HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-09-1982 Planning Commission Minutes · " CITY OF SARATOGA PLANNING COMMISSION
DATE: Wednesday, June 9, 1982 - 7:30 p.m.
PLACE: City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga, CA
TYPE: Regular Meeting '.
Roll Call
Present: Commissioners Bolger, Laden, M.onia, Schaefer and Zambetti (Commis-
sioner Zambetti arrived at 7:3.8 p.m.)
Absent: Commissioners Crowther and King
The following change was made to the minutes of May 26, 1982: On page 3, add
to the first part of the first sentence: "Relative to GPA 82-1-C, E1 Quito
Par'k School". Commissioner Laden moved, seconded by Commissioner Monia, to
waive the reading of the minutes of May 26, 1982 and approve as amended. The
motion was carried unanimously. The followi'ng changes' were made to the minutes
of May 18, 1982: The first sentence 'sho'uld read: "Commissioner Schaefer dis-
cussed a previous meeting with Glen McNicholas, Bob Reasoner, Art Lund (Chair-
man of the School Board of the Morel'and School District), Sally Carlson and
herself, to come up with options for consideration on how the Brookview and
E1 Quito School sites should be used." Add before last sentence of the first
paragraph: "It was decided by the' 'representatives' from the Moreland School
District that it would be too difficult at this time to accomplish." On page
2, paragraph 5, it should state that ReaSoner reclarified his position .......
Commissioner Laden moved, seconded by Commissioner Bolger, to waive the reading
of the minutes of May 18, 1982 and approve 'as 'amended. The motion was carried,
With Commissioner B~onia abstaining since he was not present 'at the meeting.
1. John Pursley, 13889 Upper Hill Court, Site modification to allow the con-
struction of a swimming pool on a site of over 10% slope
Commissioner Monia moved, seconded by Commissioner Laden, to approve the
above item on the Consent Calendar. The motion was carried unanimously.
2. GF-338 - City of Saratoga, Consideration of Amendment of Sections 2.3(a),
3.3 (a) , S. 3 (a) and 6.3 (a) by replacing the language contained in
Section 3-B.4 Conditional Uses of the recently adopted NHR
Ordinance (NS-3.49). This c:hange 'would allow 'private schools,
whether the'y' are profit maki'ng or not, to operate in A, R-l, R-M
and 'P-A Di'stric't's up'on' rec'eijpt' of 'a Use 'Perre'it"
Staff explained that the Commission' had requested them to come back with a
revised Zoning Ordinance that would allow .profit making private schools to
.operate in vacant or surplus school s'ites, and, on' review 'of the Zoning
Ordinance, it was deter'mined that not' only the R-1 district, but also the
P-A, R-M and A all have similar language in terms of conditional uses.
Therefore, Staff decided to amend all of those othe'r sections to maintain
consistency within the Zoning Ordinance. They added' that they also realized
that the language of the' recently adopted' NHR Ordinance had the language
the Commission desi'red, and therefore they have 'recommended that the language
from that ordinance section be' 'used' for all of the other residential and P-A
Discussion followed on the changes that wo'uld result from the adoption of
the NHR language. The 'Deputy City Attorney' indica'ted that the intent of
the NHR Ordinance was to simplify the language and express community facili-
ties in generalized terms. He added that if it is the Commission's desire
to specifically exclude certain types of uses, that should be articulated
in the .ordinance itself.
The public hearing was opened at 7:45 p.m. No one appeared to address the
Commiss ion.
Planning Commission Page 2
~eetin~ Minutes 6/9/82
GF-338 (cont.)
Discussion ensued on the NHR Ordinance and its applicability to other
zoning.districts. Commissioner Laden commented that it may be difficult
to have an ordinance that is uniform for ~11 zoning districts. Commis-
sioner Monia agreed and suggested continuing the matter in order to study
the ramifications of having NHR conditional uses in the R-1 district.
Staff suggested that if the only issue at thi's time is to amend the regu-
lations of the R-1 district, thi's co~uld be accomplished by removing the
word "non-profit" from the language..
Commissioner Monia moved to recommen=d Res'olut-ion GF-338, amending the
Zoning Ordinance, to the City Council, with the removal of "non-profit"
from the language of Sections '2.3(a)., 3.3(a) and 5.3(a). Commissioner
Laden seconded the motion, which was. carried unanimously. The Deputy
City Attorney indicated that he would prep'are the revisions to the ordi-
nance for transmittal to the City Council.
5... A-826 - G. Sinsley, Request for Design ReView 'Approval to construct a two-
story dwelling on a hillside"lot zoned NHR, Parker Ranch (Parker
Ranch Road an'd. Burne'tt Dri've)
The proposal was described by Staff. They indicated that they did not
feel that the project meets the criteria of the Design Review Ordinance
relative to the appearance of bulk and the amount of grading involved,
and further that it is not in compli'ance with the 'Parker Ranch EIR relative
to home placement and building design. They added that they were recom-
mending denial; howe'vet, if the Commission wishes to approve the applica-
tion, they would suggest that 'there be 'a condition that 'there be substantial
landscaping. Discussion followed on the hei'ght, and it was clarified that
the height of the house 'measured to the natural grade is 30 feet.
The public hearing was opened at 7:55 p.m.
Grover Sinsley, the applicant, spoke to the proposal. He submitted an
alternate drawing showing the reViseld drivewa·y.
Commissioner Laden moved to close' the public hearing. Commissioner Bolger
seconded the moti·on, which was carried unanimously.
Commissioner Monia moved to approve A-826, making the necessary findings,
with the condition that a landscaping plan be submitted for review and
approval by the Commission, and wi·th· Condition No. 2 of the Staff Report
regarding conformance wi·th the 'Fire 'Code. Commissioner Laden seconded the
motion. It was noted that this appr!oval also' constitutes 'approval for
modification to the Site Development. Plan, per· Exhibit "B-2" The motion
was carried unanimously.
4. Consideration of Amendments to the '1974 General Plan of the City of Sara-
toga; continued from June 1, 1'9'8'2
Staff gave the status of the General, Plan ReView.. They' noted that the
next item to be considered would be the Goals and Policies, and it was
determined that there should be ·a st·udy session on June 15, 1982. Dis-
cussion followed on Area J, and Staff indicated that no action had been
taken on the specific proposals in that area, nor on the density issue
regarding Area I. It was noted that Staff had been asked to come back
with an overlay format for the· Area J.
The Director of Planning and Policy address·e·d the Commission regarding
the issue of the overlay. He report'ed that the Heritage CommiSsion dis-
cussed the possibility of looking at the Village as one of the historical
districts and they talked about the possibility of combining that action
with the overlay. He indicated thatl Staff can begin looking at the various
uses and/or performance standards and the district boundaries, and pre-
sent this to the Commission. It wasZ det·ermined that the first study
session in July would be an appropriate time to consider this.
The public hearing was opened' at 8:20 p.m.
'Russell Perry, attorney .representing four commercial property owners on
Big Basin Way, referenced the two· letter·s he had submitted advocating that
the present zoning of C-V be retained.
Pl'ann~ng Commission Page 3
Meeting Minutes 6/9/82 "~
General Plan (cont.)
The density issue for Area I was discussed. It was directed that the
General Plan Review be continued to a study session on June 15, 1982 to
consider the Goals 'and Poli.cies', and to the 'regular meeting on June 23,
1982, at which time a vote will be taken' on the density issue for Area I
and the proposals for Area J.
5. A-828 - D. Matlock, Reques't'for Desi'gn ReView Approval to construct a
two'-story structure 'on a hillside lot zoned NHR, .Parker Ranch
(Parcel B, TraCt 65'26')
Staff gave a report on the proposal. It was noted that the grading would
have to be approved by the Commission. They explained that'the applicant
has chosen to relocate the site 'and, ther'efore, approval for a site modi=
fication is required. Staff commented that they were recommending denial
because the structure does not meet 'the ordinance criteria in terms of
bulki~-and is not compatible with th~ Parker Ranch EIR relative t'o place-
ment and design of structures.
The public hea'ring was opened at 8:35 p.m.
Mrs. Matlock, the applicant, gave a presentati'on on the' current proposal.
She described the site and the grading, making reference to the letter
from Melvin Hill dated June 3, 1982, indicating the correct amount of
grading on the site.
Commissioner Laden moved to close 'the public hearing. Commissioner Monia
seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously.
Commissioner Monia stated that he has a problem' with the size of the house
and agrees with Staff on the denial. He commented that this house will
be out of place in relationship to the oth'er homes 'in the area, whereas
the previo. us application A-826 was just slightly larger and was much more
compatible with the area.
Mrs. Matlock described' the. other hom~s"in the area, indicating that the
bulk of their design was very similar. She specifically pointed out that
their site was 2~ acres and they hadlpositioned the house to minimize the
bulk. .
Commissioner Zambetti stated that he wa's concerned re~arding the amount of
impervious coverage. He suggested continuing the 'item to a study session,
which would also expedite 'the future 'design reviews in that ~g';.'.
'Commissioner Laden'mOved to approve A-828, with 'Conditions 1.and 2 of the
Staff Report and ~he letter'from Melvin Hill dated June 3,'1982, per
Exhibits B, C and D. Commissioner Bolger seconded the 'motion. Commis-
sioner Laden added that this is a 2½ ,acre site and she feels that the
home is strategically placed so it will not impact 'the City.
Commissioners'Zambetti and Monia expressed concern about setting a precedent
in the area. Commissioner Monia commented that his interpretation of the
earlier decision to increase the allowable square footage in this area was
to allow up to 5200 sq. ft., not to a.llow the 'design to be governed by the
Design Review Ordinance. He added' that if the latter is true, then perhaps
the Commission should reconsider the matter since he feels there will be
homes in that area' that will be inappropriate.
CommissiOner Bolger stated that he shares that concer'n but feels that if
there is'a larger lot size or a number of lots' that create a buffer from
some of the smaller homes, then it 'is"appropriate. He 'added that he feels
that the whole key to design review 'is primarily not 'to have large homes
next to small homes' that are 'on tb:e same lot size. Commissioner Schaefer
also noted that the previous '4600 sq. ft. allowed'dlFa..'~ include the garages
and decking.
The vote was taken to approve A-828. It was carried, wi'th Commissioners
Monia and Zambetti' diss'enti'ng. It was noted' that this approval. also con-
stitutes approval for modification of'the Site"DeVelopment Plan.
Break - 8:50 - 9:05 p.m.
- 3 -
~P~anni~g' COmmission· Page 4
'~Me~t, in'g Minutes 6/9/82
6a. A-829 - Clay Thomas Construction, Request for Design Review and Variance
6b. V-578 - Approval to construct a two-sto·ry dwelling on a hillside lot
(Lot 7, Tract =6454), Chester Ave.').wh'ich" exceeds the maximum
heigh't' a'l'lowejd '('33" 6~'' wher~' =30 '. i's' the'. 'max~i'n~Um)
Staff gave a review 'of the proposal and noted that a variance 'is not now
required, since 'the hei·gh~ has been reduced. They' added that this appli-
cation will also need approval for modificati~on to the Site Development
The public hearing wa·s opened at 9:12 p.m.
Carl Bumpass, the architect, asked for directi·on from the Commission at
this time on the design. FIe 'described the 'changes~.'He' proposes to make,
indicating that the majority of the ~trees will be saved with the revised
plans. The change in the turnaround area and gr.ading wa·s discussed.
It was explained to Mr.· Bumpass tha~ the major concern of the Commission
is the height area. The possibility of redes·igning the elevation differ-
ential between the garage floor ands. the first floor of the residence was
It was determined that there will b~ ·a future study session to consider
the balance of the lots in this subdivision. It was directed that this
application will be continued to the regular meeting on June '23, 1982.
The following concerns were pointed out to Mr. Bumpass for his considera-
tion in the redesign: (1) reduction 'of overall height of the home,
(2) location of the footprint on th~· 'plot ·in relationship to the trees,
and (3) coverage and excessive bulk.
7. GF-328 City of Saratoga, Consideration of Amendment of Various Sections
of the Design ReView 'Ordinance for single 'family structures,
including the possibility of 20% variation in floor area allowed
and the 'ad'dit ion' o f acce s's'o'ry's t'ructUre's 'a's' 'floor 'area'
The Deputy City Attorney explained the changes made from the earlier draft,
which basically represent the consensus by the Commission at study sessions
and previous meetings.
The public hearing was opened at 9:~0 p.m. No one appeared to address the
Commission. It was directed that this matter be continued for further
study at a session on June 29, 1982 at 7:30 p.m. and the regular meeting
of July 14, 1982.
1. Let·ter from California Central Enterprises,' Inc. regarding the
proposal of a family restaurant wiZth·a video game 'center in the Big Tree
Shopping Center. After discussion, it was ·suggeste·d th·at they' be 'requested to
supply more information concerning their operation.
1. Commissioner Zambetti expressed his intent..to submit his resig-
nation because of business ·and family interests'.' He thanked the City for
allowing him to serve on the Commission' for the last' seven' years and thanked
Staff for their help during this time.
2. Commissioner Laden thanked the Commission and Staff for their
help during the time she has served on the Commission, stating that she hopes
there will be better rapport between the City Council and the Commission in
the future.
3. Chairman Schaefer thanked the Good Government Group for attending
and serving coffee.
Commissioner Monia moved to adjourn the meeting in honor of Commissioner
Zambetti. Commissioner Schaefer seconded the motion, which was carried unani-
mously. The meeting was adjourned at 10:01 p.m.
sp. ec full~ '~
· o , Secretary
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