeting there had been concern
expressed about the density issue in .Area I. They noted that this
issue had been advertised; however,: none of the people from the original
area meeting were notified, nor were the area representatives. Letters
received were referenced, specifically one from Mr. Moohey, asking if the
COmmission would entertain the 'notion of allowing mini storage on the
Carreira property.
The public hearing was opened at 8:55 p.m.
Gerald Moohey and Mr. Francis appea. red to address the mini storage
project, giving a presentation on t.he possible project. It was deter-
mined that the Commission will review and consider all of the C-V areas
in a study session at a future date., at which time this project could
be considered.
Commissioner Zambetti expressed con:cern about the density in the Area I
and the amount of conforming secondary living structures on the lots
that are R-i-40,000. He requested'Staff to determine exactly where the
zoning lines are between the two densities, and what areas specifically
:it..i'~ affecting. It wa's also determined that Areas A, C and J will be
considered at the next meeting and decisions made. It was directed that
this matter.be continued to the 'Adjpurned Regular Meeting on June 1, 1982
at'4:30 p.m.
3. GF-334 - Consideration of an Amendment to the Saratoga Zoning Ordinance
authorizing ~anufactured.HOmes in all Residential Districts
within the City of Saratoga, an Ordinance required under SB-1960
The Deputy City Attorney reported that the City Council had an informal
public hearing on this matter and referred it back to the Commission for
any further consideration. He stated that there is no legislation pend-
ing which would affect SB 1960; there is some legisl'ation concerning
mobilehOme parks. He outlined' the various options available at this time.
The question of doing a needs analysis in the 'Housing Element before
adopting this ordinance was discussed. The Deputy City Attorney explained
that the statute states that 'youl carlnot discriminate against manufactured
housing~q' ~z.t does' not qualify that prohibition by '~'eq:~i~ing"'a finding of
need first'; it presumes the need. He added' that the 'language concerning
compatibility applies' to' designation' of lots, not 'districts. He discussed
the statute, stating that it does not give any guidance on compatibility;
it is left up to the 'cities to determine their own needs and make their
own judgments. It was clarified that it would be possible to establish
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'=l..Meeting Minutes 5/26/82
GF-334 (cont.)
a Special district for mobilehomes that woZuld be the equivalent of
mobileh'ome parks'.
The public hearing wa's 'opened at '9:30 p.m.
Carol Machol, Ronnie Way, express'ed her opinion that this ordinance
should not be considered ahead of the 'General Plan, and there should
be input from the area.representatives. She reference~ an. article on
mobilehomes, ~o~Hg '~th'~t" ov'er' '6n~-.H.~l~f 'of" 'th"~m'.are i~Ut Qn pri'~ate'
lots and that ~here 'are 'safety hazards associated with them. She noted.
that SB 1960 must be read wi'th'in the 'context of the new 'Housing Element
Law AB 2853, and that the 'City h~s'indicate'd that 'ther'e is no need for
more affordable housing.
Commissioner King moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Laden.
seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously.
Discussion followed on the need and on the~fact that the City does not
· .'=H'~Ve an established H0'.using Element. The Deputy City Attorney indicated
that an option to the Commission would be ·to susp'end the matter and take
it into consideration with 'review ·6f the Housin·g Element, since there is
no .particular time limit. It ·wa·s ~ointe·d out that the City Council has
~teadfastly refused to take ··up the· Housing Element as part of the General
Plan. Commissioner Schaefer· indicated' that Mayor Callon had informed her
that the consensus of the Council is that they want the Commission to
..consider the HOusing Element as part of the General Plan.
Commissioner Crowther moved to recommend to the City Council that no
further action be taken on this ordinance at this time; that it be tabled
and be considered as part of the General Plan Review,' along with the
Housing Element. Commissioner Monia seconded t~·e motion, with the
specific request that th~ Housing Element be sent forward to the Planning
Commission. The vote was taken on the 'motion, which was carried, with
Commissioners Zambetti and King dissenting. Commissioner Zambetti
explained that he was confused wi·th the process,' since the resolution
on this ordinance was sent to the Council and they have not acted on it
and have sent it back. He added that he feels that a lot of time and
paperwork has been generated for the City and nothing has been done.
Commissioner King agreed, stating that he feels that the Commission has
been used and manipulated in this matter'.
4a. A-809 - V. Bellomo, Request for Design Review Approval and a Variance
4b. V-570 - to erect a sign which exceeds the maximum allowable area at
18570 Prospect Road; continued from April 28, 1982
It was directed that this item be ·~ontinued to the· June 23, 1982 meeting,
at the applicant ' s request.
5. A-818 - A. Berman, Request for Desi·gn Review Approval to construct a
one-story dwelling over 22' in height on Via Tesoro Court (lot
2) in th·e R-l-·40,000 zoning district; continued from April 28th
It was directed that this item be ·continue~ to the 'August 25, 1982 meet-
ing, at the applicant ' s request.
6. A-810 - Parnas Corp., Request for Design Review Approval to construct a
two-story single family residence on a hillside lot on Vintage
Lane; continued from May 12, 1982
Staff described the proposal. The' let·ter from the City Geologist on this
application wa·s noted. Commissioner Crowther expressed concern regarding
the 20 ft. setback from the fault line, stating that he thinks it requires
50 feet.
The public hearing was opened at 10:18 p.m.
Patrick Sullivan, representing the"applicant, stated that the City Geolo-
gist has agreed with the 'geology report.' Mike Kern, from Terratech,
discussed the fault line.
Commissioner' Laden moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner
Zambetti seconded the motion, wh·ich ·was carried unanimously.
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Plan~ning Commiss ion ~' Page 5
..Meeting Minutes 5/26/8
A- 810 (cont.)
Commissioner Laden moved to approve A-810, per the Staff Report and
Exhibits i'B" and "C" and the 'let'ter' from the City Geologist dated
May 25, 1982. Commissi'oner King seconded the 'mot'i'on.
The geology on the site was discusse'd, specifically the fault line and
the fact that the homeown'ers should be made aware of it. The Deputy
City Attorney suggested that this could be put in an agreement which
could reference the' 'geology report in the 'City file. Commissioner
Crowther commented that he 'would like' 'it legally recorded and moved to
· amend the motion to include a condition of. dedication of an open space
fault line easement 20 "feet' 'on ea'ch' 'side of the 'fault line. Commissioner
Zambetti seconded the 'amendment.'
Bill Heiss, the engineer, explained that the map is already recorded on
this project. He stated that he could make the map as an exhibit attached
to the easement. Commissioner King commented that he would be voting no
on the amendment', since he feels that the City Attorney was suggesting a
more favorable approach. The vote on the amendment to the motion was
taken, which carried, with Commissioner King dissenting. The vote on the
motion to approve A-810, as amended, wa's taken. The' motion was carried,
with Commissioner Crowther dissenting.
7. A-823 - Parnas Corporation, RequeSt for Design Review Approval to con-
struct a two-story si. ngle family dwelling on Lot 24, Congress
Hall Court, in the HC-RD Zoning District; continued .from May 12th
The proposal was described by Staff. The public hearing was opened at
10:25 p.m. Since no one appeared, Commissioner Zambet'ti moved to close
the public hearing. Commissioner King seconded the motion, which was
carried unanimously.
Commissioner King moved to approve'A-823, per the Staff Report, Exhibits
"B" and "C" and the City Geologist "s .letter dated May 18 1982 Commis-
sioner Zambetti seconded the motion, whi'ch was carried, with Commissioner
Crowther dissenting.
8a. A-817 -'M. Gera, Request for Variance and Desi'gn Review Approval to con-
8b. V-574 - struct a two-story dwelling at '19120 Springbrook Lane, which
exceeds the standa'rd floor.area ratio by 23.3'%; cont. from May 12th
Staff explained that there had been a split vote on thi.s matter at the
previous meeting. The public hearing was opened at 10:30 p.m. Since no
one appeared, Commissioner' Zambetti moved to close the public hearing.
Commissioner Monia seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously.
Commissioner Zambetti moved to approve V-574, making the findings, and
stating that other variances have be.en granted in very similar situa-
tions. Commissioner' Monia seconded the' motion. Commissioner Zambetti
further discussed the findings. Commissi'oner' Monia stated that he was
changing his previous vote, since he' fee'Is that the structure is not in
view of any property owners. The' Vote 'was taken, which was carried, with
Commissioners King' and Laden dissenting.
Commissioner Zambetti moved to approve A-81.7, per Exhibit "B". Commis-
sioner Laden seconded the' motion, which was carried unanimously.
9a. A-820 - David Ritter, RequeSt for Design Review and Variance Approval to
9b. V-575 - construct a two-story single-family dwelling on a hillside lot
which maintains an 11' setback where 25' is required and exceeds
the maximum allowed height of 30" (33') on Bel'nap Drive
Staff gave the history of the application, stating that the're had been
a split vote at the previous meeting. The letter from the City Geologist
was noted. Staff reported th'at the structure has bee'n reduced and no
longer needs a variance for the height; however, it does' need a variance
for the setback and the powe'r pole'.
The public hearing was opened at 10:35 p.m.
Mr. Ritter appeared, stating that the structure has been lowered approxi-
mately 2½ ft.
Commissioner Monia moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Laden
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Planning Commission "' Page 6
· ~Mee'{'ing Minutes 5/2.6/
A- 820 and V- 575 (cont .')
seconded the motion, which 'was car~.ied unanimously.
The geology on the' 'site' 'was discussed'. The applicant clarified that the
fault line is rec'orded' on the' Open ~Space 'Agreement whi'ch 'was granted at
the Building Site 'ApproVal stage.
Commissioner' Laden' moved to 'approve V-.575, per the Staff Report and
Exhibits "B" .and "C-I", making the' !'findings. Commissioner King seconded
the motion, which was ca'rried unanimously.
Commissioner Laden moved to 'approve A-820,. per the Staff Report, Exhibits
"B" and "C-i" and the City GeOlogist's letter' dated' May 6 1982 Com-
missioner King seconded the' moti'on, which 'was 'carried, wi'th Commissioner
Schaefer dissenting.
10. A-821 Ralph Soden, Request for Design Review Approval to construct a
two-story single family dwelling on Lot 18, Tract 6.526 (Parker
Ranch) in the HC-RD Zoning .District; continued 'from May .12, 1982
It was noted that this applic~.t.ion'~had-'~'~ bee'~ a...sp. lit- V6te at the .preVi-
ous meeting. The public hearing was opened' at 10:'50 p.m. Since no one
appeared, Commissioner King moved to close the public hearing. Commis-
sioner Monia seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously.
Commissioner King moved to approve "A-821 per the 'Staff Report and Exhibits
"B" and "C". Commissioner' Zambetti seconded the motion, which was carried,
with Commissioners Monia, Bolger and Crowther dissenting.
lla. Negative Declaration- SDR-1504 '- D'. Ebrahimoun
llb. SDR-1504 - D. Ebrahimoun, Request Tentative Subdivision Approval, 15170 E1 Camino Grande (& corner of E1 Camino Sende), 2 lots
The project was described by Staff, and the letter from the City Geologist
was noted. The public hea'ring was .opened at 10:55 p.m.
The project engineer described the'site and the project. Condition II-N,
involving street' improvements, was discussed, along with the Deferred
Improvement Agreement. It wa's det'ermined that Condition II-'N should be
deleted. The removal of the' trees ','on the 'site was discussed. Commissioner
Crowther questioned the lot split, stating that he felt it was inconsis-
tent with the HCRD Ordinance.
Commissioner Laden moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Monia
seconded the motion, which was 'carried unanimously. Commissioner Laden
moved to approve the Negative Declaration for SDR-1504. Commissioner
King seconded the motion, whi'ch wa's carried, with 'Commissioners Bolger,
C.~owther and Zambetti diss'enting.
C~mmissioner King moved to approve ,SDR-1504, per. the Staff Report as
atomended, and the City Geologist's letter' dated May 25, 1982. Commis-
sioner Laden seconded the motion, which was 'carried, wi. th CommisSioners
Zambetti, Bolger and Crowther dissenting.
(Commissioner Monia left the meeting at 11:10 p.m.)
12a. Negative. Declaration - V- 577 '- 'Longmeado'w Developmen.t
12b. SDR-1520 Longmeadow Development,' Request for Tentative Subdivision
12c.V-577 - Approval for 14270 Douglass Lane (& corner of Durham Ct.),
3 lots, and Variance Approv'al to retain the existing guest
cottage and wa'sh 'room, pool, garage 'and shop building which
would have n'on'confo'rming 'fr'o'n't'," s'i'de' 'and' 'rear 'setbacks
It was directed that these items be continued to June 23, 1982 at the
request of the applicant.
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~-=~Meet'ing Minutes - 5/2.6/
13. V-541 - J. Brozda, One'Year Review,of a Variance granted from parking
requirements for a restaurant/retail sales operation in the C-C
District at l~503"Big' Ba's'in Way; co'ntinued 'from May 12, 1982
This item was continued to the 'Jun~"23,' 1982 meeting, at 'the request of
the applicant's 'attorney.
14. V-576 - W. Jerves, Req'uest for' Variance'Approval to construct an addition
which would maintain a 28"rear yard setback 'wHere 35' is required
in 'the R-i'-10,'00.'0 'zOn'ing d'i'st=r'i'ct"'at '20'0'99'=SeagUll Wa'y
Staff reviewed the propos'al and recommended denial, st'ati'ng that they
could not m~ke the findings. Th'e public hearing w~s opened at 11:10 p.m.
Mr. Jerves, the applicant, spoke oH behalf of the proposal. He noted the
letter he had written, listing the~reasons for the addition.
Mrs. Jerves addressed the proposal and described the design of the addi-
tion. She read a letter from the ~eighbors,' in favor of the proposal.
Commissioner Zambetti moved to close the 'public hearing. Commissioner
Laden seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously.
Commissioner Crowther moved to approve V-576, making the necessary find-
ings. He discussed the findings, stating that the felt the addition was
needed and that similar variances have been granted in the neighborhood.
Commissioner Bolger seconded the motion.
CommiSsioner King stated that he would be 'abstaining because he cannot
make the findings. The vote was taken on the motion, which was carried,
with Commissioner King abstaining..
15. A-824 - Martin Oudewaal, Request for Design Review Approval to construct
a 36-room and 4-suite hotel at'14519 Big Basin Way (Saratoga Inn)
It was noted that a condition should be added to the Staff Report, to
~ead: "Record an agreement between the applicant and the Kochers, for
t.ransfer of the square 'footage 'allocated for the Parking Assessment District
and the change in the respective sH~re of the assessment to be paid by
each party. Agreement to be prepared by applicant's attorney and reviewed
and approved by City Attorney and Bond Counsel." It was also noted that
the Staff Report should be changed .to read a 36-room and 4-suite hotel.
The public hearing was 'opened at 1~:26 p.m.
Warren He~... the architect, gave a 'presentation on the 'projeCt. The
garbage°~ea ~as'd'i's'cus'sed., and it 'was determined that a condition should
be added to cover Staff design review of that area. Mr. Heid asked for
removal of Condition No. 6 regarding parking. This condition was dis-
cussed, and Commissioner Laden moved to remove Condition No. 6 and replace
it ~ith a condition stating "Appropriate signage shall be placed to
direct guests to use the non-assessment district parking, as opposed to
using public spaces." Commissione~ Zambetti seconded the motion, which
was carried, with Commissioner Kin~ dissenting. It was also determined
that a condition should be added. to' require that the foundations, soils
and ge61ogy shall be reviewed and approved by the City Geologist. Con-
dition No. 4 was modified to read ". Any mechanical equipment to be placed
on the roof or exterior of the buil=ding must not exceed 2~ feet and be
properly screened."
Commissioner Laden moved to approve~·A-824, per the Staff Report, as
amended. Commissioner Zambetti sec'onded the'motion, which w~s carried
(Commissioner Schaefer left the meeting. at·ll:48 p.m.)
16. John Markulin, Montalvo Road, Reque~st for Lot Li·ne Adjustment
Staff described the request for a lot line 'adjustment. Commissioner
Zambetti moved to approve the request. Commissioner Laden seconded the
motion, which was carried unanimously.
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~ "~ee'ting Minutes 5/2.6/82
17. Review of Revisions to Grading for Ithe Parnas 'SubdivisiOn
Staff explained the 'request, st'atinZg that they were 'recommending
approval of the modification of' the' 'Grading Plan. Commissioner
Zambet'ti gave an on'-site 'visit.'.
Commissioner' Crowther indicated that he 'felt 'the neighbors should be
advised of this modification and given an opportunity to comment. He
moved to continue the 'item, in order' to give 'notice to the neighbors.
'The motion failed' for lack of a second.
Bill Heiss, engineer, explain6'd the grading mod'ification. He noted
that Mr. Boisse'ranc has been fol'lo~ing the proj'ect' 'very closely. Staff
c'omment'ed that it could be a con'dit'ion' of approval that the applicant
review these plans with the neighbors prior to commencing work, and if
.they have objection the applicant could bring the plans back.to the Com-
Commissioner Crowther moved to approve the modification to the Grading
Plan, conditioned upon review 'and ~pproval by Mr. Boisseranc and the
two homes which view the site from Tollgate. Commissioner Zambetti
seconded the motion.
Commissioner Laden stated that she .had a problem wi'th 'the motion, feeling
that no definitive process is be'ing given to the applicant. Discussion
followed, and it was determined that the approval can be verbal. The
vote was taken on the motion to approve the modification, as conditioned.
The motion was carried, wi'th Commissioner Laden dissenting.
1. Letter from Richard Kier re SDR-1514.. It was directed that this
matter be continued to the Adjourned Regular Meeting on June '1, 1982 at 4:30
2. Lette'r from Mr. Gary' Hansen, asking for minor modification to
his home on which he had Design Review Approval be'fore adoption of the exist-
ing ordinance. Staff reported that the modification increases the square
footage and would need a variance under the ordinance. Mr. Hansen described
his proposal, and after discussion, Commissioner Zambetti moved to allow the
addition under the old ordinance. Commissioner Bolger seconded the motion,
which was carried' unanimously.
1. Vice-Chairman King thanked the Good Government Group for attend-'
ing and serving coffee.
Commissioner Zambetti moved, seconded by Commissioner Bolger, to adjourn the
meeting to an Adjourned Regular Meeting on June' 1, 1982. The motion was
carried unanimously, and the meeting was 'adjourned at '12:24 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,