HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-31-1982 Planning Commission Minutes CITY OF SARATOGA PLANNING COMMISSION
DATE: Tuesday, August 31, 1982 - 7:30 P.M.
PLACE: Community Center Meeting Room, 13777.Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA
TYPE: Regular Adjourned Meeting
Roll Call
Present: Commissioners Schaefer, Bolger, Crowther, Siegfried and Monia
Absent: Commissioner Nellis
Staff indicated that the Commission had reached a consensus on all
the Circulation Goals including the two new ones, #10 and #11 which
were in the memo dated July 23, 1982. Discussion then followed on
the Circulation Policies which the Commission wished to modify.
Actions on CirculaEion Policies
Policy #5 - Add the following wording: Emergency access roads shall
be a maximum of 20 feet in width and shall be protected from any
construction or parking in the easement. Commissioner Bolger moved,
seconded by Commissioner Crowther. 'The motion carried unanimously.
Policy #8 - Approved as written in Staff memo of 8/18/82. Commissioner
Bolger moved, Commissioner Monia seconded. The motion carried
unanimously.~..' ..,
Policy #10 - Approved as written in staff memo dated 8/18/82 but
with the word adopted replacing the word developed. Commissioner
Bolger moved, seconded by Commissioner Monia. The motion carried
unanimously.il. ..,
Policy #13 - Approved as written in 'staff memo of 8/18/82. Commissioner
Siegfried moved, Commissioner Bolger: seconded. The motion carried
Policy #16 - After considerable discussion as to what the term "level
of service" meant and its impii~ations, it was left until the end of
the meeting. ~
Policy #30 - Approved as written in staff memo of 8/18/82 but
striking the wor~"~new" in the secon~ sentence. Commissioner Bolger
moved, Commissioner Monia seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
Policy #33 - Approved as written i~ staff memo of 8/18/82 with
addition of sentence "Additional landscaping may also be required in
the public right-of-way" after sentence #2. Commissioner Bolger
moved and Commissioner Siegfried seconded. The motion carried
The Commission then voted on those items they had reached consensus
on at previous Committee-of-the-Whole meetings.
GOALS - Circulation
GO'al #5 - Approved as modified adding the phrase "and acceptable
development densities" and deleting Policy #15 as referencing Goal 5.
Commissioner Crowther moved and Commissioner Bolger seconded the
motion. ·The motion carried unanimously.
G0al'~.~l~#4'=- Approved as written with Commissioner Monia making'
the motion and Commissioner Bolger seconding the motion. The
motion carried unanimously.
Goal #6-11 - Approved as written with Commissioner Crowther making'
the motion and .Commissioner Siegfried seconding the motion. The
motion carried unanimously.
POLICIES -.Circulation
Approved Circulation Policies #1-4., 6, 7, 9, 11, 12,._14, 15, 17-29,
31 and 32 as written. Motion made..! by Commissioner Monia and seconded
by Commissioner Bolger. The motion carried unanimously.
Staff then came back with a revised wording for Circulation Policy
#16 which read: "The City shall establish an acceptable level of
service for city streets for each new development and potential
future development taking into consideration the cumulative impacts
of traffic. safety, noise, air pollution and maintenance. Acceptable
level of service shall consider the potential of increased traffic
through neighborhood streets at peak level time." Commissioner
Bolger moved with Commissioner. Siegfried seconding the motion. The
motion carried unanimously.
The Commission then discussed the two remaining General Plan
Policies the Commission had not voted on and added two new policies
to Environmental Resource Management section.
Actions on~Environmental' Resource.Management Policies
Policy #30 - This policy will read "The impacts of new development
on runoff, peak stream flows and flooding shall be evaluated in
developing maximum impervious surface standards." (reference Goal 4 -
Policy 7,8,9 and 30). Commissioner Bolger made,. the motion with
Commissioner Monia seconding the motion. The motion carried
unanimously. '
Policy #28 - This policy will read"' If public ownership of school
sites is not possible, restrict the use of the property to residential
development at a density not higher than the lowest adjacent
residential density and zoning. Saratoga School on Oak Street,
being adjacent to multiple residential zoning, shall have a use with
a minimum impact on residential zoning." Moved by Commissioner
Monia and seconded by CommissionerrCrowther. The motion carried
Policy #31 - This policy will read="Encourage the preservation of
Saratoga School on Oak Street for its historical value." Moved by
Commissioner Bolger and seconded by Commissioner Monia. The motion
carried unanimously.
Actions of Community Devel6pment Policies
Policy #31 - This policy will read "The natural beauty of the
ridgelines shall be protected as prescribed in the Northwestern
Hillside Specific Plan. Only minimum ~ut and fill should be
permitted." Motion made.~ by CommiSsioner Crowther and seconded by
Commissioner Siegfried. The motion carried unanimously.
The Commission then turned its attention to the remaining Action
Programs of the area plans that had not been voted on. The following
actions were then taken by the Commission.
Action Programs
Area E, Action Program #5 - This item will read, "The freeway right-
of-way should be preserved in its entirety for eventual use as a
freeway or expressway". Motion was m~'de' by Commissioner Bolger and
seconded by Commissioner Siegfried. The motion was unanimously
approved. After discussion on eliminating the P-D category from
the General Plan, Area F was dealt with.
Area F, Action Program #3 - This program will read, "The vacant
parcel located on the southeast side of Saratoga Avenue between
MacFarland and Cox ~venue should be developed only under conditions
of uniform design and with consideration given to combined land
uses. Such development may include professional, administrative,
and multiple residential land uses, especially for Seniors, which
minimize traffic and noise. Particular attention should be given
to landscaping, access, parking and site coverage.· The area
meeting indicated the residents overwhelmingly object to another
shopping center on this parcel. The motion was made by Commissioner
Bolger and seconded by Commissioner Crowther. The motion carried
Area F, Action Program #5 - This program was approved as written.
The motion was made by Commissioner Monia and seconded by Commissioner·
Siegfried. The motion carried unanimously.
Area F, Action Programs #10-#17 - Action Programs #10-#17 were
approved with the following corrections:
#12. Should read, "A pedestrian crosswalk shall be installed
from Paseo Lado to the. Quito Shopping Center."
#17. Should read, "The City ·shall study the traffic problem
at Quito and Westmont as to the feasibility of a left
The motion was made by Commissioner Bolger and seconded by
Commissioner Monia. The motion carried unanimously.
Area G, Action Program #8 - Was added to read, "The Odd Fellows
Home property has been developed to its maximum capacity and no '
new development should be carried out on this site.J! The motion was
made by Commissioner Crowther and·seconded by Commissioner Bolger.
The motion carried unanimously.
Area I, Action Programs #3-#6 - Approved as written with the
exception of #3 which should read, "Oak Street School should be
retained as an operating school. If it is necessary to close the
school only the lowest adjacent residential zoning should be
permitted." Commissioner Monia made the motion and COmmissioner
Siegfried seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Bolger moved to adjourn the meeting and Commissioner
Ziegf. ried seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 P·.M.
Respectfully submitted,