HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-23-1982 Planning Commission Minutes CITY OF SARATOGA PLANNING COMMISSION
DATE: Wednesday, June '23, 1982 - 7:30:p.m.
PLACE: City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA
TYPE: Regular Meeting
Roll Call
Present: Commissioners Bolger, Crowther., King, Monia and Schaefer
Absent: None
Commissioner Monia moved, seconded by Commissioner Bolger, to waive the read-
ing o'f the minutes of June 9, 1982 and approve 'as distributed. The motion was
carried, with Commissioners Crowther and King abstaining since they were not
present at the meeting.
Presentation of Resolution
Chairman Schaefer presented Resolution No. PC-142, commending Virginia Laden
for her outstanding service to the City of SaratOga, and presented her with
a gavel.
1. Determination of Consistency Between the 1974 General Plan and Proposed
Capital Improvement B'u'dget
2. SDR-1443 - Charles Reed (Cole), Quit0 Road, 2 lots, Request for One-Year
3. V-SS1 - Meredith Young (Araldi), Canyon View Drive, Request for One-Year
Commissioner King moved, seconded by Commissioner Monia, to approve the
above items on the Consent Calendar. The 'motion was carried unanimously.
4. Consideration of Amendments to the 1974 General Plan of the City of Sara-
toga; continued from June '9, 1982
Staff repbrted that the density issue in Area I would be 'the first item
considered thi's evening. They' described' the areas that would be affected.
It was noted that the 'General Plan Map indicates that thi's area will be
zoned R-i-20,000; however, the 'text indicates that it will be zoned
R-I-40,000.. Staff also noted letters. received in opposition to any rezoning.
The public hearing was opened at 8:12 p.m.
Harriet Ramsdell, 15081 Pepper Lane, addressed the Commission in opposition
to the rezOning of her parcel from R-i-20,'000 to R-I-40,000. She des-
cribed her site and indicated that she may need to subdivide at a later
date because of financial reasons.
Allen Gillming, 14780 Vickery, spoke in opposition to the rezoning to
R-lL40,000 because of the setb'acks that would be created and the variances
required if he desired to build an addition in the future. He described
his lot and showed' overlays.
Commissioner Crowther questioned wh'ether it is appropriate to consider
those lots that are not directly adjacent to the R-I-40,000 area. Dis-
cussion followed on the lots that would be 'involVed.
F. L. Stutzman, 1S195 Park Drive, stated' th'at he was in favor of low
density and would like the 'Commission to reconsider reZoning his own
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Meeting Minutes '- 6/23/8.2
General Plan (cont.)
particular lot from R-I-20,000 to R-I-40,000.
Raisa Kocher, 15139 Park Drive, spoke in opposition to the rezoning. She
indicated that she thought' it had bee'n decided during the General Plan
Review that th'is area would be zoned' according to the wi'shes of the owners.
She asked the Deputy City Attorney ~garding the legality of rezoning
without the permission of the owner.'
The Deputy City Attorney' commente'd that thi's hearing is part of the General
Plan Review, and involves discussion= of the City as a whole and particu-
lar areas within the City. He added that the City can downzone and require
lesser density, and the purpose of thi's meeting is to get public input.
Ed Stelling, realtor, discussed the procedure he has followed in a possi-
ble subdivision of Mrs. Kocher"s lot, indicating that they had been told
they would have to wait until the General Plan Review was completed. He
described the area and stated that he felt 'the zoning should remain
R-I-20,000. '
Leonard Licardo, 20045 Nendel·sohn, described' the propert~ that he had
purchased previously. He noted that there had been no indication of a
reversal of the decision to have one.-half acre 'zoning in that area, and
he felt his property would depreciat'e more than 50% if the rezoning
Roland Shaw, Park Drive, spoke in favor of lower density.
Jack Christian, 20230 Bonnie 'Brae Way, appeared to represent concerned
property owners in the Mendelsohn-Montalvo area. He stated that in general
most of the owners are ·in favor of requiring one-acre lots for new develop-
ment. He noted concerns of nonconforming lots 'being created and the possi-
bility of some lots being subdivided. Mr. Christian, therefore, suggested
that the zoning stay as it is in the: 1974 General Plan map and that the
text be changed accordingly.
Margaret Dennis, Hill Avenue, speaking for her neighbors, agreed with Mr.
Christian that the zoning stay remain as it is. Mr. Rayore, Hill Avenue,
also agreed with that sugges·tion.
Commissioner Crowther commented that. he would be in favor of just changing
the boundary of the R-i-40,000 line ·to encompass th·ose one-acre lots that
are directly adj·acent.·"'-Comniissioner King agreed and added that he felt
the other property owners should express their desire, and perhaps the
wishes of each ·of the property owners cotlid be sati·sfied. Discussion
followed on the R-I-20,·000 boundary line. Commissioner King proposed
that this boundary line be moved so Zthat those parcels in yellow, clustered
next to the existing boundary line, .would be designated' R-I-40,000. It
was the consensus that this be 'done, and that line would be the tentative
General Plan line. Staff was 'asked to bring the map back to the next meet-
ing, to allow the few 'individuals wh·O ·are impacted to review it and sub-
mit their input.
It was directed that 'this matter be .continued to the study session on
July 6, 1982 and the regular meeting on July 14, 1982.
Staff noted that the Area·J Plan and Action Programs had been previously
reviewed by the Commission; however, no vote was taken on any of the
specific programs.
No one appeared to address the issue· of Area J, and it was directed that
this issue be discussed and consensus reached at the study session on
July 6, 1982.
Staff explained that the're had been 'consensu·s at the previous study
session on Environmental Resource Management Goals 2-10, Community
Development Goals 1-8' and 10-17, Environmental ResOurce Management Poli-
cies 1-11, 13-'27, and 29; Community DeVelopment 'Policies 1-16, 1.8, 19,
21-26, 28-30, and 32-35. Commissioner Monia moved for approval of the
goals and policies as 'stated' by Staff. Commiss·i·oner Crowther seconded
the motion, which was 'carried', with Commissioner' King abstaining since
he was not present at that meeting.
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Meeting Minutes 6/2.3/82
General Plan (cont.)
..... r Ma
Commissioner Monia moved to remove ENVY' 'R'e.~oU'.C~.'.
CQ~'.~ ~" '_ ...... .P0'I ~'c~" =~~~".~31 ".~{'~:~d" "~p'}~f.o'Y'e~'.Tt'l_~ e.:' o_~H er '.'~'m'~. l.l-i ~'f~ "'~n. t]~.e _st a'(~.
.' Dev
Report. Commissioner Crowther seconded the mofion, which was carried
unanimously. Commissioner Crowther asked for clarification on Item No.
31- and moved to adopt it, adding to it the sentence "Only minimum cut
and fill should be permitted" (as is in the 1974 General Plan). The
motion failed for lack of a second, since it was determined that the
definition of "minimum" is still quite vague'. It was determined that
these two items will be discussed at the study session.
Discussion followed on the Kosich p.roper'ty. Staff described the parcel,
explaining that the existing General Plan designation of the property is
Medium Density Residential (equivalent to R-l-10,000), and the area plan
indicates that this parcel should be 'redesignated to Low Dbnsity (equiva-
lent to R-i-20,000). They added that the 'app'licant's representative,
Mr. Getru, has submitted several let. ter's to the Commission, suggesting
that the parcel be developed as a Planned DeVelopment due to its unusual
Sanford Getru, repres'en'ting the Kosich Brothers, indicated that he had
met with the homeowners group, and h'e understood the consensus to be no...
'Ch'~njg"e, although there is some interest by individuals in the group for
.alternative uses.
Jim Russell, of the Saratoga Park W~ods Homeowners Association, stated
that their association feels that this property should be designated
R-1. He added that, after their meeting with Mr. Getru, they would like
to be on record of not encouraging the 'expenditure of any money and there-
by making an oral commitment that can be used for further negotiation.
Alan Asby, .12421 Lolly Court, stated that the property is surrounded on
three sides by property zoned R-l-10,000, and he sees no reason for
changing that status for an isolated section in the middle. He cited
hazardous traffic as a probl'e~ if commercial enterprises were incorporated
in that area.
Paul Gilvick, corner of Kosich and Radoyka,' spoke in'opposition to rezoning
of the property. :
Ray Simpson, 12300 Radoyka Drive, st. ated that he purchased the property
because of the low density and feels that rezOning would lower the property
Randy '.g~t~.~'eid~ ~.~" 0'f"' Saratoga Park Woods Homeowners Association, indicated
that the'~ would continue working wit'h Mr. Getru to discuss any viable
alternatives;. however, they had voted to have no change 'in the zoning
at this time.
Margaret Russell, represe'nting Area' 'D of the General Plan Committee,
submitted a written change signed by: all of the members of the Board of
the Homeowners Association', whi'ch requests that Brookview 'School be
retained for future school use and open space, and its zoning remain
Community Facility/School Site for a period no less than seven years.
She requested that this matter' be reconsidered again. It was pointed out
to Mrs. Russe'l'l that this matter will be before the City Council at their
July 21st meeting.
The Deputy City Attorney explained t~hat the 'recommendations of the Commis-
sion will be be.fore the 'City Council., and the General Plan has not been
amended until the City Council acts.' Discussion followed, and it was
determined that the 'Commission could recommend in the 1982 General Plan
that in fact Brookview or any of the school sites be left as open space
or have a different use. Commissioner Crowther moved that the statement
from the Homeowners Association be adopted as a policy statement for Area
The Director of Community Planning and Policy explained that the action
before the City Council is to consider a General Plan amendment. He
added that the Staff's recommendation is that that they do not take the
final action until such time as the .Commission's recommendation'for the
General Plan Review goes to the Council; therefore, the application for
the General Plan change 'is separate.
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Meeting Minutes 6/2.3/82 ~-
General Plan (cont.)
It was clarified that Area D is being discussed at this time, since the
Kosich site is in Area D and the Commissi'on can vote on any of the items
in this area if they so desire.
Commissioner Bolger seconded the motion to include the statement. from
Saratoga Park Woods Homeowners Association regarding Brookview School
as a policy statement for Area D. The"motion carried, wi'th Commissioners
King and Schaefer dissenting.
Sally Carlson, Brookglen Drive, stated that 'she failed to understand
how a vote could be taken' on the Brookview' School site at this meeting,
without any notification to interested' parties. She 'added that she did
not. feel that one HomeOwners Association should be considered as represent-
ing the area, and the 'Planning Commission has already voted on this issue
and forwarded it on to the City CounCil.
Commissioner Monia comment'ed that there is already a similar statement
in the General Plan, and the motion tonight was a reaffirmation that the
Commission believes that what the citizens have come forward with and
recommended in their General Plan should be adopted. Ms. Carlson agreed
with that, but not with the fact tha~ it in theory represents an entire
area. The noticing procedure on the various General Plan areas was dis-
cuss e d.
It was noted that there was a petition on record in opposition to the
rezoning of the Kosich site. Commissioner Crowther moved that in Area D
a specific proposal be adopted that states 'that the Kosich site adjacent
to Saratoga Avenue, if developed, shall remain single family detached
residential similar to the adjacent neighborhood, and sh'a11 be developed
at a density no greater than R-1-15,000 because of the serious traffic
problem. Discussion foliowe'd, and Commissioner Crowther amended his
motion to read no greater' than R-1-10,000, and lower density may be .con-
sidered to reduce traffic or other problems. Commissioner Monia seconded
the motion, which was carried unanimously.
The consideration of amendment to the' General Plan was continued to a
study session on July'6, 1982 and the regular meeting of July 14, 1982.
5a. A-809 - V. Bellomo, Request for Design Review Approval and a Variance
Sb. V-570 - to erect a sign which exceeds the maximum allowable area at
18570 Prospect Road; continued from May 26, 1982
Staff noted that the applicant had asked for another' continuance. It was
noted that there was present signage of a large size 'which did not con-
form to the sign program.
The public hearing was opened at 7:40 p.m. No one appeared to address
the Commission.
Commissioner Monia moved' to close the public hearing. Commissioner King
seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously. Commissi'oner King
moved to deny A-809 and V-570 without prejudice and instructed Staff to
speak to the applicant about the 'preSent signage in the shopping center.
Commissioner Crowther seconded the' moti'on, which was carried unanimously.
6a. Negative Declaration - V-577 - Longmeadow Development
6b. SDR-1520 Longmeadow Development, Request for Tentative Subdivision
6c. V-577 - Approval for 14270 DouglaSs Lane (& corner of Durham Court),
3 lots, and Variance Approval to retain the existing guest
cottage and wash room, pool, garage and shop building which
would have 'nonconforming front, side 'and rear setbacks
Staff reported that a letter had been received from the applicant, request-
ing withdrawal of the above applications. Discussion followed, and the
Commission accepted' the Withdrawal of applications V-577 and SDR-1520.
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Meeting Minutes 6/23/82
7. V-541 J. Brozda, One-Year Review of a Variance granted from parking
requirements for a restaurant/retail sales operation in the C-C
(Community Commercial) District at 14503 Big Basin lVay; continued
from May 26, 19'.82 : "'
'The history of the application wa's given by Staff. They indicated that
no apparent resolution of the parking h~d bee'n found at 'this time, and
they were rec'ommending denial.
The public hearing was opened at 7:45 p.m.
Doug Adams, representing the 'applicant, indicated that they were continu-
ing to try to work out 'some 'possible!'solutions. He commented that there
have been no. particular parking problems 'during this last 'year with this
use and requested that th'e variance be granted. The' oper'ati'on and parking
of the' business was discussed. ;
Commissioner King moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Monia
seconded the motion, which ·was carried unanimously.
Commissioner Monia suggested that perhaps the Commission could consider
changing the parking requirements for b~nks, excluding spaces for storage
areas, and thereby providing some sp·aces·th~t could be for sale by the
owner. It was noted' that retail property does not 'have ·to apply parking
spaces for storage areas. Staff commented that this theory would be very
similar to that of a parking district. They indicated that they would
have to review the parking spaces in.the banks and it would be the appli-
can't responsibility to negotiate with the bank for off-hour use.
Commissioner King stated that he had two concerns: (1) The Commission needs
to consider consistency as it applies to other applicants that were
required to provide parking at tremendous expense', and (2) He feels that
there is a parking problem in the· Village 'during lunchti·me.
It was the consensus that this matter needs study regarding parking formu-
las. Commissioner Bolger· suggested' that thi·s s.ubject could be taken up
with the Village overlay. It was directed that this matter be continued
to a study session on July 6, 1982 a~d the regular meeting of July 14, 1982.
8. A-829 - Clay Thomas Construction, Request for Design Review to construct
a two-story dwelling On a'hillside ·lot (Lot 7, Tract 6454, Chester
Ave.) in the· R-i-40,000 zoning district; continued from June 9, 1982
Staff gave the current status of the'proposal, stating that the items of
concern by the Commission have been addressed.
The public hearing was opened at 10:05 p.m.
Carl Bumpass, the architect, described the changes, explaining that he
reduced the height of the building and moved the garage up; thereby main-
taining the existing floor elevations.
Commissioner King moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Bolger
seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously.
Commissioner Monia moved to approve A-829 per the Staff Report dated June
16, 1982. Commissioner King seconded the ·motiQn, which was carried unani-
9. GPA 82-1-E - Spaich,· Consideration of Amendment of the General Plan Desig-
nation of a 3.69 Acre Parcel at the Northeast Corner of Sara-
toga-Sunnyvale Road and Miljevich Drive, from Proposed Park to
Medium Density Residentfal (equivalent to R-1-12,500 zoning or
.a maximum of 3.48 dwelling units per net· acre)
Staff described the proposal, stating that they were recommending the change
since the City cannot 'afford to purchase the site.
When asked if the City could leave this site as a park, the Deputy City
Attorney stated that the City has to ~afford the owner some economic use.
He added that the City has other opti:ons,· and explained' that Proposed Park
implies a parcel of land that will eventually be 'acquired by the City. At
the moment the· City does not h~ve the funds to acquire 'this particular
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.Me~ting Minutes 6/23/82
GPA 82-1-E (cont.)
parcel and apparently does not intend to do so. He added that the City
can adopt whatever density they wish', as long as the owner is not totally
deprived; they do not have 'to necessarily adopt the density recommended
by Staff. He clarified that an Agricultural classification would be an
option. The history of the park wa's 'discusse'd.
Commissioner Crowther express'ed concern regarding the setbacks from
Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, stating that he feels that the lot sizes adjacent
to that road should be somewhat larger. He added that he felt this should
be stated in the General Plan, rather..than wa'iting until the site approval
Bob Peck, 14583 Big Basin Way, appea~.ed,...represent.ing the applicant. He
requested that the R-1-12,500 de'~ign.atio.n.'b'e c. ontained in the proposal.
Commissioner King moved to close th6 public hearing. Commissioner Monia
seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously.
Commissioner King moved to recommend Resolution GPA 82-1-E to the City
Council, recommending approval of the amendment of the General Plan desig-
nation from Proposed Park to R-1-12,500. Commissioner King added that he
would prefer to deal with the size of the lots directly adjacent to Sara-
toga-Sunnyvale Road at the time of site approval, as has been previously
done. After discussion, .'~ommiggi6n.6r King. amended ]~g' mo~'i6'n: to include
the statement that the CommiSsion st.ro~gly'G~geg"'that the lots adjacent
to the Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road be considered as possibly larger lots to
help mitigate noise problems. Commissioner Monia seconded the motion,
which was carried unanimously.
The Deputy City Attorney pointed out to the .applicant that this is a recom-
mendation to~the City Council for an amendment to the 1974 General Plan
only, should the Commission, in connection with the review of the 1982
General Plan, decide differently.
10. SD-1521 Gerald Butler, Lira Drive (access from Lira Drive and emergency
access to Vickery Avenue), Request for Tentative Subdivision
Approval - 8 lots
lla. Negative Declaration - SD-1522 - Gerald Butler
llb.SD-1522 - Gerald Butler, Lira Drive and Montalvo Road, Request for Tentative
Subdivision Approval - 6 lots.
It was reported that the above items will be continued to the meeting of
July 14, 1982 because of a requirement for.a geQlogy report.
The public hearing was opened at 10;25 p.m.
Harry galor, civil engineer, questioned the continuance on SD-1521, and
Staff clarified that the Lira Drive extension affects both applications.
It was noted that there had been on-site visits. The correspondence
from the neighbors an·d..'~·l~ei~·concerns were noted.
Freda Jeffs, 20500 Lomita Avenue, addressed the construction equipment
use, stating that she hopes Montalvo Road will be used rather than 'tll~-··
private lane. She also expressed concern about the emergency access gate.
Staff discussed the'emergency access gate construction and requirement.
James Cohen, 14920 Vickery Lane, spoke in opposition to the project because
of loss of environment.
Donald Call, Montalvo Road and Hill~ expressed concern about the access
of the project of 8 lots and the traffic increase from both projects.
Commissioner Crowther requested a copy of the new map with contour lines
and also asked why construction was'being permitted in this area because
of the ancient landslide. He also requested an evaluation i~'·th~ project
P~nH~ng Commission Page 7
.~le~..ting F~inute.s 6/23/82
SD-1521 and SD-1522 (cont.)
were considered under' the pres'ent HCRD slope density standards. It was
noted that a rezOning would be requi~ed to apply the HCRD standards.
It was determined that the wh'ole area should be studied regarding the
traffic flow. It was 'directed that these items~be 'continued to the meet-
ing on July 14, 1982, and the applicant was requested to supply the
geology as requested by the City Geologist.
12a.A-830 - Scott McGraw, Reques't 'for Design Review Approval and a Variance
12b.V-579 - to construct a single family dwelling on a hillside lot off Ten
Acres' Road in the R-i-40,000 zoning district which will maintain
a 52 ft. rear yard setback whe're 60 ft. is required
Staff described the proposal, stating that they cannot make the findings
for the variance and are recommending denial and approval of the design
review subject to the relocation of the nonconforming portion of the
The public hearing was opened. at 10:50 p.m.
Maurice Camargo, representing the owner, gave a presentation on the project.
There was a consensus that the findings could not be made for the variance
and the home could be designed within the ordinances.
Commissioner King moved to close the. public hearing. Commissioner Monia
seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously.
Commissioner Schaefer commented that'this is an uniquely interesting
designed home, and noted that all of'the trees were to be saved.
Commissioner Monia moved to deny V-579 without prejudice, to allow the
applicant to come back with a revised design review plan that would
conform to the ordinances. Commissioner Crowther seconded the motion,
which was carried, with Commissioner. Schaefer dissenting. It was directed
that A-830 will be continued to July 14, 1982.
13. V-580 - Robert Sprague, Request for Variance Approval to construct a
g~rage addition which will maintain a 21 ft. front yard setback'
where 25 ft. is required at 13755 Calle Tacuba in the R-l-10,000
'zoning district
The proposed addition was described by Staff, who stated that they were
unable to make all of the findings and were recommending denial.
The public hearing was opened at 11:08 p.m.
Lynn Sprague, the applicant, gave a ~resentation on the addition, stating
that only one corner of the garage would be within the setback. She
noted th~ the neighbors are in favor of the proposal, and there are other
similar garage additions in the neighborhood.
Commissioner King moved to close the public hearing.' Commissioner Monia
seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously.
Commissioner King moved to approve V-580, making the findings. He added
that the finding can be made that 'there is a physical hardship with the
site. Commissioner Crowther seconded the motion., which was carried unani-
14. A-780 Jackson/Woods, 12300 Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, Request for Modifi-
catio'n to D'esign Review' ~ppr0val
The request for modification was explained by Staff.
Warren Jacobs.en, representing the 'developers, clarified that they have
located the HBAC unit in back, which. is 'a cooling to~e'r enclosed in a
masonry wall area'. He also' noted that the second story windows in the
structure will be removed.
Bill Benevento, ~irkdale Drive, noted his acceptance of the conditions
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"Me'e~ing Minutes 6/23/82 .~,~ ~
· A- 780 (cont.)
and discussed the garbage ·pickup.and loading.
It was det'ermined that '··the ·following conditions should be added to the
Staff Report:' (1) No major equipment that will create a noise problem
is to be placed in the parking lot area', and (2) Loading is permitted
only during the hours ·of 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through FridayS.
Commissioner Monia 'moved to approve modification to A-7'80, per the Staff
Report 'dated June 16, 1982, as amended, and Exhibits "B-2" and "B-3".
Commissioner Bolger· seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously.
1. Letter from Public Storage, Inc., dated June 11, 1982, Re Mini-
storage in C-V District. After considerable discussion, the
Commission requested Staff to prepare the necessary resolution
and notice a public hearing to· consider adding mini-storage to
· the list of conditional uses . in the ·C-V District.
2. Ordinance NS-3.52 Staff explained that by just deleting the word-
"non-profit" as a limitation'on private schools as conditional
uses ~n the A, R-l, R-M and P-A districts, there 'would still be
prohibitions on private art, craft, music, dancing, trade, business
and profes'sional schools. They st'ated that they· have eliminated
those limiting provisions that we're not discussed by the Commission
in the ordinance to be forwarded to the 'Council. Commissioner
Monia moved to reaffirm the previous motion to aldopt-R6s0'~t~f6/i"
:GiS~3·3'87';r4commending amendment of the Zoning Ordinance, as stated.
Commissioner Bolger seconded the motion, which was carried unani-
mous ly.
1. Commissioner Crowther gave a brief report on the City Council
'meeting held on June 16, 1982. A copy of the minutes of this
meeting is on file in the City Administration Office.
'Commissioner King'moved to adjourn the meeting. .Commissioner Bolger seconded
the motion in honor of Russ Crowther's honorary commendation from Iowa 'State
University concerning his nuclear work. The motion was carried unanimously,
and the meeting was adjourned at '11:21 p.m.
RespeCtfully submitted,